Problem removing/renaming files.

So I just recieved the Zen. I uploaded a good amount of my music library via WMP but realized one of the albums from one of hte bands was its own folder. So I went to the Zen media player explorer, deleted the folder and moved a new copy of said folder where it should be. Theres just one issue. While on my explorer everything is as it should be, on the actual player it is still wrong. The files are not in their riteful place, and nothing changed at all. Any help?
Also, how do you add album artwork on the Zen? Thanks alot.

No, not a V Plus. Just a straight Zen. Under my computer, there is a Zen media explorer. Just really would like this issue where the changes/renaming or addition of album art would save. It saves on the computer, just not on the Zen. And how would you add outside album art in jpeg form using WMP?

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    i am reading from js1.html and making some modification to
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    i am using fileinputstream and fileoutputstream amd i am
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    File old=new File("js2.html");
    old.renameTo(new File("js1.html");
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    Just a guess but maybe it is returning false because you already havea file named js1.html. Trying doing this through Windows Explorer and it will spit out an error.
    What you should try is deleting js1.html first and then renaming. Presumably you don't need js1.html anymore once you make the changes so go ahead and delete it.

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    Hi Pavithra,
    here is doc which you can follow and see if that helps.
    try changing the compatibility of the install.bat or install.exe to windows 7 or vista or xp or 2008 and then run the client install see if that helps

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                if (mFile.exists()) {
                } else {
                    System.out.println("mFile does not exist");
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    The output of my code is nothing and I don't see a.mp3.But you posted some output...
    Anyway try if (mFile.exists()) {
        System.out.println("mFile *does* exist");
    } else {
        System.out.println("mFile does not exist");
    }What is the output?
    By the way, your code gives no hint as to what setAudiofile() does - including the possibility, albeit unlikely, that it deletes a.mp3. Rather than post a snippet excised from a longer piece of code, construct a SSCCE that illustrates renameTo() not working.

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    boolean success = f.renameTo(file2);
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    Now, I'm a bit shaky on files, I've only used them to store dummy data, but here's my two cents.
    It's putting the files there because, as it appears from what you've cited as your code, you're using a relative filename. something like pic1.gif. This will be put whereever the program is running. What you want is to make your file using...
    String PATH_NAME = "<Directory you want it stored in>";
    File file2=new File(PATH_NAME + renamestring + ".gif");There are a few ways of getting where it should be saved, but since I'm not sure what system you're on, I'm not going to go into it. Simply put, I think you can just search from the back to the String (originalFile.getPath()) for the last folder deliminator (i.e. "\"), then take that and everything before it as the PATH_NAME.
    As for original extension, you can try the same thing. Start at the end of the file name using the String's lastIndexOf() function, and find the period. Then take the period and everything until the end of the string as a new String fileExtension.
    String PATH_NAME = "<Directory you want it stored in>";
    File file2=new File(PATH_NAME + renamestring + fileExtension);

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    Hi Th3r3ad3r,
    Could you please attach a screenshot of the same, where only one icon is active even after selecting that file? You can refer for taking the screenshot.

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    folsombob wrote:
    > I don't have a problem batch renaming files outside of
    DW. If I do, though, I
    > will break all of the links and references.
    There is no way of batch renaming files and preserving links
    and references.
    However, you can rename one file at a time in the Files
    panel, and
    Dreamweaver will automatically update the links throughout
    the site.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "Foundation PHP for Dreamweaver 8" (friends of ED)
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

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    - When I commit the file in the "Pending Changes" view, and click OK, then nothing happens. The file stay with "scheduled for removal" status, and it is not deleted on CVS server.
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    Is this a bug ? Or do I do something wrong ? Is there an other way to solve my problem ?

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    cvs remove: scheduling `' for removal
    cvs remove: use 'cvs commit' to remove this file permanently
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    cvs commit: Examining .
    Message was edited by:

  • Need Help - Problem: Cannot rename the file

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    Can somebody to help me........10s first....
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    String nfilename = tokenString[0] + "_edited";
    File original = new File(directoryname + "\\" + "original" + "\\" + tokenString[0] + ".txt");                     
    File noriginal = new File (directoryname + "\\" + "original" + "\\" + nfilename + ".txt");
    boolean success1 = original.renameTo(noriginal);
    File process = new File(directoryname + "\\" + "process" + "\\" + tokenString[0] + ".xml");                         
    File nprocess = new File (directoryname + "\\" + "process" + "\\" + nfilename + ".xml");
    boolean success2 = process.renameTo(nprocess);
    File edit = new File(directoryname + "\\" + "edit" + "\\" + tokenString[0] + ".xml");
    File nedit = new File(directoryname + "\\" + "edit" + "\\" + nfilename + ".xml");                     
    boolean success3 = edit.renameTo(nedit);

