Problems Creating a Java Class using a webservice with certificate

i'm developing a java class that call's a webservice that needs a certificate, i'm not used to work with java, last time was 10 years ago, so i'm having some troubles because of the certificate.
I already add the certificate using java control panel > Security > Certificates. When testing i get the following error: IOException ( subject key, Unknown key spec)
I think I need to define the certificate in my class, but i'm having a lots of trouble with the samples that i found over the internet, nothing works and i'm running out of time.
This is my Class
create or replace and compile java source named "FishInfoAt" as
public class FishInfoAt
     public FishInfoAt()
     public static String send(String urlfishinfoat, String mensagem, String mensagem1, String mensagem2, String mensagem3)
          // Init
          String response = "";
          String msgtotal = mensagem+mensagem1+mensagem2+mensagem3;
          String a = "";
          HttpURLConnection conn = null;
               URL url = new URL(urlfishinfoat);
               conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
               conn.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
               conn.setRequestProperty("SOAPAction", "");
               conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length","" + msgtotal.length());
               OutputStream out = conn.getOutputStream();
               InputStream in = conn.getInputStream();
               int value;
               while( (value = != -1)
          catch(Exception e)
response = ("*** ERROR - IOException (" + e.getMessage() + a + ")");
return response;

Hi Deepak,
Could you please let us know upto which line your code is going safe. Try printing the value in the structure before you send that to the method GetUGEntity().
I am not too sure that would be a problem. But I have faced a problem like this, wherein I tried to access a structure for which I have not allocated memory and hence got exception because of that.
Since your JNI code seems to be error free, I got doubt on your C part. Sorry.

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    Hi Deepak,
    Could you please let us know upto which line your code is going safe. Try printing the value in the structure before you send that to the method GetUGEntity().
    I am not too sure that would be a problem. But I have faced a problem like this, wherein I tried to access a structure for which I have not allocated memory and hence got exception because of that.
    Since your JNI code seems to be error free, I got doubt on your C part. Sorry.

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    jmid = jvmEnv->GetStaticMethodID(jcls, "getProperty", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;");
    jstrClassPath = jvmEnv->NewStringUTF("java.class.path");
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    pstr = jvmEnv->GetStringUTFChars(m_jstr, 0);
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      If you create the class within the begin others"----
    "end" section, this class will not be accessible by any other class.
      You can create a class in
    Project/src/packages/<namespace>/<your component>/<create a new subdirectory>/
    This will be accessible to all other classes. Just make sure the first line of your java file is the proper package declaration. So in this case the 1st line dhould be:
    package <namespace>.<your component>.<subdirectory name>;

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    u dont need to create a primary key class for a entity bean.if ur table's primary key feild(int ,float) is a built in or primitive data type,then u dont need one.But if ur table has a primary key field which is non primitive (for example StudentID,ItemID etc)then u have to create a primary key class.
    hope this helps :-)

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    2. Using JDEV created a wsdl file of WSIF binding type for invoking this wrapper class.(Attached with this mail.)
    3. Created the required fascade classes using the SCHEMAC option in command prompt.
    4. Placed all the class files including the wrapper class file in %BPELHOME%\bpel\system\classes
    5. Created a BPEL process to invoke the wsif wsdl.
    However while Invoking the BPEL process I am getting the error" : Could not invoke 'authenticate'; nested exception is:
         org.collaxa.thirdparty.apache.wsif.WSIFException: No method named 'authenticate' found that match the parts specified"
    Can someone tell me how to resolve this issue.
    I have to do a presentation on this in 2 days.
    Thanks for the help.

    Hi in BPEL XML,
    Enter the credientials,
    I have pasted the Sample BPEL file.
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
         <BPELProcess id="BankTransferFlow" src="BankTransferFlow.bpel">
                   <partnerLinkBinding name="client">
                        <property name="wsdlLocation">BankTransferFlow.wsdl</property>
                   <partnerLinkBinding name="bankTransfer">
                        <property name="wsdlLocation">BankTransferServiceDesign.wsdl</property>
                        <property name="wsdlRuntimeLocation">BankTransferService.wsdl</property>
                        <property name="">oc4jadmin</property>
                        <property name="">welcome1</property>     
                        <property name="dedicated.connection">true</property>          
    <property name="testIntroduction"><![CDATA[
         This demo showcases the integration of session beans into
         an end-to-end business process. The database has 2 accounts 11111 and 22222 and both of them have initial balance 1000.
    <property name="defaultInput"><![CDATA[<BankTransferFlowRequest xmlns="">
    <property name="transaction">participate</property>
    <property name="inMemoryOptimization">true</property>
    Thank you,
    [email protected]

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    I want to develop a custom java class (.class) file and upload in the UCM(Stellent Content Server). The problem is that I have to use some objects like DataResultSet, SharedObjects etc in my java class file. Since these class files resides in the Content Server I am not able to create a custom java class with these objects.
    Can any one help me to solve the above issue
    With thanks and regards

