Prompt() dialog box

I am developing a script to add a custum guides set to a Photoshop document. I use prompt() function to get input from the user.  The script works but it is not effificent when collacting the input form the user.
Is ther a an advanced prompt() dialog box that allows two or more data input fields?
or pehaps a different way to let the user enter the distance for each guide in one single dialog box?

Here is a script I wrote to generate a random noise pattern. It is customizable and the settings can be saved and reused. It's nothing fancy, but it has some elements in it that I think will be helpful to you. From what I gather, you can modify scripts well enough so you should have no problem getting this to work with yours.
#target photoshop
// Save the current preferences
var startRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
var startTypeUnits = app.preferences.typeUnits;
var startDisplayDialogs = app.displayDialogs;
//Set preferences to use pixels
app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
app.preferences.typeUnits = TypeUnits.PIXELS;
app.displayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
function readini() {
    var SCRIPTS_FOLDER = new Folder(app.path + '/' + localize("$$$/ScriptingSupport/InstalledScripts=Presets/Scripts"));
    ini=new File([SCRIPTS_FOLDER + "/NoiseGen.ini"]);
    if (ini.created) {
        return true;
var ng= new Window("dialog{text:'Noise Generator',bounds:[100,100,500,600],\
        start:Scrollbar{bounds:[50,50,330,60] , minvalue:5,maxvalue:50,value:5},\
        stText:EditText{bounds:[340,45,370,65] , text:'5' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:false}}\
        startText:EditText{bounds:[140,70,240,90] , text:'START SIZE' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:true}}\
        scale:Scrollbar{bounds:[50,130,330,140] , minvalue:1,maxvalue:25,value:17},\
        scText:EditText{bounds:[340,125,370,145] , text:'17' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:false}}\
        scaleText:EditText{bounds:[140,150,240,170] , text:'SCALE AMT' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:true}}\
        noise:Scrollbar{bounds:[50,210,330,220] , minvalue:1,maxvalue:100,value:15},\
        nText:EditText{bounds:[340,205,370,225] , text:'15' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:false}}\
        noiseText:EditText{bounds:[140,230,240,250] , text:'NOISE AMT' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:true}}\
        loops:Scrollbar{bounds:[50,290,330,300] , minvalue:5,maxvalue:50,value:40},\
        lText:EditText{bounds:[340,285,370,305] , text:'40' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:false}}\
        loopText:EditText{bounds:[140,300,240,320] , text:'LOOP TIMES' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:true}}\
        pixelText:EditText{bounds:[80,360,245,376] , text:'Number of pixels per side:' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:true}}\
        sizeText:EditText{bounds:[250,360,320,376] , text:'2802' ,properties:{multiline:false,noecho:false,readonly:true}}\
        checkbox0:Checkbox{bounds:[60,385,181,406] , text:'Colorize?' }\
        save:Button{bounds:[60,410,160,430] , text:'Save as default' },\
        clear:Button{bounds:[210,410,310,430] , text:'Reset defaults' },\
        buttonOK:Button{bounds:[60,450,160,470] , text:'OK' },\
        buttonC:Button{bounds:[210,450,310,470] , text:'Cancel' },\
function getSize() {
    var i=ng.loops.value;
    var s=ng.start.value;
    while (i>1) {
    return s;
ng.stText.onChange = function() {
    this.parent.start.value = this.parent.stText.text;
    this.parent.sizeText.text = getSize();
ng.scText.onChange = function() {
    this.parent.scale.value = this.parent.scText.text;
    this.parent.sizeText.text = getSize();
ng.nText.onChange = function() {
    this.parent.noise.value = this.parent.nText.text;
ng.lText.onChange = function() {
    this.parent.loops.value = this.parent.lText.text;
    this.parent.sizeText.text = getSize();
ng.start.onChanging = function() {
    var st =  Math.floor(this.value);
    this.parent.stText.text = st;
ng.scale.onChanging = function() {
    var sc =  Math.floor(this.value);
    this.parent.scText.text = sc;
ng.noise.onChanging = function() {
    var n =  Math.floor(this.value);
    this.parent.nText.text = n;
ng.loops.onChanging = function() {
    var l =  Math.floor(this.value);
    this.parent.lText.text = l;
ng.start.onChange = function() {
    var st =  Math.floor(this.value);
    this.parent.sizeText.text = getSize();
ng.scale.onChange = function() {
    var sc =  Math.floor(this.value);
    this.parent.sizeText.text = getSize();
ng.loops.onChange = function() {
    var l =  Math.floor(this.value);
    this.parent.sizeText.text = getSize();
ng.buttonOK.onClick = function(){
    ng.close(); = function(){'w');
    ini.writeln("startSize=" ,Math.floor(ng.start.value));
ng.clear.onClick = function(){
if (readini()) {
    if (startSize) {
    if (scaleSize) {
    if (noiseAmt) {
    if (loopNum) {
    ng.sizeText.text = getSize();
if (noiseOK) {
    var docRef = app.documents.add(Math.floor(ng.start.value),Math.floor(ng.start.value),72,"Noise");
    var layerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
    var colorRef = new SolidColor; = 127.5; = 127.5; = 127.5;
    layerRef.applyAddNoise (Math.floor(ng.noise.value), NoiseDistribution.UNIFORM, true);
    grBy=UnitValue ((Math.floor(ng.scale.value)+100), '%');
    var i=Math.floor(ng.loops.value);
    while (i>0) {
        if (ng.checkbox0.value) {
        docRef.resizeImage (grBy, grBy);
        layerRef = docRef.artLayers.add();
        layerRef.blendMode = BlendMode.SOFTLIGHT;
        layerRef.applyAddNoise (Math.floor(ng.noise.value), NoiseDistribution.UNIFORM, true);
        layerRef = layerRef.merge();
    docRef = null;
    layerRef = null;
//Set preferences back to before
app.preferences.rulerUnits = startRulerUnits;
app.preferences.typeUnits = startTypeUnits;
app.displayDialogs = startDisplayDialogs;

