Procedure from HTML

How can i set the Database Access Descriptor (DAD) while using iAS or the Apache listener that comes with the database.
Actually it is to call the stored procedure from HTML.
pls give th full details how can i call the stored procedure from HTML

Oracle wrote:
How can i set the Database Access Descriptor (DAD) while using iAS or the Apache listener that comes with the database.
Actually it is to call the stored procedure from HTML.
pls give th full details how can i call the stored procedure from HTMLHave you read the the Oracle® Database Advanced Application Developer's Guide chapter on Developing PL/SQL Web Applications ?
How do you want to call your PL/SQL web enabled procedure? Using the standard call interface, or using the flexible name-value (2 parameter) interface?
And how do you plan to deal with maintaining web client state and deal with security and authorisation? Why not use Apex instead?

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    If the variable v_return_amount is a number, how can you assign a boolean to it? Are you sure your function is valid? I would write it slightly different:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION verify_amount (
    v_invoices_pk IN NUMBER,
    v_new_amount IN NUMBER
    CURSOR c_amount
    SELECT amount
    FROM invoices
    WHERE invoices.invoices_pk = v_invoices_pk;
    CURSOR c_dist_amount
    SELECT SUM (cost_distribution.amount)
    FROM cost_distribution
    WHERE cost_distribution.invoices_pk = v_invoices_pk;
    v_sum_amount NUMBER;
    v_invoices_amount NUMBER;
    OPEN c_dist_amount;
    FETCH c_dist_amount
    INTO v_sum_amount;
    CLOSE c_dist_amount;
    OPEN c_amount;
    FETCH c_amount
    INTO v_invoices_amount;
    CLOSE c_amount;
    IF (v_invoices_amount <= v_sum_amount + v_new_amount)
    END IF;
    RETURN v_return_amount;
    Other than that, I am not sure about your cursors but I can't judge from here. The other thing is how you use the function in the validation process. Can you try to correct and tell if it worked out?
    Denes Kubicek

  • Calling a procedure from HTML website

    I have created a procedure which up dates my database.
    It records hits etc on website.
    I have tested it from a browser it works fine. Now I wish to call it each time a page in a website is loaded.
    The solution I have tired is
    <body onload="getURL('')">
    I may have syntax error or go about this the wrong way
    Any help all ways welcome
    Regards, Pete

    Dear All
    Looks like AJAX is the solution
    I looked and try to get it working with my URL without sucesss
    Can anyone see waht I am doing wrong?
    In this example I used "onclick" what is best way to calling the AJAX as wish to perform it each time a web page is open?
    Thanks, Pete
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function loadXMLDoc()
    var xmlhttp;
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
    {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
    xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
    {// code for IE6, IE5
    xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
    if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
    Edited by: Pete88 on Sep 23, 2011 9:40 AM
    Edited by: Pete88 on Sep 25, 2011 8:17 PM

  • Calling PLSQL Stored Procedure From HTML Form Submit Button

    Hi there,
    I am having a little difficulty with calling a stored procedure using an html form button. Here is the code I have right now...
    HTP.PRINT('<form action=ZWGKERCF.P_confdelete>');
    HTP.PRINT('<input type=''submit'' value='' Yes '' onClick=''document.getElementById("mypopup").style.display="none"''>');
    HTP.PRINT('</form></div>');Here is the issue - I need to find a way to pass variables to this stored procedure so it know what data to operate on. This stored procedure will delete data for a specific database record and I must pass three variables to this procedure to make it work.
    Lets call them class_number, term, conf These three variables will be passed and the data will be deleted and the person will see a confirmation screen once the delete query has been executed.
    So ideally I would want: ZWGKERCF.P_confdelete(class_number, term, conf) and then the stored procedure would handle the rest!
    Seems pretty simple but I am not sure how to make this happen... My thoughts were:
    Pass the data to this html form (the three fields I need) in hidden variables. Then somehow pass these using POST method to the procedure and read using GET?
    Can someone clarify what the best way to do this is? I have a feeling its something small I am missing - but I would really like some expert insight :-)
    Thanks so much in advance!
    - Jeff

