PS4 game development in UK and Europe

I'm interested in developing indie games for PSN and PS4, however whenever I look to sign up for developing for the PS4 it says I have to be located in North America. I'd like to know how can I register to develop indie games for the PS4 while I'm located in the UK and Europe? And yes, I am aware of XDEV, but I'd like to know when will PSN and PS4 game development be available in the UK, are there any dev kits available, if so where can I find one and how much does it cost?

What's this with XDEV? Do you mean the fact that you give them your idea? And then what happens? I'm curious because I saw some games have the XDEV logo once you launch them on PS4. I'm intersted in game development as well so can someone please make things clear for me? Thanks in advance

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    Message was edited by: J.C

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