Programming an neural network (or circuit, or whatever)

Hi, I want to know which of two options is a standard when coding neural networks, or (for non-AI people), what seems like a better method for program any kind of feed-forward network, like a virtual circuit.
As I see it, I have two ways of making a network iterate through and finding the end result:
1) I set the inputs, and then run each layer consecutively: I run the input layer, which sets the inputs of the hidden layer, I run the hidden layer(s), which sets the inputs of the output layer, I run the output layer, and finally query the network to see what the final values of the output layer are.
2) I ask the output layer what it's values are. By asking any neuron what it's value is, it checks to see what it's inputs are, and thus asks the neurons below it what their values are. This trickles down to the input layer, at which point the input neurons give their answer and this is fed back up.
The first method seems more intuitive, and seems more realistic: each neuron is fed a value and this iterates up towards the top. The second method, however, is one that we used when designing virtual circuits in a college programming class, and seems perhaps to be a little more elegant.
Obviously, I think that both give the same final result(?), but it would be good to know if there is some standard, or reason to pick one over the other.
Thanks for any recommendations!

Anyway, id rule against the 2nd method. It would be
hard to implement
that type of "pull" structure with a ANN because what
happens at the
input node?Well, basically I was thinking about doing something like the code below, although I hadn't thought about the details (such as whether I ought to use the 'isInput' flag):
public float getOutput() {
  float totalInput;
  if (isInput)
     totalInput = somePreSetInput;
  else {
    for ( all the neurons connected to this one )
      totalInput += connectedNeuron.getOutput();
float output = activationFunction(totalInput);
return output;
It seems that this shouldn't be too hard to set up, but I don't know whether it might lead to errors.
what type of trigger function are you using?Assuming a trigger function is an activation function, I currently have it so it can be set to either sigmoid, tanh, linear, or step. The default is sigmoid, shifted to the right so a total input of zero will give an output close to zero (as opposed to 0.5, as a regular sigmoid would).

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    The link to the Cerebellar Network:
    Some details of the architecture of the cerebellar model:
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    Fig. 1. Neural Network Model of the Cerebellum. mf, Mossy fibers (inputs); Go, Golgi Cells; Gr, Granule cells; Ba/St, Basket and Stellate cells; Pk, Purkinje Cell (Sole output of the cerebellar cortex); cf, climbing fiber (teaching signal); pf, parallel fibers (synapses of pf-Pk are the only adjustable weights in this model, and main loci in the cerebellum); and IO, inferior olivary nucleus.
    As you can see, the CNN has a very interesting and simple architecture with huge potential for adaptive controller. Do not hessitate in using the model, explore its code, adn post any thought, question, comment, issue. The labview project includes a demo for constructing a CNN and employ it in a classical fedback control of a DC FAN. Fig. 2-3 are some pictures of the application:
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    Fig 3. Screen capture of the demo application in LabVIEW for the CNN used for controlling a Virtual Model of a DC FAN.

    Hi gerh. Nice observation! Indeed there are many good softwares out there that are optimized for constructing neural network models. However, none of them have the flexibility and the capability of integration with Hardware that LabVIEW provides. You see, the CNN is being developed to be easily incorporated into engineering applications.
    I haven't tried CV, but I think it could be possible to use the CNN with a 1D representation of the image. 

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    I'm programming a small pattern recognition neural network at the moment but have ran into a small snag. I'm recieving a NaN result from a calculation and I don't know why.
        void calculateOutput()
            double preSigmoidOutput = 0d;
            //Find pre sigmoid output
            Iterator connectionsIterator = connections.iterator();
            while (connectionsIterator.hasNext())
                Connection connection = (Connection);
                preSigmoidOutput += connection.weight * connection.entryNode.output;
            //Perform Squash
            output = 1 / (1 + Math.log(preSigmoidOutput));
        }I think the problem is occuring at the "output = " line. I've already set a breakpoint and watched what was going on and basically preSigmoidOutput is usually a very small but long number (e.g. 0.05543464575674564) which then at the line "output = " produces a NaN result. Is that mathematical operation overflowing the double datatype? And if so how would I got about stopping this?

    tsith wrote:
    sabre150 wrote:
    BlueWrath wrote:
    Turns out this line:
    double logVal = Math.log(-preSigmoidOutput);Causes a NaN result even though preSigmoidOutput is a valid double (in the case i'm examining now preSigmoidOutput is equal to 0.01067537271542014). Anyone know why i'm getting a NaN result from this code?I hope the value of 'preSigmoidOutput' is less than zero since if it is zero the log() is -infinity and if positive then you are taking the log of a negative number which is illegal.Flag on the play! OP loses 10 yards:-) That will teach me to skip the rest of a post when I know what is wrong!

