Problem in write content in excel

Hi All,
Please help to resolve the problem while write the content in the excel.
By reading the cursor we get the data, then iterate the value and append in the stringbuilder(data is single record about the user access permission) each record is differentiate by adding new line character. After append the data in stringbuilder, using Filewriter create a .csv file
writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(strDestinationFilePath.trim()));
writer.write( strFileContent.toString() );
it create the .csv file. when i try to open file it shows following message
File not loaded completely
when i click show details button, it show message as
This error is usually encountered when an attempt to open a file with more than 65,536 rows or 256 columns is made. Excel is limited to 65,536 rows of data and 256 columns per worksheet. You can have many worksheets with this number of rows and columns, but they are usually capable of fitting into one workbook (file). The number of worksheets you can have per workbook is limited only by the amount of available memory your system has. By default, Excel can manage 3 worksheets, more if there is available memory to support the quantity of data.
Truncation of rows or columns in excess of the limit is automatic and is not configurable. This issue can usually be remedied by opening the source file with a text editor, such as Microsoft Office Word, and then saving the file off into
Edited by: sunRP on Nov 18, 2009 10:16 PM

says it all, really...
I wonder why you think we can help you if you can't even understand that highly detailed error message which tells you EXACTLY what the problem is.

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  • Problem in displaying internal table contents to excel(color)

