Problem inserting characters like '.' in a VARCHAR2 column

I've an INSERT statement that inserts a string with '.' character in it. There is no error thrown for the insert statement, but the character '.' gets converted to '.' Basically, when you view the insert statement in Unix, the character '.' shows up as '\256'.
Any inputs on this would be really helpful.
Thank in advance,

Hello Bruno,
Thanks for your input.
I tried running the suggested queries and the ASCII character for '.' in my system is 49838. Not sure why its different. The query on ASCII character 174 returns: '?'
If you have more inputs, please let me know.

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    Quick and dirty testcase:
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    test@ORA10G> drop table t;
    Table dropped.
    test@ORA10G> create table t (x blob);
    Table created.
    test@ORA10G> insert into t (x)
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    1 row created.
    test@ORA10G> commit;
    Commit complete.
    test@ORA10G> --
    test@ORA10G> select dbms_lob.getlength(x) as len, dbms_lob.substr(x,10,1) as chunk from t;
           LEN CHUNK
          1000 61787878787878787878

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    Hi Nico
      Just try it out the following steps, hope it solves ur issue.
    <b>To set one or more values back to their original values:</b>
    1. In the Import Manager Source Values grid, select the values that you want to set back to their original values.
    2. Right-click on one of the values and choose Set to Original Value from the context menu, or choose Values > Apply Value Conversion Filter > Set to Original Value from the main menu.
    3. MDME sets each value back to its original value, which appears in black in the Source Values grid.
    <b>NOTE : You can use the Set to Original Value filter only at the value-level and not at the field level.</b>

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    Hello Dear,
    Just use single quotes two times instead of one like:
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    Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
    The error occurred in C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\Everett\register.cfm: line 22
    Below is the entire page with line 22 (referenced in the error message) in red. Any ideas?
    <cfset CurrentPage=GetFileFromPath(GetBaseTemplatePath())>
    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.MM_InsertRecord") AND FORM.MM_InsertRecord EQ "register">
      <cfquery datasource="everettweb">  
        INSERT INTO Users ([First Name], [Last Name], [Email Address], Password)
    VALUES (<cfif IsDefined("FORM.first_name") AND #FORM.first_name# NEQ "">
    <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.first_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
    , <cfif IsDefined("FORM.last_name") AND #FORM.last_name# NEQ "">
    <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.last_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
    , <cfif IsDefined("") AND NEQ "">
    <cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
    , <cfif IsDefined("FORM.password") AND #FORM.password# NEQ "">
    <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.password#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
      <cflocation url="register_success.cfm">
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    Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.  INSERT INTO Users ([First Name], [Last Name], [Email Address], Password)
    That oh-so-uninformative error is because "Password" is a reserved word with your database driver.  Either escape it by putting square brackets around it too, or rename the column permanently. It is best to avoid using reserved words whenever possible. So renaming the column is the better option.  Also, I would try and avoid using invalid characters like spaces in column names ie "First Name". It is technically allowed, but it requires special handling everywhere which adds unecessary complexity.
    I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm getting a syntax error referencing this particular portion of the code:
    Do not take the error line numbers as gospel. Sometimes they just indicate that the error is within the vincinty of that line.
    I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 to help generate most of the code
    Unforutnately, DW wizards generate some truly awful and verbose code.  To give you an idea, here is what the query should look like, without all the wizard nonsense.
      <cfparam name="FORM.first_name" default="">
      <cfparam name="FORM.last_name" default="">
      <cfparam name="" default="">
      <cfparam name="FORM.FORM.password" default="">
      <cfquery datasource="YourDSNName"> 
        INSERT INTO Users ([First Name], [Last Name], [Email Address], [Password])
        VALUES (
          <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.first_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
         , <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.last_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
         , <cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
         , <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.password#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
    CF is pretty easy to learn. You might want to begin perusing the CF documentation and a few tutorials to get more familiar with the language. Since you are working with a database, I would also recommend a  SQL tutorial.

  • Oracle Best practices for changing  Byte to Char on Varchar2 columns

    Dear Team,
    Application Team wanted to change Byte to Char on Varchar2 columns to accommodate Multi byte character  on couple of production tables.
    Wanted to know is it safe to have mixture of BYTE and CHAR semantics in the same table i have read on the couple of documents that It's good practice to avoid using a mixture of BYTE and CHAR semantics columns in the same table.
    What happens if we have mixture of BYTE and CHAR semantics columns in the same table?
    Do we need to gather stats & rebuild indexes on the table after these column changes .
    Thanks in Advance !!!

