Process chain run

Hi all,
I have a Main chain which has may local chains in it. I have marked all local chains as "start using metachain or API".
When I schedule the main chain very often I get a message saying you following variant is not schedule and RSPROCESS event is not available.
I manually corrected with the steps mentione din help buy rescheduling and using contect menu "End process again" to correct it. How can I solve this permanently.

refer OSS note: 850668
May you will be on a higher support pack but try the 1st solution suggested in the note

Similar Messages

  • Process Chain running even after end date

    We are scheduling month end PC to run every 2 hours and also we have given end date for today evening.but process chain runs even after end date for every 2 we have to manually remove it from scheduling.
    Any method how can PC stop on its own after end date .
    Any help highly APPRECIATED
    Nilesh Pathak

    There might be multiple release jobs for thie process chain.
    So check the same. Right click on process chain --> Display scheduled jobs --> Here all the jobs logs of the chain will be available.. So check the same here...
    As you have descheduled it now.. probably you may not be having it as the first release job might be moved to Schedule status as soon as the END date has reached and then second one might have gone when you have removed the chain from Schduling..
    Anyway check the same.. and also check in SM37 whether any other user has triggered it manually today or not?

  • Process chains run

    Hi all,
    We have a BW 3.5 system in our landscape.The process chains run get triggered through control M.When i checked the process chains are occupying the dialog work process.Is that how it should run.Dont we have a option to run in background.Thanks.

    Hi Ambarish,
    Process chains run in background.
    Check if your PC is really executing by using RSPC1 transaction and providing your PC name. Check the job log for the day when the PC is executed.
    You might also like to check if your system do have enough number of background processes. May be your basis team can help you here.
    Nilima Rodrigues

  • The way to stop process chain running takes forever (without stop)

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    Maybe there is a background process that we can go to kill them immediately that make the whole process chain run really stop?

    Hi Kevin,
    Refer to these posts:
    Re: Is there way that we can stop the process chain running in the middle?
    Re: How to stop a triggered process chain
    How to stop the Job that is running in Background in a process chain

  • Get information for process chain running

    Hello Gurus,
           after a process chain running, how can I know how many records are loaded into the data target ? don't want to get back to DTP monitor to get that information.   prefer to getting that information in the log view.
    Many thank.

    The fastest way possible to get the number of records loaded will be from the DTP monitor only.
    You must be having a step where the DTP is executed, simply double click on it and go to monitor.
    hope this helps.

  • Master data Process chain running long time

    Dear SDN Team,
    PC Process Chain: General Master Data - time running is about 4.5 hours . how we can improve running time.
    There are 15-25 info objects are loading from this process chain.
    any steps to improve the performace
    thanks and kind regards,
    Lakshman Kumar G

    Go to the function module RSD_IOBJ_GET to find the object name of the dimension. Go to SE37 & proceed as follows.
      I_IOBJNM = 'Info Object Name'
      I_OBJVERS = 'A'
    and then Execute the FM.
    Double click on the "'E_S_VIOBJ'" and find the number in the field 'u201ENUMBRANR‟'
    and add  BIM to the number taken  from NUMBRANR.
    Goto SNRO T-Code and enter BIM+the number and edit.
    From Edit--> Set up Buffering --> Main memory, select the buffering check box and enter approx 500.
    This needs to be done for all the master and your dataload performance would improve.

  • Process chain running long time

    Hi all..
    I have one process chain.that chain haveing very small data.when iam created time it runs nearly 20 to 30 mints.
    Now the same chain running nearly 3 hours..
    Why its taking very long time?How to reduce the chain running time.Any steps to reduce the chain running time..

    Check the load in the chain which is taking long time.
    Check out how much data is that load uploading.

  • ABAP program in process chain running under another user

    Hi, gurus
    I have a process chain that load three DSO in order to generate authorizations. I wish to add a new process at the end of this process chain which calls ABAP program RSSB_GENERATE_AUTHORIZATION. I wish to run this ABAP program under a different user rather than using ALEREMOTE, our general purpose load user. The user to run authorization generation must be a system user specially created for this purpose.
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    Is there any other approach? What about separating it into two tasks? How to sincronize them, that is, how to run generation just after successful ending of the load process?
    Thanks for ideas.

    Let us assume that you have two parts to this -
    1. Process chain for Data Loads
    2. Program for authorizations.
    Schedule the authorization program in the background and have it run after a particular event - this way your authorization program is run with a specific user.
    In your process chain put in a program to raise the event at the appropriate time so that the authorization program can run. The authorization program in the meanwhile will be runnnig and waiting for the event to occur.

