Failed to Run OLE Excel program in background JOB (SM36)

Please help.
I have write a program to use OLE to create a Excel file.
The program can run successful in front end workstation. However, when I run the program in background job by SM36.
The statement "CREATE OBJECT EXCEL 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'" return with error "SY-SUBRC = 2".
How can I solve it ?
Can OLE Excel be run on background job ?
Thanks so much,

Hi Mark:
Your need is a very common one. I also was asked to generate an Excel in Background.
It is not possible to work with OLE in background mode.
The reason is: In background mode there is no presentation server. OLE is executed in presentation server.
Below I paste the code I wrote to solve my problem.
This class sends a mail with an excel attached. The Excel content will be the internal table you pass to the class. But the Excel is not binary, it is a plain text file, separated by tabulators. Anyway, when you open it with Excel, the columns are properly shown.
Sorry. Comments are in spanish, I don't have time to translate it.
I kindly ask to everybody which want to use it to keep my name in the code.
* Autor: Jordi Escoda, 30/10/2008.
* Descripción: Esta clase genera un correo electrónico destinado a
*  una persona, adjuntando el contenido de una tabla interna como
*  Excel (campos separados por tabuladores).
*  La virtud de esta clase es su sencillez de utilización. Para lanzar
*  el mail con el excel adjunto basta con declarar la tabla interna,
*  llenarla, colocar el asunto del mensaje, el destinatario, el nombre
*  del excel adjunto, y pasar la tabla interna.
* Ejemplo de utilización:
*  DATA: lc_mail TYPE REF TO cl_mail_builder_xls_attach.
*    SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_anla  FROM anla.
*    CREATE OBJECT lc_mail.
*    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_subject( 'Excel adjunto' ).
*    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_recipient( 'XXX@XXXDOTCOM' ).
*    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_attach_filename( 'ANLA' ).
*    APPEND 'Cuerpo del mensaje' TO  lt_body.
*    APPEND 'Saludos cordiales' TO  lt_body.
*    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_bodytext( lt_body ).
*    CALL METHOD lc_mail->set_attach_table( lt_anla ).
*    CALL METHOD lc_mail->send( ).
*       CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION
CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION.
    METHODS: set_subject
                           IMPORTING im_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
                           IMPORTING im_body TYPE bcsy_text,
                           IMPORTING im_recipient TYPE ad_smtpadr,
                           IMPORTING im_table TYPE ANY TABLE,
                           IMPORTING im_attach_name TYPE sood-objdes,
      c_tab  TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_tab,
      c_crlf TYPE c VALUE cl_bcs_convert=>gc_crlf,
      c_singlequote TYPE c VALUE '.
    DATA: l_recipient_addr TYPE ad_smtpadr.
    DATA: send_request   TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
          document       TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
          recipient      TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
          bcs_exception  TYPE REF TO cx_bcs.
    DATA: binary_content TYPE solix_tab,
          size           TYPE so_obj_len.
    DATA: l_string TYPE string,
          l_body_text TYPE bcsy_text,
          l_subject TYPE so_obj_des,
          l_attach_name TYPE sood-objdes.
    METHODS: create_binary_content,
                    IMPORTING im_table_name TYPE tabname
                              im_field_name TYPE fieldname
                    EXPORTING ex_medium_text TYPE scrtext_m.
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_mail_builder_xls_attach DEFINITION
*       CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION
CLASS cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD set_bodytext.
    l_body_text[] = im_body[].
  ENDMETHOD.                    "add_bodytext
  METHOD set_subject.
    l_subject = im_subject.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
  METHOD set_attach_filename.
    l_attach_name = im_attach_name.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
  METHOD set_recipient.
    l_recipient_addr = im_recipient.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "add_subject
  METHOD set_attach_table.
*   Rellena en un string el contenido de la tabla interna recibida
    DATA: ref_to_struct  TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr.
    DATA: my_like TYPE fieldname,
          nombretabla TYPE tabname,
          nombrecampo TYPE fieldname,
          texto_mediano TYPE scrtext_m.
    DATA: l_idx TYPE i,
          l_valorcampo(16) TYPE c,
          l_long TYPE i.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_linea> TYPE ANY,
                   <fs_campo> TYPE ANY.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <comp_descr> TYPE abap_compdescr.
    CHECK NOT im_table[] IS INITIAL.
*   Línea con los nombres de las columnas.
    CLEAR l_string.
    LOOP AT im_table ASSIGNING <fs_linea>.
*     Toma los atributos del componente
      ref_to_struct  =