    Application Team wanted to change Byte to Char on Varchar2 columns to accommodate Multi byte character  on couple of production tables.
    Wanted to know is it safe to have mixture of BYTE and CHAR semantics in the same table i have read on the couple of documents that It's good practice to avoid using a mixture of BYTE and CHAR semantics columns in the same table.
    No change is needed to 'accommodate Multibyte characters'. That support has NOTHING to do with whether a column is specified using BYTE or CHAR.
    In 11g the limit for a VARCHAR2 column is 4000 bytes, period. If you specify CHAR and try to insert 1001 characters that each take 4 bytes you will get an exception since that would require 4004 bytes and the limit is 4000 bytes.
    In practice the use of CHAR is mostly a convenience to the developer when defining columns for multibyte characters. For example for a NAME column you might want to make sure Oracle will allocate room for 50 characters REGARDLESS of the actual length in bytes.
    If you provide a name of 50 one byte characters then only 50 bytes will be used. Provide a name of 50 four byte characters and 200 bytes will be used.
    So if  that NAME column was defined using BYTE how would you know what length to use for the column? Fifty BYTES will seldom be long enough and 200 bytes SEEMS large since the business user wants a limit of FIFTY characters.
    That is why such columns would typically use CHAR; so that the length (fifty) defined for the column matches the logical length of the number of characters.
    What happens if we have mixture of BYTE and CHAR semantics columns in the same table?
    Nothing happens - Oracle could care less.
    Do we need to gather stats & rebuild indexes on the table after these column changes .
    No - not if you by 'need' you mean simply because you made ONLY that change.
    But that begs the question: if the table already exists, has data and has been in use without their being any problems then why bother changing things now?
    In other words: if it ain't broke why try to fix it?
    So back to your question of 'best practices'
    Best practices is to set the length semantics at the database level when the database is first created and to then use that same setting (BYTE or CHAR) when you create new objects or make DDL changes.
    Best practices is also to not fix things that aren't broken.
    See the 'Length Semantics' section of the globalization support guide for more best practices

  • Help: Problem Inserting CLOB-data with ODBC

    I have searched this forum for my problem and found only one similar message, unfortunately without reply. I hope there are some wizards present here today who can help me.
    I use Perl and the ODBC driver for 8i (v8.1.5., WinNT) to insert and query data from a tabel with a CLOB. Queries go fine (although you have to increase the buffer size within Perl, but I have a problem to insert values into CLOBS.
    I get the message ORA-1704 shown below. Oracle/ODBC seems to think that i want to insert into a VARCHAR2(4000) instead of
    a CLOB.
    I have included my Perl test-script as well.
    Any suggestions are very welcome,
    ORA-01704 string literal too long
    Cause: The string literal is longer than 4000 characters.
    Action: Use a string literal of at most 4000 characters. Longer values
    may only be entered using bind variables.
    PERL test-script:
    # USAGE
    # perl clobtest size [bufsize]
    # Creates a string of approximately size*1000 bytes, consisting of a line with 'A',
    # followed by lines of at most 100 'o's, followed by a line with 'Z'.
    # bufsize is optional, if given, specifies the size of the ODBC buffer.
    # Default value is 10240
    # The string is loaded into a table field, then read from that field, and saved in
    # a file. The entire table is deleted on beforehand! so that there is only one
    # record in that table. If there are errors, error number and text are displayed on
    # the console.
    # See the globals below for username, password, host, table end column.
    use strict;
    use FileHandle;
    use Win32::ODBC;
    my $ADMIN ='xpa';
    my $PWD ='manager';
    my $DBMC ='PO8i';
    my $table = 'TEST';
    my $column = 'OMSCHRIJVING';
    my $amount = $ARGV[0];
    my $newbufsize = $ARGV[1];
    my $bulk;
    sub connect_db {
    if (!$newbufsize) {
    $newbufsize = 10240;
    print "Connecting as... $ADMIN to $DBMC\n";
    my $dbh = new Win32::ODBC("dsn=$DBMC;UID=$ADMIN;PWD=$PWD");
    if (!$dbh) {
    print "Hm\n";
    die qq(Cannot open ODBC\n);
    my $bufsize = $dbh->GetMaxBufSize();
    print "Bufsize = $bufsize\n";
    return $dbh;
    sub createbulk {
    $bulk = "A";
    my $bytes = 1000 * $amount;
    my $i;
    for ($i=0; $i<$bytes-4; $i++) {
    if ($i % 100 == 0) {
    $bulk .= "\n";
    else {
    $bulk .= "o";
    $bulk .= "\nZ\n";
    my $dbh = connect_db();
    print "Deleting $table\n";
    $dbh->Sql("delete from $table");
    print "Inserting into $table -> $column\n";
    my $fail = $dbh->Sql("insert into $table ($column) VALUES (\'$bulk\')");
    if ($fail) {
    print "$dbh->{ErrNum}: $dbh->{ErrText}\n";
    print "Querying from $table -> $column\n";
    $fail = $dbh->Sql("select OMSCHRIJVING from TEST");
    if ($fail) {
    print "$dbh->{ErrNum}: $dbh->{ErrText}\n";
    my @result = ();
    while (defined $dbh->FetchRow()) {
    my $result = $dbh->Data();
    push @result, $result;
    print "Writing query result to file \"cltst$amount\"\n";
    open TST, ">cltst$amount";
    for my $line (@result) {
    print TST $line;
    close TST;