    Hello Gurus!!!!!
    The code is given below :-
    *& Module pool       ZDEMO_DOWNLD1
    *&      Module  USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    DATA : f_name(120) type c,
           f_name1(120) type c.
    case sy-ucomm.
    when 'ATTACH'.
       DEF_FILENAME           = ' '
      DEF_PATH               = ' '
      MASK                   = ' '
      MODE                   = ' '
      TITLE                  = ' '
       FILENAME               = f_name
      RC                     =
      INV_WINSYS             = 1
      NO_BATCH               = 2
      SELECTION_CANCEL       = 3
      SELECTION_ERROR        = 4
      OTHERS                 = 5
    *f_name = DEF_FILENAME.
    f_name1 = f_name.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_0100  INPUT
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    SET PF-STATUS 'xxxxxxxx'.
    SET TITLEBAR 'xxx'.
    type-pools ole2.
    data: h_excel type ole2_object, " Excel object
    h_mapl type ole2_object, " list of workbooks
    h_map type ole2_object, " workbook
    h_zl type ole2_object, " cell
    h_f type ole2_object, " font
    h_interior type ole2_object. " Color
    *tables: spfli.
    DATA: ls_emp TYPE zpm_emp_det,
           lt_emp TYPE zpm_emp_det OCCURS 0,
           l_projectname TYPE zpm_emp_item_det-project_name,
           l_projectname_last TYPE zpm_emp_item_det-project_name,
           l_empid TYPE zpm_emp_item_det-empid,
           l_empid_last TYPE zpm_emp_item_det-empid.
    DATA: l_projectname_key TYPE lvc_nkey,
          l_role_of_emp_key TYPE lvc_nkey,
          l_last_key TYPE lvc_nkey.
    DATA :  lt_project_main TYPE TABLE OF zsach_pm ,
            ls_project_main TYPE zsach_pm,
            lt_project TYPE zsach_pm OCCURS 0,
            ls_project TYPE zsach_pm.
    internal table for excel headings
    DATA : BEGIN OF lt_project_ex OCCURS 0,
             line(50) TYPE c,
           END OF lt_project_ex.
    DATA: lt_project1 TYPE zsach_pm OCCURS 0,
          ls_project1 TYPE zsach_pm.
    DATA :   lt_project_temp TYPE zsach_pm OCCURS 0 ,
             ls_project_temp TYPE zsach_pm.
    DATA: lt_project2 TYPE zsach_pm OCCURS 0,
          ls_project2 TYPE zsach_pm.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF st_username,
           username TYPE zuser_names-username,
           END OF st_username.
    DATA: it_tab TYPE TABLE OF st_username,
          wa_tab TYPE st_username.
    data : lt_project_excel like zsach_pm occurs 0 with header line.
    *DATA: f_name TYPE string.
    data h type i.
    table of flights
    data: it_spfli like spfli occurs 10 with header line.
        SELECT empid
         FROM zpm_emp_item_det
        LOOP AT lt_project INTO ls_project.
        SELECT projectid project_name client begin_date end_date
          FROM zpm_project_det
          INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE lt_project_temp FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_project
          WHERE project_name = lt_project-project_name.
        LOOP AT lt_project_temp INTO ls_project_temp.
          MODIFY lt_project FROM ls_project_temp TRANSPORTING
            projectid project_name client begin_date end_date
            WHERE project_name = ls_project_temp-project_name.
        SELECT empid
        FROM zpm_emp_head_det
        WHERE empid = lt_project-empid.
        LOOP AT lt_project1 INTO ls_project1.
          MODIFY lt_project FROM ls_project1 TRANSPORTING
             WHERE empid = ls_project1-empid.
    tell user what is going on
    text = text-007
    others = 1.
    start Excel
    create object h_excel 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'.
    perform err_hdl.
    set property of h_excel 'Visible' = 1.
    perform err_hdl.
    tell user what is going on
    text = text-008
    others = 1.
    get list of workbooks, initially empty
    call method of h_excel 'Workbooks' = h_mapl.
    perform err_hdl.
    add a new workbook
    call method of h_mapl 'Add' = h_map.
    perform err_hdl.
    tell user what is going on
    text = text-009
    others = 1.
    output column headings to active Excel sheet
    perform fill_cell using 1 1 1 'Project ID'(001).
    perform fill_cell using 1 2 1 'Emp ID'(002).
    perform fill_cell using 1 3 1 'Project Name'(003).
    perform fill_cell using 1 4 1 'Client'(004).
    perform fill_cell using 1 5 1 'Begin Date'(005).
    perform fill_cell using 1 6 1 'End Date'(006).
    perform fill_cell using 1 7 1 'Role of Employee'(007).
    perform fill_cell using 1 8 1 'Module / Competancy'(008).
    perform fill_cell using 1 9 1 'Employee name'(009).
    perform fill_cell using 1 10 1 'Price Category'(010).
    perform fill_cell using 1 11 1 'Rate P/H'(011).
    perform fill_cell using 1 12 1 '1st day in project'(012).
    perform fill_cell using 1 13 1 'Last day in project'(013).
    perform fill_cell using 1 14 1 'Currency'(014).
    perform fill_cell using 1 15 1 'Manager'(015).
    perform fill_cell using 1 16 1 'Emp Type'(016).
    perform fill_cell using 1 17 1 'Designation'(017).
    perform fill_cell using 1 18 1 'Joining Date'(018).
    perform fill_cell using 1 19 1 'Last Date'(019).
    loop at lt_project into ls_project.
    *lt_project_excel[] = lt_project[].
    copy flights to active EXCEL sheet
    h = sy-tabix + 1.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 1 0 ls_project-PROJECTID.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 2 0 ls_project-EMPID.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 3 0 ls_project-PROJECT_NAME.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 4 0 ls_project-client.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 5 0 ls_project-BEGIN_DATE.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 6 0 ls_project-END_DATE.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 7 0 ls_project-ROLE_OF_EMP.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 8 0 ls_project-COMPETANCY.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 9 0 ls_project-EMPLOYEE_NAME.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 10 0 ls_project-PRICE_CATEGORY.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 11 0 ls_project-RATE_PER_HOUR.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 12 0 ls_project-FIRST_DAY_PRO.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 13 0 ls_project-LAST_DAY_PRO.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 14 0 ls_project-CKEY.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 15 0 ls_project-MANAGER.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 16 0 ls_project-EMPLOYEE_TYPE.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 17 0 ls_project-DESIGNATION.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 18 0 ls_project-DATE_OF_JOINING.
    *perform fill_cell1 using h 19 0 ls_project-LAST_WORKING_DAT.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 1 0 lt_project_excel-PROJECTID.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 2 0 lt_project_excel-EMPID.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 3 0 lt_project_excel-PROJECT_NAME.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 4 0 lt_project_excel-client.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 5 0 lt_project_excel-BEGIN_DATE.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 6 0 lt_project_excel-END_DATE.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 7 0 lt_project_excel-ROLE_OF_EMP.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 8 0 lt_project_excel-COMPETANCY.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 9 0 lt_project_excel-EMPLOYEE_NAME.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 10 0 lt_project_excel-PRICE_CATEGORY.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 11 0 lt_project_excel-RATE_PER_HOUR.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 12 0 lt_project_excel-FIRST_DAY_PRO.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 13 0 lt_project_excel-LAST_DAY_PRO.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 14 0 lt_project_excel-CKEY.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 15 0 lt_project_excel-MANAGER.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 16 0 lt_project_excel-EMPLOYEE_TYPE.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 17 0 lt_project_excel-DESIGNATION.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 18 0 lt_project_excel-DATE_OF_JOINING.
    perform fill_cell1 using h 19 0 lt_project_excel-LAST_WORKING_DAT.
    disconnect from Excel
       DOCUMENT_DATA                    =
      PUT_IN_OUTBOX                    = ' '
      SENDER_ADDRESS                   = SY-UNAME
      SENDER_ADDRESS_TYPE              = 'B'
      COMMIT_WORK                      = ' '
      SENT_TO_ALL                      =
      NEW_OBJECT_ID                    =
      SENDER_ID                        =
       PACKING_LIST                     =
      OBJECT_HEADER                    =
      CONTENTS_BIN                     =
      CONTENTS_TXT                     =
      CONTENTS_HEX                     =
      OBJECT_PARA                      =
      OBJECT_PARB                      =
       RECEIVERS                        =
      TOO_MANY_RECEIVERS               = 1
      DOCUMENT_NOT_SENT                = 2
      DOCUMENT_TYPE_NOT_EXIST          = 3
      PARAMETER_ERROR                  = 5
      X_ERROR                          = 6
      ENQUEUE_ERROR                    = 7
      OTHERS                           = 8
    *IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    free object h_excel.
    perform err_hdl.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    sets cell at coordinates i,j to value val boldtype bold *
    form fill_cell using i j bold val.
    call method of h_excel 'Cells' = h_zl exporting #1 = i #2 = j.
    perform err_hdl.
    set property of h_zl 'Value' = val .
    perform err_hdl.
    get property of h_zl 'Font' = h_f.
    perform err_hdl.
    set property of h_f 'Bold' = bold .
    perform err_hdl.
    SET PROPERTY OF h_f 'ColorIndex' = 11 .
    perform err_hdl.
    *& Form fill_cell1
    -->P_H text
    -->P_1 text
    -->P_0 text
    -->P_IT_SPFLI_CARRID text
    form fill_cell1 using i j bold val.
    call method of h_excel 'Cells' = h_zl exporting #1 = i #2 = j.
    perform err_hdl.
    set property of h_zl 'Value' = val .
    perform err_hdl.
    get property of h_zl 'Font' = h_f.
    perform err_hdl.
    set property of h_f 'Bold' = bold .
    perform err_hdl.
    SET PROPERTY OF h_f 'ColorIndex' = 14 .
    perform err_hdl.
    endform. " fill_cell1
    *& Form ERR_HDL
    outputs OLE error if any *
    --> p1 text
    <-- p2 text
    form err_hdl.
    if sy-subrc <> 0.
    write: / 'Error in OLE-Automation:'(010), sy-subrc.
    endform. " ERR_HDL
    Entire excel file is displayed ,but the problem is I want to display the excel file in one shot i.e not <b>line by line</b>
    Kindly suggest if there is any keyword or FM to display the contents in excel using internal table.
    It should not take much time. Just by executing code , the contents of internal table should be displayed.
    Helpful answers will be rewarded

