Problem with getting the file name and type from OAMessageFileUploadBean

Hi Tapash,
I am trying the code below to get the file name and mime type from OAMessageFileUploadBean,
DataObject fileUploadData = (DataObject)pageContext.getNamedDataObject("Documents");
String uFileName = (String)fileUploadData.selectValue(null, "UPLOAD_FILE_NAME");
String contentType = fileUploadData.selectValue(null, "UPLOAD_FILE_MIME_TYPE");
But this piece of code gives errors saying that selectValue selectValue(null, java.lang.String) not found in class oracle.svc.DataObject
Any ideas? why this code is giving error?
Can i handle the event of browse button for OAMessageFileUploadBean?
Nagesh Manda.

Try using class

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    You may bind the value to an UploadedFile object and get the name from this object.
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    Here the code i just write for something similar. Note that i'm not able to test it because of a bug in with inputFile and web.xml parameters. I still waiting for the patch.
    public void uploadedFile(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) throws IOException,
    Exception {
    final int BUFFER = 2048;
    byte data[] = new byte[BUFFER];
    int currentByte;
    String fileName;
    UploadedFile uploadedFile =
    if (uploadedFile != null) {
    String mimeType = uploadedFile.getContentType();
    if (mimeType == "application/x-zip-compressed") {
    // get the uploaded file as a zip file
    ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(uploadedFile.getFilename());
    // verify the zip archive contains only one entry
    if (zipFile.size() != 1) {
    FacesContext context =
    ResourceBundle errorMessage =
    Exception ZipFileContentException =
    new Exception(errorMessage.getString("error.fileUpload.zipFileContent.moreThanOneEntry").replace("{0}",
    throw ZipFileContentException;
    // get the entries in the zip file even it is only one
    Enumeration zipFileEntries = zipFile.entries();
    // Process each entry
    while (zipFileEntries.hasMoreElements()) {
    // grab a zip file entry
    ZipEntry entry =
    // check the entry is not a directory
    if (entry.isDirectory()) {
    Exception ZipFileContentException =
    new Exception(JSFUtils.getStringFromBundle("error.fileUpload.zipFileContent.isDirectoryInsteadFile"));
    throw ZipFileContentException;
    File destFile = new File(entry.getName());
    Magic magic = new Magic();
    // getMagicMatch accepts Files or byte[],
    // which is nice if you want to test streams
    MagicMatch match = magic.getMagicMatch(destFile, true);
    if (match.getMimeType() != "application/xml") {
    Exception ZipFileContentException =
    new Exception(JSFUtils.getStringFromBundle("error.fileUpload.isNotXMLFile").replace("{0}",
    throw ZipFileContentException;
    //TODO get the repository directory from classification-param.xml
    BufferedInputStream is =
    new BufferedInputStream(zipFile.getInputStream(entry));
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
    BufferedOutputStream dest =
    new BufferedOutputStream(fos, BUFFER);
    // read and write until last byte is encountered
    while ((currentByte =, 0, BUFFER)) !=
    -1) {
    dest.write(data, 0, currentByte);
    } else if (mimeType == "application/xml") {
    String currentEntry = uploadedFile.getFilename();
    File destFile = new File(currentEntry);
    BufferedInputStream is =
    new BufferedInputStream(uploadedFile.getInputStream());
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destFile);
    BufferedOutputStream dest =
    new BufferedOutputStream(fos, BUFFER);
    // read and write until last byte is encountered
    while ((currentByte =, 0, BUFFER)) != -1) {
    dest.write(data, 0, currentByte);
    } else {
    Exception ZipFileContentException =
    new Exception(JSFUtils.getStringFromBundle("error.fileUpload.isNotXMLFile").replace("{0}",
    throw ZipFileContentException;

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    It's easily done with Terminal.
    cd (drag folder into Terminal window, press return). Then:
    ls -l > ~/Desktop/list.txt
    A file called "list.txt" will appear on your Desktop, containing a list of files from the folder, along with their modification dates, file sizes, and ownership/permission info.

