Problems with button inside draggable movie clip

I am building a click through presentation that has some small text in it. To maintain the design and allow for readability, I have added a zoom feature.
Here is the structure of the movie,
Stage - contains pages movie clip and forward/reverse click buttons for changing pages
     pages_mc - contains 24 frames, one page per frame and buttons
There is a button at the _root level that uses a tweener to scale the pages_mc up to 170%. When this is clicked, it allows the pages to be dragged around the screen so you can look at different sections. When you click the button again, it returns the pages back to their original size stops drag.
My problem is, on the pages, there are buttons with links to external sites. Once startDrag has been invoked, I cannot touch the buttons inside the movie clip. Is there a way to make these buttons work?
I need the finished quickly so any assistance is welcome.
Code below
magUp_btn.onRelease = function() {
this._visible = false;, .25, {_x:-250, _y:-193, _xscale:170, _yscale:170});, .75, {_alpha:0});, .75, {_alpha:25});
magDown_btn._visible = true;
pages_mc.onPress = function(){
pages_mc.onRelease = function(){
pages_mc.onReleaseOutside = function(){
pages_mc.useHandCursor = false;, 1, {_alpha:100});
magDown_btn.onRelease = function() {, .25, {_x:0, _y:0, _xscale:100, _yscale:100});, .75, {_alpha:25});, .75, {_alpha:0});
this._visible = false;
magUp_btn._visible = true;
pages_mc.onPress = function(){
this.stopDrag();, 1, {_alpha:0});
I don't know how to turn drag off when I zoom out without using the onPress command, but I know that this is probably what is getting in the way of the button working?

One option is to make the background of the pages be the draggable parts rather than the movieclips that contain the pages and buttons.  That way, the buttons could be atop the background and not have their access blocked.
Instead of coding the pages_mc, you would essentially have the background coded for the drag...
pages_mc.bkgnd.onPress = function(){

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    Home, Layer 'actions', Frame 101, Line 1
    1120: Access of undefined property cosmetic_btn.
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    One other thing you should correct is to add a frame number/label for the line....
    MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("Cosmetic Treatments");
    otherwise you are likely to get an error regarding there not being a frame with that label

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    Well there does have to be some pixels in the bg clip! (Got
    to tease you just a bit, because I run into this ALL the time.)
    Some how folks don't take the method at its word.
    createEmptyMovieClip() does just that. It creates and empty movie
    clip. There are no pixels in it so there is nothing to onPress.
    Also I've got a little trick for you – you didn't ask
    for it, but it is still free. :)
    If you use the MovieClip class' method for
    createEmptyMovieClip() it will return a reference to the newly
    create clip. You can assign that reference to a variable and use it
    again and again. To my eye it makes the code easier to read and
    maintain. So your code would change to something like:
    var curClip=this.createEmptyMovieClip("mc"+i,1000+i);
    curClip.myText.text="default value";{
    and so on.
    Also I personally think getNextHighestDepth() is a disaster
    waiting to happen so I personally never use it.

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    Hopefully this is a stupid question with an easy answer, if my code is straight forward enough.
    I am using this snippet of code to create menu items, and then use the jCount variable below to give the clips an index number, like so (which seems to be working just fine):
    for(var j:Number=0;j<xmlSubMenuLength;j++){ 
        var mcSubMenuItem:mcSubMenu=new mcSubMenu();   
        jCount++;   = "mcSubMenuItem" + jCount;
        //traces out names correctly
        trace ("---------------------------------jCount NAME = "+;
        mcSubMenuItem.y =mcMenuHolder.y;
        mcSubMenuItem.y+= nextBtnY;
        global_subi.text = String(jCount); //i see the proper count of 10 in the text field
    However, when I try to access the clips using this snippet:  
    for(var j:Number=0;j<Number(global_subi.text);j++)//
      trace("GLOBAL SUBI = "+ String(global_subi.text));  //traces out 10, which it should
      var scSubMenuItem:String = "mcSubMenuItem" + j;  
      var scSubContent:Object = this.getChildByName(scSubMenuItem);
      trace(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>scSubContent:Object = "+ scSubContent); //returns null!
    My last trace statement returns null. Can anyone see my error, or explain why I can't access my clips after they have been created?
    Thank you muchly,

