Ps 7 on web server failed to start up after install

I've installed ds/am (jes4) on a separate mc, then I install ps 7 on web server on a local whole root zone of a separate mc. There's no error message found on the install log but whenever I try start up the web server, I got following error message
# ./start
Sun ONE Web Server 6.1SP5 B06/23/2005 17:36
info: CORE3016: daemon is running as super-user
catastrophe: CORE3260: Server crash detected (signal SIGSEGV)
info: CORE3261: Crash occurred in NSAPI SAF load-modules
I do a pstack on the core file (see below), would appreciate is anyone can shed some ligh on what went wrong with the server.
# pstack core
core 'core' of 20167: webservd -r /opt/SUNWwbsvr -d /opt/SUNWwbsvr/https-abc.s
----------------- lwp# 1 / thread# 1 --------------------
f680a9dc * java/lang/String.indexOf(I)I+0
f68058b8 * java/lang/ClassLoader.checkName(Ljava/lang/String;)Z+16 (line 744)
f68057a8 * java/lang/ClassLoader.findLoadedClass(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+6 (line 920)
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Ljava/lang/Class;+2 (line 295)
f6805874 * sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Ljava/lang/Class;+36 (line 268)
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+3 (line 251)
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+2 (line 319)
f6800218 * StubRoutines (1)
fcd924c0 __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (2, ef538, ffbf65a8, ffbf6488, 8, ffbf66e8) + 5a0
fce8db18 __1cJJavaCallsMcall_special6FpnJJavaValue_nGHandle_nLKlassHandle_nMsymbolHandle_53pnGThread__v_ (77c4, eada84, eada90, ffbf66d4, ffbf66d0, ffbf66cc) + f4
fcdc7c04 __1cQSystemDictionaryTload_instance_class6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_pnGThread__nTinstanceKlassHandle__ (ffbf6854, ef538, ffbf6850, 64d8, eada84, 6400) + 40c
fcd667bc __1cQSystemDictionarybEresolve_instance_class_or_null6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_2pnGThread__pnMklassOopDesc__ (2d108, b2eea9, ffbf6904, ef538, eada58, ffbf6908) + 634
fcd6ae2c __1cQSystemDictionaryPresolve_or_fail6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_2ipnGThread__pnMklassOopDesc__ (ffbf6a14, ffbf6a10, ffbf6a0c, 1, ef538, eada58) + d0
fcdd75e8 __1cPClassFileParserQparse_interfaces6MnSconstantPoolHandle_nGHandle_2pnGThread__nOobjArrayHandle__ (eada3c, 0, ffbf6c6c, eada58, ffbf6c64, ef538) + 4b4
fcdd1b30 __1cPClassFileParserOparseClassFile6MnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_2r1pnGThread__nTinstanceKlassHandle__ (ffbf6d9c, ffbf6d88, ead62c, ffbf6d80, ef538, 0) + 1154
fcea69c4 __1cQSystemDictionaryTresolve_from_stream6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_2pnPClassFileStream_pnGThread__pnMklassOopDesc__ (ffbf6e40, ffbf6e3c, ead618, ffbf6e44, ef538, 0) + d8
fceb0c70 JVM_DefineClassWithSource (ef5f0, ead610, ffbf74b4, ebc84f28, e7d948, ffbf74a0) + 330
fc6d0fc4 Java_java_lang_ClassLoader_defineClass1 (35d1, ffbf74b4, fcdc7140, fd3ca180, ffbf72b8, 17e01c0) + 22c
f680c280 * java/lang/ClassLoader.defineClass1(Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+0
f680c224 * java/lang/ClassLoader.defineClass1(Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+0
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.defineClass(Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;)Ljava/lang/Class;+34 (line 620)
f6805874 * java/security/SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/CodeSource;)Ljava/lang/Class;+27 (line 124)
f6805874 * java/net/URLClassLoader.defineClass(Ljava/lang/String;Lsun/misc/Resource;)Ljava/lang/Class;+253 (line 260)
f6805874 * java/net/URLClassLoader.access$100(Ljava/net/URLClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;Lsun/misc/Resource;)Ljava/lang/Class;+3 (line 56)
f6805874 * java/net/URLClassLoader$;+43 (line 195)
f6800218 * StubRoutines (1)
fcd924c0 __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (1, ef538, ffbf792c, ffbf7830, 4, ffbf7990) + 5a0
fce2095c JVM_DoPrivileged (ef5f0, 0, ead60c, 4, ead608, fd3d25bc) + 500
fc6cee3c Java_java_security_AccessController_doPrivileged__Ljava_security_PrivilegedExceptionAction_2Ljava_security_AccessControlContext_2 (ef5f0, ffbf7d70, ffbf7df4, ffbf7df0, ec10de30, ffbf7d88) + 14
f680c280 * java/security/AccessController.doPrivileged(Ljava/security/PrivilegedExceptionAction;Ljava/security/AccessControlContext;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
f680c224 * java/security/AccessController.doPrivileged(Ljava/security/PrivilegedExceptionAction;Ljava/security/AccessControlContext;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
f6805874 * java/net/URLClassLoader.findClass(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+13 (line 188)
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Ljava/lang/Class;+43 (line 306)
f6805874 * sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Ljava/lang/Class;+36 (line 268)
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+3 (line 251)
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+2 (line 319)
f6800218 * StubRoutines (1)
fcd924c0 __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (2, ef538, ffbf8270, ffbf8150, 8, ffbf83b0) + 5a0
fce8db18 __1cJJavaCallsMcall_special6FpnJJavaValue_nGHandle_nLKlassHandle_nMsymbolHandle_53pnGThread__v_ (77c4, ead5f4, ead600, ffbf839c, ffbf8398, ffbf8394) + f4
fcdc7c04 __1cQSystemDictionaryTload_instance_class6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_pnGThread__nTinstanceKlassHandle__ (ffbf851c, ef538, ffbf8518, 64d8, ead5f4, 6400) + 40c
fcd667bc __1cQSystemDictionarybEresolve_instance_class_or_null6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_2pnGThread__pnMklassOopDesc__ (2d108, 1651d0a, ffbf85cc, ef538, ead5c8, ffbf85d0) + 634
fcd6ae2c __1cQSystemDictionaryPresolve_or_fail6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_2ipnGThread__pnMklassOopDesc__ (ffbf867c, ffbf8678, ffbf8674, 1, ef538, ead5c8) + d0
fcddb954 __1cQSystemDictionaryVresolve_super_or_fail6FnMsymbolHandle_1nGHandle_2pnGThread__pnMklassOopDesc__ (ead5c8, 118208, 11820c, ffbf8888, ef538, 2d108) + 1fc
fcdd20b8 __1cPClassFileParserOparseClassFile6MnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_2r1pnGThread__nTinstanceKlassHandle__ (ffbf8a1c, ffbf8a08, 11820c, ffbf8a00, ef538, 1) + 16dc
fcea69c4 __1cQSystemDictionaryTresolve_from_stream6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_2pnPClassFileStream_pnGThread__pnMklassOopDesc__ (ffbf8ac0, ffbf8abc, 11820c, ffbf8ac4, ef538, 0) + d8
fceb0c70 JVM_DefineClassWithSource (ef5f0, 118204, ffbf9134, ebc84f28, e7cea0, ffbf9120) + 330
fc6d0fc4 Java_java_lang_ClassLoader_defineClass1 (2f6d, ffbf9134, fcdc7140, fd3ca180, ffbf8f38, 17dc1b8) + 22c
f680c280 * java/lang/ClassLoader.defineClass1(Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+0
f680c224 * java/lang/ClassLoader.defineClass1(Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+0
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.defineClass(Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/ProtectionDomain;)Ljava/lang/Class;+34 (line 620)
f6805874 * java/security/SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Ljava/lang/String;[BIILjava/security/CodeSource;)Ljava/lang/Class;+27 (line 124)
f6805874 * java/net/URLClassLoader.defineClass(Ljava/lang/String;Lsun/misc/Resource;)Ljava/lang/Class;+253 (line 260)
f6805874 * java/net/URLClassLoader.access$100(Ljava/net/URLClassLoader;Ljava/lang/String;Lsun/misc/Resource;)Ljava/lang/Class;+3 (line 56)
f6805874 * java/net/URLClassLoader$;+43 (line 195)
f6800218 * StubRoutines (1)
fcd924c0 __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (1, ef538, ffbf95ac, ffbf94b0, 4, ffbf9610) + 5a0
fce2095c JVM_DoPrivileged (ef5f0, 0, 118200, 4, 1181fc, fd3d25bc) + 500
fc6cee3c Java_java_security_AccessController_doPrivileged__Ljava_security_PrivilegedExceptionAction_2Ljava_security_AccessControlContext_2 (ef5f0, ffbf99f0, ffbf9a74, ffbf9a70, ec10de30, ffbf9a08) + 14
f680c280 * java/security/AccessController.doPrivileged(Ljava/security/PrivilegedExceptionAction;Ljava/security/AccessControlContext;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
f680c224 * java/security/AccessController.doPrivileged(Ljava/security/PrivilegedExceptionAction;Ljava/security/AccessControlContext;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
f6805874 * java/net/URLClassLoader.findClass(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+13 (line 188)
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Ljava/lang/Class;+43 (line 306)
f6805874 * sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Ljava/lang/Class;+36 (line 268)
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClass(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+3 (line 251)
f6805874 * java/lang/ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;+2 (line 319)
f6800218 * StubRoutines (1)
fcd924c0 __1cJJavaCallsLcall_helper6FpnJJavaValue_pnMmethodHandle_pnRJavaCallArguments_pnGThread__v_ (2, ef538, ffbf9ef0, ffbf9dd0, 8, ffbfa030) + 5a0
fce8db18 __1cJJavaCallsMcall_special6FpnJJavaValue_nGHandle_nLKlassHandle_nMsymbolHandle_53pnGThread__v_ (77c4, 1181e8, 1181f4, ffbfa01c, ffbfa018, ffbfa014) + f4
fcdc7c04 __1cQSystemDictionaryTload_instance_class6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_pnGThread__nTinstanceKlassHandle__ (ffbfa19c, ef538, ffbfa198, 64d8, 1181e8, 6400) + 40c
fcd667bc __1cQSystemDictionarybEresolve_instance_class_or_null6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_2pnGThread__pnMklassOopDesc__ (2d108, 142f034, ffbfa24c, ef538, 1181b4, ffbfa250) + 634
