Program to Track the Transport Request

Hi Experts,
I got a requirement to write a program which can track and compare the Transport Request  between the servers(Development ,Test and Production) .
If in case is there any descrepancy between the versions (In the server) it should throw an error saying that  particular thing is missing or not synchronized.
For ex: If the program which is in Development server has some structure dependent to the code which is address to single TR.
where as same version of the program in Test  don't have structure ,it has to throw an mismatch error.
If you guys have any clue on this please throw some light.
Higher points will be rewarded for every useful inputs.
Thanks in Advance,

Hi Dharani,
Some sample Code. This I got debugging the SAP Standard.
TYPE-POOLS: strhi.
Data varaints for remote compare
INCLUDE rvscdcom.
INCLUDE rsvcutct.                      "Utilities, Constants, Types
INCLUDE rsvcvcct.                      "General Constants Types
INCLUDE rsvcvdct.                      "VRSD Constants Types
INCLUDE rsvctrct.                      "Tables for transports details
INCLUDE rsvcditd.
INCLUDE ole2incl.
DATA: application TYPE ole2_object.
DATA: remote_info_line  LIKE abaptext-line,
      remote_info_line_a LIKE vrsinfolna,
      remote_info_line_b LIKE vrsinfolnb,
      remote_versno     LIKE vrsd-versno,
      remote_objname    LIKE vrsd-objname,
      remote_objtype    LIKE vrsd-objtype,
      remote_system     LIKE tadir-srcsystem,
      returncode        LIKE sy-subrc.
DATA: srcsys            LIKE tadir-srcsystem,
      author            LIKE tadir-author,
      mslang            LIKE tadir-masterlang,
      devcla            LIKE tadir-devclass,
      notfnd            LIKE bool.
INCLUDE rsvceudb.
INCLUDE rsvcvdtd.                      "VRSD Constants Types
INCLUDE rsvctrtd.                      "Tables for transports details
INCLUDE rsvctrfo.                      "Interface for transport details
INCLUDE rsvcrmck.                      "Remote Access Utilities: Checks
    PERFORM get_rfc_destination   USING    srcsys
                                  CHANGING w_destination1.
    SELECT SINGLE objname objtype korrnum FROM vrsd
           INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF it_transports
           WHERE objname = it_abap_hdr-obj_name
          AND   objtype = it_abap_hdr-object
           AND   versno  = '00000'.
   it_transports-trkorr = it_transports-korrnum.
  Open tranport number with object name
    SELECT SINGLE trkorr pgmid object obj_name FROM e071
           INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF it_transports
          WHERE trkorr   = it_transports-trkorr
          WHERE trkorr   NE 'SW3_P00001'
           WHERE pgmid    EQ it_abap_hdr-pgmid
           AND   object   EQ it_abap_hdr-object
           AND   obj_name EQ it_abap_hdr-name
           AND   lockflag EQ 'X'.
  Open tranport number with object name
    SELECT SINGLE as4user as4date FROM e070
           INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF it_transports
           WHERE trkorr   = it_transports-trkorr.
  Remote compare
    IF p_rcomp = 'X'.
          text = 'Remote Comparison started'.
      IF w_destination1 NE space.
        PERFORM remote_compare USING w_destination1.
        IF it_transports-korrnum EQ it_transports-trkorr.
          it_abap_hdr-in_qa = 'Same version'.
        ELSEIF it_transports-korrnum IS INITIAL.
          it_abap_hdr-in_qa = 'Not found'.
          it_abap_hdr-in_qa = 'Not Same version'.
        MODIFY it_abap_hdr.
FORM get_rfc_destination USING    pi_orgsys
                         CHANGING po_destination.
Baustein zur Auswahl von R/3-Destinationen.
ruft einen FB, der den Anwender eine Destination für den
Aufruf der Versionsverwaltung als REMOTE-Function-Call
auswählen läßt.
  DATA: dest_note(60).                 " für STRA Baustein
  IF pi_orgsys = space.
    po_destination = space.
    dest_note = space.
    IF pi_orgsys <> sy-sysid.
      po_destination = pi_orgsys.