    795018 wrote:
    I am having a little difficulty with calling a stored procedure using an html form button. Here is the code I have right now...
    HTP.PRINT('<form action=ZWGKERCF.P_confdelete>');
    HTP.PRINT('<input type=''submit'' value='' Yes '' onClick=''document.getElementById("mypopup").style.display="none"''>');
    HTP.PRINT('</form></div>');Here is the issue - I need to find a way to pass variables to this stored procedure so it know what data to operate on. This stored procedure will delete data for a specific database record and I must pass three variables to this procedure to make it work. The browser generates a POST or a GET for that form action, that includes all the fields defined in that form. Let's say you define HTML text input fields name and surname for the form. The URL generated for that form's submission will be:
    http://../ZWGKERCF.P_confdelete?name=value1&surname=value2The browser therefore submits the values of the form as part of the URL.
    The web server receives this. It sees that the base URL (aka location) is serviced by Oracle's mod_plsql. It passes the URL to this module. This module builds a PL/SQL block and makes the call to Oracle. If we ignore the additional calls it makes (setting up an OWA environment for that Oracle session), this is how the call to Oracle basically looks like:
      ZWGKERCF.P_confdelete( name=> :value1, surname =>  :value2 );
    end;Thus the PL/SQL web enabled procedure gets all the input fields from the HTML form, via its parameter signature. As you can define parameter values with defaults, you can support variable parameter calls. For example, let's say our procedure also have a birthDate parameter that is default null. The above call will still work (from a HTML form that does not have a date field). And so will the following URL and call that includes a birth date:
    PL/SQL call:
      ZWGKERCF.P_confdelete( name=> :value1, surname =>  :value2, birthdate => :value3 );
    end;There is also another call method you can use - the flexible 2 parameter interface. In this case the PL/SQL procedure name in the URL is suffixed with an exclamation mark. This instructs the mod_plsql module to put all input field names it received from the web browser into a string array. And put all the values for those fields in another string array. Then it calls your procedure with these arrays as input.
    Your procedure therefore has a fixed parameter signature. Two parameters only. Both are string arrays.
    The advantage of this method is that your procedure can dynamically deal with the web browser's input - any number of fields. The procedure's signature no longer needs to match the HTML form's signature.
    You can also defined RESTful mod_plsql calls to PL/SQL. In which case the call format from the web browser looks different and is handled differently by mod_plsql.
    All this (and more) is detailed in the Oracle manuals dealing with mod_plsql - have a search via (Oracle Documentation Portal) for the relevant manuals for the Oracle version you are using.
    Alternatively, simply download and install Oracle Apex (Application Express). This is a web development and run-time framework and do all the complexities for you - including web state management, optimistic locking, security and so on.