fcd6ae2c __1cQSystemDictionaryPresolve_or_fail6FnMsymbolHandle_nGHandle_2ipnGThread__pnMklassOopDesc__ (ffbfa2fc, ffbfa2f8, ffbfa2f4, 1, ef538, 1181b4) + d0
fce5e10c JVM_FindClassFromClass (ef5f0, 2a5f2588, 0, 60078, ebc84f28, 1181b8) + 41c
fd43aed4 ???????? (ef5f0, 0, ffbfaa0c, 1, 15c884c, 260009) + 5dd1e4
fd4374d8 ???????? (41, 0, 0, ffbfaa0c, fd44e000, ffbfa8fc) + 5d97e8
fd433748 ???????? (17ebbe4, fd44e000, 4, ffbfaa0c, 0, fd43d304) + 5d5a58
fd43c428 VerifyClassForMajorVersion (ffbfaa0c, 47f34, fcd91acc, 47f30, 0, 15) + 3e8
fc6d3740 VerifyClassCodesForMajorVersion (ef5f0, 60078, ffbfacd8, 100, 30, 0) + 14
fcddf4b4 __1cIVerifierRverify_byte_codes6FnTinstanceKlassHandle_pnGThread__v_ (ffbfacd8, ef538, 8000, 117d48, fc6d372c, ef538) + 97c
fcda3c74 __1cNinstanceKlassPlink_class_impl6FnTinstanceKlassHandle_pnGThread__v_ (1, 8400, ffbfaf48, ef538, 1181a0, fd380000) + 48c
fcd7114c __1cNinstanceKlassPinitialize_impl6FnTinstanceKlassHandle_pnGThread__v_ (ffbfb064, ef538, 11819c, 118198, 1, 118148) + a8
fcd5efd4 __1cNinstanceKlassKinitialize6MpnGThread__v_ (1181a0, ef538, 11853c, 2a5f2580, fcd52fdc, fd3c9400) + 80
fceb6b84 __1cbCfind_class_from_class_loader6FpnHJNIEnv__nMsymbolHandle_CnGHandle_3CpnGThread__pnH_jclass__ (ef5f0, 1, 1, 118198, 2a5f2580, 1) + d8
fceb819c jni_FindClass (ef5f0, 0, 0, fd3d25bc, 0, 0) + 6b8
fd6cdb64 __1cKNSJavaUtilPfindClassGlobal6FpnHJNIEnv__pkc_pnH_jclass__ (ef5f0, fd6e2591, fd6e2400, fd6f3800, fecaa824, 47f00) + 10
fd6d3e6c __1cONSAPIConnectorEinit6FpnGpblock__nIPRStatus__ (27e38, ffbfb274, fd3ca180, fd6f3c00, fd6f3800, fd6f3c00) + d8
fd6d1f08 init_j2ee (27e38, 0, 0, 640, 0, 1) + 248
ff200248 load_modules (27e38, 0, 0, ff2ee3ac, 400, ff2e0828) + 98
ff1cfc84 __1cNfunc_exec_str6FpnKFuncStruct_pnGpblock_pnHSession_pnHRequest__i_ (291c0, 27e38, 0, 0, ff2001b0, 0) + 4e8
ff1cc0b0 __1cY_conf_run_init_functions6Fi_pc_ (0, 50, 11488c, ff2ee3ac, 400, ff2e0828) + 120
ff245c1c __1cJWebServerDRun6F_nIPRStatus__ (ff2ef014, ff2eefd8, 4c970, ff2ef018, 2800, ff2c17b0) + a48
00010ab0 main     (7, ffbffa14, ffbffa34, 20c00, fd9c0340, fd9c0380) + 1c
00010a70 _start   (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 108
-----------------  lwp# 4 / thread# 4  --------------------
fe041138 __pollsys (fd8fadb8, 1, fd8fad38, 0, 0, 1388) + 8
fdfdd028 poll     (fd8fadb8, 1, 1388, 10624c00, 0, 0) + 7c
fedd8654 pt_poll_now (fd8fae38, 1, 0, fd8fadb8, 20, ffffffff) + 4c
fedd958c pt_Read  (0, 3, fedd8a1c, 1788, 400, fedf6bb8) + ac
ff23f1b0 __1cRLogNsprDescriptorDrun6M_v_ (82558, 1, fd8faec8, 0, 1400, ff2e0828) + 44
ff106dec ThreadMain (82558, 2010e8, 0, 0, 0, 1) + 24
fedde04c _pt_root (2010e8, ff106dc8, 400, fedf6bb8, 0, fedf8914) + d4
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 5 / thread# 5  --------------------
fe041138 __pollsys (fd67adb8, 1, fd67ad38, 0, 0, 1388) + 8
fdfdd028 poll     (fd67adb8, 1, 1388, 10624c00, 0, 0) + 7c
fedd8654 pt_poll_now (fd67ae38, 1, 0, fd67adb8, 20, ffffffff) + 4c
fedd958c pt_Read  (0, 3, fedd8a1c, 1788, 400, fedf6bb8) + ac
ff23f1b0 __1cRLogNsprDescriptorDrun6M_v_ (82630, 2, fd67aec8, 1, 1400, ff2e0828) + 44
ff106dec ThreadMain (82630, 2011f8, 0, 0, 0, 1) + 24
fedde04c _pt_root (2011f8, ff106dc8, 400, fedf6bb8, 0, fedf8914) + d4
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 6 / thread# 6  --------------------
fe04040c __lwp_park (29b28, 4c860, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 14
fe03a49c cond_wait_queue (29b28, 4c860, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 28
fe03aa1c cond_wait (29b28, 4c860, 5e4808, 0, 1, 0) + 10
fe03aa58 pthread_cond_wait (29b28, 4c860, 1, fedf8510, 64c, 400) + 8
fedd7a10 PR_WaitCondVar (29b20, ffffffff, 5e4808, 0, 1, 0) + 64
ff241d90 __1cLUnixSignalsDGet6Fi_i_ (1, 2c00, 2c00, 2e5c, 2c00, ff2e0828) + 104
ff246f38 __1cXUnixSignalWatcherThreadDrun6M_v_ (2a480, 3, 2, 2, 1, fedf8914) + 20
ff106dec ThreadMain (2a480, 5e4808, 0, ffffffff, 0, 1) + 24
fedde04c _pt_root (5e4808, ff106dc8, 400, fedf6bb8, 1, fedf8914) + d4
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 7 / thread# 7  --------------------
fe0407f0 ___sigtimedwait (fcbfbeb8, 0, 0, fd920800, 0, 1) + 8
ff24135c __1cXUnixSignalHandlerThreadDrun6M_v_ (ff316140, 64, 2800, 2800, 2b20, 2bf8) + bc
ff106dec ThreadMain (607368, 6192c8, 0, ffffffff, 0, 1) + 24
fedde04c _pt_root (6192c8, ff106dc8, 400, fedf6bb8, 1, fedf8914) + d4
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 8 / thread# 8  --------------------
fe04040c __lwp_park (2a5c8, 6718b0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 14
fe03a49c cond_wait_queue (2a5c8, 6718b0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 28
fe03aa1c cond_wait (2a5c8, 6718b0, 671938, c27d8, ff2ee068, 0) + 10
fe03aa58 pthread_cond_wait (2a5c8, 6718b0, 1, fedf8510, 64c, 400) + 8
fedd7a10 PR_WaitCondVar (2a5c0, ffffffff, 671938, c27d8, ff2ee068, 0) + 64
ff21e0bc __1cJPollArrayPGetPollSnapshot6Mpippv_v_ (83758, fcafbec0, fcafbec4, 3, fffffffd, 1) + 70
ff21ea54 __1cMKAPollThreadDrun6M_v_ (837a0, 1, ff2ee000, ff2ee034, ff2ee068, ff2edfcc) + e4
ff106dec ThreadMain (837a0, 671938, 0, ffffffff, 0, 1) + 24
fedde04c _pt_root (671938, ff106dc8, 400, fedf6bb8, 1, fedf8914) + d4
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 9 / thread# 9  --------------------
fe04040c __lwp_park (2a5f0, 671b58, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 14
fe03a49c cond_wait_queue (2a5f0, 671b58, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 28
fe03aa1c cond_wait (2a5f0, 671b58, 671be0, fedf8510, 64c, 0) + 10
fe03aa58 pthread_cond_wait (2a5f0, 671b58, 1, fedf8510, 64c, 400) + 8
fedd7a10 PR_WaitCondVar (2a5e8, ffffffff, 671be0, fedf8510, 64c, 0) + 64
fdf615b4 NSTP_ThreadMain (671ad0, 0, fc9fbf18, 0, 1, 0) + 74
fedde04c _pt_root (671be0, fdf61540, 400, fedf6bb8, 1, fedf8914) + d4
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 10 / thread# 10  --------------------
fe041138 __pollsys (0, 0, fc8fbea8, 0, 0, 0) + 8
fdfdd028 poll     (0, 0, 3e7, 10624c00, ee2e1f, 3b8b87c0) + 7c
fdf2119c __1cQclockthread_main6Fpv_v_ (fdf33400, 40, 0, 1, 1, 20) + 148
fedde04c _pt_root (671cf0, fdf21054, 400, fedf6bb8, 1, fedf8914) + d4
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 12 / thread# 12  --------------------
fe04040c __lwp_park (2a640, 671e00, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 14
fe03a49c cond_wait_queue (2a640, 671e00, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 28
fe03aa1c cond_wait (2a640, 671e00, 671e88, 1, 1, 0) + 10
fe03aa58 pthread_cond_wait (2a640, 671e00, 1, fedf8510, 64c, 400) + 8
fedd7a10 PR_WaitCondVar (2a638, ffffffff, 671e88, 1, 1, 0) + 64
ff1abb54 __1cHPSQdDueue4CpnbCConfigurationManagerListener__Dget6Mr1_nIPRStatus__ (43160, fd74fec4, 2800, ffffffff, 0, 1) + 44
ff226258 __1cUConfigurationManagerDrun6M_v_ (2a660, 6, 5, 29b0, 1, fedf8914) + 28
ff106dec ThreadMain (2a660, 671e88, 0, ffffffff, 0, 1) + 24
fedde04c _pt_root (671e88, ff106dc8, 400, fedf6bb8, 1, fedf8914) + d4
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 13 / thread# 13  --------------------
fe04040c __lwp_park (7cd390, 7bb2e8, fc7fbc90, 1, 0, 0) + 14
fe03a49c cond_wait_queue (7cd390, 7bb2e8, fc7fbc90, 0, 0, 0) + 28
fe03a914 cond_wait_common (7cd390, 7bb2e8, fc7fbc90, 0, 0, 0) + 298
fe03aaac _cond_timedwait (7cd390, 7bb2e8, fc7fbe20, 45b51d47, 0, 0) + 34
fe03aba0 cond_timedwait (7cd390, 7bb2e8, fc7fbe20, 0, 29080f10, 0) + 14
fe03abe0 pthread_cond_timedwait (7cd390, 7bb2e8, fc7fbe20, 45b51d47, 0, 29080f10) + c
fedd7b1c PR_WaitCondVar (7cd388, 5, 7984f8, 0, 29080f10, 0) + 170
ff239ea8 __1cQBandwidthManagerDrun6M_v_ (5cfe0, 29e8, ff2e0828, 6, 1, fedf8914) + 2a0
ff106dec ThreadMain (2c730, 7984f8, 0, ffffffff, 0, 1) + 24
fedde04c _pt_root (7984f8, ff106dc8, 400, fedf6bb8, 1, fedf8914) + d4
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 14 / thread# 14  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 16, 618b4) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 61810, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 0, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (61810, c9, 46238, 61810, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (61810, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8d9e8) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 15 / thread# 15  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 12, 619bc) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 61918, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 1, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (61918, cb, 46250, 61918, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (61918, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8dac0) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 16 / thread# 16  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 15, 61ac4) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 61a20, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 2, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (61a20, cd, 46268, 61a20, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (61a20, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8db98) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 17 / thread# 17  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 2, 61bcc) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 61b28, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 3, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (61b28, cf, 46280, 61b28, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (61b28, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8dc70) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 