Probleme mit Java Suchfunktion

Guten Tag,
ich habe ein Dokument (mit Adobe Acrobat Standard 10) mit einem Textfeld und einer Schaltfläche. In das Textfeld kann Man einen Suchbegriff eingeben über die Schaltfläche Suche kann man dann eine Suche über mehrere PDF's auslösen.
In der Schaltfläche ist ein kleines Java Skript hinterlegt die die Suche auslöst. Mit Adobe Reader 9 funktioniert das super aber mit der aktuellen Reader Version 11.x funktioniert die Suche nicht mehr.
Kann mir eventuell jemand weiterhelfen an was das liegen könnte?
Mfg Steffen

Du mußt natürlich die korrekte "search" Funktion und ihre Methoden verwenden, nicht den UI String/ den eingedeutschten Shorthand Alias. Davon abgesehen verwendet Acro X ein anderes Sicherheitsmodell und je nachdem, welche Einstellungen aktiv sind, kann man eben nur im aktiven Dokument suchen. Da du das nicht beeinflussen kannst, mußt du entweder das Skript um entsprechende Abfragen erweitern, die die Erlaubnis beim user einholen oder eben die iengebaute Suche verwenden... auf jedne Fall wird dich dein simpler Schnipsel Code nicht groß weiter bringen.

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    Wed, 24 Oct 2012 12:24:19 -0600 от Klostein2 <[email protected]>:
    >Acrobat 8 Probleme mit Java-Skript (zoomType) created by Klostein2 in Deutsche Foren - View the full discussion

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    Oracle has released a Java 7 Update 11 to address security vulnerabilities and you should update to that version.
    See also:
    You can find the latest Java version on the Oracle website.
    See Java Platform > Java SE 7U11 and Java 6U38 (Download JRE)

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    Problem with java swing button and loop
    I�m using VAJ 4.0. and I�m doing normal GUI application. I have next problem.
    I have in the same class two jswing buttons named start (ivjGStart) and stop (ivjGStop) and private static int field named Status where initial value is 0. This buttons should work something like this:
    When I click on start button it must do next:
    Start button must set disenabled and Stop button must set enabled and selected. Field status is set to 1, because this is a condition in next procedure in some loop. And then procedure named IzvajajNeprekinjeno() is invoked.
    And when I click on stop button it must do next:
    Start button must set enabled and selected and Stop button must set disenabled.
    Field status is set to 0.
    This works everything fine without loop �do .. while� inside the procedure IzvajajNeprekinjeno(). But when used this loop the start button all the time stay (like) pressed. And this means that a can�t stop my loop.
    There is java code, so you can get better picture:
    /** start button */
    public void gStart_ActionEvents() {
    try {
    getJTextPane1().setText("Program is running ...");
    Status = 1;
    } catch (Exception e) {}
    /** stop button */
    public void gStop_ActionEvents() {
    try {
    getJTextPane1().setText("Program is NOT running ...");
    Status = 0;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    /** procedure IzvajajNeprekinjeno() */
    public void IzvajajNeprekinjeno() {  //RunLoop
    try {
    int zamik = 2000; //delay
    do {
    PreberiDat(); //procedure
    } while (Status == 1);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    So, I'm asking what I have to do, that start button will not all the time stay pressed? Or some other aspect of solving this problem.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Best regards,

    This is a multi thread problem. When you start the gui, it is running in one thread. Lets call that GUI_Thread so we know what we are talking about.
    Since java is task-based this will happen if you do like this:
    1. Button "Start" is pressed. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    2. Event gStart_ActionEvents() called. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    3. Method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() called. Thread running: GUI_Thread
    4. Sleep in method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() on thread GUI_Thread
    5. Call PreberiDat(). Thread running: GUI_Thread
    6. Check status. If == 1, go tho 4. Thread running: GUI_Thread.
    Since the method IzvajajNeprekinjeno() (what does that mean?) and the GUI is running in the same thread and the event that the Start button has thrown isn't done yet, the program will go on in the IzvajajNeprekinjeno() method forever and never let you press the Stop-button.
    What you have to do is do put either the GUI in a thread of its own or start a new thread that will do the task of the IzvajajNeprekinjeno() method.
    This tutorial explains how to build a multi threaded gui.

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    I have had problems with Java not displaying certain animations on the suppliers web site but, my colleague does not and I am suspicious that this is the problem. Can anyone verify this please and what can I do about it. My Java updates are up-to-date as of yesterday and are automatic.