                 cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <fs_linea> ).
      LOOP AT ref_to_struct->components ASSIGNING <comp_descr>.
        ASSIGN COMPONENT <comp_descr>-name
                            OF STRUCTURE <fs_linea> TO <fs_campo>.
*       Obtenemos el origen de donde proviene (like). Ej:BKPF-BUDAT
        DESCRIBE FIELD <fs_campo> HELP-ID my_like.
        SPLIT my_like AT '-' INTO nombretabla nombrecampo.
        CALL METHOD get_dataelement_medium_text
            im_table_name  = nombretabla
            im_field_name  = nombrecampo
            ex_medium_text = texto_mediano.
        IF texto_mediano IS INITIAL.
          CONCATENATE l_string <comp_descr>-name INTO l_string.
          CONCATENATE l_string texto_mediano INTO l_string.
        AT LAST.
          CONCATENATE l_string c_crlf INTO l_string.
        CONCATENATE l_string c_tab INTO l_string.
*   Contenido de la tabla
    LOOP AT im_table ASSIGNING <fs_linea>.
*     Toma los atributos del componente
      ref_to_struct  =
                 cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <fs_linea> ).
      LOOP AT ref_to_struct->components ASSIGNING <comp_descr>.
*       Asignamos el componente ue tratamos, para obtener
*       el valor del mismo
        ASSIGN COMPONENT <comp_descr>-name OF STRUCTURE <fs_linea>
                                        TO <fs_campo>.
        CASE <comp_descr>-type_kind.
          WHEN 'P'. "Packed Number
*           Convierte a caracter
            WRITE <fs_campo> TO l_valorcampo.
            CONCATENATE l_string l_valorcampo INTO l_string.
          WHEN OTHERS.
            l_long = STRLEN( <fs_campo> ).
            IF l_long > 11 AND <fs_campo> CO ' 0123456789'.
*             El Excel muestra un número tal como 190000000006
*             en formato 1,9E+11.
*             Para eviarlo, los números de más de 11 dígitos los
*             concatenamos con comillas simples.
              CONCATENATE l_string c_singlequote
                          <fs_campo> c_singlequote INTO l_string.
              CONCATENATE l_string <fs_campo> INTO l_string.
        AT LAST.
*         Añade CRLF
          CONCATENATE l_string c_crlf INTO l_string.
*       Añade tabulador
        CONCATENATE l_string c_tab INTO l_string.
    create_binary_content( ).
  ENDMETHOD.                    "set_attach_table
  METHOD create_binary_content.
    DATA: l_size TYPE so_obj_len.
*   convert the text string into UTF-16LE binary data including
*   byte-order-mark. Mircosoft Excel prefers these settings
*   all this is done by new class cl_bcs_convert (see note 1151257)
            iv_string   = l_string
            iv_codepage = '4103'  "suitable for MS Excel, leave empty
            iv_add_bom  = 'X'     "for other doc types
            et_solix  = binary_content
            ev_size   = size ).
      CATCH cx_bcs.
        MESSAGE e445(so).
  ENDMETHOD.                    "create_binary_content
  METHOD send.
    DATA: l_sent_to_all TYPE os_boolean.
*       create persistent send request
        send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
*       create and set document with attachment
*       create document object
        document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
          i_type    = 'RAW'
          i_text    = l_body_text
          i_subject = l_subject ).
*       add the spread sheet as attachment to document object
          i_attachment_type    = 'xls'
          i_attachment_subject = l_attach_name
          i_attachment_size    = size
          i_att_content_hex    = binary_content ).
*       add document object to send request
        send_request->set_document( document ).
*       add recipient (e-mail address)
        recipient =
                                      l_recipient_addr ).
*       add recipient object to send request
        send_request->add_recipient( recipient ).
*       send document
        l_sent_to_all = send_request->send(
                             i_with_error_screen = 'X' ).
        COMMIT WORK.
        IF l_sent_to_all IS INITIAL.
          MESSAGE i500(sbcoms) WITH l_recipient_addr.
          MESSAGE s022(so).
      CATCH cx_bcs INTO bcs_exception.
        MESSAGE i865(so) WITH bcs_exception->error_type.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "lcl_mail_xls_attachment
  METHOD get_dataelement_medium_text.
    DATA: lt_fld_info TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF dfies,
      wa_fld_info TYPE dfies.
*   Busca en el diccionario los datos del campo
        tabname        = im_table_name
        fieldname      = im_field_name
        langu          = sy-langu
        dfies_tab      = lt_fld_info
        not_found      = 1
        internal_error = 2
        OTHERS         = 3.
    CLEAR ex_medium_text.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
      READ TABLE lt_fld_info INDEX 1 INTO wa_fld_info.
*     Si lo ha podido tomar del diccionario...
      IF NOT wa_fld_info-scrtext_m IS INITIAL.
*       Toma el nombre del nombre de campo del diccionario
        ex_medium_text = wa_fld_info-scrtext_m.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "get_dataelement_medium_text
ENDCLASS.                    "cl_mail_builder_xls_attach IMPLEMENTATION

