Projector issues using Keynote

I've been using Keynote on my iPad for teaching, and it's been great so far. However, I've noticed that, sometimes when I'm talking and not using the iPad, the projector will lose its connection to the iPad. Once that happens, no matter what I do (restarting projector, restarting iPad, re-attaching cables, restarting Keynote, you name it) doesn't seem to get Keynote to show up on the projector again. (I.e. Keynote will open, but that special play button that lets you project onto the projector will not show up; instead, you get the regular play button that you see when it's not connected to anything.)
The initial connection to the projector is fine. It's only when the projector somehow loses the connection to the iPad/Keynote that the problem happens.
Has anyone else encountered this issue and, if so, have you solved it?

Never had that happen to me with Keynote. Are you sure the VGA connector didn't come loose?
I've had similar issues with other apps, e.g. iCab Mobile. Unlike Keynote, they don't prevent the iPad from going to sleep. And I found myself struggling to re-enable the connection to the projector afterwards on such occassions. Can't remember exactly what I did, but it did involve unplugging the VGA adapter and restarting the app in question (but neither the projector nor the iPad).

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    Never had that happen to me with Keynote. Are you sure the VGA connector didn't come loose?
    I've had similar issues with other apps, e.g. iCab Mobile. Unlike Keynote, they don't prevent the iPad from going to sleep. And I found myself struggling to re-enable the connection to the projector afterwards on such occassions. Can't remember exactly what I did, but it did involve unplugging the VGA adapter and restarting the app in question (but neither the projector nor the iPad).

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    iMovie is a DV editing app and the final results would still make a 640X480 file.
    I would change a few things to make everything work together:
    First is the display resolution. You want the 23 inches to be used so just reduce the display preferences to try and match your QuickTime file. 800X600 sounds about right but larger will still work as H.264 Video scales up in size very nicely.
    This would force you to "reduce" the dimensions of the Keynote file but that shouldn't be much of an issue.
    QuickTime Pro could also be used to "change" the dimensions of the 640X480 file. Again, H.264 scales up in size and would look pretty good at even double size.
    The goal is to have them both at the same dimension and then match the monitor resolution.
    Easier to change the display than the files.

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    Ron ...
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    Thank you,

    Hey, I had some issues but I finally figured it out thanks to this article:
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    i find keynote MUCH easier in almost all areas. it did take me a little learning in the beginning. the main thing to know is that apple uses a floating pallet call "inspector" to control just about all the details of the presentation. they also have a "formatting bar" which is conceptually similar to the formatting bars microsoft uses in the previous versions of office (font size, etc...).
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    i find keynote to be much easier to develop diagrams or to copy and paste in a PDF picture. then add the staging effects i need to develop the story to explain the diagram or picture. it does take a little learning how to do it the first couple times. but the interface is consistent and it's not hard to learn it.
    the only aspect i find a little easier in powerpoint is the indenting style, which is controlled in one of the editing buttons in office 11 and before. keynote controls the indenting from the "inspector" instead of having a little button in the formatting bar. but in every other way, i find keynote to be MUCH easier to use. and it has other features that powerpoint doesn't have. plus iwork is very inexpensive compared to microsoft office. finally, if you are near an apple store, they have free seminars on iWork fairly often. the 1st time i used keynote, i went to the apple store workshop and got a few answers. just see how easy it is to get person to person help for microsoft office...
    the only other game in town are the various releases of the open source programs, "open office" and "neo office". they are free, also read and write ppt files, but are a little harder to use than keynote and don't have as many features.
    anyway, that's my experience.
    good luck!

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    update to Keynote 6
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    Has the iPhone been jailbroken or modified to work with other
    than the original wireless provider?
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    ayrosa wrote:
    I still have an iPad 1, and need to update to iOS 7 
    Sorry... This is not possible. The iPad 1 can Only go as far as iOS 5.1.1

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                 P_ZZORG LIKE zaUFK-ZZORG,
                 P_MATNR LIKE MARA-MATNR,
                 P_WERKS LIKE AUFK-WERKS,
                 P_WERK LIKE AFPO-PWERK,
                 P_DATE LIKE MKPF-BUDAT,
                 P_LGORT LIKE GOITEM-LGOBE.
    DATA : BDC_DATA TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF BDCDATA. "internla table for bdc data
      DATA : WA_BDC_DATA TYPE BDCDATA .                "work area for bdc data
      DATA : V_BAGS1(17) TYPE C.
           END OF WA_MB1B.
    data : v_date(10) type c.
           END OF S_MARA.
                             USING WA_MB1B LIKE WA_MB1B.
                   FROM MARA
                   INTO S_MARA
                   WHERE MATNR = P_MATNR.
       CONCATENATE p_date6(2) p_date4(2) p_date+0(4) INTO V_DATE SEPARATED BY '.'.
        T_GOODSMVT_CODE-GM_CODE = '04'.
        WA_GOODSMVT_ITEM-MATERIAL =      P_MATNR.                    "'000000000000001556'.
        WA_GOODSMVT_ITEM-PLANT  =        P_WERK.                     " '1000'.
        WA_GOODSMVT_ITEM-STGE_LOC =      P_LGORT.                    " '0001'.
        WA_GOODSMVT_ITEM-MOVE_TYPE =     'Z42'.
        WA_GOODSMVT_ITEM-VENDOR =         P_ZZORG.                   "'0000100224'.
        WA_GOODSMVT_ITEM-ENTRY_QNT =      P_BAG.                   " '1'.
          GOODSMVT_CODE            = T_GOODSMVT_CODE
          GOODSMVT_ITEM            = T_GOODSMVT_ITEM
    RETURN                        = T_RETURN.
    BREAK shailajaa.
               EXPORT t_return  to MEMORY ID '123'.
           WAIT          = ' '.

  • I have an issue using Lighting Effects in Adobe Photoshop CC 2014

    Hello everyone,
    I am having issues using Lighting Effects in Adobe Photoshop CC 2014. I created a duplicate layer that I want to do the effects on, converted it to a smart object and on that same layer went to Filter>Render>Lighting Effects  to get to the Lighting Effects screen. When adjusting the parameters (drag/reshape the lights) for either the spotlight or point light, I don't see any changes. Can someone tell me what could be the issue or if I'm doing the steps wrong to apply the effects?
    Here are my specs:
    Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.140303-2144)
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600S CPU @ 2.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
    Memory: 8192MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 8174MB RAM
    Card name: AMD Radeon HD 6570   
    Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.
    Display Memory: 743 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 1008 MB
    Shared Memory: 3831 MB 

    I am experiencing flickering issues as well. However my issues are with the Fast Color Corrector and the Three Way Color Corrector. It seems as if the color correction tools are causing intermittent flickering on some people's systems.
    Additionally when I converted some old PPCC 7.2.2 projects which had the Three Way Color Corrector applied, some clips in sequences would come up as a green screen in the program monitor. If I turned the TWCC off the footage would display correctly in the program window. If I turn the TWCC back on it would display the green screen again.
    I haven't found a solution to the flickering but to solve the green screen issue I have to remove the effect, then re apply it. I guess for whatever reason, the 2014 version of PP has issues with 7.2.2 projects where the TWCC was applied.
    I'm hoping Adobe will address this soon with an update for the various bugs that have been reported.
    PPCC 2014 8.0.1
    Win 7 Pro

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