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    Light on/off
    CO2 on/off
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    Now my question is: How many hidden layers should I use?
    I have three possibilitys:
    less than 6
    Kind regards
    Simon, Zurich University of Applied Sciences

    Hi Simon,
    I guess nobody of the National instruments support staff can help you how exactly to implement your neural network. But we can support you with all data acquisition and LabVIEW programming issues.
    Maybe this helps you a bit:
    Implementing Neural Networks with LabVIEW - An Introduction
    Best Regards,
    Andreas S
    Systems Engineer

  • TargetInvocationException with Multiclass neural network

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    hidden H [101] from test all;
    hidden J [101] from H all;
    output Result [101] softmax from J all;
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    [ModuleOutput] Done!
    [ModuleOutput] Iter:150/160, MeanErr=5.600375(0.00%), 1480.48M WeightUpdates/sec
    [ModuleOutput] Estimated Post-training MeanError = 5.598006
    [ModuleOutput] ___________________________________________________________________
    [ModuleOutput] Iter:151/160, MeanErr=5.600346(0.00%), 1475.91M WeightUpdates/sec
    [ModuleOutput] Iter:152/160, MeanErr=5.600317(0.00%), 1483.43M WeightUpdates/sec
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    [ModuleOutput] Iter:154/160, MeanErr=5.600252(0.00%), 1476.20M WeightUpdates/sec
    [ModuleOutput] Iter:155/160, MeanErr=5.600217(0.00%), 1482.20M WeightUpdates/sec
    [ModuleOutput] Iter:156/160, MeanErr=5.600180(0.00%), 1484.14M WeightUpdates/sec
    [ModuleOutput] Iter:157/160, MeanErr=5.600141(0.00%), 1477.28M WeightUpdates/sec
    [ModuleOutput] Iter:158/160, MeanErr=5.600099(0.00%), 1483.68M WeightUpdates/sec
    [ModuleOutput] Iter:159/160, MeanErr=5.600055(0.00%), 1483.56M WeightUpdates/sec
    [ModuleOutput] Iter:160/160, MeanErr=5.600007(0.00%), 1453.19M WeightUpdates/sec
    [ModuleOutput] Done!
    [ModuleOutput] Estimated Post-training MeanError = 5.600238
    [ModuleOutput] ___________________________________________________________________
    [ModuleOutput] DllModuleHost Stop: 1 : DllModuleMethod::Execute. Duration: 00:05:20.1489353
    [ModuleOutput] DllModuleHost Error: 1 : Program::Main encountered fatal exception: Microsoft.Analytics.Exceptions.ErrorMapping+ModuleException: Error 0000: Internal error ---> System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.ArgumentException: Right hand side shape must match region being assigned to
    Module finished after a runtime of 00:05:20.3363329 with exit code -2
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    But something seems to break after a few sweeps.

    Hi Jarrel,
    Sorry for the trouble, this is actually a known defect with multiclass neural networks, defect #3533885.  I've increased the priority of the defect so that it will be addressed sooner. If you need a workaround for this issue I could help
    you, please let me know.  Probably changing the random seed or the number of folds in cross validation within parameter sweep would fix this issue.
    Thank you, Ilya

  • Want Help on Neural Network

    I have developed some code for the implementation of a two layer neural network structure in Labview. The network is supposed to read the training sets of data from a file and should train itself, but it is not working may be because of some error. The network can simulate successfully but is unable to train itself properly. I require this network for the implementaion of a very novel project
    I have marked the whole program with appropriate descriptive tags(see If some one can tryout and find the error it will be of great help to me. I will then be able to post the correct network for the benefit of others.
    data1.txt ‏6 KB
    our ‏75 KB

    I have two suggestions for improving your code and increasing your possibility of troubleshooting it accurately.
    The first suggestion is to not use sequence structures (flat or stacked). If you need to make a part of your code happen after another part of code, consider using a state machine architecture as described here:
    Additionally, instead of using variables (local or global) transport your data using wires. This way you can be sure to conform to LabVIEW's data flow.
    Both of these things will make your code easier to read and debug.
    Best of luck!