    Hi Kavitha,
    maybe it's not sophisticated enough for your requirement, but I found function XXL_FULL_API easy to use. This will give same functionality as 'download' button in ALV-Grid display.

  • 500 internal server error while Export wedbdynpro content into Excel.

    Hi Experts,
    my requirement is export webdynpro content into excel sheet, so for this what i have did is
    First step:
    ) created an Extneral library DC
    2) imported the JARs to the libraries folder of the External Library DC project
    3) Right-click on each of the JARs imported to the project and added them to the public part.
    Second step:
    1) Createed a new Reuse Web Dynpro DC
    2) Created a new public part, selecting the "Can be packaged into other build results" option
    3) extrcted the full content (folders and class files) to root folder
    4) Imported the folders and files to the src/packages folder
    5)binded the attributes, created 3 methods and writen the code for those methods.
    Third Step:
    1) created one more EXPORT EXCEL DC
    2) ADDED LIB jar dc and Reuse DC IN used dc's
    3) created usedwebdynpo component and binded attributes to Table VIEW and writen the code for exposing table values.
    After this build and deployed i am getting clasnot found error
    so what i have did now is
    Fourth step:
    1)Created "J2EE Library DC"
    2) Refered "External Library DC" into J2EE Library DC.
    3) Deployed "J2EE Library DC"
    4) Refered this one in my Web Dynpro DC by giving Library Reference.
    now when i deploy and run what happend i am getting
    500 Internal Server Error SAP J2EE Engine/7.01 
    Application error occurred during request processing.
    Details: Failed to start deployable object
    Exception id: [00215E78C4C0006D00000AD9000E00F00004887F642A32FE]
    Any one can tell what could be the problem.

