Problems downloading programs?

I just installed the installer/creative could manager etc.
I was able to download and install Audition, but after that nothing else.
It just keeps retrying for Premiere and After Effects.
Servers down?
Other stuff on the web is working for me (like this page).

and just for future reference for others, it seems i cured my own dilemma.
Premiere installed fine, but i was getting the restarts again on both After Effects or
Pshop, so I tried disabling Kaspersky anti virus, and it's downloading now just fine.

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    Hi B.
    First of all, and although possibly not related to your problem, I will remind you that the version of Firefox you are using at the moment as been discontinued and is no longer supported. Furthermore, it has known bugs and security problems. I urge you to update to the latest version of Firefox, for maximum stability, performance, security and usability. You can get it for free, as always, at [].
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    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.6| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

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    A couple of things to try:
    - Repair permissions using Disk Utility (in your Applications/Utilities folder) - click on your hard drive on the left side of the Disk Utility window and click Repair Permissions on the lower right.
    - Download the program using another browser (if you used Safari, try Firefox, and vice versa)

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    <!-- FILE: basejpi.htm (Oracle Forms)                                 -->
    <!--                                                                  --> 
    <!-- This is the default base HTML file for running a form on the     -->
    <!-- web using the JDK Java Plugin. This is used for example when     -->
    <!-- running with Netscape on Unix.                                   -->
    <!--                                                                  --> 
    <!-- IMPORTANT NOTES:                                                 -->
    <!-- Default values for all the variables which appear below          -->
    <!-- (enclosed in percent characters) are defined in the servlet      -->
    <!-- configuration file (formsweb.cfg). It is preferable to make      -->
    <!-- changes in that file where possible, rather than this one.       -->
    <!--                                                                  --> 
    <!-- This file will be REPLACED if you reinstall Oracle Forms, so     -->
    <!-- you are advised to create your own version if you want to make   -->
    <!-- any modifications.  You should then set the baseHTMLjpi          -->
    <!-- parameter in the Forms Servlet configuration file (formsweb.cfg) -->
    <!-- to point to your new file instead of this one.                   -->
    <HEAD><TITLE>Oracle Fusion Middleware Forms Services</TITLE></HEAD>
    <BODY >
    <COMMENT id="forms_plugin_info"
    <!-- Forms applet definition (start) -->
    <OBJECT classid="clsid:CAFEEFAC-0016-0000-0012-ABCDEFFEDCBA"
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="/forms/frmjscript/forms_ie.js"></SCRIPT>
    <PARAM NAME="TYPE"       VALUE="application/x-java-applet;jpi-version=1.6.0_12">
    <PARAM NAME="CODEBASE"   VALUE="/forms/java">
    <PARAM NAME="CODE"       VALUE="oracle.forms.engine.Main" >
    <PARAM NAME="ARCHIVE"    VALUE="frmall.jar" >
    <PARAM NAME="serverURL" VALUE="/forms/lservlet?ifcfs=/forms/frmservlet?form=test.fmx&ifsessid=formsapp.19&acceptLanguage=en-us,en;q=0.5">
    <PARAM NAME="networkRetries" VALUE="0">
    <PARAM NAME="serverArgs"
           VALUE="escapeParams=true module=test.fmx userid=  debug=no host= port= obr=no record= tracegroup= log= term= ssoProxyConnect=no">
    <PARAM NAME="separateFrame" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="splashScreen"  VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="background"  VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="lookAndFeel"  VALUE="Oracle">
    <PARAM NAME="colorScheme"  VALUE="teal">
    <PARAM NAME="serverApp" VALUE="default">
    <PARAM NAME="logo" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="imageBase" VALUE="codebase">
    <PARAM NAME="formsMessageListener" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="recordFileName" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="EndUserMonitoringEnabled" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="EndUserMonitoringURL" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="heartBeat" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="MaxEventWait" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="allowAlertClipboard" VALUE="true">
    <PARAM NAME="disableValidateClipboard" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="enableJavascriptEvent" VALUE="true">
    <PARAM NAME="digitSubstitution" VALUE="context">
    <PARAM NAME="legacy_lifecycle" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="JavaScriptBlocksHeartBeat" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="highContrast" VALUE="false">
    <PARAM NAME="disableMDIScrollbars" VALUE="">
    <PARAM NAME="clientDPI" VALUE="">
    <PARAM name="applet_stop_timeout" value="800">
            serverArgs="escapeParams=true module=test.fmx userid=  debug=no host= port= obr=no record= tracegroup= log= term= ssoProxyConnect=no"
    <!-- Forms applet definition (end) -->
    </HTML>Edited by: lake on Apr 18, 2011 1:10 PM

