Problem with faxserver accepting pdfs

we try to implement a faxserver where we send an email with the pdf attachment to be faxed.
the problem is that sometimes the pdf is not accepted and a conversion error occurs in the faxserver
now I found out that sap doesn't support the international standard PDFA/A-1a for pdf ? can this be a cause to the problem of conversion of the pdf by the faxserver
I also found someone got a similiar problem but still no answer to that
Send smartform OTF as Fax Using CL_BCS class ( Fax doesnot support PDF )
anybody got a clue why this conversion sometimes fails while the method to create the pdf is exactly the same ?
we use
            format_src      = 'OTF'
            format_dst      = 'PDF'
            devtype         = 'MAIL'
*           FUNCPARA        =
            transfer_bin    = xtransfer_bin
            content_txt     = t_cont_txt
            content_bin     = t_cont_bin
            objhead         = objhead_att
            len             = tabsize
            err_conv_failed = 1.
to convert the otf to pdf
kind regards
arthur de smidt
Edited by: A. de Smidt on Nov 25, 2009 10:25 AM

There are some settings in SCOT transaction: when data is sent by fax for example, or by mail, etc., the OTF is converted to PDF (among 4 formats if I remember well). You will find more information in the forum (For more information, see also Note 171698 - SAPconnect: Formats, conversion, device type). SAP has only one PDF converter, so it's the same algorithm as the one you get via the function module you call (so custom code is maybe useless here).
2) does SAP support PDF/A?
In Note 883381 - PDF/A support in SAPscript/Smart Form archiving, SAP says that the OTF-PDF converter does not support PDF/A format
SAP embeds only TTF fonts which were uploaded with option "do not embed in PDF" unchecked (default).
I read that PDF/A is based on PDF 1.4 version, maybe standard Adobe fonts (like Arial, etc.) do not need to be embedded... (?) In that case maybe it could work if you make sure that your OTF contains only these standard Adobe fonts.
For that, display your original spool request in raw representation via menu Goto | Display request | Settings, display the spool, the fonts are indicated in lines starting by "FC". If some of them are custom TTF fonts, you may check whether these TTF fonts have "do not embed in PDF" option checked or not (use RSTXPDF2 program, execute option "show available font files", an ALV is displayed, last column is the option).
If you are not sure, could you tell us the list of fonts contained in the spool (COURIER, HELVE, etc.)

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    Hi All,
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    I wish a great day to You all.

    Hi Ted Ueda,
    sorry for the delay of my answer.
    I understand very well the problems related to security.
    With the following code that I used to produce a report (PDF) at runtime,
    is the PDF created on the server and then sent to the client, or is it directly created on the client as PDF
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    ReportExportControl exportControl = new ReportExportControl();
    String report = report path;
    ReportClientDocument reportClientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();, OpenReportOptions._openAsReadOnly);
    Object reportSource = null;
    reportSource = reportClientDoc.getReportSource();
    //The method setConnectionProperties() stores all the connection parameters in the collection
    ConnectionInfos connInfos = setConnectionProperties(request, reportClientDoc);
    //Single method to pass parameters to Crystal Reports. Using classes ParameterFieldController and
    setReportParametersValue(reportClientDoc, reportParameters, subReportParameters);
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    //Set the export format (PDF)
    PDFExportFormatOptions PDFExpOpts = new PDFExportFormatOptions();
    try {
          exportControl.getHtmlContent(request, response, getServletConfig().getServletContext());
    } catch (ReportSDKExceptionBase e) {
    throw new ApplicationException("error code", ": error message"); }               
    As, however, I predicted in my previous message about the direct printing on the client,
    I read about ActiveX, but I don't know how to use them.
    I read this information in the 'Crystal Reports for Eclipse Developer Guide' about "printMode" attribute:
    "In ActiveX print mode, an ActiveX control is downloaded to the client machine and the report is send directly to the printer...."
    The ActiveX alternative is a java applet that runs on the client and takes the pdf from the server and prints directly onto the clients through the commands that I used in the DOS command line:
    1)     AcroRd32.exe /p /h FILENAME
    /p = print
    /h = hide window
    to print the report and
    2)     tkill AcroRd32
    to close Adobe Reader, because it doesn't end automatically after printing and the command  /h  is used just to minimize the process.
    I hope you can give me advice because I need to print directly on the client. Thank you

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    Thank you so much this did the trick.
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    You will get that first message when the document has been changed in a way that invalidates the internal digital signature that's applied when a document is Reader-enabled. Certain changes are allowed (e.g., filling fields, commenting, signing) and will not invalidate the signature, but others are not. The exact cause of the change is often hard to track down, but it can be due to font problems, some type of file corruption, or something that Acrobat/Reader attempts to correct when the file is opened/saved. You will also get the message if the users system time is not correct and is currently set to some time before the document was Reader-enabled. It seems best to use the most recent version of Acrobat to enabled the documents and recent versions of Reader to work with them.
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    Those are the limitations you have to put up with.
    Apple doesn't follow the PDF spec. It chooses which PDF features it will support.
    As to the version number (v5 or v6 or the new multimedia features in v9), there is different support in different versions of Reader/Acrobat as the product has developed. You just need to post a message to downloaders that they need to view the file in Adobe Reader version X or above to get the best experience.
    Other industry standards face the same problem: How can you add new feature like multimedia? You can't always be backwards compatible.

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    myReport.ExportToDisk(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, @"c:\temp\name.pdf");
    Configuration Windows server standard with installed:
    Crystal Report 2008 Runtime SP3
    SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework 4 (32-bit)
    SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework 4 (64-bit)
    I also tried different formats (txt , excel) but the same problems.