    I was quite amazed I never got a reply to this, in the past people here have been helpful. In any case I was finally able to enter this website on the exceptions list in the Java panel, and I believe it is okay  now.

  • Problem with Java Stack- dev_w2 log mentioned.

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with Java Stack, I could not connect to XI home page,
    I am unable to login to j2ee engine using visual Administrator.
    Please go through the log below. And help me out to resolve this issue and let me know what could be the problem.
    trc file: "dev_w2", trc level: 1, release: "640"
    ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1

    B  create_con (con_name=R/3)
    B  Loading DB library 'C:\usr\sap\SXI\SYS\exe\run\dboraslib.dll' ...
    B  Library 'C:\usr\sap\SXI\SYS\exe\run\dboraslib.dll' loaded
    B  Version of 'C:\usr\sap\SXI\SYS\exe\run\dboraslib.dll' is "640.00", patchlevel (0.39)
    B  New connection 0 created
    M systemid   560 (PC with Windows NT)
    M relno      6400
    M patchlevel 0
    M patchno    43
    M intno      20020600
    M make:      multithreaded, Unicode
    M pid        4140
    M  ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc 2 4140) [dpxxdisp.c   1160]
    I  MtxInit: -2 0 0
    M  DpSysAdmExtCreate: ABAP is active
    M  DpSysAdmExtCreate: JAVA is not active
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_adm)          13160     (1316)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(tm_adm)          2780232     (13832)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(wp_ca_adm)          24000     (80)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(appc_ca_adm)     8000     (80)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(comm_adm)          290000     (580)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(vmc_adm)          0     (372)
    M  DpShMCreate: sizeof(wall_adm)          (38456/34360/64/184)
    M  DpShMCreate: SHM_DP_ADM_KEY          (addr: 060A0040, size: 3195320)
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated sys_adm at 060A0040
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated wp_adm at 060A1B58
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm_list at 060A4EC0
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated tm_adm at 060A4EE8
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated wp_ca_adm at 0634BB30
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated appc_ca_adm at 063518F0
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm_list at 06353830
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated comm_adm at 06353848
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated vmc_adm_list at 0639A518
    M  DpShMCreate: system runs without vmc_adm
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated ca_info at 0639A540
    M  DpShMCreate: allocated wall_adm at 0639A548
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 2 initializing ....
    X  <ES> InitFreeList
    X  Using implementation flat
    M  <EsNT> Memory Reset disabled as NT default
    X  ES initialized.

    M  calling db_connect ...
    C  Got ORACLE_HOME=c:\oracle\ora92 from environment
    C  Client NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8
    C  Logon as OPS$-user to get SAPSXI's password
    C  Connecting as /@SXI on connection 0 ...
    C  Attaching to DB Server SXI (con_hdl=0,svchp=04494404,svrhp=04495074)

    C  Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=04494404,srvhp=04495074,usrhp=0449D8AC)

    C  Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    C  Got SAPSXI's password from OPS$-user
    C  Disconnecting from connection 0 ...
    C  Closing user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=04494404,usrhp=0449D8AC)
    C  Now I'm disconnected from ORACLE
    C  Connecting as SAPSXI/<pwd>@SXI on connection 0 ...
    C  Starting user session (con_hdl=0,svchp=04494404,srvhp=04495074,usrhp=0449D8AC)
    C  Now I'm connected to ORACLE
    C  Database NLS settings: AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8
    C  Database instance sxi is running on STARXI with ORACLE version since 20081020
    B  Connection 0 opened
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName          ConId     ConState     TX  PRM RCT TIM MAX OPT Date     Time   DBHost         
    B  000 000 R/3              000000000 ACTIVE       NO  YES NO  000 255 255 20081020 123752 STARXI         
    M  db_connect o.k.
    I  MtxInit: 2 0 0
    M  SHM_PRES_BUF               (addr: 08230040, size: 4400128)
    M  SHM_ROLL_AREA          (addr: 62E40040, size: 77594624)
    M  SHM_PAGING_AREA          (addr: 08670040, size: 39845888)
    M  SHM_ROLL_ADM               (addr: 0AC80040, size: 775412)
    M  SHM_PAGING_ADM          (addr: 0AD40040, size: 525344)
    M  ThCreateNoBuffer          allocated 540152 bytes for 1000 entries at 0ADD0040
    M  ThCreateNoBuffer          index size: 3000 elems
    M  ThCreateVBAdm          allocated 12160 bytes (50 server) at 0AE60040
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 2 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation flat
    X  ES initialized.

