Problems with JDBC-ODBC Driver

I am trying to access a DSN on my windows with a dedicated DB driver of some company. so i used the JDBC-ODBC connector.
when launching the java code, and debugging the problem i get the following error:
    trying driver--className=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver,com.mysql.jdbc.Driver@16caf43--
    trying driver--className=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver,sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver@66848c--
*Driver.connect (jdbc:odbc:priority32;UID=Manager;PWD=keren)
JDBC to ODBC Bridge: Checking security
No SecurityManager present, assuming trusted application/applet
JDBC to ODBC Bridge 2.0001
Current Date/Time: Tue Aug 12 07:50:37 VET 2008
Loading JdbcOdbc library
Allocating Environment handle (SQLAllocEnv)
Allocating Connection handle (SQLAllocConnect)
Connecting (SQLDriverConnect), hDbc=50338256, szConnStrIn=DSN=priority32;UID=Manager;PWD=keren
Get connection info string (SQLGetInfo), hDbc=50338256, fInfoType=6, len=300
Get connection info string (SQLGetInfo), hDbc=50338256, fInfoType=7, len=300
Get connection info string (SQLGetInfo), hDbc=50338256, fInfoType=6, len=300
Driver name:    JDBC-ODBC Bridge (tabula.dll)
Get connection info string (SQLGetInfo), hDbc=50338256, fInfoType=7, len=300
Driver version: 2.0001 (07.00.0000)
Caching SQL type information
Allocating Statement Handle (SQLAllocStmt), hDbc=50338256
Get type info (SQLGetTypeInfo), hStmt=50339424, fSqlType=0
Number of result columns (SQLNumResultCols), hStmt=50339424
Get connection info string (SQLGetInfo), hDbc=50338256, fInfoType=10, len=300
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Column attributes (SQLColAttributes), hStmt=50339424, icol=1, type=2
value (int)=12
Column attributes (SQLColAttributes), hStmt=50339424, icol=1, type=3
value (int)=129
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=3
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=3
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=3
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=3
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=3
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=3
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=3
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
Get string data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=1, maxLen=130
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=2
Get integer data (SQLGetData), hStmt=50339424, column=3
Fetching (SQLFetch), hStmt=50339424
End of result set (SQL_NO_DATA)
Free statement (SQLFreeStmt), hStmt=50339424, fOption=1
*ResultSet has been closed
Get connection info (SQLGetInfo), hDbc=50338256, fInfoType=44
int value=0
Get connection info (SQLGetInfo), hDbc=50338256, fInfoType=121
ERROR - Generating SQLException...
SQLState(S1096) vendor code(0)
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Information type out of range
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.createSQLException(Unknown Source)
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.standardError(Unknown Source)
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbc.SQLGetInfo(Unknown Source)
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.checkBatchUpdateSupport(Unknown Source)
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcConnection.initialize(Unknown Source)
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
    at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
    at WigsUpdate.main(
getConnection returning driver--className=sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver,sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver@66848c--what can be done?
thank you very much

HimberJack wrote:
oh now i understand.
i got a very unknown company which supplied the ODBC driver, but they dont have java driver...
so I have nothing to do about it?The choices are find a different driver or use the one you have.
The one you have doesn't do batches.
Finding a different driver could involve the following.
- Buying one from somewhere else
- Pay someone to write one.
- Write a driver yourself.
All of those are somewhat dependent that the "unknown company" has an API that supports that. You (or someone) could also figure out the file format of the "unknown company" as well and then write one.

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    String aDataSourceName = "puneet";
    String url = "jdbc:odbc:" + aDataSourceName;
    Connection con;
    con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:puneet","","");
    The last line gives me the follwoing error :
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    Hi pg4,
    May be your dsn is not pointing to .mdb file. Check it by putting your mdb file right where your code is and then user following syntax which is called dsn-less connection. It helps you to connect to the target mdb file with out any need of dsn.
    String url = "jdbc:odbc:;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=yourDBFile.mdb";