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    In that BDC u have to process like this . transaction
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    GUI_* WS_* Function In Background, CSV Upload
    GUI_* and WS_* function modules do not work in background
    When scheduling a job in the background the appropriate statement to read in your file is OPEN DATASET, and the file must be on the file system that the SAP server can see.
    At anytime, a user can switch of the Personal Computers even though the job is still running in the background.  Therefore GUI_* and WS_* function modules are not designed to work in that way, as they need to access your personal computer  file.
    To choose the correct download method to used, you can check the value of SY-BATCH in your code,
    if it is 'X' use OPEN DATASET and if it is ' ' use WS_UPLOAD.
    *-- Open dataset for reading
      dsn(20) VALUE '/usr/test.dat',
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
        READ DATASET dsn INTO rec.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          WRITE / rec.
    *-- Open dataset for writing
    DATA rec(80).
      TRANSFER rec TO '/usr/test.dat'.
    What is the difference when we use upload, ws_upload, gui_upload function modules?
    UPLOAD, WS_UPLOAD, GUI_UPLOAD, are used in BDC concepts.  ie., Batch Data Communication.
    Batch Data Conversion is a concept where user can transfer the Data from non SAP to SAP R/3.  So , in these various Function Modules are used.
    UPLOAD---  upload a file to the presentation server (PC)
    WS_UPLOAD----    Load Files from the Presentation Server to Internal ABAP Tables.
    WS means Work Station.
    This is used upto SAP 4.6 version.
    GUI_UPLOAD-------    Replaces WS_UPLOAD. Upoad file from presentation server to the app server.  From 4.7 SAP version it is replaced.
    How to Upload csv file to SAP?
    Common File Download Upload Questions:
    How  you upload the data from text file to sap internal table?  From my knowledge its by upload or gui_upload. 
    How you download the data from sap internal table to text file?
    How  you upload the data from xls (excel) file to sap internal table how you download the data from sap internal table to xls(excel) file.
    You can upload data from presentation server to an internal table using gui_upload. Use gui_download to download from internal table to flat file.
    Use fm ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE to upload data frm excel.
    Use function module GUI_UPLOAD
    The FILETYPE refer to the type of file format you need: For e.g 'WK1' - Excel format , 'ASC' - Text Format etc.
        FILENAME                      = 'C:\test.csv'
       FILETYPE                      = 'ASC'
        DATA_TAB                      = itab
       FILE_OPEN_ERROR               = 1
       FILE_READ_ERROR               = 2
       NO_BATCH                      = 3
       INVALID_TYPE                  = 5
       NO_AUTHORITY                  = 6
       UNKNOWN_ERROR                 = 7
       BAD_DATA_FORMAT               = 8
       HEADER_NOT_ALLOWED            = 9
       SEPARATOR_NOT_ALLOWED         = 10
       HEADER_TOO_LONG               = 11
       UNKNOWN_DP_ERROR              = 12
       ACCESS_DENIED                 = 13
       DP_OUT_OF_MEMORY              = 14
       DISK_FULL                     = 15
       DP_TIMEOUT                    = 16
       OTHERS                        = 17.

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    Points willbe awarded.

    <b>Please see this document also
    Easy Job Scheduling Using BP_JOBVARIANT_SCHEDULE</b>
    To schedule a job from within a program using the express method, you need only call the BP_JOBVARIANT_SCHEDULE function module.
    The express method has the following characteristics:
    Simplified job structure: The function module schedules a job that includes only a single job step.
    The function module uses default values for most job-processing options. You cannot, for example, specify a target printer as part of the call to the function module. Instead, the job step uses the print defaults of the scheduling user.
    Only ABAP reports can be scheduled. You must use the "full-control" method to start external programs.
    The range of start-time options is restricted. Event-based scheduling is not supported.
    The function module works as follows:
    You name the report that is to be scheduled in your call to the function module.
    The function module displays a list of variants to the user. The user must select a variant for the report.
    You must ensure that the variants required by your users have already been defined.
    The user picks either "immediate start" or enters a start date and start time. Optionally, the user can also make the job restart periodically. The job is then scheduled.
    You could use the following code to let users schedule report RSTWGZS2 for checking on the status of online documentation:
    call function 'BP_JOBVARIANT_SCHEDULE'
    title_name = 'Documentation Check' " Displayed as title of
    " of scheduling screens
    job_name = 'DocuCheck' " Name of background
    " processing job
    prog_name = 'RSTWGZS2' " Name of ABAP
    " report that is to be
    " run -- used also to
    " select variants
    no_such_report = 01. " PROG_NAME program
    " not found.
    call function 'BP_JOBVARIANT_OVERVIEW' " List the jobs that
    exporting " have been scheduled
    title_name = 'Documentation Check' " Displayed as title
    " of overview screen
    job_name = 'DokuCheck' " Jobs with this name
    " are listed
    prog_name = 'RSTWGZS2'
    no_such_job = 01.
    Regards, ABY

