PrPro CS5.5 freezes in LION

I have a dual quad core MacPro running OSX. I am a videographer and use PrPro for editing. After I open a project I'm working on, I can start the playback and then the cursor freezes and even though the sound continues I cannot get the app to respond, thus I force quit. It has happend three times in a row. I regret "upgrading" to OSX but I'm not willing to go through what it takes to uninstall and go back to Snow Leopard. All I want to do is do my work and not have to deal with this.

If you have been usingTime Machine, it's relatively easy to rewind your system back to Snow Leopard.
Keep in mind that Lion has been out for all of three weeks. And the first release of any new OS is really little more than a glorified beta. While it's adventuresome to jump right in to the new and innovative, being on the cutting edge often cuts you back.
Adobe engineers would have to speak to this, but I'd imagine every major OS release (for any platform) has big changes to the underpinnings of the system.
This is one reason Avid takes months and months to certify an OS before approving its use with its systems.
Personally, I'm waiting for 10.7.3 or a Lion specific CS5.5 update from Adobe before making the leap.
I'll get off my soapbox, now.

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    Format: AVC
    Format profile: [email protected]
    Format settings, CABAC: Yes
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    Format settings, GOP: M=2, N=13
    Bit rate: 16.0 Mbps
    Width: 1 920 pixels
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    Width: 720 pixels
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    About the computer:
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    2 processors w/ 8 cores together: Intel Xeon CPU E5620 @ 2.40GHz
    System: 250 GB (SSD)
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    AVIRA Porfessional
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    Add an RAID? internal/external?
    Upgrade to CS6?
    Edncode footage to another codec before linking it into PrPro? (which codec? encode with AME?)
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    Buy any Hardware pieces?
    TIA for your guidiance and best regards.

    Take a look at the Dell T7400 currently at rank # 568, 'Base2008PT1' on Benchmark Results. It is somewhat similar to your own system, but has more memory, a better video card and some raid0 arrays. Nevertheless, it is around 3.4 times slower than a fast system. My guess is that your system is even slower.
    The material you try to edit is very demanding and requires a beefy computer. Even though there is nothing wrong with the dual Xeon E5620's, their clock speed works against you (I have the same CPU's in a file server, but that is far less demanding than editing), as does the amount of memory in the system. You can be helped with more disks, but don't expect miraculous performance improvements. But all little things help.
    The alternative is a complete new system, but that can be pricey. Even if you build it yourself, see Planning & Building a NLE system it can be costly. It gives you very fast performance as demonstrated on the Reflections page and you should not get such a system from Dell or HP, unless you have unlimited funds.

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    The fact that the layers palette shows layers, but the document window doesn't show is a common symptom of bugs in your video card driver.
    You can turn off GPU drawing in Photoshop's preferences, or update the video card driver from the GPU maker's website.

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    So sorry for your bad experience so far. I will spare you my "That never happened to me story"! As to your last question, yes it will run, meaning you won't get the error saying this is PowerPC software and won't run on Lion. But there are some reported problems within the software - this is from Adobe's own site: Scroll to the top to see that this is a list of known problems with Lion, listed by application.

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    8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
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    Wow I have had a couple of days off and I see the discussion has advanced. I will upload a crash report next time it happens. Looking over the responses, Suitcase Fusion 3 is another culprit I have suspected of bringing on the freeze. Also yes it is mainly with Indesign and Illustrator that the freeze happens but Photoshop has frozen too but not as much. A typical scenario would be I leave my desk for 10 min or so and come back, wake my screen from sleep via the keyboard, only to find that one of the programs I was just using let say Indesign would be frozen with the spinning beach ball of doom. I would then command tab to illustrator only to see the same thing has happened to illustrator. Now Photoshop in this case would be a 1 in 4 chance of the same thing happenning at the same time. Now the unusual thing is that it doesn't always happen. I could go for a couple of days with no problems. I use the programs quite equally in a given day. Ive just got back into the habit of saving every time I get out of my seat, like back in the old days. Over the next week Ill monitor the behaviors of the programs and report it. As I am writing this I have just received an Email from Extensis saying there is an upgrade to suitcase fusion 3 14.2.0 with a whole lot of fixes. I'll give that a go as well.
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    Do you still have the original installer dvd's?  If so run Apple Hardware Test.  Also since you recently added more memory also run Rember (a GUI layer on top or memtest).   I wouldn't trust TechTool for reliable memory tests.
    The only software I've added (on Monday and the problem started Monday) was a Seagate Diagnostic program to test some external USB Seagate GoFlex archive drives-- these are not always connected or mounted to the Mac Pro. When I started experiencing problems-- and it crashed or hung several times on Monday-- I trashed the Seagate Diagnostic program.
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    If the Seagate Diagnostic program was the one I found here you probably did not remove all of it.  Specifically the kext's it installs.
    If they are there move them to the trash (proably need your admin password to allow it) and reboot.
    If the Seagate Diagnostic program is not the one I found. The do the following in terminal and post the results:
    kextstat -kl | awk ' !/apple/ { print $6 $7 } '