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    con = DriverManager.getConnection(ODBCSource, userID, password);
    if (con == null) {
    // error handling not relevant here
    } else {
    Statement s = con.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
    String SQL = "select * from table";
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    // stuff
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    System.out.println("I am on last record");
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    Thanks for the reply, I am not sure i follow what you are saying.
    I only mentioned JBoss as it is the application server that we have deployed to and because the orignal code ran fine on a Domino server, I will take your advice and try to run it through in debug rather than running actually on the application server.
    Am i incorrect in my assumption that if "select count(*) from table" gives a count of 148, i should expect 148 records in a result set created from "select * from table" ? This is all rather new to me so i apologise if this is incorrect, I'd love to know why this is incorrect so i dont make similar mistakes in future.
    Also, If i run this same code on the previous platform, i get 148 iterations of the code contained within
    while ( ) { ... }
    When the war file is deployed to JBoss, the same SQL statement gives a result set that only iterates once for
    while ( ) { ... }
    The previous platform as I say was domino, but it was running as a lotus notes java agent (despite not using any notes documents etc) as it happened to be where the web pages that call this process were located. It is possible that some of the main code has changed as I had cut and paste the code into a servlet using MyEclipse, but i have double checked the bit that does this SQL request and it is identical
    To complete the picture, the new servelt is then called from the action tag on the submit form on a JSP, when it ends the servlet redirects via the requestdispacher to success or failure jsp pages depending on the outcome of the processing.
    Thank you again for your help.

