Proxy bug?

I'm using Weblogic 5.1, cluster of 2 instances + proxy. Number of instances
          doesn't matter the issue occures even with one instance.
          Use some servlet/jsp which prints something to System.out to trace its work.
          In browser connect to server via proxy. Press refresh button. Press refresh
          button many times fast to reach the situation when you start new request
          before previous one is satisfied.
          Stop at some point.
          Proxy continues to send requests to server every 1-2 seconds. Even if you
          shut the server down and start it again the proxy continues to send
          requests. Only proxy restart resolves situation.
          You can request nonexisting file (and see message "resource not found")
          instead of servlet/jsp with the same results - proxy continues sending
          requests forever.
          I "succeeded" to make proxy sending request to both instances in cluster,
          but "unfortunately" didn't succeed to make it sending several different
          requests (requesting different files), only the first one is "lucky".
          Does anyone knows anything about this issue?
          Thank you,
          Vladimir Reznitsky.

Hi all,
          We have come across this and many other infinite loop problems in
          HttpClusterServlet WLS 5.1 SP6.
          This particular infinite loop has 2 flavours. One, in which both proxy and the
          clustered server are both
          looping. Second, which is triggered when the initial requets is interrupted before
          it gets relayed to
          the appropriate clustered server, puts the proxy in infinite loop spitting out
          errors like crazy.
          The circumstances under which these infinite loops are triggered are so simple and
          to duplicate that it is rediculous they were not caught in testing. If an infinite
          loop of
          both the proxy and a clustered WLS or even just the proxy is not in show-stopper
          category then you wonder what is?
          I have opened a case about these infinite loops with BEA support and yes , I got a
          from them telling me the patch the WebLogic source code (which I do not have)
          I am looking forward to all of these infinite loop fixes pretty soon in form of
          Service Pack
          not source-code level instruction.
          For fun, here is what BEA told me to do:
          Greetings ! I am providing some notes which will help you in providing a
          patch to your application which is resullting in a an infinite loop.
          Notes:1. Use connection time out to stop proxying if all servers in the
          list are deadso that we won't keep trying forever.
          2. When the postData is not null, do not try to re-read the data from
          inputstreamto advoid "Expected the content-length is 500, but receive -1"
          3. In case of the first server is dead and second server get the request
          andupdate itself as the primary, we should throw IOException("I am no
          longer the primaryfor this object") insteadof RecoverPostDataException.
          This will avoidthe infinite loop for trying the first server.
          4. Separate RecoverPostDataException from IOException catch block in the
          proxy()function to avoid another infinite loop situation.
          Please see if this works for you and let me know if you have further
          questions. Regarding the case # 202581, I am not dealing the case, but I
          can definitely help you in getting a solution for that also.
          Thanks & Regards
          Kumar Allamraju wrote:
          > I guess this was a known issue reported by several customers.
          > If this problem is a show stopper , pls follow-up with support & refer Issue #
          > CR034694
          > --
          > Kumar
          > Vladimir Reznitsky wrote:
          > > I'm using Weblogic 5.1, cluster of 2 instances + proxy. Number of instances
          > > doesn't matter the issue occures even with one instance.
          > > Use some servlet/jsp which prints something to System.out to trace its work.
          > >
          > > In browser connect to server via proxy. Press refresh button. Press refresh
          > > button many times fast to reach the situation when you start new request
          > > before previous one is satisfied.
          > > Stop at some point.
          > >
          > > Proxy continues to send requests to server every 1-2 seconds. Even if you
          > > shut the server down and start it again the proxy continues to send
          > > requests. Only proxy restart resolves situation.
          > >
          > > You can request nonexisting file (and see message "resource not found")
          > > instead of servlet/jsp with the same results - proxy continues sending
          > > requests forever.
          > >
          > > I "succeeded" to make proxy sending request to both instances in cluster,
          > > but "unfortunately" didn't succeed to make it sending several different
          > > requests (requesting different files), only the first one is "lucky".
          > >
          > > Does anyone knows anything about this issue?
          > >
          > > Thank you,
          > > Vladimir Reznitsky.

