Problem while displaying all the table names from a MS Access Data Source.

I started preparing a small Database application. I want to display all the Table Names which are in the 'MS Access' Data Source.
I started to executing by "Select * from Tab" as if in SQL.
But i got an error saying that "Not able to resolve Symbol 'Tab' in the query".
Please let me know how can i display all the table Names in the MS Access Dats Source.

Here i am developing the application in Swing using JDBC for accessing the database.
I want to display all the Table names from the data source in a ListBox for easy selection of tables to view their details.

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    with "T_SRI_%".
    Now i want to select data from all the tables in the view
    How can i do that ? Please throw some light on the same?
    Thanks and Regards
    Srinivas Chebolu

    There are a couple of things that I am unsure of here.
    Firstly, does your view definition say something like ...
    Select ...
    From "T_SRI_%"
    If so, it is not valid. Oracle won't allow this.
    The second thing is that your naming convention for the
    tables suggests to me that each table is the same except
    that they store data for different time periods. This would be
    a very bad design methodology. You should have a single
    table with an extra column to state what period is referred to,
    although you can partition it into segments for each period if
    Apologies if i am misinterpreting your question, but perhaps
    you could post your view definition and table definitions

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    SELECT table_name FROM user_tablesThat won't do much good given this piece of information:
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    /This will show the names of the tables which Prof. Yaffle has granted to us.
    Cheers, APC

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    Please advice

    Johney  wrote:
    Hi VT
    One doubt.
    This query will give the table names of only select stmt used in the procedure
    List of table names that are with in any DML operations inside the procedure?
    JoIt will give all the table either used in select or in any DML..
    You can also check by creating a temp proc
    SQL> drop procedure proc_test;
    Procedure dropped.
    SQL> select name, referenced_name, dependency_type from user_dependencies
      2  where type = 'PROCEDURE' and referenced_type = 'TABLE' and name='PROC_TEST';
    no rows selected
    SQL> create or replace
      2  PROCEDURE proc_test
      3  IS
      4  v_ID    number;
      5  v_PRID  number;
      6  v_PRLID number;
      7  v_DATERECEIVED date;
      8  Cursor C1 is
      9  select * from table_c;
    10   BEGIN
    11   open c1;
    12     LOOP
    14      EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND;
    15      insert into table_b values(v_ID,v_PRID,v_PRLID,v_DATERECEIVED);
    16      Commit;
    17     END LOOP;
    18   CLOSE C1;
    19   END;
    20  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> select name, referenced_name, dependency_type from user_dependencies
      2  where type = 'PROCEDURE' and referenced_type = 'TABLE' and name='PROC_TEST';
    REFERENCED_NAME                                                  DEPE
    TABLE_B                                                          HARD
    TABLE_C                                                          HARD
    SQL> Regards

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    If I understand you correctly, I don't think OCIDescribeAny() is the way to go.
    You can get a list of tables owned by a particular schema by using the following SQL:-
    Just change the where clause to your needs.