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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.sql.*; //SQL package for the statements
    import javax.swing.*;
    class DatabaseMan
         public ResultSet m_resultSet; //recordset resulting from SQL query
         public ResultSetMetaData m_rsmd; //used to get general info about the columns
         private int m_nNumberOfFields; //number of fields in a recordset
         private Connection conn;
         private Statement stmt;
         public DatabaseMan(String strSQLQuery)
                   try               //establish connection to the database
                        //try to get connection to the database
                        conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:db1");
                        //this is not where we update the database so we make it read only
                        stmt = conn.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE,
                        m_resultSet = stmt.executeQuery(strSQLQuery);
                   catch(SQLException exSQL)
                        System.err.println("\n\n\t\t ***SQLException has" +
                                                 "been caught ***\n\n");
                   while ( exSQL != null)
                        System.err.println("\nSQLState : " + exSQL.getSQLState() );
                   System.err.println("\nMessage : " + exSQL.getMessage() );
                             System.err.println("\nVendor code : "+ exSQL.getErrorCode() );
                             exSQL = exSQL.getNextException();
              catch( ClassNotFoundException e)
                   System.err.print("\n\n\tClassNotFoundException has"
                                       +" been caught");
                   System.err.println( e.getMessage());
              catch( java.lang.Exception ex )
         public void CloseConnection() //close connection to database
                        m_resultSet.close(); //release the resources
                   catch (SQLException exSQL )
                        System.out.println("SQL Exception: " + exSQL.getMessage());
         public int getNoFields()
              return m_nNumberOfFields;
    } //end of
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import DatabaseMan;
    import javax.swing.*;
    class DBviewer extends JDialog implements ActionListener
         //JButtons to create toolbar
         private JButton m_buttonFirst;
         private JButton m_buttonNext;
         private JButton m_buttonPrevious;
         private JButton m_buttonLast;
         private JButton m_buttonClose;
         private JButton m_mainbuttonClose;
         //textfields to transfer the data from database
         private JTextField m_name;
         private JTextField m_age;
         private JTextField m_weight;
         private JTextField m_professionalism;
         private JTextField m_speed;
         private JTextField m_acceleration;
         private JTextField m_jump;
         private JTextField m_stamina;
         private JTextField m_bravery;
         private JTextField m_fitness;
         private JTextField m_experience;
         //labels to identify the textfields
         private JLabel m_labelname;
         private JLabel m_labelage;
         private JLabel m_labelweight;
         private JLabel m_labelspeed;
         private JLabel m_labelacceleration;
         private JLabel m_labelprofessionalism;
         private JLabel m_labeljump;
         private JLabel m_labelstamina;
         private JLabel m_labelbravery;
         private JLabel m_labelfitness;
         private JLabel m_labelexperience;
         DatabaseMan m_DatabaseMan;
         private String strSQLQuery1;
         private String type1 = new String("");
         public DBviewer(Frame parent, String caption, boolean bModal, String type)
              setLocation( new Point(150 , 150 )); //position it pops up on screen.
              strSQLQuery1 = new String("");
              type1 = type;
              //SQL query to show the horse database
              if(type =="Horse")
                   strSQLQuery1 ="SELECT *" +
                                  "FROM HORSE";
              if(type =="Jockey")
                   strSQLQuery1 ="SELECT *" +
                                  "FROM JOCKEY"+
                                  " ORDER BY NAME";
              if(type =="Course")
                   strSQLQuery1 ="SELECT *" +
                   "FROM RACECOURSE"+
                                  " ORDER BY NAME";
              m_DatabaseMan = new DatabaseMan(strSQLQuery1);
              {//reset values with default move up to top later
              catch( SQLException exSQL)
                   System.out.println("SQL Exception: " + exSQL.getMessage());
         public void buildHorseGUI() //construct the horse GUI
              buildDefaultGUI(); //build default buttons and toolbar
              m_labelname = new JLabel(" Horse Name:",JLabel.CENTER);
              m_labelage = new JLabel("Age: ",JLabel.CENTER);
              m_labelweight = new JLabel("Weight(p): ",JLabel.CENTER);
              m_labelspeed = new JLabel("Speed:",JLabel.CENTER);
              m_labelacceleration = new JLabel("Acceleration:",JLabel.CENTER);
              m_labelprofessionalism = new JLabel("Professionalism:",JLabel.CENTER);
              m_labeljump = new JLabel("Jump:",JLabel.CENTER);
              m_labelstamina = new JLabel("Stamina:",JLabel.CENTER);
              m_labelbravery = new JLabel("Bravery:",JLabel.CENTER);
              m_labelfitness = new JLabel("Fitness:",JLabel.CENTER);
              m_labelexperience = new JLabel("Experience",JLabel.CENTER);
              //creation of textfields to hold the data
              //making them non-editable and b/ground of black with white text
              m_name = new JTextField(20);
              m_age = new JTextField(2);
              m_weight = new JTextField(3);
              m_speed = new JTextField(2);
              m_acceleration = new JTextField(2);
              m_professionalism = new JTextField(2);
              m_jump = new JTextField(2);
              m_stamina = new JTextField(2);
              m_bravery = new JTextField(2);
              m_fitness = new JTextField(2);
              m_experience = new JTextField(2);
              //create a panel to hold this data
              Panel data = new Panel();
              data.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,4));
              getContentPane().add(data, BorderLayout.CENTER);
         public void buildDefaultGUI() //construct the default components for GUI
              JToolBar wndToolBar = new JToolBar();
              m_buttonFirst = new JButton( new ImageIcon( "graphic/myFirst.gif" ) );
              m_buttonPrevious = new JButton(new ImageIcon( "graphic/myPrevious.gif" ) );
              m_buttonNext = new JButton(new ImageIcon( "graphic/myNext.gif" ) );
              m_buttonLast = new JButton(new ImageIcon( "graphic/myLast.gif" ) );
              m_buttonClose = new JButton(new ImageIcon( "graphic/myClose.gif" ) );
              m_mainbuttonClose = new JButton("CLOSE");
              // implement action listener
              //set the tool tips for each of the button
              m_buttonFirst.setToolTipText( "Display first record" );
              m_buttonPrevious.setToolTipText( "Display previous record" );
              m_buttonNext.setToolTipText( "Display next record" );
              m_buttonLast.setToolTipText( "Display last record" );
              m_buttonClose.setToolTipText( "Close this window and return to game" );
              m_mainbuttonClose.setToolTipText( "Close this window and return to game" );
              //add these buttons to the toolbar
              wndToolBar.add( m_buttonFirst );
              wndToolBar.add( m_buttonPrevious );
              wndToolBar.add( m_buttonNext );
              wndToolBar.add( m_buttonLast );
              wndToolBar.addSeparator(); //separator in the toolbar
              wndToolBar.add( m_buttonClose );
              getContentPane().add(wndToolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);
              getContentPane().add(m_mainbuttonClose, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
         public void buildCourseGUI() //construct the course GUI
         public void buildJockeyGUI() //construct the jockey GUI
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent evt)
              //button first record is pressed
              if( evt.getSource() == m_buttonFirst )
                        if( m_DatabaseMan.m_resultSet.first() )
                   catch (SQLException exSQL )
                        System.err.println( exSQL.toString() );
              //button next record is pressed
              if( evt.getSource() == m_buttonNext )
                   catch (SQLException exSQL )
                        System.err.println( exSQL.toString() );
              //previous button is pressed
              if( evt.getSource() == m_buttonPrevious )
                        if( !m_DatabaseMan.m_resultSet.first())
                   catch (SQLException exSQL )
                        System.err.println( exSQL.toString() );
              //last button is pressed
              if( evt.getSource() == m_buttonLast )
                   catch (SQLException exSQL )
                        System.err.println( exSQL.toString() );
              // close button(s) pressed
              if( evt.getSource() == m_buttonClose)
                   setVisible( false );
                   dispose(); //return the dialog window resources
              if( evt.getSource() == m_mainbuttonClose)
                   setVisible( false );
                   dispose(); //return the dialog window resources
         public void transferData(String type1) throws SQLException //return a String
              if(type1 =="Horse")
                   //transfer horse details
              if(type1 =="Jockey")
              if(type1 =="Course")
                   //transfer course details not implemented yet
    } //end of class DBviewer
    I ve set up an odbc driver and the database has data in it but I still get this run time error an no data is transfered to the dialog box
    java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
    at java.lang.String.substring(
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcResultSet.reWordAsCountQuery(
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcResultSet.calculateRowCount(
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcResultSet.initialize(
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcStatement.getResultSet(
    at sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcStatement.executeQuery(
    at DatabaseMan.<init>(
    at DBviewer.<init>(
    at MainWindow.actionPerformed(
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(
    at javax.swing.AbstractButton$ForwardActionEvents.actionPerformed(
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(
    at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(
    at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(
    at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(
    at java.awt.Component.processEvent(
    at java.awt.Container.processEvent(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(
    at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(
    at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
    at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
    Im really stuck!!! any suggestions? thanks in advance