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    some body help me

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    Premiere Elements 12 on Windows 7 (assumed 64 bit)
    Have you updated 12 to the 12.1 Update using an opened project's Help Menu/Update? If not, please do so.
    If you are referring to that red stem with the blue head at the Timeline level in the Expert workspace, that is indeed the Timeline Indicator (also referred to as CTI).
    To be ruled in or out at the onset...whether or not you see an orange line over the Timeline content that you are attempting to preview?
    If you (manually) or the project (automatically) have set the correct project preset, there should be no colored line
    of the source video when it is first dragged to the Timeline. That is the program telling you that you are getting
    the best possible preview. If orange, you are not and need to "Render" the Timeline content to get the best possible preview.
    Does this "Timeline Rendering" factor apply to your situation?
    If you are getting the best possible preview, we still need to know the properties of your source media ---
    video compression
    audio compression
    frame size
    frame rate
    interlaced or progressive
    pixel aspect ratio
    Often the above can be gathered from knowing brand/model/settings for the camera that recorded the video.
    Also are you observing this behavior if you start a new project or use different source media, such as, stills or videos
    recorded with a different format?
    Let us start here and then decide what next.
    Thank you.

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    hfs: WARNING - blocks on volume Garfunkel not allocated!
    rm: [path name]: Input/output error
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    Thanks to everyone who makes an attempt at rescuing me!

    Thanks. I did that, as per the Apple Support article instructions, but apparently I have to do it before every remove command. And sometimes, I have to input the command twice for it to work. Thanks for the tip.

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    FYI: I’ve tried all three ways of sharing/accessing the files on the internal HD (access with password, access as a guest (with the R/W rights), and access with user accounts), but they all behaves the same. And the last attempt was to turn the firewall completely off (not only having Bonjour in firewall exceptions); that didn’t help either. Also it doesn’t matter if I connect to my TC with an Ethernet cable or via the wireless connection.
    What do I have to do in Vista in order to be able to work with files in my Time Capsule HD like on the regular fileserver (actually what the Windows XP can do)? Or is this something that would require a fix in the TC firmware???
    Thank you in advance.

    I want to use Time Capsule (7.3.2) as a regular fileserver in the Windows network. Everything works fine, only when accessing the internal HD from a PC with Windows Vista Business, I get this strange behavior: I can create, copy, and remove any file or folder, but as soon as I want to rename or move a file/folder, I get an error message that the file/folder can’t be read or it has been removed (depending on the SW used for that operation (Total Commander or Windows Explorer). On the contrary accessing the same HD from a PC with Windows XP (SP3) shows absolutely no problem (renaming/moving files/folders works as expected).
    FYI: I’ve tried all three ways of sharing/accessing the files on the internal HD (access with password, access as a guest (with the R/W rights), and access with user accounts), but they all behaves the same. And the last attempt was to turn the firewall completely off (not only having Bonjour in firewall exceptions); that didn’t help either. Also it doesn’t matter if I connect to my TC with an Ethernet cable or via the wireless connection.
    What do I have to do in Vista in order to be able to work with files in my Time Capsule HD like on the regular fileserver (actually what the Windows XP can do)? Or is this something that would require a fix in the TC firmware???
    Thank you in advance.

  • Unable to remove TempDB files SQL 2012

    Hi Experts,
    We have a problem with removing the extra created TempDB files on de SQL 2012 server. We tried several things:
    Restart services;
    Rename *.ndb files
    We use the following query in the SQL management studio:
    USE tempdb;
    USE master;
    REMOVE FILE tempdev4;
    The error returned is:
    DBCC SHRINKFILE: Page 5:40 could not be moved because it is a work table page.
    Msg 2555, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    Cannot move all contents of file "tempdev4" to other places to complete the emptyfile operation.
    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.
    Msg 5042, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    The file 'tempdev4' cannot be removed because it is not empty.
    It looks like the TempDB is still in use. If the services are stopped and the query is fired right after starting we receive the same error. Any suggestions are welcome.

    I would try to restart SQL Server in single-user mode, add -m to the startup options in the SQL Server Configuration Manager. You may still fail to remove the file if there is a process which eagerly connects directly and start to do work.
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

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    Rename a file or folder on a Windows CE device is not working from Windows 8 when connected through Windows Mobile Device Center.
    From Windows 7 it worked just fine!
    This has been a problem for a very long time now, and im not alone according to all forums.
    But no fix as far as i can find!
    Is there anyone that have found a fix on this?
    It seems a issue in window 8.x system. Maybe you can ask for a MS support ticket. 

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