Problems moving a mobile user to a new machine

Hi there,
the subject already points it out roughly.
Situation is as follows:
I've got a OS X 10.8 server providing several services (mail, contacts, File server etc.). I have some clients attached, those are dedicated to one user with a mobile home which is synching between server and client (set via Workgroup Manager). Clients also have 10.8 or 10.9 respectively. One remark: These systems have evolved from 10.6 to their current version, especially te server was 10.6 originally.
I now want to replace one MBP with a current MBPr. Both have the same OS (10.9). I tried it with doing a 'last' sync back from the MBP to the server, and afterwards an initial sync to the new MBPr. After doing this I was able to create a mobile home on the new machine (at least I thought), but the sync was done in a second and nothing was transferred. The situation didn't change after some more tries. If I log in in an do NOT create a mobile home and start the user from the server, this comes up with all data.
Any idea how I get the data over the the new machine? Do I have to use the new "Profile Manager"? I am just curious as it is working like a charm in the "old" setup, but does not work with the new MBPR.
Hope you can help!

Well, it seems that I at least have an idea what the reason might be. The FileSyncAgent.log on the client shows the following entries that hint to a Permission Error (see below).
Any idea which permissions are meant? I think there might be an issue with the filesystem - any idea what rights are required to allow proper synching?
[13/12/17 20:35:18.980] Starting manual sync of "HomeSync_Mirror".
[13/12/17 20:35:19.417] EXCEPTION: Permissions Error
[13/12/17 20:35:19.424] Peer "network" is unable to sync. Not enough peers will be available to continue syncing.
[13/12/17 20:35:19.424] Aborting sync of "HomeSync_Mirror".
[13/12/17 20:35:19.457] Sync of "HomeSync_Mirror" encountered errors. (Permissions Error)
[13/12/17 20:35:19.457] Last successful sync completed at 0001-12-30 00:00:00 +0000.
[13/12/17 20:35:19.457] Finished sync of "HomeSync_Mirror".
[13/12/17 20:35:30.344] Starting automatic sync of "HomeSync_Mirror".
[13/12/17 20:35:32.289] EXCEPTION: Permissions Error
[13/12/17 20:35:32.405] Peer "network" is unable to sync. Not enough peers will be available to continue syncing.
[13/12/17 20:35:32.405] Aborting sync of "HomeSync_Mirror".
[13/12/17 20:35:32.544] Sync of "HomeSync_Mirror" encountered errors. (Permissions Error)
[13/12/17 20:35:32.544] Last successful sync completed at 0001-12-30 00:00:00 +0000.
[13/12/17 20:35:32.544] Finished sync of "HomeSync_Mirror".

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    Also, are you logged into the same account that is on the Touch?

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    You will need the PREL (Project) files, plus all media files.
    If the location has changed, say with the drive letter, then, when you Open your PREL, PrE will ask, "Where is file _____ ?" Just use the Finder to navigate to the new location. PrE will then look in that folder, and relink to all media files, used in that Project, in that folder. If the media files are in sub-folders, you will need to repeat that operation for each sub-folder.
    Good luck,
    PS - some have had issues, when using mirrored copies of their C:\, with regards to the full installation of the program. If you do not get a working copy of your PrE installed, then I would use the media, and do a Repair Install, to get everything connected and in the Registry.