    Thank you for your response and sorry for the length
    of code,
    Thats was my first idea that it was asking for
    or something I dont have but I checked my database and
    I dont have any unusually large data entries (most
    between 8-15 letters, the others are numbers) could it
    be something wrong with how I've entered the database
    in MsAccess, or am i barking up the wrong tree again!
    Many thanks
    RobI think you've misunderstood me. This has nothing to do with unusually large data entries, but rather the opposite. You are wrongly expecting data that is shorter than you think. When you call rs.getString(i) to retrieve a column value of a field, and you only want the first 5 characters in the column (instead of 10 or whatever the column size is), you would do something similar to the following:
    String column_value = rs.getString(1).subtstring(0,5);The above expects a String that is at least 5 characters. Your problem is when your column value returned is less than the specified substring index ( in this case 5 ) it will throw an exception. If you changed your code to this, the error will not occur:
    String column_value = rs.getString( 1 ).subtstring( 0, 5);
    if ( column_value.length() > 5 )
    column_value = column_value.substring( 0, 5 );

  • Newbie: Problem with jdbc-odbc and MS SQL server 2005

    I'm on win vistax64 with SQLSERVER 2005 and I have set up the odbc source as system dsn using the SQL Native Client driver with SQL authentication and the connectivity test in the end succeeds.
    I'm trying to make a simple web app that will connect to the database and perform simple querries. It's a school assignment.
    I'm using the jdbc-odbc bridge because it's the simplest way to do it and it's what we were shown in class.
    I get the following irritating error:
    "Cannot establish a connection to jdbc:odb:sstmdb using sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver ([Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specifies)".
    I'm working with netbeans 5.5.1 and this error is what I get when in the runtime tab I try to connect with the jdbc-odbc. I get a similar error in the logs when I try to run the app on the j2ee server.
    This is the java class that establishes the connection.
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    public class Connector {
        private static final String dbUrl="jdbc:odbc:sstmdb";
        private static final String user="kimon";
        private static final String password="jackohara";
        public static Connection getConnection(){
            Connection conn = null;
            try {
                conn = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl,user,password);
            } catch (SQLException e) {
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            return conn;
    }It has worked perfectly on my school PC with winXP and MSDE2000.
    What am I missing?

    Ok, help came from an other way where I was inquiring about a different problem:
    Connectivity works fine by using User DSN instead of System DSN for the ODBC source.

  • Problem With Jdbc-Odbc BRidge Connection

    I get The following error
    SQLException:[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid cursor state
    when using the code
    whats the problem with it
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Employee {
    String DBurl;
    Connection con;
    public Employee(String url)
    void queryTest()
    String query="SELECT * FROM EmpTable";
    ResultSet result;
    Statement stmt;
    catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e){
    System.err.println("Class not Found Exception:");
    String name=result.getString("Name");
    int ID=result.getInt("ID");
    float rate=result.getFloat("Rate");
    int deptID=result.getInt("DeptID");
    catch(SQLException ex){
    System.err.println("SQLException:" + ex.getMessage());
    public static void main(String args[])
    Employee app = new Employee("jdbc:odbc:Employee");

    here's your mistake:
    while(;  // <--- the loop body is empty.Remove the semi-colon.