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    CFURLCreateWithBytes was passed these invalid URLBytes: ‘/Applications/Adobe InDesign CS5.5/Adobe InDesign’ (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateFromFileSystemRepresentation should be used instead.
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    Rebooted- nothing
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    I copied Mac OS: [Startup Disk]/Library/Applications Support/Adobe/SING/Mark II/Datastore to the desktop and deleted it from that directory. Did the same for the Mark II folder (Solution 2)
    -Failing that the first time, I uninstall/reinstall and didnt bother to update, which is why you see the original InDesign. I'll try and update InDesign and move to 10.7.4 to see if that does anything. My
    Mac OS: [Startup Disk]/Library/Applications Support/Adobe/SING/Mark II/Datastore does not currently have these folders because I took them out. Maybe I'll run the crash report again and post it. I have to wait for the designer to finish for the day. I'll update possibly tomorrow.
    Thank you!

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    Im using Lion / Mac
    When I try to choose say an external drive or another folder location it will freeze up and stay on "Choose" the button flashes on and off but when i try to click it it will not respond or select the desired file location
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    The only way i can download photos is by choosing the first file option of the pictures file on my harddrive which is not want I wish to do..i have noticed that this started happening after the Raw update..was wondering if this is affecting Photodownloader..
    any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..thank you

    Thank you, SG, for clarifying which OS's this will work with.
    I agree with Jennie - the beauty of "get photos from camera" is that it takes 2 steps out of the workaround you mention above. Personally, I'm okay living with 6.4.1, as I have an older camera. I won't be happy if one of the push updates re-updates me to 6.5 though. I wouldn't want to redo the reinstallation of the new version. This method will not work for any of my clients or students though - they normally can't comfortably follow the technicality of downgrading, and some have newer cameras and would need the 6.5 version. (I don't believe in betas for my clients, and neither do they, for the most part)
    I guess I should thank Adobe - some of my clients have needed tech support to perform the downgrade (SO many people aren't comfortable technically), and some of my clients needed to be retaught the workaround SG mentions. Adobe's flub has actually made me a little money - which I'd rather not have to make this way.
    SG's workaround does work and makes sense - but for my clients with hundreds of images at a time, who have to rename items, add copyright info, & etc., this more than doubles their work-time for the start of their workflow. I hope Adobe gets that GM version out soon.
    BTW - this issue supports an argument I've hadfor years regarding "PUSH" updates. I always tell my clients and students not to do them until they research the update. Because of what I do, I do have to install them personally, but I'm grateful I'm comfortable fixing things myself.

  • Annoying mouse issues of cs6 and cs5.5 on mountain lion

    Hi everyone,
    a couple month ago, a mac pro bought, which has mountain lion. i installed cs5.5 and for a while i have started to fight with mouse issues. illustrator, indesing and photoshop, all of them has mouse lag. photoshop has also freezing when i use stamp tool, and zooming in addition. if the screen moves (when i zoom or move the work to any direction of the window or use the tool which makes the screen move), it freeze and mouse pointer starts to spininnig. sometimes it comes back for a while, sometimes not. and then noticed that, forexample zooming or stamping, if i move mouse over the window, it completes the new view and everything is back normal.
    but i can't use stamp tool as normal. it can't work fast and freezes mostly. the mouse lag occurs randomly; not only photoshop, but also indesign and illustrator. i looked at the consol messages and found this:
    1/23/13 2:41:55.108 PM WindowServer[203]: _CGXGetWindowOrderingGroup: Operation on a window 0x69 requiring rights 0x5 by caller Photoshop
    i googled it and can't found anything. when it freezes on photoshop, consol writes this message. screen never freezes indesign and illustrator. so, there is no messages. only mouse lag occurs on them.
    i try to use different combination on photoshop's graphics processor settings. but it doesn't work. now i use photoshop by making the graphic processor off.
    after that i installed cs6. but for a while, i met the same problems. i reset the photoshop, erased the preferences files. but it didn't work. after disabling graphic processor, i haven't met the freezing, but mouse issues continue in photoshop, illustrator and indesign.
    if you  need more info, just ask me.
    thank you all.
    mac pro  2x2.4 ghz 6-core intel xeon
    12 gb ram
    ati radeon hd 5770, 1024 mb