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    I am new to JDBC and making a client/server application that updates a MS Access database through jdbc:odbc.
    I need to get a list of existing user tables in the db. I have found a great document on the net which has the code, however the code doesn't work. I have tried different ways and looked every where with no success. (link to the doco:
    Here is my dbManager class that handles all db related services in my application. I would appreciate any help I can get as I have exhusted all my avenues.
    * Created on 31 October 2005, 10:20
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under
    * the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose
    * Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor.
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    * @author AUMahdavSe
    public class dbManager {
        /** Constant Declaration                */
        public static final String Driver = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
        public static final
            String sqlCreateTable = "create table TABLENAME (" +
                "name varchar (100)," +
                "surname varchar(100)," +
                "computerType integer," +
                "computerNAL varchar(20)," +
                "haveMonitor integer," +
                "monitorNAL varchar (20)," +
                "auditDate varchar(10) );";
        public static final String sqlUpdateTable = "insert into TABLENAME values" +
        /** Attributes                          */
        private String dbURL = "jdbc:odbc:";
        private String Username = "admin";  // user input
        private String Password = "purina123";  // user input
        private String ODBCDataSource;  // config file
        private String dbPath;  // set through config file or defaults to current folder
        private String configFile = "config.txt"; // set either at commandline or defaults to current folder
        private Connection con = null;
        private Statement stmt = null;
        private ResultSet tables;
        private DatabaseMetaData dma;
        private ResultSetMetaData rsmd;
        private String CurrentAuditTable = "TestTable2";
        int numCols, i;
        /** Set Methodes                        */
        public void setUsername( String usr ) {
            this.Username = usr;
        public void setPassword( String pswd ) {
            this.Password = pswd;
        public void setDbPath( String path ) {
            this.dbPath = path;
        public void setODBCDataSource( String ds ) {
            this.ODBCDataSource = ds;
        public void setDbURL( String dsname ) {
            this.dbURL = this.dbURL + dsname;
        /** Get Methodes                        */
        public String getDriver() {
            return this.Driver;
        // can be run only after a connection obj is setup
        public void getMDA() {
            try {
                this.dma = this.con.getMetaData();           
            catch (SQLException ex) {
                System.err.println("database connection: " + ex.getMessage());
        public void getDBTables() {
            //now dump out the names of the tables in the database
            String[] types = new String[1];
            types[0] = "TABLES"; //set table type mask
            //note the %-sign is a wild card (not '*')
            try {
                this.tables = this.dma.getTables(null, null, "%", types);
            catch (SQLException ex) {
                System.err.println("database connection: " + ex.getMessage());
            // listing tables
            /*int count = 0;
            int numCols = 0;
            //ResultSetMetaData rsmd;
            try {
                System.out.println("Listing db tables ...");
                rsmd = this.tables.getMetaData();
                numCols = rsmd.getColumnCount();
                System.out.println("number of cols: " + numCols);
                boolean more = this.tables.first();
                System.out.println("this is why: " + more);
                while ( more ) {
                    for (int i = 1; i <= numCols; i++)
                        System.out.print( "Table-" + count + " -> " + this.tables.getString(count)+"    " );
                    more =;
            catch ( SQLException ex ) {
                System.out.println( "problem listing db tables: " + ex.getMessage() );
        /** Other Methodes                      */
        // Initialize the db parameters, like driver, username, passwd, etc.
        public void dbInitialize() {
            // load configuration from config.txt (dbPath and ODBC Data Source name)
            // loadDriver
            // get username and password for the ODBC from user
            // populate dbURL, username and password
            this.setDbURL( this.ODBCDataSource );
            // connect to db
            // get db metadata
            // get a list of tables in db
        // load JDBC driver
        public void loadDriver() {
            try {
                Class.forName( getDriver() );
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Failed to load JDBC/ODBC driver.");
        // connects to db and create a Connection obj and a Statement obj
        public void dbConnect() {
           try {
                this.con = DriverManager.getConnection (
                this.stmt = con.createStatement();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("problems connecting to "+this.dbURL);
        // creates table tblname in db
        public void CreateTable( String tblname ) {
            try {
                String sqlcommand = mergeTblName(sqlCreateTable, tblname);
                this.stmt.execute( sqlcommand );
            catch (SQLException ex) {
                System.err.println("problems with SQL statement sent to "+this.dbURL+
                    ": "+ex.getMessage());
                System.out.println("SQL Command: " + mergeTblName(sqlCreateTable, tblname) );
        // updates db with new record(s) by executing the SQL query sqlstmt
        // and closes db connection
        public void dbUpdate( String sqlstmt ) {
            try {
                // execute SQL commands to create table, insert data
                this.stmt.execute( sqlstmt );
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("problems with SQL sent to "+this.dbURL+
                    ": "+e.getMessage());
        // list all user tables in the db
        public void listTables() {
            //now dump out the names of the tables in the database
            int count = 0;       
            try {
                System.out.println("Listing db tables ...");
                while ( ) {
                    System.out.print( "Table-" + count + " -> " + this.tables.getString(1) );
            catch ( SQLException ex ) {
                System.out.println( "problem listing db tables: " + ex.getMessage() );
        // checks whether tbname exist in db as a table
        // this function has to be called after dbConnect
        public boolean tableExists( String tbname ) {
            boolean tbexists = false;
            //get the database metadata
            try {
                dma = con.getMetaData();           
            catch (SQLException ex) {
                System.err.println("database connection: " + ex.getMessage());
            //now dump out the names of the tables in the database
            String[] types = new String[1];
            types[0] = "TABLES"; //set table type mask
            //note the %-sign is a wild card (not '*')
            try {
                tables = dma.getTables(null, null, "%", types);
            catch (SQLException ex) {
                System.err.println("database connection: " + ex.getMessage());
            try {
                while ( ) {
                    if ( tbname.equalsIgnoreCase( tables.getString(1) ) ) {
                        tbexists = true;
            catch ( SQLException ex ) {
                System.err.println("database connection: " + ex.getMessage());
            return tbexists;
        // merge tablename using REGEX
        public String mergeTblName( String sqlcommand, String tbname ) {
            String REGEX = "TABLENAME";
            String INPUT = sqlcommand;
            String REPLACE = tbname;
            Pattern p = Pattern.compile(REGEX);
            Matcher m = p.matcher(INPUT); // get a matcher object
            INPUT = m.replaceAll(REPLACE);
            return INPUT;
        // merge feildnames specific terms using REGEX
        public String mergeFldName( Message msg ) {
            String sqlcommand;
            sqlcommand = "insert into TABLENAME values" +
                    " ('" + msg.getName() + "', '" + msg.getSurname() + "', " +
                    msg.getComputerType() + ", '" + msg.getComputerNAL() + "', " +
                    msg.getHaveMonitor() + ", '" + msg.getMonitorNAL() + "', '" +
                    msg.getDateOfMsg() + "');";
            sqlcommand = mergeTblName( sqlcommand, CurrentAuditTable );
            return sqlcommand;
        // get users input char
        /**public char getChar() {