    B  db_con_shm_ini:  WP_ID = 2, WP_CNT = 10
    B  dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABL  (addr: 103D00C8, size: 30000128, end: 1206C4C8)
    B  dbtbxbuf: Profile: max_objects = 5000, displace = 1, reorg = 1
    B  dbtbxbuf: request_unit = 2000, sync_reload = 5, inval_reload = 5
    B  dbtbxbuf: protect_shm = 0, force_checks = 0
    B  dbtbxbuf: tsize_retry = 14302848
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer TABL       started with length 30000128   bytes [dbtbxbuf#7 @ 15714] [dbtbxbuf1571 4]
    B  dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABLP (addr: 0E4000C8, size: 10240000, end: 0EDC40C8)
    B  dbtbxbuf: Profile: max_objects = 500, displace = 1, reorg = 1
    B  dbtbxbuf: request_unit = 2000, sync_reload = 5, inval_reload = 5
    B  dbtbxbuf: protect_shm = 0, force_checks = 0
    B  dbtbxbuf: tsize_retry = 5046656
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer TABLP      started with length 10240000   bytes [dbtbxbuf#7 @ 15714] [dbtbxbuf1571 4]
    B  dbtbxbuf: Reading TBX statistics:
    B  dbtbxbuf: 41 object entries precreated
    B  Layout of EIBUF buffer shared memory:
    B  0: 1 * 4 = 4
    B  1: 1 * 344 = 344
    B  2: 10 * 20 = 200
    B  3: 4001 * 48 = 192048
    B  4: 2000 * 232 = 464000
    B  5: 4001 * 4 = 16004
    B  6: 1 * 200 = 200
    B  7: 65 * 4 = 260
    B  8: 13754 * 256 = 3521024
    B  Tracing = 0, Shm Protection = 0, Force checks = 0
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer EIBUF (addr: 0EDE00D0, size: 4194304, end: 0F1E00D0)
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer EIBUF      started with length 4096k      bytes [dbexpbuf#5 @ 2322] [dbexpbuf2322 ]
    B  Layout of ESM   buffer shared memory:
    B  0: 1 * 4 = 4
    B  1: 1 * 344 = 344
    B  2: 10 * 20 = 200
    B  3: 4001 * 48 = 192048
    B  4: 2000 * 232 = 464000
    B  5: 4001 * 4 = 16004
    B  6: 1 * 200 = 200
    B  7: 65 * 4 = 260
    B  8: 13754 * 256 = 3521024
    B  Tracing = 0, Shm Protection = 0, Force checks = 0
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer ESM   (addr: 0F1F00D0, size: 4194304, end: 0F5F00D0)
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer ESM        started with length 4096k      bytes [dbexpbuf#5 @ 2322] [dbexpbuf2322 ]
    B  Layout of CUA   buffer shared memory:
    B  0: 1 * 4 = 4
    B  1: 1 * 344 = 344
    B  2: 10 * 20 = 200
    B  3: 3001 * 48 = 144048
    B  4: 1500 * 232 = 348000
    B  5: 3001 * 4 = 12004
    B  6: 1 * 200 = 200
    B  7: 193 * 4 = 772
    B  8: 5012 * 512 = 2566144
    B  Tracing = 0, Shm Protection = 0, Force checks = 0
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer CUA   (addr: 0F6000D0, size: 3072000, end: 0F8EE0D0)
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer CUA        started with length 3000k      bytes [dbexpbuf#5 @ 2322] [dbexpbuf2322 ]
    B  Layout of OTR   buffer shared memory:
    B  0: 1 * 4 = 4
    B  1: 1 * 344 = 344
    B  2: 10 * 20 = 200
    B  3: 4001 * 48 = 192048
    B  4: 2000 * 232 = 464000
    B  5: 4001 * 4 = 16004
    B  6: 1 * 200 = 200
    B  7: 81 * 4 = 324
    B  8: 13754 * 256 = 3521024
    B  Tracing = 0, Shm Protection = 0, Force checks = 0
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer OTR   (addr: 0F8F00D0, size: 4194304, end: 0FCF00D0)
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer OTR        started with length 4096k      bytes [dbexpbuf#5 @ 2322] [dbexpbuf2322 ]
    B  ***LOG BB0=> buffer CALE       started with length 500000     bytes [dbcalbuf#1 @ 2206] [dbcalbuf2206 ]
    B  dbtran INFO (init_connection '<DEFAULT>' [ORACLE:640.00]):
    B   max_blocking_factor =  15,  max_in_blocking_factor      =   5,
    B   min_blocking_factor =  10,  min_in_blocking_factor      =   5,
    B   prefer_union_all    =   0,  prefer_union_for_select_all =   0,
    B   prefer_fix_blocking =   0,  prefer_in_itab_opt          =   1,
    B   convert AVG         =   0,  alias table FUPD            =   0,
    B   escape_as_literal   =   1,  opt GE LE to BETWEEN        =   0,
    B   select *            =0x0f,  character encoding          = STD / <none>:-,
    B   use_hints           = abap->1, dbif->0x1, upto->2147483647, rule_in->0,
    B                         rule_fae->0, concat_fae->0, concat_fae_or->0