    thanks for your answer. i don't know if it's a driver problem, or not. computer came with wireless apple magic mouse. today, i tried the old mac mouse (the ones without wheel). the same result.
    if it worked, i wouldn't use this solution. because i do not have to use old mouse. we have met those problems in windows. i NEVER change any hardware for the problems in mac osx. i LOVE apple and its products, but if it worked, there is no different windows.
    so, i don't know where is  the problem, either in macosx or in adobe products. but i'm really tired of this..
    i guess this problem because of the video card: ati hd 5700. their website has not any driver for this card suit for mac os.
    appreciate any help..  

  • CS5.5 on Mountain Lion (PowerPC error)

    Hellow all,  I'm hoping someone might be able to advise me on this.
    I am installing CS5.5 Design Premium on Mac OSX v10.8.2 Mountain Lion.  The Mac is mid-2011 3.1GHz Intel Core i5.  The problem is I keep receiving the error message "You can't open the application "install" because PowerPC applications are no longer supported." This is strange since CS5.5 is not a PowerPC application.
    I have tried the script provided by adobe to remove the preference for launching CS in rosetta, however since it is not installed yet, it is having no effect.
    I am installing off a USB stick provided to me by a reseller who provided me with a legitimate activation key.  I have tried installing both from the USB stick directly and off the Mac desktop.
    Adobe's customer support say to contact either Apple or the reseller and won't provide me with an alternative link to download a fresh version of CS5.5.  They also say that installing it from any other media won't work as it is an OEM activation key.
    If anyone has any ideas at this point I'd be very glad of them!
    Many thanks

    Thanks Bob,
    I have already started the download from that site.  I seem to have found that the software provided to me has become decompressed either before it was supplied or maybe at my end. So rather than just 1 DMG file to install, I have 3 folders and 1 file named "Install".  When I click" Install" I receive the error as above.  I would imagine that when I go to install the new downloaded version it will be OK.
    I am now just waiting on the 1mb internet connection to finish the download! 
    Thanks for your help, I'll be in touch if this solution doesnt work.

  • CS5.5 freezes on export

    This question has obviosly been ask before, but I couldn't find an answer that helped me. I've had this problem for a while now, on CS4, CS5 and now on CS5.5. In the past I could barely live with it, but now I HAVE to finish a couple of projects for a customer.
    When I export a project, the export freezes. It freezes at different points when exporting, sometimes at 2%, sometimes 40% and sometimes it finishes. All with the same project and with the same sequence. This problem also comes up with different projects. Some are SD, some 720p and some 1080p. The only thing I can find in common with these projects is that they all use various source materials, from various sources. From a crappy Sony DV camera (SD-quality), from a crappy Panasonic waterproof camera, Canon EOS 7D, Panasonic HDC-SD900 etc. Sometimes rendering works (rarely), but mostly not. Sometimes it helps to use Media Encoder, sometimes not. :) I can not seem to find any logic in this.
    I've shutdown all unecessary processes (Sysinternals Process Explorer), defragged my hard drive, cleaned up all temp files (with ccleaner), checked that the filename is short enough and does not contain any odd characters etc, updated all my drivers & BIOS and tested the system stability with two different software. I don't have any other problems with my computer. I've also used Process Monitor to see what's going on in Premiere, but I can't find any
    errors. None are in Windows logs either.
    My main specs are Intel Core 2 Quad @ 3GHz, 8 gigs of memory, Nvidia GTX 280 graphics card and 2,5 TB of hard drive space alltogether. The drive that has the project on, has over 400GB of free space. I'm running Windows 7 x64.
    I have 4 hard drives. 1 is used for source material, 1 for render files, and so on... This same problem existed before I split the files between different drives, so I don't think this has anything to do with that.
    Any help is welcome!

