PS Newb needs help with image scaling and multi-sheet printout

Hi, I'm trying to use PS CS3 to scale up an image I have so I can print it out to use as a map for a miniatures game.  I have no problem scaling the image to the appropriate size, but I can't figure out how to print out the image on multiple 8.5 x 11 sheets.  I had thought I'd seen an option for such a procedure previously, but maybe it was in another editing program.  If anyone has any ideas on how I might accomplish this I'd really appreciate hearing about them.  Thanks!

Illustrator and InDesign do tiled printing as does CorelDraw. Photoshop as such does not, but some script for that may exist. In your case, the simplest solution would be to save the File as a PDF and have Acrobat generate a tiled print (Page Scaling setting in teh Acro print dialog). You just need to make sure your page properly fits multiple pages. Unliek AI and ID, Acro can only chop up stuff based on standard paper sizes...

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    Here is my  portfolio site currently. WWW.PALMEI.COM. When you go into the the galleries you can view the images; the images load and it's all working fine. But if I was to go back on the page before the image was to load the image loads later which is then in the way of everything and cannot be deleted or removed. What would a solution be for solving this problem. Also, my preloader is not working at all as you can tell.
    Here is my code in frame 1 for the perloader:
    loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, updatePreLoader);
    function updatePreLoader(evtObj:ProgressEvent):void
                        var percent:Number = Math.floor((evtObj.bytesLoaded*100)/evtObj.bytesTotal);
                        preloader_txt.text = percent+"%";
                                  if (percent==100) {
                                            nextFrame ();
    Thank you very much for your help. Have developed headache and need some new eyes on it.

    Thank you again Ned for your reponse as you helped me solve the image array problem last week or so ago.
    Here is the code:
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*
    import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    var sep3Tween4:Tween = new Tween(Sep2_mc, "y", Regular.easeOut,338 , 655, 1, true);
    var sepTween4:Tween = new Tween(Sep_mc, "y", Regular.easeOut,0 , -320, 1, true);
    BoyBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Portfolioclick);
    function Portfolioclick(evtObj :MouseEvent) {
    var BoyBackTween:Tween = new Tween(BoyBack, "y", Regular.easeOut,510,487,2, true);
    BoyBackTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onfinis);
    function onfinis(e:TweenEvent):void {
    var arrayB:Array = [ B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8,B9, B10, B11, B12];
    var arrayImages:Array = ["ill_1.jpg","ill_2.jpg","ill_3.jpg","ill_4.jpg","ill_5.jpg","ill_6.jpg","ill_7.jpg","ill _8.jpg", "ill_9.jpg","ill_10.jpg","ill_11.jpg","ill_12.jpg"];
    var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader;
    var B:BlackBox = new BlackBox();
    for (var i:uint=0; i<arrayB.length; i++){
         arrayB[i].mouseChildren = false;
         arrayB[i].addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onButtonOver);
         arrayB[i].addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onButtonOut);
         arrayB[i].addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonRemoveB);
               arrayB[i].addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onButtonClick);
               arrayB[i].imgNum = i;
                     imgLoader.y  = 100;
                          imgLoader.x =275;
                          B.y = -55;
                     B.x =-100;
    function onButtonOver( e:MouseEvent ):void {
         var B:MovieClip = MovieClip(;
         B.tween = new Tween( B, "y", Regular.easeOut,600, 591, .5, true );
    function onButtonOut( e:MouseEvent ):void {
         var B:MovieClip = MovieClip(;
         if( B.tween ){
         B.tween = new Tween( B, "y", Regular.easeOut, 591, 600, 1, true );
    function onButtonRemoveB( e:MouseEvent ):void {
    function onButtonClick( e:MouseEvent ):void {
       imgLoader.load(new URLRequest(arrayImages[e.currentTarget.imgNum]));
       imgLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE , loaded);
    function loaded(event:Event):void {
          var targetLoader:Loader = Loader(;
    var AlphaTween1:Tween = new Tween(T1, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 1, .20, 2.5, true);
    var AlphaTween2:Tween = new Tween(Bottom1, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 1, .20, 2.5, true);
    Before the image loads if you were to click on the boy with the balloon"the back button" the image would than load later on say the"portfolio" part of the site.

