Problem: Still photos exporting transparent

I am having an unpredicatable, intermittent problem when exporting videos containing still pictures.
Sometimes the photos will become transparent after export. You can see whatever is beneath them (as in the case of a still over an interview, you can see the person talking underneath) or they just become dark of there is no video underneath.
Rendering goes well and the still play properly in the timeline.
It doesn't happen all the time and often not to the same pix each export.
They are jpeg images. I export using H.264 compression.
It happens on both my iMac and Macbook which are both system 6.8.2
I am using Final Cut Express 4
Not sure what other details are relevant.
I have used the deinterlace filter on the images before exporting. It seems to help, but still a few images will come out transparent.
Thanks in advance!

Are these photos that you imported into FCE or freeze frames? If they are freeze frames, deinterlacing is a good idea, but if they are photos, deinterlacing should have no effect on them.
Why don't you export as QT with current settings (not QT Conversion) and see if the problem persists. If you get a good export and you need an h.264 version, you can import that file into MPEG STreamclip.
Good luck.

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    Thanks Todd. Your questions were actually very helpful. I'm using a Macbook Pro with an Intel Core i7 processor and NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M graphics card. I'm running OS 10.6.8 and have the latest updates installed.
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    Are you exporting to QuickTime Movie, or to QuickTime Conversion?   For iDVD, you need to export to QuickTime Movie.   Exporting to QT Conversion will kill the quality if you are moving the video from FCE to iDVD.
    The file size per se makes no difference.
    What size (pixel dimensions) are the photos that you put into your 1920x1080 sequence?  Also, exactly what are the sequence properties ... is it 1920x1080i60 ... or i50?  In North America it should be i60.
    853X480 is an odd frame size.  Where are you seeing this number?  It would appear to be DV-NTSC, which has a frame size of 720x480.  Your 1920x1080 frame size would not be DV-NTSC, it would be Apple Intermediate Codec.   DV and AIC will look different, for sure.
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    And this 100Gb is on Your internal (start-up) drive ? Others don't count.
    *Not knowing the origin to Your problem - General approach when in trouble is as follows:*
    • Free space on internal (start-up) hard disk if it is less than 10Gb should rather have 25Gb
    • Hard disk is untidy: Repair Permissions, Repair Hard disk (Apple Disc Util tool)
    • Delete iMovie pref file - or rather start a new user/account - log into this and re-try
    • Third party plug-ins that doesn't work OK (not relevant for iMovie’08)
    • Program miss-match: iMovie 5.0.2, up to Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK
    • Program miss-match: iMovie 6.0.3 or 6.0.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • Program miss-match: iMovie’08 v. 7.0.1, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • Screen must be set to Million-colors
    iMovie pref file resides:
    Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/"Your account"/Library/Preferences and is named:
    While iMovie is NOT RUNNING - move this file out to desk-top.
    Now restart iMovie.
    From LKN 1935: (in this case = iMovie HD (5), I tried it all, but nothing worked.
    Your answer (above) has been helpfull insofar as all the different trials led to the conclusion that
    there was something wrong with my iMovie software. I therefore threw everything away and reinstalled
    iMovie from the HD. After that the exportation of DV videos (there has not been any problem with HDV videos)
    to my Sony camcorders worked properly as it did before.
    Yours Bengt W

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    Thanks, Ian. Yeah, that's how I do it now...or with the controls in the left side pane. Still, I would have liked that quick on-the-spot edit capability...especially while sketching.
    Ian Turner wrote:
    Sorry Mark, you are out of luck as it does not do that - it works the same as L8. The way I would achieve that with more accuracy and control would be to route all the tracks you want to fade to a Bus then use volume automation on the bus. To do this you will need to add a standard audio track, then re-assign it using (Control Click on the track header) to the Bus track. You can then automate volume/plugins etc on the Bus track.

