Programmat​ic icd selection from LabView?

Hi Everyone,
Is there any way to Programmatically select a camera ICD and assign/load it to an interface from LabView?
Background: I have a test station that is used with a number of different Camera types (all with their own specific .icd file) and I'd like the end user to be able to simply select the camera they are working with from a drop down menu in the labview test application and not have to navigate through MAX to set up the camera.
Is this possible?
Go to Solution.

Hi nemi,
There is no built-in way to programmatically select a camera icd file, but it is possible to do this by parsing through the iid file and modifying the text. This document has more information on how to do this.
Good luck with your application!
Emily C
Applications Engineer
National Instruments

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  • How to freeze and unfreeze panes in window by using Excel from LabVIEW

    I am creating an Excel Report file programmatically using LabVIEW. I make the row headers for the sheet and store data using the program.
    The requirement that i need is that when the user opens the Excel sheet, the row heading should remain fixed at top, as the sheet is scrolled down by the user.
    This is possible in Excel, by clicking on Window in the menu bar and then select Freeze panes/Unfreeze panes. The same operation i need, to be done from LabVIEW. Please let me know how this can be done.
    I use LabVIEW 2009
    Thank you.
    Go to Solution.

    Please see this discussion. TCPlomp has an example of how to achieve this.
    Cory K

  • What is the easiest way to open an application from Labview?

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    Here is the response that I got from Cognex when I asked them about how to do this. Do you understand what they are talking about?
    In order to do something like this you will probably want to look into the Display Control/SDK for In-Sight. The Display Control gets installed along with In-Sight Explorer and includes a control that can be used in an environment like Labview to communicate with In-Sight sensors while the SDK is an enhanced version of the Display Control that gives you more control and functionality. I am not very familiar with the Labview environment so I will give some code snippets in VB.Net and hopefully you can adjust them as necessary. Specifically I see 3 possible avenues to do this:
     1) Using the Display Control you have access to many of the dialog boxes that are used in In-Sight Explorer including the Load Job dialog box. You can spawn this dialog box through a line of code similar to cvsInSightDisplay1.Edit.OpenJob.Execute(). I am not certain if the Labview environment will be able to spawn and display this dialog though. 2) With the addition of the SDK (additional purchase) you can directly access sensor properties including the job. There is a method called LoadJobFile to load jobs from on the sensor and LoadJobFileLocally to load jobs from the host machine. A typical line of code might be cvsInSightDisplay1.InSight.File.LoadJobFile("myjob1.job").3) If Labview cannot handle the dialogs and the SDK is not an option for you then you may still be able to do this using Native Mode commands. Native Mode commands are sent through a socket on the telnet port (typically port 23). Keep in mind that you will need to handle the username/password prompt and response when you first open the socket before issuing any Native Mode commands. The command to load a job file from the sensor would be the Load File command which would be a string similar to "LF myjob1.job". The Native Mode commands are documented in the In-Sight Explorer help file. 

  • Error -17600 when switching from LabVIEW Development System to LabVIEW Run-Time Engine in Adapter Configuration

    I receive an error message (code -17600) while loading my test sequence after switching from LabVIEW Development System (2009 f3) to LabVIEW Run-TIme Engine using the Adapter Configuration.
    ErrorCode: -17600,
    Failed to load a required step's associated module.
    LabVIEW Run-Time Engine version 9.0.1f3.
    When I switch back to the LV development system, everything is OK, and the sequence loads and runs perfectly.
    My TestStand Engine Version is 2012 f1 (
    I'd appreciate any help on this issue.

