Problem with 'RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST' and IT0377(GB)

I have encountered a problem in that we have an interface from SAP to UNIPAY and this interface selects all the paydata from employees and then converts it so that it can be payed via UNIPAY. Now this in itself may sound fairly simple but the problem is the interface is selecting data from IT0377 that has been delimited and still paying the employee which is incorrect. I have debugged the interface and the problem is with 'RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST IT0377' which is still selecting and bringing through the data of the delimited record.
Has anybody had this problem and if so what was done to correct it ?

this macro will put the last infotype record in the header line of concerned internal table, for the given period (pn-begda and pn-endda on selection screen).
rp-provide-from-last p0377 space pn-begda pn-endda.
here in the header of internal table p0377, the last record valid for period pn-begda n pn-endda, will be put after execution of the macro statement.
i think u r looking the table 1st record in debug mode but u shud not look at 1st record instead of tht see the header line of table and use that header data.
see my dummy code below -
*& Report  ZPPL_PREVEMPLOYERS                                          *
                             line-size 250
                             line-count 65.
*Program logic :- This Report is used to Download all the Previous
* Employer (IT0023) records of the employees
*& Tables and Infotypes                                                *
tables: pernr.
infotypes: 0000,
*& Constants                                                           *
constants: c_1(1)       type c               value '1'   ,
           c_3(1)       type c               value '3'   ,
           c_i(1)       type c               value 'I'   ,
           c_x(1)       type c               value 'X'   ,
           c_eq(2)      type c               value 'EQ'  ,
           c_pl03       like p0001-werks     value 'PL03'.
*& Selection-Screen                                                    *
parameters: p_file  like rlgrap-filename default 'C:TempABC.xls',
            p_test  as checkbox default c_x               .
*& Internal tables                                                     *
* Internal Table for Output
data: begin of t_output occurs 0    ,
       pernr like pernr-pernr       ,
       nachn like p0002-nachn       ,
       vorna like p0002-vorna       ,
       orgeh_stext like p1000-stext ,
       plans_stext like p1000-stext ,
       begda like p0023-begda       ,
       endda like p0023-endda       ,
       land1 like p0023-land1       ,
       arbgb like p0023-arbgb       ,
       ort01 like p0023-ort01   .
data: end of t_output           .
*& Variables                                                           *
data: o_stext like p1000-stext,
      p_stext like p1000-stext.
*& Initialization                                                      *
* Initialize Selection-Screen values
  perform init_selction_screen.
*& AT Selection-screen                                                 *
at selection-screen .
* Check if Test run selected, download file name should be entered
  if p_test is initial.  "
    if p_file is initial.
      message e016 with 'Please enter file name'
                        'specifying complete path'.
*& Start-of Selection                                                  *
get pernr.
  clear t_output.
* Read Infotype 0
  rp-provide-from-last p0000 space pn-begda pn-endda.
  check pnp-sw-found eq c_1.
* Check if employee is active
  check p0000-stat2 in pnpstat2.      "pernr Active
* Read Infotype 1
  rp-provide-from-last p0001 space pn-begda pn-endda.
  check pnp-sw-found eq c_1.
* check if employee belongs to PL03
  check p0001-werks in pnpwerks.  "belongs to PL03
* Check if emp belongs to Active Group
  check p0001-persg in pnppersg.
* Read Infotype 2
  rp-provide-from-last p0002 space pn-begda pn-endda.
  check pnp-sw-found eq c_1.
* Read Org Unit Text.
          OTYPE                   = 'O'
          objid                   = p0001-orgeh
          begda                   = p0001-begda
          endda                   = p0001-endda
          reference_date          = p0001-begda
          object_text             = o_stext
          nothing_found           = 1
          wrong_objecttype        = 2
          missing_costcenter_data = 3
          missing_object_id       = 4
          OTHERS                  = 5.
*Read Position Text.
          OTYPE                   = 'S'
          objid                   = p0001-plans
          begda                   = p0001-begda
          endda                   = p0001-endda
          reference_date          = p0001-begda
          object_text             = p_stext
          nothing_found           = 1
          wrong_objecttype        = 2
          missing_costcenter_data = 3
          missing_object_id       = 4