  • Neural network

    Hi guys,
    I have written a neural network with a standard back-propagation learning algroithm which aims to learn a XOR logic function. However, it doesn't seem to work as expected. If i present all patterns to it (0,0, 1,1, 0,1, 1,0) the weights stay pretty static, however if i just train it with 0,0 and 1,1 it seems to work (after alot of epochs, about 300).
    I have included my code below;
    Does anybody have any idea why its not working?
    /* Generated by Together */
    import java.lang.*;
    public class NN
      private static double _w1 = 0.5;
      private static double _w2 = 0.9;
      private static double _w3 = 0.4;
      private static double _w4 = 1.0;
      private static double _w5 = -1.2;
      private static double _w6 = 1.1;
      private static double _t1 = 0.8;
      private static double _t2 = -0.1;
      private static double _t3 = 0.3;
      //neuron outputs
      private static double _n1 = 0;
      private static double _n2 = 0;
      private static double _n3 = 0;
      private static int[][] inputs = new int[4][2];
      private static int[] desired = new int[4];
      public NN()
      public static void main (String[] args)
        inputs[0][0] = 1;
        inputs[0][1] = 1;
        inputs[1][0] = 0;
        inputs[1][1] = 0;
        inputs[2][0] = 1;
        inputs[2][1] = 0;
        inputs[3][0] = 0;
        inputs[3][1] = 1;
        desired[0] = 0;
        desired[1] = 0;
        desired[2] = 1;
        desired[3] = 1;
        int y = 0;
        while(y <= 1000)
          for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
            double actual = feedforward(inputs[x][0], inputs[x][1]);
            updateWeights(inputs[x][0], inputs[x][1], desired[x], actual);
            System.out.println("Input 1 - " + inputs[x][0] + " Input 2 - " + inputs[x][1] + " Desired - " + desired[x]);
      public static void printWeights(double desired)
        System.out.println("Actual - " + _n3);
        System.out.println("Desired - " + desired);
        System.out.println("Weight 1 - " + _w1);
        System.out.println("Weight 2 - " + _w2);
        System.out.println("Weight 3 - " + _w3);
        System.out.println("Weight 4 - " + _w4);
        System.out.println("Weight 5 - " + _w5);
        System.out.println("Weight 6 - " + _w6);
        System.out.println("True Neuron 1 - " + _t1);
        System.out.println("True Neuron 2 - " + _t2);
        System.out.println("True Neuron 3 - " + _t3);
      public static double activation(double input)
        double actResult = 1 / (1 + (Math.exp(-(input))));
        return actResult;
      public static void updateWeights(int inputOne, int inputTwo, double desired, double actual)
        double error = desired - actual;
        System.out.println("Error - " + error);
        double _eg3 = _n3 * (1 - _n3) * error;
        double _eg1 = _n1 * (1 - _n1) * _eg3 * _w5;
        double _eg2 = _n2 * (1 - _n2) * _eg3 * _w6;
        double learningRate = 0.1;
        //update hidden layer bias
        double _ct1 = learningRate * _eg1;
        double _ct2 = learningRate * _eg2;
        //update output layer bias
        double _ct3 = learningRate * _eg3;
        //update hidden layer weights
        double _cw1 = learningRate * inputOne * _eg1;
        double _cw2 = learningRate * inputTwo * _eg1;
        double _cw3 = learningRate * inputOne * _eg2;
        double _cw4 = learningRate * inputTwo * _eg2;
        //update output layyer weights
        double _cw5 = learningRate * _n1 * _eg3;
        double _cw6 = learningRate * _n2 * _eg3;
        //update weights
        _w1 = _w1 + _cw1;
        _w2 = _w2 + _cw2;
        _w3 = _w3 + _cw3;
        _w4 = _w4 + _cw4;
        _w5 = _w5 + _cw5;
        _w6 = _w6 + _cw6;
        //update true neuron weights
        _t1 = _t1 + _ct1;
        _t2 = _t2 + _ct2;
        _t3 = _t3 + _ct3;
      public static double feedforward(int inputOne, int inputTwo)
        double y1 = (inputOne * _w1) + (inputTwo * _w3) - (1 * _t1);
        double y2 = (inputOne * _w2) + (inputTwo * _w4) - (1 * _t2);
        _n1 = activation(y1);
        _n2 = activation(y2);
        double y3 = (_n1 * _w5) + (_n2 * _w6) - (1 * _t3);
        _n3 = activation(y3);
        return _n3;
    }Any help or if you know of any specific NN forums that will be a great help.
    Many thanks

