Public static boolean contains(string s, string t)

i am just a beginner to java....plz help me out...this is my first time programming.

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Similar Messages

  • !! help using: public static Boolean valueOf(String s)

    I am trying to use this simple function to convert a string value to a boolean. According to the documentation for this Boolean method (public static Boolean valueOf(String s)), this should work:
    Example: Boolean.valueOf("True") returns true.
    As a test, I tried to run this line of code:
    tmp_bool = Boolean.valueOf("True");
    I get this compilation error: incompatible types
    found : java.lang.Boolean
    required: boolean
    tmp_bool = Boolean.valueOf("True");
    According to the documentation for SDK 1.4, there is a new function:
    public static Boolean valueOf(boolean b)
    It seems like the commpiler is focusing on this new version of the valueOf() method, and ignoring the case where a String is the parameter. Why won't it use the version that takes a String? What confuses me even more is that I am running version 1.3.1, and the new valueOf(boolean b) function is not mentioned in its documentation.
    Am I somehow using the method wrong?

    OK, I think I understand now. Thanks.
    Let me make sure i have this right...
    So basically, if you use variable types of Boolean and need to pass them to methods that take booleans, would you have to call the booleanValue method first?
    Boolean bool_obj;
    //example method that takes a boolean
    //test_method(boolean b);
    test_method ( bool_obj.booleanValue() );
    is that right?

  • How to call java with public static void main(String[] args) throws by jsp?

    how do i call this from jsp? <%spServicelnd temp = new spServicelnd();%> does not work because the program has a main. can i make another to call this then call by jsp? if yes, how??? The code is found below...
    import com.openwave.wappush.*;
    public class spServiceInd
         private final static String ppgAddress = "";
         private final static String[] clientAddress = {"[email protected]"};
    //     private final static String[] clientAddress = {"+639209063665/[email protected]"};
         private final static String SvcIndURI = "";
         private static void printResults(PushResponse pushResponse) throws WapPushException, MalformedURLException, IOException
              System.out.println("hello cze, I'm inside printResult");
              //Read the response to find out if the Push Submission succeded.
              //1001 = "Accepted for processing"
              if (pushResponse.getResultCode() == 1001)
                        String pushID = pushResponse.getPushID();
                        SimplePush sp = new SimplePush(new, "SampleApp", "/sampleapp");
                        StatusQueryResponse queryResponse = sp.queryStatus(pushID, null);
                        StatusQueryResult queryResult = queryResponse.getResult(0);
                        System.out.println("Message status: " + queryResult.getMessageState());
                   catch (WapPushException exception)
                        System.out.println("*** ERROR - WapPushException (" + exception.getMessage() + ")");
                   catch (MalformedURLException exception)
                        System.out.println("*** ERROR - MalformedURLException (" + exception.getMessage() + ")");
                   catch (IOException exception)
                        System.out.println("*** ERROR - IOException (" + exception.getMessage() + ")");
                   System.out.println("Message failed");
         public void SubmitMsg() throws WapPushException, IOException
              System.out.println("hello cze, I'm inside SubmitMsg");          
                   System.out.println("hello cze, I'm inside SubmitMsg (inside Try)");                         
                   //Instantiate a SimplePush object passing in the PPG URL,
                   //product name, and PushID suffix, which ensures that the
                   //PushID is unique.
                   SimplePush sp = new SimplePush(new, "SampleApp", "/sampleapp");
                   //Send the Service Indication.
                   PushResponse response = sp.pushServiceIndication(clientAddress, "You have a pending Report/Request. Please logIn to IRMS", SvcIndURI, ServiceIndicationAction.signalHigh);
                   //Print the response from the PPG.
              catch (WapPushException exception)
                   System.out.println("*** ERROR - WapPushException (" + exception.getMessage() + ")");
              catch (IOException exception)
                   System.out.println("*** ERROR - IOException (" + exception.getMessage() + ")");
         public static void main(String[] args) throws WapPushException, IOException
              System.out.println("hello cze, I'm inside main");
              spServiceInd spsi = new spServiceInd();
    }//class spServiceInd

    In general, classes with main method should be called from command prompt (that's the reason for main method). Remove the main method, put the class in a package and import the apckage in your jsp (java classes should not be in the location as jsps).
    When you import the package in jsp, then you can instantiate the class and use any of it's methods or call the statis methods directly:
    spServiceInd spsi = new spServiceInd();

  • Public static final Comparator String CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER

    in this declaration..
    public static final Comparator<String> CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER
    what does <String> mean?