  • Read values from html response

    I am trying to make a call to an API using UTL_HTTP POST method over SSL and read the response html page and extract the values from the reponse.
    I am able to call and get a response back in html format. I have stored the html response in a clob variable.
    Now i want to parse this html and extract values from the form input items and send them out through OUT parameters.
    For example, from below reponse i want to extract the value '1111d7nhcwse30wq' from 'I4GO_UNIQUEID'
    Can anyone help me with the code to parse this html response and extract the values.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.
    sample Code:
    PROCEDURE get_token (
    p_requesterreference IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cardnumber IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cardtype IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cardholdername IN VARCHAR2,
    p_expirationmonth IN VARCHAR2,
    p_expirationyear IN VARCHAR2,
    p_streetaddress IN VARCHAR2,
    p_postalcode IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cvv2code IN VARCHAR2,
    po_uniqueid OUT VARCHAR2,
    po_errorindicator OUT VARCHAR2,
    po_primaryerrorcode OUT VARCHAR2,
    po_response OUT VARCHAR2,
    po_status_code OUT VARCHAR2,
    po_reason_phrase OUT VARCHAR2
    v_url VARCHAR2 (200);
    v_url_params VARCHAR2 (32767);
    v_resp_str VARCHAR2 (32767);
    l_http_req UTL_HTTP.req;
    l_http_resp UTL_HTTP.resp;
    v_requesterreference VARCHAR2 (12) := p_requesterreference;
    v_i4go_cardnumber VARCHAR2 (32) := p_cardnumber;
    v_i4go_streetaddress VARCHAR2 (30) := p_streetaddress;
    v_i4go_postalcode VARCHAR2 (9) := p_postalcode;
    v_i4go_expirationmonth VARCHAR2 (2) := p_expirationmonth; -- MM format
    v_i4go_expirationyear VARCHAR2 (2) := p_expirationyear; -- yy format
    v_i4go_cvv2code VARCHAR2 (3) := p_cvv2code;
    v_name VARCHAR2 (256);
    v_value VARCHAR2 (1024);
    l_clob CLOB;
    pv_amp CONSTANT CHAR (1) := CHR (38);
    CURSOR setup_cur
    SELECT interface_id, interface_name, interface_url, account_id, site_id
    FROM rsv.shift4_setup
    WHERE interface_name = 'I4GO';
    v_setup_rec setup_cur%ROWTYPE;
    OPEN setup_cur;
    FETCH setup_cur
    INTO v_setup_rec;
    CLOSE setup_cur;
    v_url := '';
    v_url_params :=
    || 'i4GO_AccountID='
    || v_setup_rec.account_id
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_SiteID='
    || v_setup_rec.site_id
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_CardNumber='
    || v_i4go_cardnumber
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_ExpirationMonth='
    || v_i4go_expirationmonth
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_ExpirationYear='
    || v_i4go_expirationyear
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_CVV2Code='
    || v_i4go_cvv2code
    || pv_amp
    || 'i4Go_PostalCode='
    || v_i4go_postalcode;
    -- begin request using POST method
    UTL_HTTP.set_response_error_check (FALSE);
    UTL_HTTP.set_transfer_timeout (180);
    UTL_HTTP.set_wallet ('file:/etc/ORACLE/WALLETS/oracle', 'welcome1');
    l_http_req := UTL_HTTP.begin_request (v_url, 'POST');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header (l_http_req, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header (l_http_req, 'Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
    UTL_HTTP.set_header (l_http_req, 'content-length', LENGTH (v_url_params));
    UTL_HTTP.write_text (l_http_req, v_url_params);
    -- get response
    l_http_resp := UTL_HTTP.get_response (l_http_req);
    po_status_code := l_http_resp.status_code;
    po_reason_phrase := l_http_resp.reason_phrase;
    -- read response into a clob
    DBMS_LOB.createtemporary (l_clob, FALSE);
    UTL_HTTP.read_text (l_http_resp, v_resp_str, 32767);
    DBMS_LOB.writeappend (l_clob, LENGTH (v_resp_str), v_resp_str);
    WHEN UTL_HTTP.end_of_body
    -- end response
    UTL_HTTP.end_response (l_http_resp);
    -- Fre resources
    DBMS_LOB.freetemporary (l_clob);
    DBMS_LOB.freetemporary (l_clob);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (UTL_HTTP.get_detailed_sqlerrm);
    sample response:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
         <title>Return With Payment Token</title>
         <script src="js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
         <script type="text/javascript"><!--
              picSpinner= new Image(40,40);
              bodyOnLoad = function() {
    <body onload="bodyOnLoad();">
         <form name="i4GoMainForm" id="i4GoMainForm" action="" method="POST" onsubmit="$('#i4Go_submit').attr('disabled','disabled');">
                   <input name="I4GO_RESPONSE" type="hidden" value="SUCCESS" />
                   <input name="I4GO_RESPONSECODE" type="hidden" value="1" />
                   <input name="I4GO_CARDTYPE" type="hidden" value="VS" />
                   <input name="I4GO_UNIQUEID" type="hidden" value="1111d7nhcwse30wq" />
                   <input name="I4GO_EXPIRATIONMONTH" type="hidden" value="12" />
                   <input name="I4GO_EXPIRATIONYEAR" type="hidden" value="2012" />
                   <input name="I4GO_CARDHOLDERNAME" type="hidden" value="" />
                   <input name="I4GO_STREETADDRESS" type="hidden" value="" />
                   <input name="I4GO_POSTALCODE" type="hidden" value="65000" />
              <div id="scriptDiv" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:18px;visibility:hidden;">
                   <img src="images/loading040.gif" alt="Spinner..." />  Loading...
              <div id="noScriptDiv" style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
                                       <h1>Statement of Tokenization</h1>
                                       <p>The payment information you have submitted has been securely stored in the Shift4 PCI-DSS certified data center and a token representing this information will be sent to the merchant for processing. Below is the information that will be returning to the originating merchant:</p>
                                            <li>Response: <strong>SUCCESS</strong></li>
                                            <li>Response Code: <strong>1</strong></li>
                                            <li>Card Type: <strong>VS</strong></li>
                                            <li>Token: <strong>1111d7nhcwse30wq</strong></li>
    <input type="submit" name="i4Go_submit" id="i4Go_submit" value="Continue" />
    Edited by: sgudipat on Apr 24, 2012 1:20 PM

