Problem with MS-8348 under win2000

Hello. I have a problem with my new MS-8348A. whenever I try to burn a Cd in Nero an error shows up or the system crahses. I have not installed a new firmware. I have win 2000, amd 1800 xp, 512 ram.

Have you tried any updates for Nero yet?  Also have you tried different media?

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    hConfigFile = Ini_New(0);
    if (Ini_ReadFromFile (hConfigFile, ConfigPath));
    Ini_GetInt(hConfigFile, "Client", "ChartsRefreshRate", &ChartsRefreshRate);
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    Hello Luis,
    I came here to check if a new version of CVI (cvicc, not the real-time
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    I'll start a new project soon that will require ini files, so I'll test it
    > (I realize it has been a while, but I thought I'd ask anyway, in case you
    > still remember this).  
    > I was investigating this bug today, but so far I haven't been able to
    > reproduce it. I tried it in both Windows and Linux, with both a
    > writeable location for the test .ini file and a non-writeable location,
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    > .ini file lying around somewhere and wouldn't mind sharing it with me?
    >   Luis
    Guillaume Dargaud

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    you could try this:

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    With regards,

    Try a bbclean from the tmadmin command line to clean up the BBL so you will be
    able to restart the server using the tmboot command.
    In addition to this check the values for SCANUNIT and SANITYSCAN in the ubbconfig.
    The observation that it takes 15 minutes for TUXEDO to discover that your server
    has crashed suggests they have values that might be too high.
    Winfried Scheulderman
    "Dmitry Bond" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hello All.
    Could you please help me?
    When we were choosing which OS to install on our Tuxedo developers server
    to try Windows 2003 server. We did not suppose that we could have any
    with this choise. But we have!
    We use it with DB 7.2 workgroup edition and Tuxedo 8.0 (PatchLevel 172).
    When one of server processes crashes (for example by exit(1) or by
    (it happend not so rarely, because this server is actively used in
    and testing processes) we cannot restart this server process!
    When I write "restartsrv -i SrvId" in command line nothing happens.
    When I write "tmboot -i SrvId" it says "Duplicate server".
    When I write "tmshutdown -i SrvId" it just hangs and I have to wait for
    while it says "CMDTUX_CAT:949: WARN: Shutdown failed. 0 processes stopped."
    Tuxedo WebAdministration conlsole says almost the same - "Failed to
    deactivate SRVGROUP/200
    (still in state ACTIVE)-10:CMDTUX_CAT:1689: ERROR: Could not shutdown
    As a result any server crash (including expected) leads to 15 minutes
    As you understand it cound not be accepted!... and it is very annoying.
    This problem never happened under Windows 2000 server (a week before
    returned from site
    installation where this software works fine under Windows 2000 server).
    How can we solve this problem?
    Or should we downgrade our OS to Windows 2000?
    With regards,

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    Strange. Please post the exception and the full stack trace here.
    Zac Burke wrote:
    I have been having this weird problem with weblogic 6.0 under linux.
    I have WL6.0 installed on Redhat Linux 7.2 ( the 2.4 Kernel).
    I start the WL server on Linux and my bean deploys successfully,
    however I have a client bean on an NT box which tries to do a lookup
    on the bean which resides on the Linux box.
    I know that I get the initial context, because on the server side I
    see the IP address being added to its client list , but as soon as I
    try to do a lookup I get the error message
    "Connection refused ..... etc....."
    However , if I start the WL server on the NT box from where my client
    bean resides, (and leave WL server running on Linux) everything works
    fine , and I can reference the object.
    This leads me to think that the following is happening :
    The client actually connects the WL server on Linux looking for the
    relevant stub classes etc.. but the WL server on Linux tells the
    client to look for them else where , ie the machine from where it came
    (in this case the NT machine)
    This explains why when the WL server on NT is running all works fine ,
    because the client goes back to the machine from where it came (NT
    machine) and in this case the WL server is running so it can deal with
    its requests !!
    Running the client and server on Linux works fine and I can also run
    the same code between NT machines and Solaris machines. As soon as I
    introduce the Linux machine into the equation , I start getting this.
    Any help , ideas would be greatly appreciated.
    Developer Relations Engineer
    BEA Support

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    Thanks for your help !

    Well, I finally solved this problem.
    For your information, the JVM included in Netscape 4.75 running under NT4 does not like having AWT labels with either Background or Foreground not initialised. If any of these 2 properties is not defined, it could sometimes occur that the JVM can't display the label.

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    Mine is Windows 8.1 and experiencing many many problems with it, please fix it .... It's really annoying

    ''I found out it is a 32 bit version.''
    Wrt 32 vs. 64 bit see
    ''when downloading it right from the site''
    What site?
    Always download Thunderbird from
    ''experiencing many many problems''
    You'd certainly need to explain what those problems are.
    ''all the crashing problems''
    Please provide a crash ID.

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    Thank you.

    No, but I just managed to sort the problem out. I ran the compatibility troubleshooter, and the program is now running in the compatibility mode for Windows 8, and everything appears to be OK now.
    Thank you for your time and feedback.