    We can't directly insert into a column
    which is a clob datatype.To insert data into
    the CLOB datatype column we have to write
    some PL/SQL progam using the package DBMS_LOB
    in oracle.
    Read Oracle documentation for more information on DBMS_LOB package.
    Hope this will help u.

  • How to retrieve characters like '£' from the database and write to xml file

    Hi ,
    I have a requirement to retrieve the data from database and write to files in XML format.
    I am able to do so successfuly by using XMLElement tag and writing to file through UTL_File package.
    All characters like <&@^ get converted properly, but when it comes to multibyte chars like '£', they are not able to get converted as it is.
    Can somebody please advise me how to go ahead.

    Thanks odie.
    The nls_charset for my database is WE8ISO8859P1 and database version is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi.
    The data (with pound sign) is sitting in one of the columns of the table and when i query it directly, I am able to view it properly.
    However when I use the below code to retrieve in XML format and print it to file, it gets changed. This file is also passed to one of the application GUI where this XML gets processsed and it is not visible properly.
    below id the sample abstract of code I am using.
    l_file UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    l_clob CLOB;
    l_buffer VARCHAR2(32767);
    l_amount BINARY_INTEGER := 32767;
    l_pos INTEGER := 1;
    SELECT XMLElement("case",
    ).getClobVal() val1 into l_clob
    l_file :=
    UTL_FILE.fopen (XMLDIR,
    LOOP (l_clob,
    UTL_FILE.put_line (l_file, l_buffer);
    l_pos := l_pos + l_amount;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.NEW_LINE('Reached end of file');
    The comments column given contains the character like pound.
    And once the file is generated and i see using the vi editor, the char is not viewable properly like £
    And when the same is passed to GUI application to be processed, its not viewable propely in GUI from IE as well like �.

  • Sort Order for a VARCHAR2 Column

    Hello Everyone,
    This is probably quite simple, however I cannot see it. I am trying to sort on a varchar2 column that has numbers, text, dashes, tildes, carets and underscores which are mixed to compose a wire number. I have come up with an order by that changes the sort order from alpha to numeric satisfying one portion of the requirement.
    select wirenbr,fromitem "from",frompin,diagnbr,sht,toitem,topin,effect
    from acft_wires
    order by decode(to_char(nvl(length(translate(wirenbr,'A1234567890','A')),0)),'0',lpad(wirenbr,18),wirenbr);
    The select returns:
    The customer preferred sort looks like:
    I will build a shrine in my hall of honor to this forum if someone can point me in the right direction on how to solve this problem.
    Thanks everyone for your help.

    ok, start with this
    order by
    , nvl(length(substr(wirenbr,1,instr(translate(wirenbr,'1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-','1234567890XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'),'X')-1)),length(wirenbr))
    , to_number(translate(wirenbr,'1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-','123456789000000000000000000000000000'))
    First, all that start with number go to the beginning and all that start with a letter go to the end.
    Next, sort by the length of the first numerical part, as per Al's first solution.
    Next, sort by the numerical part.
    I started getting what I think is the right sort by that point. However, I think that you'll also have to add
    stuff to sort by the alpha part, mine was
    , NVL(RTRIM(LTRIM(wirenbr,'0123456789'),'0123456789'),0)
    The biggest problem I see is all of the different number-letter-number
    number-letter-number-letter formats. How many levels of recursion you'll have to go through to get it perfectly sorted, could you have ZZ999ZZ99Z9Z9Z9Z99?
    Any ideas for breaking this value up?