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    Any one out there aware of this security issue with Safari
    "Secunia Research has discovered a vulnerability in various browser's, which can be exploited by malicious web sites to spoof dialog boxes.
    The problem is that JavaScript dialog boxes do not display or include their origin, which allows a new window to open e.g. a prompt dialog box, which appears to be from a trusted site."
    I found the above by accident as i was looking up something else.
    If you go to Secunia site and try the test you may find that you are also vulnerable.'sdialog_origin_vulnerabilitytest/
    The only way i found to stop the spoof dialog box was to turn off enable plug-ins in preferences. However i don't have any plug-ins in my Safari plug-in folder.
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    The issue is resolved, but I don't know what caused this error.
    I uninstalled the java components and BO then I deleted the BO folder under program files, then I deleted all BO entries in the registry.
    Finally I reinstalled everything except the service pack and that finally worked. I don't know the cause of this error.

  • Crystal Report - Parameter issue (advanced dialog box)

    In our wpf .net application we view the crystal report, the report prompts for entering 2 parameter values i.e 2 dates and inturn these parameters will be used to generate the crystal report.
    The parameter panel on the left has a button (show advanced dialog box). This button should again invoke the same parameter prompt dialog box, so that the user can modify these parameters and the report can be regenerated.
    Issue is that when I click on the the button, this generates a null reference exception in the code. The call stack is -
    at CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.ParameterFieldInfo.get_isDCP()
       at CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.InteractiveParameterPanel.ShowAdvancedDialog(ParameterUnit pu)
       at CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms.InteractiveParameterPanel.pu_ShowAdvancedDialog(Object sender, EventArgs e)
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    Please note, I used the .net reflector to debug the crystal report dll , the isDCP method looks like -
    public bool isDCP
            return (this.Attributes.Contains("IsDCP") && ((bool) this.Attributes["IsDCP"]));
    Looks like the attributes value is null.
    Please let me know your comments. Am I missing something while getting the report in the frontend.
    I use crystal reports 2008 sp 2 (also note that my gac contains different version of crystal reports (cannot remove them - tried it) , with windows server 2003. I use web service with proxy to get the report from the local server.
    Note I also tried to create sample application in which I specify the local path to reports source , this works. However when I tried to use webservice, i was getting soap exception.
    Please let me know how solve above issue

