Problem with optimiser choosing different execution path to that expected!

We have a sql statement that uses sub-query factoring, and a materialize hint in one of the sub-queries. The query runs fine for me when I do the query manually - it does the Temp Table Transformation as I expect it to (due to the materialize hint). The query runs in under 2 mins, and the explain plan says a cost of 154.
Take away the materialize hint, and I get an execution path with a cost of 149, and the query runs in just under 2 hours (!). The explain plan then contains two filter steps, listing the predicates (not exists).
The problem we're seeing is that when we run the overall process that runs the sql statement and outputs the results to file, instead of it using the materialized explain plan, it appears to be using the non-materialized explain plan, but the predicates bit just says "IS NULL". It has a cost of 149.
I suspect that the optimiser has somehow worked out that the sub-query in question actually returns no rows, and has therefore worked out a "cheaper" method of getting the results. Thing is, I run the exact same (unfortunately, not bound) query manually and it uses the materialized explain plan!
The process does run the sub-query in question on it's own, but without the materialized hint. I've done similar manually, just in case this affects things by having the results in memory, but it didn't alter the fact that I still got the materialized plan.
I'm at a loss as to how it knows that the sub-query returns no rows, and as to why the same query is effectively giving two different execution paths under the same circumstances.
Can anyone give me their thoughts as to what might be happening with the predicates bit, or any pointers as to where to look next, please?

