If I sign up for the special with PS CC & LR5 for $9.99 now and then get another computer, how would I egt it tranferred over without paying again?

Just load it on the new computer,nd sign in.  You can have it on two computers, and if you have it on more, it will just ask to sign you off on the other computers.

Similar Messages

  • Error "could not be read" when importing in LR5

    Import problem
    Lightroom 5
    Mac OS X 10.8.4
    Try to import CR2 files from CF card - files show in import screen but then will not import
    "Import Results
    Some import operations were not performed.
    The following files were not imported because they could not be read (1):......."
    Then lists ALL files on CF card
    I tried copying CR2 files to a temporary folder on my desktop but get exactly the same message. Also tried importing iPhone images and get exactly the same message.
    This all worked for the first week LR5 was installed and has just started happening after a week
    Have no problems at all in Lightroom 4.4
    Message title was edited by: Brett N

    I am having the exact same issue. Completely unable to import photos of any kind into LR5 from any source. I have been having to import all of my photos into LR4 and then open LR5 to "Copy from another Library", but I think that is a ridiculous step to have to take.
    My workflow is that I copy all photos from my memory card directly to a RAID I have and then I import that folder, in place, into LR. Every time I try to do this, the import window is completely blank. The same workflow I have been using since LR version 1 no longer seems to apply in LR5. I have even tried importing the photos to that same folder directly from the memory card through LR5, but it hasn't worked.
    This really seems like a gigantic BUG that Adobe, somehow, overlooked in their zeal to get LR5 out the door and into consumer's hands. I have tried importing RAW (NEF) files, JPEGS, copying to DNG and nothing seems to work.
    There are tons of features in LR5 that I am using (after the workaround I have laid out) and it is frustrating that I simply can't move forward. I realize that it is a new release, but this seems very basic to me. You should AT THE LEAST be able to import the photos that you are wanting to work on. I just don't know how this release made it.
    Thank you for opening this thread. I also have no XMP files in any of my folders. Not quite sure why that is working for other folks. I have also tried to import directly from my iPhone and iPad with no significant results.
    I am wondering if it may have something to do with the Camera Raw filter that came with LR5? I should try telling LR5 to "Open Photos in Camera RAW 6.0 and later" and see if that helps at all.

  • Moving LR5 catalog (Irdata & Ircat) to a new hard drive and photos. Lost all meta data - How do I move meta data along with catalog?

    I moved LR5 catalog (Irdata & Ircat) to a new hard drive and photos. Lost all meta data - How do I move meta data along with catalog?
    The meta data for each image is missing.
    I have over 2,000 images. I don't want to go back through each image and add meta data.
    Is there some way to move everything?

    No, do not re-import your images. I assume you can see the thumbnails in the library module, just cannot access the full images, right? If this is the case there should be an exclamation mark in the top right corner of every one of your pictures and you only have to tell LR where the images are now.
    Click the exclamation mark of one of the images and a dialog window should pop-up, telling you that LR cannot find the file, but with an option to locate it. Press "Locate" and navigate to the folder on your new HD where the file is. If in the new external HD you kept the same folder structure that you had on the internal disk, LR will be able to find all your images and re-link them to the database without further intervention.

  • Merge to HDR Pro from LR5. After applying preset and during conversion of file, Iget an error message "Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 has stopped working" and closing PS

    In LR5 i do: Merge to HDR Pro. After I apply my preset and PS attempts to convert HDR file, I get an error message from PS: "Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 has stopped working". Then PS Closes.
    My source files are 5 NEF files of 28 MB. I select 16-bit, I also tried 8-bit. No difference. Same error message.
    I have a Toshiba Quosmio X870 with Intel i7 3610QM @ 2,30 GHz, 16 GB RAM, Windows 7x64 HP SP 1, 7,3 Performance Index
    Any suggestions?

    As the crash report says - your outdated video card driver is crashing. You need to update your video card driver from the GPU maker's website (AMD/ATI in this case).

