Problem inserting records

Hey all
This is the first time I am attempting this and have to do it
for a college project.
Basicly I have a small database setup and connected fine (all
tested and everything) And a table containing 5 columns
but when I try to insert new records into the database (Only
3 of the columns I want to), upon clicking submit it just takes me
to a blank page saying "done" at the bottom.
I have made sure its set to "When inserted go to" and its set
to the next page i want, but its not doing it.
Does anyone have any ideas? Sorry if this is too vauge but I
was thrown right in at the deep end with this and have no clue how
to troubleshoot these things.

Can you post a link to the page or at least the code?
Does the row actually get inserted into your table?
It could be a myriad of things, like a table issue.
If you are not getting the insert to happen, check your table
set up? Are the fields you not populating set as NOT NULL. If they
are not getting a value and do not allow null values, the insert
will fail.
Other than seeing your code and a link, there is not much
else that I can guess about what is going wrong!

Similar Messages

  • Problem inserting record using INSERT INTO

    I am an amateur web builder using some ColdFusion functionality to access information on an Access database. I know very little about ColdFusion syntax, but I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 to help generate most of the code. I'm working on an insert record page to create a user database with login information. I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm getting a syntax error referencing this particular portion of the code:
    Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.
    The error occurred in C:\ColdFusion9\wwwroot\Everett\register.cfm: line 22
    Below is the entire page with line 22 (referenced in the error message) in red. Any ideas?
    <cfset CurrentPage=GetFileFromPath(GetBaseTemplatePath())>
    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.MM_InsertRecord") AND FORM.MM_InsertRecord EQ "register">
      <cfquery datasource="everettweb">  
        INSERT INTO Users ([First Name], [Last Name], [Email Address], Password)
    VALUES (<cfif IsDefined("FORM.first_name") AND #FORM.first_name# NEQ "">
    <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.first_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
    , <cfif IsDefined("FORM.last_name") AND #FORM.last_name# NEQ "">
    <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.last_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
    , <cfif IsDefined("") AND NEQ "">
    <cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
    , <cfif IsDefined("FORM.password") AND #FORM.password# NEQ "">
    <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.password#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
      <cflocation url="register_success.cfm">
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          <form action="<cfoutput>#CurrentPage#</cfoutput>" method="POST" name="register" preloader="no" id="register">
                <table width="100%">
                    <td colspan="2" class="heading1">Fill in the information below to register for this site:</td>
                    <td colspan="2"><img src="clear.gif" height="15" /></td>
                    <td width="50%" class="form" align="right">First Name:</td>
                    <td width="50%"><span id="sprytextfield1">
                      <input type="text" name="first_name" required="yes" id="first_name" width="150" typeahead="no" showautosuggestloadingicon="true" />
                      <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
                    <td class="form" align="right">Last Name:</td>
                    <td><span id="sprytextfield2">
                      <input type="text" name="last_name" required="yes" id="last_name" width="150" typeahead="no" showautosuggestloadingicon="true" />
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                    <input type="text" name="email" validate="email" required="yes" id="email" width="150" typeahead="no" showautosuggestloadingicon="true" />
                    <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="textfieldInvalidFormatMsg">Invalid format.</span></span></td>
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                    <td><span id="sprytextfield4"><span id="ConfirmWidget">
                    <input type="text" name="email_confirm" validate="email" required="yes" id="email_confirm" width="150" typeahead="no" showautosuggestloadingicon="true" />
                    <span class="confirmInvalidMsg">The values do not match</span></span></span></td>
                    <td class="form" align="right">Password:</td>
                    <td><span id="sprytextfield5">
                      <input type="password" name="password" required="yes" id="password" width="150" />
                      <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
                    <td class="form" align="right">Confirm Password:</td>
                    <td><span id="sprytextfield6"><span id="ConfirmWidget">
                      <input type="password" name="password_confirm" required="yes" id="password_confirm" width="150" />
                      <span class="confirmInvalidMsg">The values do not match</span></span></span></td>
                    <td> </td>
                    <td><input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Register" /></td>
          <input type="hidden" name="MM_InsertRecord" value="register" />
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    Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.  INSERT INTO Users ([First Name], [Last Name], [Email Address], Password)
    That oh-so-uninformative error is because "Password" is a reserved word with your database driver.  Either escape it by putting square brackets around it too, or rename the column permanently. It is best to avoid using reserved words whenever possible. So renaming the column is the better option.  Also, I would try and avoid using invalid characters like spaces in column names ie "First Name". It is technically allowed, but it requires special handling everywhere which adds unecessary complexity.
    I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'm getting a syntax error referencing this particular portion of the code:
    Do not take the error line numbers as gospel. Sometimes they just indicate that the error is within the vincinty of that line.
    I'm using Dreamweaver CS3 to help generate most of the code
    Unforutnately, DW wizards generate some truly awful and verbose code.  To give you an idea, here is what the query should look like, without all the wizard nonsense.
      <cfparam name="FORM.first_name" default="">
      <cfparam name="FORM.last_name" default="">
      <cfparam name="" default="">
      <cfparam name="FORM.FORM.password" default="">
      <cfquery datasource="YourDSNName"> 
        INSERT INTO Users ([First Name], [Last Name], [Email Address], [Password])
        VALUES (
          <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.first_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
         , <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.last_name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
         , <cfqueryparam value="" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
         , <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.password#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar">
    CF is pretty easy to learn. You might want to begin perusing the CF documentation and a few tutorials to get more familiar with the language. Since you are working with a database, I would also recommend a  SQL tutorial.