      'Note: The original system of the object is the system'(l11)
      pi_orgsys INTO dest_note SEPARATED BY space.
    CONCATENATE dest_note '.' INTO dest_note.
      p_text         = dest_note
      remote_dest    = po_destination
      no_destination = 1
      OTHERS         = 2.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  Falls keine Destination ausgewählt wurde:
    po_destination = space.
ENDFORM.                    "get_rfc_destination
  INCLUDE LSVRLF07                                                   *
FORM get_version_list_remote USING pi_objtype pi_objname
                             CHANGING po_no_entry.
  DATA: old_state LIKE bool.
  REFRESH: vrs_dir_vrs, logvers_dir.
  PERFORM check_vc_state_remote CHANGING old_state.
  IF old_state = true.
    PERFORM get_old_fashioned_versdir USING pi_objtype pi_objname
                                      CHANGING po_no_entry.
        destination            = dir_destination
        objname                = pi_objname
        objtype                = pi_objtype
        version_list           = vrs_dir_vrs
        lversno_list           = logvers_dir
        no_entry               = 1
        system_failure         = 2
        communication_failure_ = 3.
    CASE sy-subrc.
      WHEN 0.
        po_no_entry = false.
      WHEN 1.
        po_no_entry = true.
      WHEN 2.
       'Fehler im Zielsytem'.
       MESSAGE W123.
      WHEN 3.
       'Keine Verbindung zum Zielsystem'.
       MESSAGE W124.
ENDFORM.                    "get_version_list_remote
      FORM CHECK_VC_STATE_REMOTE                                    *
FORM check_vc_state_remote CHANGING po_old_state.
  DATA: head_entry LIKE vrsd.
  PERFORM get_vrsd_entry_remote
          USING head_type head_objname head_versno
          CHANGING head_entry po_old_state.
ENDFORM.                    "check_vc_state_remote
      FORM GET_VRSD_ENTRY_REMOTE                                    *
FORM get_vrsd_entry_remote USING pi_objtype pi_objname pi_versno
                           CHANGING vrsd_entry po_no_entry.
      destination           = dir_destination
      objname               = pi_objname
      objtype               = pi_objtype
      versno                = pi_versno
      vrsd_entry            = vrsd_entry
      no_entry_found        = 1
      system_failure        = 2
      communication_failure = 3.
  CASE sy-subrc.
    WHEN 0.
      po_no_entry = false.
    WHEN 1.
      po_no_entry = true.
    WHEN 2.
     'Fehler im Zielsytem'.
     MESSAGE W123.
    WHEN 3.
      'Keine Verbindung zum Zielsystem'.
     MESSAGE W124.
ENDFORM.                    "get_vrsd_entry_remote
      FORM GET_OLD_FASHIONED_VERSDIR                                *
-->  PI_OBJTYPE                                                    *
-->  PI_OBJNAME                                                    *
-->  PO_NO_ENTRY                                                   *
FORM get_old_fashioned_versdir USING pi_objtype pi_objname
                               CHANGING po_no_entry.
  DATA: vrsd_entry LIKE vrsd.
  DATA: object_not_found LIKE bool.
  PERFORM get_vrsd_entry_remote
          USING pi_objtype pi_objname null_versno
          CHANGING buffer0 po_no_entry.
  IF po_no_entry = false.
        destination           = dir_destination
        objname               = pi_objname
        objtype               = pi_objtype
        version_list          = vrs_dir_vrs
        system_failure        = 1
        communication_failure = 2.
    CASE sy-subrc.
      WHEN 1.
       'Fehler im Zielsytem'.
       MESSAGE W123.
      WHEN 2.
       'Keine Verbindung zum Zielsystem'.
       MESSAGE W124.
    SORT vrs_dir_vrs DESCENDING BY versno.
    LOOP AT vrs_dir_vrs.
      logvers_dir-versno = vrs_dir_vrs-versno.
      APPEND logvers_dir.
    READ TABLE vrs_dir_vrs INDEX 1.
    IF vrs_dir_vrs-versmode = impt_mode.
     Es gibt einen offenen Import, setze Flag zurück:
      vrs_dir_vrs-versmode  = corr_mode.
    vrs_dir_vrs-versno = 0.
