Programme sous CVI 6.0 vers CVI 7.0

Je travail actuellement sur un système qui lis les capteurs puis affiche les courbes avec les valeurs.
Le programme fut développé par des étudiant à l'époque sous Labwindows CVI6.0 et les ordinateur sont sous windows 98
Seulement, ils ont fait leur époque donc on a acheté des nouveaux ordinateurs sous XP, une nouvelle carte d'acquisition la 6321
cette carte nécessite Labwindows CVI7.0, ce qui fait que le programme ne peut plus fonctionner.
Pouvez vous me dire comment je dois faire pour que mon programme qui fonctionne sous CVI 6.0 puisse fonctionner sous CVI7.0

Je pense que le problème vient plus de la version des drivers installés que du programme en lui même étant donné qu'un code fait en LabWindows/CVI 6.0 peut être édité en LabWindows/CVI 7.0.
Avez vous recompilé (édité et sauvegardé) le code en LabWindows/CVI 7.0?
Quelle est la version de DAQmx utilisé par vos étudiants (quel est le matériel qu'ils avaient utilisé?)
David S.| Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
National Instruments France
#adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
Journées Techniques LabVIEW 2012 : du 27 septembre au 22 novembre
2 sessions en parallèle : Débuter a...

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    Bonjour à tous, 
    Je suis encore sur le même projet qui relie arduino et labview pour un banc de test automatique.
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    Si vous avez besoin de plus de précision, n'hésitez pas.
    Je vous lie le diagramme, 
    Pièces jointes :
    Rechauffeur patients ‏63 KB

    ec01 a écrit :
    Bentox a écrit :
    Je dois finir mon diagramme avant le 22 juin en tenant compte des erreurs que je peux rencontré je préfére garantir qu'il fonctionne au moment de ma présentation, et je penserais à l'optimisation aprés mes exams  , mais merci de vos conseils 
    J'étais comme ça aussi jusqu'à il y a peu, et puis je me suis rendu compte que "l'optimisation" consistait à tout recoder, donc à jeter tout mon premier jet de code. 
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    Ce n'est pas dramatique d'avoir un code pas très propre, c'est même courant lorsqu'on créé "juste un petit VI pour un petit truc mais qu'au final on débuggue longtemps et qu'on rajoute pleins de fonctions". Mais l'étape d'optimisation de la lisibilité n'est pas du tout accessoire pour avoir un code réutilisable.
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    L'optimisation viens grâce à vos commentaires sur toutes mes questions et je vous remercie, mais le temps que j'ai pour finir est trop limité pour que je me penche dessus malheureusement... Je suivrais vos conseils quand j'aurais plus le temps, soit aprés mon examen. 
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  • CVI Distribution needs 2 CVI Device Drivers versions

    I have an app that I am building a distribution for, it is in CVI 9.0.1, and several versions prior to that.
    When I build it, it asks for CVI Device Drivers (CVI 9.0.1) from Feb 2009 and CVI Device Drivers (CVI 8.5.1) from March 2008.
    Is there a way I can make this use all the stuff from the latest driver discs (the Feb 2009 disc)?
    This is an app that runs on a PXI box, so it has a bunch of drivers for that that and some card in the (I think)!
    Go to Solution.

    Getting the distribution to pull from the latest versions (Feb 2009):
    Find the driver that is being pulled from the old disc and install the newer version from the Feb 2009 disc. 
    How do I do this? I opened the Windows Control Panel Add or Remove Programs, and found National Instruments, but that lists a whole bunch of things?  I tried to open the installed from the Driver DVD, but it wouldn't while the Add & Remove for NI was opened, so I took screen shots of the list of drivers installed so I had a list of what was installed.
    Then, I closed the ADD & Remove for NI, and started the installer from the Driver DVD. I compared that against the list (screen shots) of what I have installed.
    I went through all the components from the Driver DVD Installer, and selected "Leave this feature and its subfeatures installed locally"
    I had to hunt through the sub-subfeatures to find parts the installer told me were for things not installed (like VS 2003).
    Dealing with two discs during the building of the installer:
    What you can do is in the driver & components menu (of the edit installer window), you can select "Cache components included from this source" for the distributions it pulls in from the driver cd. That way instead of having to insert discs each time for the build, it will just pull the required source from your hard drive.
    What I had done in the past was to copy the driver discs to my hard drive. Then, when it asks for the driver CD or DVD, I would point to the copied folders on my HD. But, the new DVD set is too big for my HD, with the old DVD.
    I'm hoping the selection above, to copy things locally, is how to do the caching you mention. I didn't see anything about caching the components, and hoping the language form NI is changed.
    I will try the build in a while, it required a reboot, but I didn't want to loose my notes on this so far.
    I will update this later today, after I rebuild my app.

  • NI USB 8473s sous Labwindows/CVI

    Bonjours à tous.
    Je me rettrouves bien embeté par cette petite boite. En éffet je dois développer un programme exclusivement sous Labwindows CVI ayant pour but de tracer les courbes des informations reçues par ma CAN box et le hic est que je n'arrive tout bonnement pas à le faire à cause de l'incompatibilité entre Channel API et Frame API. Y à t'il une solution sous CVI pour réaliser celà? Peut on réaliser ce programme sous Labwindows sans utiliser les fonctions proposées par le constructeur?