    M  PfHIndInitialize: memory=<0AEEC488>, header=<0AEEC488>, records=<0AEEC4D0>
    M  SecAudit(init_sel_info): init of SCSA completed: 02 slots used
    M  ***LOG AV6=> 02& [rsauwr1.c    1619]
    M  SsfSapSecin: automatic application server initialization for SAPSECULIB
    N  SsfSapSecin: Looking for PSE in database
    N  SsfPseLoad: started...(path=C:\usr\sap\SXI\DVEBMGS00\sec, AS=starxi, instanceid=00)

    N  SsfPseLoad: Downloading file C:\usr\sap\SXI\DVEBMGS00\sec\SAPSYS.pse (client:    , key: SYSPSE, len: 1078)
    N  SsfPseLoad: ended (1 of 1 sucessfully loaded, 1 checked...
    N  MskiCreateLogonTicketCache: Logon Ticket cache created in shared memory.
    N  MskiCreateLogonTicketCache: Logon Ticket cache pointer registered in shared memory.
    M  rdisp/reinitialize_code_page -> 0
    M  icm/accept_remote_trace_level -> 0
    M  rdisp/no_hooks_for_sqlbreak -> 0

    S  *** init spool environment
    S  initialize debug system
    T  Stack direction is downwards.
    T  debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace
    T  new memory block 121963B0
    S  spool kernel/ddic check: Ok
    S  using table TSP02FX for frontend printing
    S  1 spool work process(es) found
    S  frontend print via spool service enabled
    S  printer list size is 150
    S  printer type list size is 50
    S  queue size (profile)   = 300
    S  hostspool list size = 3000
    S  option list size is 30
    S      intervals: query=50, rescan=1800, global=300 info=120
    S      processing queue enabled
    S  creating spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 0FEB00A8
    S  doing lock recovery
    S  setting server cache root
    S  using server cache size 100 (prof=100)
    S  creating spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 0FEB0370
    S    using messages for server info
    S  size of spec char cache entry: 297028 bytes (timeout 100 sec)
    S  size of open spool request entry: 2132 bytes
    S  immediate print option for implicitely closed spool requests is disabled

    A  -PXA--
    A  PXA: Fragment Size too small: 73 MB, reducing # of fragments
    A  System page size: 4kb, admin_size: 5032kb.
    A  PXA allocated (address 67850040, size 150000K)
    A  System name
    A  ORACLE...........................SXI........20081004121019.....................................
    A  is used for RFC security.
    A  Sharedbuffer token: 41534050...33 (len: 111)====== 2b61c190857e36a8681ef39a...
    A  abap/pxa = shared protect gen_remote
    A  -PXA--

    A  ABAP ShmAdm initialized (addr=579F4000 leng=20955136 end=58DF0000)
    A  >> Shm MMADM area (addr=57E69DF0 leng=126176 end=57E88AD0)
    A  >> Shm MMDAT area (addr=57E89000 leng=16150528 end=58DF0000)
    A  RFC rfc/signon_error_log = -1
    A  RFC rfc/dump_connection_info = 0
    A  RFC rfc/dump_client_info = 0
    A  RFC rfc/cp_convert/ignore_error = 1
    A  RFC rfc/cp_convert/conversion_char = 23
    A  RFC rfc/wan_compress/threshold = 251
    A  RFC rfc/recorder_pcs not set, use defaule value: 2
    A  RFC rfc/delta_trc_level not set, use default value: 0
    A  RFC rfc/no_uuid_check not set, use default value: 0
    A  RFC Method> initialize RemObjDriver for ABAP Objects
    A  Hotpackage version: 9
    M  ThrCreateShObjects          allocated 10568 bytes at 0FFD0040
    M  ThVBStartUp: restart pending update requests

    M  ThVBAutoStart: update-auto-delete
    N  SsfSapSecin: putenv(SECUDIR=C:\usr\sap\SXI\DVEBMGS00\sec): ok
    N  SsfSapSecin: PSE C:\usr\sap\SXI\DVEBMGS00\sec\SAPSYS.pse found!