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    I've spent a lot of hours on this too, but I have come up with a different solution perhaps because I like to vary both the image duration and the transition duration in my movies.
    Here's my process:
    -> Knowing that (a) I want most of the photos to be visible for 5 seconds and most transitions for 2 seconds and (b) that a transition takes half from the photo before and half from the photo after, under File>Project Properties>Photo Duration I chose 7 seconds - each photo will 'lose' a total of 2 seconds from the transitions in front and behind. I did not check either "Applies to all transitions." or "Applies to all photos." - See below for why.
    -> I discovered, as you have, that all the photos have to go in before I add any transitions. This was new to me. With all previous versions of iMovie I simply added a photo then a transition then another photo one at a time. I had to fiddle with the timing adjustments, but at least I could fiddle. With this new version of iMovie I can't. Once the transition is in place, I cannot change the duration of the photo.
    -> Sometimes, I want a longer or shorter duration for a photo. For example, on photos to which I apply the Ken Burns effect, I often want the image on the screen for a slightly longer time. In this case, I have to use the inspector to change the duration before I add the transitions. So I might set the time for 8 seconds; when both transitions are added, the time for this photo becomes 6 seconds, which is what I want.
    -> The same applies if I want a transition to be shorter or longer than 2 seconds. If, for example, I want the duration for a transition to be 1 second, then I have to change the duration on the two linked photos to 5 1/2 seconds.
    All of this requires much more prior planning than I am used to with iMovie. Right now, I working with batches of 5 or 6 photos at a time. I don't put a transition on the last photo in the batch until I have added the next group of photos. And things get really tricky if I don't like my original design. If I want to change anything, I have to take out all of the transitions linking the photos I want to work on, do the math, make the changes in the photo durations, then put the transitions back.
    Perhaps I am trying to make iMovie do more than it was intended to do, I don't know. Perhaps this problem stems from the fact that I bought just iMovie 11 from the Mac Apps Store and not the entire iLife 11. Don't know that either. But at least I have found a way to make the movie look the way I want it to look.
    Thanks for sharing your process. I will use it when the circumstances are right.

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    I should add that the image has transparency.

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  • Problems setting still photo duration??

    How do you REALLY change and fit the transition and clip duration to what you want it to be? I have tried everything and researched it long enough.This has been a long-time problem with a lot of users - I'm surprised and disappointed Apple hasn't helped anyone through this by giving a solution THAT WORKS.
    The last thing I tried was...
    delete all transitions
    set the still photo duration to what I want it to be (3.0sec)
    add transitions back
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    Can someone help me with the steps to do this? I really don't want to start all over, I'd rather input photo settings for each picture then find the pictures again to add to my project.
    *Yes I realize that the project settings (command+J) probably need to correspond - that is what makes sense to me, at least *

    I think I figured it out - If anyone has this problem, go to preferences and "unclick" - ADD AUTOMATIC TRANSITION DURATION in Browser catagory at the bottom. Then hit command+J to go to project properties and know that PHOTO DURATION + TRANSITION DURATION = the number of seconds you see when you click on your still photo.
    Hopefully that helps someone out there.

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    I thought my hard drive was failing and replaced it and migrated everything over but the problem still exists.
    It felt as if maybe a virus was at work but I ran Sophos and found nothing.
    I store images on my Drobo Raid system but when I work from my Macbook Pro I have no issues, just on the tower.
    Any idea what is going on?

    First of all, why did you say yes to Nero Back up before researching what it does with files already on the HDD? When I install Nero, the Back Up is the first thing I disable, it is a nagging pain, there are much better backup programs available. There are several file recovery programs out there to recover deleted files, that is, if that is what happened. Also, if you haven't overwritten the files, so you should be able to find them.

  • Exporting a still photo from imovie...

    How do you export a still photo with the cartoon effect applied from imovie?

    Place your playhead on the frame that you want to save. In iMovie, go to File/Save Frame. In the resulting drop down box, select your format (in this case, JPEG) and your save destination (I use Desktop). When you save, you then will have on your desktop a JPEG of your still frame that you can import into iPhoto. But, the resolution will only be the DV video resolution of 640x480, which is not useful for much but e-mailing, sending to the web, or using in iMovie. Hope this helps.

  • Distorted Photos/Stills upon Export

    Trying to export a project with several stills. Looks great on the computer but when export the still photo's tend to "over pixalate" thus appear distorted on final project. I've jacked around with the settings on the TV to ensure I'm viewing correctly and still get the same. Any ideas how to change the export/share that will alleviate this nightmare.....
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for any help.
    Running a G4 (Tiger 10.4.3) with Imovie 4.01 - Pulling the Photos from Iphoto with no cropping or adjustments prior. If I use IDVD for a slide show there is no distortion so I believe it has something to do with the rendering during the "share" portion of Imovie.
    I've not used PAL for fear that the disk would not be readible in DVD players manufactured for the US market - I've also read that buying some addtional software:
    But since I currently have a handfull of movies that are ready for export I was hoping to avoid going back in and reediting the still portions.