    MODIFY vrs_dir_vrs INDEX 1.
  vrsd_entry = buffer0.
  PERFORM add_active_version_remote
          CHANGING vrsd_entry object_not_found.
  IF object_not_found = false.
    po_no_entry = false.
Möglicherweise gibt es eine überarbeitete Version.
  PERFORM add_modif_version_remote
          CHANGING vrsd_entry object_not_found.
  IF object_not_found = false.
    po_no_entry = false.
ENDFORM.                    "get_old_fashioned_versdir
      FORM ADD_ACTIVE_VERSION_REMOTE                                *
-->  VRSD_INFO                                                     *
-->  PO_NOT_FOUND                                                  *
FORM add_active_version_remote CHANGING vrsd_info STRUCTURE vrsd
  DATA: object_not_found LIKE vrsd-versmode.
  DATA: nplus1           LIKE vrsd-versno.
  DATA: retcode          LIKE bool.
      destination           = dir_destination
      objname               = vrsd_info-objname
      objtype               = vrsd_info-objtype
      object_not_found      = object_not_found
      system_failure        = 1
      communication_failure = 2.
  CASE sy-subrc.
    WHEN 1.
       'Fehler im Zielsytem'.
     MESSAGE W123.
    WHEN 2.
       'Keine Verbindung zum Zielsystem'.
     MESSAGE W124.
  ENDCASE.                             " SY-SUBRC.
  IF object_not_found = space.
    po_not_found = false.
    po_not_found = true.
  CLEAR: vrsd_info-korrnum, vrsd_info-author,
         vrsd_info-datum,   vrsd_info-zeit.
  IF po_not_found = false.
    IF vrsd_info-versmode = impt_mode.
    Es gibt einen offenen Import, und einen Satz n+1 der
    uns verschwiegen wurde. Er beschreibt die aktive Version
      nplus1 = vrsd_info-lastversno + 1.
      PERFORM get_vrsd_entry_remote
              USING vrsd_info-objtype vrsd_info-objname nplus1
              CHANGING vrsd_info retcode.
      PERFORM get_korrinfo_remote CHANGING vrsd_info.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING vrsd_info TO vrs_dir_vrs.
    vrs_dir_vrs-versno    = null_versno.
    logvers_dir-versno    = acti_versno.
    INSERT vrs_dir_vrs INDEX 1.
    INSERT logvers_dir INDEX 1.
ENDFORM.                    "add_active_version_remote
      FORM ADD_MODIF_VERSION_REMOTE                                 *
FORM add_modif_version_remote CHANGING vrsd_info STRUCTURE vrsd
  DATA: mod_dd_exists LIKE vrsd-versmode.
      destination           = dir_destination
      objname               = vrsd_info-objname
      objtype               = vrsd_info-objtype
      mod_dd_exists         = mod_dd_exists
      system_failure        = 1
      communication_failure = 2.
  CASE sy-subrc.
    WHEN 1.
      'Fehler im Zielsytem'.
     MESSAGE W123.
    WHEN 2.
      'Keine Verbindung zum Zielsystem'.
     MESSAGE W124.
  IF mod_dd_exists <> space.
    po_not_found = false.
    PERFORM get_korrinfo_remote CHANGING vrsd_info.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING vrsd_info TO vrs_dir_vrs.
    vrs_dir_vrs-versno    = modi_versno.
    logvers_dir-versno    = modi_versno.
    INSERT vrs_dir_vrs INDEX 1.
    INSERT logvers_dir INDEX 1.
    po_not_found = true.
ENDFORM.                    "add_modif_version_remote
      FORM GET_KORRINFO_REMOTE                                      *
FORM get_korrinfo_remote CHANGING vrsd_info STRUCTURE vrsd.
      destination           = dir_destination
      objname               = vrsd_info-objname
      objtype               = vrsd_info-objtype
      author                = vrsd_info-author
      datum                 = vrsd_info-datum
      korrnum               = vrsd_info-korrnum
      zeit                  = vrsd_info-zeit
      system_failure        = 1
      communication_failure = 2.
  CASE sy-subrc.
    WHEN 1.
      'Fehler im Zielsytem'.
     MESSAGE W123.
    WHEN 2.
      'Keine Verbindung zum Zielsystem'.
     MESSAGE W124.
  IF vrsd_info-korrnum <> space.
    Korrektur ist offen, Zeitstempel korrigieren:
    vrsd_info-datum = sy-datum.
    vrsd_info-zeit  = sy-uzeit.
ENDFORM.                    "get_korrinfo_remote