    So you found the Report Design forum, if you looked down one more you would have found the SDK forum, SDK stands for Software Development Kit if you did not know.
    Or did you not mention you get the same error when you run this report in CR Designer, if so then you were in the right forum.
    Try Service Pack 3 also
    Move to the SDK forums.

  • Hide the prompt dialog

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    But still I am getting prompt dialog box to enter/select the prompt values. I need to hide the prompt dialog and pass the value in my code. Can anyone please help on this.

    I have not done this with universes, but with BEx Queries I think you need to put the "APPLICATION.setVariableValue("psEnter Market Basket ID", "3"); //prompt from universe" statement in the "On Variable initialization" event (not in the "On Startup" event)...

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    Hi Lee,
    The easyest way to achieve this is to declare an object of your dialog box derived class (e.g. CUserInfo, public CDialog) into the InitInstance method of the main application class.
    Depending on the behavior you want you can place the code before dispatching the commands from command line (in which case the main frame of the SDI application will not be shown), or after, in which case the UserInfo dialog box will be shown over the main application window as modal.
    The code snipped bellow can be more helpfull:
    BOOL CSDIApp::InitInstance()
    // Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open
    CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
    //prompt user for data
    CUserInfo dlg;
    if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
    //do something here with the data
    return FALSE;//i.e. quit the application if the user presses the 'Cancel' button
    // Dispatch commands specified on the command line
    if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo))
    return FALSE;
    // The one and only window has been initialized, so show and update it.
    return TRUE;
    Hope this helps,
    Silvius Iancu

  • Crystal Report dialog box issues

    I am very new at .NET, and this is my second post to this forum.
    I've created a Crystal Report within a project using Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition, on a Windows XP machine.
    The report is handled by a CrystalReportViewer, which has its ReportSource set to the report.
    Via a dialog box, the report asks for a signon and password for a SQL Server database.  Then, via a second dialog box, it prompts for a parameter required by the report.
    All of this works ok, but I have two issues:
    1) I would like to set the database signon and password so that the user doesn't have to enter them each time he runs the report.
    2) If the Cancel button is clicked on any of the dialog boxes, it renders the report unusable until I shut down the application and reopen it.
    I have looked online for two days, but have not been able to find a solution to these above problems.  It is probably simple, but I'm not seeing it.
    I am attaching the relevant code for the button that runs the report.
        Private Sub cmdChecks_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdChecks.Click
                CrystalReportViewer2.DisplayToolbar = True
                CrystalReportViewer2.Visible = True
                CrystalReportViewer2.Height = 600
                CrystalReportViewer2.Width = 1000
                CrystalReportViewer2.Left = 10
        End Sub
    Can anybody help me with this?
    Thank you!

    I would like you to know the code of the logon based on the object models-
    If you are using the ConnectionInfo then use the below code:-
    //For web application
    ConnectionInfo crConnection = new ConnectionInfo();
    // Connection Information
    Tables crTables=crReport.Database.Tables;
    foreach(CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table crTable in crTables)
              TableLogOnInfo crTLOI = crTable.LogOnInfo;
              crTable.Location=crTable.Location;// for multiple table selection
    //For desktop application
    ConnectionInfo crConnection = new ConnectionInfo();
    // Connection Information
    crReport.Load(Application.StartupPath + "//CrystalReport1.rpt");
    Tables crTables=crReport.Database.Tables;
    foreach(CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table crTable in crTables)
              TableLogOnInfo crTLOI = crTable.LogOnInfo;
              crTable.Location=crTable.Location;// for multiple table selection
    If using ReportDocument object model
    //For web application
    ReportDocument crReport= new ReportDocument();
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource =crReport;
    //For desktop application
    ReportDocument crReport= new ReportDocument();
    crReport.Load(Application.StartupPath + "//CrystalReport1.rpt");
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource =crReport;
    To download sample code click [here|].
    You can also take help from [Dev library|]
    Hope this helps!!