    Nothing is wrong with scaning:) I just need to do this usgin a neural network.
    Well i doesn't need to look inside a file, it was just an eg. U can put the 0 and 1 into the code or whatever. It is important that the network should train.

  • Neural network clustering MATLAB

    Hola, tengo una duda con Matlab. Nunca antes he utilizado este software, y ahora mismo lo necesito para desarrollar un self-organising-map. Estoy utilizando Matlab 2013b y la aplicacion Neural Network Clustering. Una vez introduzco los datos a clasificar, los gráficos que me devuelve el programa no me aparecen ni los nombres de las variables ni de las muestras. Si alguien pudiera explicarme cómo hacer para que en Plot Sample Hits aparezcan los nombres de las muestras y que en Weight Planes aparezcan los nombres de las variables o inputs se lo agradecería.

    Tu pregunta es de Matlab o de Labview? 
    Felipe RC
    Field Applications Engineer
    National Instruments para Chile, Argentina, Perú, Bolivia, Paraguay y Uruguay
    (Si mi respuesta te ayudo dale click a la estrella para el Kudos)

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    I installed a version of 6.0. In the Russian program of social network My World by sending a short message, I can not insert a file in the message or photo. How do I solve this key problems?

    I need to access Network Solutions website builder too. It isn't compatible with Internet Explorer v9, Chrome v13, or Firefox v5! I believe Firefox v6 is out now. This is a Network Solution's problem. What's involved in rolling back? Can you still get add-ons, plugins, and extensions for such an older version? You can't save your personal preferences can you?

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    Here is the article describing it -
    Basically, you will have to use a custom definition script in Net# (
    to create hidden layers and nodes per hidden layer

  • Trouble Setting Neural Network Parameter

    I am trying to create a neural network mining model using the DMX code below:
    ADD MINING MODEL [Neural Net]
    Applied_Flag PREDICT,
    but it is giving me this error:
    Error (Data mining): The 'MAXIMUM_INPUT_ATTRIBUTES' data mining parameter is not valid for the 'Neural Net' model.
    I found this thread: that said that the problem was that I was using standard edition instead of enterprise edition. 
    This was indeed the case but we thankfully had an enterprise license available so I did an "Edition Upgrade" (described here: from
    the sql server install dvd but the statement continues to give this error.  The instance of sql server installed on that machine indicates that the edition was upgraded (@@version is "Microsoft SQL Server 2014 - 12.0.2000.8 (X64)  Feb
    20 2014 20:04:26  Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Enterprise Edition: Core-based Licensing (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 <X64> (Build 9600: ) (Hypervisor)") and when I did the upgrade it show that Analysis Services was an installed
    feature so I assumed it was upgrading that as well.  I am not sure how to determine if Analysis Services was upgraded but the registry key of "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS12.MYINSTANCE\MSSQLServer\CurrentVersion\CurrentVersion"
    is "12.0.2000.8" (hopefully this is helpful to someone in determining if my AS version is Enterprise).
    Can anyone give me some hints on how to successfully make a neural net model with these parameters?