    Here is working example for your HTML using xpath to extract values from html
    You can store your html response in clob variable and then extract the value with xpath
       l_clob clob;
       l_value varchar2(100);
       l_xml xmltype;
         l_clob :='<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
      <html xmlns="">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
      <title>Return With Payment Token</title>
      <script src="js/jquery-1.6.4.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript"><!--
       picSpinner= new Image(40,40);
       bodyOnLoad = function() {
       <body onload="bodyOnLoad();">
       <form name="i4GoMainForm" id="i4GoMainForm" action="" method="POST" onsubmit="$(''#i4Go_submit'').attr(''disabled'',''disabled'');">
       <input name="I4GO_RESPONSE" type="hidden" value="SUCCESS" />
       <input name="I4GO_RESPONSECODE" type="hidden" value="1" />
       <input name="I4GO_CARDTYPE" type="hidden" value="VS" />
       <input name="I4GO_UNIQUEID" type="hidden" value="1111d7nhcwse30wq" />
       <input name="I4GO_EXPIRATIONMONTH" type="hidden" value="12" />
       <input name="I4GO_EXPIRATIONYEAR" type="hidden" value="2012" />
       <input name="I4GO_CARDHOLDERNAME" type="hidden" value="" />
       <input name="I4GO_STREETADDRESS" type="hidden" value="" />
       <input name="I4GO_POSTALCODE" type="hidden" value="65000" />
      <img src="images/loading040.gif" alt="Spinner..." />  Loading...
       Statement of Tokenization
       The payment information you have submitted has been securely stored in the Shift4 PCI-DSS certified data center and a token representing this information will be sent to the merchant for processing. Below is the information that will be returning to the originating merchant:
           Response: SUCCESS
           Response Code: 1
           Card Type: VS
           Token: 1111d7nhcwse30wq
       <input type="submit" name="i4Go_submit" id="i4Go_submit" value="Continue" />
         execute immediate 'alter session set events =''31156 trace name context forever, level 2''';
         l_xml := xmltype(l_clob);
         execute immediate 'alter session set events =''31156 trace name context off''';
         select extractvalue( l_xml
                            , '/html/body/form/input[@name="I4GO_CARDTYPE"]/@value'
                            , 'xmlns=""' )
         into l_value
         from dual;
    Problem when parsing html with xpath and xmltype
    Edited by: on Apr 26, 2012 9:38 AM

  • Deploy warnings using a PL/SQL procedure (from a Public Transform Package)

    OWB Version: 10.2
    I am receiving the following warnings when I attempt to deploy a map that contains a reference to a custom pl/sql procedure that is setup in a public transformation package:
    ORA-06550: line 115, column 32:
    PLS-00112: end-of-line in quoted identifier
    ORA-06550: line 115, column 9:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "." when expecting one of the following:
    := . ( @ % ; not null range default character
    I reviewed the OWB generated code and I discovered the OWB is a adding two double quotes in front of any reference to the package name. For example.....
    * note the "" in front of ZZTEST, which is the package name.
    Has anyone else encountered this issue? I can manually correct the generated the code, but it would be overridden every the time the map is deployed. I encounter the same issue if I import a custom pl/sql procedure from the database into OWB using the Metadata Import Wizard and use the imported procedure in a map. However, I can setup an standalone procedure or function as a public transformation and the map deploys successfully. Please advise.