    what does the Comparator do. Look at the API and you would see the following description about the compare method.
    public int compare(Object o1,
    Object o2)Compares its two arguments for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
    The implementor must ensure that sgn(compare(x, y)) == -sgn(compare(y, x)) for all x and y. (This implies that compare(x, y) must throw an exception if and only if compare(y, x) throws an exception.)
    The implementor must also ensure that the relation is transitive: ((compare(x, y)>0) && (compare(y, z)>0)) implies compare(x, z)>0.
    Finally, the implementer must ensure that compare(x, y)==0 implies that sgn(compare(x, z))==sgn(compare(y, z)) for all z.
    It is generally the case, but not strictly required that (compare(x, y)==0) == (x.equals(y)). Generally speaking, any comparator that violates this condition should clearly indicate this fact. The recommended language is "Note: this comparator imposes orderings that are inconsistent with equals."
    Now your question is about what <String> is in your declaration. It is the type of the objects which are going to be compared.

  • Why can't created an object in the "public static void main(String args[])"

    public Class Exp {
    public static void main(String args[])
    new Exp2();-------------> To Occur Error
    Class Exp2 {
    public Exp2()

    You can't create an inner class within main, because
    it is a static method. Inner classes can only be
    created by true class methods.This is not correct. You can create an inner class object in a static method. You just have to specify an outer class object that the inner class object should be created within:
    Exp2 exp2 = new Exp().new Exp2();

  • Constant values (public static final String) are not shown??

    This has already been posted and no body answered. Any help is appreciated.
    In web service is it possible to expose the Constants used in the application. Let say for my web service I need to pass value for Operation, possible values for this are (add, delete, update). Is it possible expose these constant values(add, delete, update) visible to client application accesssing the web service.
    Server Side:
    public static final String ADD = "ADDOPP";
    public static final String DELETE = "DELETEOPP";
    public static final String UPDATE = "UPDATEOPP";
    client Side: mywebserviceport.setOperation( mywebservicePort.ADD );

    Sure, you can use JAX-WS and enums.
    For example on the server:
    public class echo {
    public enum Status {RED, YELLOW, GREEN}
    public Status echoStatus(Status status) {
    return status;
    on the client you get.
    @WebService(name = "Echo", wsdlLocation ="..." )
    public interface Echo {
    public Status echoStatus(
    @WebParam(name = "arg0", targetNamespace = "")
    Status arg0);
    public enum Status {
    public String value() {
    return name();
    public static Status fromValue(String v) {
    return valueOf(v);

  • How can i pass the values to method public static void showBoard(boolean[][

    I need x and y to pass to the method
    public static void showBoard(boolean[][] board
    i am very confused as to why its boolean,i know its an array but does that mean values ar true or false only?Thanks
    import java.util.Random;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Life1
         public static void main(String[] args)
              int x=0;
              int y=0;
              Scanner keyIn = new Scanner(;
              System.out.println("Enter the first dimension of the board : ");
              x = keyIn.nextInt();
              System.out.println("Enter the second dimension of the board : );
              y = keyIn.nextInt();
              boolean[][] board = new boolean[x][y];
              //Ask the user how many generations to show.
              board = newBoard(board);
         //This method randomly populates rows 5-9 of the board
         //Rewrite this method to allow the user to populate the board by entering the
         //coordinates of the live cells.  If the user requests that cell 1, 1 be alive,
         //your program should make cell 0,0 alive.
         public static void fillBoard(boolean[][] board)
              int row, col, isAlive;
              Random picker = new Random();
              for(row = 4; row < 9; row++)
                   for(col = 4; col < 9; col++)
                        if (picker.nextInt(2) == 0)
                          board[row][col] = false;
                          board[row][col] = true;
         //This method displays the board
         public static void showBoard(boolean[][] board)
              int row, col;
              for(row=0; row < x; row++)
                   for(col=0; col<y; col++)
                        if (board[row][col])
         //This method creates the next generation and returns the new population
         public static boolean[][] newBoard(boolean[][] board)
              int row;
              int col;
              int neighbors;
              boolean[][] newBoard = new boolean[board.length][board[0].length];
              for(row = 1; row < board.length-1; row++)
                   for(col = 1; col < board[row].length-1; col++)
                        neighbors = countNeighbors(row, col, board);
                        //make this work with one less if
                        if (neighbors < 2)
                        else if (neighbors > 3)
                             newBoard[row][col] = false;
                        else if (neighbors == 2)
                             newBoard[row][col]= board[row][col];
                             newBoard[row][col] = true;
              return newBoard;
         //This method counts the number of neighbors surrounding a cell.
         //It is given the current cell coordinates and the board
         public static int countNeighbors(int thisRow, int thisCol, boolean[][] board)
              int count = 0;
              int row, col;
              for (row = thisRow - 1; row < thisRow + 2; row++)
                   for(col = thisCol - 1; col < thisCol + 2; col++)
                     if (board[row][col])
              if (board[thisRow][thisCol])
              return count;
         //This method makes each cell in a board "dead."
         public static void makeDead(boolean[][] board)
              int row, col;
              for(row = 0; row < board.length; row++)
                   for(col = 0; col < board[row].length; col++)
                        board[row][col] = false;