  • Problem - Inserting Records into Hashed Tables

    Help for an ABAP Newbie...
    How do I insert records into a hashed table?
    I am trying the following, but get the error message,
    *You cannot use explicit or implicit index operations with types "HASHED TABLE" or "ANY TABLE".  "LT_UNIQUE_NAME_KEYS" has the type "HASHED TABLE".
    TYPES: BEGIN OF idline,
        id TYPE i,
        END OF idline.
      DATA: lt_unique_name_keys TYPE HASHED TABLE OF idline WITH UNIQUE KEY id,
            ls_unique_name_key LIKE LINE OF lt_unique_name_keys.
    " Create a record and attempt to insert it into the internal table.
    " Why does this cause a compilation error message?
    ls_unique_name_key-id = 1.
      INSERT ls_unique_name_key INTO lt_unique_name_keys.

    INSERT ls_unique_name_key INTO TABLE lt_unique_name_keys.

  • Problem inserting records after execution of server side code

    I've created a server-side function for duplicating a master record and it's details. This function has two input parameters that define the new unique key of the master record. Because the user has to supply the new unique key, there is a possibility that the unique key already exists.
    The server-side function is being called from a form module. This form module contains all the code needed for opening / closing and aborting the HSD transaction. The form also enables users to add new master records manually.
    If the server-side function is called from within the module there are two possible outcomes:
    1, the unique key already exists and the HSD error message window is displayed.
    2, the unique key does not exist and the records get duplicated.
    If I try to add a new master record in the form after a failed duplication process, I get a form message informing me that NULL cannot be inserted into the ID column. (The primary key.) BTW updates work just fine. However, if I call the server-side function again and the duplication process is succesfull, I can again insert a new master record in the form succesfully.
    I'm assuming that this problem has something to do with the TAPI package because I use TAPI insert calls to insert the master / detail records when duplicating. A workaround for this problem is (obviously) to check if the supplied unique key already exists in the database before calling the server-side function.
    I however am concerned a bit because a lot of program functionality has been implemented in server-side functions and procedures. So I would like to know if anyone has had the same problems and possibly knows if there is a generic solution to this problem.

    Can you make a test case for me and send it to me? It looks like we might have a bug and I would like to investigate.
    [email protected]

  • Problem inserting records in table using cursors

    hi all
    i have a block in which i m trying to take records from a table pass it to a procedure which in turn calls some procedures
    and than the procesed records are dumped into another table
    this is my code
    set serveroutput on
    lastcall date;
    srcip varchar2(50);
    username varchar2(50):='9204';
    duration number;
    callto varchar2(50);
    accountid varchar2(50);
    calltime date;
    subscriberid varchar2(50);
    country varchar2(50);
    cost varchar2(50);
    CURSOR process_cdr
    FROM rawcdr
    WHERE     calltime>lastcall;
    select max(calltime_gmt) into lastcall from
    open process_cdr;
    fetch process_cdr into srcip,username,callto,calltime,duration;
    if (instr(callto,'00')=5) then
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto,SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') + 3, 50);
    elsif (instr(callto,'011')=5) then
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto, SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') + 4, 50);
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto, SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') +1 , 50);
    end if;
    dbms_output.put_line('trying to insert');
    insert into processed_cdr values(accountid,subscriberid,srcip,username,callto,country,calltime,duration,cost) ;
    dbms_output.put_line('inserted successfully');
    FETCH process_cdr INTO srcip, username, callto, calltime, duration;
    close process_cdr;
    now the problem is that
    records are not getting inserted nor an error is shown
    i guess i m not that much familiar with cursors
    and thats creating prob
    please help