    N  =================================================
    N  ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .
    N  ===...SSF trace level is 0 .
    N  ===...SSF library is C:\usr\sap\SXI\SYS\exe\run\sapsecu.dll .
    N  ===...SSF hash algorithm is SHA1 .
    N  ===...SSF symmetric encryption algorithm is DES-CBC .
    N  ===...sucessfully completed.
    N  =================================================
    N  MskiInitLogonTicketCacheHandle: Logon Ticket cache pointer retrieved from shared memory.
    N  MskiInitLogonTicketCacheHandle: Workprocess runs with Logon Ticket cache.
    W  =================================================
    W  === ipl_Init() called
    W    ITS Plugin: Path dw_gui
    W    ITS Plugin: Description ITS Plugin - ITS rendering DLL
    W    ITS Plugin: sizeof(SAP_UC) 2
    W    ITS Plugin: Release: 640, [6400.0.43.20020600]
    W    ITS Plugin: Int.version, [31]
    W    ITS Plugin: Feature set: [3]
    W    ===... Calling itsp_Init in external dll ===>
    W  === ipl_Init() returns 0, ITSPE_OK: OK
    W  =================================================
    M  MBUF info for hooks: MS component UP
    M  ThSetEnqName: set enqname by profile
    M  ThISetEnqname: enq name = >starxi_SXI_00                           <

    E  *************** EnqId_EN_ActionAtMsUpHook ***************
    E  Hook on upcoming Ms (with EnqSrv), get auth EnqId and check it locally
    E  Enqueue Info: enque/disable_replication = 2
    E  Enqueue Info: replication disabled

    E  *************** ObjShMem_CheckAuthoritativeEnqId ***************
    E  Checking authoritative EnqId from EnqSrv into ObjShMem
    E  ObjShMem_CheckAuthoritativeEnqId: ObjShMem ...
    E  EnqId.EnqTabCreaTime    = -999
    E  EnqId.RandomNumber      = -999
    E  ReqOrd.TimeInSecs       = -999
    E  ReqOrd.ReqNumberThisSec = -999
    E  ObjShMem_CheckAuthoritativeEnqId: ObjShMem ...
    E  EnqId.EnqTabCreaTime    = -999
    E  EnqId.RandomNumber      = -999
    E  ReqOrd.TimeInSecs       = -999
    E  ReqOrd.ReqNumberThisSec = -999
    E  ObjShMem_CheckAuthoritativeEnqId: EnqId is initial in ShMem
    E  ObjShMem_CheckAuthoritativeEnqId: Overwrite incoming auth EnqId, continue
    E  EnqId inscribed into initial ObjShMem: (ObjShMem_CheckAuthoritativeEnqId)
    E  -SHMEM--
    E  EnqId:          EnqTabCreaTime/RandomNumber    = 20.10.2008 12:38:10  1224486490 / 4140
    E  ReqOrd at Srv:  TimeInSecs/ReqNumberThisSec    = 20.10.2008 12:38:11  1224486491 / 1
    E  ReqOrd at Cli:  TimeInSecs/ReqNumberThisSec    = 20.10.2008 12:38:11  1224486491 / 1
    E  Status:         STATUS_OK
    E  -
    M  ThActivateServer: state = STARTING
    L  Begin of BtcSysStartRaise
    L  Raise event SAP_SYSTEM_START with parameter <starxi_SXI_00       >
    L  End of BtcSysStartRaise

    I  MPI<c>9#3 Peak buffer usage: 5 (@ 64 KB)

    M  *** WARNING => ThCheckReqInfo: req_info & DP_CANT_HANDLE_REQ
    M  return number range rc 12
    M  *** WARNING => ThNoGet: get from object (cli/obj/subobj/range = 000/ALAUTOUID /      /01) returned rc 12

    S  server @>SSRV:starxi_SXI_00@< appears or changes (state 1)
    B  table logging switched off for all clients

    S  server @>SSRV:starxi_SXI_00@< appears or changes (state 1)

    M  hostaddrlist return 0

    M  hostaddrlist return 0

    M  hostaddrlist return 0
    M  hostaddrlist return 0
    M  hostaddrlist return 0

    You probably made the same mistake as I did and added the tables manually to the "sample" database instead of the "sun-appserv-samples" database.