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    form JSP
    <form name="form" method="post" action="procesuploading.jsp" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
    File: <input type="file" name="filename"/
    Path: <input type="text" readonly="" name="path" value="c:"/
    Saveas: <input type="text" name="saveas"/>
    <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Upload" />
    proces JSP
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
    <%@ page import="FileUploadBean" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="TheBean" scope="page" class="FileUploadBean" />
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
    import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream;
    public class FileUploadBean {
    public void doUpload(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException
              String melding = "";
              String filename = request.getParameter("saveas");
              String path = request.getParameter("path");
              PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("")));
              ServletInputStream in = request.getInputStream();
              int i =;
              while (i != -1)
                   pw.print((char) i);
                   i =;

    Thanks it works great.
    Here an excample from my code
    import org.apache.commons.fileupload.*;
    public class FileUploadBean extends Object implements{
    String foutmelding = "geen";
    String path;
    String filename;
    public boolean doUpload(HttpServletRequest request) throws IOException
         // Create a new file upload handler
         FileUpload upload = new FileUpload();
         // Set upload parameters
         // Parse the request
         List items = upload.parseRequest(request);
         // Process the uploaded fields
         Iterator iter = items.iterator();
         while (iter.hasNext())
         FileItem item = (FileItem);
              if (item.isFormField())
                   String stringitem = item.getString();
              String filename = "";
                   int temp = item.getName().lastIndexOf("\\");
                   filename = item.getName().substring(temp,item.getName().length());
                   File bestand = new File(path+filename);
                   if(item.getSize() > SizeMax && SizeMax != -1){foutmelding = "bestand is te groot.";return false;}
                   if(bestand.exists()){foutmelding ="bestand bestaat al";return false;}
                   FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(bestand);     
                   BufferedOutputStream bOut = new BufferedOutputStream(fOut);
                   int bytesRead =0;
                   byte[] data = item.get();
                   bOut.write(data, 0 , data.length);     
         catch(Exception e)
              System.out.println("er is een foutontstaan bij het opslaan de een bestand "+e);
              foutmelding = "Bestand opsturen is fout gegaan";
         return true;

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    brings the image back, straightened, but with the skewed back ground frame
    PSE did what you told it to do. Choose the Straighten and crop edges or fill edges options when you use the straighten tool if you want it to do more than just straighten the contents of the image. Many people prefer the plain straighten because they'd rather crop themselves than let PSE do it.

  • File adapter polling and getting the file name 11g Jdeveloper

    I am using JDeveloper 11g. My process is something like;
    A file adapter reads a XML file
    This triggers the BPM process, file content is sent to start activity as message
    I have to get the file name that is read by file adapter.
    How to do that? Any help is appreciated.
    I have seen couple of answers like bellow in forum but did not help me much
    This is a very simple task in JDeveloper 11g, file adapters are linked to the receive activity, here there is a tab called Properties which you can use to extract the file name. Please follow the steps below:
    1. Create a Simple Type variable of string type, call it fileName_var or any name you wish.
    2. Open the Receive activity in your bpel project.
    3. Scroll down to jca.file.FileName and double click on the value column, click on the browse button (...), select Variable, then click the search icon
    4. Locate your recently created variable
    5. Now when your project runs it will assign the file name to this variable, you can use this same approach also to pull the directory, file size, etc.

    Like you said.. steps are simple and clearly mentioned in guide.
    1. create a variable of type string
    2. after configuring the file adapter , go to corresponding receive activity , go to properties tab
    3. search for a property with name as jca.file.FileName . This basically keeps track of file name
    4. for this property, give the value as name of variable created in step 1 above
    5. Use this variable anywhere in assign / transform

  • File adapter polling and getting the file name

    I have a requirement where I have to poll a file and dump the data into the DB. But while polling a file for a particular file name, I also need to get the name of the file to do some operations on the file. The file name should be passed from the adapter in order to do some operations based on the file name. Is it possible to get the file name by any chance?

    its easy to get the file creating the variable for the fileAdapterInboundHeader.wsdl
    just follow the below link.
    Edited by: Oraacler on Mar 19, 2010 2:59 AM