  • Range Partitioning on Varchar2 column???

    We hava table and it has a date column and its type is varchar2.
    This column's format is '16021013' ('ddmmyyyy').
    We want to make range partition on this column. What will be the best way?
    do you think virtal column partitioning will be efficient?

    I'm not a new DBA:-) You can be sure. I asked only about range partitioning trick with varchar2 column because we did our examination about this table. We will need to archive this table quarter by quarter to the other archive database. Then, off course, nearly all queries are coming firstly by using this date column and they can have different filtering inside "where" conditions. Already, this table has index on this column but with huge number of data, index performance is not enough for us. This is a 7x24 banking system and we are lately joined to this project. Because of this, we cant change everything like changing data type of that column after this moment.
    You are taking things way too personally. No one said anything about whether you were, or were not, a DBA or made any other comments about your skill or abilities.
    What we ask was for you to tell us WHAT the problem was that you were trying to solve and WHY you thought partitioning would solve it.
    And now, after several generic posts, you have finally provided that information. We can only comment based on the information that you post. We can't guess as to what types of queries you use or what kinds of predicates you use in those queries. But we need to know that information in order to provide the best advice.
    Next time you post put the important information in your original question:
    1. A table column is VARCHAR2 but contains a date value. We are unable to change the datatype of this column.
    2. We need to archive data quarterly based on this date value
    3. Nearly all queries use this date value and then also may have additional filter conditions
    4. This date column is indexed but we would like to improve the performance beyond what this index can give us.
    The above is a summary that includes all important information that is needed to know how best to help you.
    And I made a pretty good guess since two replies ago I provided you with example code that shows just how to partition the table.
    Now, our only aim is how to make range partitioning this varchar2 date column.
    As I showed you in my example code earlier you can add a virtual column to the table and partition on it. My example code creates a monthly partitioned table that allows you to archive by month or archive every three months to archive by quarter.
    You can modify that example to use quarterly partitions if you want but I would recommend that you use standard monthly partitions since they will satisfy the widest range of predicates.

  • Storing a Non Printable -from keyboard- Character in Varchar2 Column

    I want to store a non-printable character in a varchar2 column. This character should be non-printable -from keyboard- for all character sets -or very difficult to print from keyboard-. It doesn't matter, whether it can be displayed on screen or not. It does matter INSTR function returns the character position of that character. It should be able to import export data without any problem for any NLS specific operating environment. For example, I plan to use chr(1) do you think it's appropriate? I appreciate your helps.
    Best Regards,

    What is the business requirement you're trying to satisfy?
    If your database character set is based on ASCII, CHR(1) (the Start of Header) character is likely to be transferred between systems without character set conversion. Non-ASCII character sets (i.e. Big5 for Chinese data) don't necessarily share the same control characters, though, and generally won't have the same binary representation of an ASCII control character (so CHR(1) in a non-ASCII based database wouldn't necessarily return the same character that CHR(1) would in an ASCII based database).

  • Firefox for ICS (Ice Scream Sandwitch) has some issue when trying to display some french characters like é, ç, û

    Some french special characters are not correctly displayed (not aligned with the rest of the text, some space before or after) or not displayed at all :-(
    I think the issue is maybe due to ICS but I want to know: could you confirm ?
    Best Regards.

    On my ASUS TF101G i solve this issue with this topic ([ Geckozone] )
    # goto about:config
    # search for: font.default
    # change font.default.x-unicode and x-western to SERIF
    But for me there is another problem with special characters like "@" or "\" because use AltGr key in combination with "à" or "'-" have no effect.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • Duplicate rows in Multiselect

    Hi All, Our system have been recently upgraded to OBI We are facing a problem with the multiselect prompts in the application. Now some of the columns used as sources of the multiselect Dashboard prompts have duplicate rows. Any idea how to