    You have to create a job to start your procedure.
    Example :
    Then create a procedure to start your job, call it from your dashboard and you're done.

  • How to send a Varying Array param to a PL/SQL Stored Procedure from Java

    * I am VERY new to jdbc, and even somewhat new to Java
    * I'm using Java 1.5, Oracle 10g.
    * I need to call the following PL/SQL Stored Procedure from Java:
    procedure setEventStatus
    i_deQueueStatus in deQueueStatus_type
    *deQueueStatus_type is the following (an array of deQueueStatus_OBJ):
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE deQueueStatus_OBJ as object
    eventID number (20),
    dequeuestatus varchar2(20)
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE deQueueStatus_TYPE IS VARYING ARRAY(500) of deQueueStatus_obj
    *I have created a Java object as follows:
    public class EventQueueDeQueueStatus
         long      eventID;
         String      dequeueStatus;
         EventQueueDeQueueStatus(long eventID, String dequeueStatus)
              this.eventID = eventID;
              this.dequeueStatus = dequeueStatus;
    I have an ArrayList of these.
    I need to pass this list to the Stored Procedure. How do I create a java.sql.Array so I can call CallableStatement.setArray to set the parameter? Or do I use something else? I have tried setObject with both the ArrayList and also with a primitive array, but got "Invalid Column Type" both times.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I just got this task today, and I have to make it work by Tuesday :-( !

    Search the archives of this forum and the JDBC forum for the terms STRUCT and ARRAY and you can find some sample code on the JDBC How-To Documents page and the JDBC Samples which can both be accessed from this page:
    Good Luck,

  • How to call a stored procedure from WorkShop

    Hello Everyone .. I'm quite new with WebLogic 8.1 & WorkShop, so please bare with
    me .. Today I'm simply trying to find out how to call a stored procedure from
    within workshop, using any of the DB Controls .. I see workshop provides a way
    create a Java Control, Rowset Control, but it wont easily allow for a stored procedured
    to be entered in place of the inline query .. Perhaps I've over looked it. Any
    advise on the best way to tackle this task will be appreciated.

    Maybe this will help:
    Atahualpa wrote:
    Hello Everyone .. I'm quite new with WebLogic 8.1 & WorkShop, so please bare with
    me .. Today I'm simply trying to find out how to call a stored procedure from
    within workshop, using any of the DB Controls .. I see workshop provides a way
    create a Java Control, Rowset Control, but it wont easily allow for a stored procedured
    to be entered in place of the inline query .. Perhaps I've over looked it. Any
    advise on the best way to tackle this task will be appreciated.

  • Error when calling a procedure from my apex application

    I want to create a small APEX application that can configure asynchronous change data capture (distributed hotlog) on certain tables.
    Basically, what the application should do is to simply create change tables. Everything else is set up as prerequisite.
    My problem is that when I run the following script from schema apex_cdd (using sqldeveloper) , it works; but if I run it from my apex application by calling it when pressing a button as a pl/sql process, it doen't work.
         (     i_owner => 'staging_cdcpub',
              i_change_table_name     => 'g_changeTable',
              i_change_set_name     => 'Source_changeSet',
              i_change_source          => 'orcl01_cs',
              i_source_schema          => 'My_src',
              i_source_table          => 'G',
    If I look in the trace file, i see that the error is:
    CDCdebug:in enableDisabledTriggers: ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_CDC_SYS_IPUBLISH' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleSQLException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.DBMS_CDC_SYS_IPUBLISH' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    Other remarks:
    - My procedure calls: sys.DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH.CREATE_CHANGE_TABLE.
    - I gave the same rights that I gave for apex_cdc schema to flows_030200 and APEX_PUBLIC_USER schemas (just to see if it works), but it doens't.
    Is APEX calling the procedure from another schema ?
    Does anyone has an idea why this procedure crashes if called from APEX application, but works ok if called from the same schema APEX application runs on, but using SQLDeveloper ?
    Any thoughts are appreciated.