    Nevermind, it turned out to be a simple solution. I just needed to reboot the server after the edition upgrade (after which I discovered that I needed to remove the "WITH DRILLTHROUGH" clause because neural network models
    don't support it).

  • Neural Network Issue

    Please help
    I am trying to run a Neural Network for my company. I have a data set that I already used to train a Logistic Regression function using SAS EG, but I wanted to see if I could better predict using a Neural Networkin SQL SSAS, given that my outcome (equal
    to 1) is a rare event.
    Using the same data set, I created a data mining structure in SQL SSAS similar to the one used to train my logistic regression model in SAS EG. In SQL SSAS, I set a Holdout Seed, so that if I left off at the end of the day I could work with the exact same
    model the next day.
    However, when I ran the model 'the next day' I got different results, my score was different, my classification matrix was different, etc. And not just a little different, very different.
    Based on further investigation, I found I had included some variables that had the potential to cause separation (as determined by SAS Logistic procedure). If I removed these variables, I could recreate my model 'the next day'. However, if I did
    not have SAS EG, I would not have known which variables were problematic without going through quite a bit of work and testing. In SQL SSAS, there is no warning in the log to tell me which variables were causing my issue.
    So my question:
    Is there a way to train a Neural Network Model and have it identify any variables that are causing a potential problem in the model?
    Or is there a way to extend the training duration to make sure I acheive similar results each time I run the model?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    Hi TJ,
    A lot of us are still looking at Azure for answers on this one. The problem is ongoing for many. While workarounds are available depending on context, it's nothing to do with the configuration of your servers, but rather to an unresolved problem at
    the Azure end.

  • Neural network: is there any toolkit?

    Is there any toolkit in order to use neural networks with labview? (I am not an expert about neural networks, I have just been said today to try to solve a problem using neural networks, I even don't know where to start from...well..I am starting from labview!). 
    Go to Solution.

    if you want to just use it and have it simple use this one:
    Best regards, Piotr
    Certified TestStand Architect
    Certified LabVIEW Architect

  • Neural Networks

    Hello All,
    I did a search in the forums under neural networks. There didn't seem to be much work done with labview and neural networks. I did find a post where someone had developed code for a feed-forward back propogation neural net which is what I'm hoping to use, but it was developed in labview 5.1. I'm using 8.6 and when I tried to open the vi's labview said it was too old to convert to 8.6. Has anyone done any current work with neural networks and labview?
    I'm very familiar with neural networks in matlab. I've also used a matlab script to run some more complex signal processing functions that labview doesn't support. I'm wondering if I could integrate matlab and labview while using a neural network. I could do all my training offline in matlab and then pass my real time data into a matlab script from labview. Does anyone know if this is possible? How would I load an already trained neural net from matlab using the matlab script in labview? My data acquisition is in labview so I'd like to stay in labview if possible. Does any have any ideas? 
    Thanks, Alan Smith

    The first 3 links in this page may be of assistance, from the Developer Zone:
    "It’s the questions that drive us.”