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    I have had the same issue in my school with the new MacBook Airs running Lion. This doesn't appear to be happening on older versions of the OS. After much troubleshooting and monitoring of traffic, we have discovered that adding the following domain bypass urls to our Proxy exceptions on our firewall solved this problem. Disabling the App Store was not an option due to it's necessity for upgrading software.
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    Note: this is the real address of my ISPs transparent proxy.
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    current [----------------------------------------------------------------] 100% 47K 158.8K/s 00:00:00
    extra [----------------------------------------------------------------] 100% 222K 48.5K/s 00:00:04
    unstable [----------------------------------------------------------------] 100% 3K 233.1K/s 00:00:00
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    :: group xfce4:
    gtk-xfce-engine libxfce4mcs libxfce4util libxfcegui4 xfcalendar xfce-mcs-manager xfce-mcs-plugins xfce-utils
    xfce4-appfinder xfce4-icon-theme xfce4-iconbox xfce4-mixer xfce4-panel xfce4-session xfce4-systray xfce4-toys
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    xfce-mcs-manager-4.2.3-1 xfce-mcs-plugins-4.2.3-1 xfce-utils-4.2.3-1 xfce4-appfinder-4.2.3-1 xfce4-icon-theme-4.2.3-1
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    Total Package Size: 14.6 MB
    Proceed with download? [Y/n] y
    :: Retrieving packages from extra...
    gtk-xfce-engine-2.2.8-1 [----------------------------------------------------------------] 100% 25K 10.3K/s 00:00:02
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    failed downloading from (null)
    This happens regardles of what I put in pacman.conf. I tried with the public w3cache proxy of one of our Universities:
    ProxyServer =
    Same results. I didn't expect anything to change, since my ISP's transparent proxy would pick this connection instead (my queries never really get to since they are answered by instead).
    I can download using pacman's built-in downloader without problems when no ProxyServer is set. But then, the transfers are really slow
    Finally, I got it working using
    XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp --proxy=on -c -O %o %u
    With this, it works great. No problems with the same proxies or anything. But the output sucks and is really hard to read.
    However, I can live with wget, I'd rather pacman not to have bugs, so I thought I'd let you know.

    I can replicate intermittently.  Can you please file a bug report?
    Edit:  Just so I remember my replication...
    > pacman -S bc bzflag
    bc-1.06-5-i686 95.0K 38.7K/s 00:00:02 [#####################] 100%
    bzflag-2.0.12-1-i686 365.0K 57.7K/s 00:03:11 [---------------------] 3%

  • Java Plugin 1.4.1 hangs on IE6 close (Win98, WinNT)

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    I have an applet that connects to a server over HTTP. It uses swing(complicated gui with tables, dialog boxes, etc.) and multi-threading.
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    Opening the page with the applet
    Initializing... my message
    Trace level set to 5: basic, net, security,ext, liveconnect ... completed
    Stopping applet ...
    Joining applet thread ...
    Destroying applet ...
    Disposing applet ...
    Quiting applet ...
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    Disconnecting... my message in the begining of the Applet.destroy() method
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    Joined applet thread ...
    Unregistered modality listener ...
    Finding information ...
    Releasing classloader: sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@c01e99, refcount=0
    Caching classloader: sun.plugin.ClassLoaderInfo@c01e99
    Current classloader cache size: 1
    Done ...
    The first strange thing is that java reports the stop and destroy events long before I print a debuging info from the applet. But this may be due to the asynchronous printing to the JavaConsole
    When the plugin hangs it reaches at maximum Joining applet thread ... message. But sometimes nothing is printed.
    It appears that the Plugin prefers to hang more after a connection to the server has been made. In other words the chance of hanging before connecting to the server is 2% and the chance of hanging after connecting to the server is 98%.
    Any clues or similar behavior?

    I'm usin gthe 1.4.1 plugin and the browser hangs while trying to initialize the applet. Similiar to your problem, the only way to get out of this is to kill the IE6 window itself. This only happens on some machines. It seems like it has nothing to do with the code of the applet. Navigate to a simple "Hello World" example out in the internet and see if you encounter this hanging problem as well. So far, I've observed that if it doesn't work with one applet, it won't work with any.
    Everything works just fine in 1.3.x version.