  • Need help with image upload and preview display

    hi guys,
    I'm trying to upload image and then display it as a preview, but when upload form submits to the same page image placeholder does not refreshes it's source and displays the same image as before.
    Image 4.jpg already exists.
    I upload it with nameConflict = "overwrite"
    upload form points to the same page, therefore page reloads
    In IE image placeholder does not display the new image, but shows the old one until I refresh the page with F5 and resend information, however if checked, image in the file is already different.
    In Firefox, sometimes it works and image refreshes, sometimes not.
    any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Hi Daverms,
    With your code you suggest to not only upload the image but make a database entry too. However my intention is to firstly upload the file, and show a preview. Then if user is satisfied with what he sees, he presses "aprove" button and therefore makes a datase entry. Then the photo number will increase by one.
    Until user is not aproving the photo he can upload any image again and again, but the new image will be always given the same name (example 4.jpg) and overwriting the old one.
    I believe the problem persists because browsers are loading image with the same name from the cache, and not from the actual location. Therefore when I refresh the page it catches the correct image.
    If I follow your code, every time I upload the image, name of it is different, therefore browser cannot find it in the cache and is forced to load one from the server.
    I wonder is there any way to avoid this cache problem?

  • Newbie needing help with code numbers and if-else

    I'm 100% new to any kind of programming and in my 4th week of an Intro to Java class. It's also an on-line class so my helpful resources are quite limited. I have spent close to 10 hours on my class project working out P-code and the java code itself, but I'm having some difficulty because the project seems to be much more advanced that the examples in the book that appear to only be partly directly related to this assignment. I have finally come to a point where I am unable to fix the mistakes that still show up. I'm not trying to get anyone to do my assignment for me, I'm only trying to get some help on what I'm missing. I want to learn, not cheat.
    Okay, I have an assignment that, in a nutshell, is a cash register. JOptionPane prompts the user to enter a product code that represents a product with a specific price. Another box asks for the quanity then displays the cost, tax and then the total amount plus tax, formatted in dollars and cents. It then repeats until a sentinel of "999" is entered, and then another box displays the total items sold for the day, amount of merchandise sold, tax charged, and the total amount acquired for the day. If a non-valid code is entered, I should prompt the user to try again.
    I have this down to 6 errors, with one of the errors being the same error 5 times. Here are the errors:
    C:\PROGRA~1\XINOXS~1\JCREAT~1\MyProjects\ 'else' without 'if'
    else //if invalid code entered, output message
    C:\PROGRA~1\XINOXS~1\JCREAT~1\MyProjects\ unexpected type
    required: variable
    found : value
    100 = 2.98;
    C:\PROGRA~1\XINOXS~1\JCREAT~1\MyProjects\ unexpected type
    required: variable
    found : value
    200 = 4.50;
    C:\PROGRA~1\XINOXS~1\JCREAT~1\MyProjects\ unexpected type
    required: variable
    found : value
    300 = 6.79;
    C:\PROGRA~1\XINOXS~1\JCREAT~1\MyProjects\ unexpected type
    required: variable
    found : value
    400 = 5.29;
    C:\PROGRA~1\XINOXS~1\JCREAT~1\MyProjects\ unexpected type
    required: variable
    found : value
    500 = 7.20;
    And finally, here is my code. Please be gentle with the criticism. I've really put a lot into it and would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
    import java.text.NumberFormat; // class for numeric formating from page 178
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // class for JOptionOPane
    public class Sales {
    //main method begins execution ofJava Application
    public static void main( String args[] )
    double quantity; // total of items purchased
    double tax; // total of tax
    double value; // total cost of all items before tax
    double total; // total of items including tax
    double totValue; // daily value counter
    double totTax; // daily tax counter
    double totTotal; // daily total amount collected (+tax) counter
    double item; //
    String input; // user-entered value
    String output; // output string
    String itemString; // item code entered by user
    String quantityString; // quantity entered by user
    // initialization phase
    quantity = 0; // initialize counter for items purchased
    // get first code from user
    itemString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
    "Enter item code:" );
    // convert itemString to double
    item = Double.parseDouble ( itemString );
    // loop until sentinel value read from user
    while ( item != 999 ) {
    // converting code to amount using if statements
    if ( item == 100 )
    100 = 2.98;
    if ( item == 200 )
    200 = 4.50;
    if ( item == 300 )
    300 = 6.79;
    if ( item == 400 )
    400 = 5.29;
    if ( item == 500 )
    500 = 7.20;
    else //if invalid code entered, output message
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Invalid code entered, please try again!",
    "Item Code", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    } // end if
    } // end while
    // get quantity of item user
    itemString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
    "Enter quantity:" );
    // convert quantityString to int
    quantity = Double.parseDouble ( quantityString );
    // add quantity to quantity
    quantity = quantity + quantity;
    // calculation time! value
    value = quantity * item;
    // calc tax
    tax = value * .07;
    // calc total
    total = tax + value;
    //add totals to counter
    totValue = totValue + value;
    totTax = totTax + tax;
    totTotal = totTotal + total;
    // display the results of purchase
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Amount: " + value +
    "\nTax: " + tax + "\nTotal: " + total, "Sale", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    // get next code from user
    itemString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(
    "Enter item code:" );
    // If sentinel value reached
    if ( item == 999 ) {
    // display the daily totals
    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Total amount of items sold today: " + quantity +
    "\nValue of ites sold today: " + totValue + "\nTotal tax collected today: " + totTax +
    "\nTotal Amount collected today: " + totTotal, "Totals", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
    System.exit( 0 ); // terminate application
    } // end sentinel
    } // end message
    } // end class Sales