  • How to disabled the input parameter dialog box in crystal reports 9

    Post Author: Murtaza
    CA Forum: General
    Hi friends,I have got stuck with a weird problem.  In my
    crystal report, I have set up some input parameters.  I am setting
    values for these parameters somewhere inside code.  But I don't
    want to show the default input parameter dialog box. Under any case,
    user should not see the ugly parameter dialog box that crystal
    presents.   Please suggest me how I can achieve
    this.  I cannot do this through code, because our environment does
    not allow that.  I have to do this in crystal reports viewer and
    by setting some property of the crystal report object. But everything
    must be done on UI, not through code. So, the solution should not be the following. 
    // step before step 1
    // **** the line needs to refer to the report and be set before setting
    ReportSource in the viewer to myReport
    myReport.EnableParameterPrompting = False
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Murtaza

    Post Author: sleahcim
    CA Forum: General
    Hi Murtaza,
    Unfortunately, I am not aware of any method to suppress the prompt for the input parameters, but still use them.  It is truly a design-related issue for the report.  The reason that the prompt appears is because the parameter it is prompting for is used in the report; in particular either the Group or Record Selection, or referenced in another formula.
    The only way I can think of to not show the prompt, is to not use the parameter in the report.  You did mention that you are setting the value of the parameter inside of the report -- are you doing this through using a formula?  Perhaps you can just remove the parameter and only use the formula that you are setting the default values with.

  • In the expression editor dialog box my TAB key doesn't function correctly

    This is bizarre behavior that seems to have started recently.
    In Visual Studio 2012, an SSRS project, any expression editor dialog:
    The tab key doesn't work right.
    Open the expression editor and:
    * I see a blinking cursor and I can type in the expression box.
    * If I hit the tab key, the cursor disappears and I cannot type.  I appear to lose focus in the editor but focus doesn't appear to go anywhere else in the dialog box.
    * If I hit the tab key a 2nd time, the cursor is still gone and I cannot type. 
    * If I hit the tab key a 3rd time, I can finally type again and note that I am now
    3 tabstops in.  In other words it seems like the tabs were working but I lost the ability to type anything until I "tab" 3 magical times. 
    I can work around this by hitting tab key then grabbing the mouse and clicking where the cursor SHOULD be which returns focus to the text area.
    Hopefully this image helps clarify:
    Anybody know what is wrong?
    Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012
    Version 11.0.61030.00 Update 4
    Microsoft .NET Framework
    Version 4.5.50709
    Installed Version: Professional
    LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2012   04938-004-0034007-02367
    Microsoft LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2012
    Office Developer Tools   04938-004-0034007-02367
    Microsoft Office Developer Tools
    Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2012   04938-004-0034007-02367
    Microsoft Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2012
    Visual Basic 2012   04938-004-0034007-02367
    Microsoft Visual Basic 2012
    Visual C# 2012   04938-004-0034007-02367
    Microsoft Visual C# 2012
    Visual C++ 2012   04938-004-0034007-02367
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2012
    Visual F# 2012   04938-004-0034007-02367
    Microsoft Visual F# 2012
    Visual Studio 2012 Code Analysis Spell Checker   04938-004-0034007-02367
    Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2012 Code Analysis Spell Checker
    Portions of International CorrectSpell™ spelling correction system © 1993 by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.
    The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Copyright © 1992 Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.
    Visual Studio 2012 SharePoint Developer Tools   04938-004-0034007-02367
    Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 SharePoint Developer Tools
    ASP.NET and Web Tools   2012.3.41009
    Microsoft Web Developer Tools contains the following components:
    Support for creating and opening ASP.NET web projects
    Browser Link: A communication channel between Visual Studio and browsers
    Editor extensions for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
    Page Inspector: Inspection tool for ASP.NET web projects
    Scaffolding: A framework for building and running code generators
    Server Explorer extensions for Windows Azure Web Sites
    Web publishing: Extensions for publishing ASP.NET web projects to hosting providers, on-premises servers, or Windows Azure
    Color Theme Designer   1.0
    Designer for creating new color themes
    NuGet Package Manager   2.8.50126.400
    NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio. For more information about NuGet, visit
    PreEmptive Analytics Visualizer   1.0
    Microsoft Visual Studio extension to visualize aggregated summaries from the PreEmptive Analytics product.
    SQL Server Analysis Services   
    Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services Designer 
    Version 11.0.3369.0
    SQL Server Data Tools   11.1.40706.0
    Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools
    SQL Server Integration Services   
    Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services Designer
    Version 11.0.3369.0
    SQL Server Reporting Services   
    Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers 
    Version 11.0.3369.0
    BIDS Helper 2012 - An add-in to extend SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence (SSDTBI formerly BI Development Studio)
    (c) 2014 Version
    SQL Prompt 6
    For more information about SQL Prompt, see the Red Gate website at
    For customer support, call 1-866-733-4283.
    Copyright © 2006–2009 Red Gate Software Ltd