    Hi kglad,
    Thanks for the response.
    "it's not clear from the shown code that jCount is initialized." - I've posted the relevant code below, which shows that I'm initializing jCount.
    "and it's not clear why you don't use j instead of jCount in that for-loop" - j is used as loop for creating the subtopic movie clips within the i for-loop. So, for each topic in i for-loop, create a group of suptopics using the j for-loop. The j for-loop re-initiates j every time the length of the subtopics is reached(if that makes any sense) - i.e. topic1>subtopic 1,2,3,4 : topic2>subtopic>1,2 : topic3>subtopic1,2,3,4
    jCount is used to keep a running count of the total number of subtopcs created - i.e. per the example above, jCount will display 10.
    var topicSpace:uint=button_mc.height;
    var subtopicSpace:uint = button_mc.height;
    var nextBtnY:uint = 0;//whatever;
    var jCount:Number = 0;
    function createXMLMenu(menuLength:Number,itemName:XMLList):void{
         var navItemText:XMLList = itemName;
          for(var i:Number=0;i<menuLength;i++)
               var mcMenuItem:mcMenu=new mcMenu();        
               mcMenuItem.btnTxt.htmlText = i+1 +". " +navItemText[i];  
               mcMenuItem.ivar = i;  
      = "mcMenuItem" + i;  
               mcMenuItem.y =mcMenuHolder.y;
              //kglad's addition
               mcMenuItem.y+= nextBtnY;
               var subVar:Number = i;//mcMenuItem.ivar 
               //Submenu content
               var xmlSubMenuLength:Number =[i].subpage.length()
               var menuItemAttachment:MovieClip = MovieClip(mcMenuItem); 
               for(var j:Number=0;j<xmlSubMenuLength;j++)
                     var xmlSubPageNumber:XMLList =[subVar].subpage;
                     var subNavLinkNumber:Number = xmlSubPageNumber[j];
                     var subTitleText:String =[subVar].subpage.subNavItem[j];
                     var mcSubMenuItem:mcSubMenu=new mcSubMenu();
                     trace("mcSubMenuItem.ivar = "+ j+1);
                     var mc2Attach2:MovieClip = MovieClip(menuItemAttachment);
                     mcSubMenuItem.btnTxt.htmlText = j+1 +". " +subTitleText;   
                     mcSubMenuItem.ivar = Number(subVar);
                     mcSubMenuItem.jvar = Number(j);
            = "mcSubMenuItem" + jCount;
                     trace ("---------------------------------jCount NAME = "+;
                     mcSubMenuItem.y =mcMenuHolder.y;
                     //kglad's addition
                     mcSubMenuItem.y+= nextBtnY;
                     global_subi.text = String(jCount);
                mcSubMenuItem.lExtend.visible = false;  
    global_i.text = String(i);
    Then I try to access the clips like so:
    -The first for-loop access the topic movie clips, no problem, and traces out scContent correctly.
    -The second for-loop traces out null everytime, when I would expect it to be tracing out the names of the subtopic movie clips.
    function accessClips(){
         //This will access the topic movie clips
         for(var i:Number=0;i<Number(global_i.text);i++)
               var scMenuItem:String = "mcMenuItem" + i;
               var scContent:Object = this.getChildByName(scMenuItem);            
               trace(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>scContent:Object = "+ scContent);
         //This is supposed to access the subtopic movie clips
         for(var j:Number=0;j<Number(global_subi.text);j++)//
               var scSubMenuItem:String = "mcSubMenuItem" + j;
               var scSubContent:Object = this.getChildByName(scSubMenuItem);
               trace(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>scSubContent:Object = "+ scSubContent);
    Hope this makes sense, Chipleh confused. If the code is not clear enough, let me know and I'll try to further clarify.
    Thanks again,