    but you haven't a loop ! :-)
    Try this,
    (not tested)
    set serveroutput on
    lastcall date;
    srcip varchar2(50);
    username varchar2(50):='9204';
    duration number;
    callto varchar2(50);
    accountid varchar2(50);
    calltime date;
    subscriberid varchar2(50);
    country varchar2(50);
    cost varchar2(50);
    CURSOR process_cdr
    FROM rawcdr
    WHERE calltime>lastcall;
    select max(calltime_gmt) into lastcall from
    open process_cdr;
    fetch process_cdr into srcip,username,callto,calltime,duration;
    EXIT WHEN process_cdr%NOTFOUND;
    if (instr(callto,'00')=5) then
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto,SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') + 3, 50);
    elsif (instr(callto,'011')=5) then
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto, SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') + 4, 50);
    callto:=SUBSTR(REPLACE(callto, SUBSTR(callto, INSTR(callto, '@'), 50), ''), INSTR(callto, ':') +1 , 50);
    end if;
    dbms_output.put_line('trying to insert');
    insert into processed_cdr values(accountid,subscriberid,srcip,username,callto,country,calltime,duration,cost) ;
    dbms_output.put_line('inserted successfully');
    /* Second fetch is not needed
    --FETCH process_cdr INTO srcip, username, callto, calltime, duration; */
    close process_cdr;
    COMMIT; -- eventually
    end;You didn't answered - do you do COMMIT elsewhere ?
    I placed COMMIT also, if you don't need it, you can comment it

  • Insert Record Problems

    I am trying to create an insert record instance, but even
    though my database connection is ok and I have simplified my form
    down to one entry, I cannot get the query to work. The lastest
    error I am getting is:
    The field 'ARTISTS.LASTNAME' cannot contain a Null value
    because the Required property for this field is set to True. Enter
    a value in this field.
    Where am I going wrong? Can someone help out a beginner about
    to lose their mind?

    I tried making a new table in the database with only one
    field and an automatically generated primary key, but am now
    getting the following error:
    Error Executing Database Query.
    Cannot start your application. The workgroup information file
    is missing or opened exclusively by another user.
    The error occurred in
    D:\CFusionMX7\wwwroot\Synopsispost\firstnameform.cfm: line 15
    13 : <cfelse>
    14 : NULL
    15 : </cfif>
    16 : )
    17 : </cfquery>
    My complete coding is:
    <cfset CurrentPage=GetFileFromPath(GetTemplatePath())>
    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.MM_InsertRecord") AND
    FORM.MM_InsertRecord EQ "form1">
    <cfquery datasource="submissionsdb" username="cfsimmo"
    INSERT INTO Mailing List ("Mailing ListID", FirstName)
    VALUES (
    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.Mailing_ListID") AND
    #FORM.Mailing_ListID# NEQ "">
    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.FirstName") AND #FORM.FirstName#
    NEQ "">
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <form method="post" name="form1"
    <table align="center">
    <tr valign="baseline">
    <td nowrap align="right">Mailing ListID:</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="Mailing_ListID"
    value="" size="32"></td>
    <tr valign="baseline">
    <td nowrap align="right">FirstName:</td>
    <td><input type="text" name="FirstName" value=""
    <tr valign="baseline">
    <td nowrap align="right"> </td>
    <td><input type="submit" value="Insert
    <input type="hidden" name="MM_InsertRecord"
    <p> </p>
    Any ideas?

  • Problem about inserting records ? ?

    hello ,
    i want to insert record in table abc which have 3 column
    i want to insert 2 values from xyz table and one values is from variable
    i write following query
    is it correct ?