18 / thread# 18  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 1, 61cd4) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 61c30, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 4, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (61c30, c1, 46298, 61c30, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (61c30, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8dd48) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 19 / thread# 19  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 9, 61ddc) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 61d38, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 5, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (61d38, c3, 462b0, 61d38, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (61d38, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8de20) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 20 / thread# 20  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 3, 61ee4) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 61e40, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 6, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (61e40, c5, 462c8, 61e40, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (61e40, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8def8) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 21 / thread# 21  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 5, 61fec) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 61f48, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 7, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (61f48, c7, 462e0, 61f48, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (61f48, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8dfd0) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 22 / thread# 22  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, f, 620f4) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62050, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 8, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62050, f9, 462f8, 62050, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62050, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e0a8) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 23 / thread# 23  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 14, 621fc) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62158, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 9, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62158, fb, 46310, 62158, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62158, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e180) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 24 / thread# 24  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 18, 62304) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62260, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, a, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62260, fd, 46328, 62260, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62260, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e258) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 25 / thread# 25  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, e, 6240c) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62368, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, b, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62368, ff, 46340, 62368, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62368, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e330) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 26 / thread# 26  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 6, 62514) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62470, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, c, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62470, f1, 46358, 62470, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62470, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e408) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 27 / thread# 27  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, d, 6261c) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62578, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, d, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62578, f3, 46370, 62578, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62578, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e4e0) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 28 / thread# 28  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 4, 62724) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62680, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, e, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62680, f5, 46388, 62680, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62680, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e5b8) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 29 / thread# 29  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 11, 6282c) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62788, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, f, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62788, f7, 463a0, 62788, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62788, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e690) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 30 / thread# 30  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, b, 62934) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62890, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 10, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62890, e9, 463b8, 62890, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62890, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e768) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 31 / thread# 31  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 13, 62a3c) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62998, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 11, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62998, eb, 463d0, 62998, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62998, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e840) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 32 / thread# 32  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 8, 62b44) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62aa0, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 12, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62aa0, ed, 463e8, 62aa0, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62aa0, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e918) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 33 / thread# 33  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 7, 62c4c) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62ba8, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 13, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62ba8, ef, 46400, 62ba8, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62ba8, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8e9f0) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 34 / thread# 34  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 17, 62d54) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62cb0, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 14, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62cb0, e1, 46418, 62cb0, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62cb0, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8eac8) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 35 / thread# 35  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, c, 62e5c) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62db8, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 15, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62db8, e3, 46430, 62db8, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62db8, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8eba0) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 36 / thread# 36  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, 10, 62f64) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62ec0, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 16, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62ec0, e5, 46448, 62ec0, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62ec0, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8ec78) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 37 / thread# 37  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79c0b8, 79c0a0, 1, 0, a, 6306c) + 8
fcdbafec __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (8d208, 62fc8, fff0bc00, fd380000, f4000, 79c078) + 16c
fcd910dc __1cNGCTaskManagerIget_task6MI_pnGGCTask__ (8d178, 17, 1800, 8d208, 46220, fd380000) + 1e4
fcf49524 __1cMGCTaskThreadDrun6M_v_ (62fc8, e7, 46460, 62fc8, fd380000, fd3d1d18) + 180
fd24a5b4 ???????? (62fc8, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8ed50) + 301210
fe040368 _lwp_start (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-----------------  lwp# 38 / thread# 38  --------------------
fe041640 ___lwp_cond_wait (79a160, 79a148, 2897f9c8, 3b9ac800, 1dcd7c70, 16) + 8
fe02c3dc _lwp_cond_timedwait (79a160, 79a148, 2897faa0, 3e8, 0, 7a126) + 1c
fcdbb1a8 __1cHMonitorEwait6Mil_i_ (898a8, 630d0, fff0bc00, fd380000, 6000, 79a120) + 328
fcf626a4 __1cIVMThreadDrun6M_v_ (fd3d1d18, fd3e008c, fd3e0078, fd3e0088, 6400, 6000) + 1b4
fd24a5b4 ???????? (630d0, 6000, 4ec7, 4ecc, fd380000, 8f968) + 2e80c4