    this is what im workin with mabey you can point me in the right directionimport java.util.Random;
    /* This class creates an application to simulate John Conway's Life game.
    * Output is sent to the System.out object.
    * The rules for the Life game are as follows...
    * Your final version of the program should explain the game and its use
    * to the user.
    public class Life
         public static void main(String[] args)
              //Allow the user to specify the board size
              boolean[][] board = new boolean[10][10];
              //Ask the user how many generations to show.
              board = newBoard(board);
         //This method randomly populates rows 5-9 of the board
         //Rewrite this method to allow the user to populate the board by entering the
         //coordinates of the live cells.  If the user requests that cell 1, 1 be alive,
         //your program should make cell 0,0 alive.
         public static void fillBoard(boolean[][] board)
              int row, col, isAlive;
              Random picker = new Random();
              for(row = 4; row < 9; row++)
                   for(col = 4; col < 9; col++)
                        if (picker.nextInt(2) == 0)
                          board[row][col] = false;
                          board[row][col] = true;
         //This method displays the board
         public static void showBoard(boolean[][] board)
              int row, col;
              for(row=0; row < 10; row++)
                   for(col=0; col<10; col++)
                        if (board[row][col])
         //This method creates the next generation and returns the new population
         public static boolean[][] newBoard(boolean[][] board)
              int row;
              int col;
              int neighbors;
              boolean[][] newBoard = new boolean[board.length][board[0].length];
              for(row = 1; row < board.length-1; row++)
                   for(col = 1; col < board[row].length-1; col++)
                        neighbors = countNeighbors(row, col, board);
                        //make this work with one less if
                        if (neighbors < 2)
                        else if (neighbors > 3)
                             newBoard[row][col] = false;
                        else if (neighbors == 2)
                             newBoard[row][col]= board[row][col];
                             newBoard[row][col] = true;
              return newBoard;
         //This method counts the number of neighbors surrounding a cell.
         //It is given the current cell coordinates and the board
         public static int countNeighbors(int thisRow, int thisCol, boolean[][] board)
              int count = 0;
              int row, col;
              for (row = thisRow - 1; row < thisRow + 2; row++)
                   for(col = thisCol - 1; col < thisCol + 2; col++)
                     if (board[row][col])
              if (board[thisRow][thisCol])
              return count;
         //This method makes each cell in a board "dead."
         public static void makeDead(boolean[][] board)
              int row, col;
              for(row = 0; row < board.length; row++)
                   for(col = 0; col < board[row].length; col++)
                        board[row][col] = false;