    Je remonte un peu votre topic mais je ne sais pas si vous avez trouvé une solution entre-temps.
    Je ne comprends pas tout à fait où se situe votre problème. Pourriez-détailler un peu plus ? Pour l'instant, je ne vois pas trop d'où vient un potentiel problème d'affichage.
    Par ailleurs, qu'entendez vous par "sans utiliser les fonctions proposées par le constructeur" ?
    Mathieu P. | Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Journées techniques : des fondamentaux aux dernières technologies pour la mesure et le contrôle/comm...

  • Other "NIDialog" Font when running CVI 2010 programm after 2012 runtime is installed

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    Is this intended?
    It's making UI editing kind of a gamble...
    /* Nothing past this point should fail if the code is working as intended */
    Go to Solution.

    Yes, you're correct. It looks like the typeface that corresponds to NI Dialog has changed in CVI 2012. This is something that should have been explicitly called out in the readme, and I apologize for that oversight.
    NI Dialog is, by design, a "variable font". That mean that it's a font that can correspond to different typefaces in differect computers, since it's tied to an alias (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT) that can resolve to different actual fonts in different computers, different OSes, and potentialy (as in this case) different versions of the CVI runtime. What happened in this case is that a bug was fixed in CVI 2012 in that CVI was previously not taking into account the Microsoft font substitution table:
                HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes
    Going back many years now, the DEFAULT_GUI_FONT has corresponded to MS Shell Dlg. It seems to me that MS Shell Dlg is somewhat obsolete and so it turns up in the FontSubstitutes table above, so that applications to replace it with something else. In my PC, that becomes "Microsoft Sans Serif". Before CVI 2012, it was incorrectly not being replaced with Microsoft Sans Serif, whereas now it is.
    Sorry about this.

  • Kit distribution cvi 8.0 (install et uninstall)

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    Je lance l'install en lançant de setup.exe (avec l'option /qb pour le mode silent),
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    Merci pour vos réponses

    Bonjour tesvd,
    Cette fonctionnalité a en effet été désactivée depuis quelques années. A ma connaissance, le seul moyen de désinstaller actuel est de passer par la fonction Désinstaller ou Modifier un programme de Windows.
    Mathieu P. | Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Journées techniques : des fondamentaux aux dernières technologies pour la mesure et le contrôle/comm...

  • Remote Debug problem with CVI Runtime Versions.

    Development Platform - CVI Version 8.5.1
    Target has DAQmx 9.4 installed on it along with CVI Runtime Engine ver:
    Developmenrt Platform was recently upgraded to DAQmx 9.4
    Re-installed CVI RTE (ver on Development Platform - even though it was already installed.
    I keep on getting this error message on the Target system "The LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine on the target is more recent than your Lab Windows/CVI environment.  You have to upgrade the Lab/Windows environment if you want to debug your application."
    Both systems (Development Platform & Target) have the same versions of CVI RTE and DAQmx.  I have done a complete re-compile of the application .exe that I am trying to excute on the Target.  I have re-installed CVI RTE on the Development Platform.
    What is wrong here? 
    Go to Solution.

    LabWindows/CVI Environment == Development platform.
    I.e.: you must either downgrade the runtime engine on your target to match the existing 8.5.1 of the debugging machine or upgrade CVI installation on the development machine to match the 9.1 on the target (if I'm not wrong 9.1 means CVI 2009 SP1). The two machines must have the same version or the debugging machine must be more recent than the target one.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
    My contributions to the Developer Zone Community
    If I have helped you, why not giving me a kudos?

  • LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange

    National Instruments introduced the LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange for submitting and voting on feature requests to be included in future versions of LabWindows/CVI.
    The LabWindows/CVI R&D team is committed to reviewing every idea submitted via the LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange, so start posting your ideas today!
    Adri Kruger
    National Instruments
    LabVIEW Product Marketing

    One of the more valuable tools within LabWindows is the ability of the editor to fill in struct elements given the struct name. I also work with Eclipse-based tools for embedded systems work, and it has a similar ability. Unfortunately, whereas Eclipse dynamically analyzes the code as it is written, and can provide stuct elements (and other variable information) as soon as the programmer types it in, LabWindows cannot provide this information until after the code has been successfully compiled. As this may or may not happen for some time after the file has been started, or major changes begun, it is almost useless.
    Another useful tool that Eclipse offers that LabWindows does not is the ability to refactor variables and other symbols. Again, Eclipse dynamically tracks the code as it is written, not requiring compilation; refactoring is similar to global replace, except that it tracks the 'C' usage of the symbol and only changes the proper usage. So, for instance, if I use a local variable named "X1" in three different subroutines, and refactor "X1" to "X2" in one of them, only the variable in the particular routine gets changed.It works with any C symbol, including routine names, global and static variables, and structures.
    As a matter of fact, I would encourage NI to look into the possiblity of basing LabWindows on the Eclipse platform, as Atmel did in replacing its proprietary Studio software with an Eclipsed-based version. This would enable users to take advantage of a large number of available Eclipse tools, such as source-code management.