  • Problem with JDBC-ODBC bridge

    OS in my PC is Windows7 Ultimate(64-bit), and I had JDK1.7.0_21(compatible with my PC), Oracle 10G ExpressEdition(32-Bit), ApacheTomcat7.0.11(compatible with my PC).
    As my OS is 64-BIT, I accessed C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32 and  I selected UserDSN tab->Add->Microsoft ODBC for Oracle->finish,tapply->ok. Then a Dialog Box appeared and I entered a DSN name=ramsdsn and my DATABASE USERID=rams in username->ok->apply->ok.
    But when I tried to compile my program using:
    I got an error:java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
    Help me FRNZ.. I have been trying it for 7 days and I'm tired of it and I could not figured it yet...
    THANKS in Advance...

    Wrong database is the most likely reason.
    Note that the ODBC driver is not a good driver for MS SQL Server. It handles varchar as chars. So an insert of 'A' into a varchar(25) will end up with 'A' followed by 24 spaces. And that probably isn't what you want your varchars to do.

  • Problems with jdbc thin driver (Euro Symbol)

    at the moment it is impossible for me to write or read euro characters to a database using a jdbc thin driver.
    I am using
    ojdbc14.jar (version and orai18n.jar (also) together with JDK 1.4.2.
    Charset of the database is WE8MSWIN1252. It does not work on ORACLE, and (others I have not tried). But the problem seams to be in thin client.
    Inserting Eurosymbols using a PreparedStatement works quite well. Using a normal Statement does not work.
    Also the values getting from a ResultSet are incorrect.
    After several test I downloaded a patch 4659157 for ojdbc14.jar and 5470375 for orai18n.jar. After installing the patch the euro characters were returned, but:
    In several selects of numeric fields (not all, seams to be random) my resultset returned the Euro character instead of 0 and so on.
    Driver for 9.2 works quite well, but does not support 10g Release 2 (and contains also some funny bugs)
    Following solutions are not suitable for us:
    Changing the character set of the database (come on, this cannot be serious. I cannot change the character set of more than 100 databases)
    Using the newest driver (ORACLE 11). We are still using JAVA 1.4.2 and cannot migrate our application at the moment.
    Using an oci client. Not possible, no ORACLE client on clients...
    Has anyone an idea how to deal with this?
    Does anyone know when ORACLE is going to release a new jdbc driver for JAVA 1.4.2 (maybe ??

    Just installed PATCH 4659157 and 5470375 from metalink. The Euro problem seams to be corrected.
    Another problem occurred. Sometimes numeric values are returned wrong (0 from a numeric field comes as euro, 1 comes as Á (2 and 3 too).
    This error seams to be random to me.
    Our application is selecting a rowid from a table and after that fills several textfields in a frame by selecting the content in a way like this:
    select [column1] from [table] where rowid=[rowid]
    select [column2] from [table] where rowid=[rowid]
    if I select the numeric column with select nr. 77 I get a wrong value. If I select it at nr. 10 I get the correct value.
    The selects are done by a normal Statement object creating a ResultSet. The Value from the ResultSet is fetched by getObject() method.
    I also tried to write a test program executing only the selects of the application, but it gives me correct results.
    Also when selecting all the fields in one select I get a correct result.
    Using a different charset than WE8MSWIN1252 seams to give correct results. Using the OCI driver returns correct results.
    Using ojdbc14.jar and orai18n.jar Release unpatched produces the same error (and does not return Euro symbols)
    Using ojdbc14.jar and orai18n.jar Release returns correct results (but wrong Euro)
    Has anyone had the same problem yet?

  • Do_open() problem with JDBC oci8 driver

    I am using the JDBC-OCI driver for NT ( I get a 'unresolved link error': do_open() exception stack trace when I connect to the Oracle 8i DB. I can connect successfully via SQLPlus to the same. I have Oracle 8.1.7 client installed on the system. I also have my PATH pointing to the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory where the ocijdbc8.dll is located.
    Prelimnary analysis shows that the driver's Java layer is not finding the method do_open() in the .dll via JNI.
    How do I resolve this?. Thanks.

    Hi Balakris;
    I am experiencing the same problem with OCI8. Since you posted your message over 2 weeks ago I am hoping you have solved the problem. If so could you add the solution to this topic?