    Thanks for sharing the solution.

  • How to Display the content of Excel file into Webdynpro Table

    Hi Experts
    I am following the Blog to upload a file in to the webdynpro context,but my problem is after uploading a excel file i need to extract the content from that Excel file and that content should be displayed in the webdynpro table.Can any body please guide me how to read the content from excel and to Display in the Table.
    Thanks and Regards

    Take for example, if Excel file contains 4 fields,
    Add jxl.jar to JavaBuild path and Use this snippet
    File f=new File("sample.xls");
    Workbook w=Workbook.getWorkbook(f);
    Sheet sh=w.getSheet(0);
    int cols=sh.getColumns();
    int rows=sh.getRows();
    Cell c=null;
    String s1=null;
    String s2=null;
    String s3=null;
    String s4=null;
    ArrayList al=new ArrayList();
    int j=0;
    for(int i=1;i<rows;i++)
    ITableElement table=wdContext.createTableElementz

  • Problem with controlling Annotations from Excel VBA

    I have a PDF document that has plenty of sticky notes attached to it. These sticky notes have been added by multiple authors on all pages of the document. I am trying to import the contents of these sticky notes, their author and the page number to an excel spreadsheet.  I am using Excel 2007 and Acrobat Professional 9.0.
    This is the code that I am currently using to import the sticky notes, but the problem that I am facing is that when I run the macro -
    Same sticky note contents, author and page numbers are imported multiple times
    Not all sticky notes are imported, only some of them appear in the final excel spreadsheet
    When I compare the number of sticky notes to that in the original PDF file, the number is correct. But the content is repeated content and that is the reason why only some of the sticky notes are imported.
    This is an activity that I need to do on regular basis and the number of sticky notes that I need to import to excel may range between 100 to 200. It is really difficult to do this task manually, so an excel VBA macro could prove really helpful.
    Sub ImportComments_Click()
    Dim Fpath As String
    Dim WordObj As Object
    Dim wbkOutput As Excel.Workbook
    Dim iRow As Integer
    Dim i, j, k As Integer
    Dim lRet As Long
    Dim objAcroAVDoc As New Acrobat.acroAVDoc
    Dim objAcroPDDoc As Acrobat.AcroPDDoc
    Dim numPages As Long
    Dim lAnnotscnt As Long
    Dim Subtype As String
    Dim NumComments As Long
    Dim AcroApp As Acrobat.AcroApp
    Dim objAcroPDPage As Acrobat.AcroPDPage
    Dim annot As Acrobat.AcroPDAnnot
    Sheets("Defect Log").Select
    Fpath = ActiveCell.Value
    Sheets("Defect Log").Select
    i = 0
    Do While (Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Value)) Or Not (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 14).Value)))
    i = i + 1
    ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
    iRow = i + 1
    Set wbkOutput = ActiveWorkbook
    lRet = objAcroAVDoc.Open(Fpath, "")
    Set objAcroPDDoc = objAcroAVDoc.GetPDDoc
    numPages = objAcroPDDoc.GetNumPages()
    Set objAcroPDPage = objAcroPDDoc.AcquirePage(0)
    For k = 1 To numPages
    lAnnotscnt = objAcroPDPage.GetNumAnnots()
    For m = 0 To lAnnotscnt - 1
    If lAnnotscnt = 0 Then Exit For
    Set objAcroPDAnnot = objAcroPDPage.GetAnnot(m)
    If (objAcroPDAnnot.GetContents <> "" And objAcroPDAnnot.GetSubtype = "Text") Then
    Cells(iRow, 5).Value = k
    Cells(iRow, 2).Value = objAcroPDAnnot.GetContents()
    Cells(iRow, 11).Value = objAcroPDAnnot.GetTitle()
    iRow = iRow + 1
    End If
    Next m
    Set objAcroPDPage = objAcroPDDoc.AcquirePage(k)
    Next k
    lRet = objAcroAVDoc.Close(1)
    Set objAcroAVDoc = Nothing
    Set objAcroPDAnnot = Nothing
    Set objAcroPDPage = Nothing
    Set objAcroPDDoc = Nothing
    End Sub

