Program running background

Hi all,
I have a program running background and trying to send email.
But it is not sendind email, they are all at 'No entry in queue yet'
What could be the problem?
It is sending email while running normally.
Thanks a lot.

just refer:
Check the following links:

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    Dear All,
    I`ve created program to download my internal table using function module GUI_DOWNLOAD and it works fine if run foreground. The problem is now when the program run background it didn`t work and got error "Could not ascertain code page".
    Or maybe somebody hv another idea  how to download that data to frontend drive but the program should run background.

    Hope this this will be helpful.
    DATA : v_transfer_record(950) TYPE c,
           vfl_file LIKE LINE OF itab.
             ENCODING DEFAULT.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        LOOP AT itab INTO vfl_file.
          CLEAR v_transfer_record.
          v_transfer_record =  vfl_file.
          TRANSFER v_transfer_record TO file_name.
        CLOSE DATASET file_name.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE 'Error Closing dataset'.
          MESSAGE 'records in file file_name.
        MESSAGE 'error openning file for output' .

  • Program runs background

    i wonder if i can develop a program runs background, i mean start automatically when the mobilephone is power on, and keep alive background until the mobilephone is power off?
    can j2me do this? if so, how to do it? what api/support must the operation system provide?
    thank you!

    See PushRegistry concept in MIDP2.0 for that. But its only specific to some event like incomming SMS or like that.

  • Failed to Run OLE Excel program in background JOB (SM36)

    Please help.
    I have write a program to use OLE to create a Excel file.
    The program can run successful in front end workstation. However, when I run the program in background job by SM36.
    The statement "CREATE OBJECT EXCEL 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'" return with error "SY-SUBRC = 2".
    How can I solve it ?
    Can OLE Excel be run on background job ?
    Thanks so much,