  • Getting the file name using ehdr:getRequestHeader function in style sheet

    Hi, I am facing an issue while using ehdr:getRequestHeader function to get the name of the file, which was placed in FTPS server and read by FTP Adapter. In style sheet I am trying to get the file name as below.
    <xsl:variable name="fileName"
    and based on the file name I am trying to fetch the values from Property file, map it to a schema and make a SOAP service call.
    When i use the above functionality in style sheet exception occurs and in ESB instance I am not able to view the exception.
    It is saying as 'Details of the message are not available, The message details would have been purged'. In logs it is showing the following error trace.
    <MSG_TEXT>Failed to process deferred message</MSG_TEXT>
    <SUPPL_DETAIL>oracle.tip.esb.server.common.exceptions.BusinessEventRejectionException: Error occured while handling monitor message dequeued from monitor topic. Message text is "&lt;activityMessages>&lt;activityMessage order='10' type='6'>&lt;flowId>cRfy7g6a-8HDUKqyf4GsKw==&lt;/flowId>&lt;subFlowId>1245307693657&lt;/subFlowId>&lt;timestamp>1245307703862&lt;/timestamp>&lt;operationGUID>2F1C13905B3F11DE8F0BD923A1148BB1&lt;/operationGUID>&lt;operationQName>ESBTest.InvokeESB&lt;/operationQName>&lt;errorMessage>&lt;![CDATA[An unhandled exception has been thrown in the ESB system. The exception reported is: "org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: exception on JaxRpc invoke: serialization error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: getSerializer requires a Java type and/or an XML type
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.executeOperation(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.nextService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.nextService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.outadapter.OutboundAdapterService.nextService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.outadapter.OutboundAdapterService.processBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.dispatchNonRoutingService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.dispatch(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.BusinessEvent.raise(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.BusinessEvent.raise(
            at oracle.tip.esb.utils.EventUtils.raiseBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.utils.EventUtils.raiseBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.EsbRouterSubscription.onBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.EventDispatcher.executeSubscription(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.processSubscription(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.processSubscriptions(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.EventDispatcher.dispatchRoutingService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.dispatch(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.BusinessEvent.raise(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.BusinessEvent.raise(
            at oracle.tip.esb.utils.EventUtils.raiseBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.utils.EventUtils.raiseBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.inadapter.ESBListenerImpl.processMessage(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.inadapter.ESBListenerImpl.onMessage(
            at oracle.tip.adapter.fw.jca.messageinflow.MessageEndpointImpl.onMessage(
            at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessWork.publishMessage(
            at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessWork.doTranslation(
            at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessWork.processMessages(
            at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    ]]&gt;&lt;/errorMessage>&lt;exception>&lt;![CDATA[oracle.tip.esb.server.common.exceptions.BusinessEventRetriableException: An unhandled exception has been thrown in the ESB system. The exception reported is: "org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: exception on JaxRpc invoke: serialization error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: getSerializer requires a Java type and/or an XML type
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.executeOperation(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.nextService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.nextService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.outadapter.OutboundAdapterService.nextService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.outadapter.OutboundAdapterService.processBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.dispatchNonRoutingService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.dispatch(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.BusinessEvent.raise(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.BusinessEvent.raise(
            at oracle.tip.esb.utils.EventUtils.raiseBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.utils.EventUtils.raiseBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.EsbRouterSubscription.onBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.EventDispatcher.executeSubscription(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.processSubscription(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.processSubscriptions(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.EventDispatcher.dispatchRoutingService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.InitialEventDispatcher.dispatch(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.BusinessEvent.raise(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.BusinessEvent.raise(
            at oracle.tip.esb.utils.EventUtils.raiseBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.utils.EventUtils.raiseBusinessEvent(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.inadapter.ESBListenerImpl.processMessage(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.inadapter.ESBListenerImpl.onMessage(
            at oracle.tip.adapter.fw.jca.messageinflow.MessageEndpointImpl.onMessage(
            at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessWork.publishMessage(
            at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessWork.doTranslation(
            at oracle.tip.adapter.file.inbound.ProcessWork.processMessages(
            at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.executeOperation(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.nextService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.common.wsif.WSIFInvoker.nextService(
            at oracle.tip.esb.server.service.impl.outadapte]]&gt;&lt;/exception>&lt;retryable>false&lt;/retryable>&lt;/activityMessage>&lt;/activityMessages>"
    at oracle.tip.esb.monitor.manager.ActivityMessageReceiver.handleMessage(
    at oracle.tip.esb.server.dispatch.agent.ESBWork.process(
    at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    Caused by: oracle.tip.esb.monitor.MonitorException: Due to the error "", the activity message could not be stored.
    at oracle.tip.esb.monitor.manager.database.AbstractFaultPersister.persist(
    at oracle.tip.esb.monitor.manager.database.DBActivityMessageStore.persistMessage(
    at oracle.tip.esb.monitor.manager.ActivityMessageReceiver.handleMessage(
    ... 7 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
    at oracle.tip.esb.monitor.manager.database.AbstractFaultPersister.persist(
    ... 10 more
    When I use the same function getRequestHeader for FileAdapter, it is working fine. Do anyone know why this issue occurs? Is this an issue with environment?

    As far as I can see the problem is the invoke of the SOAP service. This could be because of an empty filename but maybe there are other issues. First, make sure that the filename is read correctly by looking it up in the BPEL runtime process. Maybe the content is different than you expected it so that the read action for the properties give wrong result. Are you sure that ehdr is the correct prefix for the ftpheader?