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    If I understand what you wrote, no.  The reason is this.  If memory serves...  In 10.4.11 accounts were assigned a UID.  In 10.7.x, accounts are assigned a UID and a GUID.  Most everything relies on the GUID at this point.  So, what you have is an account named marysue on the workstation and it is assigned a UID like 1045.  Now you created marysue on the Lion server, but you likely did not recreate the UID to match the old server.  And thus, the UID value is different but more importantly you now have a GUID value like EC0F9357-8EF2-4D3B-B6F3-2E3016400114, that is associated with the account.  So, the user, despite having the same shortname, is different. 
    In addition, you are working with two different directory systems.  10.4 still used NetInfo (ah, I miss you so).  10.5 and above use DS local flat files, even when bound to an LDAP system.
    So, probably the easiest way to do this, provided I understand what you are seeing is the following.  Let's assume the following:
    You have a mobile account on a workstation for the user maryjoe with a UID of 1034 that came from the 10.4.11 system.  You have this account cached.  You have a home folder in /Users/maryjoe.  You have now bound to the new server which contains a user named maryjoe likely with a UID of something other than 1034 and with a GUID value that likely did not exist in the old directory system, also with the shortname of maryjoe and a home path of /Users/maryjoe.
    So when you log in, you are likely being pathed to /Users/maryjoe, but you are seeing a default Dock and no documents because of permissions.  My guess is that if you used Terminal to view the Users directory you would see something like this (open Terminal and issue the command ls -l /Users/:
    drwxrwxrwt   4 root       wheel  136 Apr 18 21:35 Shared
    drwxr-xr-x+ 14 locadmin  staff  476 Jan 21 7:42 locadmin
    drwxr-xr-x+ 14 1034  staff  476 Mar 21 10:42 maryjoe
    Note the folder maryjoe is not owned by maryjoe, it is owned by the UID of maryjoe from the old server.
    Ok, so long story short (sorry for the log explanation, especially if you are experiencing something else that I did not get from the post), all you need to do is update the permissions of the home folder.  Do this:
    1:  Log in as the local admin
    2:  Open Terminal
    3:  Issue this command:
         sudo chown -R maryjoe /Users/maryjoe
    Even with a lot of data in the home folder, this should not take more than a few minutes to complete.
    When the command completes, run this command again:  ls -l /Users/
    You should now see
    drwxrwxrwt   4 root       wheel  136 Apr 18 21:35 Shared
    drwxr-xr-x+ 14 locadmin  staff  476 Jan 21 7:42 locadmin
    drwxr-xr-x+ 14 maryjoe  staff  476 Mar 21 10:42 maryjoe
    Now try logging in as the user.  With a little luck I divined the issue and this will have you up and running.  Now, I normally will also purge the cached account in /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/ but that might be a bit daunting.  So let's start with the simple process first of ensuring home folder permissions are correct.

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    If this base station is actually the "snow" then you will need a Mac or PC that can run a version of the AirPort Utility that can administer this "very old" 802.11b base station. You won't be able to do so with an iOS device or Mac running Lion or newer OS.

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    Just additional. Please also refer to following threads and article, then check if can help you.
    SBS 2003 to Windows Server 2012 Standard
    SBS 2003 to Windows Server 2012 Standard
    from Small Business Server to Standard Windows Server
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

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    Essentially you need to copy over the itunes folder
    Over to your macbookpro I suggest using an ethernet cable as it is way quicker. Put it in the same spot on the new Macbook Pro
    This should bring over the playlists etc. Then just put the music back in from the archive

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    Is it possible to move a certificate from a server to a new one?

    UptimeJeff wrote:
    Look in the old machine in /etc/certificates
    Grab the key and cert.
    On the new machine, import the pair (hit Plus, then Import a Certificate Identity)
    There are some reasons it may not go that smoothly.. but certainly try the above first.
    Thanks a lot.
    I tried what you suggested but at the import stage in the new server Server Admin asked for the passphrase used to protect the private key.
    I had no idea of the passphrase but then, checking the Advanced Server Administration Manual I found this information:
    When certificates and keys are imported via Certificate Manager, they are put in the /etc/certificates/ directory.
    After they are imported, Certificate Manager encrypts the files with a random passphrase. It puts the passphrase in the System keychain, and puts the resulting PEM files in /etc/certificates/.
    So I checked the System Keychain in the original server and managed to get the random passphrase and used it to import the files into the new server.
    It looks as if everything is OK now.

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    Workstation 10.5.8
    Server 10.4.9
    Workgroup manager 10.5.3
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    Any Ideas?

    First thing I would suggest is to upgrade your server OS to a newer version if possible. Secondly try removing the apps out of the allowable apps list and instead change it so that you allow the apps that are within the specific application folder, ex: Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS5
    I had similar problems with CS5 apps and by adding the apps by allowable folder instead it corrected my problem. Granted, if you have savvy users, there is the potential to open a can of worms here but it was the only way I could get it to work for "standard" non-admin user types.