    Hi Mark:
    Your need is a very common one. I also was asked to generate an Excel in Background.
    It is not possible to work with OLE in background mode.
    The reason is: In background mode there is no presentation server. OLE is executed in presentation server.
    Below I paste the code I wrote to solve my problem.
    This class sends a mail with an excel attached. The Excel content will be the internal table you pass to the class. But the Excel is not binary, it is a plain text file, separated by tabulators. Anyway, when you open it with Excel, the columns are properly shown.
    Sorry. Comments are in spanish, I don't have time to translate it.
    I kindly ask to everybody which want to use it to keep my name in the code.
    * Autor: Jordi Escoda, 30/10/2008.
    * Descripción: Esta clase genera un correo electrónico destinado a
    *  una persona, adjuntando el contenido de una tabla interna como
    *  Excel (campos separados por tabuladores).
    *  La virtud de esta clase es su sencillez de utilización. Para lanzar
    *  el mail con el excel adjunto basta con declarar la tabla interna,
    *  llenarla, colocar el asunto del mensaje, el destinatario, el nombre
    *  del excel adjunto, y pasar la tabla interna.
    * Ejemplo de utilización:
    *  DATA: lc_mail TYPE REF TO cl_mail_builder_xls_attach.
    *  DATA: lt_anla TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF anla.
    *    SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_anla  FROM anla.
    *    CREATE OBJECT lc_mail.
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_subject( 'Excel adjunto' ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_recipient( 'XXX@XXXDOTCOM' ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_attach_filename( 'ANLA' ).
    *    APPEND 'Cuerpo del mensaje' TO  lt_body.
    *    APPEND 'Saludos cordiales' TO  lt_body.
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_bodytext( lt_body ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_attach_table( lt_anla ).
    *    CALL METHOD lc_mail->send( ).
    *       CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION
    CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION.
        METHODS: set_subject
                               IMPORTING im_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
                               IMPORTING im_body TYPE bcsy_text,
                               IMPORTING im_recipient TYPE ad_smtpadr,
                               IMPORTING im_table TYPE ANY TABLE,
                               IMPORTING im_attach_name TYPE sood-objdes,
          c_tab  TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_tab,
          c_crlf TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_crlf,
          c_singlequote TYPE c VALUE '.
        DATA: l_recipient_addr TYPE ad_smtpadr.
        DATA: send_request   TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
              document       TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
              recipient      TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
              bcs_exception  TYPE REF TO cx_bcs.
        DATA: binary_content TYPE solix_tab,
              size           TYPE so_obj_len.
        DATA: l_string TYPE string,
              l_body_text TYPE bcsy_text,
              l_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
              l_attach_name TYPE sood-objdes.
        METHODS: create_binary_content,
                        IMPORTING im_table_name TYPE tabname
                                  im_field_name TYPE fieldname
                        EXPORTING ex_medium_text TYPE scrtext_m.
    ENDCLASS.                    "cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION
    *       CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD set_bodytext.
        l_body_text[] = im_body[].
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_bodytext
      METHOD set_subject.
        l_subject = im_subject.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
      METHOD set_attach_filename.
        l_attach_name = im_attach_name.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
      METHOD set_recipient.
        l_recipient_addr = im_recipient.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
      METHOD set_attach_table.
    *   Rellena en un string el contenido de la tabla interna recibida
        DATA: ref_to_struct  TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr.
        DATA: my_like TYPE fieldname,
              nombretabla TYPE tabname,
              nombrecampo TYPE fieldname,
              texto_mediano TYPE scrtext_m.
        DATA: l_idx TYPE i,
              l_valorcampo(16) TYPE c,
              l_long TYPE i.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_linea> TYPE ANY,
                       <fs_campo> TYPE ANY.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <comp_descr> TYPE abap_compdescr.
        CHECK NOT im_table[] IS INITIAL.
    *   Línea con los nombres de las columnas.
        CLEAR l_string.
        LOOP AT im_table ASSIGNING <fs_linea>.
    *     Toma los atributos del componente
          ref_to_struct  =
                     cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <fs_linea> ).
          LOOP AT ref_to_struct->components ASSIGNING <comp_descr>.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT <comp_descr>-name
                                OF STRUCTURE <fs_linea> TO <fs_campo>.
    *       Obtenemos el origen de donde proviene (like). Ej:BKPF-BUDAT
            DESCRIBE FIELD <fs_campo> HELP-ID my_like.
            SPLIT my_like AT '-' INTO nombretabla nombrecampo.
            CALL METHOD get_dataelement_medium_text
                im_table_name  = nombretabla
                im_field_name  = nombrecampo
                ex_medium_text = texto_mediano.
            IF texto_mediano IS INITIAL.
              CONCATENATE l_string <comp_descr>-name INTO l_string.
              CONCATENATE l_string texto_mediano INTO l_string.
            AT LAST.
              CONCATENATE l_string c_crlf INTO l_string.
            CONCATENATE l_string c_tab INTO l_string.
    *   Contenido de la tabla
        LOOP AT im_table ASSIGNING <fs_linea>.
    *     Toma los atributos del componente
          ref_to_struct  =
                     cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <fs_linea> ).
          LOOP AT ref_to_struct->components ASSIGNING <comp_descr>.
    *       Asignamos el componente ue tratamos, para obtener
    *       el valor del mismo
            ASSIGN COMPONENT <comp_descr>-name OF STRUCTURE <fs_linea>
                                            TO <fs_campo>.
            CASE <comp_descr>-type_kind.
              WHEN 'P'. "Packed Number
    *           Convierte a caracter
                WRITE <fs_campo> TO l_valorcampo.
                CONCATENATE l_string l_valorcampo INTO l_string.
              WHEN OTHERS.
                l_long = STRLEN( <fs_campo> ).
                IF l_long > 11 AND <fs_campo> CO ' 0123456789'.
    *             El Excel muestra un número tal como 190000000006
    *             en formato 1,9E+11.
    *             Para eviarlo, los números de más de 11 dígitos los
    *             concatenamos con comillas simples.
                  CONCATENATE l_string c_singlequote
                              <fs_campo> c_singlequote INTO l_string.
                  CONCATENATE l_string <fs_campo> INTO l_string.
            AT LAST.
    *         Añade CRLF
              CONCATENATE l_string c_crlf INTO l_string.
    *       Añade tabulador
            CONCATENATE l_string c_tab INTO l_string.
        create_binary_content( ).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "set_attach_table
      METHOD create_binary_content.
        DATA: l_size TYPE so_obj_len.
    *   convert the text string into UTF-16LE binary data including
    *   byte-order-mark. Mircosoft Excel prefers these settings
    *   all this is done by new class cl_bcs_convert (see note 1151257)
                iv_string   = l_string
                iv_codepage = '4103'  "suitable for MS Excel, leave empty
                iv_add_bom  = 'X'     "for other doc types
                et_solix  = binary_content
                ev_size   = size ).
          CATCH cx_bcs.
            MESSAGE e445(so).
      ENDMETHOD.                    "create_binary_content
      METHOD send.
        DATA: l_sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean.
    *       create persistent send request
            send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
    *       create and set document with attachment
    *       create document object
            document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
              i_type    = 'RAW'
              i_text    = l_body_text
              i_subject = l_subject ).
    *       add the spread sheet as attachment to document object
              i_attachment_type    = 'xls'
              i_attachment_subject = l_attach_name
              i_attachment_size    = size
              i_att_content_hex    = binary_content ).
    *       add document object to send request
            send_request->set_document( document ).
    *       add recipient (e-mail address)
            recipient =
                                          l_recipient_addr ).
    *       add recipient object to send request
            send_request->add_recipient( recipient ).
    *       send document
            l_sent_to_all = send_request->send(
                                 i_with_error_screen = 'X' ).
            COMMIT WORK.
            IF l_sent_to_all IS INITIAL.
              MESSAGE i500(sbcoms) WITH l_recipient_addr.
              MESSAGE s022(so).
          CATCH cx_bcs INTO bcs_exception.
            MESSAGE i865(so) WITH bcs_exception->error_type.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "lcl_mail_xls_attachment
      METHOD get_dataelement_medium_text.
        DATA: lt_fld_info TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dfies,
          wa_fld_info TYPE dfies.
    *   Busca en el diccionario los datos del campo
            tabname        = im_table_name
            fieldname      = im_field_name
            langu          = sy-langu
            dfies_tab      = lt_fld_info
            not_found      = 1
            internal_error = 2
            OTHERS         = 3.
        CLEAR ex_medium_text.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          READ TABLE lt_fld_info INDEX 1 INTO wa_fld_info.
    *     Si lo ha podido tomar del diccionario...
          IF NOT wa_fld_info-scrtext_m IS INITIAL.
    *       Toma el nombre del nombre de campo del diccionario
            ex_medium_text = wa_fld_info-scrtext_m.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "get_dataelement_medium_text
    ENDCLASS.                    "cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION