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    Hi Sitaram,
    If you happend to be one of those who forgot the transport request number of your abap program.
    You can easily find it via the Versions Management.
    Steps :-
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    Kindly Reward Points If You Found The Reply Helpful,

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    Hi ,
    When your creating the FM for first timw with new FGRP then no need to worry .
    You can see only the FGRP in the transport request number and when you move this transport request to further systems your FM automatically transport with the FGRP.
    Next time when your creating a new FM under the FGRP which is already moved to production you can see only your FM name under the transport request.
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    Please reward points if helpful...

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    Ritesh J

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    - "Transport request is not in buffer".
    - x2n0v2:nqaadm 14> transport250_NQAu126 908807
    is this the correct cofile ?y
    cofile is K908807.NDV
    source system is NDV
    transport type is K
    transport name is NDVK908807
    Renamed to K908807.NDV.INTRANSIT on dbcindv
    Datafile copied to dbcinqa
    Cofile copied to dbcinqa
    -rw-rw-r--   1 nqaadm     sapsys       25606 Oct 29 11:13 /usr/sap/trans/NQA/data/R908807.NDV
    -rw-rw-r--   1 ndvadm     sapsys       25606 Oct 29 11:13 /usr/sap/trans/NDV/data/R908807.NDV
    -rw-rw-r--   1 nqaadm     sapsys         678 Dec  1 19:05 /usr/sap/trans/NQA/cofiles/K908807.NDV
    -rw-rw-r--   1 ndvadm     sapsys         678 Dec  1 19:05 /usr/sap/trans/NDV/cofiles/K908807.NDV.INTRANSIT
    Please compare the files before proceeding
    Do you wish to continue the import?y
    tp addtobuffer NDVK908807 NQA pf=TP_DOMAIN_NDV.PFL
    This is tp version 305.13.25 (release 46D) for ANY database
    Addtobuffer failed for NDVK908807.
      Cofile not existent or corrupted (datafile exists).
      If source system is available you may try to reconstruct
      the cofile using the command "createinfo".
    We used the following method to re-transport the requests to NQA server:
    "STMS --> Request -->Delete (the request number)" method delete the transport request from transport queue and from the cofiles/data directory of the operating system and then  " STMS --> extra-> other request-> add" allow us to put the transport request back to transport queue in NQA server. Once the transport requests are in queue, we can re-transport all of them one by one or in group.
    Question: Is it the right way to re-transport the request in NQA (first delete if from transport queue and then add and then re-import in NQA server).
    Id there is any other way to re-transport the requests, pls suggest us.