  • Static class containing scanner throws java.util.NoSuchElementException

    I use the scanner class pretty often in my coding and recently i have been trying to create a static method i can put in an external class to do the scanning for me and trap any errors.
    I seem to be able to create the class successfully but i have a slight problem in that i cannot use the method twice in the same program without having it throw a java.util.NoSuchElementException
    If anyone could figure out what error i have made and suggest a way to fix it i would be very grateful
    code is as follows:
    // name information removed for privacy
      // class info removed for privacy
      Assignment: 4.3,
      File Name: /ASSIGNMENTS/ASSIGNMENT_4/Part3/
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Scan
      public static double nextDouble (String prompt)
        // variable to hold the result
        double result = 0.0;
        // variable to determine if input was ok
        Boolean inputOK = false;
        // do-while loop to get some input
          // print the prompt. what do you want to ask for?
          System.out.print ( prompt );
          // Try to scan and capture the input and catch the exception
            // create the scanner object
            Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
            // parse the input`
            result = scan.nextDouble();
            // if we reach this step then good. we got good input let's exit the loop
            inputOK = true;
            // close the scanner
          // oops we got an error!
          catch (java.util.InputMismatchException e)
            // inform the user of the error
            System.out.println ("That is not a number! Try again. \n");
            // input was not ok so we can't exit the loop yet
            inputOK = false;
        // keep looping as long as inputOK is false
        } while (!inputOK);
        // return out result
        return result;
    // name information removed for privacy
    // class information removed for privacy
    * Assignment: 4.3
    * File Name: ASSIGNMENTS/ASSIGNMENT_4/Part3/
    // Import Scanner class
    import java.util.Scanner;
    //Class Body
    public class Mathematics{
    // Main method. AUTO EXECUTE
      public static void main(String[] args)
    // additional variable declarations removed for brevity
        // Create double precision floating point variables
          double  coeff4 = 0.0, coeff3 = 0.0, coeff2 = 0.0, coeff1 = 0.0, cons = 0.0;
        coeff4 = Scan.nextDouble("Enter the coefficient of x^4 (0.0 if none): ");
        coeff3 = Scan.nextDouble("Enter the coefficient of x^3 (0.0 if none): ");
        coeff2 = Scan.nextDouble("Enter the coefficient of x^2 (0.0 if none): ");
        coeff1 = Scan.nextDouble("Enter the coefficient of x (0.0 if none): ");
        cons = Scan.nextDouble("Enter the constant (0.0 if none): ");
    // do fun things with input (code removed for brevity)
    }output looks like this
    dragonfly@Home:~/ASSIGNMENTS/ASSIGNMENT_4/Part3$ java Mathematics
    Enter the coefficient of x^4 (0.0 if none): hello boys!
    That is not a number! Try again.
    Enter the coefficient of x^4 (0.0 if none): 1.2.
    That is not a number! Try again.
    Enter the coefficient of x^4 (0.0 if none): d
    That is not a number! Try again.
    Enter the coefficient of x^4 (0.0 if none): 1
    Enter the coefficient of x^3 (0.0 if none): Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
            at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(
            at java.util.Scanner.nextDouble(
            at Scan.nextDouble(
            at Mathematics.main(

    Through trial and error i seem to have hit upon a solution to my problem. i am stress testing it now but i think it will hold up admirably
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Scan
    // scan in a double without a prompt. catch and handle any exceptions
    public static double nextDouble ()
        return nextDouble("");
    // give the user a prompt and then scan in a double. catch and handle any exceptions
    public static double nextDouble (String prompt)
        // variable to hold the result
        double result = 0.0;
        // variable to determine if input was ok
        boolean inputOK = false;
        // do-while loop to get some input
          // print the prompt. what do you want to ask for?
          System.out.print ( prompt );
          // Try to scan and capture the input and catch the exception
          // Call private method to do the actual scanning
            result = scanDouble();
            // if we reach this step then good. we got good input let's exit the loop
            inputOK = true;
          // oops we got an error!
          catch (java.util.InputMismatchException e)
            // inform the user of the error
            System.out.println ("That is not a number! Try again. \n");
            // input was not ok so we can't exit the loop yet
            inputOK = false;
        // keep looping as long as inputOK is false
        } while (!inputOK);
        // return out result
        return result;
    // Helper method to nextDouble
      private static double scanDouble()
      // hold the result
        double result=0.0;
      // create the scanner object
        Scanner scan = new Scanner (;
      // parse the input
          // If input was not of proper type this call will fail with :
          // java.util.InputMismatchException
          // and return control to calling method
        result = scan.nextDouble();
      // Return our findings
        return result  ;

  • Why ..we have to use this ? public static void ? please !

    hi ibrahim ..and im new here in java nd new in the forum too ...nd please i would like to know ...why
    do we use the method
    public static void main (String []args)
    i mean why ..static nd why public ..why void ....why main ..nd why (string []args)
    ...why we use it ...always ....hopefully looking for a very clear answer to this ...issue ..?
    please help .......!

    public - this is the visibility modifier (it means that the body method can be call by any outside method)
    static - the method is a static instance of the class. Not sure what exactly it does though.
    void - this is the return type. void means that the method returns nothing.
    main - the name of the method. It can be anything.
    "public static void main" - this is the main method where upon executing the Java program the Java Virtual Machine will try to locate this method within the specifies class to be executed. This is always the first one to run when executing a Java program. None of this word may be changed or the program cannot be run.

  • Neccessity of Public Static.

    My Warm Hello to Everyone Out there,
    I am absolutely New to Java. Absolutely. I am astonished by the pure beautiful advances made to the paradigm of C++, that created this enormous Programming language.
    Well I understand for the Most common example: "" Program that one may find in most of the books, as the starting program for the Life in Java...
    class Example{
        public static void main(string args[]){
            // body of main
    }In Which "Example". can this main() be anything else: private or protected?
    If no Why not?
    :: DreamyDinesh ::

    It seems that Java's Initial Versions might have been doing something else. It looks as if either, this
    method of sandwitching the main() inside a Class (whose nomenclature, is not 2 b ignored) was followed
    out of experience or it was well planned then, brought into action.It was ever thus. The JLS (Java Language Specification) has always specififed that a program's main
    is to be public and static, but some earlier versions of Sun's JVM didn't check for that public modifier,
    so one could thrill to having their private mains executed. The current JVMs do check for this.