  • To run a program in BACKGROUND using SUBMIT

    I need to run a program in background using the SUBMIT option. Here i have to pass an internal table form one program to another which will be used to update sales orders using BDC.
    1} Can we execute a program in background using SUBMIT?
    2} I am sending data to a MEMORY ID , if i run the program in background will the memory id work. As in do  memory IDs work in the background.
    Thanks in Advance

    refer  same thread.
    Re: Problem with SUBMIT in Background

  • Running BDC program in background for the transaction VL02N

    Hi All,
    I have coded a BDC program (call transaction method) for the transaction code VL02N. I can able to run the program manually & successfully. But if I execute the program in background(SM36), it is going to dump giving CNTL_ERROR.
    Note: I am not using any of the GUI_UPLOAD, GUI_DOWNLOAD funciton modules in the program. But I am using the FTP command funtion modules like( FTP_COMMAND, FTP_CONNECT, FTP_DISCONNECT and FTP_SERVER_TO_R/3).
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: Julius Bussche on Jul 8, 2008 5:55 PM

    VL02N is an enjoy transaction. You cant run it in background. Please try VL02.

  • Run a java program in background

    Hi, I am implementing a bot that's supposed to do something when it receives mesages. My question is how I can make the program keep running. I guess the idea of threading would help but I just dunno how to do it. some hints will be appreciated. I dun wanna put a while(true){} there it just takes too much CPU time. I have some Listeners that will do something when some event happens.
    examples will be helpful.