    Did it work?
    You could try the USING clause;
    SQL> create table abc(NO number, TYPE varchar2(10), SUB_TRAN varchar2(10))
    Table created.
    SQL> create table xyz(NO number, TYPE varchar2(10), SUB_TRAN varchar2(10))
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into xyz values(0,' col1', 'col2')
    PL/SQL executed.
    SQL> declare
       vmyquery varchar2(100);
       vsr_no number := 99;
       vmyquery :='INSERT INTO abc(NO, TYPE, SUB_TRAN) SELECT :1,TYPE,SUB_TRAN FROM xyz' ;
       EXECUTE IMMEDIATE vmyquery USING vsr_no;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from abc
            NO TYPE       SUB_TRAN 
            99  col1      col2     
    1 row selected.

  • Inserting record problem

    I've got an ASP page which inserts a record into an Access
    Basically the user can insert a record which is one of 4
    types. They
    all go into the same table, just different fields are
    completed in the form.
    I'd like to be able to hide the irrelevant form fields from
    the user
    depending on the type of record they are entering. I did this
    some simple If statements.
    However the Insert Record server behaviour isn't happy - when
    I click
    the submit button, I get an error that one of the parameters
    has no
    default value. The parameter referred to is one of the form
    fields I've
    chosen not to display with the If statements.
    Is there a way around this, or am I going to have to create 4
    insert record forms, one for each type?
    Hope that makes sense.

    No, all the field names in the Access database are fine as
    far as I can see.
    I don't understand where that parameter ?_5 is coming from.
    The insert record code looks like this, if it helps:
    Set MM_editCmd = Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
    MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_certsConn_STRING
    MM_editCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tblCerts (Surname,
    FirstNames, Gender, EventDate, SpouseSurname,
    DateOfAdoption, Town, Country, County, Type, MemberID) VALUES
    MM_editCmd.Prepared = true
    202, 1, 50, Request.Form("Surname")) ' adVarWChar
    202, 1, 255, Request.Form("FirstNames")) ' adVarWChar
    202, 1, 50, Request.Form("Gender")) ' adVarWChar
    135, 1, -1, MM_IIF(Request.Form("EventDate"),
    null)) ' adDBTimeStamp
    202, 1, 50, Request.Form("SpouseSurname")) ' adVarWChar
    202, 1, 50, Request.Form("SpouseFirstNames")) ' adVarWChar
    135, 1, -1, MM_IIF(Request.Form("DateOfAdoption"),
    Request.Form("DateOfAdoption"), null)) ' adDBTimeStamp
    202, 1, 50, Request.Form("Town")) ' adVarWChar
    202, 1, 50, Request.Form("Country")) ' adVarWChar
    202, 1, 50, Request.Form("County")) ' adVarWChar
    202, 1, 50, Request.Form("Type")) ' adVarWChar
    5, 1, -1, MM_IIF(Request.Form("MemberID"),
    null)) ' adDouble
    Baxter wrote:
    > Do you have a question mark (?) in your field name. If
    so remove it, as some
    > database engines, including Microsoft Access, and should
    not be used in
    > database table names or field names.
    > Dave
    > "Vix" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> I've already done that. Allow zero length is set to
    Yes on those fields.
    >> The error I get is
    >> Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10'
    >> Parameter ?_5 has no default value.
    >> /add_certificates.asp, line 89
    >> line 89 is the execute command for the insert
    >> I'm presuming that the parameter being referred to
    is this one
    >> MM_editCmd.Parameters.Append
    >> 202, 1, 50, Request.Form("SpouseSurname")) '
    >> which is the first of the "hidden" fields.
    >> Any other ideas?
    >> Baxter wrote:
    >>> Just tell access to accept null values for the
    fields that you are not
    >>> showing at the time and it should work fine.
    >>> Dave
    >>> "Vix" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>> I've got an ASP page which inserts a record
    into an Access database.
    >>>> Basically the user can insert a record which
    is one of 4 types. They
    >>>> all go into the same table, just different
    fields are completed in the
    >>> form.
    >>>> I'd like to be able to hide the irrelevant
    form fields from the user
    >>>> depending on the type of record they are
    entering. I did this using
    >>>> some simple If statements.
    >>>> However the Insert Record server behaviour
    isn't happy - when I click
    >>>> the submit button, I get an error that one
    of the parameters has no
    >>>> default value. The parameter referred to is
    one of the form fields
    > I've
    >>>> chosen not to display with the If
    >>>> Is there a way around this, or am I going to
    have to create 4 different
    >>>> insert record forms, one for each type?
    >>>> Hope that makes sense.
    >>>> Thanks
    >>>> Vix