    Hi Bostaevski,
    Thank you for posting in MSDN forum.
    According to your description, as you said that the cursor disappears and cannot type issue. It seems that the issue may be not Visual Studio the VS IDE issue.
    In addition, I find a similar thread about the
    Expression Editor Cursor Issue,
    please see:
    Therefore, I suggest you could also try to press alt with left and right arrow keys and check if it is works fine.
    Thnank for your understanding!
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Never recvd verification code, in PHOTOMAIL dialog box it is asking for one when trying to email pictures,never saw any codes when setting this up

    verification code, never received it when setting up contacts to email pictures, in PHOTOMAIL dialog box it is asking for one to verify my email address and said it was sent to my email, went back and checked and there wasn't anything there, where is it or what do I need to do now????

    Does the account you are using have admin rights? I found this :
    +In Mac OS X 10.3 Panther and later, users with administrative privileges aren't prompted to change the region the very first time a DVD-Video disc of a single region is inserted. Instead, the region of the DVD drive is automatically set to the region of the DVD disc that was inserted. Accounts that don't have administrative privileges must authenticate with an administrator account name and password, because changing the drive's region code requires administrative privileges.+
    Sounds like it might be worth a try from an admin account first.

  • Windows 7 "Shift iTunes" -- NO dialog box???

    I am at that point where I must split my iTunes library across hard drives BUT when I follow the instructions I simply cannot get the "Create New Library" dialog box to appear. No matter what I do, iTunes just starts normally (Shift key or no Shift key).
    Am I the only one in the world that doesn't get the dialog box? (Don't see anyone with the same problem in the searches I've done.)
    Windows 7 Professional with current critical and important patches.