    I am implementing a bot that's supposed to do something when it receives mesages.Which way does it receive a message? You could run the program in background. It would block on an incoming message. If it listens a socket, you can use's accept()
    which will block until a connection request arrives.

  • Program running in the background

    I am wondering if it is possible to create a java program that runs in the background on a mobile phone. I.E can it run without beeing interuppted by a call or the locking of the key pad.
    Is it possible to let the program run without interfering with the normal functionallity of the phone?

    qnx wrote:
    1) Stop trying to make spyware. -> I don't do anything like this!
    2) Stop re-posting the same questions. -> didn't know they are the same, sorry.
    3) Stop taking us for fools. -> what? Honestly, I don't think that I realy deserved this :)With a limited posting history and the type of questions you are asking they are unusual.
    There are very few legitimate problem domains that would require what you are asking about. There are illegitimate ones though. And the legitimate ones would generally require someone with quite a bit of programming experience and would also be required (the fact that java can't do it would not get rid of the requirement.)
    Thus one might make assumptions about your intentions.

  • Programs running in the background

    i've read here that pressing the home button for a couple of seconds when you want to permanently quit a program helps conserve battery power...FYI, a program continously runs even after you quit from it resulting in unecesary battery consumption. thats why i ask this question.
    does this function terminate only that program or ALL other programs running in the background of iphone?
    if it does not, restarting/re-booting iphone (holding sleep and home buttons until logo appears) is the only solution to terminate ALL programs
    thanks guys?

    albert69 wrote:
    does this function terminate only that program or ALL other programs running in the background of iphone?
    Only that program.
    if it does not, restarting/re-booting iphone (holding sleep and home buttons until logo appears) is the only solution to terminate ALL programs

  • Issue while capturing messages when running program in background

    I have a program where we have BDC for transaction KSU5 and this is using CALL TRANSACTION method to post the documents after this we have to check a table COEP for the document no's generated in ksu5.
    This program works absolutely fine in foreground printing the output on screen the document numbers that we get once we use
    but the same gets spoiled if we run this program in background !! the return table where I use to get the document no it shows additional data of the KSU5 transaction which is not required I am just trying to print the document no from the return table with variable msgv1 and msgv2.
    Can someone explain or give solution to run this program in background and get the result printed correctly for the user.

    I guess your code was recorded for  Online mode , try to compare it with Simulated background BDC code for the transaction and see if there is any difference for your required functionality . 
    You can generate 'Simulated background BDC code' by SHDB->New recording-> and then check 'Simulate background BDC code'  option in popup window .
    -Tushar Shukla
    Edited by: TUSHAR SHUKLA on Oct 8, 2010 2:23 AM

  • Run java program in background

    I want to run a java program in background in windowsXP...can anyone help please......can anyone suggest an easy software for running java program as windows service...i tried one but without any success

    How many of the links here have you tried while you were waiting for an answer?
    (Note that the query is a direct copy/paste from your post.)

  • How to run a program in background and how to check the output

    I have to run my program as background job... it has a selection screen...... and i need to check the output after its complete.

    u need to create one program for this.
    data:count like btcevtjob-jobcount.
    call the function modules JOB_OPEN,JOB_SUBMIT AND JOB_CLOSE
    and pass the parameters in those function modules.
    once u execute this program,
    go with sm37->provide jobname->select the option scheduled
    selct the entry->go with release option.
    under releasae select immediate option
    select the job name again
    go with release
    status is in finished stage
    now go with spool option
    give spool no
    go for display
    o/p displayed.
    before this,go for se38->provide the name of program which u want to run in back ground->seelct variants->change->provide variant name->go for create->provide input value->go with attributes->provide description->save
    this variant name u have to give in the job_submit fm.
    se38->program->execute->in back ground
    Reward points if useful,

  • How to run a program in background?

    Hi abapers,
    I want to run a program in background using sm36 and sm37.But i am not aware of input in that tansaction.So kindly tell me the steps ho run a program in background.