  • IE 9.0 proxy failover not working correctly - Is there a bug fix or IE setting to correct this behavior

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    not. My snip-it is as follows:
    return "PROXY; PROXY; DIRECT";
    With ie8, firefox and chrome the fail over to the next proxy entry during a PROXY fail over works correct and as follows:
    Proxy times out after about 25-30 seconds and then proxy is attempted and the web page is displayed.
    Then all url lookups after this time are made through proxy and are quick. This is how proxy fail over should work.
    When I test with ie9 it works as follows:
    Proxy times out after about 25-30 seconds and then proxy is attempted and the web page is displayed.
    Then all following url lookups take 30 -45 seconds because it always tries the first PROXY first before attempting proxy
    because it does not remember first Proxy is not available.
    Is there a setting or bug opened on this behavior????

    Not to be pedantic, but the proxy.pac file is JavaScript... :)
    You might be experiencing an issue with IE's automatic proxy caching, described here: . Basically, the choice of which proxy to use is decided once per requested host, and the decision is cached. So, if you
    are testing failover by accessing resources on the same host before and after shutting off the first proxy, IE will still insist on using that proxy address for subsequent requests. If you test a second host and get a more timely response, then I would say
    this is what you are seeing.
    You can experimentally disable this feature by setting...
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]
    "EnableAutoProxyResultCache"=dword:00000000" the registry for your test user. I imagine a reboot will be required.

  • Some bugs using socks5 proxy mode

    Hi, i have FireFox v28. I was develop soks5 proxy and find some bugs on FF. I use options on FF soks5 proxy at and open site
    Here is an packets in bytes:
    [FF] 05-01-00 // FireFox say here that support one auth on free mode it's ok
    [S5] 05-00 // Soks5 accept connection in free mode
    [FF] 05-01-00-03-0D-73-73-6C-2E-65-78-65-6C-61-62-2E-72-75-01-BB // Here bugs
    Bug #1
    Why FF send address type IPv6? On my system i have only two network interface what support only IPv4. IPv6 has dissabled.
    Bug #2
    Wrong packet format. FireFox send only 12 bytes
    Protocol version: 05
    Command type: 01 // connect
    Reserved: 00
    Address type: 03 //IPv6
    Address: 0D-73-73-6C-2E-65-78-65-6C-61-62-2E-72-75 // has only 14 bytes
    Port: 01-BB // SSL 443
    In RFC1928 ( says what IPv6 must be 16 bytes!
    Bug #3
    Where FF took this address? It is not right. FF had to ask about the proxy address and address type using the command domain.
    Thanks is your home network. I will assume that you are developing the sock5 proxy on your home network.
    IPV6 is backwards compatible. If it is sending or asking for IPV6 address then the site that you are navigating to has an IPV6 associated with the dns name. Do you allow IPV6 in the about:config page? (network.dns.disableipv6 set to true? )
    IPv6 addresses can be 16 or fewer, so this address is fine. Also the address comes from a reverse lookup gethostname() or in the case of IPV6() a domain pointer is used. What is configured in Firefox how to connect to the network? Have you manually set up the proxy ip and port?

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 11250: Fixing proxy pattern bug in VideoPlayer.

    Revision: 11250
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-10-28 17:07:19 -0700 (Wed, 28 Oct 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fixing proxy pattern bug in VideoPlayer.  I tried to save a few extra bytes by not keeping around an extra object, but I made a mistake with this code.  It seems better just to follow the typical pattern and not worry about this extra savings, which probably cost more in code-size anyways. 
    Also changing VideoPlayer.thumbnailSource to mx_internal, rather than public.  In VideoElement it's mx_internal, and that's what it should be here too.
    QE notes: -
    Doc notes: -
    Bugs: SDK-23665
    Reviewer: Deepa
    Tests run: checkintests, mustella VideoPlayer
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • Severe proxy configuration bug preventing mail access