    Here you go. I haven't tested this but it does compile. I've put in a 'few helpful hints'.
    import java.text.NumberFormat; // class for numeric formating from page 178
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane; // class for JOptionOPane
    public class TestTextFind {
    //main method begins execution ofJava Application
    public static void main( String args[] )
         double quantity; // total of items purchased
         double tax; // total of tax
         double value; // total cost of all items before tax
         double total; // total of items including tax
    //     double totValue; // daily value counter
    //     double totTax; // daily tax counter
    //     double totTotal; // daily total amount collected (+tax) counter
    // Always initialise your numbers unless you have a good reason not too
         double totValue = 0; // daily value counter
         double totTax = 0; // daily tax counter
         double totTotal = 0; // daily total amount collected (+tax) counter
         double itemCode;
         double item = 0;
         String itemCodeString; // item code entered by user
         String quantityString; // quantity entered by user
         // initialization phase
         quantity = 0; // initialize counter for items purchased
         // get first code from user
         itemCodeString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter item code:" );
         // convert itemString to double
         itemCode = Double.parseDouble ( itemCodeString );
         // loop until sentinel value read from user
         while ( itemCode != 999 ) {
    * 1. variable item mightnot have been initialised
    * You had item and itemCode the wrong way round.
    * You are supposed to be checking itemCode but setting the value
    * for item
              // converting code to amount using if statements
              if ( item == 100 )
              {itemCode = 2.98;}
              else if ( item == 200 )
              {itemCode = 4.50;}
              else if ( item == 300 )
              {itemCode = 6.79;}
              else if ( item == 400 )
              {itemCode = 5.29;}
              else if ( item == 500 )
              {itemCode = 7.20;}
              else {//if invalid code entered, output message
                   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Invalid code entered, please try again!",
                   "Item Code", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
              } // end if
         } // end while
         // get quantity of item user
         itemCodeString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter quantity:" );
    * 2.
    * You have declared quantityString here but you never give it a value.
    * I think this should be itemCodeString shouldnt it???
    * Or should you change itemCodeString above to quantityString?
         // convert quantityString to int
    //     quantity = Double.parseDouble ( quantityString );  // old code
         quantity = Double.parseDouble ( itemCodeString );
         // add quantity to quantity
         quantity = quantity + quantity;
         // calculation time! value
         value = quantity * itemCode;
         // calc tax
         tax = value * .07;
         // calc total
         total = tax + value;
         //add totals to counter
    * 3. 4. and 5.
    * With the following you have not assigned the 'total' variables a value
    * so in effect you are saying eg. "total = null + 10". Thats why an error is
    * raised.  If you look at your declaration i have assigned them an initial
    * value of 0.
         totValue = totValue + value;
         totTax = totTax + tax;
         totTotal = totTotal + total;
         // display the results of purchase
         JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Amount: " + value +
         "\nTax: " + tax + "\nTotal: " + total, "Sale", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
         // get next code from user
         itemCodeString = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter item code:" );
         // If sentinel value reached
         if ( itemCode == 999 ) {
              // display the daily totals
              JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Total amount of items sold today: " + quantity +
              "\nValue of ites sold today: " + totValue + "\nTotal tax collected today: " + totTax +
              "\nTotal Amount collected today: " + totTotal, "Totals",           JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
              System.exit( 0 ); // terminate application
         } // end sentinel
    } // end message
    } // end class SalesRob.