  • ABAP process job ( BI_PROCESS_ABAP ) in process chain running for long time

    Dear Experts,
    We have an ABAP process job  BI_PROCESS_ABAP  in a process chain. This job is running for a very long time than previous run time.
    Recently we had an ORACLE database upgrade from 9.2 to 10g.
    From the very next day , we are having this problem.
    And also previously this process-chain was under control of BASIS guys . they were using a tool called CRONACLE to schedule it. At the time of upgrade this tool was crashed and they asked us to schedule it in BW system instead.
    Underlying program is using two custom tables.
    one is having both primary & secondary indexes but the other table is having only primary index.
    I am not sure whether we have secondary indexes on other table prior to upgrade or not.
    Where must be the problem?...
    At the time of upgrade BASIS has re-organized the table space along with database upgrade.
    please help me...

    Please ask yr basis consultant to check the system parms.
    Below i have listed down SAP recommneded system parms .
    abap/heap_area_total 4000000000
    abap/heap_area_dia 2000000000
    abap/heap_area_nondia 2000000000
    Also check in SM37 if any other jobs are running for long time, peventing the your job running.
    Check the SM12 for locks or SM58

  • Problem in process chain running for 3 days

    Hi Experts,
    Please help me
    We have process chain like below
    1.     delete index
    2.     full loads going 3 cubes (16 infopacs)
    3.     loading to ods and then update to cube
    4.     delete overlapping requests (16 infopac)
    5.     create index
    6.     aggregate filling
    7.     delete PSA
    Now the issue is, from last Saturday onwards
    Process chains was still in Yellow status till date, so now, 1,2,3,4, are still running
    In process chains, out if 16 infopacs, 12 are green, remaining 4 are stopped
    And in ODS activation of ods data variant shows yellow, but when checked the data is activated, but not pushed to cube. When checked log it show u201Csystem exception error_messageu201D, so process terminated.
    When we checked for shortdump,
    It says u201Clocal time on the application server is incorrectu201D
    Experts please let me know how to solve this and correct the load.

    Hi Experts,
    Thank u for your help,
    I have done the steps manually yestarday, checked todays, still it is in yellow status.
    let me explain the scenario,
    The data is going to 3 cubes,
    the process chain is designed like this,
    1. initially delete index
    2. full load to cube using 16 infopac and loading from (2)ODS to cube.
    3. delete overlapping requests
    4. create index (3 cubes)
    5. fill aggregates (only one cube)
    6. Delete PSA request
    so now , chain is having problem at
    1. data is loaded to ods
    2. data activation (showing yellow, but when checked data is activated)
    3. further update to cube  (2 cubes) in process chain this is not started atall ( so y'day I've done manually)
    4. out 16 infocpack, only 12 infopacs are green and remaining 4 are not started.
    so yestarday I've manually schedule remaining 4 infopacs.
    and deleted previour requests in infocube as they are full load, but I did'nt done create index and fill aggregate steps.
    now the problem is , out of 3 cube report available request is present for 2 cubes, but for 3 cube  this report request is not available, but QM status is green
    please let me know how to proceed.
    one small silly question, do i need to  fill aggregate step to get this report available request.....please suggest.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Process chain running :doubt

    I had scheduled one process chain which is running now---
    now its in last step that is
    "deleting overlapping request in infocube----"
    i had checked this job : it is running with out any hassles--
    now after this only AND process is there to finish the chain---
    Now i want to schedule the process chain again for weekend!
    can i change the start varinat though the chain is still running??

    Hi Raj,
    Its not a good practive to reshedule the chains which is running now..
    when u attempt to reschedule then the process will gets terminated from the point where its running .... I mean the present running job will be in active mode and it will gets finished.. but the process after the active process will gets disconnected as soon as u reschedule the chain..
    So better to wait for ur chain to finish and then proceed with the reschedule...
    Also before rescheduling try to deschedule the chain...
    Assigning points is the way to say thanks..
    If this resolves ur issue then close this thread by assigning points..

  • Process Chain Running Twice

    I ran by error twice the same PC, now in the maintenance log, I found 2 logs, in the first one the Start step is in green and the others steps are in gray, in the second log the start step is in yellow. In the Displaying messages in found this:
    This message means that step 001 is currently being started. The
    additional parameters give further details on the step itself:
    As far as I understand I have to delete the second log, but no idea how to do that.
    Is this the solution? or anyone knows another way?
    Thanks & Regards

    First and foremost let me advice you to be very careful while doing this.
    You can start from SM37, find the process WID/PID then go to SM50 or SM51 and kill it. Once its done come back to RSMO and check the request, it should be red but again manually force to red and save by clicking on the total status button in the status tab. This shuld ensure that the process is killed properly.
    The next step will be to go to targets that you were loading and remove the red requests from those targets.
    Note: For source system loads you may have to check if the request is running in the source system and kill if needed and pull it again.
    But for BW datamart delta loads u may have reset the datamarts in case u are going to pull the delta again.
    Re: Kill a Job
    Re: Killing a process chain.