  • Problem with Java after Software Update to 10.5.7

    I am facing problem with Java after having run Software upgrades.
    Here is the whole story. I recently moved to iMac 10.5.6 from PowerPc 10.4. On this new machine I was having problem running a 3rd party application, which requires JVM. As this application worked well on Tiger, I decided to upgrade JVM on my iMAC using Software Upgrade(was I insane!!). As I like my systems to be updated (as with linux on my personal machine) I clicked "install all". As a result I have the following upgrades run on my machine:
    2009-05-20 13:12:01 +0200: Installed "Mac OS X Update Combined" (10.5.7)
    2009-05-20 13:12:10 +0200: Installed "Remote Desktop Client Update" (3.2.2)
    2009-05-20 13:12:26 +0200: Installed "Java For Mac OS X 10.5 Update 2" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:36 +0200: Installed "Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 3" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:44 +0200: Installed "AirPort Utility Software Update 2009-001" (5.4.1)
    2009-05-20 13:59:07 +0200: Installed "QuickTime" (7.6)
    2009-05-20 13:59:22 +0200: Installed "iPhoto Update" (7.1.5)
    2009-05-20 13:59:28 +0200: Installed "iLife Support" (9.0.2)
    2009-05-20 13:59:38 +0200: Installed "iDVD Update" (7.0.3)
    2009-05-20 13:59:58 +0200: Installed "iTunes" (8.1.1)
    But now, simply running $java on the prompt hangs, i.e. it takes no action.
    $ which java
    $ ls -ltr /usr/bin/java
    May 20 15:09 /usr/bin/java -> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java
    $java (no response)
    Here is the output of $ top
    703 java 98.8% 0:38.54 3 110 72 480K 184K 1964K 40M
    Any clues?
    Details of JavaVM on my machine
    $ pwd
    $ ls -ltr
    total 56
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Dec 2 2007 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 Aug 31 2008 1.4.1 -> 1.4
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 Aug 31 2008 1.4.2
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 Aug 31 2008 1.5.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.3 -> 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.4 -> 1.4.2
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.5 -> 1.5.0
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 20 13:12 1.6.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.6 -> 1.6.0
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 20 13:12 A
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1 May 20 14:57 Current -> A
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 May 20 14:59 CurrentJDK -> 1.5
    Any suggestions? Is there a cleaner approach to uninstall Java on Mac then a simpl "move to thrash"!

    I am facing problem with Java after having run Software upgrades.
    Here is the whole story. I recently moved to iMac 10.5.6 from PowerPc 10.4. On this new machine I was having problem running a 3rd party application, which requires JVM. As this application worked well on Tiger, I decided to upgrade JVM on my iMAC using Software Upgrade(was I insane!!). As I like my systems to be updated (as with linux on my personal machine) I clicked "install all". As a result I have the following upgrades run on my machine:
    2009-05-20 13:12:01 +0200: Installed "Mac OS X Update Combined" (10.5.7)
    2009-05-20 13:12:10 +0200: Installed "Remote Desktop Client Update" (3.2.2)
    2009-05-20 13:12:26 +0200: Installed "Java For Mac OS X 10.5 Update 2" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:36 +0200: Installed "Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 3" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:44 +0200: Installed "AirPort Utility Software Update 2009-001" (5.4.1)
    2009-05-20 13:59:07 +0200: Installed "QuickTime" (7.6)
    2009-05-20 13:59:22 +0200: Installed "iPhoto Update" (7.1.5)
    2009-05-20 13:59:28 +0200: Installed "iLife Support" (9.0.2)
    2009-05-20 13:59:38 +0200: Installed "iDVD Update" (7.0.3)
    2009-05-20 13:59:58 +0200: Installed "iTunes" (8.1.1)
    But now, simply running $java on the prompt hangs, i.e. it takes no action.
    $ which java
    $ ls -ltr /usr/bin/java
    May 20 15:09 /usr/bin/java -> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java
    $java (no response)
    Here is the output of $ top
    703 java 98.8% 0:38.54 3 110 72 480K 184K 1964K 40M
    Any clues?
    Details of JavaVM on my machine
    $ pwd
    $ ls -ltr
    total 56
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Dec 2 2007 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 Aug 31 2008 1.4.1 -> 1.4
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 Aug 31 2008 1.4.2
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 Aug 31 2008 1.5.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.3 -> 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.4 -> 1.4.2
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.5 -> 1.5.0
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 20 13:12 1.6.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 20 13:12 1.6 -> 1.6.0
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 20 13:12 A
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1 May 20 14:57 Current -> A
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 May 20 14:59 CurrentJDK -> 1.5
    Any suggestions? Is there a cleaner approach to uninstall Java on Mac then a simpl "move to thrash"!