            int i =;
            while (i != -1) {
              // here's your character
              char c = (char) i;
              i =;
            return (char) i;
        // load the config parameters from config.txt
        public void loadDbConfig() {
            // make a file obj pointing to the config file config.txt
            File configFile = new File( this.configFile );
            //...checks on configFile are elided
            StringBuffer contents = new StringBuffer();
            //declared here only to make visible to finally clause
            BufferedReader input = null;
            try {
              //use buffering
              //this implementation reads one line at a time
              input = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(configFile) );
              String line = null; //not declared within while loop
              int count = 0;
              while (( line = input.readLine()) != null){
                //first line in config file is dbPath
                if(count == 0) this.setDbPath( line.trim() );
                //second line in config file is ODBCDataSource
                if(count == 1) this.setODBCDataSource( line.trim() );
            catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
                System.err.println("the file congif.txt cannot be found ...");
                System.err.print("Enter the path to db file (e.g. c:\\temp): ");
                BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                //  read the db path from the command-line; need to use try/catch with the
                //  readLine() method
                try {
                    this.setDbPath( br.readLine() );
                catch (IOException ioe) {
                    System.out.println("IO error trying to read user input.");
                System.err.print("Enter the name of the ODBC Data Source: ");
                //  read the ODBC Data Source name from the command-line; need to use try/catch with the
                //  readLine() method
                try {
                    this.setODBCDataSource( br.readLine() );
                catch (IOException ioe) {
                    System.out.println("IO error trying to read user input.");
            catch (IOException ex){
            finally {
              try {
                if (input!= null) {
                  //flush and close both "input" and its underlying FileReader
              catch (IOException ex) {
            //return contents.toString();
        // get datasource security details i.e. username and password
        public void getDSSecurity() {
            // get username
            System.out.print("Enter username for the ODBC DataSource: ");
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
            //  read the username from the command-line; need to use try/catch with the
            //  readLine() method
            try {
                this.setUsername( br.readLine() );
            catch (IOException ioe) {
                System.out.println("IO error trying to read username.");
            // get password
            System.out.print("Enter password: ");
            //  read the username from the command-line; need to use try/catch with the
            //  readLine() method
            try {
                this.setPassword( br.readLine() );
            catch (IOException ioe) {
                System.out.println("IO error trying to read password.");
        private void dumpResults(String head)
         //this is a general routine to print out
         //column headers and the contents of each column
           //get the number of columns from the metadata
           this.rsmd = this.tables.getMetaData();      
           numCols = this.rsmd.getColumnCount();
           //print out the column names
           for (i = 1; i<= numCols; i++)
             System.out.print(rsmd.getColumnName(i)+"     ");
           //print out the column contents
           boolean more =;
           while (more)
             for (i = 1; i <= numCols; i++)
               System.out.print(this.tables.getString(i)+"     ");
             more =;
         catch(Exception e)
        /** Creates a new instance of dbManager */
        public dbManager() {
    }here is the result when I make a new dbManager obj from my server class which is a multithreaded one.
    H:\java>java EchoServer
    Enter username for the ODBC DataSource: admin
    Enter password: purina123
    Listening for clients on 12111...
    here is the code of my server class called EchoServer:
    public class EchoServer
        ServerSocket m_ServerSocket;
        dbManager haDB;
        public EchoServer() 
            // db methods to setup a jdbc connection to the database
            haDB = new dbManager();
            // list tables
            // create table
            // update table
            // server code
                // Create the server socket.
                m_ServerSocket = new ServerSocket(12111);
            catch(IOException ioe)
                System.out.println("Could not create server socket at 12111. Quitting.");
            System.out.println("Listening for clients on 12111...");
            // Successfully created Server Socket. Now wait for connections.
            int id = 0;
                    // Accept incoming connections.
                    Socket clientSocket = m_ServerSocket.accept();
                    // accept() will block until a client connects to the server.
                    // If execution reaches this point, then it means that a client
                    // socket has been accepted.
                    // For each client, we will start a service thread to
                    // service the client requests. This is to demonstrate a
                    // multithreaded server, although not required for such a
                    // trivial application. Starting a thread also lets our
                    // EchoServer accept multiple connections simultaneously.
                    // Start a service thread
                    ClientServiceThread cliThread = new ClientServiceThread(clientSocket, id++, haDB);
                catch(IOException ioe)
                    System.out.println("Exception encountered on accept. Ignoring. Stack Trace :");
        public static void main (String[] args)
            new EchoServer();    
        class ClientServiceThread extends Thread
            Socket m_clientSocket;        
            int m_clientID = -1;
            dbManager m_db;
            boolean m_bRunThread = true;
            ClientServiceThread(Socket s, int clientID, dbManager db)
                m_clientSocket = s;
                m_clientID = clientID;
                m_db = db;
            public void run()
                // Obtain the input stream and the output stream for the socket
                // A good practice is to encapsulate them with a BufferedReader
                // and a PrintWriter as shown below.
                BufferedReader in = null; 
                PrintWriter out = null;
                Message msg = new Message();
                // Print out details of this connection
                System.out.println("Accepted Client : ID - " + m_clientID + " : Address - " + 
                    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(m_clientSocket.getInputStream()));
                    out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(m_clientSocket.getOutputStream()));
                    // At this point, we can read for input and reply with appropriate output.
                    // Run in a loop until m_bRunThread is set to false
                        // read incoming stream
                        String clientCommand = in.readLine();
                        if ( clientCommand.indexOf(",") != -1 ) {
                            msg.deserialize( clientCommand );
                            System.out.println("SQL command: " + m_db.mergeFldName(msg) );
                            m_db.dbUpdate( m_db.mergeFldName(msg) );
                            //System.out.println("Name :" + msg.getName() );
                            //System.out.println("Surname :" + msg.getSurname() );
                            //System.out.println("ComputerType :" + msg.getComputerType() );
                            //System.out.println("ComputerNAL :" + msg.getComputerNAL() );
                            //System.out.println("HaveMonitor :" + msg.getHaveMonitor() );
                            //System.out.println("Monitor NAL :" + msg.getMonitorNAL() );
                            //System.out.println("AuditDate :" + msg.getDateOfMsg() );                       
                        System.out.println("Client Says :" + clientCommand);
                            // Special command. Quit this thread
                            m_bRunThread = false;   
                            System.out.print("Stopping client thread for client : " + m_clientID);
                            // Echo it back to the client.
                catch(Exception e)
                    // Clean up
                    catch(IOException ioe)