Yes, it's the same database, so same data, same statistics, same user, etc.
This is with the materialized hint:
Time     IO Cost     CPU Cost     Cardinality     Bytes     Cost     Plan
1     110     2,349,615     1     316     154     SELECT STATEMENT  ALL_ROWS                                                       
24      24      24      24      24      24           24 TEMP TABLE TRANSFORMATION                                                    
6      6      6      6      6      6                6 LOAD AS SELECT BROIL_FEED.DIM_CURVE_MAPPING                                              
5      5      5      5      5      5                     5 FILTER  Filter Predicates: NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM "CREDIT_MRCDATA" "CM1" WHERE "CM1"."TRADE_NAME"=:B1 AND "CM1"."RISK_TYPE"='TVReport' AND "CM1"."RUN_ID"=:B2) OR  NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM "CREDIT_MRCDATA" "CM2" WHERE "CM2"."TRADE_NAME"=:B3 AND "CM2"."RISK_TYPE"='Delta' AND "CM2"."RUN_ID"=:B4) OR  NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM "CREDIT_MRCDATA" "CM3" WHERE "CM3"."TRADE_NAME"=:B5 AND "CM3"."RISK_TYPE"='Issuer' AND "CM3"."RUN_ID"=:B6)                                          
1 1     1 4     1 28,686     1 1     1 19     1 5                         1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "RUN_ID"=207270                                     
2 1     2 4     2 28,686     2 1     2 29     2 5                         2 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM1"."RUN_ID"=:B1 AND "CM1"."RISK_TYPE"='TVReport' AND "CM1"."TRADE_NAME"=:B2                                     
3 1     3 4     3 29,086     3 2     3 58     3 5                         3 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM2"."RUN_ID"=:B1 AND "CM2"."RISK_TYPE"='Delta' AND "CM2"."TRADE_NAME"=:B2                                     
4 1     4 4     4 29,086     4 2     4 58     4 5                         4 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM3"."RUN_ID"=:B1 AND "CM3"."RISK_TYPE"='Issuer' AND "CM3"."TRADE_NAME"=:B2                                     
23 1     23 106     23 2,320,930     23 1     23 316     23 149               23 WINDOW SORT                                               
22      22      22      22      22      22                     22 FILTER  Filter Predicates: NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM  (SELECT /*+ CACHE_TEMP_TABLE ("T1") */ "C0" "TRADENAME" FROM "SYS"."SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6638_7866E0A0" "T1") "ERRORED_TRADES" WHERE LNNVL("TRADENAME"<>:B1))                                          
19 1     19 101     19 2,313,658     19 2     19 632     19 144                         19 HASH JOIN OUTER  Access Predicates: "THEDATA"."BUCKET"="TENOR"(+)                                     
17 1     17 12     17 252,229     17 2     17 598     17 17                              17 NESTED LOOPS OUTER                                
14 1     14 10     14 233,806     14 2     14 442     14 14                                   14 VIEW BROIL_FEED.                          
13 1     13 5     13 90,069     13 2     13 174     13 14                                        13 SORT UNIQUE                      
12      12      12      12      12      12                                              12 UNION-ALL                 
8 1     8 5     8 36,349     8 1     8 89     8 6                                                  8 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA Filter Predicates: "CM"."RISK_TYPE"='Delta' OR "CM"."RISK_TYPE"='TVReport' OR "CM"."RISK_TYPE"='Issuer' AND "CM"."SHOCK"=0            
7 1     7 4     7 28,686     7 1     7      7 5                                                       7 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM"."RUN_ID"=207270       
11 1     11 5     11 143,737     11 1     11 85     11 8                                                  11 HASH GROUP BY            
10 1     10 5     10 36,297     10 1     10 85     10 6                                                       10 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA      
9 1     9 4     9 28,686     9 1     9      9 5                                                            9 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "RUN_ID"=207270 AND "RISK_TYPE"='Delta' 
16 1     16 1     16 9,211     16 1     16 78     16 1                                   16 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE BROIL_FEED.DIM_CURVE_MAPPING                          
15 1     15 0     15 1,900     15 1     15      15 0                                        15 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) BROIL_FEED.DIM_RISK_CURVENAME Access Predicates: "THEDATA"."RISK_CURVE_NAME"="DIM_CURVE_MAPPING"."RISK_CURVE_NAME"(+)                      
18 1     18 89     18 1,450,669     18 5,836     18 99,212     18 116                              18 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE BROIL_FEED.DIM_TENOR                               
21 1     21 5     21 7,271     21 1     21 77     21 5                         21 VIEW BROIL_FEED. Filter Predicates: LNNVL("TRADENAME"<>:B1)                                     
20 1     20 5     20 7,271     20 1     20 14     20 5                              20 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE (TEMP) SYS.SYS_TEMP_0FD9D6638_7866E0A0                This is the explain plan for the query without the materialized hint:
Time     IO Cost     CPU Cost     Cardinality     Bytes     Cost     Plan
1     105     2,342,394     1     316     149     SELECT STATEMENT  ALL_ROWS                                                  
20 1     20 105     20 2,342,394     20 1     20 316     20 149          20 WINDOW SORT                                               
19      19      19      19      19      19                19 FILTER  Filter Predicates: NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM "CREDIT_MRCDATA" "SYS_ALIAS_6" WHERE ( NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM "CREDIT_MRCDATA" "CM1" WHERE "CM1"."TRADE_NAME"=:B1 AND "CM1"."RISK_TYPE"='TVReport' AND "CM1"."RUN_ID"=:B2) OR  NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM "CREDIT_MRCDATA" "CM2" WHERE "CM2"."TRADE_NAME"=:B3 AND "CM2"."RISK_TYPE"='Delta' AND "CM2"."RUN_ID"=:B4) OR  NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM "CREDIT_MRCDATA" "CM3" WHERE "CM3"."TRADE_NAME"=:B5 AND "CM3"."RISK_TYPE"='Issuer' AND "CM3"."RUN_ID"=:B6)) AND "RUN_ID"=207270 AND LNNVL("TRADE_NAME"<>:B7))                                          
13 1     13 101     13 2,313,658     13 2     13 632     13 144                    13 HASH JOIN OUTER  Access Predicates: "THEDATA"."BUCKET"="TENOR"(+)                                     
11 1     11 12     11 252,229     11 2     11 598     11 17                         11 NESTED LOOPS OUTER                                
8 1     8 10     8 233,806     8 2     8 442     8 14                              8 VIEW BROIL_FEED.                          
7 1     7 5     7 90,069     7 2     7 174     7 14                                   7 SORT UNIQUE                      
6      6      6      6      6      6                                         6 UNION-ALL                 