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    Basics from the manual are restart, reset, restore.
    Try those

  • 10.5.5 Active directory problem for mobile users

    I an running 10.5.5 on a MBP 2.4. The computer is attached to Active Directory for authentication. The accounted is setup as a mobile user with automatic home sync. Below is the problem I'm experiencing after 10.5.5.
    Upgrade worked fine, everything went through as expected. When I got home with computer, couldn't login. I did eventually get logged in, computer became extremely unresponsive at intermittent times.
    At work next day, everything worked fine.
    I believe this is a problem with 10.5.5 computers that are bound to AD, when AD is not available (but internet is.) Some type of weird priority locking or timeout setting? It seems to fail immediately if no network is available, but if the internet is available it is like it gets "hung" waiting for a response.
    Anybody else having similar problems?
    Below are the details on the specific tests that brought me to this conclusion.
    1) Boot with work network cable connected - Works fine
    2) Boot with work wifi network enabled - works fine
    3) Boot with public wifi network enabled and work cable - works fine.
    4) Boot with only public wifi - appears "frozen" (turned off after 5 minutes of trying to login)
    5) Boot without network or wifi - works fine using cached mobile account info
    6) Boot with network cable and public wifi, remove network cable after login- works fine for a period becomes periodically frozen. attempts to do anything become queued, when computer starts responding queue emptys out (can see menus / applications switch around to correspond with clicks.)
    7) Change account to Manual sync of mobile account, again boot with network cable and public wifi, remove network cable- no freezing responds normaly.
    All steps repeated after rebinding computer to AD - same results.

    First rule of installing an upgrade, run permissions repair both before & after. Did you do that?
    I'm using a Mac dual bound to AD & OD, works perfectly. I can't speak for the exact setup of your network but I personally would be suspicious of AD. I had a similar issue some time back where my processor would go crazy with the net directory authentication running like crazy. Turned out AD had somehow forgotten my computer. It only happened away from work where my Mac couldn't contact the AD server (not exactly sure why). I'd try the following.
    1. While at work create a local administrative account on your Mac (you should always have a backup account anyway).
    2. Login as local admin account.
    3. open Directory Utility from the Applications/Utilities folder & remove the AD server (you'll need an account that can bind machines to AD).
    4. re-add your Mac to AD.
    This may resolve your issue & shouldn't hurt anything in the least.

  • Yes another user with problem with Apple Mobile Device Support, I am getting the error message: Service 'Apple Mobile Device'(Apple Mobile Device) failed to start. Vertify that you have sufficient privileges to start system service....

    Yes another user with problem with Apple Mobile Device Support, I am getting the error message: Service 'Apple Mobile Device'(Apple Mobile Device) failed to start. Vertify that you have sufficient privileges to start system service....I hit retry and it came up again. I hit ignore and it prompted me to hit finish so Itunes can open.   I looked thru alot of these posts on here to try and resolve this problem myself but it's not working too well...I downloaded Itunes to my desktop so I can right click it with the program i downloaded called WinRAR. I extracted it and then went into the folder called Itunes64setup. I saw the file called AppleMobileDeviceSupport64 in there so I began to try and download it on it's own. Well that didn't work as I planned and got this error message:
    Apple Mobile Device Support wasn't installed on your computer. The installer encountered errors before Apple Mobile Device Support could be configured. Your system has not been modified. To retry these operations at a later time,please run the installer again.
    Well I tried to run it again and came up with the same message...I see that some people got great support to help them so I am hoping someone can help me as well. I know "b nor" is very qualfied and hopefully can help me! Please advise what I can do. Thank you

    Hi Iss9243,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    You've already tried some great troubleshooting steps, but the article below gives you quite a few more for this issue.  Hope it helps ....
    iTunes 11.1.4 for Windows: Unable to install or open
    - Judy

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    Hi Experts!!
    I am working on Hyperion Planning applications (Hyperion 9.3.1) & we have externalized user authentication in Shared services. During the process of provisioning new user in Shared Services, the problem occurs when I try to set the application access type as “Essbase & Planning” for the new user.
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    Thanks in advance

    Hi Rinku/John ,
    Thanks for your reply. My US team has tried this particular step from their local machine as well as directly from the Server. They were able to see the listbox containig the list of available users & could set the application access type as "Essbase & Planning" for the new user. When I remotely log into the server (using mstsc) I use the IE installed on the server to acess Shared Services. My US team also use the same IE when they log into SS directly from the server & are able to performing this step. Hence there should not be any issue with the browser ,port or firewall.
    I agree this is very weird problem because I get stuck only at this step where I have to set the application access type as 'essbase & Planning" for the new user. Rest every thing else is accessable in SS.
    Any suggestion / input would be great help.

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