  • Can not remove ? from external hard drive folder in LR5 & can't link smart preview & original pic

    I have LR5 and a MacBook Pro OSX 10.8.5 I have an external hard drive that when I imported photos from my cameras memory card I selected the hard drive as the source to move the pictures to. I forgot if I clicked ADD, MOVE, or COPY.
    In the library mode in LR5 the external hard drive shows up under folders, but has a question mark on every folder on the external hard drive. I control clicked on the question mark for the first folder (the parent folder?) and choose “Find missing folder”. I then navigated to the external hard drive and clicked on that same folder, then clicked choose. Nothing happened. I tried this same method with individual folders and the same, I control click on the folder with a question mark, navigate to the same folder on the hard drive, click on it (I tried both just clicking on the folder so it was highlighted and actually opening the folder), and select choose, the question marks remain.
    1. How do I link the two to remove the question mark?
    Second question, possibly related. I have a collection in the library mode that has only previews, the originals were added to the same external hard drive as above. When I navigate to the hard drive via my finder (not in LR5), the originals are there. When I am in the library mode in LR5, in this collection, and click on the preview square in the top right corner of an individual picture in that collection, it says “image can be edited using its smart preview but the original file can not be found. Would you like to locate it".
    The original location of it shows below this statement and is correct; it shows the path to the external hard drive and the folder where the original is contained that I mentioned previously. I navigate to that picture on the external hard drive and select it. I get another notice box pop up that says “the file is associated with another photo in the catalog. Each file can only be associated with one photo.” I select show in library and it brings me right back to the image that is a smart preview only. I am stuck in this loop and cant figure out how to associate the original on the external hard drive with the smart preview in LR5.
    1.   I have the originals still on my camera memory card, do I import again? I am afraid I will loose all my edits.
    I hope I gave you the right info. Every link I find to answer this question is related but not quite the same, any link you know of is apreciated. Thanks!

    Have you ever re-named files using duplicate file names e.g. names that have been used previously?
    See if this link helps to locate missing files and near posibilities:

  • I have lost Lightroom 5.6 due to a hard drive crash. The old hard drive has been replaced. How can I get LR5 back? I don't have a disc. I still have my LR4 disc and key. I have another adobe  key, but don't know if it relates to LR5.

    I have lost Lightroom 5 due to a crashed hard drive. I don't have a back up disc, and I dont think I have a key. I have a an adobe key recorded but don't know if it relates to LR5. I have an LR4 disc and key. LR5 is still intact and running on my laptop, but I need to use LR% on my desktop PC. I need an address to try a download so that I can try the key which might fit it. Any ideas how I can transfer the program (with key) from my laptop? Any other ideas?
    John Carden <[email protected]>

    Just download and install.
    you can find by internet search for "download Lightroom", or click here:
    Note: trial software is same as licensed software, once you license it.. (I hope you still have the license key).

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    As stated I operate LR5 as an update from LR4.  LR 5 was installed as an downloaded update from Adobe ( via an amazon purchase )
    My laptop is ill having nearly filled my HDD.   I need to wipoe my HDD and begin again to gain some storage.  Is there any way I can re-install LR5 from ADOBE as part of the original purchase agreement ?
    Many thanks
    Brian Mordew

    You can download thru the following page and use your serial number to activate it...
    Lightroom - all versions

  • I installed lightroom 5 with a 30 day trial and it finished. Yesterday I installed cc and when I open LR5 I need a serial number. What do I do/how do I get one? Please help Tank you

    I installed lightroom 5 with a 30 day trial and it finished.
    Yesterday I installed cc and when I open LR5 I need a serial number.
    What do I do/how do I get one?
    Please help, Thank you.

    Your photos remain in place, the catalog you have been using will remain. After you install Lightroom from the CC, all you have to do is open your existing catalog and continue right where you left off.

  • LR5.3 - Imports in to one folder, but displays sub-folder incorrectly

    Hi all
    I have recently upgraded to LR5.3 and have now noticed an issue when importing photos.  When importing in to one folder (as a sub folder), the photos are imported correctly, - on disk they appear in the correct place, howevr in the folder panel, the sub-folder is shown outside of the main folder.
    Imort settings are:
    Note , on disk the folder '20131226 - Boxing Day' appears correctly (These are all under a root folder 'Photos - LR Masters')
    However, in the LR Folder Panel, the folder '20131226 - Boxong Day' appears outside of the 'Photos - LR Masters'
    If I attempt to move the folder by dragging, I get an error that the folder already exists.
    Any ideas?