    Oh a simple fix. You merely have to find the formsweb.cfg file which in is something like:
    change these 3 items to as follows:
    you could also change the download so they are not downloading the wrong thing:
    I probably missed a few.
    (But does this mean that every time there is another version of java I'm going to have to change this file? Actually I though mozilla was
    going to run the latest version of java if you specified one that was earlier. There's just no telling what that program is going to do.

  • There was a problem downloading ... An unknown error has occured -42018...

    Dear all,
    After upgrading to i-tunes 7 I'm not able anymore to download music. If I run diagnostics everything seems fine.
    "Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Current user is an administrator.
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name: {C38C64FE-F7B8-4ABE-8DC0-9B8B549A6690}
    Description: Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection - Packet Scheduler Miniport
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Sat Sep 30 16:54:05 2006
    Lease Expires: Sat Oct 07 16:54:05 2006
    DNS Servers:
    Network Connection Information
    Active Connection: LAN Connection
    Connected: Yes
    Online: Yes
    Using Modem: No
    Using LAN: Yes
    Using Proxy: No
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was successful.
    Connection attempt to iTunes Store was successful.
    Secure connection attempt to iTunes Store was successful."
    However downloading the songs I bought doesn't work.
    Following error:
    "There was a problem downloading "...". An unknown error has occured (-42018). Please check that the connection to the network is active and try again."
    But my network is active and the diagnostics turn out OK. Please help me out!! I have songs to be downloaded that I have already payed for.

    This didn't work for me, but to any who may be interested, I also was experiencing unknown error -42018 when attempting to download purchased music. Additionally, I was stuck in an endless authorization loop when attempting to play previously purchaed music. All this started when I installed the latest iTunes software 7.0.2. But I managed to fix the problem on my machine.
    I run windows XP Pro, and unlike the majority of users I actually set it up correctly with a dedicated administrator account, and regular user accounts instead of just running as admin all the time. For me, that was the cause of the problem.
    The new version of iTunes software required FULL CONTROL privilages on the iTunes and iPod install directories for all user accounts that were using the program. (Previous versions worked fine, so this is a new thing.) Once I provided those permissions, iTunes worked correctly. Follow this link: for information on how to provide FULL CONTROL to every user account.
    I hope you all find this helpful in solving your problem.
    Good Luck,

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    If it's happening on all the apps that you've downloaded from the App Store, but not the Apple built-in ones, then try downloading any free app from the store (as that appears to reset something) and then re-try them - the free app can then be deleted.
    If it's happening on all apps then try closing them all completely and then see if they work when you re-open them : from the home screen (i.e.not with any app 'open' on-screen) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of each app to close them, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    If that doesn't work then you could try a reset : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear - you won't lose any content, it's the iPad equivalent of a reboot.

  • Problem downloading Ipod software during restore

    Hello everyone,
    My iPod has had a flakey connection to iTunes, so I decided to restore my mini to factory settings.
    All seemed to be going well until I hit the "Restore" button, which brings up a pop-up message "There was a problem downloading the iPod software for the iPod. The requested resource was not found".
    Does that mean the software wasn't found or my iPod wasn't found? Can anyone help?
    Acer Laptop   Windows XP  

    Hi again,
    No luck I'm afraid. I followed the instructions on the link you provided.
    Having run chkdsk, there were no problems.
    I navigated down to the iTunes subdirectory, but I don't have anything called "iPod software updates". I did a search on my Documents & Settings with no luck. I've checked that I have enabled viewing of system folders under my folder settings.
    All I can see are the following files;
    CD Info.cidb
    and I have an empty directory called iTunes Plug-ins.
    In the iTunes sub-directory from 'All Users', all I can see is a file called iPodDevices.xml
    I don't know if there's an error in the webpage you ent me, but I do have a directory called 'iPod Updater 2005-06-26' in my Program Files/iPod subdirectory. This contains the following files;
    iPod Help.chm
    iPod Updater 2005-06-26.exe
    Should I do anything with these?
    As a furhter troubleshoot, I've borrowed a friends iPod Nano and connected it to my Itunes okay using my cable, so I know it's an issue with my iPod - any other ideas?
    Thanks again for your help,
    Acer Laptop Windows XP