    The procedure apex_cdc.enable_table_capture i created myself with no authid mentioned explicitly, so it uses definer rights, by default.
    BUt this procedure is simply a wrapper for sys.dbms_cdc_publish.create_change_table.
    When I look on the security model for this sys.dbms_cdc_publish, i see it runs under invoker rights. (
    The code is like this:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE enable_table_capture
              i_owner               IN VARCHAR2,
              i_change_table_name     IN VARCHAR2,
              i_change_set_name     IN VARCHAR2,
              i_change_source          IN VARCHAR2,
              i_source_schema          IN VARCHAR2,
              i_source_table          IN VARCHAR2,
              i_column_type_list     IN VARCHAR2
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'begin add_log@orcl01(i_tableName => ''G''); end;';
    owner => i_owner,
    change_table_name => i_change_table_name,
    change_set_name => i_change_set_name,
    source_schema => i_source_schema,
    source_table => i_source_table,
    column_type_list => i_column_type_list,
    capture_values => 'both',
    rs_id => 'y',
    row_id => 'n',
    user_id => 'n',
    timestamp => 'y',
    object_id => 'n',
    source_colmap => 'n',
    target_colmap => 'y',
    options_string => NULL);
    END enable_table_capture;

  • Calling a stored procedure from within a ViewObject

    Is it possible to make stored procedure call from within a BC4J ViewObject? Basically something like this:
    select * from table(f1(3)); where f1 is a table function. Using Oracle's pipelined table functions?
    If not, is it possible to call a stored procedure from Java and have the returned results be put back into a BC4J RowSet.
    In addition, is there a way to create a JDBC Resultset from a BC4J RowSet?
    We need to be able to dynamically create our SQL statements (the entire SQL, not just the where clause) but are required to have these sql statements generated/executed from within a pl/sql stored procedure in the database.

    Is it possible to make stored procedure call from within a BC4J ViewObject? Basically something like this:
    select * from table(f1(3)); where f1 is a table function. Using Oracle's pipelined table functions?
    Yes. Using our expert-mode query feature this is possible.
    is it possible to call a stored procedure from Java and have the returned results be put back into a BC4J RowSet.
    Yes. See this article about basing a view object on a REF CURSOR:
    In addition, is there a way to create a JDBC Resultset from a BC4J RowSet?
    No. Not directly. What's the business requirement here so I can understand better?
    We need to be able to dynamically create our SQL statements (the entire SQL, not just the where clause) but are required to have these sql statements generated/executed from within a pl/sql stored procedure in the database.
    REF CURSOR would work fine, or if it's just the statement that needs to be generated dynamically, you could fetch the text of the SQL statement from the stored procedure, then use createViewObjectFromQueryStmt(). Although this has runtime overhead involved with describing the query.
    The REF CURSOR based approach is probably best for this.

  • Error executing a stored procedure from SSIS using the MERGE statement between databases

    Good morning,
    I'm trying to execute from SSIS a stored procedure that compares the content of two tables on different databases in the same server and updates one of them. To perform this action, I've created a stored procedure in the destination database and I'm
    comparing the data between tables with the MERGE statement. When I execute the procedure on the destination database the error that I obtain is:
    "Msg 916, Level 14, State 1, Procedure RefreshDestinationTable, Line 13
    The server principal "XXXX" is not able to access the database "XXXX" under the current security context."
    Some things to take in account:
    1. I've created a temporary table on the same destination database to check if the problem was on the MERGE statement and it works fine.
    2. I've created the procedure with the option "WITH EXECUTE AS DBO".
    I've read that it can be a problem of permissions but I don't know if I'm executing the procedure from SSIS to which user/login I should give permissions and which.
    Could you give me some tip to continue investigating how to solve the problem?
    Thank you,