2 1     2 5     2 36,349     2 1     2 89     2 6                                             2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA Filter Predicates: "CM"."RISK_TYPE"='Delta' OR "CM"."RISK_TYPE"='TVReport' OR "CM"."RISK_TYPE"='Issuer' AND "CM"."SHOCK"=0            
1 1     1 4     1 28,686     1 1     1      1 5                                                  1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM"."RUN_ID"=207270       
5 1     5 5     5 143,737     5 1     5 85     5 8                                             5 HASH GROUP BY            
4 1     4 5     4 36,297     4 1     4 85     4 6                                                  4 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA      
3 1     3 4     3 28,686     3 1     3      3 5                                                       3 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "RUN_ID"=207270 AND "RISK_TYPE"='Delta' 
10 1     10 1     10 9,211     10 1     10 78     10 1                              10 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE BROIL_FEED.DIM_CURVE_MAPPING                          
9 1     9 0     9 1,900     9 1     9      9 0                                   9 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) BROIL_FEED.DIM_RISK_CURVENAME Access Predicates: "THEDATA"."RISK_CURVE_NAME"="DIM_CURVE_MAPPING"."RISK_CURVE_NAME"(+)                      
12 1     12 89     12 1,450,669     12 5,836     12 99,212     12 116                         12 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE BROIL_FEED.DIM_TENOR                               
18      18      18      18      18      18                     18 FILTER  Filter Predicates: NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM "CREDIT_MRCDATA" "CM1" WHERE "CM1"."TRADE_NAME"=:B1 AND "CM1"."RISK_TYPE"='TVReport' AND "CM1"."RUN_ID"=:B2) OR  NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM "CREDIT_MRCDATA" "CM2" WHERE "CM2"."TRADE_NAME"=:B3 AND "CM2"."RISK_TYPE"='Delta' AND "CM2"."RUN_ID"=:B4) OR  NOT EXISTS (SELECT /*+ */ 0 FROM "CREDIT_MRCDATA" "CM3" WHERE "CM3"."TRADE_NAME"=:B5 AND "CM3"."RISK_TYPE"='Issuer' AND "CM3"."RUN_ID"=:B6)                                     
14 1     14 4     14 28,736     14 1     14 19     14 5                         14 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "RUN_ID"=207270  Filter Predicates: LNNVL("TRADE_NAME"<>:B1)                                
15 1     15 4     15 28,686     15 1     15 29     15 5                         15 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM1"."RUN_ID"=:B1 AND "CM1"."RISK_TYPE"='TVReport' AND "CM1"."TRADE_NAME"=:B2                                
16 1     16 4     16 29,086     16 2     16 58     16 5                         16 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM2"."RUN_ID"=:B1 AND "CM2"."RISK_TYPE"='Delta' AND "CM2"."TRADE_NAME"=:B2                                
17 1     17 4     17 29,086     17 2     17 58     17 5                         17 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM3"."RUN_ID"=:B1 AND "CM3"."RISK_TYPE"='Issuer' AND "CM3"."TRADE_NAME"=:B2       And this is what the process is running:
Time     IO Cost     CPU Cost     Cardinality     Bytes     Cost     Plan
                         149     SELECT STATEMENT  ALL_ROWS                                                  
20 1     20 105     20 2,342,394     20 1     20 316     20 149          20 WINDOW SORT                                               
19      19      19      19      19      19                19 FILTER  Filter Predicates: IS NULL                                          
13 1     13 101     13 2,313,658     13 2     13 632     13 144                    13 HASH JOIN OUTER  Access Predicates: "THEDATA"."BUCKET"="TENOR"                                     
11 1     11 12     11 252,229     11 2     11 598     11 17                         11 NESTED LOOPS OUTER                                
8 1     8 10     8 233,806     8 2     8 442     8 14                              8 VIEW                           
7 1     7 5     7 90,069     7 2     7 174     7 14                                   7 SORT UNIQUE                      
6      6      6      6      6      6                                         6 UNION-ALL                 
2 1     2 5     2 36,349     2 1     2 89     2 6                                             2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA Filter Predicates: (INTERNAL_FUNCTION("CM"."RISK_TYPE") OR ("CM"."RISK_TYPE"='Issuer' AND "CM"."SHOCK"=0))            
1 1     1 4     1 28,686     1 1     1      1 5                                                  1 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM"."RUN_ID"=207268       
5 1     5 5     5 143,737     5 1     5 85     5 8                                             5 HASH GROUP BY            
4 1     4 5     4 36,297     4 1     4 85     4 6                                                  4 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA      
3 1     3 4     3 28,686     3 1     3      3 5                                                       3 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "RUN_ID"=207268 AND "RISK_TYPE"='Delta' 
10 1     10 1     10 9,211     10 1     10 78     10 1                              10 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE BROIL_FEED.DIM_CURVE_MAPPING                          
9      9 0     9 1,900     9 1     9      9 0                                   9 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) BROIL_FEED.DIM_RISK_CURVENAME Access Predicates: "THEDATA"."RISK_CURVE_NAME"="DIM_CURVE_MAPPING"."RISK_CURVE_NAME"                      
12 1     12 89     12 1,450,669     12 5,836     12 99,212     12 116                         12 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE BROIL_FEED.DIM_TENOR                               
18      18      18      18      18      18                     18 FILTER  Filter Predicates: ( IS NULL OR  IS NULL OR  IS NULL)                                     
14 1     14 4     14 28,736     14 1     14 19     14 5                         14 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "RUN_ID"=207268  Filter Predicates: LNNVL("TRADE_NAME"<>:B1)                                
15 1     15 4     15 28,686     15 1     15 29     15 5                         15 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM1"."RUN_ID"=:B1 AND "CM1"."RISK_TYPE"='TVReport' AND "CM1"."TRADE_NAME"=:B2                                
16 1     16 4     16 29,086     16 2     16 58     16 5                         16 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM2"."RUN_ID"=:B1 AND "CM2"."RISK_TYPE"='Delta' AND "CM2"."TRADE_NAME"=:B2                                
17 1     17 4     17 29,086     17 2     17 58     17 5                         17 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX BROIL_FEED.CREDIT_MRCDATA_IDX Access Predicates: "CM3"."RUN_ID"=:B1 AND "CM3"."RISK_TYPE"='Issuer' AND "CM3"."TRADE_NAME"=:B2       P.S., Forgot to mention - my database is
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    im having trouble updating after effects.
    im having problems with the third step. help me please