    Make sure you are current with 9.x patches, just on general principles.
    The code seems fine – nothing jumping out at me.
    You can also look at using the JSObject methods and trying this via the JavaScript stuff – that will give you more access to the Annotation information…
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 04:25:12 -0800
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: Problem with controlling Annotations from Excel VBA
    Problem with controlling Annotations from Excel VBA
    created by apreeti<> in Acrobat SDK - View the full discussion<

  • Write data to excel template

    Dear all,
    I would like to write data to excel template using POI. What can I do? Please help me. Thank a lot!

    Today's mantra is: "google is our friend"
    Repeat that to yourself several times as you exhale slowly. Through mediation, a solution to your problem will come to you.

  • I can read but not write to an Excel file!

    I hope someone can help me witht this. I am writing a program that reads and writes to an Excel file with the use of Jakarta's HSSF.
    I can read the excel file with no problems, but when it comes to writing on it it only works the first time! Then when i try again, I get this: N:\Servers.xls (Access is denied)
         at Method)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
    On some PCs i have no problems, but on others it works only once and then I get the above error. I am using Java 1.5.0. Thanks.
    Message was edited by:

    ya..evrything is program even creates that file
    I was doing some searching, is it true that this is a bug in Java..because I can't understand how sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't

  • Problem in writing into the excel file using java code

    Hai ,
    I will be getting the data as a string and i am writing into the excel file. the problem is .if it has numeric values even now i will writing as a string data ,at this time i am getting the message in the excel file as "Number in the cell is formatted as text".
    I need to remove this thru my code..but i can write only as a string .
    To write in a excel file ,i used HSSFWorkbook.

    just check out

  • Error Exporting Table Content into Excel

    Hi there,
    I have code that reads a TableView and exports its content into excel file. The code is running right now in an iView that is stored in a protal role. The code has been developed using PDK. I'm running portal 6.0 SP16.
    Here is what the code does:
    1. Reads the content of the table and stores it in an HSSFSheet inside an HSSFWorkbooK object.
    2. Gets HttpServletResponse from the portal request and updates its content type and headers
    HttpServletResponse response = ((IPortalComponentRequest)getRequest()).getServletResponse(true);
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachement;filename="EmployeeEntitlementRpt.xls"");
    3. Writes the excel file to the response output stream.
    ServletOutputStream fileOut = null;
         fileOut = response.getOutputStream();
    } catch(IOException ie){
         throw new PortalRuntimeException("IOException when getting output steam from response, writing to the outputstream or closing it.", ie);
    The code gives me the following error message, if invoked from the iview inside the detailed navigation.
    <b>"Internet Explorer cannot download! from
    Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later."</b>
    However, when I navigate to the same iView and open it in a new window, the code functions as expected.
    This is the URL to the iView when opened inside the detailed navigation:!253aportal!255fcontent!252fevery!255fuser!252fgeneral!252fdefaultDesktop!252fframeworkPages!252fframeworkpage!252fcom!252esap!252eportal!252einnerpage!7b!3b2!!252esap!252eportal!252edynamicNavigationArea!7bHideMode!7d_com!252esap!252eportal!252etargetsiView!7bHideMode!7d_com!252esap!252eportal!252etargetsiView!255f!7bHideMode!7d-/prttarget/com!252enexeninc!252etots!252eiv_entitlement_report.content/prteventname/HtmlbEvent/prtroot/pcd!3aportal_content!2fevery_user!2fgeneral!2fdefaultDesktop!2fframeworkPages!2fframeworkpage!
    This is the URL to the iView when opened in a new window:

    In the iView properties, for the property Entry Point, mark the property as yes instead of the default no. May be this could help u.