    Hi Roman,
    There are a couple of things you can try:
    1) Determine if the LabVIEW RunTime Engine is corrupted in some way. Create a new simple VI with no sub-VIs, using the same LabVIEW Development system you used for mass-compiling the VIs. Create a TestStand step that calls this VI and ensure it runs correctly. Now switch your LabVIEW adapter to use the RuntimeEngine and choose the "Auto detect using VI version" option.
    Check if the simple VI is loadable and runs without errors in TestStand.
    If the step generates the same error, you should try a re-install of the LabVIEW development system.
    If not, its most likely that there is some VI you are using that is not loadable in the LabVIEW Runtime Engine because:
    1) Some sub-VI is still not saved in the right version or bitness. Open the VI heirarchy of the top-level VI that you are calling from TestStand and examine the paths of all the sub-VIs to check if they were in the folder you masscompiled and re-save any that are outside this directory.
    Also, when you try to close the top level VI, do you get a prompt to save any unsaved files? If so, they could be the sub-VIs that are not saved in the right version. Save all of them.
    Check if you are loading any VIs programatically and if these are compiled and saved in the right version as well.
    2) There is some feature you are using in your LabVIEW code that is not supported in the LabVIEW RunTime Engine. To check this, add your top-level VI to a LabVIEW project and create a new build specification and create a new executable from this VI.
        Right-click "Build Specifications" and choose "New->Application(EXE)".
        In the Application Properties window, select Source Files and choose the top level VI as the start-up VI.
        Save the properties.
        Right-click on the newly created build specification and choose Build.
    Run this executable (it will be run using the LabVIEW RunTime) and check if the VI has a broken arrow indicating that it cannot be loaded and run in the LabVIEW Runtime Engine.
    You might need to examine your code and find the feature which is not supported in the LabVIEW RunTime and find an alternative.
    Another thing i forgot to mention the last time around is if you are using 64-bit LabVIEW with 32-bit TestStand, then executing code using LabVIEW RTE from TestStand will not work since the 64-bit LabVIEW RTE dll cannot be loaded by the 32-bit TestStand process.
    If none of the above steps resolve the issue, consider sharing your LabVIEW code so i can take a look.

  • Error message from labview when trying to set up the DAQ assistant

    I recieve a message from labview when I try to set up the DAQ assistant and select a channel to use. The error I get states "An exception occured within the external code called by a Call Library Node. This might have corrupted LabView's memory. Save any work to a new location and restart labview". Labview then freezes. I have reset the DAQ device in trying to slove this but I still get the same message. How do I solve this?? thanks - mars2006

    Hi Mars-
    It sounds like your NI-DAQ installation may have become corrupted. I would suggest uninstalling and reinstalling the DAQmx 7.4 driver to correct this problem and ensure that you're up to date. This download is available here: NI-DAQ 7.4
    If the problem persists you may want to uninstall and reinstall LabVIEW and then NI-DAQ in that order. The error message will usually give an indication as to which VI the error occurred in. Please let us know which VI is failing if you're unable to avoid the error with these suggestions.
    Have a good day-
    Tom W
    National Instruments

  • Error while runing diadem asynchronous script from labview on dual core processor