  • Problem with SaveAs function using random paths.

    The Setup:
    Part 1) I have a folder-level script that allows me to perform a SaveAs function from within forms. I do this as a way to save the document quietly in the background. The effect is that the file is overwritten by a copy of itself. The script is:
    var mySaveAs = app.trustedFunction( function(oDoc,cPath,cFlName)
        cPath = cPath.replace(/([^\/])$/, "$1/");
            oDoc.saveAs(cPath + cFlName);
            app.alert("Error During Save");
    Part 2) From within my documents, I perform the save by calling the function below:
    function runSave()
    {if(typeof(mySaveAs) == "function") {
        var pathArray = this.path.split("/");
        var myFileName = pathArray[pathArray.length-1];
        var cPath = this.path.slice(0,myFileName);
        mySaveAs(this, cPath, myFileName);
    } else {
        app.alert("Missing Save Function\n" + "Please contact forms administrator");
    Part 3) I have several large forms that utilize an autosave to call the save function according to a time interval of 5 minutes, using:
    app.setInterval(runSave(), 300000);
    The Problem:
    Part 1) The autosave feature works fine and it works silently in the background. However, I start to experience problems when I have two forms open at the same time. If, for example, I have a form from one folder open, and open a form from a second folder, the save feature will sometimes save the active document to it's original folder (as intended, overwriting itself and creating an autosave) or sometimes save to the second document's original folder. This leaves me with an updated (autosaved) copy of the document in the wrong folder, and a non-updated copy in the original folder. This seems to vary depending on which document I opened last and/or which document is currently active. Though I can't seem to find the right combination.
    It's as thought the "this.path" is getting confused.
    Part 2) Worse still, if the two documents have the same name, as is often the case with these forms, any incorrect filing when saving causes an overwrite of the second document and loss of data.
    Part 3) To makes things maddening, this also happens at times when no second folder or second document is open. Instead, the misfiling saves the single, active document to a recently accessed folder. For example, I'll open a local folder and open a Word doc, close the doc and the folder, go to a different folder in a different root (a networked folder), open the form, and it autosaves to the local machine in the folder with the Word doc. So now not only do I have a non-updated copy in my correct folder, I have no idea where the updated copy was actually saved to until I come across it some time later.
    Part 4) Again, worse still, the previously accessed folder might happen to be one that contains a document with the same name, and that document gets overwritten by the autosave. I'll have no idea that the form has been overwritten until I happen to open it some time later and see that it contains data from a totally different form.
    What is going on and how do I stop it?
    Adobe Acrobat X Pro on a PC.