  • Need help with Blog, Wiki and Gallery

    Hi Team,
    Need help with Blog, Wiki and Gallery startup. I have newly started visiting forums and quite interested to contribute towards these areas also.
    Please help.
    Santosh Singh
    Santosh Singh

    Hello Santhosh,
    Blog is for Microsoft employees only. However, you can contribute towards WIKI and GALLERY using the below links.

  • Need help with Page Layout and Background Scaling

    hello, everyone.
    I am in the process of designing a new website for myself,
    and while I was researching nicely designed pages to use as
    inspiration, I stumbled upon this site:
    obviously, the design is very impressive, but it also
    incorporates a lot of web mechanics that I have been trying to
    figure out, so I will use this page as an example.
    one thing I need help with is backgrounds. as you can see in
    the posted website, the creator used a seamlessly tiled paper
    texture to display the bulk of his content on. also make not of the
    pattern that is located to the left of the paper texture. how do I
    create seamless backgrounds like this that will scale to fit any
    amount of content or any resolution? I can't imagine that the guy
    that made that site created a new size background every time he
    made an update, so there has to be an easier way.
    the second thing that I am having trouble with is general
    site layout. I have read that most sites used series of invisible
    tables to organize there content, but when I open the source of
    this page in dreamweaver, he was using something different. div
    tags? should I be using these? who do I use them? are there any
    general layout tips that someone could pass on to me? perhaps a
    link to a good tutorial?
    please help me. i am very confused.
    thanks so much.

    IMO not a good site to emulate. To wit:
    Top background image:;
    x 350px 137K
    Main background image:;
    745px x 950px 130K
    Total page size: 454K (Check here:
    Website usability experts routinely recommend a maximum page
    size of ~80K
    Check out the We We Scale @ where
    they suggest,
    "You speak about yourself approximately 0,003 times as often
    as you speak
    about your customers. Might that have an impact on your
    That is 100% consistent with the #1 Web Design mistake:
    "Believing people
    care about you and your web site." or to phrase more
    expansively, "Our site
    tries to tell you how wonderful we are as a company, but not
    how we're going
    to solve your problems." has some excellent books on making a
    website actually
    attractive and usable at the same time.
    "beWILLdered_" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > hello, everyone.
    > I am in the process of designing a new website for
    myself, and while I was
    > researching nicely designed pages to use as inspiration,
    I stumbled upon
    > this
    > site:
    > obviously, the design is very impressive, but it also
    incorporates a lot
    > of
    > web mechanics that I have been trying to figure out, so
    I will use this
    > page as
    > an example.
    > one thing I need help with is backgrounds. as you can
    see in the posted
    > website, the creator used a seamlessly tiled paper
    texture to display the
    > bulk
    > of his content on. also make not of the pattern that is
    located to the
    > left of
    > the paper texture. how do I create seamless backgrounds
    like this that
    > will
    > scale to fit any amount of content or any resolution? I
    can't imagine that
    > the
    > guy that made that site created a new size background
    every time he made
    > an
    > update, so there has to be an easier way.
    > the second thing that I am having trouble with is
    general site layout. I
    > have
    > read that most sites used series of invisible tables to
    organize there
    > content,
    > but when I open the source of this page in dreamweaver,
    he was using
    > something
    > different. div tags? should I be using these? who do I
    use them? are there
    > any
    > general layout tips that someone could pass on to me?
    perhaps a link to a
    > good
    > tutorial?
    > please help me. i am very confused.
    > thanks so much.

  • Need help with show/hide and layers moving

    I'm more of a designer, so I don't know code or CSS well at
    all. I'm doing an online portfolio for a class and need help with
    layers not staying in place in different browsers. The portfolio is
    created with a table, but I wanted to use the show/hide function
    for thumbnails of work. Are layers the only way you can use this
    function? I read layers don't work well with tables, so how else
    can I make it so when you mouse over a thumbnail, the larger image
    appears in another cell?