    _*How to "manually" relocate selected iTunes content to an external drive or a network share*_
    1. Move your iTunes folder from the current location C:Users<User>MusiciTunes to C:iTunes. This will make subsequent operations easier.
    2. Open iTunes, since the library is "missing" you will be prompted to find it, browse to C:iTunes and select the file *iTunes Library.itl*. Check that content plays properly. In the unlikely event things don't work out simply reverse step 1.
    3. Open *Edit > Preferences > Advanced* and change the location of the iTunes Media folder to *X:\iTunes\iTunes Media* where X: is the drive letter of your external/networked drive. If necessary, use the *New Folder* button to create the folders iTunes and *iTunes Media*. When you close the Preferences dialog you may be prompted to move existing files to this new location. If so choose No. If iTunes displays an *Updating library* message leave it to complete.
    4. Select one or more files that you want moved to the external/network store, right-click on the selection and then click on *Consolidate Files*. This will copy just these files across, but leaves behind the originals.
    5. Right-click on one of the items you've just consolidated and click *Show in Windows Explorer*. Satisfy yourself that file is where it is supposed to be, then edit the address bar replacing X:<Path> with C:<Path> so that you can see the original file. Delete this, then browse to the locations of the other files from your selection and delete them also. Empty the recycle bin to recover the space.
    6. When you have finished transferring files to the new location, open *Edit > Preferences > Advanced* and reset the media folder location to *C:\iTunes\iTunes Media*.
    7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 any time you want to "archive" more material to your external/network drive.
    If that all sounds a little long-winded then it is. The easier way would be to have a script that simply moves selected files to their new location and tells iTunes where they now are. I have a something a bit like that, but it is currently geared up to moving files around to suit my rather specific folder structure. I could create an new version that simply tests to see if the current locations of the selected tracks begins with *X:\iTunes\iTunes Media* and relocates those that don't. No need to move the library or manually delete files. If you would be interested in such a script please let me know the drive letter for your archived files and I'll post up a link to the script.

  • Excel is throwing error when it click print : 'No printers are installed. To install a printer click the File tab, and then click Print. Click No Printers Installed, and then click Add Printer. Follow the instructions in the Add Printer dialog box'

    Excel is throwing error when it click print : 'No printers are installed. To install a printer click the File tab, and then click Print. Click No Printers Installed, and then click Add Printer. Follow the instructions in the Add Printer dialog box'
    Word, and powerpoint application are working fine.  
    Environment :  Windows 7 64-bit, MS Office 2013 64-bit
    Steps to recreate
    (i)  Create new user account and add to any group ( do not log on using this
      (ii)  runas /user:<new user account>  <fullpath>\excel.exe
       it will ask password so enter on command prompt
    (iii)  open any excel document  and click File->Print
      (iv)  verify result  (it is failing) it pop ups below error
     Error:`Microsoft Excel
     No printers are installed. To install a printer click the File tab, and then click
     Print. Click No Printers Installed, and then click Add Printer. Follow the
     instructions in the Add Printer dialog box.                                                                                                               

    Sorry for late reply i was not at work
    I have a default set excel is still throwing error. Interestingly winword , powerpoint and publisher are working fine. I am able to print from all office applications except Excel.
     Probably excel behaves differently from other office applications.
     Probably it is a bug in excel
    Workaround : Log on to a system once using newly created account then runas excel using this account then print works fine.
    It means something in user profile should be configure to run excel print operation. Could you please somebody help what I need to configure in user profile that makes print operation success?

  • InDesign CS5 crashes when trying to export a PDF and/or a Warning dialog box appears!

    Just bought a new macbook pro 15" non retina the other day and the SAME version of InDesign CS5 that was running on my 2010 iMac is now crashing each time I get a Warning dialog box and/or try exporting a PDF?!??!?! How was this NOT an issue before and now is??? Running the same Lion 10.7.4 as well....
    Holding the alt key while deleting a page does help it not prompt the warning dialog box, but no help to exporting a pdf...
    So guessing this is a Apple issue and we need an update or??
    I am only using Fontbook and have NOT even added any new fonts yet, practically bare bones mac still with just CS5...
    What is also weird is that the warning dialog boxes are always BLANK and have no text on them, like there is a font issue??
    I've cleared the system font cache, reset InDesign prefs, reset PRAM and NVRAM, re-installed InDesign and updated to 7.0.4...
    This is madness....please help me in the name of all that is good.

    figured it out:
    - power off mac and turn back on while holding down Command + R (dont do it on an external keyboard just to be safe)
    - choose the re-install Lion option (I'm sure there is another way to re-install Lion, this is just the way I did it, not saying its the best or only method)
    - DO NOT INSTALL MACBOOK (Mid 2012) Software Update 1.0 - THIS SCREWS ADOBE UP!