    Thank you, that is helpful to understand. I'd like to keep it as 3 parameters, as all my documents currently output 3 to the trusted function. And I'd still like to keep the error catch, but I'm not sure why the previous trusted function from the tutorial is no longer working, so I just want to run this by you:
    safeSaveAs = app.trustPropagatorFunction(function(theDoc,thePath,theFileName){
        var fullPath = (thePath + theFileName);  
        try {
        } catch(e) {
            app.alert("Error During Save");
    myTrustedSaveAs = app.trustedFunction(function(theDoc,thePath,theFileName){

  • Problem with JFile Chooser in applet. help please!!!

    i am making a button for an applet that starts a JFileChooser. it works ok when i start it with the applet viewer in eclipse, but when i put my applet in HTML code and start it in a web browser the JFileChooser Doesn't start. i can click the button but it is like it does nothing. i have read on the forums that it is becouse the browser security doesnt let it execute. so how can i make it work?
    here is the code for the button:
    private JButton getSlikaodberijButton() {
              if (slikaodberijButton == null) {
                   slikaodberijButton = new JButton();
                   slikaodberijButton.setBounds(new Rectangle(0, 0, 136, 28));
                   slikaodberijButton.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                        public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {
                             JFileChooser dlg = new JFileChooser("&#1048;&#1079;&#1073;&#1077;&#1088;&#1080; &#1057;&#1083;&#1080;&#1082;&#1072;");
                             if (dlg.showDialog(getContentPane(), "&#1048;&#1079;&#1073;&#1077;&#1088;&#1080; &#1057;&#1083;&#1080;&#1082;&#1072;") ==
                             strSlika = dlg.getSelectedFile().toString();
                             ImageIcon ico = new
                             Image img = ico.getImage();
                             img = img.getScaledInstance(136, 124,Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
                             ico = new ImageIcon(img);
                             slika=new ImageIcon(img);
              return slikaodberijButton;

    i am making this applet for a school project. the code i have sent is the only thing that is making a problem in the applet. signing an applet seems like a very long process and i read from pkwooster's link that it involves buying a certificate or forging one, placing it on the client computer, and using a dozen of tools. is there a simple way to avoid this signing or a different method to choose a file from a local computer.

  • Problem with ie6 displaying different to every other browser

    I have just created my website and after testing with all browsers except (stupidly) ie6 it all works fine but for some reason in ie6 it displays incorrectly on this page the part with the problem is on the right hand side where there is a quick navigation to different postcode areas. If you view it in any browser except ie6 you will see how its supposed to work.
    If anyone can give me any help with this I will be forever in your debt as I have been racking my brains about this all day and I cant seem to find a soloution.
    Any help with be greatly received.

    Hello Nessa,
    here is another argument why you don't need to mourn about a possible bad presentation in this old IE6 Browser. This browser - you can say - is no longer in use. The spread is, the statistics shows it, very very low. The attached analysis from
    shows this clearly.
    And as we already said, your website looks very well in contemporary browsers.
    Don't worry, ...

  • Did anyone notice the problem with theme chooser??