    If all drivers have been updated (note: the drivers that come with a new component are probably 6 - 12 mos. out of date), then it might be time to look at the system.
    The only thing that comes to mind regarding hardware, is that some component isn't just compatible with Pr. But that's highly unlikely, I think.
    That may be, but also may not be the case.
    If you will list the specs. of the computer, people can review that, and make comments - just in case.
    Good luck,

  • NVIDIA GeForce GT 130 Kernel Panics/Freezes in Lion & late Snow Leopard

    I've found some other reports of these freezes scattered about the forums, but usually other people come in and post something about unrelated video cards. So this thread is specific to NVIDIA GeForce GT 130 running OS X Lion (10.7-10.7.3), to avoid confusion and cross-polination of different issues.
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          iMac
      Model Identifier:          iMac9,1
      Processor Name:          Intel Core 2 Duo
      Processor Speed:          3.06 GHz
      Number of Processors:          1
      Total Number of Cores:          2
      L2 Cache:          6 MB
      Memory:          8 GB
      Bus Speed:          1.07 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:          IM91.008D.B08
      SMC Version (system):          1.37f3
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 130:
      Chipset Model:          NVIDIA GeForce GT 130
      Type:          GPU
      Bus:          PCIe
      PCIe Lane Width:          x16
      VRAM (Total):          512 MB
      Vendor:          NVIDIA (0x10de)
      Device ID:          0x062e
      Revision ID:          0x00a1
      ROM Revision:          3370
    Since upgrading to Lion I have had many issues with crashes and kernel panics characterized by the following symptoms, listed here in detail so that people can find them when they search:
    Pixellation - colored pixels appear in different areas of the screen, in seemingly random bunches.
    Mosaics - squares appear redrawn in the wrong part of the screen. Sometimes these squares are large, other times tiny.
    Recovery - sometimes the system recovers once it starts doing these. Other times it just keeps going until it freezes/panics.
    Kernel Panics - I've only had the "grey screen" appear once or twice. Usually there is a complete system lockup before this can happen, and I have to reboot the system manually.
    Some solutions/attempts to solve:
    Turn off Energy Saving - This is horrible for the monitor and can lead to burn-in, but I found that many of my crashes occured when the system was trying to recover from "screen sleep". So now I run a screen saver instead, which doesn't seem to trigger it as much.
    Screen Saver - Sometimes I can "refresh" the system by turning on the screen saver and then coming back. Other times, this doesn't work and the pixellation/mosaic remains. Sometimes I can't even initialize the screen saver at all (in which case a total freeze usually occurs right after).
    Rebooting - seems to clear things up for a while, but inevitably, the problem resurfaces.
    Running Windows - Not really a solution, but I have had absolutely no issues with this behavior while running Windows 7 on this same machine (under Bootcamp).
    Downgrading to Snow Leopard - I have not attempted this, but I've read others say that their crashes went away when they did. I would like some more concrete evidence on this if anyone has it.
    My diagnosis so far:
    OS X Lion's NVIDIA driver kernel extensions (kexts) seem to be faulty with this GPU. The Windows drivers for this GPU work better on Apple's own hardware than OS X Lion's. Anectodal evidence indicates that Snow Leopard's drivers (at least up to 10.6.3 – more confirmation needed) do not display this issue. I can confirm that this never occurred in Snow Leopard until Lion was released and I upgraded to it.
    My request for help and information:
    If you are running this GPU (GeForce GT 130) and OS X Lion, please contribute to this thread offering any solutions you may have or, at the very least, listing your hardware and GPU profile.
    If you can, post crash logs so that we can compare common issues (NVDA Resman seems to be a huge recurring kext in the crash logs, for instance).
    Post screen shots or pictures taken of the pixellation (colored pixels) and mosaic (squares drawn in the wrong place) phenomenon, so we can build a body of evidence regarding this issue. I will continue to update this thread with the same.
    I feel Apple has ignored these issues for far too long, and required too many people to simply purchase new computers and new GPUs. If we can build a solid body of evidence regarding this specific issue, it will be a thread that Apple Support can be referred to.