          OTHERS                  = 5.
* Gather all the required information related to the emp
  move: pernr-pernr to t_output-pernr,
        o_stext to t_output-orgeh_stext,
        p_stext to t_output-plans_stext,
        p0002-nachn to t_output-nachn,
        p0002-vorna to t_output-vorna.
* Gather previous Employee details
  loop at p0023.
    move-corresponding p0023 to t_output.
    append t_output.
*& End-of Selection                                                    *
  perform print_report.
* Downlaod the file
  if not t_output[] is initial.
    if p_test eq space.
      perform download_file.
    write: 'No records selected' color col_negative.
*& Top-of-page                                                         *
* Print Header
  perform print_header.
*&      Form  download_file
* Description :
FORM download_file .
  DATA: full_file_name    TYPE string,
        z_akt_filesize    TYPE i     .
  full_file_name = p_file.
*  download table into file on presentation server
  CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download
      filename                = full_file_name
      filetype                = 'DAT'
      NO_AUTH_CHECK           = c_x
      codepage                = '1160'
      FILELENGTH              = z_akt_filesize
      data_tab                = t_output[]
      file_write_error        = 1
      no_batch                = 2
      gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3
      invalid_type            = 4
      no_authority            = 5
      unknown_error           = 6
      header_not_allowed      = 7
      separator_not_allowed   = 8
      filesize_not_allowed    = 9
      header_too_long         = 10
      dp_error_create         = 11
      dp_error_send           = 12
      dp_error_write          = 13
      unknown_dp_error        = 14
      access_denied           = 15
      dp_out_of_memory        = 16
      disk_full               = 17
      dp_timeout              = 18
      file_not_found          = 19
      dataprovider_exception  = 20
      control_flush_error     = 21
      not_supported_by_gui    = 22
      error_no_gui            = 23
      OTHERS                  = 24.
  IF  sy-subrc               NE        0.
    MESSAGE e016 WITH 'Download-Error; RC:' sy-subrc.
ENDFORM.                    " download_file
*&      Form  print_report
FORM print_report .
  data: i       type i,
        w_count type i.
  sort t_output.
* Print the report
  loop at t_output.
    i = sy-tabix mod 2.
    if i eq 0.
      format color col_normal intensified on.
      format color col_normal intensified off.
    write:/1     t_output-pernr          ,
           10     t_output-vorna(25)     ,
           35    t_output-nachn(25)      ,
           61   t_output-orgeh_stext     ,
           102  t_output-plans_stext     ,
           143  t_output-begda           ,
           154   t_output-endda          ,
           168   t_output-land1          ,
           178   t_output-arbgb(40)      ,
           219   t_output-ort01          ,
           249   space              .
  Describe table t_output lines w_count.
  Skip 2.
  Write:/ 'Total No of Records Downloaded: ' color col_total,
ENDFORM.                    " print_report
*&      Form  print_header
FORM print_header .
  skip 1.
  format Intensified on color col_heading.
  write:/1   'Pers. #'        ,
         10   'Last Name'     ,
         35   'First Name'    ,
         61   'Org Unit'      ,
         102  'Position'      ,
         143  'Beg Date'      ,
        154   'End Date'      ,
        168   'Cntry Key'     ,
        178   'Prev Employer' ,
        219  'City'           ,
        249   space          .
  format intensified off color off.
ENDFORM.                    " print_header
*&      Form  init_selction_screen
FORM init_selction_screen .
  refresh: pnpwerks,
  clear:   pnpwerks,
  pnpwerks-sign   = c_i.
  pnpwerks-option = c_EQ.
  pnpwerks-low    = c_pl03.
  append pnpwerks.
  pnppersg-sign   = c_i.
  pnppersg-option = c_EQ.
  pnppersg-low    = c_1.
  append pnppersg.
  pnpstat2-sign   = c_i.
  pnpstat2-option = c_EQ.
  pnpstat2-low    = c_3.
  append pnpstat2.
ENDFORM.                    " init_selction_screen

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    Some steps to improve performance
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    I have encountered a problem in that we have an interface from SAP to UNIPAY and this interface selects all the paydata from employees and then converts it so that it can be payed via UNIPAY. Now this in itself may sound fairly simple but the problem is the interface is selecting data from IT0377 that has been delimited and still paying the employee which is incorrect. I have debugged the interface and the problem is with 'RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST IT0377' which is still selecting and bringing through the data of the delimited record.
    Has anybody had this problem and if so what was done to correct it ?