    the proxy configuration options for LAN / WIFI networks have a major bug: if a proxy server is set manually, it prevents e-mail accounts from working while being connected to that proxy-enabled network!
    Interestingly, if the proxy is configured by using a PAC file, e-mails work successfully again, in addition to all proxied protocols like http, https and ftp.
    Furthermore, it is not even possible to connect to mail server within the local network when manual proxy settings are active - the device does not even try to connect to anything, if trying to set up an account, it gives a confusing error message saying that not all settings of the mail account were correct.
    As soon as the proxy settings are removed OR obtained by using PAC, everything works again!
    Please fix this in one of the next releases as it impedes usage on networks with proxy enforcement! Maybe just add a selector to which protocols the proxy settings should be applied!? As I know several typical network settings, proxy is mainly used for thhp/https/ftp, not any mail protocol (for which e.g. a SOCKS proxy would be needed, which is quite different to "regular" proxies and should be treated separately in the config.)
    There are several topics on the support forums that might be related to this, but have not yet taken care of: maybe: maybe:  

    Okay, this behaviour (although strange compared to "usual" proxy setting choices, e.g. in desktop operating systems or browsers) might be an explanation for the effects currently seen. This would be a good chance to extend the proxy options to a more "regular" or complete set: 1.) Add a possibility to choose which protocols are to be proxied (so e.g. IMAP could be excluded, in my opinion a proxy supporting this is even less common than rare). 2.) Add a "no proxy for these hosts" list.    

  • Bug Report: JSSE 1.0.2 & iPlanet-Web-Proxy-Server/3.6

    When tunneling through iPlanet-Web-Proxy-Server/3.6 we get a "Socket Closed" exception during the handshake (right after overlaying the tunnel). I got this problem with HP-UX. My browser works fine with that proxy so the problem isn't the proxy. And my code works fine with every other proxies. This proxy does return HTTP 1.0 so this well known issue isn't related.
    Anyone from Sun can confirm this issue ?
    Anyone else got this bug ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi all,
    When you say tunnelling, are you referring to code similiar to the code in JavaWorld Tip 111?
    I am currently trying to debug some issues with that code myself. I get similiar errors when tunnelling through a proxy.
    The download works correctly when a HttpsURLConnection is used to connect directly to the same site.
    I am using a squid-cache as my test proxy, so I am not sure if the proxy is the problem. (assuming we are talking about the same issue)
    I have noticed that a V3 site certificate seems to be more likely to fail though. I have not found a site using a V1 certificate where the tunnelling has failed.
    We are also discussing what I think is the same issue in the thread "HTTPS tunneling and V3 certificates".
    I have been trying to get this stuff working for a few months now.

  • Bug in Hyper-V: Network Bridge's ARP proxying broken in certain scenarios

    I am quite sure now this is a bug. The ARP proxying does not work for VMs if the packet-recipient is not directly attached
    to the external vswitch that is bridged to the wifi-nic!
    I am running a test lab on my Windows 8.1 using Hyper-V.
    My problem is, that the virtual LAN has limited connectivity, when the external vSwitch is configured to use the wifi interface, instead of the cable interface. I am troubleshooting this issue for hours now and I reached the point where I believe the Network
    Bridge, that is created by the Hyper-V Virtual Switch Manager, is not forwarding packets.
    Pings are delivered from to and back again.
    Pings from are delivered to, and the reply does reach the wifi interface …
    == Trace on the WiFi interface ==
    Here you see a log of the trace on the WiFi interface of the Hyper-V-Host,
    while is pinging
    No Time Source Destination HW Source HW Destination Protocol Info
    3 0.003340000 24:65:11:cc:c0:9e 24:65:11:2b:35:e4 ICMP Echo (ping) request id=0x0001, seq=44/11264, ttl=127 (reply in 4)
    4 0.006094000 24:65:11:2b:35:e4 24:65:11:cc:c0:9e ICMP Echo (ping) reply id=0x0001, seq=44/11264, ttl=64 (request in 3)
    5 0.006152000 24:65:11:cc:c0:9e 24:65:11:2b:35:e4 ICMP Echo (ping) reply id=0x0001, seq=44/11264, ttl=64
    … but is never forwarded to the Network Bridge interface.
    == Trace on the Network Bridge interface ==
    Here you see a log of the trace on the Network Bridge interface of the Hyper-V-Host,
    while the Hyper-V-Host is pinging (#1)
    and the is pinging (#7)
    -> Note: The ping-reply from to is missing!
    1 0.000000000 24:65:11:2b:35:e4 24:65:11:cc:c0:9e ICMP Echo (ping) reply id=0x0001, seq=9/2304, ttl=64
    7 7.852500000 24:65:11:2b:35:e4 00:15:5d:b2:21:18 ICMP Echo (ping) reply id=0x0001, seq=439/46849, ttl
    How do I solve this problem?