  • Problem with Java after System Upgrade to 10.5.7

    I am facing problem with Java after having run Software upgrades.
    Here is the whole story. I recently moved to iMac 10.5.6 from PowerPc 10.4. On this new machine I was having problem running a 3rd party application, which requires JVM. As this application worked well on Tiger, I decided to upgrade JVM on my iMAC using Software Upgrade(was I insane!!). As I like my systems to be updated (as with linux on my personal machine) I clicked "install all". As a result I have the following upgrades run on my machine:
    2009-05-20 13:12:01 +0200: Installed "Mac OS X Update Combined" (10.5.7)
    2009-05-20 13:12:10 +0200: Installed "Remote Desktop Client Update" (3.2.2)
    2009-05-20 13:12:26 +0200: Installed "Java For Mac OS X 10.5 Update 2" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:36 +0200: Installed "Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 3" (1.0)
    2009-05-20 13:58:44 +0200: Installed "AirPort Utility Software Update 2009-001" (5.4.1)
    2009-05-20 13:59:07 +0200: Installed "QuickTime" (7.6)
    2009-05-20 13:59:22 +0200: Installed "iPhoto Update" (7.1.5)
    2009-05-20 13:59:28 +0200: Installed "iLife Support" (9.0.2)
    2009-05-20 13:59:38 +0200: Installed "iDVD Update" (7.0.3)
    2009-05-20 13:59:58 +0200: Installed "iTunes" (8.1.1)
    But now, simply running $ java on the prompt hangs, i.e. it takes no action.
    $ which java
    $ ls -ltr /usr/bin/java
    May 20 15:09 /usr/bin/java -> /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/java
    $java (no response)
    Here is the output of $ top
    703 java 98.8% 0:38.54 3 110 72 480K 184K 1964K 40M
    Any clues?

    Hi man,
    In the wake of this java problem I resorted to keep working on my old machine, and today in my spare time I tried to fix this new machine.
    So I execute $java on prompt, and then try to check the files it has opened, using lsof -p pid
    I see it referring to
    isn't this usually the JAVA_HOME
    However, executing $/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5.0/Home/bin/java
    $ pwd
    $ ./java -version
    java version "1.6.0_07"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_07-b06-153)
    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.6.0_07-b06-57, mixed mode)
    So, I changed the links as follows
    borgraf:Versions raveesh$ l
    total 72
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root wheel 102 Mar 6 2008 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 May 21 19:42 1.4.1 -> 1.4
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 21 19:42 1.6.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 May 21 19:44 OldCurrentJDK -> 1.5
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 21 19:44 1.4 -> 1.4.2
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 21 19:44 1.3 -> 1.3.1
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 21 19:44 1.5 -> 1.5.0
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 21 19:44 1.4.2
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 21 19:44 1.5.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 May 21 19:44 1.6 -> 1.6.0
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 1 May 21 19:44 OldCurrent -> A
    drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 May 21 19:44 A
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 Jun 4 17:14 CurrentJDK -> 1.6
    lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 3 Jun 4 17:21 Current -> 1.6
    Linking my Current and CurrentJDK to 1.6 and it works!
    However, shall that be the reason!
    what is in your /Versions/Current/
    I got the following
    $ ls /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current
    CodeResources Frameworks JavaVM
    Commands Headers Resources
    There is no /Home in here, which is usually the case for /1.5 or /1.6
    Anyways, things seems to work for the moment. Lets see if I get problem with using Java.