I think this install is on a Niagara T2000, right?
There is an issue with installing PS7.0 on webserver on a Niagara box.
Installation of PS7 on T2000s running JVM 1.5.0_04 fails unless JVM
patches 118666-05 and 118667-05 are applied. After the patches are installed, the JVM is upgraded to 1.5.0_05
This issue has been fixed for JES5(ps7.1).
For ps7.0 use the following steps will get it working:
1) Install DS so that JDK gets installed. Start DS.
2) Add patches 118666-05 and 118667-05 to upgrade jdk.
3) Make sure jdk is upgraded to 1.5.0_06-b05 and /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se
link is updated.
4) Invoke installer again and install WS.
5) Edit server.xml to put below JVM options.
6) Start WS instance and admin server
7) Invoke installer to install AM, PS
8) Restart everything and check access
Message was edited by:

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    Kindly guide me with this. Thanks!
    Edited by: Kent Pawar. on Oct 11, 2012 8:51 AM

    Issue is :
    Caused By:
    One probable reason can be some change made to the config.xml file . If you have previous backup for the config.xml file then try to replace the config.xml file and restart the server .
    Another reason for this exception may be that there were some changes made to configuration through the Admin Console which were not activated completely and Admin Server was restarted . under this scenario weblogic will create a /pendig dir and have a config.xml file created there with the un-activated changes .
    some workaround you can try to restore the Admin Server :
    Under domain dir ,
    \pending directory -- take backup and delete the dir .
    Under Admin Server Dir :
    data\store --- take backup and delete the dir .

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    112138-01 Synopsis: SunOS 5.8:: usr/bin/domainname patch
    108652-98 X11 6.4.1: Xsun patch
    108921-25 CDE 1.4: dtwm patch
    108940-72 Motif 1.2.7 and 2.1.1: Runtime library patch for Solaris 8
    OS: SunOS 5.8 Generic_117350-37 sun4u sparc SUNW, Ultra-4
    When i try to start the application Server it shows the below error pls Help.
    ......Starting Oracle HTTP Server.....
    ......Started Oracle HTTP Server.....
    ......Started OC4J instance.....
    ......Started OC4J instance.....
    .....Checking OHS and OC4J status.....
    See base exception for details.
    Base Exception:
    oracle.ias.repository.schema.SchemaException:Unable to connect to Directory Server:javax.naming.CommunicationException: [Root exception is Connection refused]
    See base exception for details.
    ......Starting Web Cache...........
    Oracle9iAS Web Cache, Version
    Copyright: Oracle Corporation, 1999-2001
    Build CALYPSO_9.0.0_SOLARIS_020411
    Admin Server failed to start
    ......Started Web Cache...........
    .....PRESS ENTER TO EXIT.......
    Please Help me out to solve this issue.

    I am assuming you are using 9iR2:
    1. start your infrastructure database
    2. start oid
    nohup oidmon start
    nohup oidctl server=oidldapd configset=0 instance=1 start
    3. check to see if things seem to be working properly in the infrastructure before starting the midtier
    dcmctl getstate -v (this will give you the status of the infrastructure components). If this comes back in error, you will need to solve this first.

  • Solaris 10 Guest OS in VirtualBox: X-server fails to start

    I couldn't find a VirtualBox users/admins forum, so this seemed to be the next best place to post.
    I installed VBox (2.1.2) on Solaris 10 x86, and then created a Solaris 10 guest. After installing the guest additions package to the Solaris guest the X-server fails to start.
    I see the following message on the VBox console for the guest:
    The X-server can not be started on display :0...
    See file /var/dt/Xerror for details.The /var/dt/Xerrors file shows these messages.
    Server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly 1
    Server for display :0 can't be startedI found that removing (or renaming) the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file clears this problem up.
    Since this guest OS is going to be my SunRay server I don't know if removing the xorg.conf file is going to cause some other problems later on.
    Has anybody else seen this problem?
    Does anybody know the xorg.conf file well enough to know how to fix this without completely removing the file?

    By default Solaris does not create an xorg.conf file. It probes for the values and uses what it finds. You can find several books on X Windows and one of those should be able to step you through the xorg.conf file.
    You can probably find an online version at some Linux Vendors documentation web site.

  • Server failed to start up

    I tried to configure the Managed Server in Weblogic 10.3, but i had the exception below. The exception occured after that i was put a jar in classpath of the "start server".... without this, the server works very well.
    Someone could help me?
    <22/10/2010 15:30:16> <Warning> <Exception while starting server 'ManagedServer7
    040': Server failed to start up. See server output log for
    more details.> Server failed to start up. See server output log for more d
    at weblogic.nodemanager.server.ServerManager.start(
    at weblogic.nodemanager.server.Handler.handleStart(
    at weblogic.nodemanager.server.Handler.handleCommand(

    You are only deploying one Flex web application on Tomcat?
    Maybe the web application is getting deployed twice for some
    Have you tried looking at what ports are in use prior to
    starting the server in Eclipse? This might be a good sanity test.
    Running "netstat -a" will give you this on Windows.
    We usually see this when two web applications have the same
    channel configuration information by mistake. Not sure what is up
    in this case.