    In that article I read this :
    " This is supported on wired physical NICs (by putting the NIC in promiscuous mode),
    but not supported on wireless NICs since the wireless channel established by the WiFi NIC and its access point only allows Ethernet packets with the WiFi NIC’s MAC address and nothing else. In other words, Hyper-V couldn’t use WiFi NICs for
    an external switch if we continued to use the current virtual switch architecture."
    Based on my understanding , the prerequisite of external virtual switch is physical NIC supports promiscuous mode . The blogger's opinion is that wireless NIC do not support promiscuous mode ,so the workaround "mac bridge " arises .
    (but "microsoft MAC Bridge" is designed by microsoft to support creating external Vswitch on these wireless NIC which doesn't support promiscuous mode , so I think it is not a bug , it is by design ).
    Also we have not yet tested with a wireless NIC which supports promiscuous mode .
    "In computer networking, promiscuous mode or promisc mode is a mode for a
    wired network interface controller (NIC) or wireless network interface controller
    (WNIC) that causes the controller to pass all traffic it receives to the central processing unit (CPU) rather than passing only the frames that the controller is intended to receive. "
    Best Regards
    Elton JI
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • MAJOR BUG WebLogic 4.5.1 and wl-proxy for Netscape server

    Hi there. We are having a major problem with our WebLogic cluster that
              cannot be explained, but is bad enough where we can't deploy our
              application and miss our schedule. Here's the setup:
              We have 8 WebLogic servers (4.5.1) running on 2 Sun 5500 servers with
              2GB of RAM each running Solaris 2.6. The web server in front of the
              cluster is Netscape Enterprise Server version 3.6.2. We are using
              SunSoft's 1.1.7_07 (native threads) as our JDK to start the WebLogic
              servers. We are using in-memory replication on this cluster.
              Here's the problem. The first time we start up the cluster and the
              netscape server, things work fine for a while. It seems that everything
              works fine for the first 10 minutes. But then things start to slow
              down and response time grows exponentially until the browser start
              timing out and nothing works. When this happens, I can ping the servers
              directly and they all claim to be up. I can use the WebLogic console
              utility to connect to the cluster and see all 8 servers just sitting
              there, but I cannot access them through the wl-proxy on the netscape
              server. In fact, I can connect directly to one of the servers at port
              7001 with my browser and everything works fine...
              All of this had led me to believe the there is a serious bug in the
              wl-proxy ( for Solaris. The logs do not seem to indicate
              any problems, but this problem happens every time and we are running out
              of options. We have a WebLogic consultant on site, but he has not been
              able to shed any light on this issue.
              Anyone else experience something like this?? thanks in advance.

