Problems Booting up - "No smoking symbol"

Hello everyone,
I'm running a 2004 Powerbook G4 512 megs of ram and an 80 gig HD, hopefully I'll be able to explain my problem as clearly as I can.
Months ago, I left to class only to return to a Powerbook that was responding very very sluggish. I heard this internal grinding sound (I think grinding is too harsh of a word, but imagine something spinning and stopping it with your hand, such as those mini handheld fans people bring out during the summer) and none of my applications were running. So I turn off the computer to restart it and the computer does not boot at all. I did not panic, but left the computer off for a couple days and turned it back on and everything booted up propely and everything seemed okay. I repaired the permissions and tried to repair the disk only to run into an error. I decided to boot off the Tiger OSX CD and run disk utility from there. I was able to repair the disk and I thought that was the end of my problem... and it was... for about a month.
The 'grind' and the repeating clicking noise returned. I immediately tried to boot off the CD to run disk utility, only to find that disk utilitiy wasn't picking up my hard drive! I checked the startup disk and only had the two choices of booting off the CD or booting off the network (i think that's what the second choice was, I might be wrong!) but no choice to boot off the HD on the laptop. Worried again, I kept the computer off for a couple more days and booted off the CD only to have disk utility find pickup the hard drive. I ran disk utility and repaired the permissions and disk.
The computer was working fine, although I knew something was obviously wrong with it! I took it to the apple store and told the guy what was happening only to get a mini lecture on why it wouldn't be cost effective for apple to start replacing parts on my computer. Frustrated, I told him that it's not very cost effective for me to purchase a $2200+ computer, the only computer I have in college, to have it break down several times and be told that I needed to wait to have it breakdown once more before anything could be done. I was angry, but of course what he said makes sense.
The computer stopped functioning for a third time. This when the gray screen appears, instead of the apple logo, I got the no-smoking circle-with-a-slash-through-it symbol.
After a couple more tries, the apple symbol came back and it took quite a while to get out of the gray screen and into the blue screen... although once the blue screen came up with the spinning circle beneath it letting the user know something is loading, the circle would go away, and the system would just hang at that blue screen.
Unfortunately, it was finals week for me and the computer broke down the day before I was flying back to Los Angeles.
Call me a fool, but I once again booted off the CD, ran disk utility, and here I am typing out this post on the same laptop.
Anyone have any ideas what the problem could be? Is it a failing HD? Wouldn't the HD have croaked already? Anything would help and I'm very sorry for the long post!!!
Thank you for bearing with me.
Powerbook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   512 megs of ram, 80gig HD, completely stock.

Sluggish, grinding, "no smoking" symbol at startup -- you've got a failing hard drive. if you have access to an external drive, get your critical data off now.
What does it say in Disk Utility under SMART status: verified or failing?
I had mine replaced a month ago. It was still working, but the grinding was driving me insane, and of course the day before I took it in, even SMART status said "verified." ON the genisu bar it changed to "failing."
You're on borrowed time. But like a soap opera actress, hard drives can die a quick and painless death, or a long, drawn-out, season-long melodramatic death.
So, in summary back up your data, prrepare to get a new drive.
Let me know if this helped, and what your progress is.

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    What in the world is going on here?
    Message was edited by: Jonathan Kussmaul

    You seem to have a lot of problems, the last being a kernel panic. This is often attributed to a hardware failure including the possibility of defective RAM.
    They are not easy to track down but here are some suggestions to assist you.
    What is a Kernel panic?
    Resolving Kernel Panic's by Dr Smoke
    However, try once again to boot from the install DVD and perform Repair Disk, otherwise, start on the troubleshooting.

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    load HP driver for raid controller. During installation, disk is
    recognized as c1d0t0 (the only disk in system); one partition is
    created on this disk.
    2) Disk is devided to 6 slices:
    c1d0t0s0 - swap, 4GB
    c1d0t0s1 - /, cca 32GB
    c1d0t0s[3,4,5,6] - /zones/[a,b,c,d] - each cca 160GB
    3) At the end of installation, CPQary3 driver is installed to target
    system without any errors reported. No errors are reported during
    installation at all.
    After reboot, GRUB is started. It shows boot menu containing two
    - Solaris 'normal' boot
    - failsafe boot
    PROBLEM: Selecting 'normal' boot leads to immediate system restart.
    According to documentation, this case occurs when PCQary3
    driver is not installed.
    I'm able to boot using 'failsafe' option in grub. After entering single
    user, I load PCQary3 driver to runtime using 'install-du' command.
    I'm also able to find instaled Solaris using 'install-recovery' and mount
    its root volume to /a directory. Necessary driver IS installed inside
    /a/kernel/drv/ directory. Options 'bootpath' in /a/boot/solaris/bootenv.rc
    file is set up correctly pointing to device associated with /dev/dsk/c1d0t0s1
    device. Also GRUB is able to recognize UFS filesystem for boot partition.
    I've already tried (without success):
    1) Use RAID 1+0 instead of RAID5
    2) Create only 3,5GB partition instead of 700GB large one.
    3) Place / on c1d0t0s0 instead of c1d0t0s1.
    4) Re-create boot archive using 'bootadm update-archive -R /a'
    So, everything seems to be installed correctly, but system cannot boot.
    Do you have any ideas how to fix this problem?

