Product Data Restriction in the Input schduled

Hai Experts ,
We have multiple products list in the product dimension.......
For this year , we need restricted some product data in the Input schudled ..
Any ways  to restrict the product data thorugh the Input schudled ...
For Example : If there enter the product data in the input schulded , that data is not be updated.....
Please Help
Dayalan M

Hi Sriram,
By filtering, I meant to use a filter based on a property of that product dimension in the evdre's memberset.
Create a property, lets say as, Active. Use Y as the products that are active for this year.
Use this property Active in the memberset as BAS(Parent) AND ACTIVE=Y in the evdre's memberset of the input schedule.
So, now those products wont even appear in the input schedule in the first place. So the user wont enter any values for that product. You have to do this filter in all input schedules using the product dimension.
The second way is the usage of workstatus. In this approach, you allow the input schedule to expand and the users will be able to see it.The problem here is, you have to lock all the possible combinations for workstatus settings, which is a lot of effort to maintain, everytime you want to lock a single product.
I would prefer the first way.
Karthik AJ

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    I think it is user specific... you can maintain the date format for user ....
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    Hi Anshul,
    1.Create an form in your workarea.
    2.Double click on the form element.
    3.Add an dropdown component by clicking the Add button(+)
    4..Go through the below link to populate values in it,

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    Best Regards.

    Hi Rajeevagrl your solution is very good but I dont´t know why obiee is applying twice the max condition, The select is the next one:
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    D1.c2 as c2,
    D1.c1 as c3
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    D1.c2 as c2
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    T1 T379
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    Thanks for your time and help
    Message was edited by:
            Genner Sanchez

    Hello Genner,
    see note 399180:
       The history is only written for field names with a maximum length
       of 40 characters. In earlier SAP GUI versions, this length was
       restricted to 30 characters. The history file must be deleted to
       achieve extended support.
       If the length of the input field is 60 or more characters,
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    Subhratha benargeee.

    Hi Subhrata,
    As I said, its not possible in IP at all. If we talk technically, IP infrastructure needs SID's. Meaning it communicates through SID values.
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    Now coming to the scenario I explained earlier, its Business Planning & Simulation. If you design your planning application on BPS, you can design web interfaces which is a BSP application can achieve what I said.
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    As of now, I do not have a solution for your scenario on IP, If I find or come across one I will surely let you know.
    All the best.
    Best regards,

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    Dear Mahesh,
    In my understanding I dont think you cannot get the valid to date for BOM header,unless a ECN,(engineering change number) is
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    default valid to date 31.12.9999 is taken).
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    valid from date given in the input screen impacts the report output).
    Check and revert back.

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    Thank you for pointing that out. We will work to correct that error. For future reference, the pinouts in the E Series Help are correct. If you open the .chm file, click on the "index" tab, and type in the key word "pinout." You will see the pinouts for the different E Series boards. I hope this helps.

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    many, many thanks. That was exectly what I was looking for!!!
    P.S.: the different perspective on SAP NW 7.0/2004s starting from IT-Practices=>IT-Scenarios=>Usages Types is great and should not be restricted to the NW Application stack, but also to SAP ECC and its modules starting from a Business-Practice=>Business-Scenario=>relevant parts of the customizing. IS there something like that out there????

  • How to restrict the length of the input?

    Hi all, could any one tell me how to restrict the length of the input string? My SOA Suite is
    I tried the following; getting an error.
    <element name="RestrictLengthProcessRequest">
    <simpleType name="SSN">
    <restriction base="string">
    <length value="10"/>
    where RestrictLengthProcessRequest is the message name of the corresponding .wsdl and SSN is the input whose length is to be restricted.
    The error is : 'Attribute name not defined on element simpleType'
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user11275112 on Aug 27, 2009 11:44 PM

    Hi swathi,
    For this you have to create a simple data type. No need of writing a code.
    Go to Dictionaries -> Local Dictionary -> Data Type - > Simple Type - > Right click and "Create Simple Type".
    Here you should create a Simple type with String as built-in Type. Here you will also see the Length Constraints option.
    Set the value of maximum length and minimum length. In your case set the value of maximum length to 10. At runtime this will not allow the user to enter more than 10 characters.
    Now create an attribute and bind it to this newly created simple type. Bind the value of the input field with this particular attribute.

Maybe you are looking for