    Hi Prasad.. We do have a support issue open on this. I'll email you directly with the
              case#. We also have a WebLogic consultant onsite working with us, but we're just not
              getting anywhere with this issue and we're mere days away from deployment.. I was just
              hoping someone else in the newsgroups was also facing this same issue. We can recreate it
              every time we start our servers.
              Prasad Peddada wrote:
              > Vinny,
              > I am filing an issue about this. I would also suggest you call support to follow up
              > on this.
              > 1-888-232-7878 is the support number or [email protected]. I will try my best to
              > also keep track of this.
              > Thanks
              > Prasad
              > Vinny Carpenter wrote:
              > > Hi Prasad.. Unfortunately that is not going to be acceptable. Our deployment date
              > > is November 1 and if we don't get this issue resolved by Thursday, we cannot go
              > > live.
              > >
              > > --Vinny
              > >
              > > Prasad Peddada wrote:
              > >
              > > > Vinny,
              > > > I can get to this but it won't be until next week. I have to install NES on
              > > > solaris box. I hope that's ok. If I get a chance I will try to test it before
              > > > that.
              > > >
              > > > Thanks
              > > > Prasad
              > > >
              > > > Vinny Carpenter wrote:
              > > >
              > > > > Hi Prasad.. We're a big Solaris/Sun shop and so it's going to be difficult to
              > > > > get a NT server and install NES. I can certainly try, but I am not sure we're
              > > > > going to be able to do that.
              > > > >
              > > > > Any other information I can provide?? Thanks
              > > > >
              > > > > --Vinny
              > > > >
              > > > > Prasad Peddada wrote:
              > > > >
              > > > > > Vinny,
              > > > > >
              > > > > > I don't know if you can do this but to further isolate the problem,
              > > > > > would it be possible to try with NES on NT and see if you still have the
              > > > > > problem.
              > > > > >
              > > > > > Thanks
              > > > > > Prasad
              > > > > >
              > > > > > Vinny Carpenter wrote:
              > > > > >
              > > > > > > Hi there. We are having a major problem with our WebLogic cluster that
              > > > > > > cannot be explained, but is bad enough where we can't deploy our
              > > > > > > application and miss our schedule. Here's the setup:
              > > > > > >
              > > > > > > We have 8 WebLogic servers (4.5.1) running on 2 Sun 5500 servers with
              > > > > > > 2GB of RAM each running Solaris 2.6. The web server in front of the
              > > > > > > cluster is Netscape Enterprise Server version 3.6.2. We are using
              > > > > > > SunSoft's 1.1.7_07 (native threads) as our JDK to start the WebLogic
              > > > > > > servers. We are using in-memory replication on this cluster.
              > > > > > >
              > > > > > > Here's the problem. The first time we start up the cluster and the
              > > > > > > netscape server, things work fine for a while. It seems that everything
              > > > > > > works fine for the first 10 minutes. But then things start to slow
              > > > > > > down and response time grows exponentially until the browser start
              > > > > > > timing out and nothing works. When this happens, I can ping the servers
              > > > > > > directly and they all claim to be up. I can use the WebLogic console
              > > > > > > utility to connect to the cluster and see all 8 servers just sitting
              > > > > > > there, but I cannot access them through the wl-proxy on the netscape
              > > > > > > server. In fact, I can connect directly to one of the servers at port
              > > > > > > 7001 with my browser and everything works fine...
              > > > > > >
              > > > > > > All of this had led me to believe the there is a serious bug in the
              > > > > > > wl-proxy ( for Solaris. The logs do not seem to indicate
              > > > > > > any problems, but this problem happens every time and we are running out
              > > > > > > of options. We have a WebLogic consultant on site, but he has not been
              > > > > > > able to shed any light on this issue.
              > > > > > >
              > > > > > > Anyone else experience something like this?? thanks in advance.
              > > > > > >
              > > > > > > --Vinny

  • Reporting some proxy problems/bugs

    Is there a way to report problems/bugs in the proxy software without having support? I believe this can be done for Java, but what about the proxy?
    In our environment we are using the proxy software (currently v4.0.5, but I haven't seen these items in the release notes of the newer versions of the software) in the reverse proxy mode and have encountered what I believe may be a couple of bugs.
    Possibly related to a previous poster's "Content-length mismatch" error message, it seems that some app servers respond to an If-modified-since conditional GET request incorrectly by sending a Content-length header along with the "304 not modified response" (there should be no such header in a 304 response). When proxy caching is enabled and the GZip compression filter is used, one result I have seen is the "Content-length match" error message which happens when the incorrectly included Content-length header has a non-zero value. A different result occurs when the incorrectly included Content-length header has a value of zero - the proxy response body gets truncated (completely removed).
    A second issue I have seen is with the reverse proxy's handling of a POST with a trailing CR/LF which some browsers (IE) send incorrectly (there should be no such trailing CR/LF in a POST request). The proxy seems to handle the trailing CR/LF for the request/response, however if HTTP1.1 keepalive is used and the POST is followed by a GET request on the same open connection from the browser then the access log entry for the GET request will be broken across two lines.
    Hopefully someone from Oracle monitoring these forums will pass these on to the proxy dev team.