  • Public static void main

    Hi all
    whether public static void main(String[] a) will execute

    Clem1986 wrote:
    it's an incomplete sentence, it's just a clause; possible endings:
    whether public static void main(String[] a) will execute remains a mystery.*
    whether public static void main(String[] a) will execute is determinable.*
    whether public static void main(String[] a) will execute is propesterous to ponder.*
    whether public static void main(String[] a) will execute is heretical in nature.*
    whether public static void main(String[] a) will execute is not a sentence.*
    Or start clauses,
    _'Tis idiotic to wonder_ whether public static void main(String[] a) will execute.whether public static void main(String[] a) will execute or not, I'm still getting out of my skull tonight

  • Public Static Strings

    I have a class / interface (tried both) which contains
    Strings only.
    This class is referenced from numerous other classes,
    however, at compile time the String are copied into
    their calling location, so my class is never actually called
    to get the value of the Strings.
    Is there anyway to stop the compiler doing this ?
    Class -> Interface
    final / non-final
    public / protected
    No matter what I try the values are merely copied into
    their calling location.
    Any ideas ?

    Nope, thats Java for you.
    Because of this "quirk" of the language, its generally recommended not to use this kind of "Global variable" approach. Instead, either declare the Strings in each class they are used, or for a better and much more maintainable solution, use a property file and load the values in at Runtime.

  • Private static void main(String args[]) ... ?????

    even if the main method is declared
    private static void main(String args[])
    //Code Here
    it works fine..can somebody explain the reason behind?

    hi rkippen
    so u mean, since the JVM is calling the main it can
    break all kinds of access specifiers to any
    i right?
    This could be the case.
    However, I tried using 1.4.1 with no development environment (just java.exe) and it gave the following error:
    C:\>java MainTest
    Main method not public.
    So, your development environment might be the cause (e.g. what you use to program your code (e.x. JBuilder)), or the Java version.
    Your development environment might be using reflection to get around Java accessibility checks. For debugging purposes, it is possible to use reflection to obtain refereneces to private methods/fields and invoke those methods and access those fields.
    Vector v = new Vector();
    Field f = v.getClass().getDeclaredField("elementCount");
    f.setAccessible(true); // this is the trick
    f.set(v, new Integer(100));In the presence of a security manager, the setAccessible method will fire a "suppressAccessChecks" permission check.

  • Boolean to String - surely there's an wasy way!

    How do i convert a boolean to its String represetation?
    This is how I do it:
    boolean primitiveBool = false;
    Boolean objectBool = new Boolean(primitiveBool);
    String booleanAsString = objectBool.toString();
    Surely there is a shorter more efficient way?

    boolean bool = true;
    String asString = "" + bool;I think better would be Boolean.toString(boolean) or
    String.valueOf(boolean) as you're not creating an
    extra, unused String object.Plus a StringBuffer object.Moreimportantly (IMAO), the code is more directly expressing your intent. "Give me a String representation of this boolean" vs. "Give me a String that is a concatenation of the empty string and the string representation of this boolean."

  • Boolean to string convertion

    Is there any tool in labview 8 to convert string to boolean or boolean to string . The source is of boolean type and the sink is boolean type.

    I don't know why you start a new thread instead of adding to your existing thread here:
    In any case, most answers so far have dealt with formatting a boolean into a humanly readable string and back. Actually, I am not sure if that is what you want, because you talk about converting, not formatting.
    What exactly do you want to do?
    For example if you need to send a boolean via TCP, you need to convert it to a string, but it would make little sense to do any fancy formatting, turning a single byte into a longish humanly readable string. In this case you would just typecast to string, then cast it back to a boolean on the other end.
    The image shows one possibility.
    Message Edited by altenbach on 07-05-2006 10:40 AM
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Bool-string-bool.png ‏3 KB

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    so ive forgoten how to do this? I think you can do it through iphoto right? Am i right?

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    when I click "post goods issue" in vl01n, the order saved success, but when I re-enter vl01n and re-input this order number, the system display "No devivery-relevant items in order 0000000008, order type OR, message no.VL455, why?  why system display

  • Ipod already in use?

    Hi there, Recently received an ipod, and installed itunes at home and at work. Put some music on the ipod at home, and then went to work, where my pc asked if i wanted to make that computer the "main one", unknowingly that this would erase all the st