    Urgent need of some help / advice here!
    Single core runs fine... dual core produces error: Error in <XYaxis.vbs> (line: 17, column: 1): Error while opening object. The object currently open has no subobjects. Forgotten ObjClose?
    The main software built in labview used for daq and analysis generates a PDF report on completion of a test, utilising diadem. For this I use the diadem express vi in labview to generate a multi page report, whereby I use for loop to iterate an array of channels for each page. This for loop has a shift register too. After each page I run a script to adjust a few parameters like linear/log, begin/end and line thickness using the diadem connectivity tookit. See script below:
    Call GraphObjOpen("2D-Axis1")
    Call GraphObjOpen("2DXAxis8_1")
    D2AxisXDivMode = "linear"
    D2AxisXScaleType = "begin/end manual"
    D2AxisXBegin = 20
    D2AxisXEnd = 20000
    Call GraphObjClose("2DXAxis8_1")
    Call GraphObjOpen("2DYAxis8_1")
    D2AxisYDivMode = "linear"
    D2AxisYScaleType = "complete automatic"
    D2AxisYBegin = 0
    D2AxisYEnd = 0
    Call GraphObjClose("2DYAxis8_1")
    FOR c = 1 TO CurveNoMax
    If D2CurveObj(c) = "" Then Exit For ' c
    Call GraphObjOpen(D2CurveObj(c))
    D2CurveLineWidth = 0.75
    Call GraphObjClose(D2CurveObj(c))
    NEXT ' c
    Call GraphObjClose("2D-Axis1")
    There is also a screenshot of the vi: (script file is generated by the Dscript vi and saved to disk. then path is passed to the diadem script vi.)
    What I find is, after the first report page is complete in diadem the second page ALWAYS shows the error as shown at the top. However, on my P4 laptop with single core (no hyperthreading) its runs FINE EVERY TIME with any given number of channels/pages in the report.
    My current chain of thought is that the superfast dual core is doing something in parallel therefore not waiting for the previous page to complete or finish closing its object!? however, in my for loop I use a shift register as named before, surely this kind of loop cannot be divided over more cores/parallel threads? as it has to wait for the response of the previous.!?!? Im running LV 8.6 on WinXP for this project and I didnt even think multicore processing for for loops is included in this version.
    The other thing is... this script used to run fine on the dual core until I added the last part that uses a for loop to get every line of the graph to be the thinkness I need. Is this for loop the culprit? Can I stop it from executing over multiple cores/threads? I read a post saying that from diadem 8 there was multi core support. this triggered my doubt
    As always any comments are most appreciated
    :. LV2010 SP1 ... W7 .:
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Al,
    I have a theory, but only you can test it.  In your VI screenshot, you have the boolean input for the DIAdem Execute set to asynchronous=TRUE.  My theory says that if you change that boolean (and all others like it) to asynchrous=FALSE that the error will not occur on the multicore computer.  The other thing you could try would be to consolidate all REPORT commands that pertain to one REPORT page into a single ActiveX call to DIAdem.  In the screenshot below you have at least 2 separate VIs calling DIAdem, so that's at least 2 separate ActiveX calls for one REPORT sheet.
    Here's what I think is going on.  On a multicore computer there is the potential for different ActiveX commands from LV to DIAdem to execute on different cores, which may result in a timing problem on the DIAdem side.  DIAdem 11.x and earlier runs exclusively on 1 CPU, so the incoming ActiveX commands should be sequenced correctly by DIAdem's ActiveX to-do list.  Theoretically DIAdem should serialize all the incoming ActiveX commands (regardless of which CPU processed them) in the order that they arrived at the DIAdem ActiveX server(s).  On the sending side, LabVIEW's dataflow execution should theoretically guarantee that all the ActiveX requests are being sent in the correct order.  But it is theoretically possible that the operating system's ActiveX processing queue might not send all the ActiveX commands to DIAdem in the order that it receives them from LabVIEW-- IF YOU'VE SELECTED ASYNCHRONOUS PROCESSING.
    See if these clues help,
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Missing functionality if storing TDSM from LabVIEW

    In DIAdem File Browser window is selected a file from DIAdem 11.0 Examples directory. File FFT_Expl_1 has icon with „tree pictogram“ and „tree pictogram“ can be expanded to see content of file (Time, Oscillation), bellow of File Browser is displayed many file properties. Anyway these properties are not displayed in DataPortal area?!? See picture 1.
    Pict. 1
    If I click on the file content in tree hiearchy channel Oscillation I can see properties for this channel and small graph with the signal preview. See picture 2.
    Pict. 2
    To make my own data I have used examples from LabVIEW 8.6. One of these is on the picture 3 TDMS - Express write data (time and frequency domain).vi.
    Pict. 3
    Every time I create TDMS data from LabVIEW 8.6 (it doesn’t matter which example I use) I see in DIAdem File Browser instead of tree icon the question mark icon?!? The question mark icon cannot be expanded by clicking on it?!? Also the amount of Shown properties is significantly lower in comparison with DIADem example files. Also no signal preview is displayed?!? How to proceed with LabVIEW and TDMS function to have possibilities of DIAdem example files?
    Screenshots are in attached DOC file. 
    Please help
    Go to Solution.
    TDMS problems 2.doc ‏289 KB

    Hello bilik,
    Thank you for the great description of your problem, the Word document with the screen shots really helps with the troubleshooting.
    It looks to me as if you haven't indexed the directory where your TDMS files are stored. The "?" icon indicates that the file is not indexed. If a file is not indexed, only a subset of the properties are shown in the dialogs.
    The easiest way to solve this issue is to index the directory that contains you data files (your directory icons are grey, they should be yellow). This can be done by going to the directory (or subdirectory) in the DIAdem NAVIGATOR window, and right clocking on the directory name. From the context menu, select the function "Add Search Area ..." - your directory will then be transferred to the Search Areas part of the NAVIGATOR and all the TDMS files will be indexed. At the point the files will show all the properties and the "?" will disappear.
    Let me know if that helped,
    Otmar D. Foehner
    Business Development Manager
    DIAdem and Test Data Management
    National Instruments
    Austin, TX - USA
    "For an optimist the glass is half full, for a pessimist it's half empty, and for an engineer is twice bigger than necessary."