  • Hi I have had problems with photo's and films going onto a 2010 Apple classic MP3.  Have managed to sort photos but it still refuses to copy the films purchased. It comes up with not copied cannot be played on this ipod.

    Hi have had problems with photo's and films going onto a 2010 Apple Classic mp3. Have managed to sort photo's but the films won't copy and comes up with message videos not copied cannot be played on this ipod

    razzbust wrote:
    ...but the films won't copy and comes up with message videos not copied cannot be played on this ipod
    Self explanatory.
    You could try creating an iPod version of the films.
    Use CTRL and B to display the Menu bar shown above. Alternatively, use the ALT key, followed by the F key, the W key and finally the I (eye) key - that's (menu)/File/Create New Version/Create iPod or iPhone version.

  • Still photos in PRE 12 and output to HD DVD for TV

    I was using Final Cut Express 4 HD on my old iMac but bought a new late 2013 iMac and learned that FCE will not run on Mavericks (and if you install it you will destroy your OS X plugin manager without any chance to repair it)!
    Ok FC Pro X is far way to expensive for me right now, as I just use the app to build nicer photo slide shows. iMove has just a single track and therefore I'm already on the limits. Ok this is where PRE 12 comes into the game and so far I love what I see in the editor. But when it comes to exporting and sharing my work for Full HD TV I'm more than disappointed.
    Here is what I use. I exported all my images with 1920x1080 pixels as JPG, max quality with 72dpi and they are looking great on my iMac.
    When I import the stills into PRE they are OK when I see them in the editor. I switched off the still optimization feature and set the highest quality to render the preview.
    When looking at the clip on my iMac in the editor is ok so far, but at full screen the images are unsharp, blurry and have ghosting and artefacts. Well I could live with that when it would only be the preview but exporting the video a DVD with Full HD the result is as the preview, images are unsharp, blurry showing artefacts and ghosting. And I can't make it better by manipulating the settiings in the DVD dialog. Maybe I'm doing it wrong!?
    The only way to make my photos in the video looking tack sharp and brilliant as they are is when I use MPEG format with Full HD settings and look at the video with quick time.
    Why don't I get the same result when burning the video on DVD? Any hints?
    In regards to the DVD quality I had no problems with FCE 4 HD! And the images (still photos) are the same footage I used to compare the output!
    Secondly I just use the PRE 12 trial version, hope that this is not the reason? The annoying "always on" banner saying that it is a trial version is already something I dislike, but what I experience and makes it even worse is that PRE 12 is crashing again and again on different steps I take, sometimes when I change a setting, sometimes when I scrub, sometimes when selecting a fade, sometimes when importing footage and other step....
    With all this the disappointing quality on DVD's and the many crashes I can't find a lot of arguments right now to make the trial a full version?!
    Cheers and many thanks for help!
    Happy New Year!

    First, I want you to assure that you are not bothered by pile ups of preview files, conformed audio, and conformed video files. If these files are in the default location, please check wherever they may be in Premiere Elements 12 Mac (I am strictly an Elements Windows user)....
    Adobe Premiere Elements Preview Files Folder....preview files
    Media Cache Folder (cfa and pek files)....conformed audio
    Media Cache (.mcdb files)....conformed video
    Check Edit Menu/Preferences/Scratch Disks to assure that all the scratch disk categories are directed to a hard drive save location with adequate free space to accept them.
    Now for the project itself...set the Premiere Elements 12 project preset manually, using
    File Menu/New/Project
    DSLR 1080p25
    Before you close out of there, make sure that you have a check mark next to "Force Selected Project Setting on This Project". Then, when you enter the Premiere Elements workspace, import your source media into the project with Add Media/Files and Folders/Project Assets.
    Render the Timeline and then decide if the image quality is impoved. You might explore applying a very small Sharpen effect to the images. Have the others taken you through the drill of evaluating your computer video card and its driver version?
    Let us determine what we have at this stage and then we can decide if any improvement on the path to PAL DVD-VIDEO Widescreen on DVD disc.
    Thank you.

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