  • Has anybody had any problems with the ODBC driver version

    I have experienced a problem with my current version of the ODBC driver (version and have been advised to upgrade to the newest version
    As the driver was only released a couple of months ago, I am a bit wary about upgrading. Has anybody out there had any issues with the reliability of this driver or does it seem to be pretty stable?
    Thanks very much,

    Sorry, forgot to mention it is on linux.
    Setting SetJavaHome in the jdev.conf did not help.
    I did find a way to at least start the IDE though.
    Either comment out SetJavaVM in the jdev.conf or start jdev with the -client option
    Also to note:
    I downloaded the jdk 1.4.2 32 bit for x86 and i can't get jdev to start:
    current locale is not supported in X11, locale is set to CX locale modifiers are not supported, using defaultjava.lang.InternalError: Current locale is not supported
    at sun.awt.motif.MWindowPeer.pSetTitle(Native Method)
    at sun.awt.motif.MWindowPeer.init(
    at sun.awt.motif.MFramePeer.<init>(
    So right now i'll try to hack it with j2se 5...

  • Problem with Oracle ODBC Driver on Windows 7

    Please help with this problem I have with a Windows 7 machine. I have installed Oracle Client 11g on my Windows 7 machine but when I want to create an ODBC Data Source, I cant find any driver for oracle. How can I resolve this issue? I need the data source for an application to work and I cant figure out what is happening. Someone please help!

    There's a dedicated Oracle ODBC forum:
    As this forum deals with connections from Oracle to foreign data stores it would be better to close this thread and post it again in the ODBC forum.

  • Problem with jdbc- Oci8 driver

    Hi there,
    I am using oracle client of version 8.1.5 and jdk1.2.2, in the classpath of my NT.
    I can able to establish the database connectivity using thin driver..
    But for Oci driver, it is not working..
    I have given piece of code below.
    Connection conn =
    DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:oci8:@netlink","hris8","hris8");
    netlink is TNSentry in TNSnames.ora
    I am getting Dr.Watson error and which is saying that access violation error..

    Thanks for your reply,
    So i need to install oralce client version
    8.1.6 or 8.1.7; so that i can work out Oci 8 driver with jdk1.2.2 ...
    Is it so?
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by don:
    please read the following document tm <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • Problem with JDBC Bridge Driver

    I have a jsp file that is calling a bean to connect to MS SQL 2000,
    <jsp:useBean id="select" class="DataBaseSelect3" scope="request">
    <% out.print(select.connect()); %>
    <% out.print(; %>
    <p>Format results
    <%@ page import="java.util.Vector" %>
    <% Vector aResult = select.getResult(); %>
    <% for (int i=0; i < aResult.size(); i++) { %>
    <% out.print(aResult.elementAt(i)); %>
    <% } %>
    then inside the bean which is called DataBase3.class I am calling a netDirect JDBC driver,
    I'm getting this error,
    Error Message:
    Driver is now Loaded!
    SQLException:No suitable driver
    Format results
    // here is the .java code,
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.Vector;
    * Written by Morgan Catlin
    * August 19, 1999
    * Variables:
    * Vector result = where I put the results of a select query
    * Methods:
    * Vector getResult() = returns result
    * void setResult() = sets result
    * String connect() = connects to a database
    * String select() = selects information from a database
    public class DataBaseSelect3 {
    private Vector result;
    public DataBaseSelect3() {
    result = new Vector();
    } // constructor DataBaseSelect
    public String connect() {
    try {
         return "Driver is now Loaded!";
    } catch (Exception E) {
         return "SQLException:" + E.getMessage();
    public String select() {
    try {
         Connection C = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:JSQLConnect://devserver/conn?DSN=seanmccarrick;Database=SeanMcCarrick;uid=sa;pwd=");
         Statement Stmt = C.createStatement();
         ResultSet myResult = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT UserName from Login");
         while ( {
    // Clean up
         return "Connection Success!";
    } catch (SQLException E) {
         return "SQLException2:" + E.getMessage();
    * Accessor for result
    public Vector getResult() {
    return result;
    * Mutator for result
    public void setResult(Vector avector) {
    result = avector;
    } // class DataBaseSelect
    any help is greatly appreciated,