  • Problems coding a button within a movie clip to navigate scenes

    Hello there! I've got another probably noobish question to ask about CS6.
    My goal is very similar to the one mentioned in this previously discussed forum question: and also in this question
    I am attempting to make a button inside a movie clip in my first scene go when clicked to the first frame of my second scene. I named the button's instance menu_button_1 and I believe Scene 1 and Scene 2 are the names of the scenes. (If they should have special names or instance names, I did not see where to type them.) Because of the similarities, I attempted to follow the suggestions on those pages. However I probably did some small thing wrong, (Or heck, maybe a huge thing.) which I what I'd like help with to find.
    myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    function clickHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    gotoAndStop(1, "Scene 1");
    This seemed to be what was suggested to enter. I attempted to modify it to work for me as well. This is what I typed for the button's action.
    menu_button_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
    function clickHandler(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    gotoAndPlay(1, "Scene 2");
    (I removed the stop function because I have music looping in the movie clip that I want to play until the mouse is clicked.) (Also, I picked gotoandplay because I wanted scene 2 to start playing immediately when clicked rather than stopping.)
    I tried variations, including "2" instead of "scene 2" and whatnot. I also tried linking it to differnet places just to see if that would work. It seems like it could link if I only asked for a frame within the movie clip itself, but it couldn't go to any other frames in scene 1 or scene 2. When I attempt, this message is displayed in the output:
    ArgumentError: Error #2108: Scene 2 was not found.
        at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndPlay()
        at interactivestgermant_fla::menu_1/clickHandler()
    It seems it cannot find my Scene 2. (It also cannot seem to find Scene 1 when I prompt it to do that.) I'm afraid I'm not sure of what I've entered incorrectly, though I'd imagine it involves how I typed the scene navigation. Should it have an instance name or something? I'd very muchappreciate a push in the right direction. If you need any more info I'll be happy to provide it. Thanks for the help! I very much appreciate it.

    I bet you're absolutely right. However I am not sure how I am misnaming it, as to my ametuer eyes, it seems to be entered properly into the properties box? It does show up as "menu" written in white over the keyframes and also in the properties slot. I can include some images here to help out in correcting me.   This image shows my movie clip. This seems to be the problem it's having, identifying "menu." Did I do that incorrectly? It looks to be in order. This is inside of the movie clip named menu. You can see I did the same to name the button menu_button_1.   This shows the action I gave to menu_button_1 in which I attempt to have it naviagte to Scene 1 frame 493.  This shows where I'd like the button to go to. (It is hard to tell if that's frame 493 or 492. I figured that it should be ok either way and if this frame is 492 then it's easily changed once I get the darn thing working in general) (Also, I named the layer "peanuts." I tired entering the name "peanuts" as well but it didn't seem to work either, so I figured "493" is easier since I know that you can go to a specific frame by doing gotoandplay("scene 1" , #) and I'm not sure if it requires any additional stuff to go to a name.    These are the errors I get. I totally agree with you- It seems very much to be an issue of getting it to recognize the "menu." However I am unsure where I named something wrong. Is this enough info to help you perhaps point out where that is?

  • Button no longer works when inside a Movie Clip?

    Again I turn to the almighty Adobe forums for help...
    So basically, I've had this problem for over a day now, and I've posted on to no avail really.
    So here we go:
    I have a button in a Flash project I've made. It's used to jump to another place on the root timeline, labelled "Why". It used to work perfectly.
    I have now placed the button inside a movie clip (it has to be in an animated sequence), but now it no longer works. It appears to work fine, the rollover state works and all. But when clicked it does nothing.
    The code I use to work the buttons goes on the main timeline, the code for this button is:
    mc_anim_backdrops_menu.btn_subsection1.onRelease = function() {
    _global.swfloaded = "";
    Why does it no longer work? and what can I do to fix it?
    The question is posted here over at Experts Exchange - ionScript/Q_24888850.html
    what we've tried there is tracing the problem. The code seems to be pointing to the right place, but none of the actual function works.. as you'll be able to see if you open up the attached file (and change it's extension from .txt to .fla to get it working)
    So would someone be able to open it up, have a look and tell me what's wrong? Because I'm stumped. And frustrated.

    My guess is that you have a scope problem. By putting the button inside a movieclip you have made the buttons scope the same as that clip.
    So if you add a trace inside the release event handler, what do you get?
    trace("My current scope is: "+this);
    I'm guessing it is "_level0.mc_anim_backdrops_menu," right?
    So since you are using the global function of gotoAndPlay() it is looking for that label in the current timeline and not finding it.
    You should probably use the MovieClip method and specifiy which timeline it should look in.
    both would probably work. I would never use the first two, other than to make sure that there wasn't something else going on...

  • Run Button inside a movie effect outside a movie

    I am working in flash 8 on Windows XP. I am creating a US Map
    Project . Under which when i mouse over on a particular US-state
    it's size is increased. I did it by using a movie clip. I made such
    moive clip's for each state of USA.
    Now my requirement is when i mouse over on a particular US
    State it must grow its size. and further it must have few spots on
    that movie. on which when user clicks a small panel with some
    information about that location should be shown.
    For this i made a movie for each US State. and set mouse over
    event .
    till here it works fine. But for further spots for locations
    i made button in each moive.
    Now when i mouseover on movie it gives me desired results.
    But when i try to click on the button
    inside that movie. It doesnt work.
    Please Urgent Help is required .