  • BW Statistics query with process chain run times.

    Hello Guru's,
    We are using BW 3.5 system and the client have asked if it is possible to create a report in BW based out of the Statistics Cube that shows the current status of the Process Chains .i.e. the start/end time of specific process chains along with some sort of Exceptions to show successfully completed chains as 'Green', chains finishing with errors as 'red' and chains presently running as 'Yellow'.
    I have seen such a report in my previous project, but that was using BI 7.0, I am not able to find such Statistics Info Cube in BW 3.5 which meets my requirements.
    Has anybody created such a report in BW 3.5? If yes, would very much appreciate if you can share your way of approach with me.

    Hi Arvind,
    Yes you can achieve this functionality using BW Technical Content. I already implemented this for one of our client. We have some Standard InfoProviders where in wee can get the Start and End time of chains. You can build a query on these Cubes & Multiprovider and there in create exceptions to reflect which step got completed with in stipulated time limit and which took longer than usual......u can display those time statistics in different colour.
    Here are soem cubes names from BW Technical content which may meet your requirement specification:
    1. 0TCT_C01
    2. 0TCT_C02
    3. 0TCT_CA1
    4. 0TCT_C23
    5. 0TCT_C21
    Hope it helps

  • Process chains running

    Hi experts,
    Some process chains status is yellow (still running ) from last
    4 days.The steps in which they are running are : 
    " Program RSPROCESS successfully scheduled as job
    BI_PROCESS_ODSACTIVAT with ID 0200430C "
    and one more process chain at the step
    " Program RSPROCESS successfully scheduled as job
    BI_PROCESS_PSAPROCESS with ID 02004504"
    How to stop these steps and how to reschedule all the failed delta records from the last 4 days.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Bhadri M.

    Hi Friend,
    For Stopping the Chain :
    Just go to SM37 - > Give the Job name for the Process Type which are in yellow and cancel the Job.( In your case it is the ODS Activation Job and other job related to PSA.) 
    Regarding Delta loads :
    Just goto the particular Data targets -> Delete the bad request and reload the Delta.(Please check why the failure occured at first place)
    Hemant Khemani

  • Scheduling a process chain running in a specific hour

    Is there any other way to schedule the process chain to run in a specific time besides using different meta chains to call the main process chain to do the loads separately.
    Can we do this by using one main process chain?
    for example, this is performed daily (hourly load: 4am load, 9am till 9pm load).

    <b>Process Chains</b>:
    From 3.x onwords to automate loads as well as process like Openhub,ababp
    programs or activations or etc., We are using this process chains.
    Coming to the major advantage
    Like eariler infopakge groups if any pak fails we need to trigger all the loads
    manully .wher as in Pchaing just correct that particular ipak and repaeat from that
    particular process .it will take care abt remaing subsequent chain .
    And also we can trigger parallel loads as well in this. Its much user friendly in monitoring.
    1)You can make the process chain to be trigered by an event.
    You do so by having the Job that start the PC start after an Event.
    Then you define your set of job's (thru SM37) and make sure these jobs fire the event that starts the PC.
    There is an ABAP program you can use that fires events (FM -> BP_EVENT_RAISE).
    2)In the Start process of your process chain, select Direct Scheduling and then click the Change Selections icon. This will bring you to the Start Time window where you can put in the Date/Time you want to start your process chain. At the bottom of this window, click on the Periodic job box and you will notice another icon way at the bottom called Period Values. Click this to determine what frequency the job should be rescheduled (ie. daily, weekly, etc.).
    3)you can do this by right-clicking on the start process, selection "Maintain Variant", choose "Direct Scheduling". Next select "Change Selections", pick your date and time, set your period values and you're done.
    You can Schedule process chain in background by right-clicking on the start process, selection "Maintain Variant", choose "Direct Scheduling". Next select "Change Selections", pick your date and time, set your period values and you're done.
    Hope it helps.
    *****Assign points if helpful*******

  • Process chain Run time

    Is there any table that tells the run time of each step of process chain?

    In RSPC, select the process chain goto logs and click on the last step in the chain and do display messages. you wil get a screen with three tabs, goto Chain tab, you will find the time when the step in the chain started and the end time. This will tell you the run time for each step of the process chain.

Maybe you are looking for