    Hey there,
    All of the core content server class files are included in a single jar file. This jar is in one of 2 places in the 10gr3 version of UCM:
    1. If you have an unpatched content server include $IntradocDir/shared/classes/ in your classpath
    2. If you have a patched content server include $IntradocDir/custom/CS10gR35CoreUpdate/classes.jar in your classpath.
    In UCM 11g the jar file is located in %MIDDLEWARE_HOME%/Oracle_ECM1/ucm/idc/jlib/idcserver.jar
    P.S. Venkat is correct, post UCM specific questions in the ECM forum.
    Hope that helps,
    Andy Weaver - Senior Software Consultant
    Fishbowl Solutions < >

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    Hello all,
    We have followed the footsteps of these blogs but we can not make it work.
    Part I --> Part-I: Print Web Dynpro Java applications using JasperReports
    Part II --> Part-II: Print Web Dynpro Java applications using JasperReports
    Part III --> Part-III: Print Web Dynpro Java applications using JasperReports
    Details system: 7.02 SP3
    We believe that the problem is in the library, because it finds them.
    1) We created project as a DC external library with *.jars
    2) Public part DC external library.
    3) Add public part of DC Library into new project DC WebDynpro Java.
    4) Development Component -> Build is OK
    5) Development Component -> Deploy is OK
    6) Test app ERROR.
    When we run the application shows the error:
    The initial exception that caused the request to fail, was:
       java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/jasperreports/engine/JRDataSource
        at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.Class.forName(
        at com.unisys.tmb.View01.onActiongenerarPDF(
        at com.unisys.tmb.wdp.InternalView01.wdInvokeEventHandler(
        ... 28 more
    See full exception chain for details.

    Hello John,
    Thanks for the link. We have performed the steps in this blog:
    1) Create DC Project "External Library" with name js/jars:
    - Add *.jars in folder Libraries.[Screenshot Libraries|]
    - Add archives (*.jar) to public part with name ExternalLib. Which option to choose?
    a- Provides an API for developing/compiling other DCs (Option chosen)
    b- Can be packaged into other build results (eg SDAs)
    - Development Component -&gt; Build
    Step 1 is OK.
    2) Create "J2EE Server Component / Library" DC with name js/lib:
    - Add Used DC -> public part project ExternalLibrary -> "ExternalLib"
    - Specify both build time and run-time dependency here and strong.
    - Generated SDA file in <var>gen/default/deploy</var> How do we check that it contains <var>js.jar</var>?
    - folder gen/default/plublic/defLib/lib/java then you meet *.jars files again. is OK.
    - Development Component -> Deploy.
    - Go to Visual Administrator. We found the library js/lib, but has no associated *. jar. It is the problem.[Screenshot Visual Administrator|]
    3) Create "WebDynpro" DC with name pdf_jasper
    - Add used DC (defLib) to WebDynpro DC with option "Build time".
    - WebDynpro References -> Library references --> add <var>jslib
    - Deploy
    - Run error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/sf/jasperreports/engine/JRDataSource

  • Help in creating a Java class to convert Html source to XML

    He Everyone!
    I am using selenium as my automation tool
    I got the htmlsource of the page using selenium.
    Now i have to write a Java class which will convert the data (html source)
    (and output a data structure in standard XML format
    Can anyone give me an example codejava class) in how to acheive this please?
    Please mail to
    [email protected]
    Many thanks

    getafix14 wrote:
    Can anyone give me an example codejava class) in how to acheive this please?
    Please mail to
    [email protected]
    Sorry Charlie, but this isn't a "mail me the codez" forum. Either use Google, or try to share your problem and their solutions in the forum. Besides, a little Googling will find you a solution.

  • Creating a new class using a template class

    I am very new to Java.
    I need to make a new class by using a template class that was given to us.
    I go to File / New / Class but cannot find how to select a template class to create a new class.

    gs2010 wrote:
    I am very new to Java.
    I need to make a new class by using a template class that was given to us.
    I go to File / New / Class but cannot find how to select a template class to create a new class.
    gsYou need to be much more specific as to what you are trying to do.
    What is a "template class"?
    How are you trying to "go to" and "select" the template?

  • Problem during call java class (model layer) from jsp page (view layer)

    I created new Fusion web application so I have now to parts in the application navigator (model, viewcontroller)
    I want to write java class in the Model part as following:
    package persistence;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    public class DBManager {
    Connection connection = null;
    public DBManager() {
    public void init() {
    try {
    // Load the JDBC driver
    String driverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    // Create a connection to the database
    String serverName = Constant.DB_SERVER_NAME;
    String portNumber = Constant.DB_PORT_NUMBER;
    String sid = Constant.DB_SID;
    String url =
    "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + serverName + ":" + portNumber + ":" +
    String username = Constant.DB_USER_NAME;
    String password = Constant.DB_PASSWORD;
    connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    System.out.println("Could not find the database driver");
    } catch (SQLException e) {
    System.out.println("Could not connect to the database");
    and wrote JSP page in the view controller part as following :
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <%@page import="persistance.*"%>
    <% persistance.DBManager manager = new DBManager(); %>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
    but this I have the following error in the jsp page :type persistance.DBManager not found
    my job is to build simple ADF application using JSF and java without any ADF faces or JPA or any another technology

    Duplicate message.
    type persistance.DBManager not found
    Add a Dependency on the Model project in the View project. In Project Properties select the Dependencies node to add dependencies.
    Edited by: dvohra16 on Jun 19, 2011 8:37 AM

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