  • Problems with MSI 8348 Dragonwriter

    I just got my Dragonwriter a few weeks ago. Everything worked out fine, for some time...
    For the last 2 weeks now, I´ve heavy problems with it:
    If I want to burn a CD (using Nero) he gets up to 6% (@ ~700MB to be burned), wich is nearly the lead-in, then stops burning and giving out the error: "No Seek Complete"
    I checked the internet for solutions, and found out, that some people just changed the brand of CD-Rs, then the problem was gone. I did this too, trying 5 brands of silver+silver CD-Rs, 1 brand of silver+black and 1 brand of silver+gold CD-Rs. Just the last one, silver+gold, worked out perfectly.
    Could it really be, that the Dragonwriter just takes silver+gold CD-Rs??? Could anyone please help me out?!?
    P.S.: Sorry for mistakes, I´m from germany, so... if you find one, keep him   )

        ******* xms2 2x2 gb ddr2 part no cm2x2048 6400c4dmx
    memory voltage 2.1
    Make sure that the memory timings are not set to 4-4-4-x but that they are set to the defaults values (5-5-5-x).  Also ensure, that the memory clock speed is not set to anything higher than 400 MHz (=DDR2-800).  The voltage at these settings should not need to exceed 1.95V.  So please lower it accordingly.  In case the freezes still occure, please run memtest86+ to check your memory for errors.
    msi dual core center
    Please get rid of that tool for all further tests.  Uninstall it completely from your system as it is known to cause crashes and freezes on its own terms when running.

  • Problem with wi fi under windows 8.1

    my macbook pro late 2013 wi fi card is not working under windows 8.1 can't access any network , any one having sam e problem ???

    Hi printen,
    Welcome to the HP Forums.
    If you are having an issue with connecting the printer to the computer over a wireless connection with the HP software, I suggest you disable any firewalls or anti virus protection before doing the installation.
    Thanks for your time.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" at the bottom of this post to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    W a t e r b o y 71
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Sender FCC , problem with Repeating Field under a Sub-structure

    I have an Input File as
    D,TH_ ,10/31/2008,ABC,pieces
    PF, 10/31/2008,11/2/2008,11/3/2008,11/4/2008
    I need to Implement an FCC to convert this to
    a Structure like this
        Header           1....1
            Unique Id
            date Time
        Dates         1
         date          1....n
        Products       1....n
          product      1
          unit         1
          quantity     1.....n
    This this is a Variable recordset type ( i.e each ROW has a Different Structure) the following keys D,PF,P  are defined, for the header, dates, and Product Information.
    The Following FCC parameters are applied
    Document Name :  MT_FILE_INPUt
    Document NameSpace =
    Recordset Name = "Recordset"
    Recordset structure = Header,1,Dates,1,Products,*
    keyname              = Key
    Keytype               = String
    Header.FieldSeprator = ,
    Header.FieldName = Unique Id,date Time,CustomerCode,Code,unit
    Header.keyValue = 'H'
    Dates.FieldSeprator = ,
    Dates.Fieldname   = 'date'
    Date.keyValue    = 'PF'
    Products.FieldSeprator = ,
    Product.FieldName =  product,unit,quantity
    Product.KeyValue  = 'P'
    Now the Problem is as Follows:
    1) I have a Repeating Field Quantity under the Product and Date under the Dates Sub-structure,  This is not getting Repeated at all.
    Is there a Way to achieve the same
    2) Another Point is That, i do not want to take the key Value in the XML structure after converion, is there a way to avoid it
    Please let me know if any blogs are available
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Best Regards

    can u try.. i haven't tired this.
    quantity is occuring multiple times, but if that is fixed no# of occurance,, you can can try with this?
    Product.FieldName = product,unit,quantity,quantity,quantity,quantity,quantity,quantity
    let me try ..
    As long as the quanitfy defined under Product.FieldName are more than the input msg quantity values (100,120..), you will be safe...
    Edited by: Anand on Oct 31, 2008 3:54 PM

  • Problems with WD software under Mountain Lion?

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    Personal experience, software not included... I've had terrible issues with WD drives. I say "software not included" because I've never used WD drive software.
    I had an 80Gb internal that was seized up "out of the box", another that went "belly up" in less than six months, and a 500Gb MyBook that "croaked" on me in less than six weeks, costing me more than $25,000 worth of music.
    Finder (in OS X from 10.2 to 10.9) should be able to manage the drive WITHOUT any proprietary software from the drive manufacturer. But that's ONLY if the drive doesn't malfunction, or you don't have any connection problems.

  • Problems with masks compiled on win2000.

    Hi all,
    if I compile masks on win2000, these are not displayed correctly in winnt. The patchset is the same on both systems ( for forms builder and runtime). on win2000 the form is displayed correctly. But on winnt the bars (toolbar, navbar) are not visible. The second problem is the mask not open in full screen in forms runtime but as a window in a windows.
    best regards, steven

    I found the other DevZone discussion you reffered to with gesa.
    You might try the suggestion that was made there. Since the error message is complaining about the 9th argument of the property node, we can try removing it; that is, delete the constant connected to the last input and shrink the property node so that there is no DTR input. Alternatively, you can change the flow control mode to . I think what is going on here is that in the original VI, the VI set the flow control to DTR/DSR (hardware flow control) and then asserted the DTR line so that it would be in the proper state for
    the communication to begin. This may have been allowed in an older version of VISA, but I think in the new VISA, if you use hardware control, it won't let you manually change the state of that line. The line state should be controlled automatically by the low level drivers. The result is the error you are seeing which is basically telling you that you do not currently have access to that line. If you use a flow control mode that does not use that line, you are allowed to assert it manually.

Maybe you are looking for