    I find that taking any problem and reducing it to the simplest thing is the best way to approach it.
    Why you had to post all that bloody code (especially since you didn't write it) is beyond me.
    This will list all the tables in an Access database (or any other, for that matter):
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.jdom.Element;
    import org.jdom.Document;
    import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
    public class TableLister
        public static final String DRIVER   = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
        public static final String DATABASE = "jdbc:odbc:DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=c:\\Edu\\Java\\Forum\\DataConnection.mdb";
        public static final String USERNAME = "admin";
        public static final String PASSWORD = "";
        public static void main(String [] args)
                String driver           = ((args.length > 0) ? args[0] : DRIVER);
                String url              = ((args.length > 1) ? args[1] : DATABASE);
                String username         = ((args.length > 2) ? args[2] : USERNAME);
                String password         = ((args.length > 3) ? args[3] : PASSWORD);
                Connection conn         = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
                DatabaseMetaData meta   = conn.getMetaData();
                // Bring back ALL tables and views, including SYSTEM tables.
                ResultSet tables        = meta.getTables(null, null, null, null);
                ResultSetMetaData rsmd  = tables.getMetaData();
                int numColumns          = rsmd.getColumnCount();
                List columnNames        = new ArrayList();
                for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; ++j)
                Element root = new Element("tables");
                int tableCount = 0;
                while (
                    Element table = new Element("table");
                    table.setAttribute("id", Integer.toString(++tableCount));
                    for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; ++j)
                        Element column = new Element((String)columnNames.get(j));
                Document doc = new Document(root);
                XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter("   ", true);
            catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
                System.err.println("Couldn't load JDBC driver class");
            catch (SQLException e)
                System.err.println("SQL state: " + e.getSQLState());
                System.err.println("SQL error: " + e.getErrorCode());
            catch (Exception e)
    }Run it and see if it works for you. If it does, put the essence of the code into your stuff.