    > I don't know code or CSS well at all.
    That's unfortunate.
    > layers not staying in place in different browsers.
    Layers don't move. But the rest of your page does.
    Before you get too wrapped up in layers, though, please read
    this -
    They are not good when be used as a primary layout method.
    > I read layers don't work well with tables
    They work fine with tables - but you have to understand both
    tables and
    layers to use them.
    Why not show us your page, so we can see what you are
    struggling with?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Bobbi67" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ertd9h$h3m$[email protected]..
    > I'm more of a designer, so I don't know code or CSS well
    at all. I'm doing
    > an
    > online portfolio for a class and need help with layers
    not staying in
    > place in
    > different browsers. The portfolio is created with a
    table, but I wanted to
    > use
    > the show/hide function for thumbnails of work. Are
    layers the only way you
    > can
    > use this function? I read layers don't work well with
    tables, so how else
    > can I
    > make it so when you mouse over a thumbnail, the larger
    image appears in
    > another
    > cell?

  • Need help with Airport Express and so on.

    Ok so my main problem before getting into what I need help with here is that our MacBooks and now my iPhone 6 plus isn't staying online. Keep getting booted off and then I either have to select the network again or it will eventually go back on. If anyone has a solution or so please feel free to answer that as well. I'm running on Roadrunner with a Netgear 600 wireless router and a motorola modem. Both of which I'll leave the link to below for a better look.
    My Main Question: So I'm looking at a new wireless router mainly and possibly a new modem. I know Apple products are trustworthy but how good is the Airport Express and other Airport products. Also what is the Maximum speed and Maximum data speed for the cheapest express station and if anyone knows the speeds of the other devices it would be greatly appreciated.

    DSL Router to Netgear 5-port Switch and I used the switch to connect to Airport Extreme, TV, Blue-Ray DVD player and DirecTV Receiver.
    The AirPort Extreme base station (AEBS) is a router so it will do what you need.
    You need to reconfigure your setup. Connect the WAN port of the AEBS to the DSL router. Then connect the Netgear switch to one of the LAN ports on the AEBS. The AEBS will properly share the connection.

  • Need help with saving data and keeping table history for one BP

    Hi all
    I need help with this one ,
    When adding a new vendor on the system the vendor is suppose to have a tax clearance certificate and it has an expiry date, so after the certificate has expired a new one is submitted by the vendor.
    So i need to know how to have SBO fullfil this requirement ?
    Hope it's clear .

    I don't have a problem with the query that I know I've got to write , the problem is saving the tax clearance certificate and along side it , its the expiry date.
    I'm using South African localization.

  • Need help with n95-3 and PTT

    Hello, I bought an unlocked N95-3 and I have AT&T USA. Does anyone know if your able to use the PTT program with AT&T and if so how? I assume you have to take your phone in or something to get it installed if its even possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated and i apologize if this is a repost but I couldnt find anything for the -3

    you'll need to preload the images if you want them to appear
    close-to-immediately after your button press.
    to load them with the button press:

  • Newbie needs help with browser compatibility

    Ok, so I'm new at this, so this may be something really
    simple, but browser compatibility? I made a site in DW;html and it
    shows up perfect in safari but internet explorer and firefox not so
    much. I did a browser compatibility test in DW and it says nothing
    is wrong with my pages, but obviously something must be!!
    On my home page, the image of a house that I have next to the
    company name shows up fine in safari but not any other browsers.
    And my page layout, everything is moved over funny in other
    browsers. Also there are link boxes around the table I created with
    different brands of products. On safari the boxes do not show, but
    all the other browsers it does!! I'm new at this and frustrated!!!
    Need help!!
    The link is and I posted code from the home

    OK thanks Ned sorry to soo dumb I'm on a learning curve here!  what 
    I'm trying to do is go to the URLs of web galleries of images from my 
    main site
    so I would presumably have to rename them on my server? i.e. does that 
    mean adding the code ", "_blank");
    to the files on the server?
    At the moment I have to use the back button on my browser window which
    takes me back to the main site which then has to reload (tediously!)

  • Need help with Boot Camp and Win 7

    I have iMac 27" (iMac11,1) 2.8 GHz, quad core, 8MB of L3, 8GB of Memory, Boot ROM Version IM111.0034.B02 and SMC Version 1.54f36 and can't get this machine to run Windows 7 using Boot Camp.  I have successfully loaded Win 7 but when it claims to be starting I only get a black screen after initial start up.
    I have checked and rechecked my software updates and have read and reread the instructions, however, I can't update my Boot Camp to 3.1 (my machine says i'm running 3.0.4) and I need 3.1 but can't load 3.1 because it is an exe file that has to be loaded into Windows after I load Windows but can't open Windows because I can't load Boot Camp 3.1.  That's my excuse anyway, so I'm missing something I just can't figure out what it is....this is where you come in!