    Depending on how many tarnsports you have and also if this is one time, what you can do is ask Basis guys to write a small script which adds to the buffer to your NQA system.
    1) under /usr/sap/trans/buffer rename the NQA buffer file.
    2) create a new empty file NQA (make sure permissions are identical)
    3) Provide the list of transports and ask Basis team to put it in a file at Unix level
    4) Run a script which will add to the buffer from the source file.
    5) From STMS refresh the NQA queue and you should see all the transports ready for import.
    Hope this helps.
    Edited by: Naveed Qureshi on Dec 4, 2008 8:52 AM

  • How to find the transport request which was released to Quality

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    Could anyone please let me know, how to find the transport request that was already released from Development to Quality?
    there was some change in customization took place. I could find the user (through change log) who made these changes, however I could not find the transport request number he has already released. I did give his user name in SE10 and checked the released checkbox and did click transports to see them, however I found nothing. A message got displayed on the screen: Cross-system information for user xxx. I can't ask the Basis people about it, as its not yet been trasnported to Productive.
    Is this the correct way to see the transport request number? Is there any other way to find the number. I can give the tentative dates when the change was released.
    This post might already posted before, I did some search, could not find the exact info what I am looking for.  Would appreaciate if anyone could give the step by step method to find it.
    Thanks in advance.

    let me tell you the the situation in a better way.
    When I see se10 with my user id I could see all the transport requests that I have released. However, now when I enter my colleague user id who did these changes (he is on vacation, otherwise I could simply ask him the transport number), nothing is shown on the page. in simple words the page is completely blank. Initially I thought it is because of some authorizations, but I can get the transport request numbers that are released by another user.
    the info what I have right now are:
    1. I knew the user name who did these chages
    2. I knew the date when it was changed.
    I just need the Transport Request number I mean which starts with DEVXXXXXXX.
    As per your solution --> If you have any idea when the reques was relase you can select the request and click on goto-transport logs. This way you can find out the request. --> I knew the date when it was released, but didnt understand, the bold and underlined sentense in your answer.. select on which request? as I said, the page was blank after I enter his user id and activate it.. May be I did not understnd your solution properly. Could you please simplify it.
    Thanks a bunch in advance

  • The transport request are pending in the import quene

    Hi the transport request are released from the development system and are showing pending in the production system

    Hi Shri,
    According to your query you have only two system landscape. If this is true then before import transport to prd from dev to import in send box which is test client. If everything is ok then you can import this transport in prd server with stms tcode.
    If you have any doubt pls mentioned here in details.

  • How to know the Transport Request status?

    Hi all,
      i need to develop a report wherein i need to display the status of the Transport Request..i mean it should display wheteher it has move to the Production system?Is there any table or FM which gives the cross system details of the Transport Request.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Rakesh,
    Please check this FM.
    Hope this will help.
    Ferry Lianto
    Please reward points if helpful.

  • How to include the transport request

    Hi Experts,
    i am asked to create a copy of cube  and asked to  .Include the Transport request in request DEVK9795967
    Please explain how to do it,
    Thanks in Advance

    You can create the copy of Infocube and Include the transport requst. Follow bellow steps;
    1. Goto RSA1> Select Info Area> Select Create the Infocube> Give the Technical/Discreption and Select the Copy of the Cube> Save and Activate.
    2. At acitvation time the system asked the request.
    Select the Own request from Pop Up> Select your created request> Select Continue.
    It wil include the your created request.

  • How to find the Transport request for table entry

    Hi ,
    There was certain entry made in the SAP std table and which got transported to subsequent system. I want to find the Transport Request Number which was containign that table entry and which gor transported.
    Please suggest how can I find that transport number.

    Yes we can get , Basis team will help.
    B'coz i had same requirement my basis got the TR for me.
    Take their help.
    He said u can like this.
    SE11 - > Table Display - > Table Entry in Menu Bar - > Transport Entries.

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    I am not able to find the menu to find the transport request no of  a particular workflow. can somebody please help me in this.
    Thanks in advance.

    Are you trying to find the request from Transport organizer for a specific workflow?
    Do you mean that you are trying to find the transport organizer in the workflow builder?
    Menu -> extras-> transport organizer.
    Please be more specific and clear about your query inorder to get suggestions from the forum.
    Best Regards,

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