  • [Flex] RTMP-Server failed to start up

    We are trying to deploy a Flex Dataservices 2.01 applicaton
    on Solaris 10/Weblogic 8.1 SP5 and have run into this problem. Does
    anybody know how to fix it? Thanks.
    [Flex] RTMP-Server failed to start up:
    Invalid argument
    flex.messaging.endpoints.rtmp.RTMPException: The RTMP server
    has encountered a f
    atal exception starting up: Invalid argument
    07/03 14:04:48 INFO Loading configuration file
    07/03 14:04:48 INFO Loading configuration file

    You are only deploying one Flex web application on Tomcat?
    Maybe the web application is getting deployed twice for some
    Have you tried looking at what ports are in use prior to
    starting the server in Eclipse? This might be a good sanity test.
    Running "netstat -a" will give you this on Windows.
    We usually see this when two web applications have the same
    channel configuration information by mistake. Not sure what is up
    in this case.

  • HostXYZ.cacheserver - Crystal Reports Cache Server: Failed to start/stop

    We are  unable to  open any of the BO Crystal Reports through our 'Clarity PPM Web Application'.When we logged on to the BO CMC portal in the production environment, In the 'Servers' section, we could see the 'HostXYZ.cacheserver in 'Stopped' state.When we are trying to restart that server, it results in an error "HostXYZ.cacheserver - Crystal Reports Cache Server: Failed to start/stop".Could you please help me how to proceed further?Please let me know, if you need any other information.

    WHich version of BO do you use? Go into the CMC navigate to Servers and check the Metrics section of your Central management server. There should be a version number like x.y.z.w there. Can you please post it here?

  • App Server Fails to Start after Installation

    I've spent a whole day struggling with this, looking through forum discussions and trying out every single suggestion I've come across in the forums. I'm running out of ideas now and really appreciate any help I can get with this problem.
    I'm trying to install SJSC2 (also tried with SJSC2u1 with the same outcome) on a new HP notebook (nw9440) running WinXP_sp2. I'm using the default installation done by HP.
    My installation path is C:\Java\SunCreator2 (C:\Java\SunCreator2_1 for update 1).
    After the installation the App server fails to start up and gives the below error in the server.log.
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d779c9d, pid=5368, tid=5760
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-b05 mixed mode)
    # Problematic frame:
    # V [jvm.dll+0x99c9d]
    # An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid5368.log
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    Upon looking at the install.log in the rave_home directory, I noticed the below sequence of errors.
    Timeout waiting for domain creator to go to starting state.
    Compiler warnings:
    line 44: Attribute 'debug-options' outside of element.
    line 62: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 73: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 84: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 105: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 116: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 127: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 145: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    line 156: Attribute 'port' outside of element.
    CLI156 Could not start the domain creator.
    The following script has unexpected output: "C:\Creator2\bin\deploy-ws.bat"
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:33 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:35 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:37 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    The following script has unexpected output: "C:\Creator2\bin\deploy-ejbs.bat"
    Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI137 Command create-jdbc-connection-pool failed.
    CLI137 Command create-jdbc-resource failed.
    CLI137 Command create-jdbc-connection-pool failed.
    CLI137 Command create-jdbc-resource failed.
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:52 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:53 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:55 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    Aug 14, 2006 11:27:57 PM getInstance
    SEVERE: ProxyFactory.getInstance: Failure trying to create a new ProxyFactory: Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.
    CLI171 Command deploy failed : Deployment of application failed - Unable to connect to admin-server. Please check if the server is up and running and that the host and port provided are correct.; requested operation cannot be completed
    I've tried every workaround I've seen in the forums such as installing under different paths (both with spaces and without spaces), cleaning all the temporary files in the Temp directory, renaming the productregistry in the windows system directory. Each time I get the exact same error in the install.log.
    I also tried installing the stand alone SUN App Server 8.1_02_2005Q2 as well as 8.2. I don't seem to have any issue with this installation or running of the stand alone server at all on the same machine.
    Really appreciate any help I can get. TIA....

    After spending more time looking through the forum, I came across the below thread which has worked in my case (though it was suggested for Sol10x86).
    This is the workaround that worked in my case.
    > $ cd <Creator_Home>/SunAppServer8/lib
    $ mv processLauncher.xml processLauncher.xml.trayIcon
    $ cp processLauncher.xml.bak processLauncher.xml
    # If you have a domains/creator/config/domain.xml
    $ cd ../bin
    $ ./asadmin start-domain creator
    This started the app server. After that I was able to start and stop app server within the JSC as well.
    Only difference between these two xml files seem to be,
    <main_class classname="com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain"/>
    <main_class classname="com.sun.enterprise.server.PEMain"/>
    Possibly pointing to a bug in the "com.sun.rave.tray.RavePEMain" class.
    Thanks for your suggestions guys... and especially to Marco and Greg.
    Message was edited by:

  • Dashboard Design Cache Server failed to start after upgrade to BOBJ 4.0 SP09 Patch 3