  • XSQL error when trying to insert record

    I encounter a problem using INSERT statement in xsql:query action. If I try to use INSERT statement in my xsql page like this:
    <xsql:ze_action bean="TaskentryIn">
    Grundtab( Datum,Startzeit,Endzeit)
    I always get this xsql-error:
    Statement.executeQuery - No result sets were produced by 'INSERT...'
    So far so good, I think this shouldn't be an error rather a warning.
    But this is not my primary problem.
    Anyway the record is inserted in the DB. But since I call the above <xsql:query>, from within my own action handler, I call a sendRedirect() to my next page after the <xsql:query> tag was processed.
    After sendRedirect(), when I am on my next page, I check the DB for the inserted records, and it shows up that the insert was made two times, so I have two identically records in my DB.
    If I am not sendRedirect() to the next xsql page, then the insert is only made once. So I assume that there is a problem if an xsql-error occurs and afterwards a sendRedirect().
    I am using the same way to make my SELECT statements and I dont have any trouble with them. Only when I use INSERT.
    Any adive or help is appreciated.

    <xsql:query> is only for queries.
    Use <xsql:dml> for a DML statement.

  • Problem inserting date in oracle forms

    I have a data block called CUSTOMER and a TEXT ITEM called
    DOB which is used to enter the Date of birth (date).
    I have a SAVE button, on its trigger WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED,
    I have the following code
    insert into test values
    When i run the form it gives the error
    FRM-40508: Oracle error: unable to INSERT record
    But when i run the same trigger with sysdate (as shown below)
    it runs perfectly, i mean the row is inserted into the database.
    insert into test values
    If someone can offer some assistance regarding this problem,
    I will appreciate that.

    Whenever you get an "Oracle Error" it means the form is happy but the database is complaining about something. You can select help > display error from the menu to see the sql it is trying to run and what the problem is.
    Incidentally, why are you going to the trouble of trying to write code to do something which a forms block does automatically ?

  • How to insert records in user defined tables through DI Server API

    Hi All,
    I have created a UDO using some userdefined tables .I am able to insert records in the user defined tables using DI API but problem is that now I want to insert records in those tables using DI Server API but I dont know how to do that please give me some way to do that
    Thanks and Regards

    The AddObject message is :
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
        <dis:AddObject xmlns:dis="">
    How to use it with a user defined table ?

  • Servlet inserting record into postgresql through hibernate

    I have developed a servlet. This servlet is inserting record into postgres sql through hibernate using eclispe ide. When I run my code then I find the following exception
    I have developed the following code
    package hibernate.example;
    public class Contact {
         private String firstName;
         private String lastName;
         private String email;
         private long id;
         public String getEmail() {
         return email;
         public String getFirstName() {
         return firstName;
         public String getLastName() {
         return lastName;
         public void setEmail(String string) {
         email = string;
         public void setFirstName(String string) {
         firstName = string;
         public void setLastName(String string) {
         lastName = string;
         public long getId() {
         return id;
         public void setId(long l) {
         id = l;
    **Now the servlet is**
    package hibernate.example;
    import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import org.hibernate.Session;
    import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
    import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
    public class FirstExample extends HttpServlet     {
         Session session = null;
         public String getServletInfo() {
              return "Servlet connects to PostgreSQL database and displays result of a SELECT";
         public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
         throws IOException, ServletException {
                   PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
                   Configuration cfg = new Configuration().configure();
                   SessionFactory factory = cfg.buildSessionFactory();
                   session = factory.openSession();
                   out.println("Inserting Record");
                   Contact contact = new Contact();
                   contact.setEmail("[email protected]");
              catch(Exception e){
    **web.xml is**
    **And contact.hbm.xml is**
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
    "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
    <class name="hibernate.example.Contact" table="CONTACT">
    <id name="id" type="long" column="ID" >
    <generator class="assigned"/>
    <property name="firstName">
    <column name="FIRSTNAME" />
    <property name="lastName">
    <column name="LASTNAME"/>
    <property name="email">
    <column name="EMAIL"/>
    **And hibernate.cfg.xml is**
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
    "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD//EN"
    <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.postgressql.jdbc.Driver</property>
    <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:postgresql://</property>
    <property name="hibernate.connection.username">ali</property>
    <property name="hibernate.connection.password">ali</property>
    <property name="hibernate.connection.pool_size">10</property>
    <property name="show_sql">true</property>
    <property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect</property>
    <property name="">update</property>
    <!-- Mapping files -->
    <mapping resource="contact.hbm.xml"/>
    Pleas tell me that where I have done the mistake and how can I resolove the error.