    Inderdeep wrote:
    > hi
    > I am working in flash 8 on Windows XP. I am creating a
    US Map Project . Under
    > which when i mouse over on a particular US-state it's
    size is increased. I did
    > it by using a movie clip. I made such moive clip's for
    each state of USA.
    > Now my requirement is when i mouse over on a particular
    US State it must grow
    > its size. and further it must have few spots on that
    movie. on which when user
    > clicks a small panel with some information about that
    location should be shown.
    > For this i made a movie for each US State. and set mouse
    over event .
    > on(rollover){
    > mcName.gotoAndPlay(2);
    > }
    > till here it works fine. But for further spots for
    locations i made button in
    > each moive.
    > Now when i mouseover on movie it gives me desired
    results. But when i try to
    > click on the button
    > inside that movie. It doesnt work.
    > Please Urgent Help is required .
    The problem with flash is that you can't nest button within
    button even tho it is
    in a movie clip. You need to use movie clips instead. In that
    movie, on first frame
    you have stop(); action and the button with roll over action
    to jump frame which
    has the OVER state content. Than from there you have more
    buttons to branch out the
    Best Regards
    Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder...
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • Simple Button to Control Movie Clip

    I was relatively comfortable with AS 2.0, but am having a
    hard time warming up to 3.0. I feel that this should be something
    simple to find help online with, yet I'm finding it difficult to
    get a simple answer.
    I have a button that is inside a movie clip within another
    movie clip:
    mainMenu_mc > whoBtn_mc > whoButton
    This button appears to work fine controlling a movie clip on
    the same timeline. This is the code so far (on an Actions frame in
    function(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    I have another movie clip on the main timeline that I would
    like to control with this button:
    What would the code look like for this?
    Any help is appreciated - Thank you.

    Thanks, I was able to place the code on the main timeline and
    get a trace when I clicked on the movie clip instance itself. I
    probably didn't explain what I was trying to do very well, so I
    What I need to do is to control this movie clip that is
    physically placed on the main timeline (fadeBlackBottom) with the
    button that is buried under two other movie clips
    I would like the whoBtn to tell the fadeBlackBottom movie
    clip to (what used to be)
    _root.fadeBlackBottom.gotoAndPlay("play"); This will drop down a
    box that will contain the content of my 'Who' link.
    How can I accomplish this?
    Thanks again,

  • How can I load an external SWF into a movie clip that's inside other movie clip?

    I creating my first flash (actionscript 3.0) website but I'm
    stuck with a visual effect I want to create.
    I have a window on my website called contentWindow. Every
    time you click a button this window is supposed to leave the stage,
    load the requested content and return to the stage.
    The sliding window is a movie clip with 83 frames, 21 to
    enter the stage, 21 to leave the stage again, 20 for nothing (its
    just to simulate the loading time) and 21 to return to the stage.
    Now my goal is, when the user clicks on a navigation button,
    the window exits the stage, loads an external SWF with the content,
    and then returns to the stage.
    I've the "window" movie clip with an instance name of
    "contentWindow". Inside there is another movie clip with an
    instance name of "contentLoader". The content that the user
    requested should appear inside the "contentLoader".
    Now, when the contentWindow leaves the stage, I get this
    error message:
    TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of
    a null object reference.
    at rwd_fla::MainTimeline/trigger()
    If I switch
    "contentWindow.contentLoader.addChild(navLoader);" for
    "contentWindow.addChild(navLoader);" it works fine, but the
    external SWF doesn't move with the window.
    How can I load an external SWF into a movie clip that's
    inside other movie clip?