  • Can I open a excel file from labview

    I have a program who write temperature in a excel file and i want to open this file from labview .

    This depends slightly on the amount of data you have stored within Excel.
    You can use the "Labview Functions>>FileIO>>Read from Spreadsheet" which effectively reads all lines from a text file and converts it into a numeric array.
    Alternatively, if your data structure in Excel is more complex than this, you can use ActiveX calls to Excel to retrieve it.
    Use an "ActiveX>>Automation Refnum" control and select the Excel server class. This will then enable you to access properties and methods of Excel to retrieve data from specific cells and pages.
    The attached example should help.
    Attachments: ‏60 KB

  • Change TS Labview Server from Labview OI?

    I have tried the NI recommended way to select the LabView server programatically from TestStand which works fine e.g.
     RunState.Engine.GetAdapterByKeyName("G Flexible VI Adapter").AsLabVIEWAdapter.SetServerInfo(LabVIEWServer_RTEServer, "C:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\Shared\\LabVIEW Run-Time\\8.6\\lvrt.dll")
    But I would like to call the same functionality from a LabView Operator Interface...
    After I get the engine reference I can use an Invoke node for GetAdapterByKeyname but I am struggling with the next AsLabVIEWAdapter.SetServerInfo part - I can't see these methods. Any tips/examples how to do this?

    Thank you for providing CIM1 with this VI! I have made a few improvements to the VI and attached it below. You don't actually have to use the Adapter.AsPropertyObject method at all, you can directly connect the Adapter reference to the Variant to Data VI and cast it to a LabVIEW Adapter.
    Also, the logic that was used for determing the type of LabVIEW Server seems incorrect. According to the LabVIEWServerTypes Enumeration Help, the LabVIEWServer_ExecServer enum should be used for the LabVIEW development environment or a LabVIEW executable that registers itself as a LabVIEW ActiveX Automation Server. The LabVIEWServer_RTEServer enum should only be used for the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine. In your code it seemed like you were setting the LabVIEWServer_RTEServer enum for both the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine as well as a LabVIEW executable server. I've modified this portion of the VI as well to behave correctly.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
    Manooch H.
    National Instruments
    Attachments: ‏13 KB

  • Controlling Tera Term from labview

    Hi guys
    In my new project I would like to send commands to Tera Term Pro. Tera Term then responds to the commands from Labview the same way as I would type the commands directly into Tera Term.
    I'm able to use cmd.exe with the SystemExecute Vi, but for my program I would like to do the same with Tera Term.
    I would like to send commands with a stringcontrol and get the respond in a string indicator, all in labview. Tera Term should run invisible in the background.
    So for this I thought using ActiveX would be the best. I have downloaded tera term pro.
    In Labview I create this from the ActiveX Palette and select browse on the ActiveX Class.
    In the Tera Term folder I find many .dll's:
    I have tried to open them all, but I only get this message:
    Does this mean it's impossible to use Tera Term with Labview like I described?
    I'm not so familiar with ActiveX, only with Excel (which is in the ActiveX Class list), so I might have missed something.
    My goal was to create a sub-vi which does the communication with Tera Term, the same way SystemExecute VI is built.
    Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
    Automated Test Developer
    Topro AS
    Go to Solution.

    Sorry for this late reply. I have been using Teraterm Macro (not Teraterm Pro serial terminal) to interface with my previous provisioning app written in LabVIEW.
    Teraterm Macro is such a lifesaver in that it can easily interface with your development boards that need: (1) RS-232C, (2) FTP, (3) TFTP or (4) SSH connections. The plain-vanilla 'serial' VI's are just that - serial port only and those need additional code to work reliably. If you need a good serial port VI try Prabhakant Patil's Hyper Terminal for LV 2009 and newer. You will find an ZIP or VIPM package from LAVA ( I have used his versions countless of times and is 10x more reliable than provided in LV examples.
    You will indeed use the System-Exec.VI to call Teraterm Macro since *sigh* no one has written a wrapper for the DLLs (as you mentioned they are built for .Net framework. I have talked with the current developers and they are willing to give anyone the pass to extend Teraterm for LabVIEW so C++ devs out there with good LabVIEW knowledge should re-build the DLLs as static libraries that can be called from within LabVIEW. For now, this is the only way and it is a kludge - but it works - just not in a way you expect.
    Here you can see that I am building the command line arguments before I call the system-exec node. Refer to the excellent how-to instructions at:
    Teraterm Macro will be spawned (opened) like it would when called from the command line. Its std input & output are not tied to your VI. You can merely pass arguments to the system-exec node. This is the reasons why we need someone to recompile the Teraterm Macro DLL as a static library (anyone?) so we can build a wrapper VI around the functions. Then its std inputs and outputs can be tied to LabVIEW's controls and indicators - hence, it becomes LV native.