    Crashed again, this time while running screen saver. Here's the log:
    Interval Since Last Panic Report:  258975 sec
    Panics Since Last Report:          1
    Anonymous UUID:                    8A9BDB66-541D-4132-8BDD-D171D358B321
    Thu May 10 03:48:23 2012
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff7f8092a907): NVRM[0/2:0:0]: Read Error 0x0061002c: CFG 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000, BAR0 0xd2000000 0xffffff80f3175000 0x094700a1, D0, P3/4
    Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff80f179bc80 : 0xffffff8000220702
    0xffffff80f179bd00 : 0xffffff7f8092a907
    0xffffff80f179bd90 : 0xffffff7f80a1aa64
    0xffffff80f179bde0 : 0xffffff7f80c1e4dc
    0xffffff80f179be00 : 0xffffff7f809e3673
    0xffffff80f179be20 : 0xffffff7f80a8ba0a
    0xffffff80f179be90 : 0xffffff7f809177d6
    0xffffff80f179bf40 : 0xffffff7f808d143e
    0xffffff80f179bf70 : 0xffffff800023db2c
    0xffffff80f179bfb0 : 0xffffff8000820057
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
   [94BA87BA-B128-3310-9860-98EC67AB7FAF]@0xffffff7f808 ca000->0xffffff7f80ba3fff
                dependency:[F63D4ABE-42DA-33EF-BADD-3415B0CB0179]@0xffff ff7f80846000
                dependency:[4B3F84DC-18B3-3897-BC56-4E3940878047]@0xff ffff7f808b8000
                dependency:[FE536983-1897-3D6B-965E-24B5A67080DA]@0 xffffff7f80880000
   [7596DB8C-AE9D-3C87-B11A-0ED8F940CAF8]@0xffffff7 f80ba4000->0xffffff7f80ec5fff
                dependency:[94BA87BA-B128-3310-9860-98EC67AB7FAF]@0xffffff7f808 ca000
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 11.3.0: Thu Jan 12 18:47:41 PST 2012; root:xnu-1699.24.23~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: 7B6546C7-70E8-3ED8-A6C3-C927E4D3D0D6
    System model name: iMac9,1 (Mac-F2218FC8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 137075074753775
    last loaded kext at 39719236478:          1.9.4d0 (addr 0xffffff7f81e72000, size 28672)
    loaded kexts:
    com.rogueamoeba.HermesAudio          3.0.2
    com.orderedbytes.driver.ControllerMateFamily          4.4.3
    com.attotech.driver.ATTOiSCSI          3.4.1b1
    com.orderedbytes.driver.CMUSBDevices          4.4.3
    com.TrustedData.driver.VendorSpecificType00          1.5.0
    at.obdev.nke.LittleSnitch          2.4.0          1.9.4d0          3.0          3.10          122          3.5.9          1.0.26          1.0.2d2          2.1.7f9          2.1.7f9          1.59          100.12.42          7.1.8          1.0.0d1          7.0.0          1.2.2          4.7.5d4          3.0.16          170.1.9          1.5.3          312          3.0.1          3.0.1          3.0.1          3.0.1          3.0.1          3.0.1          3.0.3          1.0.0d1          1.0.0d1          33          2.0.1          2.2.0          4.8.9          513.20.19          1.4          1.5.0          4.5.0          2.0.17          4.5.8          4.4.5          1.6          1.4          1.7          1.4          1.5          167.3.0          3.2.30          1.1          167.3.0          1.0          2.1.7f9          2.1.7f9          1.0.10d0          7.1.8          7.1.8          2.2.4          2.8.2f5          80.0          4.0.3f12          10.0.5          1.0.0d22          1.0.0d5          1.8.6fc6          1.3          3.0.16          4.7.5d4          2.1.7f9          2.1.7f9          3.1.1d8          1.0.10d0          3.0.16          1.0.3          2.3.2          2.3.2          13          4.0.3f12          4.0.3f12          4.0.3f12          4.4.5          4.5.3          3.0.3          2.1.0          4.2.0          3.0.1          4.5.8          3.0.3          1.6          1.7          1.7          2.0.1          3.0.3          403          2.0.7          4.4.5          412.2          4.5.8          2.0          4.5.8          2.2.9          1.5.0          1.7.1          1.1          177.3          1.0.0d1          7          331.3          1.7          28.18          1.4          2.6.8          1.4

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