    ahmadgee wrote:
    Thank u very much.
    First I tried with out the servlet. I took a simple class. But it was displaying the null pointer exception.
    then you still have the problem. do you understand the root cause?
    After then I made a servlet. how was that going to help your null pointer exception?
    Now it is displaying error hibernate.cfg.xml not found.that's part of the problem. where is the servlet reading that file and initializing the session factory? how is it finding that file?
    i don't know where you have that .cfg.xml file, or where the recommended place is where hibernate expects to see it, but i'd bet it needs to be in the CLASSPATH, which means WEB-INF/classes.
    figure out why you get that NPE first, though. the servlet is only making things worse.

  • Insert Record not saving values

    I am extremely new to Dreamweaver. I am using MX2004.
    I am trying to work with a remote database that I created in
    MySQL and I am using PHP.
    I created a PHP page added my form, added my input fields,
    and used the Insert Record wizard to get to my database on the
    server. I also went to the columns section and where it says
    ‘Fieldname’ Does Not Get a Value. I went and chose my
    value from the drop-down Value box. It now says
    ‘Fieldname’ Gets Value From
    ‘FORM.Fieldname’ as ‘Text’ I have done that
    for all the columns that I am asking the users to fill in including
    the fields that are NOT NULL.
    The problem is once I test it, it is not putting the data in
    the database. When I go back and look at my columns in the Insert
    Record Server Behaviors, many of my columns have reverted to
    ‘Fieldname’ Does Not Get a Value.
    For some reason my values are not being saved.
    Can someone help with this?

    Thanks Mike. I've sloghtly modified my question and reposted
    here: =1322354&enterthread=y
    Do you have any thoughts on this?

  • Insert records into an Access

    I am trying to insert records into an Access document but
    when trying to execute the action page I get the following:
    Error Executing Database Query.
    [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC
    Socket][Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few
    parameters. Expected 1.
    The error occurred in
    C:\ColdFusion8\wwwroot\ASK\AskAction.cfm: line 17
    15 :
    16 :
    17 : values ('#trim(form.qname)#', '#trim(',
    #DateVariable2#, #Val(form.Mathques)#, '#(')
    18 :
    19 : </cfquery>
    SQLSTATE 07002
    SQL insert into table1 (qname,
    email,qdate,recipient,question) values ('bill', '[email protected]',
    13-Oct-08, 0, '45x9 ')
    Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are
    using the correct syntax.
    Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
    Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0;
    SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506;
    Remote Address 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
    Date/Time 13-Oct-08 09:07 PM
    Stack Trace (click to expand)

    what are your data types for the recipient and qdate columns?
    - you could try putting quotes around the date object, i always
    forget if they're needed or not with date objects

  • Oracle forms error frm-40508: unable to insert record

    Hi Everyone,
    I have been having this problem for 2 weeks and I realize that I spent alot of time I couldn't get to fix the problem so I need your help.
    Here is my situation. First, I installed Oracle 10g in my laptop with Oracle forms10g and Oracle forms904i. I had oracle_home folder as the top level structure then I have inside oracle folder, Oracle10g in it own folder, Oracle9i release2 in it own folder. then I created the user account "student" using the system/manager account finally I granted privilleges as follow:
    TO student
    this was working perfecty I didn't need to grant objects privilleges such as
    ON customers
    TO student;
    Then I created a form Application prototype and it works well I could Insert, Update and Delete but now I am creating an e-commerce application prototype I created an new account using a system/manager account as I did previously and grant all privilleges. When I try to grant object privileges the message that I receive says ORA-01919 : role 'INSERT' doesn't exist
    When I run the application I am unable to insert the record through forms I get message frm-40508 Orcle error: unable to insert record.
    I deinstall the Oracle and clean my laptop and did a clean installation using only Oracle Server10g and Oracle Developer10g I am getting the same message frm-40508.
    Can someone please help me on this. the insert command that I am running is a simple one such as
    INSERT INTO customers
    VALUES( block_name.field_name, ....);

    frm 40735:When button pressed trigger raised unhanded exceptionplease help me to solve this>
    The FRM-40735 is a generic Unhandled Exception. Please post the full error message so we can better help you.
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

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