  • Document Creation error - "We're sorry. We can't open document name because we found a problem with its contents"

    Morning Friends,
    I have created a SharePoint 2010 "Site Workflow" that is designed to take information from a form and create a Word doc with the gathered information and store this Word doc in a document library.
    I am using Sharepoint 2013 with Office 2013 
    I understand there are a lot of steps (19) outlined below and I can provide more information as needed but the bottom line is this, workflow successfully takes info from an initiation form, uses the info to create a Word doc. Places this Word doc in a library.
    When attempting to open / edit doc, receive error
    "We're sorry. We can't open <document name> because we found a problem with its contents"
    Details - No error detail available.
    Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated. 
    Very high level view of what I have done:
    1 - Created content type called "Letters"
    2 - Added site columns " First Name" and "Last Name"
    3 -  Created and saved to my desktop a very basic Word document (Letter.docx) that says "Hello, my name is XXXX XXXX"
    4 - In the advanced settings of the "Letters" content type I uploaded this "Letter.docx" file as the new document template.
    5 - Created a new document library called "Letters"
    6 - In Library Settings - Advanced Settings, clicked "Yes" to enable the management of content types.
    7 - Then I clicked "Add from existing content types" and added the "Letters" content type
    8 - Back in the advanced settings of the "Letters" content type I selected "Edit Template" and replaced the first XXXX with the Quick Part "First Name" and the second XXXX with the Quick part "Last Name"
    9 - Created a new 2010 Site workflow called "Create a Letter"
    10 - To the workflow I added the action "Create List Item"
    11 - Configured the action to create Content Type ID "Letters" in the document library "Letter" 
    12 - For the "Path and Name" I gave it a basic name of "Letter to"
    13 - The next step was to create the Initiation Form Parameters and added to form entries "First Name" and "Last Name"
    14 - I then linked the initiation form fields to the data source "Workflow Variables and Parameters" to their respective Field from Source parameters
    15 - Went back to the "Path and Name" and modified the basic name of "Letter to" to include the first and last name parameters.
    16 - Saved - published and ran the work flow.
    17 - As expected, Initiation Form prompts for First and Last Name. ("John Doe") Then click "start
    18 - Go to document library "Letters" and see a new Word document created titles "Letter to John Doe" 
    19 - Go to open / edit the Word document and receive the following error
    thoughts? Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated. 

    See this MS support article for SP2010 workflows and generating Word docs:
    "This behavior is by design. The Create
    List Item action in the SharePoint
    2010 Workflow platform can't convert Word content type file templates to the correct .docx format."
    I've had success in using SP 2013, Word 2013 (saving a .docx as the template instead of .dotx for the document library content type), and an SP 2010 workflow using SP Designer 2013.

  • Error message in .docx : 'Open XML file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents. Details Unspecific error Location: 2'

    I have put a lot of work into a docx document on my Mac, but now can't open it as it gives the error message: 'the Open XML file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents. Details, Unspecific
    error, Location: 2'
    When opening the original file the message said: 'this file contains word 2007 for Windows equations' etc. but I managed to track changes fine, and saved, closed and re-opened it numerous times without problem. Some graphs seemed moved, and various formulas
    were illegible, but no other weirdness was observed.
    I have microsoft 2008 installed on my Mac OS X version 10.6.8.
    I've tried to fix it using various solutions suggested here, but am afraid am too IT illiterate to have had any luck, please help I'm new to all this!
    I've uploaded it to

    This issue is related strictly to oMath tags and occurs when a graphical object or text box is anchored to the same paragraph that contains the equation.
    Please use the "Fix it" tool in the following KB article to resolve the problem. See:
    Hope this helps.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem in file content conversion from XML to CSV

    Hi Experts,
    I am finding problem in file content conversion. I need to convert the following XML file into CSV file:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns0:MT_CROSS_REF xmlns:ns0="urn:dabur:idoc2file:pos">
          <Capture_PLU />
          <Package_size />
          <Package_desc />
    The output file data has to be like:
    The problem I am facing is while specifying the content conversion parameters in communication channel i dont know what recordset structure i should mention as all the records are directly under root. If I mention recordset structure as "ns0:MT_CROSS_REF" and parameters as
    ns0:MT_CROSS_REF.fieldSeparator   ,
    ns0:MT_CROSS_REF.endSeparator    'nl'
    i get error in communication channel monitoring and no file is posted.
    Please help me as to what correct parameter i should mention in my case.

    Hi Chirag,
    I cannot change the xml file as it comes after mapping idoc to a message type. How can I add ROOT in the xml? My message type is like MT_CROSS_REF and it has those 6 fields as in the XML (Update_type, PLU etc.). I do the mapping of these fields from a IDOC and get the XML.
    I hope you got my point.