    Read Erland's article
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
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    Large scale of database and data cleansing
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  • Calling a procedure from Dynamic Page

    I am trying to call a procedure from a dynamic page. The procedure displays multi records from a table. I have created a procedure:
    PROCEDURE process_student_request( p_primary_request in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr,
    p_alternate_request in wwv_utl_api_types.vc_arr,
    p_action in varchar2,
    l_status in out varchar2);
    When I hit the submit button on the dynamic page it does not execute the procedure and tries to open a new page. How do I get this to work?
    Here is the text of the page:
    <FORM action="portal30.star_portal.process_student_requests" method="post">
    <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="0" class="RegionBorder">
    <TD valign="top" align="left" width="40%"><FONT class="PortletText1">
    row_num number := 1;
    hold_row_num number;
    hold_class_cd stars3.req.class_cd%TYPE;
    for c1 in (select A.start_yy,, A.student_id, A.class_cd, from stars3.course B, stars3.req A
    where A.student_id = portal30.star_portal.get_session_variable('STUDENT_ID') and A.start_yy = '01' and
    A.alternate_no = '0' and
    B.start_yy = A.start_yy and = and
    B.class_cd = A.class_cd)
    hold_class_cd := c1.class_cd;
    htp.p('<select name="p_primary_request">');
    htp.p('<option value="' || c1.class_cd|| '">' || || '</option>');
    row_num := row_num + 1;
    end loop;
    htp.p('<input type="submit" name="p_action">');

    You have variables in your procedure like l_status, p_alternate_status which you do not have in the form. Are these IN or OUT variables ?
    If these are IN variables, this proc will not work because you do not have any variable in the form. So from where does it get the values? There is not any default declared too. You have to explicitly define IN or OUT variables.
    Have you also given execute permission to public ?

  • How to call PL/SQL procedure from PERL

    I have a requirement to create a PERL wrapper for few PL/SQL procedure.
    Can any one tell me how to call the procedures from PERL ?
    Thanks in advance.

    A quick Google search shows:

  • Calling stored procedure from JSP

    I call a stored procedure from a JSP, but I want to show a page which tells the user that the query is busy executing (it's a big one!) while the stored procedure is executing. I have a page where I select an option, which forwards the request to the JSP that calls the stored procedure. When the procedure has finished, it must forward to a page that tells the user that the procedure executed successfully. The problem I have is that when I select the desired option and click Submit, the next JSP (which should tell the user that the query is executing) doesn't load until after the stored procedure is finished. How can I display this page while the stored procedure is executing?

    The problem I have is that when I select the desired
    option and click Submit, the next JSP (which should
    tell the user that the query is executing) doesn't
    load until after the stored procedure is finished. How
    can I display this page while the stored procedure is
    HAve you got the call to the bit that displays the HTML before or after the call to the stored procedure? If it is before then it should display it...not sure if this is the best solution but if you have a .jsp page that first does the html telling the user to wait and then call the procedure should work...

  • Create RSS feed from HTML DB?

    I've been using a streaming RSS feed extension in Firefox for several months now and get feeds from all over including and Very cool.
    Recently I've installed HTML DB and have begun creating some basic reports - nothing very dramatic as I'm just learning. Now I'd like to begin sending out RSS feeds from my HTML DB application to my RSS extension in my Firefox browser but can't find an easy way to do it.
    I see several posts of others wishing to do the opposite (read RSS feeds into their HTML DB application) but nothing that shows how to create a feed from HTML DB.
    I looked at Tom's description of his method at but this seems very cumbersome to me - is there an easier way?
    I would think that there should be a "create RSS" feed button somewhere in the HTML DB interface when I'm defining the page's attributes.
    Thanks in advance for any advice/suggestions.

    Actually, Tom's method is not as hard as it looks.
    You can really just copy it all into your own procedure and replace the inner query.

Maybe you are looking for