    Hi Ansuman Parhi,
    by useing T-codes
    First go to transaction SM36 to schedule the job.
    When you enter the "Start condition" for job, do as follow.
    Select processing by "Date/Time".
    Enter date as current date.
    Let us say you are scheduling this job today then give date 08/30/2007.
    Check "periodic job" checkbox.
    Hit "periodic value" button and select to run "Daily"
    Also have a look on below thread
    Re: How to run program in background?
    This is how to do it through code
    data: lv_job_name like tbtco-jobname,
    lv_job_nr like tbtco-jobcount,
    lv_job_released type c,
    lv_job_start_sofort type c,
    lv_print_parameters type pri_params.
    lv_job_name = 'Z_test'. " your background program name
    call function 'JOB_OPEN'
    jobname = lv_job_name
    jobcount = lv_job_nr
    cant_create_job = 1
    invalid_job_data = 2
    jobname_missing = 3
    others = 4.
    if syst-subrc = 0.
    *submit job with all the selection screen params...
    submit (lv_job_name)
    with applfile = applfile
    with p_lines = p_lines
    with rfc_dest = rfcdest
    with p_selmtd = lv_selmtd
    with px_shsim = px_shsim
    with px_sherr = px_sherr
    user syst-uname
    via job lv_job_name number lv_job_nr and return.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    call function 'JOB_CLOSE'
    jobcount = lv_job_nr
    jobname = lv_job_name
    strtimmed = 'X'
    job_was_released = lv_job_released
    cant_start_immediate = 1
    invalid_startdate = 2
    jobname_missing = 3
    job_close_failed = 4
    job_nosteps = 5
    job_notex = 6
    lock_failed = 7
    others = 8.
    if syst-subrc 0.
    message i162(00) with
    'An error occured while closing the background job.'.
    skip 1.
    write: / 'Background process', lv_job_name ,
    'called successfully' no-gap.
    write: / 'You can check the job in transaction SM37'.
    Hope it will solve your problem..
    Thanks & Regards
    ilesh 24x7

  • Can We Run a ABAP Program in Background

    How to run an ABAP Program in Background.
    Points willbe awarded.

    <b>Please see this document also
    Easy Job Scheduling Using BP_JOBVARIANT_SCHEDULE</b>
    To schedule a job from within a program using the express method, you need only call the BP_JOBVARIANT_SCHEDULE function module.
    The express method has the following characteristics:
    Simplified job structure: The function module schedules a job that includes only a single job step.
    The function module uses default values for most job-processing options. You cannot, for example, specify a target printer as part of the call to the function module. Instead, the job step uses the print defaults of the scheduling user.
    Only ABAP reports can be scheduled. You must use the "full-control" method to start external programs.
    The range of start-time options is restricted. Event-based scheduling is not supported.
    The function module works as follows:
    You name the report that is to be scheduled in your call to the function module.
    The function module displays a list of variants to the user. The user must select a variant for the report.
    You must ensure that the variants required by your users have already been defined.
    The user picks either "immediate start" or enters a start date and start time. Optionally, the user can also make the job restart periodically. The job is then scheduled.
    You could use the following code to let users schedule report RSTWGZS2 for checking on the status of online documentation:
    call function 'BP_JOBVARIANT_SCHEDULE'
    title_name = 'Documentation Check' " Displayed as title of
    " of scheduling screens
    job_name = 'DocuCheck' " Name of background
    " processing job
    prog_name = 'RSTWGZS2' " Name of ABAP
    " report that is to be
    " run -- used also to
    " select variants
    no_such_report = 01. " PROG_NAME program
    " not found.
    call function 'BP_JOBVARIANT_OVERVIEW' " List the jobs that
    exporting " have been scheduled
    title_name = 'Documentation Check' " Displayed as title
    " of overview screen
    job_name = 'DokuCheck' " Jobs with this name
    " are listed
    prog_name = 'RSTWGZS2'
    no_such_job = 01.
    Regards, ABY

  • Popup to run Program in Background

    I have a report which when the user clicks the execute button, a popup should display mentioning it to run the program in background mode.
    Please let me know how to achieve it.

    at first you are right there are really LOTS of ways to make that popup thing. Which one you take or if you do it manually, doesn play any role, as long as it works.
    But well BEFORE throwing that popup on your screen you should check whether the program is already run in background, cause you do NOT want to throw a popup when beeing in background task.

Maybe you are looking for

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