    I'm not going to be much help with Boot Camp however I can direct you to the Boot Camp forum where there are more people that know how to troubleshoot it and Windoze 7. You can find it at:

  • Newbie needs help with Flex app

    Hi there. I am very new to Flex and also fairly new to
    programming although I do have a little experience.
    I am trying to create an app which stores code snippets or
    common text I tend to use every day in my documents and emails.
    So basically I need help on a design level. I can refer to
    the developer's manual for exact instructions for commands, but I
    need to know what to code first.
    The app will consist of:
    -a tree directory structure where I can create groups.
    -There will be a basic text editor where I input all my data,
    basic text formatting options (font, bullets etc) would be a bonus.
    -A search function
    -Finally it will ideally allow multiple client apps write to
    a central database file over a network
    Can anyone suggest how I should approach such a project?
    Or are there any tutorials / source files which demonstrate
    each bullet point?

    Hey jono,
    I'm new too. But I think I might know the right components.
    If you google any of these + flex 3 you should get some
    decent documentation
    tree - advanced dataGrid component
    basic text editor - rich text editor component
    search function - well, you're gonna need to read up on
    arrays, and arraycollection. Once you get that stuff working, you
    can write up a function to search for a string in an array.
    network functionality - HTTPService, you can dump the
    datagrid into a database, and have it load the database when you
    open up the application.
    Give these things a shot, tutorials / sources will come with
    the google searches.

  • FCP Novice needs help with video quality and FCP 5!!

    I have a real problme that I cannot seem to fix. I think its because I am doing something really wrong!
    I have a Sony HC42E MiniDV Camcorder which by default records video in full widescreen. I recorded several tapes this way and have now begun trying to edit them in FCP 5.04 (Tiger 10.4.6). Whenever I log and capture my clips they appear to be fuzzzy and unclear on the Mac monitor whilst being totally crisp and sharp on the camcorder viewfinder. I tried capturing using the DV PAL 48Khz Anamorphic Preset which keeps everything the right size (the final output needs to be true widescreen and not with black bars added) but the resulting video on screen is blurry and bitty. I then tried capturing using the DV PAL 720 x 576 normal preset and the video is a little clearer on the screen (for both presets I have chosen lower field dominance) but when I play back it plays back in widescreen on the mac canvas window but at 4:3 on the camera's viewfinder.
    I then assumed that maybe this is just becuase the mac screen (CRT by the way) doesn't use fields. So I exported the sequence as a QT movie using DV PAL 16:9 and used quicktime (OS9 Classic - my compressor has never worked because of the dreaded "unable to connect to baackground process" problem which I've never managed to correct) to convert it to MPEG2. When I import this as an asset into DVD Studio pro 4 and set the track size to 16:9 it comes through at the right aspect ratio. However it looks blurry on screen. Thinking that this will be fine on a TV I burned the disc - inserted it into my DVD player (a good one!) and watched it on my new 32" widescreen TV (a good one!) and the picture qualitty is poor. Its so much blurrier and bittier than the original footage looks when played through the camcorder's viewfinder!
    The final footaage looks like an old VHS recording that's a year or two old!
    Does anyone know how I can capture my footage in FCP with the maximum quality, edit it without quality loss and the export it for DVD again without such significant quality loss whilst all the time keeping it at proper 16:9 widescreen?
    Is there some presets I should be working to?
    I'm tearing my hair out! Help!

    Hi Guys,
    thanx for your replies.
    here's the latest:
    Brian, I followed your instructions and the DVD burned successfully. However the video quality of the dvd when viewed on my TV ('ve tried on all 3 of my tvs now) is still a lot poorer than the quicktime movie that was imported into DVDSP4. When I play the original QT Movie on my Mac CRT monitor it looks a little blurry and grainy because I guess its non interlaced however when viewed on an external Video monitor it looks great - very sharp.
    When I view the burned DVD on my television the picture quality looks like the non interlaced version of the original QT Movie that appeared on my Mac CRT and not the sharp interlaced (lower field) version that appeared on my external video monitor.
    Its almost like taking a sharp jpeg into Photoshop and applying a gaussian blur of about 0.3 followed by jepg compression compressing it down to 5% quality!
    I'm totally mystified. Can the conversion to Mpeg2 be removing all interlacing so that you get the less sharp computer monitor look? I just want the video on my final DVDs to be as good as the original source footage! I appreciate that along the way there might be loss of some quality but surely not that much?
    Does this make sense to you guys or am I still doing something very wrong?
    Robert: I have tried setting all manner of drives including a fresh external firewire HD with nothing on it (clean out of the box) but it doesn't seem to help.
    Brian: I tried the no network suggestion a few months back but I'm not sure if I got it right. At the moment I have broadband through an external speedtouch usb modem and am also connected (occasionally although not for the last 3 months) via a crossover cable to my PCs ethernet card. When I last tried the No Network solution I had immense trouble getting my internet to work again! Can you please help me by directing me to the best ay to do this while protecting my internet settings?
    any more help guys would be greatfully appreciated.

