Public transit in uk

can someone tell me if the public transport option works in any UK cities? i have tried it in a few, including london, and i always get the same result - not available. i tried it in new york and it worked fine so its obviously not the phone or the software. this leads me to believe its just not available in the uk, but i have seen it advertised, for example on the uk version of the apple updates site.
if it isnt available yet, have apple announced when it will be?

Works in London. I just found transit directions fro the Copthorne Tara Hotel to Hertford.
According to Tara's link above, there's not much yet for the UK.
"United Kingdom
East Midlands UK: Traveline East Midlands
London: Transit layer only
Southeast UK: Traveline South East"

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    This is a user to user forum. We are iphone users like you.
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    Message was edited by: littleshoulders

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    Message was edited by: littleshoulders

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    wp_ss_20130407_0001.jpg ‏60 KB

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