  • Query SQL from LabVIEW

    I would like to get the serial number of a part just being tested. This info is stored in a SQL database. The info I got from the database administrator is as follows.  
    Host: partdb.mlp.abcd.comPort: 1433 Database Name: part
    Read Only User Id: yyyy
    Password: xxxx
     Example query for engine serial number between certain time period:  select *from tdheader h inner join tdstage son h.s_sno = s.s_snowhere h.testCellNo = 5and h.endTime between '3-15-2010 7:00:00' and '3-15-2010 8:00:00'  
    How do I query the database from LabVIEW? Thanks.

    Example query for engine serial number between certain time period:  
    select *
    from tdheader h inner join tdstage s
    on h.s_sno = s.s_sno
    where h.testCellNo = 5
    and h.endTime between '3-15-2010 7:00:00' and '3-15-2010 8:00:00'

  • Set preset values that can be selected from a pull-down manu

    I am writing a VI in LabView 7.1 to collect data. I have a set of variables that need to be set at the beginning. I used Basic Information subVI to input these variables to be saved in the data file header, but everytime I run the VI I have to type in pretty much the same thing. The variables I use usually can be selected from a list of number, text or Y/N. I thought about using Configure File VI, but I think that will only give me a fixed set, not a choice. I wonder if there is a way to preset a list of variables so that I can select one value from the list rather than type in everything each time.

    1. Write a Vi that have all your variables i.e. enum, ring, text controls, boolean controls etc
    When this Vi is called, it allows user to configure all settings
    There will be a "save" button. Upon clicked, it should prompt user to input a filename (i.e. *.ini) and the file will be saved to a pre-determined directory i.e. LabVIEW Default Directory
    With the above, a new *.ini file is created for respective set of variables.
    2. Knowing that all *.ini files are stored at LabVIEW Default Directory, make use of the attached example VI, modify it to suit your needs, to get all *.ini filenames and update to the Combo Box control
    With the Combo Box control, you can now choose the desired configuration file (*.ini) to be loaded for the rest of the test needs.
    3. The selected *.ini file path is now input to a Vi that does the extraction of all variable settings from the selected *.ini file.
    Above is just one of many ways that you could have a pull-down menu for selecting a set of settings from a set of configuration files.
    Hope this make sense to you
    Ian F
    Since LabVIEW 5.1... 7.1.1... 2009, 2010
    IFK_CFIO_Get Filenames to Combo ‏30 KB

  • Call a Borland Delphi DLL with Structs from LabView

    I have a problem to build an equivalent Struct in Labview to the following Struct which I want to retrieve from a DLL.
    XWert:array[0..raster] of double;
    ZWert:array[0..raster] of double;
    IWert:array[0..raster] of byte;
    M2DScanArea =array[0..maxScans] of TM2DScanline;
    PointerToScanArea is the parameter I want to retrieve.
    If anybody knows a way for doing this, help would be very appreciated

    Are raster and maxScans both constant? If I recall correctly, many dialects of Pascal just lay the elements of a fixed-size array out in memory with no size parameter; if this is the case with Delphi, then you may be able to do the following (in my example, I'll assume "raster" is a constant set to 40, and maxScans is a constant set to 5):
    Create a cluster called XWert with 40 Numeric elements (representation: DBL).
    Copy XWert and name the copy ZWert.
    Create a cluster called IWert with 40 Numeric elements (representation: U8).
    Create a cluster called TM2DScanline.
    Create a Numeric inside TM2DScanline called YWert (representation: DBL).
    Drag XWert, then ZWert, then IWert into TMD2Scanline.
    Create a cluster called ScanArea and drag 5 copies of TMD2Scanline into it.
    Create a Call Library node on your block diagram, give it your DLL and function name, and set the return value to whatever your Delphi function returns. You probably want the WINAPI calling convention.
    Add a parameter and make it "Adapt to Type: Pointers to Handles". Close the node and wire the ScanArea cluster to the input.
    Right-click on the Call Library Node and select "Create .c file...." Read through the C file to make sure its structure is similar to your Delphi record: you should see five copies of the TM2DScanline structure, each of which contains a double followed by two fixed 40-element structures of double and a fixed 40-element structure of unsigned char. You should see no reference to the word "Hdl" anywhere in the code.
    This strategy will only work if the arrays in your records are fixed at a constant size, and if Delphi lays out the arrays in memory as described above. Instead of doing all this work, you may want to write a small C or Pascal wrapper around your Delphi function. This wrapper could take simpler parameter types (which are easier to use from LabVIEW) and bundle them into the cluster before calling your Delphi function.