  • Download Dialog Box, From JSP

    I have sucessfully written a JSP page which allows the user to download a binary file to there drive, all that works fine.
    However the initial diag box that comes up in windows, prompting you to save, open, or cancel has the name of the jsp page instead of the file to be downloaded. How can I set that to show the filename?
    Here is my code:
         FileInputStream fis      = new FileInputStream(filePath + fileName);
         BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis);
         response.setHeader("Content-disposition","attachment; filename=" + fileName );
         BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream());
         byte[] buff = new byte[1024];
         int bytesRead;
         // Simple read/write loop.
         while(-1 != (bytesRead =, 0, buff.length)))
              bos.write(buff, 0, bytesRead);
    thank you for any help

    I've done some investigating on my own in an attempt to solve this issue and have discovered that the reason it shows the JSP file name in the dialog box is because all JSPs seem to over load the http header file name variable.
    I've looked in the .java files created by tomcat and I see where the header necessary to allow file download is constantly taken over by the JSP.
    This is I suppose part of the technology, it's how they get JSPs to work. They had to know this all along and have done an excellent job of keeping it under wraps. I have just spent 3 months working 80 hours a week to meet a major deployment deadline and this file download issue that is being conveniently ignored by Sun is turning out to be a show stopper for my application.

  • File download dialog box problem!

    How do you force file download message box to use specified file name instead of JSP or servlet name.
    I am using:
    // code in attachment.jsp
    response.setHeader("Content-Disposition","attachment;filename=\""+attachmentViewBean.getAttachmentName()+ "\"");
    With the above code, browser first pop up file download dialog box informing
    'You are downloading the file:[attachment.jsp] from host. Would u like to open the file or save?'
    I want the file name that I had specified in setHeader("Content-disposition","attachment;filename=resume.doc") to appear(i.e. resume.doc) in above dialog box and not the servlet name.
    Any suggestions/tips on this?
    Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    For saving the document I have used -
    res.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename="+ FileName );
    and it is working very fine, it saves the document with name specified in FileName
    For opening the file in browser without any prompt-
    res.setHeader("Content-disposition", "inline" );
    For setting the content type -
    try {
         if(FileType.equalsIgnoreCase("pdf")) contentType = "application/pdf";
         if(FileType.equalsIgnoreCase("doc")) contentType = "application/msword";
         if(FileType.equalsIgnoreCase("rtf")) contentType = "application/msword";
         if(FileType.equalsIgnoreCase("gif")) contentType = "image/gif";
         if(FileType.equalsIgnoreCase("jpg")) contentType = "image/jpeg";
         if(FileType.equalsIgnoreCase("html")) contentType = "text/html";
         if(FileType.equalsIgnoreCase("htm")) contentType = "text/html";
         if(contentType == null){
    } catch (Exception e){
              out.println("Exception while setting content type");
              out.println("Exception : " + e);
    Hope this helps

  • How to force SAVE/OPEN dialog box to appear in IE? (save output locally)

    Hi all!
    I currently have various reports in Excel format outputted in cache via the iAS browser.
    Is there a way to programatically force a SAVE/OPEN BOX to appear in IE whenever my output is spreadsheet/excel? The prompt box appears on Firefox and Opera but not in IE, i take it that IE has already been 'configured' to open excel spreadsheet automatically in the browser.
    Another spin to the question is: How do end users save the Reports output directly to their local machine; instead of having it opened in the browser or saving it in the midtier server

    I found a backdoor solution to this:
    at the URL link, i added &mimetype=application, this will force IE to show the save dialog box because it does not know what the application type is.

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