    Hi David,
    I hope this helps you: C# code to export to pdf using Crystal Report
    David,this is not right place to discuss. please post this thread in this location:
    SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio

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    Thanks a lot in advance

    This is likely a result of the display resolution you used when you created the PDF (under advanced in the properties). The default is 1200, that creates problems on a 96 dpi screen. If you zoom, you will likely see the lines. A fix is to change the setting to about 300 dpi or so.

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    My question really to the community is obviously what might be causing these problems. Its very frustrating not being able to determine if its something we're doing ourselves thats causing some incompatability or corruption in these files, or if its the users systems themselves. I can say that Debra our editor has can have a garbled mess of a 4 page file from us, and then turn around and print a graphic heavy 90 page PDF with ease from Boeing. Our PDF's seem to be the only ones she struggles with. That being said, my inclination is that its something on our end.
    Any ideas of where to start looking? Any help at all would be greatly appreciated and welcomed. Thanks!

    I currently had our editor test printing of some of our files using both Foxit and Adobe Reader (as was suggested) in order to see if either made a difference in her printing ability and here is what she came back with:
    I tried to print out both these pdfs (David's is the one you reworked and Lisa's HESSM-3, both sent yesterday).
    With Adobe:  David's first page printed quickly, but it had errors (part of his pants didn't print, and there's an arbitrary shaded box in the text).  Page 2 didn't print--every time I tried it had a different "offending command" code.  Printing Lisa's HESSM  made it up to page 7 before problems showed up (stock photo only partially printed), and it stopped on page 8 (with the random "offending command" code).
    With Foxit:  Both David's and the HESSM pdfs printed completely and without error...but it took a long time.   David's 2 pages took about 3 to 4 minutes, and HESSM's 16 pages took close to 20 minutes.  The time is in the transfer of data to the printer; the physical printing  goes pretty quickly.
    I cant say that I believe email is the problem, although I cant rule it out. I've tested emailing vs. passing through our workgroup with my supervisor, and it does not make any difference in his ability (or lack of ability) to print our files. He was able to print to a different printer (an HP 4650 as opposed to a 4100) without troubles. He refuses to believe its a printer problem however because PDF files originating from our office are the only ones he has trouble with. Never has he had any trouble with a single PDF file produced from any other source. This is also the case for our editor who only has trouble with PDF files originating from either mine, or my coworkers systems.
    PS: I've attached both files that were referenced by our editor above for viewing/testing.

  • Problem with saving optimized PDF 900dpi, image is partially repeated... is this a bug in Acrobat Pro 10.1.10?

    I try to save a bigformat PDF file (1.4 Gb) with save optimize PDF. Hereby I send some screendumps to make this stuf clear. See screen after at the right; Is this problem a bug in Acrobat or due to Hardware problems? I use the newest Mac Pro with 32 Gb Ram.
    txs for rsponce!! grz. Paul

    Hello Paul,
    I am unable to replicate the issue.
    I am send you a Private message to share the sample file with me.
    Please share your file along with Steps to Reproduce the issue.

  • Problems with print to pdf with Acrobat Pro 9 and FireFox 8

    ***The page I am using for my base is:
    ***I have Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro and FireFox 8 installed.
    The problem with FireFox is when I select a part of a web page and try to print that selected text the first line gets chopped, if the text is small the first line might even be missing completely.  Perhaps it is a margin issue but not sure how to modify this.
    I know I am not being very clear but if anybody has any ideas or would like further info please let me know.
    Thank you.

    I suspect if you do the same process with a print to paper, you will get the same result. I got the same result with SeaMonkey, but IE8 printed the full font to a PDF. That would suggest it is not Acrobat, but the browser. As I said, suggests, so be careful about drawing your conclusions.

  • Preview problem with C&EN pdf document

    I have problem with correct font view of some pdf (from web with password) in application Preview. When I have tried open file in Acrobat Reader or my iPhone it works fine. So, I have reinstalled Lion OSX again, I have checked Font Book in OSX Lion, but exclamation marks show me only duplicated fonts and only one problem with very rare font (Bauhaus 93). When I see pdf in Safari its also OK, but after saving it is "broken" (see supporting files).
    Thank you.
    Jan Bárta
    Czech Republic

    Hi Gangisetty,
    I guess there is no need to change any settings.
    You just need to change format from OTF to PDF using some FM.
    You can refer following links for conversion of OTF to PDF.
    Re: sending INVOICE as attachment in PDF for  external Mail address
    FM to send an email with a PDF attachment
    Hope this will help you.

  • Problem with Mail settings - PDF document is not sending

    Hi Experts,
    During sales order confirmation, a PDF attachment used to be sent.
    But now the customer is receiving the file with extension as .OTF instead of .PDF.
    Where could be the problem with this? Is this something wrong in SOCT setttings?
    But for some other scenarios, the same is working so i don't think that there is a problem with SCOT settings.
    Please let me know if anybody has an idea about this problem or susgestion to find the problem

    Hi Gangisetty,
    I guess there is no need to change any settings.
    You just need to change format from OTF to PDF using some FM.
    You can refer following links for conversion of OTF to PDF.
    Re: sending INVOICE as attachment in PDF for  external Mail address
    FM to send an email with a PDF attachment
    Hope this will help you.

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    Many thanks

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    What I do Is first set up for the data merge on the master page along with any object that have to be on every page.  Until it is merged I only make the master page.
    Then after it is merged I go and make any other edits to the individual pages. I dont know how to make it merge ONTO the pages you alread created.

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