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    Hello Manish,
    Using transaction SM36 you can define the batch job along with the start conditions for that job.
    1. Transaction SM36.
    2. Give the Z name of the job in the 'Job Name' input field.
    3. Click on 'Steps' button from the application toolbar.
    4. On the 'Create Step 1' dialog box, give the name of the ABAP program in the 'ABAP Program' section' along with the variant.
    5. Click on 'Check Input' button from the dialog box.
    6. Click on 'Save' button from the dialog box once the check is successful.
    7. One list will be shown. Click on Back button from the standard toolbar.
    8. Click on 'Start Conditions' button from the application toolbar. Specify the start condition e.g. immediate. Click on save.
    9. The job staus is now scheduled.
    10.Click on Save button from the standard toolbar of SM36. The job status will be released.
    Using SM37 you can monitor the status of the job.
    This will sort out your problem.
    PS If the answer solves your query, plz reward points.

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    Thanks so much,

    check this might help
    Re: Displaying Error while uploading Excel Sheets

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    Edited by: Kerry Wang on Aug 24, 2009 2:12 PM
    Edited by: Kerry Wang on Aug 24, 2009 2:14 PM
    Edited by: Kerry Wang on Aug 24, 2009 2:14 PM

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    I am implementing a bot that's supposed to do something when it receives mesages.Which way does it receive a message? You could run the program in background. It would block on an incoming message. If it listens a socket, you can use's accept()
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    Experts please help me out.
    Thank u very much.

    Hello Sudheer,
    The trace can be set on background jobs by using ST12 transaction. Please make sure that the trace is activated for only few minutes in production environment.
    Contact your basis team to activate trace on background job and the transaction used is ST12.

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    [b]signcode -spc ms.spc -v ms.pvk -n -i URL -t
    Thank you for your ideas and regards

    you can use the tool signcode-pwd to automate the signing:

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    i am working on desktop monitoring so when i start my program on client machine that is visible to all but i want this program client not visible to all instead of this can be run in background process . so, nobody can see that.
    so, how i can do this ?
    pls pls help me
    thanks in advanced to helper
    maulik & ritesh

    this will run the java program in the background.It'll just use the Windows Java Console instead of the command-line console. It has nothing to do with running as a background process.
    Edit: though this might be exactly what the OP wants: not "background process" but "no DOS console".

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    Edited by: Amit Raichura on Mar 21, 2008 1:31 AM

    Use Program "CORUAFWP" to schedule background job to post COGI error records if the error is corrected, as in your case stock is corrected.

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    Can anybody please let me know how to find out the program scheduled in a job, as either the job may not be run for long time or not even scheduled?
    Thanks in advance

    HI sameer
    Did u tried
    transaction  <b>SM36</b> for defining background jobs
    and <b>SM37</b> for displaying all background jobs that you want
    Regards Rk
    Message was edited by:
            Rk Pasupuleti

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    Dear Mr. Krapf,
    it is possible to output an ALV list to an Excel file in the background but there are some limitations.
    Please consider the following notes:
    #7925  Graphics, Upload, Download do not work in backgrnd
    #65050 Data types and file formats in files (DATASET) 
    #145073 - FAQ Report Writer: Excel download 
    #569537 - Incorrect data during import into Excel
    #590126  Sending CSV documents up to Release 4.6
    Please be aware that they are all Basis notes. So for more information you might ask in the Basis SDN Forum.
    Best regards, Christin Angus

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    Yes it does seem silly that there is check like that.  However have a look at the first perform in the function: Create_Spreadsheet.  Right inside of that form there is another perform for get_spreadsheet_interface.  The following is the very first executable line in this perform:
    * don't do anything in batch, because there is no GUI...
      check sy-batch is initial.
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