    Recently, I have been putting together a flash presentation.
    And I am just wondering if the following might help you, in your
    communication with the said swf file:
    function onComplete(event:Event):void -= 100;
    Not the best example, but this allows you to target a mc
    within an external swf file. I think if you look up this code, you
    will have an answer ;)
    Kind Regards,
    Boxing Boom

  • Movie clip inside a movie clip

    Hi everybody,
    I'm creating a slideshow with Flash, like the  ones done with Powerpoint. I would like to create a movie clip inside  another movie clip, that is, say I have a clip called button1, and when I  click it, frame number 2 in this clip is displayed, and then more  information appears. Inside this frame 2, there are other clips, for  example an X button to close and return to frame number 1 in the clip  button1, as the image shows:
    What I have done is convert the button1 text into a movie  clip, and assign an action to it:
    on (press){
    When frame 2 is displayed, I would like to  click to the X-button to get back to frame number1, so what I've done  is, again, convert it into a movie clip and assign the following action:
    on (press){
    But this doesn't work. I've been trying as  well changing other things, but no way... At first I thought it had  something to do with the _root or _parent, but now it looks as when  using gotoAndStop in the "parent" button (button1), no actions work for  the "child" buttons.
    I've loaded the fla and the swf files here, just in case  someone would like to check.
    Thank you very much in advance for your help.  I've been checking other posts, but apparently I couldn't find the  appropriate info.

    "_root" is only used to reference the very first level of your flash file. Right now you are telling flash to go to the second frame in your root timeline but you want to go to the second frame in your button1 timeline.
    Change the code that is on the X-button to
    Remove the "_root" and it should work.
    If it still doesn't work, make sure the button has an instance name of "button1" and use this code.
    This is using "_root.button1" as the 'address' of your movieclip and it wont matter where the code is.

  • Going Back to the main frame, from inside a movie clip time line.

    In flash CS5 I want to go back to the main time line, from inside a movie clip button, so when i click the the movie clip it goes to another frame on the main time line..
    Can anyone help me?
    Daniel Derrick

    your can use _root to reference the main timeline from anywhere though that can lead to problems if your swf is loaded by another swf.  because of that eventuality, it would be better to use a relative path back to the main timeline.
    so, from a movieclip's timeline (when the movieclip is on the main timeline), you can use _parent to reference the main timeline.
    but even better would be to use no code on that movieclip's timeline and keep all your code on one timeline (the main one).

  • Button within a movie clip not working

    I have a movie clip within my swf website that is basically
    an icon that you roll over to produce the menu. The movie clip has
    coding inside it to produce the rollover effect. This is as
    this.onEnterFrame = function(){
    if(rewind == true){
    this.onRollOver = function(){
    rewind = false;
    this.onRollOut = function(){
    rewind = true;
    Whilst this coding works fine for this movie clip, for some
    reason the buttons within the movie clip that appear as you
    rollover them will not work when pressed. I am trying to get them
    to navigate the main timeline, i.e. coding as follows:
    on (release) {
    _parent should be correct, I've tried it without and with
    _parent._parent however still it has no effect. From what I can see
    everything should be working fine.
    Is there some reason why buttons will not work within this
    sort of roll over effect movie clip?
    Thanks for your help.

    you can't assign mouse handlers to a parent movieclip and
    expect a child movieclip to respond to mouse events: the parent
    will intercept those events.
    to remedy, either assign all your mouse handlers on the child
    generation movieclips or use a hitTest() for one of the

  • HT204370 I downloaded an HD movie onto my laptop from i-tunes.  It plays fine on my laptop, but when I plug in my HD projector, the movie quits.  When I unplug the projector, the movie starts again. I have never had a problem with projecting an itunes mov

    I downloaded an HD movie onto my laptop from i-tunes.  It plays fine on my laptop, but when I plug in my HD projector, the movie quits.  When I unplug the projector, the movie starts again. I have never had a problem with projecting an itunes movie before this. Someone told me that i-tunes changed something so that movies can no longer be projected.  We have a home theatre and have watched movies this way quite regularly, so it would be a drag if Apple will prevent us from doing this in the future. 

    I don’t know about projection, but I’m unable to watch HD content in iTunes because my Apple 30-inch Cinema Display is not HDCP-compliant (which is part of an HD copy-protection scheme).
    The other movies you’ve projected, were they HD as well? If not, it could be the same problem: your projector is not HDCP-compliant.

  • Trying to connect buttons to a movie clip

    Hi all,
    I need step by step instruction on how to attech control buttons to a movie clip.
    I imported the .MOV clip (a 3D rotation) into the library, and I would like to be able to control where the rotation stops, by use of a slider or clicking a button. Can some one please tell me how to do this in an easy way if possible?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated so much.
    Many thanks,

    drag your movieclip to the stage and assign it an instance name, say movMC.  create your button and give it an instance name, say btn.  you can then use:
    movMC.gotoAndStop(your frame label or number here);

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