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    I don't understand what your problem is so I'll just refer you to the Swing tutorial on [url]How to Use Tables.

  • Report Column Attributes Does Not Display All the Column Names

    Good Morning,
    I have an interactive query Select * from table_name. I have to select * since my query returns well over 32k. I have 162 columns in the query. On the screen, all the columns are displayed; however, on the report tab, only about half of the columns are displayed. The rest are cut off. I need to be able to go into these field's attributes. Is this an APEX bug, or am I just missing something.

    Hello Tony,
    I can't break them out because APEX is limited to one interactive report per page. There is need to be able to do computations on the data, which interactive reports allows. The data is all statistical.

  • What is the table name from which......

    when i run a report KE30 - Execute Profitability Report through TCode KE30 in r/3 ( profatibility analysis and profitibility report ) from which table does the report pics the data.
    Is the report generation in r/3 is thorugh ABAP only ?
    thanks in advance
    Janardhan Kumar

    Hi Janardhan,
    Hope you are fine.
    The Tables for COPA Data are CE1xxxx, CE2xxxx,, CE3xxxx, and CE4xxxx,. These tables contain data at different levels.\
    COPA tables are defined based on ur operating concern as below -
    There is the table CE1xxxx for actual line items (where xxxx = operating concern), which contains all the data at the most detailed level.Holds the line items - Contains Profitablility Segment No, Period, Posting Date, Characteristics & Value fields.
    Planned line items are stored in the table CE2xxxx.
    The segment level CE3xxxx is set up between the segment table and the line items, thereby making a time-based classification possible. Alongside value fields, the segment level also contains the characteristics record type, planned/actual indicator, version, and period, as well as some additional technical details. Several lines from the segment level are attached to a particular profitability segment (that is, to a line in the segment table). These lines all have the same segment number but relate to different posting periods.
    There is also the segment table CE4xxxx, which is located at a higher level. It is used to assign segment numbers to each combination of characteristic values. For the first summarization to be performed, at least the document number and the billing item are hidden.
    Basically COPA Reports picks up data by default from Summarization level (if exist) .
    The method suggested above may help you find exact table.
    Take Care.

  • Do not Extract from PSA but Access Data Source (for Small Amounts of Data)

    Hi Experts,
    In the DTP, the above option is available for Full Loads for certain extractors but not for others, particularly, certain HR extractors?
    Is there a way to make it available for HR extractors?  Is there a setting that needs to be updated in ECC or in BI?
    Thank you for your help!