  • Problem with File Content Conversion

    Hi All
    I am facing a problem with file content conversion.
    This is my sample file structure:
    Header_Record (Occurance - 1)
    Field1 in Header
    Field2 in Header
    Item(Occ-1 to n)
    Field3 in Item
    Field4 in Item
    <<ItemType>> (Structure in Item) (Occ - 0 to n)
    <<Field5>> in ItemType
    <<Field6>> in ItemType
    <<ItemTypeCategory>> (Structure in ItemType)(Occ - 0 to n)
    <<<<Field7>>>> in ItemTypeCategory
    <<<<Field8>>>> in ItemTypeCategory
    Footer_Record (Occurance-1)
    There is a key field 'Type' in all the above records with unique value in each record.
    Now, I defined Field content conversion as follows:
    Recordset Structure: Header_Record,1,Item, * , ItemType, * ,ItemTypeCategory, * ,Footer_Record,1
    Recordset Sequence: Ascending
    KeyField Name: Type
    Following are parameters defiled:
    Header_Record.Keyfieldvalue: 00
    Header_Record.fieldseperator: ,
    Header_Record.fieldnames: Field1,Field2
    Header_Record.endseperator: 'nl'
    Item.keyfieldvalue: 05
    item.fieldseperator: ,
    item.fieldfieldnames: field3,field4
    item.endseperator: 'nl'
    ItemType.keyfieldvalue: 10
    itemType.fieldseperator: ,
    itemType.fieldfieldnames: field5,field6
    itemType.endseperator: 'nl'
    ItemTypecategory.keyfieldvalue: 15
    itemTypecategory.fieldseperator: ,
    itemTypecategory.fieldfieldnames: field7,field8
    itemTypecategory.endseperator: 'nl'
    Footer.keyfieldvalue: 20
    Footer.fieldseperator: ,
    Footer.fieldfieldnames: field5,field6
    Footer.endseperator: 'nl'
    Now, i pass the following file:
    What i expect out of my FCC is this (Sample output to show the hierarchy of field values):
    But, I am getting this output (Hierarchy is missing. All the structures are in the same order without hierarchy):
    Field values are being identified according to field content conversion, but, the hierarchy of the fields is missing.
    Can you please tell me how should i change my FCC config?
    Sorry for this long question.
    Many Thanks
    Edited by: Chandra Sekhar H on Jan 30, 2009 7:10 PM
    Edited by: Chandra Sekhar H on Jan 30, 2009 7:16 PM
    Edited by: Chandra Sekhar H on Jan 30, 2009 7:17 PM

    You will always get a flat structure from FCC. If you want hierarchichal strucuture, you have to create a target and map. You will get only like -

  • Problem with file content conversion in receiver file adapter

    Hi All
    I have a problem with file content conversion in receiver file adapter.
    This is my recordset structure: Header_Record,1,Claim_Record,*,Check_Rec,1
    These are the content conversion parameters:
    Header_Record.fieldSeparator = ,
    Header_Record.endSeparator = 'nl'
    Claim_Record.fieldSeparator = ,
    Claim_Record.endSeparator = 'nl'
    Check_Rec.fieldSeparator = ,
    Check_Rec.endSeparator = 'nl'
    In SXMB_MONI, i can see that the data is correctly extracted from proxy, and correctly mapped to receiver message, and i see a checkered flag (success).
    But, Adapter status is RED with the following error message:
    Conversion initialization failed: java.lang.Exception: java.lang.Exception: Error(s) in XML conversion parameters found: Parameter '1.fieldFixedLengths' or '1.fieldSeparator' is missing
    In communication channel monitoring, i get the following error message:
    Message processing failed. Cause: Channel has not been correctly initialized and cannot process messages
    What is going wrong here? Can anyone please tell me?

    Posted in Incorrect forum.
    Posted again in Process Integration forum

  • IDOC to flat File----Problem in File Content Conversion at receiver

    hi experts,
    I am doing a IDOC to flat file secnario.
    My requirment is IDOCXI-Flat file
    Format of flat file is like:--
    Every segment in the IDOC will be converted into a single line of file(without any delimiter). So number of lines in flat file will be equal to number of segments in IDOC.
    I am facing problem in File Content conversion. 
    Please help me out..

    Check this doc...
    [How To...Convert an IDoc-XML structure to a flat file and vice versa in XI 3.0 |]

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