  • A Problem with java

    I have a question with the program.I have write a program that it about polynomial which is in order to desc. But my teacher want me to modify the program to in order to asc. But I don't have any idea with that. Can anyone give me some ideas for this. How can I modify it by easy method? The code is about that,
    public class Polynomial
        private int degree;
        private Node head;
        public static Polynomial addPolys(Polynomial poly1, Polynomial poly2)
            Polynomial polyRes = new Polynomial();
            int power = ( > ? :;
            while (power >= 0)
                Node n1 = poly1.head;
                while (n1 != null)
                    if (n1.power == power)
                    n1 =;
                Node n2 = poly2.head;
                while (n2 != null)
                    if (n2.power == power)
                    n2 =;
                if ((n1 != null) && (n2 != null))
                    polyRes.addNode(n1.coeff + n2.coeff, n1.power);
                else if (n1 != null)
                    polyRes.addNode(n1.coeff, n1.power);
                else if (n2 != null)
                    polyRes.addNode(n2.coeff, n2.power);
            return polyRes;       
        public void addNode(int coeff, int power)
            if (head == null)
                head = new Node(coeff, power, null);
                degree = power;
                Node n = head;
                Node last = null;
                while (n != null)
                    if (power > n.power)
                        if (last == null)
                            head = new Node(coeff, power, n);
                   = new Node(coeff, power, n);
                        degree = power;
                    last = n;
                    n =;
                if (n == null)
           = new Node(coeff, power, null);
        public class Node
            public int coeff;
            public int power;
            public Node next;
            public Node(int coeff, int power, Node next)
                this.coeff = coeff;
                this.power = power;
       = next;
        public String toString()
            StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer();
            Node n = head;
            while (n != null)
                if (n.coeff >= 0)
                    strBuf.append("+ ").append(n.coeff);
                    strBuf.append("- ").append(-(n.coeff));
                if (n.power > 1)
                else if (n.power == 1)
                strBuf.append("  ");
                n =;
            return strBuf.toString();

    In the future, please use a meaningful subject. "A Problem with Java" contains no information, since by the very fact that you're posting here, it's obvious that you're having a problem with Java. The subject line should give a high level overview of what kind of problem you're having, so people can decide if they're interested and qualified to answer.

  • Probleme mit Photoshop CS6 und Wacom Cintiq 21UX Pen-Display

    Hallo zusammen, ich hoffe man kann mir hier weiter helfen.
    Seit ich Photoshop CS 6 auf meinen Rechner habe (Windows 7 64Bit, 8GByte Ram, Nvidia GTX 460 Grafikkarte) habe ich Probleme beim Zeichnen probleme mit dem Drucksensitiven Stif meines Wacom Cintiq 21UX Pen-Display.
    Es tritt immer wieder Sporadisch auf, das wenn ich z.B. einfach Striche Zeichnen will, Gerade oder Geschwungene aus dem Handgelenk raus, das diese plötzlich in voller Pinselgröße erscheinen, ob wohl Photoshop so eingestellt ist, das die Pinselgröße durch den Stiftdruck gesteuert werden soll.
    z.B. möchte eine Art Grass Zeichnen also setze ich den Stift an und Zeichne los, die ersten Sekunden kann ich diverse unterschiedliche Striche zeichnen, dann setze ich wieder zum x-ten mal den Stift für den nächsten Strich an und dieser wird in voller Pinselgröße  gezeichnet, egal wie stark ich mit dem Stift aufdrücke, wenn ich den Stift wieder anhebe und wieder neu aufsetze geht es wieder oder auch mal nicht.
    Ich weiß nicht wo das Problem ist den in Photoshop CS5 habe ich das noch nie gehabt.
    Ich nutze viel die Standard Pinselspitze, aber auch bei anderen Pinselspitzen ist dieses verhalten gegeben, in anderen Programmen mit der Drucksensitiven Stift unterstützung habe ich keinerlei Probleme.
    Habe auch die Wacom-Sift einstellungen schon wieder auf Standard zurück gesetzt auch ohne erfolg, auch aktuelle Wacom-Treiber installiert, auch ohne erfolg, es liegt an Photoshop CS 6
    Wer kann helfen, oder könnte jemand das Problem an Adobe schicken, ich kann leider kein Englisch, habs schon mal in Deutsch an Adobe geschickt aber bis heute keine rückmeldung erhalten.
    Bedanke mich schon mal im voraus für jede Hilfe.

    Das sind irgendwelche Fehler im Wacom-Treiber in Kombination mit bestimmten Grafikkarten und PS' Hardwarebeschleunigung. Eine wirkliche Lösung zu dem Problem habe ich noch nirgendwo gesehen, aber vielelicht hilft ja das Ausknipsen von OpenCL oder andere Grafikeinstellungen im System.

Maybe you are looking for