    Hi Friends,
    We have upgraded our BOBJ 4.0 server from SP04 Patch 8 to SP09 patch 3.
    After upgrade completed "Dashboard Design Cache Server" Failed to start. other servers are running fine.
    xccache_<hostname>.DashboardDesignCacheServer_trace.000003.glf Error Log:
    |c24257f2-85df-0f2b-efe2-d7cfe59df826|2014 06 19 14:04:21:444|-0400|Information|Information|>=|S| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200||{|0|1|0|1|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||||SessionManagerFactory::createInstance
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1241
    |84f9fa46-c9ce-d9c4-fb5b-a08e6b6c1fea|2014 06 19 14:04:21:451|-0400|Debug| |<<| | |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| |0|1|0|1|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform||using OSGi emulation; cause: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1242
    |2eb28d2c-acaa-e2ff-26de-0ce297ad41e5|2014 06 19 14:04:21:502|-0400|Debug| |<<| | |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| |0|1|0|1|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform||adding contributions from "jar:file:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java/lib/dsl_engine.jar!/META-INF/DSLContributions/": DSL-Contribution =,,,,,com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionContribution,,,,,,,com.businessobjects.mds.consumption.ConsumptionContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.consumption.SecurityKeyServiceContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.olap.protocol.bics.BICSClientContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.olap.protocol.ess_japi.EssJapiClientContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.olap.protocol.sapbapi.SapRfcClientContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.olap.protocol.xmla.XMLAClientContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.olap.OlapClientContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.publishing.PublishingContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.repository.cms.CMSSessionContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.repository.filesystem.FSSessionContribution,com.businessobjects.mds.repository.memory.MemorySessionContribution,,,,,,,,
    jvm/Bootstrap.cpp:146:-: TraceLog message 1243
    |9992bc42-cf8b-51bd-739f-ee471da81b76|2014 06 19 14:04:22:292|-0400|Debug| |<<| | |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|47600550826240|| ||||||||||||||||||||||ras21-core: CBootstrap::getSLUserSecurity starting wait loop[3], timeout[119]
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1244
    |762aa011-8afb-af8d-6bd6-a61be1be142d|2014 06 19 14:04:22:399|-0400|Error| |>>| | |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| |0|1|0|1|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform||java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContribution(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperty(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperties(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromPropertiesFile(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsInternal(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributions(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionContribution.register(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.initializeExtensionPoint(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.createInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.getInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.UserSecurityCalculator.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.SecurityCalculator.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.servant.SLUserSecurityServant.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runServants(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runAdapter(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/awt/SunToolkit : cannot initialize class because prior initialization attempt failed
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$6.getContext(
            at sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaAWTAccess(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultInAppContext(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultRef(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefault(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.initializeCalendar(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl$SafeSimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniverseFactory.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.init(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniversePackage.<clinit>(
            ... 21 more
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/headless/
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
            at java.lang.System.load(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            at Method)
            at java.awt.Toolkit.loadLibraries(
            at java.awt.Toolkit.<clinit>(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.out(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.isSelected(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.isTraceOn(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerDynamicMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerObject(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer$
            at Method)
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.initialize(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.newMBeanServer(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startService(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startServiceSafe(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue$WrapperItem.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue.doTask(
            at com.wily.util.task.ATask$
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1245
    |4ab25da4-f37d-97ff-b2ad-a97877076bb3|2014 06 19 14:04:22:399|-0400|Information|Information|>=|S| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200||}|0|1|0|1|-|-|-|-|-|-||||||||||||SessionManagerFactory::createInstance: 00.957
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1246
    |d3abc036-3e0f-728a-7dba-e3b540d39fe6|2014 06 19 14:04:22:451|-0400|Error| |>>| | |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| ||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain||Could not initialize processing subsystem
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionContribution.register(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.initializeExtensionPoint(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.createInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.getInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.UserSecurityCalculator.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.SecurityCalculator.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.servant.SLUserSecurityServant.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runServants(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runAdapter(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributions(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.<clinit>(
            ... 10 more
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContribution(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperty(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperties(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromPropertiesFile(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsInternal(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributions(
            ... 11 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/awt/SunToolkit : cannot initialize class because prior initialization attempt failed
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$6.getContext(
            at sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaAWTAccess(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultInAppContext(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultRef(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefault(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.initializeCalendar(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl$SafeSimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniverseFactory.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.init(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniversePackage.<clinit>(
            ... 21 more
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/headless/
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
            at java.lang.System.load(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            at Method)
            at java.awt.Toolkit.loadLibraries(
            at java.awt.Toolkit.<clinit>(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.out(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.isSelected(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.isTraceOn(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerDynamicMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerObject(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer$
            at Method)
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.initialize(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.newMBeanServer(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startService(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startServiceSafe(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue$WrapperItem.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue.doTask(
            at com.wily.util.task.ATask$
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1247
    |7fad3c80-8dfb-1944-911f-4d98498f150a|2014 06 19 14:04:22:491|-0400| |Fatal|  |F| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| ||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain||Caught Error at top level
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionContribution.register(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.initializeExtensionPoint(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.createInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.framework.session.SessionManagerFactory.getInstance(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.UserSecurityCalculator.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.externalservicessubsystem.SecurityCalculator.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.servant.SLUserSecurityServant.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runServants(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.bridge.JavaBridgeMain.runAdapter(
            at com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributions(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.<clinit>(
            ... 10 more
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContribution(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperty(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromProperties(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsFromPropertiesFile(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributionsInternal(
            at com.businessobjects.dsl.commons.platform.OsgiPlatform.addContributions(
            ... 11 more
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/awt/SunToolkit : cannot initialize class because prior initialization attempt failed
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$6.getContext(
            at sun.misc.SharedSecrets.getJavaAWTAccess(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultInAppContext(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefaultRef(
            at java.util.TimeZone.getDefault(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.initializeCalendar(
            at java.text.SimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl$SafeSimpleDateFormat.<init>(
            at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.EFactoryImpl.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniverseFactory.<clinit>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.<init>(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.impl.UniversePackageImpl.init(
            at com.businessobjects.mds.universe.UniversePackage.<clinit>(
            ... 21 more
    Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: /bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/headless/
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.load0(
            at java.lang.System.load(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary1(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
            at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
            at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
            at Method)
            at java.awt.Toolkit.loadLibraries(
            at java.awt.Toolkit.<clinit>(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.initMainAppContext(
            at sun.awt.AppContext.access$200(
            at sun.awt.AppContext$
            at Method)
            at sun.awt.AppContext.getAppContext(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.out(
            at com.sun.jmx.trace.Trace.isSelected(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.isTraceOn(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerDynamicMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerObject(
            at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.registerMBean(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer$
            at Method)
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.initialize(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.<init>(
            at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.newMBeanServer(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startService(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.startServiceSafe(
            at com.wily.introscope.agent.service.ServiceAdministrator$ServiceInitializer.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue$WrapperItem.IExecutableItem_execute(
            at com.wily.util.task.AsynchExecutionQueue.doTask(
            at com.wily.util.task.ATask$
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1248
    |dd2a290d-c8ad-ebea-d1b5-3ebe783e598b|2014 06 19 14:04:22:491|-0400| |Fatal|  |F| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| ||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain||BEGIN TRACING JVM PROPERTIES
    java.vendor = <SAP AG> = <HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers> = <Linux>
    sun.boot.class.path = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/sapjvm-alt-rt.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/resources.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/rt.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/sunrsasign.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/jsse.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/jce.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/charsets.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/jfr.jar:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/classes:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java/wily/Agent.jar>
    ooc.orb.oa.thread_pool = <64>
    java.vm.specification.vendor = <Sun Microsystems Inc.>
    businessobjects.server.friendlyname = <halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer>
    businessobjects.logs.home = </bobje/sap_bobj/logging/>
    java.runtime.version = <6.1.055> = <10>
    businessobjects.ns = <>
    com.wily.log4j.defaultInitOverride = <true> = <cbi>
    user.language = <en>
    sun.boot.library.path = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/amd64>
    java.version = <1.6.0_51>
    user.timezone = <America/New_York> = <false> = <64>
    java.endorsed.dirs = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/endorsed>
    sun.cpu.isalist = <>
    sun.jnu.encoding = <UTF-8>
    file.encoding.pkg = <>
    file.separator = </> = <Java Platform API Specification>
    com.wily.introscope.agent.agentName = <xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer_java>
    java.class.version = <50.0> = <US>
    java.home = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre> = <true> = <Aug 12 2013 00:30:55 - 61_REL - optU - linux amd64 - 6 - bas2:201693 (mixed mode)>
    os.version = <2.6.18-128.el5>
    path.separator = <:>
    businessobjects.enterprise.orb.threadmodel = <threaded>
    java.vm.version = <6.1.055 23.5-b02> = <opt>
    introscope.enterprisemanager.serversockets.reuseaddr = <false>
    java.awt.printerjob = <sun.print.PSPrinterJob> = <UnicodeLittle> = <61_REL>
    user.home = </sapmnt/CBP/cbi>
    java.specification.vendor = <Sun Microsystems Inc.>
    tracelog.logdir = </bobje/sap_bobj/logging/>
    java.library.path = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/amd64/server:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/amd64:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/../lib/amd64:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/wcs/components/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/plugins//auth/secEnterprise:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/crpe/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/crpe/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/crpe/mw/:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/plugins//desktop/CrystalEnterprise.Report:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/ras:/bobje/sap_bobj/mysql/lib:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/dataAccess/connectionServer/drivers/lib64:/bobje/perl/lib/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/CORE:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64//sapjvm/jre/lib/amd64/server:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64//sapjvm/jre/lib/amd64:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/crpe/mw/lib-i86_linux/X11:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/crpe/mw//lib-linux:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86/crpe/mw//lib-linux_optimized:/bobje/oracle/CBI/db_home/lib:/home/db2cbi/sqllib/lib64:/home/db2cbi/sqllib/lib32:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x86:/sapmnt/CBP/db2cbi/sqllib/lib64:/sapmnt/CBP/db2cbi/sqllib/lib32:/usr/X11R6/lib:/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib>
    java.vendor.url = <>
    businessobjects.enterprise.orb.thread_pool_size = <5>
    java.vm.vendor = <SAP AG> = <Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment>
    java.class.path = <:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java/lib//XcelsiusServer.jar:/sapmnt/CBP/db2cbi/sqllib/java/db2jcc_license_cu.jar:/sapmnt/CBP/db2cbi/sqllib/java/>
    tracelog.jni = <1>
    bobj.enterprise.home = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/>
    businessobjects.enterprise.orb.request_timeout = <3600000> = <Java Virtual Machine Specification>
    java.vm.specification.version = <1.0>
    sun.cpu.endian = <little>
    sun.os.patch.level = <unknown>
    java.awt.headless = <true> = </tmp>
    java.vendor.url.bug = <>
    businessobjects.enterprise.orb.client_timeout = <0>
    ooc.orb.oa.conc_model = <thread_pool>
    os.arch = <amd64>
    java.awt.graphicsenv = <sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment>
    java.ext.dirs = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/ext-sap:/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64/sapjvm/jre/lib/ext:/usr/java/packages/lib/ext>
    user.dir = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/linux_x64>
    bobj.logging = <true>
    line.separator = <
    > = <SAP Java Server VM>
    file.encoding = <UTF-8>
    tracelog.process = <xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer_java> = <true>
    java.specification.version = <1.6>
    com.wily.introscope.agentProfile = </bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40//java/wily/halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer.profile>
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1249
    |a79b935e-9c92-9957-35bf-2c937079beb8|2014 06 19 14:04:22:492|-0400| |Fatal|  |F| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| ||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain||BEGIN TRACING COMMAND LINE
    -:0:-: TraceLog message 1250
    |088b0565-be95-fe7f-e474-4e3c45773bbc|2014 06 19 14:04:22:492|-0400| |Fatal|  |F| |xccache_halsapad12.DashboardDesignCacheServer|16574|1098107200|| ||||||||||||||||||||com.businessobjects.ras21.servercore.servercontainer.ProcChildMain||11 threads are still alive in this JVM
    Thread 'Thread[main,5,main]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Business Objects - Sessions Clean up,5,main]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Thread-2,5,main]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Configuration Watch Heartbeat Heartbeat,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Remove Metric Data Watch Heartbeat Heartbeat,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Agent Heartbeat,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Agent Execution,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[Agent ServerConnection,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[UnknownHub Hub Transmit 1,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[UnknownHub Hub Receive 1,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Thread 'Thread[PO:client_main Mailman 1,5,Agent]' is still alive
    Kannan K

