Problem: iphone changes photo filename

I have just discovered that if you save a photo to your iPhone, by downloading it from a site or email, it changes the filename.
This is a problem because:
A) You need the photo's original filename for reference when liaising with people about the photo, otherwise you don't know which one you are talking about.
B) I may want to email it from the phone to someone else, which would spread the wrong filename even further.
Why does iPhone do this? And how do I solve this problem, because the filename does not show in Photoshop File Info EXIF either?
It doesn't happen with computers or websites (apart from Facebook and Twitter of course, and that's another problem).

Hi, I noticed this as well long ago. It isn't a problem for me personally nor do i know how to fix it. But i can suggest a temporary work around.
1. save the website where you got your photo so you can access it on your computer later for it's original file name/URL.
2. you can go to google image search and drag this image into the search bar on a computer and it will find it for you, if you need the original url.
3. you can add a number to the photo using photo editing apps on your phone so you can reference them in an email such as - see photo 1. Theres lots of apps like Over and ImageEditor.
This is more time consuming as many other issues I have with the things that Apple does with their phone. I seem to waste a lot of time going around issues they should have fixed a long time ago.

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    Please take each of the following steps that you haven't already tried. Stop when the problem is resolved. Back up all data before making any changes.
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    2. Check the names of all albums and slideshows in iPhoto. The names should contain only plain letters and digits, not any punctuation marks or other characters. Rename them if necessary.
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    For testing, create a new book with only the images you want to check.
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    Might be corrupted preferences ..
    Open the Finder. From the Finder menu bar click Go > Go to Folder
    Type or copy paste the following:
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    Zoom out.
    There are not settings to control the image quality, the device always takes the largest image possible.  Zooming in will cause the image to be a lower resolution.

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    Thanks for your time!

    There's is a 3rd-party app called Photo Shack Pro that will show and allow you to modify filenames.  It sorts by filename too if you want.  The problem is that iTunes doesn't actually transfer the filename as it appears on your computer when you sync to your iPad.  Instead, the iPad iOS assigns its own surrogate filename to the photo, which has no correlation to the host filename.
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    To understand what I'm trying to achieve, please let me describe the case on the example below:
    I have the file "picture.jpg" (1024x768)
    What I'm trying to do is:
    - Resize the image down to size 800x600
    - Save it in the same folder using "save for web" as "picture_large.jpg"
    - Resize the image again, this time down to size 600x480
    - Save it in the same folder using "save for web" as "picture_medium.jpg"
    So after the first step in my action I need to add the suffix "_large" and after the third step I need to add the suffix "_medium".
    Is it possible?

    Hi Guys,
    Thanks for your repllies, unfortunately I can't achieve the 100% result using your suggesitions (I learnet a bit anyway ).
    - When using slices, I'd have to rename slice everytime I resize the picture as I need diferent suffix for every image size.
    - Suggestion to use "Save as" instead "Save for web" doesn't resolve my problem either, as what I'm trying to achieve is to store one image with all the diferent image sizes in one folder.
    I guess perfect solution would be if I could change the filename using some syntax which could look like:
    change current file name from [name] to [name]+"_medium"
    But I believe this is not possible.
    Thanks very much anyway and of course if there are any other suggestions I'll be happy if someone could help.

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    Tim Stollery's answer worked for my problem:

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