    The real problem is that you didn't specify the name of the driver correctly. However, it may not be a typographic mistake. You've made a few other errors in the logic of the code so it's difficult to see exactly what's going on.
    For "small" programs, people typically put the driver loading, and the connection making routines in the same function. The only time we split them is if we plan to implement connection pooling, or if we are setting this up as a Servlet/JSP page. See the following code sippet.
    Oh, incidently, you don't need to call newInstance();.
    Second, it helps if you don't do a blanket catch. This way you can determine whether it's the driver that's bad, or if the database is refusing connections.
    I would suggest trying:
    try {
       Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection( jdbc:JSQLConnect://devserver/conn?DSN=seanmccarrick;Database=SeanMcCarrick;uid=sa;pwd=" );
       System.out.println( "Success!" );
       return connection;
    } catch ( ClassNotFoundException cnfe ) {
       System.err.println( "Error loading driver: " + cnfe );
    } catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
       System.err.println( "Error connecting: " + sqle );
    }On further reflection, I've just realized I made a mistake too. So I will fall back on the best advice I've ever received - copy this part of the code directly out of a book or the Java Tutorial site. Don't try to get fancy. :)

  • I have a problem with JDBC Realm in Tomcat/Oracle/Win XP

    I have a problem with JDBC Realm in Tomcat.
    I have attached my server.xml file located in the
    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\server.xml
    The Problem is that when I login I get the user name and password prompt but it does not resolve.
    When I enter in the tomcat-users.xml password with memory realm uncommented it works fine.
    C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5\conf\tomcat-users.xml
    Is there a cache or something I need to reset for the JDBC Realm to work?
    I have attached my tables and contents as well...
    Did I miss something????
    <Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener" />
    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener" />
    <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.storeconfig.StoreConfigLifecycleListener"/>
    <!-- Global JNDI resources -->
    <!-- Test entry for demonstration purposes -->
    <Environment name="simpleValue" type="java.lang.Integer" value="30"/>
    <!-- Define the Tomcat Stand-Alone Service -->
    <Service name="Catalina">
    <!-- Define a non-SSL HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 -->
    port="8080" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192"
    maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
    enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
    connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />
    <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
    <Connector port="8009"
    enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3" />
    <!-- Define the top level container in our container hierarchy -->
    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" />
    <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"
    connectionName="testName" connectionPassword="testPass"
    roleNameCol="role_name" />
    <!-- Define the default virtual host
    Note: XML Schema validation will not work with Xerces 2.2.
    <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps"
    unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
    xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
    create table users
    user_name varchar(15) not null primary key,
    user_pass varchar(15) not null
    create table roles
    role_name varchar(15) not null primary key
    create table user_roles
    user_name varchar(15) not null,
    role_name varchar(15) not null,
    primary key( user_name, role_name )
    select * from users;
    | user_name | user_pass |
    | tomcat | tomcat |
    | user1 | tomcat |
    | user2 | tomcat |
    | user3 | tomcat |
    select * from roles;
    | role_name |
    | tomcat |
    | role1 |
    select * from user_roles;
    | role_name | user_name |
    | tomcat | user1 |
    | role1 | user2 |
    | tomcat | tomcat |
    | role1 | tomcat |

    Jan 2, 2008 11:49:35 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
    INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
    Jan 2, 2008 11:49:35 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
    INFO: Initialization processed in 734 ms
    Jan 2, 2008 11:49:35 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
    INFO: Starting service Catalina
    Jan 2, 2008 11:49:35 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
    INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.9
    Jan 2, 2008 11:49:35 AM org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm start
    SEVERE: Exception opening database connection
    java.sql.SQLException: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
         at org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
    Jan 2, 2008 11:49:35 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost start
    INFO: XML validation disabled
    Jan 2, 2008 11:49:36 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext resourcesStart

  • Problem with JDBC Comm Channel from UNIX PI Installation.

    Dear Gurus:
    Inside a standard scenario, we have a receiver comm channel which use JDBC adapter type to connect to a MS Access remote database.
    The database connection is made like this:
    JDBC Driver: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
    Connection: jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=//$/app/appdb.mdb
    Working from a Windows 2003 PI installation, everything works fine..
    But we recently have finished a Heterogeneous migration from Windows 2003 + SQL server to UNIX AIX + Oracle servers and that particular interface does not work anymore.
    Is there a way to connect to a MS Access from inside a UNIX PI installation..? Is there a native JDBC or ODBC driver that we can use to fix our problem...?
    Waiting for your help. Best regards.

    In the JDBC receiver CC, Advanced-->Advanced Mode, use poolWaitingTime and taskTimeout parameters and specify
    some time using seconds.

Maybe you are looking for

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