  • How do I return a Boolean array from LabView to TestStand?

    I am trying to return a Boolean array from Labview to TestStand and have TS evaluate the results. I can do this for arrays of integers or reals but booleans do not work. I tried copying the PassFailTest step type and adding an array of Bool but I couldn't get it to evaluate the array. It simply always passed. How can this be done?
    Bob A.

    I have thought about evaluating the Boolean data in TestStand but, as you say, this is a lot of work. What I have been doing is to map the boolean data to integers in LV (very easy) and then use the multiple numeric step type to evaluate the integer array automatically. This feels kludgy and I have tried a couple of times to create a "multiple boolean" step type with little success. I'm surprised TS hasn't anticipated a test returning multiple pass/fail results. I do this all the time for production code.
    What I have tried is to copy MultipleNumericLimitsTest data type to a custom type and add a BooleanArray with a data type Array of Boolean[0..empty]. Then when I specify module, I select Step.BooleanArray as the value. The last step (that I know of) is to select Step.BooleanArray as the data source in the edit limits window. At this point if I run the test, I get the error "expect numeric, found boolean" (or something similar). When I look at the properties of my custom step type, the Substeps has DoMultiNumericMeasEvaluation as the Post-Step. I believe this is the root of my problem but I can't figure out how to change this to "DoMultiBooleanMeasEvaluation" or similar. Any Ideas?

  • Bring Excel 2007 to the front when called from LabView v9 in Windows 7

    I am building a duplicate system using Windows 7, LabView v9 and Excel v2007.  The original system used WinXP, Excel 2007 and LabView v8.6.  The issue is that the original system was able to bring Excel to the front when called from Labview using the property node -application-> visible.  This new configuration runs Excel, loads the data, runs the macros but does not bring Excel to the front.  The icon blinks in the Win7 taskbar and when selected displays over LabView.  If I minimize the Labview window, Excel is there.  This leads me to conclude that Excel is visible, as requested but will not come to the front until selected from the taskbar.  The only differences, besides the versions, is the original system template files used the .xls extension in and was run in Excel in compatible mode.  At the customers request, the new system uses the .xlsm extension on the Excel template files.  I have tried using application.visible = True in the macro as well.  Could be a setting in Labview?  Could be a setting in Excel? Could be .xls vs. .xlsm? Or an issue with Windows 7 and the newer version of Labview. 
    HP workstation - Labview v9 - Windows 7 - Excel 2007 sp2
    Thank you in advance
    Go to Solution.

    I will try the windowstate change.  Were these done in succession? (i.e. property node -> property node -> property node) Or were they done along the way such as call the ActiveX open and a property node then in a worksheet modification area etc. so there was some time between calls? 
    I am not sure about the API since the discussion there is with regard to DDE.  (Taken from the link document:  If you want to call a DLL that contains ActiveX
    objects, use the Automation
    Open VI with the Property
    Node and the Invoke
    Node.).  I am calling Excel as an application not as a library call unless I am mistaken, which I could certainly be.  Are you thinking that once Excel is active through the Automation Open VI that a DLL call to set the application visible would work?  I may be trying this already but in Excel through the use of the macro I call from LabView.  It contains application.visible = True at the beginning before reading files and plotting data.  
    I may try sprinkling Property node with application->visible in various locations in the LabView diagram as I do update cells after the call to the plot macro.  The puzzle for me is the blinking Excel icon in the task bar.  This means active and running but not visible or something wrong as well.  There are a few #VALUE cells if not all test in the system are run.  Again not a problem in Excel 2007-WinXP-LV8.6
    Thank you again one and all.

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