                 Did you check The format, apparently , is DD.MM.YYYY.?
    <b>Reward points</b>

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    Take each of these steps that you haven't already tried. Stop when the problem is resolved.
    Step 1
    The first step in dealing with a boot failure is to secure your data. If you want to preserve the contents of the startup drive, and you don't already have at least one current backup, you must try to back up now, before you do anything else. It may or may not be possible. If you don't care about the data that has changed since your last backup, you can skip this step.
    There are several ways to back up a Mac that is unable to boot. You need an external hard drive to hold the backup data.
    a. Boot into Recovery by holding down the key combination command-R at the startup chime, or from a local Time Machine backup volume (option key at startup.) Release the keys when you see a gray screen with a spinning dial. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, launch Disk Utility and follow the instructions in the support article linked below, under “Instructions for backing up to an external hard disk via Disk Utility.”
    How to back up and restore your files
    b. If you have access to a working Mac, and both it and the non-working Mac have FireWire or Thunderbolt ports, boot the non-working Mac in target disk mode by holding down the key combination command-T at the startup chime. Connect the two Macs with a FireWire or Thunderbolt cable. The internal drive of the machine running in target mode will mount as an external drive on the other machine. Copy the data to another drive. This technique won't work with USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth.
    How to use and troubleshoot FireWire target disk mode
    c. If the internal drive of the non-working Mac is user-replaceable, remove it and mount it in an external enclosure or drive dock. Use another Mac to copy the data.
    Step 2
    Press and hold the power button until the power shuts off. Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed to boot, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Use a different keyboard and/or mouse, if those devices are wired. If you can boot now, one of the devices you disconnected, or a combination of them, is causing the problem. Finding out which one is a process of elimination.
    Before reconnecting an external storage device, make sure that your internal boot volume is selected in the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences.
    Step 3
    Boot in safe mode.* The instructions provided by Apple are as follows:
    Shut down your computer, wait 30 seconds, and then hold down the shift key while pressing the power button.
    When you see the gray Apple logo, release the shift key.
    If you are prompted to log in, type your password, and then hold down the shift key again as you click Log in.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including wireless networking on certain Macs.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    *Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t boot in safe mode. Post for further instructions.
    When you boot in safe mode, it's normal to see a dark gray progress bar on a light gray background. If the progress bar gets stuck for more than a few minutes, or if the system shuts down automatically while the progress bar is displayed, your boot volume is damaged and the drive is probably malfunctioning. In that case, go to step 5.
    If you can boot and log in now, empty the Trash, and then open the Finder Info window on your boot volume ("Macintosh HD," unless you gave it a different name.) Check that you have at least 9 GB of available space, as shown in the window. If you don't, copy as many files as necessary to another volume (not another folder on the same volume) and delete the originals. Deletion isn't complete until you empty the Trash again. Do this until the available space is more than 9 GB. Then reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode.)
    If the boot process hangs again, the problem is likely caused by a third-party system modification that you installed. Post for further instructions.
    Step 4
    Sometimes a boot failure can be resolved by resetting the NVRAM.
    Step 5
    Launch Disk Utility in Recovery mode (see above for instructions.) Select your startup volume, then run Repair Disk. If any problems are found, repeat until clear. If Disk Utility reports that the volume can't be repaired, the drive has malfunctioned and should be replaced. You might choose to tolerate one such malfunction in the life of the drive. In that case, erase the volume and restore from a backup. If the same thing ever happens again, replace the drive immediately.
    This is one of the rare situations in which you should also run Repair Permissions, ignoring the false warnings it produces. Look for the line "Permissions repaired successfully" at the end of the output. Then reboot as usual.
    Step 6
    Boot into Recovery again. When the OS X Utilities screen appears, follow the prompts to reinstall the OS. If your Mac was upgraded from an older version of OS X, you’ll need the Apple ID and password you used to upgrade.
    Note: You need an always-on Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection to the Internet to use Recovery. It won’t work with USB or PPPoE modems, or with proxy servers, or with networks that require a certificate for authentication.
    Step 7
    Repeat step 6, but this time erase the boot volume in Disk Utility before installing. The system should automatically reboot into the Setup Assistant. Follow the prompts to transfer your data from a backup.
    Step 8
    If you get this far, you're probably dealing with a hardware fault. Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store to have the machine tested.