    Sounds like an issue I just had with a brand new X4150, installation and failsafe worked fine, but normal booting led to immediate reboot of the server. This was due to an incompatibility of solaris and intel's newest generation xeon chips.
    You can still boot 'normal' solaris in 32-bit mode:
    hit 'e' at the grub menu, 'e' again to edit the 'normal' boot entry and add 'kernel/unix' after multiboot. This should boot up solaris in 32-bit mode. From there, download and install the latest patch set (125370-06 and 127112-05 are fixing this issue). After that you should be fine.

  • [URGENT] Problems Booting from External HD

    I'm at a complete loss on this one. I'm a pretty competent Mac geek, and even I can't figure this out. Bear with me, I'll try and explain my problem as best I can. First, some basic info:
    My hardware setup:
    • iMac G3 600MHz
    • 1GB RAM
    • 120GB internal HD, running OSX 10.4.7
    The computer's internal drive is used by someone else for work during the day. I run all of my files and programs from a 2nd HD, which I boot from:
    • Seagate 300GB HD
    • Bytecc combo USB/Firewire drive enclosure
    The only recent install I've done is Super Duper, which I did after I began having problems. I used it clone my Firewire boot drive to a (backup) 400GB external USB/Firewire drive, and I restored from the clone once when I began having the problems that now appear to have come back. At the time, it appeared that restoring from the clone had solved my problems. I'm fairly certain that my problems are software-related: I've installed the drive in question in another Mac (internally), S.M.A.R.T. status appears fine. I'm not using anything awful like Norton Disk Doctor, I've tried rebuilding the volume using DiskWarrior, without success.
    I am unable to boot from my Firewire drive. When I start up using it, everything appears normal, until I get to the boot panel. The progress bar loads very slowly, and only gets about halfway finished before the login panel appears on top of it (even though the boot drive is a single-user volume, set to login automatically). The username and password fields are both blank, and if I enter my username and password it says it's incorrect.
    • OSX/programs become unresponsive after waking from sleep. Computer freezes, and most recently the screen went completely gray. After forceably turning off the computer and HD and restarting, I get the problem I just mentioned with the login panel. I don't have any problems waking from sleep if I'm booting from the computer's internal HD.
    • Certain programs (notably iTunes and Adobe CS2 apps) periodically become unresponsive and quit. Several times I've gotten an "unknown error" message from iTunes saying that it is "unable to save the iTunes library". Both of these issues usually precede the main problem of being unable to boot/login.
    • Occasionally, if I boot from the computer's internal HD and then switch on the external, it refuses to recognize it as being a formatted OSX extended (journaled) volume. Turning it off for several minutes and then turning it back on sometimes fixes it, as does repairing it using Disk Utility.
    These problems have been plaguing me for months now, and with more than one external HD (although using the same enclosure). Everytime I do something to fix it, the problems seem to go away for an increasingly shorter amount of time, before reappearing, each time slightly worse than before. I'm convinced all of the issues I've been having are in some way related, I just can't figure out how they're related (or what I can do to fix them). Hopefully, one of you can help me.
    iMac G3 600MHz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   1GB RAM | 120GB HD (Internal) | 300GB HD (External) | 400GB HD (External)

    I occassionally get a similar problem, when playing a corrupt video via mplayer. The scrren freezes and I have to poweroff. When I log back in no user and no password is valid, even when root is enabled.
    Solution: replace from a cloan. You will need to boot from a good cloan before you can do this, and be able to retain the original permissions.
    I use: sudo rsync -avE /private/var/db/netinfo/ /Volumes/vol-name/private/var/db/netinfo
    PB 15 1.5 Ghz    