    There is no special setting for this, Please see the detail description:
    Data is not extracted from the PSA for the DataSource; it is requested from the data source directly at DTP runtime.
    You use this mode for small data sets and full uploads, for example, small sets of master data. With file source systems, note that the file has to be available on the application server.
    You do not have to create an InfoPackage in order to extract data from the source.
    Data in the data source is accessed in "direct access mode". This has certain consequences, especially if you are extracting data from SAPI systems:
    Data is extracted synchronously. This places a particular demand on the main memory, especially in remote systems.
    The SAPI extractors may respond differently than during asynchronous load since they receive information by direct access.
    SAPI customer enhancements are not processed. Fields that have been added using the append technology of the DataSource remain empty. The exits RSAP0001, exit_saplrsap_001, exit_saplrsap_002, exit_saplrsap_004 do not run.
    If errors occur during processing in BI, you have to extract the data again since the PSA is not available as a buffer. This means that deltas are not possible.
    In the DTP, the filter only contains fields that the DataSource allows as selection fields. With an intermediary PSA, you can filter in the DTP by any field.

  • List all the table names and no of records in DB.

    How can i write a select query which should give the total tables in the database and the number of records in each table.
    Eg: I have 2 table in the database 1. EMP 2. DEPT . EMP table has 14 records and DEPT has 4 records. Then the out put should come like following.
    TNAME RecCount
    EMP 14
    DEPT 4

    Also if Table statistics have been gathered(analyze table or DBMS_STATS) then this can also be used:
    SQL> create table TEST_ABC
      2  (name_ABC varchar2(200));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into TEST_ABC
      2  values('ABC');
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into TEST_ABC
      2  values('DEF');
    1 row created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select table_name, num_rows from all_tables where table_name = 'TEST_ABC';
    TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
    SQL> analyze table TEST_ABC compute statistics;
    Table analyzed.
    SQL> select table_name, num_rows from all_tables where table_name = 'TEST_ABC';
    TABLE_NAME                       NUM_ROWS
    TEST_ABC                                2

  • Can we find the table name from the form

    note:without using the property palette

    poelger is right, use GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY either with QUERY_DATA_SOURCE_NAME for the Query-table or with DML_DATA_TARGET_NAME for the DML-target

  • Want to know the table names as well as number of rows

    hi...every one.....i want to explain more in detail to previous thread i have posted.
    actually i need to display all the table names and number of rows for each, in a schema(like AP,HR,....)
    it's must that i should do it by using a stored procedure.
    so the best way for this would be by using cursor and loop.
    so please help me in solving this question.

    i need to display all the table names and number of rows for each, in a schema(like AP,HR,....)
    it's must that i should do it by using a stored procedure.Homework ?
    Anyway, try this
    SQL> create or replace procedure count_rows
      2  is
      3     nrows   number;
      4     str     varchar2(100);
      5  begin
      6     for T in (select table_name from user_tables
      7                     order by table_name)
      8     loop
      9             str := 'select count(*) from '||T.table_name;
    10             execute immediate str into nrows;
    11             dbms_output.put_line(T.table_name||'  '||nrows);
    12     end loop;
    13* end;
    SQL> /Don't forget to "set serveroutput on" when you execute it.

  • How to find out all table names which has a particular data

    How could i get all the table names from a database(for a schema) which has data 'KST6490' in one of the fileds in the table.There are many tables with this
    data. Data type is Varchar2. Thanks.

    One approach would be to create a procedure which retrieves the name of all tables in the schema using the user_tables view. Then use the user_tab_columns view to get all the column names and types. If the type is varchar2, then dynamically create a sql statement which runs a query on that column using the value which you are looking for. You would need two cursor loops for this approach: one for tables and one for columns. This approach requires good PL/SQL programming skills.
    Alternately, many query tools, such as Golden, provide a search capability on query results. Just do a select * from the table and search on the results. This would need to be done table by table and the results would have to fit in the memory available to the tool.
    Alternately, you can write table contents to a text file on the a server and then search the text file using operating system tools such as grep. This would require good OS scripting skills.

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