    Hi Rikk
    Thanks for replying on this, I have tried to the parent folder but get the following error:
    The strange thing i sthat the folder is correct on the disk, the photos can selected from the library and can be developed and exported. The only thing wrong is that the imported folder appears outside of teh parent folder in teh library

  • Trouble with transfer from older LR and machine to LR5 on a newer computer

    I have used LR1 for several years on an ancient Mac G4 so not a beginner but didn't find anyplace else to post a question.  If anyone cares to redirect me to the right place, I welcome that.
    The library module has always been a mystery, I've always been groping in the dark.  In spite of that, I've processed a few thousand raw files and have always been comfortable with adding metadata, and working in the develop module, which is all that I need.
    I have just acquired a fairly new MacPro, and downloaded a trial version of LR5.  But making the transition to the new machine is proving to be a barrier.  I think the issue has to do with LR5 not finding the correct path to the actual images, and I don't know enough to help it do that as efficiently as it could probably be accomplished. 
    Here's what I've done without trouble:
    1.  On the G4, made a copy of my LR catalog, and gave it a distinct name.
    2.  Formatted a new large HDD on the MacPro dedicated for image files (not the boot disk).
    3.  Copied my image files from the G4 to the new HDD in the MacPro.
    4.  Downloaded the LR5 trial version.
    5.  Moved the renamed LR catalog from the G4 to the Mac Pro.
    6.  Opened the catalog with LR5 on the MacPro and selected Library module.
    LR5 had problems finding the right path to the images, as indicated by the icon shown in the grid on the upper right corner of the thumbnails - and by the absence of actual images which were instead just empty squares.  LR did properly show the HDDs on the MacPro, both the boot disk and the second disk dedicated to images, but the image folders were not listed within the one dedicated to these new images, even though that's where they were saved.  Farther down on the left panel LR5 showed my original jumble of folders, but listed them as being still located in the old HDD, as indicated by the name of that volume.  And of course there were the question marks, which I have grown to know and....uh, tolerate.
    So the LR needed to know how to find the correct path. I didn't know how to direct it, and a LR savvy friend also was stumped also.  So I experimented.  Unsuccessfully.
    I should explain what I mean by the "jumble" of folders:  On my G4 Mac, the actual heirarchy of folders from my hard drive never appeared in LR, it was just a list arranged alphabetically.  That was inconvenient, but I didn't know why that was happening and didn't know how to fix it. 
    I found that I was able to help LR5 locate the images by clicking the exclamation point icon, and that brought in the images with all the metadata and develop settings.  But I was only able to do that with one folder at a time, and given the number of folders, that was going to be a long and very tedious project.  I was sure there had to be a better way.
    I made some progress using the contextual menu to "update folder location" but again that was just as tedious to do, it was working only one folder at a time. 
    I then selected one folder and clicked "synchronize folder" which located a much larger group of images and added them where they needed to be in the left panel within the correct new volume.  The bonus was that the proper folder heirarchy was included.  However that process did not bring along the metadata, ie, keywords and previous develop module settings, and that was a deal breaker, I don't want to lose that metadata in the transfer, and I'm sure I don't have to, I know LR is smarter than that.  
    My original image files, and the original catalog, are all still backed up on my old computer, so nothing is lost, it's just not being transferred properly. 
    What is the best choice now?  I have no problem with starting over with LR5 - deleting the renamed catalog and making another copy  on the old machine, moving it to the MacPro, and working with that.   If I do, how do I help LR5 find the right path to my existing images with metadata and develop settings, without the laborious process of doing it for every folder?
    I'll be very grateful for any and all advice, thanks,

    What Julianne said at first about re-linking made perfect sense and I followed it easily, had actually already been there.  But in my situation now, it didn't have any effect.  The directory of folders which had already been added were still just as they were, and the outstanding balance are not in the desired position.  And the folders which had been brought in earlier today when I clicked "synchronize folder", were still missing all the metadata.
    Maybe this means I need to start over, and I'm fine about doing that that, but I don't know what it takes to accomplish that.  I'm concerned now that any changes I make out of guesswork could only make the problem harder to resolve.  It just feels to me like something I did at the beginning just wasn't right, and now it's a tangle.
    Can you advise?

  • Why am I unable to change text color from black in LR5 book module?

    Why am I unable to change text color from black in LR5 Book Module?

    I'm assuming you clicked on the color patch besides the word <Character> to open the color picker window.
    At the right side of this window there is a vertical bar that has 2 horizontal black lines at the bottom.
    This is actually a slider. Pull it upwards with the color picker and color will appear in the window.

  • Having a problem with LR5 install and beta version

    I uninstalled LR5 beta first, then purchased and installed LR5  on windows 7. Now when I open LR5 I only get the images I download on the beta version and not my LR4 catalogs etc. How do I get LR4 to merge into LR5 new install?