  • Problems with retrieving data from tables with 240 and more records

    I've been connecting to Oracle 11g Server (not sure exact version) using Oracle 10.1.0 Client and O10 Oracle 10g driver. Everything was ok.
    I installed Oracle 11.2.0 Client and I started to have problems with retrieving data from tables.
    First I used the same connection string, driver and so on (O10 Oracle 10g) then I tried ORA Oracle but with no luck. The result is like this:
    I'm able to connect to database. I'm able to retrieve data but from small tables (e.g. with 110 records it works perfectly using both O10 and ORA drivers). When I try to retrieve data from tables with like 240 and more records retrieval simply hangs (nothing happens at all - no error, no timeout). Application seems to hang forever.
    I'm using Powerbuilder to connect to Database (either PB10.5 using O10 driver or PB12 using ORA driver). I used DBTrace, so I see that query hangs on the first FETCH.
    So for the retrievals that hang I have something like:
    (3260008): BIND SELECT OUTPUT BUFFER (DataWindow):(DBI_SELBIND) (0.186 MS / 18978.709 MS)
    (3260008): ,len=160,type=DECIMAL,pbt=4,dbt=0,ct=0,prec=0,scale=0
    (3260008): ,len=160,type=DECIMAL,pbt=4,dbt=0,ct=0,prec=0,scale=1
    (3260008): ,len=160,type=DECIMAL,pbt=4,dbt=0,ct=0,prec=0,scale=0
    (3260008): EXECUTE:(DBI_DW_EXECUTE) (192.982 MS / 19171.691 MS)
    and this is the last line,
    while for retrievals that end, I have FETCH producing time, data in buffer and moving to the next Fetch until all data is retrieved
    On the side note, I have no problems with retrieving data either by SQL Developer or DbVisualizer.
    Problems started when I installed 11.2.0 Client. Even if I want to use 10.0.1 Client, the same problem occurs. So I guess something from 11.2.0 overrides 10.0.1 settings.
    I will appreciate any comments/hints/help.
    Thank you very much.

    pgoel wrote:
    I've been connecting to Oracle 11g Server (not sure exact version) using Oracle 10.1.0 Client and O10 Oracle 10g driver. Everything was ok.Earlier (before installing new stuff) did you ever try retrieving data from big tables (like 240 and more records), if yes, was it working?Yes, with Oracle 10g client (before installing 11g) I was able to retrieve any data, either it was 10k+ records or 100 records. Installing 11g client changed something that even using old 10g client (which I still have installed) fails to work. The same problem occur no matter I'm using 10g or 11g client now. Powerbuilder hangs on retrieving tables with more than like 240 records.

  • Difference  Between Provide and RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST  in ABAP-HR

    what is the Difference Between Provide and RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST  IN hR. IF I want to retrieve data in BETTWEEN BEGDA AND ENDDA. what these 2 ill return.
       Both ill return the LAtest record. plz  let me know what ill happen.
      With Regards,
       Venkata Suresh K

    PROVIDE is like a loop statement and it reads records between BEGDA and ENDDA. There is a lot to it, you can read doc...
    RP-PROVIDE-.. _> This is like read table.
    It is similar to : Sort itab descending. read itab index 1.
    If you want data between BEGDA and ENDDA and you have 2 internal tables, you can use PROVIDE. Otherwise, you can use a normal LOOP statement. Provide is helpful if you want to get data from more than 1 table.
    For eg: Infotype 0000 has 2 records from 1.1.2000 to 1.1.2006, and 2.1.2006 to 31.12.9999, and Infotype 0185 has 1 record from 1.1.2005 to 31.12.9999.
    If you use a provide BETWEEN BEGDA and endda in this case, it will run through the loop 3 times with these dates :
    1.1.2000 to 31.12.2004.
    1.1.2005 to 1.1.2006
    2.1.2006 to 31.12.9999
    If a record is not there in one of the internal tables during the date, there is a PNNNN_VALID flag which is filled up (4.6c) and in mySAP onwards, you have explicit valid flags.
    Hope it helps. Please reward points if helpful.