  • Need help with an Aforge and windows forms memory stack-up issue

    I am experiencing a strange memory stack-up in my c# windows form program that occurs all the time on slow PCs, and when the windows form loses focus or is otherwise interrupted on faster PCs.
    The program I have written uses Aforge to get images from my webcam, which I then display in an Aforge picturebox control (CurrImagePic in code) in the windows form.  The images are switched into the picture box and then disposed at the camera's native
    framerate, so it appears as video to the user, not still images.  The picture box is 1080x1920, but the space for it in the form is smaller and so I allow the user to scroll around the picture.
    After about ~30 seconds of memory-stable operation on slower PCs, the problem begins.  On faster PCs, the problem only occurs when holding down scroll bar arrows or clicking and dragging around either scroll bar, and if I lock the PC or bring up the
    Ctrl+Alt+Delete menu.
    The problem itself is that memory used by the program starts to increase in very large chunks, leading to an out of memory crash.  This is unstoppable on slower PCs, but on the faster PCs if you stop scrolling or return from the lock/Ctrl+alt+delete
    menu, the program stabilizes at the higher memory usage level.  The memory that was accrued during scrolling or while in the lock menu is never collected by the garbage collector.  I've even tried to put in a button that forces a GC.collect() when
    pressed, and it does not reduce this memory usage.
    I've run perfmon and found that the memory increase is on the unmanaged heap, but I don't know if it's coming from bitmaps which are not being disposed or what it could be from.  It's been impossible to track down since it does not occur except in the
    above conditions.  I've tried various solutions (like moving my image processing out of the event handler and even using both global flags and a "lock" statement to try and ensure that only one thread or frame can access the image processing
    and displaying method at at time, but I have seen no change.  In fact, I am now seeing some unexplained small jumps in memory usage that I wasn't seeing before I put in the lock and moved the processing out of the handler.
    Has anyone run into situations like this?  I am at a loss for what I need to fix.  I think the problem is based around my Aforge event handler and image processing method if it is in my code at all - but I also have a suspicion that this is something
    deeper in the windows form code that I am either misusing or that can't keep up with the demands of my code.  Code below:
    //Applicable Globals to this code snippet
    private bool ALLOWFRAME = true;
    private Object FRAMEKEY = new Object();
    private VideoCaptureDevice COMPVID;
    private Bitmap TMPLTCAP;
    private System.Drawing.Image OLDIMAGE;
    private bool RCRDPIC = false;
    private void COMPVID_NewFrame(object sender, NewFrameEventArgs eventArgs)
    //Only process a frame when another is done processing
    if (ALLOWFRAME == true)
    ALLOWFRAME = false;
    Bitmap PassFrame = AForge.Imaging.Image.Clone(eventArgs.Frame);
    private void ProcessFrame(Bitmap frameIn)
    lock (FRAMEKEY)
    if (OLDIMAGE != null) { OLDIMAGE.Dispose(); }
    //Call comparison method if flag is set.
    if (COMPON == true)
    Difference TmpltFilter = new Difference(TMPLTCAP);
    OLDIMAGE = CurrImagePic.Image;
    CurrImagePic.Image = AForge.Imaging.Image.Clone(frameIn);
    OLDIMAGE = CurrImagePic.Image;
    CurrImagePic.Image = AForge.Imaging.Image.Clone(frameIn);
    //Toggle the flag back to false to show it's safe (i.e., comparisons have stopped)
    //for the result-recording method to copy from the picture box if it is attempting to copy
    if (RCRDPIC == true)
    RCRDPIC = false;
    ALLOWFRAME = true;

    As you are using third party tools and controls, and I cannot find posts on parallel cases using native VS controls, have you asked in the Aforge forums about your memory issue?

Maybe you are looking for