    Jan, it sounds like most of your work is in your LR4 catalog?  In that case, I would start Lightroom 5, go to File > Open Catalog and point to your Lightroom 4 catalog (like dj_paige said).  Lightroom 5 will update your LR4 catalog.  Depending on how many images are in your catalog, this could take some time.
    Once your Lightroom 4 catalog is completely upgraded, decide if you want to merge your beta catalog into the upgraded catalog or not.  If you do, you can do File > Import from Another Catalog and point to your Beta catalog.  This will merge it into your newly-updated Lightroom 4 catalog. 

  • Why do I get Colored bands on some images in LR4 and LR5, but not in Aperture?

    On some images -- both RAW and JPG -- when opened in LR4 or LR5, there will be one or two "curved" color abberation lines across the entire image. This doesn't occur when I open the images in Aperture. Any idea why? Thanks

    >Is it possible that Aperture is showing you the camera-embedded JPG by default?  What happens if you actually produce a JPG from the raw file in Aperture?
    Aperture works the same way as Lightroom in this respect. It will first show you the embedded jpeg and will render a new conversion from the raw data as soon as it can. So it is possible the OP saw the embedded jpeg, but that should not last long and certainly by now should have been replaced with a newly rendered preview. Either Aperture is more forgiving of a small defect in the raw file or Lightroom import is somehow getting corrupt files of the sd card and Aperture not (would be weird). Another option is that the camera raw cache is corrupt. This can be checked by emptying the cache (Preferences->File Handling->Purge Cache). Lastly, this might be a corrupt preview in Lightroom. Check this by zooming 1:1 on an offending area in the Develop module and seeing if it goes away.
    >I suspect that the curvature is in fact due to lens corrections, and that these lens corrections are always on
    I believe you are right. I remember vaguely that there is some default lens correction with some cameras like this that is independent of the lens correction module. No clue whether the LX7 is one.

  • Error message when trying to open LR5

    LR5 on my Win 7 64 bit PC crashed and I had to force it to close and reboot my PC. Now when I try to open Lightroom I get the error message "Lightroom catalog cannot be opened as it being being used by another application. Quit the other copy of Lightroom before launching" I have no other copy of Lightroom running, any help please?

    Just to be aware of why this happened. When Lightroom has a Catalog open it creates a "temp" file with the same name as the Catalog with a .LOCK extention. The lock file prevents another user from accessing the cCatalog. When you close Lightroom it will automatically remove the LOCK file. If Lightroom closes unexpectedly, crash, power loss, whatever the LOCK file remains in place. This prevents Lightroom for accessing that Catalog.

  • I cannot open a file from LR5 into CC2014 unless it is a smart object. also will not save back to LR at all it gives me an error message "Line: 1 -   photoshop.notifyLightroomDocClosed ('lightroom-2.0', 'B53AFA39-A49B-4709-A9BD-0B6467C175C3', 'Macintosh H

    I cannot open a file from lightroom into CC2014 unless I open it as a smart object. CC opens, just will not display my image. i am given an error code when I save an image, and can only save to my desktop or other locations, not automatically back into my lightroom.
    I am using LR5 latest update, as well as CC2014
    Below is the error message:
    Line: 1 ->  photoshop.notifyLightroomDocClosed ('lightroom-2.0', 'B53AFA39-A49B-4709-A9BD-0B6467C175C3', 'Macintosh HD:Users:BPexposures:Desktop:_DSC5962 as Smart Object-1.psd');

    I was also having this issue, and I did some more searching and found this answer in the Adobe forums: Re: Photos from Lightroom 5 to Photoshop CC (2014) and back.... The issue appears to be caused by having not updated Lightroom to the latest version prior to having CC2014 installed (wow that's stupid). The trick seems to be to uninstall Photoshop CC2014 and to then reinstall it after having upgraded to Lightroom 5.5.

  • I have the latest downloadable version of LR5.  It crashed while it was createing 1:1 previews during an import. After a Win7(64) restart, it shows a message that LR needs to quit because it can't read the preview files and it will try to fix it the next

    I have the latest downloadable version of LR5.  It crashed while it was createing 1:1 previews during an import. After a Win7(64) restart, it shows a message that LR needs to quit because it can't read the preview files and it will try to fix it the next time is launches.  I get the same message the next and every subsequent time it launches so I can't launch LR at all now.
    I get that the preview file got corrupted somehow.  Is there some way to fix this problem without building a new catalog?

    Use Windows Explorer to open the folder containing your catalog. You will see a folder with the extension .lrdata. You need to delete that folder and then start Lightroom again. Lightroom will generate a new previews folder.

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