    the error in your logs like "NoClassDefFoundError" etc. point us towards issues with jar files. either they are missing or not the correct ones.
    A general practice in such situation is to
    stop all servers except CMS,IFRS,OFRS > repair the base installation
    If you have a working environment with the exact same patch, copy the 'lib' folder from "/bobje/sap_bobj/enterprise_xi40/java/" to the non-working server.
    PS: please attach the logs to the thread instead of pasting the content.
    -Nikhil Nair

  • Application Server failed to start- Could not sign on to database HR91

    Hello there,
    I am not able to boot App Server Domain (started but the status is idle.) In the log, i also find the message that
    PSBRKDSP_dflt.452 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:53](0) PeopleTools Release 8.51 (WinX86) starting. Tuxedo server is PUBSUB(98)/100
    PSPUBDSP_dflt.2996 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:53](0) PeopleTools Release 8.51 (WinX86) starting. Tuxedo server is PUBSUB(98)/200
    PSSUBDSP_dflt.2324 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:53](0) PeopleTools Release 8.51 (WinX86) starting. Tuxedo server is PUBSUB(98)/300
    PSBRKDSP_dflt.452 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:53](0) Cache Directory being used: C:\Users\Administrator\psft\pt\8.51\appserv\HR91\CACHE\PSBRKDSP_dflt_100\
    PSBRKDSP_dflt.452 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:53](1) GenMessageBox(200, 0, M): PS General SQL Routines: Missing or invalid version of SQL library PSORA (200,0)
    PSBRKDSP_dflt.452 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:53](1) GenMessageBox(0, 0, M): Database Signon: Could not sign on to database HR91 with user PS.
    PSPUBDSP_dflt.2996 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:54](0) Cache Directory being used: C:\Users\Administrator\psft\pt\8.51\appserv\HR91\CACHE\PSPUBDSP_dflt_200\
    PSPUBDSP_dflt.2996 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:54](1) GenMessageBox(200, 0, M): PS General SQL Routines: Missing or invalid version of SQL library PSORA (200,0)
    PSPUBDSP_dflt.2996 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:54](1) GenMessageBox(0, 0, M): Database Signon: Could not sign on to database HR91 with user PS.
    PSSUBDSP_dflt.2324 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:54](0) Cache Directory being used: C:\Users\Administrator\psft\pt\8.51\appserv\HR91\CACHE\PSSUBDSP_dflt_300\
    PSSUBDSP_dflt.2324 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:54](1) GenMessageBox(200, 0, M): PS General SQL Routines: Missing or invalid version of SQL library PSORA (200,0)
    PSSUBDSP_dflt.2324 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:54](1) GenMessageBox(0, 0, M): Database Signon: Could not sign on to database HR91 with user PS.
    PSBRKDSP_dflt.452 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:54](0) Server failed to start
    PSPUBDSP_dflt.2996 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:54](0) Server failed to start
    PSSUBDSP_dflt.2324 (0) [04/01/11 23:35:54](0) Server failed to start
    Below is the information of my configuration file.
    ; Database Signon settings
    [Database Options]
    ; Database-specific configuration options
    PSDB Maximum Cursors=
    ; Security settings
    Validate Signon with Database=0
    Also, i can use PS/PS log into the Datamover but can not use them to log into the application designer
    Any help will be appreciated...
    Thank you

    bandar wrote:
    When you have a oracle server running on the same physical machine, why do you need client to support your needs?
    As you said, your oracle client installation might be an error, u can always point BIN on app server to your server installation and start the server.That was true up to Oracle 11.1 because the 32bit librairies were shipped in ORACLE_HOME even if that one was a 64bit installation.
    It has been dramatically changed within Oracle 11.2 though. The 32bit libraries are not coming anymore within the Oracle 11.2 64bit, you have to explicitely install a 11.2 32bit client to make it work with Peoplesoft on Windows. And configure your Peoplesoft installation to work within that 32bit client.
    Consequently, if you have all together installed on the same server (Oracle database 11.2 64bit and Peoplesoft), you must have two Oracle homes : one for the 64bit database, one for the 32bit client.

  • Server fail to start aft changing password of SID ADM and SAPSERVICE SID

    Please help, i change password of above 2 users on windows, then server fail to start.
    Even after I change back to original password, the system still didn't start.
    Please help as this is urgent.

    sap service is not start in windows due to password change.
    click on start -> run -> services.msc
    navigate to service SAPSID_<instance_nr>
    right click on that -> properties -> logon
    provide the correct user password here.
    proceed same for SAPOsCol service

  • Weblogic server failes to start.

    hello every 1
    i had this problem when i tested an application i created that uses an oracle xe database using JDevelopper , the weblogic server failed to start leaving this message,
    *** Using HTTP port 7101 ***
    *** Using SSL port 7102 ***
    [waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
    \PostgreSQL\pgJDBC\postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc4.jar ‚tait inattendu.
    Process exited.
    please notice that my app has nothing to do with postgreSQL what so ever.
    thanks in advance.

    Check you classpath if the postgres jar is part of the path and remove it form the classpath...

  • Collaboration server failed to to fix it?

    I kept getting the "Collaboration Server failed to start because: Could not start Collaboration Index Manager" error do i correct this?