    Up to yesterday, I was able to download documents from e-mails (word and pdf), but I do not seem to be able to do so now
    I do seem to be able to download programs, but not documents
    Previsouly, firefox would download, scan, and then send scanned/downloaded document to a downloaded document folder - now it just scans the document and that is it - does not send it to the downloaded folder
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == TODAY (JUN 30, 2010)

    From the noises you describe, I'd be far more worried about the condition of the hard drive. Back up any important personal data immediately. I think the relation to Entourage is only circumstantial. The hard drive is the real problem.

  • Problem downloading iTunes 7

    I am trying to download directly from iTunes(64)setup - it gets alomst to complete - status changes to 'rolling back' and then 'iTunes Installer Completed' appears - however - 'The installer encountered errors before iTunes could be configured'.. 'Errors encountered during installation. Your system has not been modified - Please run the installer again or click finish to exit'
    Ive deleated my prior version of iTunes - deleted all apple programs.. still will not install. Ive run it multiple times.

    Let's try the fixit from the following Microsoft document with that one:
    Fix problems with programs that can't be installed or uninstalled

  • Problems Loading Programs

    Hi, I'm having some problems loading programs, specifically the game Neverwinter Nights 2.
    It has been working fine for a month or so. Now when I click to load, the icon jumps a few times then nothing.
    - I have reinstalled the game, but with no success.
    - I have tried to repair the disk permissions in Safe Boot mode.
    - I have unsuccessfully searched for Plist files connected to the game (found none).
    - I have tried to load the game via a New Login account, with no success.
    Im Reluctant to do an 'Archive and Install', as I have no idea where have my app disks are.
    Has anyone an other idea's? Loosing the ability to play the game is annoying but I'm more worried that this may happen to other more important applications in the future!
    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!
    Thank You!
    Specs are.
    2.16 Intel Core Duo
    2gb 667
    ATI Radeon X1600

    Don't even think about deleting Quicktime, it's an integrated part of the OS.
    If that (or any other) game is that important to you, and you are prepared to lose the security fixes in QT 7.6, then it is possible to revert to an earlier version of Quicktime:
    If you wish to downgrade Quicktime to 7.5.5, (even though you will lose the important security fixes contained in the 7.6 update, and you will also find that parts of iTunes 7.6, iMovie and iChat may not now work without QT 7.6) there are two methods for doing this (note that attempting to manually delete Quicktime from your hard disk is doomed to failure. QT has components all over the place as it is used by many applications):
    (Note: I am running 10.4.11. Some things may be different in Leopard, but the principle should be the same.)
    First: Go to HD/Library/Receipts and drag the file QuickTime750_Tiger.pkg to the trash, and delete it.
    1. Perform an Archive and Install process to remove all of the QuickTime update's (and potentially problem-causing) components, and replace them with the components of the older release. Unfortunately, this means you will lose some system settings and some or all third-party system add-ons. This method is therefore longwinded and inconvenient, but will ultimately work. Because QT is an integral part of OS X using an archive and install to also downgrade to a previous version of OS X so that the various versions can work in the intended tandem, is the safest way to do it. But there is also another way:
    2. Install Quicktime 7.5. in such a way that it overwrites the QT 7.6 files without interfering with your other system settings and third-party add-ons. This can be done using a shareware (you can use it a few times for free, but worth paying for and having) application called Pacifist. This method works perfectly:
    (Note that there separate QT 7.7.5 installer packages for Leopard and Tiger , and you can get them here:
    For Panther:
    For Tiger:
    For Leopard:
    Make sure you download the correct version for your system!
    If you don't have it already, download Pacifist from:
    and install it.
    Open Pacifist, and drag the icon of the QT installer to the Pacifist window. This will have the 'open carton' icon. Click on this, then click Install from the top left-hand corner of the Pacifist menu. You will be asked if you want existing files replaced. Say yes to all. Job done!
    You will now have Quicktime 7.5.5.x installed.
    N.B. Repair permissions and restart both before and after installation.

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