  • Compilatio​n Errors when C code built with CVI 9.1.0

    I am trying to build the old C source code ( writtten on CVI ver 6.0)  on CVI ver 9.1.0.
    And am getting Errors:
    "TYPES.H"(104,31)   Redeclaration of 'int32_t'.
     "time.h"(94,35)   syntax error; found '*' expecting ')'.
    "time.h"(100,29)   syntax error; found '*' expecting ')'.
    Whats the version change Happened from CVI 6.0 to CVI 9.1.0 ?
    Any suggestions to get rid of this Problem.

    Duplicate post

  • How to Load a Panel during run time from a CVI dll

    I want to execute/load a panel during runtime, from a CVI dll function.
    my CVI dll "test.dll" has "READ_PAN" function. while executing this function from a Test Stand Action step i want Configure Panel (from FR_GUI.uir) to pop up.
    can you please suggest me how can i do this from my "test" project of CVI.
    int __stdcall __export RunFRConfig (CAObjHandle step,CAObjHandle thisContext)
        ERRORINFO errorInfo;
        char errMsg[1024];
        int pan;
        pan = LoadPanelEx (0, "FR_GUI.uir", READ_PAN, __CVIUserHInst);
        DisplayPanel (pan);
        DiscardPanel (pan);
        return 0;
       // sprintf(FinalErrMsg,"Configure Error: %s",errMsg);  
        return -1;

    Thanks for ur reply.
    Hello Asad,
    It is possible to maximize the run time previewer when calling reports from forms. U need to set a parameter named 'MAXIMIZE' to do that.
    I m attaching a code sample for u. This is working in my production environment.
    pl_id ParamList;
         pl_id := Get_Parameter_List('setProposal');
         IF NOT Id_Null(pl_id) THEN
              Destroy_Parameter_List( pl_id );
         END IF;
         pl_id := Create_Parameter_List('setProposal');
    // This parameter is set to hide parameter form at run time     
         Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'PARAMFORM', TEXT_PARAMETER, 'NO');
    // This parameter is used to maximize previewer window at run // time
         Add_Parameter(pl_id, 'MAXIMIZE', TEXT_PARAMETER, 'YES');
    Run_Product(REPORTS, 'sample.rep', SYNCHRONOUS, RUNTIME,
    FILESYSTEM, pl_id, NULL);
    Feel free to contact me if u need anymore assistance.
    Take care and bye

  • No Driver Error when including Traditiona​l DAQ in CVI 9.0 Distributi​on Kit

    I have some legacy code (CVI 6.0) that I wanted to upgrade recently.  The biggest reason was the ability to add the device drivers to the distribution kit.  When I installed the software on a new machine I got a No Driver Error when doing a CounterStart call .  In the past that error meant that I had not included CVI support when I installed Traditional DAQ.  Since it was installed as part of a distribution kit I can't see what elements were installed.  I assume since it was included as part if a CVI distribution kit that CVI support is automatically.  How can I get rid of the no driver error?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi, Clutch
    try this, build->distribution->managing distribution -> build step. and in drivers&components Table, you can select the driver you want to include.
    see graph below
    hope this can help !
    kits.JPG ‏116 KB

  • How to create and handle a text file in CVI

    Is there any way to create and handle (,write,read,truncate,close)  the .txt file in CVI?

    Sure. CVI is a regular C compiler and hence you can use all ANSI C functions. In addition you can use the File I/O functions from the utility library.

  • Is there a way to do multithreading in LabWindows CVI 5.0(Windows95)?

    Because I would like to do several functions in the same .c file, in the same time. This morning, I asked this question:
    Is there a way to do multithreading in LabWindows CVI 5.0(Windows95)?
    Because I would like to do several functions in the same .c file, in the same time.
    You answer me, and you give me some files, some documents. In this documents, there are these routes:
    but I have not these files with the 5.0 version.
    How can I do?
    A French guy.

    Hey my French friend. I'd say something cute in French but I don't know any so I'll kindly refrain.
    I just wanted to echo what Chris said. There are some sweet functions in 5.5 that really make it easy. I tried running my thread app that I made under 5.5 on 5.0 and got all kinds of problems. Mostly because none of the helper functions I wanted to use are in 5.0. Makes sense right? Anyway, 5.5 is a worthy upgrade. I wanted to make sure you didn't think Mr. Matthews was just making a sales pitch.
    Let me know if you want some example code for threading under 5.5. ([email protected])
    Grant M. Johnson
    Project Engineer
    LECO Corporation

  • It is possible to programmatically disable the "Executing Code Modules in an External Instance of CVI" feature?

    It is possible to programmatically disable the "Executing Code Modules in an External Instance of CVI" feature within a CVI project?
    I know how to do it manually (Configure > Adapters... > Adapter Configuration).
    Thanks in advance,

    Yes. TestStand 2.0 added the Engine.CVIAdapter_ExecuteStepsInCVI property.

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