  • Using threads in a neural network

    I've written a neural network and I'm wondering how I could use threads in it's execution to 1) increase (more precisely achieve!) learning speed and 2) print out the current error value for the network so that I can see how it is working without using the de-bugger. Basically, i've read the Concurrency tutorial but I'm having trouble getting my head around how I can apply it to my network (must be one of those days!)
    I'll give a brief explanation of how i've implemented the NN to see if anybody can shed any light on how I should proceed (i.e. whether it can be threaded, what parts to thread etc.)
    The network consists of classes:
    Neuron - stores input values to be put into the network and performs the activation functions (just a mathematical operation)
    WeightMatrix - contains random weights in a 2-D array with methods for accessing and changing those weights based on output error
    Layer - simply an array that stores a collection of neurons
    InputPattern - stores the values in an array and target value of a pattern (e.g. for logical AND i would store in pattern[0] = 1; pattern [1] = 1; target = 1;)
    PatternSet - set of InputPatterns stored so that they can be input into the network for learning
    NeuralNetwork - the main class that I want to thread. This class contains multiple layers and multiple WeightMatrices (that connects the neurons in each layer). The learn algorithm then uses the methods of the previous classes to generate neuron inputs and ouputs and error values given a specific input. It uses a loop that iterates through as follows:
        public float learn(PatternSet p)
            InputPattern currentPattern = null;
            double netError=0f;
            float previousError=0f;
            float outputValue = 0f;
            float sum=0f;
            float wcv=0f;
            float output1=0f;
            float output2=0f;
            float currentError=0f;
            float multiply=0f;
            float outputError = 0f;
            float weight = 0f;
            int count;
            int setPosition=0;
            int setSize = p.getSetSize();
            Neuron outputNeuron = layers[getNumberOfLayers()-1].getNeuron(0);
            //execute learning loop and repeat until an acceptable error value is obtained
                 //set input layer neuron values to pattern values
                currentPattern = p.getPattern(setPosition);
                for (int i=0; i<currentPattern.getPatternSize(); i++)
                currentError = layers[getNumberOfLayers()-1].getNeuron(0).getOutputError();
                for (int a=0; a<layers[getNumberOfLayers()-1].getNumberOfNeurons(); a++)
                    //set target value of output neuron
                //iterates between weight layers - i.e. there will be a weight matrix between each layer of the NN
                for (int i=0; i<getNumberOfLayers()-1; i++)
                    for (int j=0; j<layers[i+1].getNumberOfNeurons(); j++)
                        sum =0f;
                        for (int k=0; k<layers.getNumberOfNeurons(); k++)
    weight = weights[i].getWeight(k,j);
    outputValue = layers[i].getNeuron(count).getOutput();
    multiply = layers[i].getNeuron(count).getOutput() * (weights[i].getWeight(k,j));
    //add values
    sum = sum + multiply;
    //check that all weighted neuron outputs have been completed
    if (count == layers[i].getNumberOfNeurons())
    //pass results to neuron
    //activate neuron
    //calculate output error of neuron for given input
    //check that output layer has been reached and all neurons have been summed together
    if (i == getNumberOfLayers()-2 && count == layers[i].getNumberOfNeurons())
    outputError = layers[i+1].getNeuron(j).getOutputError();
    netError = layers[i+1].getNeuron(j).getNetError();
    for (int a=getNumberOfLayers()-1; a>0; a--)
    for (int b=0; b<layers[a-1].getNumberOfNeurons(); b++)
    for (int c=0; c<layers[a].getNumberOfNeurons(); c++)
    output1 = layers[a-1].getNeuron(b).getOutput();
    output2 = layers[a].getNeuron(c).getOutput();
    wcv = learningRate * (outputError) * output1 * output2 * (1-output2);
    weights[a-1].changeWeight(wcv, b, c);
    if (setPosition < setSize-1)
    while (netError > acceptableError && learningCycle < 1000000000);
    return currentError;
    }At the moment the net doesn't seem to learn to an acceptable degree of accuracy, so I was looking to use threads to monitor it's error value change while I left it running just to ensure that it is working as intended (which it seems to be based on NetBeans debugger output). For the moment, all I'm aiming for is an output of the netError value of the NN at a particular time - would this be possible given my current implementation?
    Thanks for the help,

    For huge NN and a really multi-core CPU (reporting to OS as a multiple CPU's) one may benefit from having:
    - an example pump
    - a separate threads for calculation of forward and backwards propagation with in/out queues.
    Example pump pumps one forward example to each forward processing thread. It waits for them to complete. Then it reads their output and finds errors to backpropagate. It pumps errors to back-propagation threads. They finds weights correction but does not update weight matrix only are pushing them to the output temporary arrays. The example pump takes those corrections, combines them an updates weights.
    Redo from start.
    The rule of thumb for high-performance is - avoid locks. If must access data which are changing, make a copy of them in bulk operation, prepare bulk result and read-write in bulk operations.
    In this example a whole bunch of weight matrixes and states of neurons are such a kind of data. Each thread should use separate copy and the teaching pump should combine them together. This makes one to split data in two blocks - non-changing, common for all threads (the geometry of NN and weights) and changing, separate for each thread (weight correction, in/out of neurons).
    Avoid "new", "clone" and etc. for the preference of System.arraycopy on existing data.
    Tomasz Sztejka.

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