  • Exit CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES= FILE_OPEN_DIALOG once I get the file name

    I have where I have a selection screen that finds the file, you can say where to get the file. After that I need to close that window. How do I close it???
    Below is an example of my program. After I choose the file and execute the program, I have a <b>write</b> statement. I don't see that statement on the screen. How do i terminate the input screen and display text.
    Parameters :  AUSZFILE      LIKE RFPDO1-FEBUMSF.
      DATA: L_FILES TYPE FILETABLE,                            
            H_FILES TYPE FILE_TABLE,                           
            L_RC LIKE SY-SUBRC.                                
      CALL METHOD CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES=>FILE_OPEN_DIALOG        CHANGING                                               
          FILE_TABLE              = L_FILES                    
          RC                      = L_RC                       
          FILE_OPEN_DIALOG_FAILED = 1                          
          CNTL_ERROR              = 2                          
          ERROR_NO_GUI            = 3                          
          NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_GUI    = 4                          
          OTHERS                  = 5.                         
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0 OR L_RC < 0.                            
                   WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4.   
      ELSE.                                                     "mo271101
        READ TABLE L_FILES INDEX 1 INTO H_FILES.              
        AUSZFILE = H_FILES-FILENAME.                           
    Write AUSZFILE.
    Thanks in advance

    You must remember the START-OF-SELECTION event here,  after you select the file name and click F8, the START-OF-SELECTION event is triggered, but if it is not there, nothing will happen.
      if sy-subrc <> 0 or l_rc < 0.
        message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno       "mo271101
        with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      else.                                                     "mo271101
        read table l_files index 1 into h_files.
        auszfile = h_files-filename.
    start-of-selection.            "<--  Add this
      write:/ auszfile.
    RIch Heilman

  • How to get the file name in one of the Xml node field?

    Hi Experts,
    i have one requirement with file name in xml file.
    i need to get <b>the file name of file</b> in one of the node in xml content of that file.
    how can i achieve that req?
    treat this as Very Urgent.

    Hi Bheem,
    Explain your scenario in detail..
    >>i need to get the file name of file in one of the node in xml content of that file.
    1. Create an node <b>Filename</b> in the target datatype.
    2. Check the Option Filename in the Adapter Specific Message Attributes in the sender file CC.
    3. Use the following UDF and map it to the Filename field in the target message type.
    public String getFileName(Container container)
    DynamicConfiguration conf = (DynamicConfiguration) container.getTransformationParameters().get(StreamTransformationConstants.DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION);
    DynamicConfigurationKey key = DynamicConfigurationKey.create("","FileName");
    String ourSourceFileName = conf.get(key);
    return  ourSourceFileName; 

  • Get the File Name received from FTP Adapter

    How to get the File name reived through the FTP Adpater. I have created a variable with the Message type from ftpAdapterinboundheader.wsdl. from there I mapped the filename attribute to a local string variable.
    But I did not receive the file name. The output in the Audit trail is as follows:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <Invoke_File_Process_FileProcess_InputVariable>
    - <part xmlns:xsi="" name="InputParameters">
    - <InputParameters xmlns="">
    <AS_DIR xmlns="">I</AS_DIR>
    <AS_FILE_NAME xmlns="" />
    Can any one let me know how to get the recevied file name from FTP adapter.

    you have to define variable of type InboundHeader_msg. Then in receive activity click on Adapter tab and for header variable chose your newly created variable (InboundHeader_msg). Once you receive message from FTP you should see in this variable fileName.

  • Get the file name into a Odi variable

    I need to get the file name into odi variable like ..A/ETC/file.txt
    For eg.the filename file.txt should get store in a variable.
    Then i want to compare the file name stored in the variable with some other value.
    Please suggest.

    in package,
    declare the variable, then evaluate it with another variable, generally using # syntax
    if the variable is date type, suggest to use : syntax, because # will treat the variable value as text value
    in loadplan
    use case when syntax,

  • Iphone contacts "not available" to car phonebook after messing around with Outlook.pst file names and backups. Iphone4 connects to car though and other phones connect properly.

    iphone contacts "not available" to car phonebook after messing around with Outlook.pst files, names and backups, on my ms XP 2003 laptop. I substituted a much smaller new Personal Folder -Contacts File, with a smaller list of phone numbers (4 only as a test) which successfully synced to the iPhone 4. The iPhone connects to the Skoda Octavia HandsFreeSystem OK (Bluetooth works fine), but now iPhone wont load the new Contacts as it did originally. However a family Nokia (never messed with) can connect properly. So must be the iPhone or more likely an Outlook.pst \ Contacts problem. Ideas?

    After fiddling a little more, the following fixed my corrupted outlook.pst file:
    1) I made a backup
    2) In outlook under file, I exported the calendar to excel
    3) In outlook under file, I imported the calendar back to outlook
    And voila, it worked.

Maybe you are looking for