  • [Solved] Problem booting root in LVM, which spans two LUKS partitions

    I recently switched to Arch from OpenSuse, and I'm having a bit of trouble getting my encrypted disks to boot properly. I have two disks, the first is a 4 TB drive set up like this:
    MBR partition table
    Partition 1 - Windows 7, 200GB
    Partition 2 - Linux boot, 200MB
    Partition 3 - Luks partition, 1.7TB
    Partition 4 - Luks partition, 1.7TB
    Within partition 3 and 4 is an LVM volume which spans the two partitions. The reason for that is just that I can't have a 3.4TB partition on an MBR formatted drive (as I understand it). I have the root volume and swap, etc within this LVM. The second hard drive is simply a data drive, also encrypted. My problem is that I don't know how to tell the system to open both of these encrypted partitions at boot, in order to boot the root volume. This worked fine under OpenSuse and I only needed to enter the Luks password once (it is the same for both partitions).
    As it is right now, my boot parameters in /etc/default/grub look like this:
    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet nomodeset cryptdevice=/dev/sda3:sda3_crypt root=/dev/mapper/vg_arch-root"
    Currently the system boots, asks for the password to /dev/sda3, hangs for roughly 20 seconds and then kicks me into a root prompt. I can manually open /dev/sda4 at this point using cryptsetup and the system will continue booting normally... but I would like to have it set up properly, so I don't need to do that. Considering OpenSuse does this out of the box I figured it should be possible under Arch. Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by keitolainen (2015-06-09 21:56:08)

    As a quick update in case anyone is reading this, I cleaned up the script a bit and hopefully made it something closer to a "proper" fix.
    Rather than editing /usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/encrypt directly, I did the following:
    cp /usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/encrypt /etc/initcpio/hooks/
    then changed the following section of /etc/initcpio/hooks/encrypt from:
    # Ask for a passphrase
    if [ ${dopassphrase} -gt 0 ]; then
    echo ""
    echo "A password is required to access the ${cryptname} volume:"
    #loop until we get a real password
    while ! eval cryptsetup open --type luks ${resolved} ${cryptname} ${cryptargs} ${CSQUIET}; do
    sleep 2;
    # Ask for a passphrase
    if [ ${dopassphrase} -gt 0 ]; then
    echo ""
    while true ; do
    echo -n "A password is required to access the ${cryptname} volume: "
    read -sr password
    echo $password | cryptsetup open --type luks ${resolved} ${cryptname} ${cryptargs} ${CSQUIET}
    if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
    echo $password | cryptsetup open --type luks /dev/sda4 sda4_crypt
    echo ""
    then edited /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and changed:
    and ran
    This is working well for me and I think it's a little cleaner than the solution I posted earlier. Sorry for the awkward bash, if anyone has a more elegant solution please let me know.

  • Kt8 neo2 6702 200gb hard disk problem booting/recognising bios v9.3

    just bought a new msi kt8 neo2 series m/b. MS-6702 E  It has 1gb ddr 3200 ram 400w generic psu amd64 3500+ cpu sblaster audigy + generic net card + xpertvision 6800gs 512mb video card. The proble is the hard drive, I think? its a samsung 200gb that was working fine in my last puter untill i put it into my new one. it has xp on the 1st partition and kubuntu on the second with grub as the boot loader. everthing was hunkey dorey in the last system, but wheni try and boot grub gives me a error 17 and with a bit more fiddling tells me it cant mount the selected partition because the bios does not recognise that many cylinders or sectors, cant remember exactly. Have tried a different boot loader including lilo without success. The disk is recognised in the bios as a 33.2 or 32.3 gb drive? i have flashed to v9.3 successfully, after accidently hosing the previous board with a bad flash from my stupidity  anyhow has anyone else come across a problem like this? i had a look in the stickies and searched a bit but couldnt find anything. If i boot a linux live cd it can see the drive fine at 200gb and access all my old data without a problem. any help would be greatly appriciated as im about to pull out the last of my hair  am i missing a setting in the bios? to enable lba 48bit addressing or sumthing? I have flashed older computers and then the bios recognised big drives but this one refuses to? does it not support them? heeeeeellllppp!!! 

    Thanx for your resonses. I have tried reinstalling Kubuntu and grub with the same result. but even if i get rid of grub, the bios is still seeing my 200gb hard drive as a 33.8gb one? wherever it pulled that number out of, who knows.  so if i can boot into a console the "fixmbr" command will do what? remove grub and replace it with what? I have tried installing other boot loaders (lilo and gag) but with the same problem they all have a hissy at this 33.8gb drive thats all  up 
    Kind Regards,

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