    Hello all!
    Just wondering if anyone else has noticed a problem -- I have purchased a bunch of extra themes and now when you click on the theme chooser, it brings up a great little window with ALL of your available themes. However, there are no scroll arrows if you have too many themes!! As such, there are "missing" themes in the chooser, but if you scroll the mouse to the top of the screen, it will change it (although you can't see the one you pick!!). So, they ARE there, but the window for picking them is screwed up.
    Any help with this? Apple??
    Thanks in advance!!

    Yeah, and I've been told Apple knows about it.I think the cutoff point is about 60 themes total, then it breaks.
    You can still use the actual theme chooser (what you're talking about is the themes menu, not the chooser) to change a theme by using the Choose Theme function from the Edit menu (not the New or New from theme)

  • Odd problem with placing text on a path

    I've created a symetrical circle with the elipse tool, and with the eliptical marque tool to eventually place some repeating text around the border of a DVD. I can get the text on the path easily as I've done this before, but the problem I'm having is that the path isn't a smooth circle as it should be, and the alignment of the individual letters in the long string of text is all over the place. In other words, it doesn't smoothly follow the path. some of the characters are rotated at weird angles, and I can't seem to produce a smooth, symetrical cicle on which to place the text. Anyone run into this and know of a solution?

    If that happens on the path made from Elliptical Marquee tool selection, try setting the
    Make Work Path options to a Tolerance of 2.0 pixels and see if that makes a difference.

  • Problem with spry:choose

    I have a table filled with data from an xml file and filtered
    through a drop down menu. Everything works well but there are some
    choices in the drop down menu that return a zero result. When that
    happens I wanted to display a message instead of the table. It
    works if there is a zero result which is great and the query works
    perfectly for both after the first selection is made but....
    Problem is the first time the page is loaded and the user
    makes a selection, which does have data, both the
    spry:state="loading" message and the "return a zero result message"
    show during the load but disappears after the data has loaded. I
    assume this is because {ds_RowCount} does initially equal zero
    until the data is loaded!
    Am I going about this completely the wrong way or is there a
    more suitable option than {ds_RowCount} within the choose/when
    The code is below:
    Hope somebody can help
    <div spry:region="dsLicensedSites">
    <div spry:state="loading"><b>Loading
    <div spry:state="ready"></div>
    <div spry:choose="spry:choose">
    <div spry:when="'{ds_RowCount}' != 0 ">
    <table class="dataTable" width="95%">
    <th spry:sort="SiteName">Site Name</th>
    <th align="align">Statistical Division</th>
    <th>Local Government Area</th>
    <th>Statistical Local Area</th>
    <th>Census Period</th>
    <th spry:sort="ApprovedEGMs">Approved EGMs</th>
    <tr spry:repeat="dsLicensedSites">
    <div spry:when="'{ds_RowCount}' == 0"><b>There
    was no gaming in this region during the selected

    Just taking a quick look at your code and I noticed a few
    thing first before we can give you suggestions:
    1. Your Region div is not closed with a </div>
    2. Your ready div should enclose the content you want
    displayed, not as an empty div you have now.
    Try the following:
    <div spry:region="dsLicensedSites">
    <div spry:state="loading"><b>Loading
    Data</b></div><!-- /div loading -->
    <div spry:state="ready">
    <div spry:choose="spry:choose">
    <div spry:when="'{ds_RowCount}' != 0 ">
    <table class="dataTable" width="95%">
    <th spry:sort="SiteName">Site Name</th>
    <th align="align">Statistical Division</th>
    <th>Local Government Area</th>
    <th>Statistical Local Area</th>
    <th>Census Period</th>
    <th spry:sort="ApprovedEGMs">Approved EGMs</th>
    <tr spry:repeat="dsLicensedSites">
    </div><!-- /div when1 -->
    <div spry:when="'{ds_RowCount}' == 0"><b>There
    was no gaming in this region during the selected
    period</b></div><!-- /div when2 -->
    </div> <!-- /div choose -->
    </div><!-- /div ready -->
    </div> <!-- /div region -->

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