Programs Opening at Startup

When I start my computer, all my dock items load automatically even though I have not selected them to open at startup in the user accounts settings. This means I have to close 8 windows every time i startup my computer before I can see my desktop. How do I stop this?
Thanks for any advice in advance!

Disable the Resume feature...
Open System Preferences > General
Deselect:  Restore windows when quitting and re-opening apps

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    There is one more place that you could look for these items.
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    Open System Prerferences > Users & Groups > Login Items
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    Try two these two things in System Prefs:
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    2) In "Users & Groups", click on "Login Items", select the things you don't want to open on startup and click the "-" (minus) at the bottom of the list. That should clear any of those apps from launching at startup. If you change your mind, just click the "+" and add the app back to your list of login items you want to have ready on start up.
    Hope this helps.

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    Imac 2.4 ghz 3 gig ram
    Mac OS x 10.5.2 up to date
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    This forum is for troubleshooting compatibility issues between Macs and Windows, not Safari.
    You may want to re-post your question in the Safari discussions:

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