    Can anyone tell me the difference between RP_PROVIDE_FROM_LAST and RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST?  Both the macros are same difference is with underscore(_) and hiphen(-).  Both are working fine for the functionality without any difference.  Then why there are two macros for a single functionality?

    Just providing the links are considered as link farming ( which are against the rules of the forums ), the links would be removed for the following reasons:
    1) If a link is provided( not many ) , then you must point out the explanation in it
    2) If the links were easily searchable by the OP
    3) If the links just direct you to sap documentation
    4) If the reply consists only bunch of link references.
    I think the 3rd & 4th point made your post to be deleted.
    There are no links which states the differences between these two Macro's. Mod's are doing their right job, please join them and make this forum clean

  • Face time fades out and then tries to reconnect on new ipad retina display on WiFi.  Iphone 4s has no problem with face time from exact same location and same contact.  WiFi signal strong on both devices.  What gives?

    Face time fades out and then retries to connect (new Ipad Retina Display) on WiFi. Iphone 4s has no problem with face time from same location and same contact.  What gives?

    rdallas001 wrote:
    Is the router to small?
    Not necessarily, if you are using Facetime all the data goes through your WiFi router, your cable/DSL modem, your ISP and the internet to Apple's Facetime servers and then, in reverse, down to the Facetime recipient. If your ISP connection is too slow or there is excessive traffic on the internet you can have Facetime problems.
    Most WiFi routers can handle this unless others in the house are also using WiFi at the same time. The problem may be your ISP connection or congestion on the internet, etc.

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    I have a problem with color prints from photoshop elements 12. The pictures are too light and with strange colors. I have a Canon pixma mg615I0 printer and use mac os X yosemite. The pictures are taken with a coanon eos 550d in the color space sRGB. I have followed adobes recommendations and have tried both letting the printer respektive photoshop manage the colors. But nothing works. I see that there are different opinions about which is best to do so I tried both. I have the latest printer driver installed. Can anyone help me with this?

    Do the following:
    Print a test page from the printer. Perhaps the print head needs cleaning via its maintenance facility.
    Let the printer manage colors, not PSE
    Calibrate the monitor

  • Hi guys. i have some problem with a link from a pdf on-line,when i click on it,the page adds a "%" at the and of the link and says "page not found" because of it

    Hi guys. i have some problem with a link from a pdf on-line,when i click on it,the page adds a "%" at the and of the link and says "page not found" because of it.
    This happens only when a load my pdf file on my server, because if i click on the link when the file is on my iPad, the page opens without problem.
    Any help please?

    the % sign is often used when there's a space in a name. HTML doesn't like spaces so it fills them with % or %20
    try, on the end of that link, see if there's a space built into the page or the link when the page was made
    On the web address you may be able to 'backspace' at the end and erase that space to get the address, but whomever made the page possibly put a mistake in the link

  • TS3899 I just installed the latest software update on my iPhone this weekend (9/22/12), and now I can't get email. I've restarted and closed all my apps to no avail. I'm able to get email on my laptop, so it's not a problem with my provider. Any ideas?

    I just installed the latest software update on my iPhone this weekend (9/22/12), and now I can't get email. I've restarted and closed all my apps to no avail. I'm able to get email on my laptop, so it's not a problem with my provider. Any ideas?

    Originally we were getting the error that the phone could not connect. Then, after deleting the account multiple times and re-adding it again, the error message CHANGED to having to log in to Yahoo and authorize.
    When we went to Yahoo in a regular browser and logged in there was an alert telling us about connection attempts so it disabled mobile/iphone connectivity. It required that we change our password FIRST.
    Then, we went in to Manage Apps and Webpages and saw that iPhone was not there but Facebook was.
    After all of this went back to the phone and deleted then re-added the account again and SUCCESS!
    It now also shows up on the Yahoo Manage Apps and Webpages.
    Hope this helps someone else. Please consider giving me points if it does or like the post.

  • I just stared having problems with importing files from nikon D810 into LR 5.7 it pop a window saying it can not read files on working on a imac 27" running yosemite on my mac pro after a few times it finally was able to read files and import them into LR

    I just stared having problems with importing files from nikon D810 into LR 5.7 it pop a window saying it can not read files on working on a imac 27" running yosemite on my mac pro after a few times it finally was able to read files and import them into LR I never had this problem before was there some kind of update that could of cause this?

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