    I have the same issue and have been unable to solve the problem. Below is the section of the log file that contains the error. There were no errors above this point:
    2008-01-24 14:23:21,042 INFO [WrapperStartStopAppMain] util.StartupServlet ( - Query Manager started
    2008-01-24 14:23:21,089 INFO [WrapperStartStopAppMain] util.StartupServlet ( - Reconciling Role Membership done
    2008-01-24 14:23:21,105 INFO [WrapperStartStopAppMain] cssearch.CollabIndexManager ( - maxDocsetBytes not found in config file, using default
    2008-01-24 14:23:21,105 INFO [WrapperStartStopAppMain] cssearch.CollabIndexManager ( - maxBatchSize not found in config file, using default
    2008-01-24 14:23:21,105 INFO [WrapperStartStopAppMain] cssearch.CollabIndexManager ( - setMaxExternalFieldBytes: 1024000
    2008-01-24 14:23:21,105 INFO [WrapperStartStopAppMain] cssearch.CollabIndexManager ( - setMaxByteCount: 1024000
    2008-01-24 14:23:21,105 INFO [WrapperStartStopAppMain] cssearch.CollabIndexManager ( - setMaxIndexBatchSize: 100
    2008-01-24 14:23:21,933 ERROR [WrapperStartStopAppMain] util.StartupServlet ( - Failed to start Collab Index Manager
    2008-01-24 14:23:21,933 DEBUG [WrapperStartStopAppMain] audit.Debug ( - DebugOut::Collaboration Server failed to start.
    2008-01-24 14:23:21,933 ERROR [WrapperStartStopAppMain] util.StartupServlet ( - Collaboration Server failed to start.
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,371 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Add a new alarm entry : class com.plumtree.core.messaging.notification.SummaryNotificationJob
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Alarm params minute=0 hour=1 dayOfMonth=-1 month=-1 dayOfWeek=-1 (next alarm date=Fri Jan 25 01:00:00 CST 2008)
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: This new alarm is the top one, update the waiter thread
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Add a new alarm entry : class com.plumtree.collaboration.project.RoleSynchronizationJob
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Alarm params minute=0 hour=3 dayOfMonth=-1 month=-1 dayOfWeek=-1 (next alarm date=Fri Jan 25 03:00:00 CST 2008)
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: This new alarm is the top one, update the waiter thread
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Add a new alarm entry : class com.plumtree.collaboration.tasklist.TaskListNotificationJob
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Alarm params minute=1 hour=0 dayOfMonth=-1 month=-1 dayOfWeek=-1 (next alarm date=Fri Jan 25 00:01:00 CST 2008)
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: This new alarm is the top one, update the waiter thread
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Add a new alarm entry : class com.plumtree.collaboration.groupware.CalendarSynchronizationJob
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Alarm params minute=1 hour=3 dayOfMonth=-1 month=-1 dayOfWeek=-1 (next alarm date=Fri Jan 25 03:01:00 CST 2008)
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,386 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: This new alarm is the top one, update the waiter thread
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,402 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Add a new alarm entry : class com.plumtree.collaboration.recyclebin.RecycleBinCleaningJob
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,402 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Alarm params minute=0 hour=2 dayOfMonth=-1 month=-1 dayOfWeek=-1 (next alarm date=Fri Jan 25 02:00:00 CST 2008)
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,402 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: This new alarm is the top one, update the waiter thread
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,402 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Add a new alarm entry : class com.plumtree.collaboration.docman.versions.VersionManagementJob
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,402 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: Alarm params minute=0 hour=4 dayOfMonth=-1 month=-1 dayOfWeek=-1 (next alarm date=Fri Jan 25 04:00:00 CST 2008)
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,402 DEBUG [http-11930-Processor25] scheduler.AlarmManager ( - [http-11930-Processor25] AlarmManager: This new alarm is the top one, update the waiter thread
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,402 INFO [http-11930-Processor25] notification.NotificationManager ( - Notification Server is enabled
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,402 INFO [http-11930-Processor25] notification.NotificationManager ( - Maximum Event Queue size is set to 1024
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,402 INFO [http-11930-Processor25] notification.NotificationManager ( - Attempting to connect to the notification server at, port = 9887
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,464 INFO [http-11930-Processor25] notification.NotificationManager ( - Connection to Notification Server Established
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,464 INFO [http-11930-Processor25] notification.NotificationManager ( - Creating cache
    2008-01-24 14:23:29,464 INFO [http-11930-Processor25] notification.NotificationManager ( - Notification Manager has started
    Thanks for any help!

  • Installed lion server fails to start up

    Installed lion server fails to start up in Network account server ( I just getting a red dot and it reads local server) and  when i try to add a my servers host name into it It just get "Unable to add server" host not found (9007). It seems to me that server is not set up right or that something went wrong with the initial install setup.

    have a look to my post:
    TIPS: OS X server installation lessons learnt (for non Guru)

  • Error In Starting Jboss after installing OIM server

    Hi All,
    I have Installed OIM_Server(OIM ON Jboss server(4.2.3) , I have 1 GB RAM m/c so have JVM setting as -XMS512m -XMX768 m. While installation of OIM Server, it showed the success message. But When I am starting the server , to perform post installation check, it is showing following error message .
    Does anybody have any ideas what the problem is? Please provide the possible solution.
    Thanks to All :)
    Error :
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] Unable to retrieve jboss:service=CorbaORB is not registered.
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] Linked java:comp/UserTransaction to JNDI name: UserTransaction
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] addEnvEntries
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] linkResourceEnvRefs
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] linkResourceRefs
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] linkMessageDestinationRefs
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] linkEjbRefs
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] linkEjbLocalRefs
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] linkServiceRefs
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] linkSecurityDomain
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] No security-domain given, using default: java:/jaas/other
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] Linking security/securityMgr to JNDI name: java:/jaas/other
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,166 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] AbstractWebContainer.parseWebAppDescriptors, End
    2009-07-16 18:43:27,401 DEBUG [org.jboss.web.tomcat.service.TomcatDeployer] Using session cookies default setting
    2009-07-16 18:44:02,667 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy] Running RemoverTask
    2009-07-16 18:44:04,964 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy] RemoverTask, PassivatedCount=0
    2009-07-16 18:44:04,964 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache] removePassivated, now=1247750044964, maxLifeAfterPassivation=1200000
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,465 ERROR [STDERR] Exception in thread "DefaultQuartzScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread"
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,465 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/quartz/core/JobRunShell
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,465 ERROR [STDERR]      at org.quartz.impl.StdJobRunShellFactory.borrowJobRunShell(
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,465 ERROR [STDERR]      at
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,465 ERROR [STDERR] Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Unexpected error during load of: org.quartz.core.JobRunShell, msg=PermGen space
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,465 ERROR [STDERR]      at
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,481 ERROR [STDERR]      at
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,481 ERROR [STDERR]      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,481 ERROR [STDERR]      at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,481 ERROR [STDERR]      ... 2 more
    2009-07-16 18:45:11,481 ERROR [STDERR] Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space
    2009-07-16 18:45:26,168 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy] Running RemoverTask
    2009-07-16 18:45:26,168 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy] RemoverTask, PassivatedCount=0
    2009-07-16 18:45:26,168 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache] removePassivated, now=1247750126168, maxLifeAfterPassivation=1200000
    2009-07-16 18:45:26,168 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy] RemoverTask, done
    2009-07-16 18:45:33,247 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy] Running RemoverTask
    2009-07-16 18:45:33,247 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy] RemoverTask, PassivatedCount=0
    2009-07-16 18:45:33,247 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractInstanceCache] removePassivated, now=1247750133247, maxLifeAfterPassivation=1200000
    2009-07-16 18:45:33,247 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LRUEnterpriseContextCachePolicy] RemoverTask, done

    I am getting these errors starting JBoss after installing OIM on windows 2003 server with JBoss 4.2.3GA canany one please help me why.
    19:04:04,468 INFO [WEBSTARTUP] Scheduler started
    19:04:04,484 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/xlWebApp, warUrl=.../tmp/de
    19:05:02,984 ERROR [STDERR] Exception in thread "DefaultQuartzScheduler_QuartzSc
    19:11:18,359 ERROR [STDERR] Exception in thread "IdleRemover"
    19:15:34,562 ERROR [STDERR] Exception in thread "Thread-15"

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