    Yep, I realize Safari on Windows uses Windows Internet Options to get proxy server info BUT the Windows Internet Options don't provide a place to specify the proxy login information.
    As a result, when the browser contacts the proxy it usually (or should) prompt the user for the login info. Safari did the first time and I told it to save the info. Then my login info changed and rather than prompt for it again, Safari sits there and doesn't load any pages.
    IE7 uses the same proxy without problems because IE uses the domain login credentials to connect to the proxy server.
    Google Chrome uses the Windows Internet Options for proxy support and it prompts me to login to the proxy each time I fire it up and access a website.
    Mozilla Firefox 3.0.4 will prompt me for login information if the login info it has stored won't work for the proxy connection.
    Opera 9.62 prompts me for the proxy login information each time I fire it up, just like Google Chrome.
    Out of all of those browsers, Safari is the only one that can't use the proxy because I can't change the login information for the proxy connection.

  • Java via proxy question (bug?)

    Hi folks,
    I'm testing running Java apps through a web proxy (Squid) that's using NTLM authentication. However, I seem to be having problems getting any apps to run over https. For some reason, the JRE just keeps prompting for authentication -- even after a correct username and pw is entered. At no point does the app download and run. Testing shows that this only occurs on the Win32 versions of the JRE (tested 1.4.2_12, 1.5.0_08, and 1.6 beta2), and occurs regardless of browser (IE6 and Firefox 1.5+). The Linux version of the JRE seems to work fine. Searching through the bug db has turned up somewhat similar items, but notthing quite the same. Same with google. Has anyone else run into this problem?

    Hello everybody,
    I am experiencing the same problem with JRE 1.5.0._10 and JRE 1.6.0. My proxy is a squid/2.6.STABLE9, browser is IE 6 and client is winXP.
    What I found looking at the HTTP traffic is that Java tries to authenticate using HTTP/1.1, while squid replies using HTTP/1.0.
    Furthermore, if I compare IE connections and java connections, I found that IE requires "Proxy-connection: keep-alive" while this is not done by java. This could explain the behaviour of squid that closes the TCP connection after the reply to java, so preventing NTLM authentication.
    Maybe a bug should be open?

  • [svn] 3853: Bug: BLZ-269 - Add support to proxy service for IBM X509

    Revision: 3853
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-23 12:12:39 -0700 (Thu, 23 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Bug: BLZ-269 - Add support to proxy service for IBM X509
    QA: Yes
    Doc: No
    Checkintests Pass: Yes
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 3853
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-10-23 12:12:39 -0700 (Thu, 23 Oct 2008)
    Log Message:
    Bug: BLZ-269 - Add support to proxy service for IBM X509
    QA: Yes
    Doc: No
    Checkintests Pass: Yes
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

  • [svn:bz-trunk] 20976: bug fix BLZ 602 IPv6 address isn' t properly resolved when used in dynamic url in the proxy service

    Revision: 20976
    Revision: 20976
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2011-03-28 09:20:34 -0700 (Mon, 28 Mar 2011)
    Log Message:
    bug fix BLZ 602 IPv6 address isn't properly resolved when used in dynamic url in the proxy service
    checkintests pass
    Modified Paths:

    Firstly, there's no such thing as Apache 9.3, there's Apache 1 (and subversions) and Apache 2 (and subversions). Your error message -
    Oracle-HTTP-Server/1.3.28Shows you're using Apache 1.3.28
    Secondly, I'm confused by your comment -
    I do not have Apache 9.3 or higher but I think oracle should offer this in its companion CDOracle does offer the Apache server, if you're saying you didn't get it from Oracle then where did your Apache server come from?
    Thirdly, I notice from your config file -
    ErrorLog "|E:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Companion\Apache\Apache\bin\rotatelogs logs/error_log 43200"That you're piping the logs through rotatelogs, are you sure the logfiles haven't just been renamed?

Maybe you are looking for