Publish Templates

Hi Experts,
I have installed sap-srm in my laptop.
I need to publish the templates so that i can use my webgui version of srm..
as i have no idea how to publish templates a step by step procedure will be very helpful for me
kindly if any one has this doc or any link  then it's really appreciated
Points will be rewarded

You can use W3_PUBLISH_SERVICES program in transaction SE38 or go to your service in transaction SE80 and click on "publish" button.
In SE80 check Help -> Settings and Internal Transaction Serwer (ITS) tab.

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    It is also mentioned in (Note: 276691.1 - XML Publisher and Concurrent Manager Integration). Anyway, the OP has already provided the solution without referring to any document which should be easy for those who may encounter the same issue.

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    The XML Publisher 5.0 Template Builder for Word is available on Metalink as a Patch:
    Patch 4239263
    Product XML Publisher
    Release Applications 11i
    Platform or Language -------- Platforms --------Microsoft Windows (32-bit)
    If you don't have access to Metalink, you can download a trial version of the standalone release of XML Publisher 5.5 from Oracle eDelivery:
    Product Pack Oracle Application Server Products
    Platform: Any (e.g. Window 32 Bit)
    The part number is B23145-01: "Oracle® XML Publisher CD/Media Pack".
    The Template Builder for Word is part of the "XML Publisher Desktop".
    HR Madrid

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    i want to print this filed
    S JR MR

    Hi ,
    Now i am able to print S JR MR horizontally.Thanx a lot for that.Now my problem is
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    For eg
    The report should display like this
    C1 C2 C3
    45 1-2-3 S JR MR
    45*1 2*45 3*45
    I have created package to make the string 1-2-3 separeate and the fuction is working fine .But unable to print value in bi
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    45*1 2*45 3*45 45*1 2*45 3*45 45*1 2*45 3*45
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    Please help me
    Thanks in advance

  • How to remove group in XML Publisher template

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    How to remove group in XML Publisher template while desining as below is one example in that i want to remove the group no 2,3,4 or G Supp Seq,List G Audit,G Audit and want the output of line no 1 and 5 and then 1 or Batch / Entry/ Category/ List G Supp Seq/C Line No / C Transaction / C Document//C Credit/C Debit/C H Seq Name.
    1) Batch / Entry/ Category/ List G Supp Seq                    /C Credit/C Debit/C H Seq Name                    
    2)          G Supp Seq
    3) List G Audit
    4) G Audit     
    5)     C Line No / C Transaction / C Document
    Kindly help how to generate the output without the line no 2,3,4.

    you can try to design the RTF by Regrouping the XML data based on your requirement then you may get proper order.
    Please see the Regrouping XML concept in the user guide.
    Prasad Raju

  • Modify Pivot Table in BI Publisher Template

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    Hence, I want to display the datapoint columns one above another, so that 13 column only (12 columns for datapoints + 1 column for Total) come instead of 39 columns.
    Please let me know how can it be done from BI-publisher template builder. Simple XML source taken from a table is used behind this template. Can the requirement be achieved by modifying XML source format or XSL-FO output taken from the template? Please help.

    Insert a table with 3 columns and 2 rows..
    split the (2,2) cell into 3 rows and (2,3) cell into 3 rows..
    table cell (1,1)<?horizontal-break-table:1?>
    (1,3)<?for-each-group@column:SALE;./YEAR?><?YEAR?><?end for-each-group?>
    (2,2) 1st row Software
            2nd row Hardware
            3rd row Services
    (2,3) 1st row<?for-each-group@cell://SALE;./YEAR?><?sum ($G1[(./YEAR=current()/YEAR)]/SOFTWARE)?><?end for-each-group?>
    2st row<?for-each-group@cell://SALE;./YEAR?><?sum ($G1[(./YEAR=current()/YEAR)]/HARDWARE)?><?end for-each-group?>
    3rd row<?for-each-group@cell://SALE;./YEAR?><?sum ($G1[(./YEAR=current()/YEAR)]/SERVICES)?><?end for-each-group?><?end for-each-group?>the xml file I used was mentioned in tim's blog in the previous reply of mine...I tried it and I got the desired o/p..
    Edited by: user10280715 on Apr 8, 2009 8:58 AM

  • How to create RTF template base on SQL in BI Publisher template for word?

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    As i have no option for SQL, i just run sql in TOAD and export data as a xml file and just load that data in to MS word as XML Data. it's not bad idea !!!.
    Thanks & Regards

    The create report from SQL option was removed from the Desktop tool. Here's what I would recommend.
    1. Go to BIP server and create your report and query there (use the online query builder, use SQL Developer, use BI EE, use TOAD)
    2. Open Word and login to the BIP Server
    3. Browser the report catalog.
    4. Open the report you just created online. (This will automatically create a download sample XML)
    5. Create your layout
    6. From inside word, upload your new template (new Menu option)
    The ability to start new templates and update existing templates directly from Word is pretty handy. You no longer have to go back to your browser to upload the lasted copy of your template to the server.

  • Problem with a text in the last page of XML Publisher Template

    Oracle Applications :
    Oracle BI Publisher Template Builder for Word Build 129
    I have a problem with XML Templates, I need that a text (*Este documento no confiere origen, señala únicamente país de manufactura.) is always at the bottom of a table and it has to be in every page, the problem is in the last page where the text is showed twice.
    *Este documento no confiere origen, señala únicamente país de manufactura.<?end body?>
    *Este documento no confiere origen, señala únicamente país de manufactura.
    Is there a way in order not to print the text twice in the last page?.

    Whatever the problem, it's likely due to how those paragraphs
    were formatted in Word. The RH conversion usually only reflects
    what was done there.
    Are you comfortable inspecting the underlying HTML code (the
    RH TrueCode tab)? I think you'd find some type of SPAN tag or STYLE
    attribute that is determining an absolute paragraph width.
    Otherwise, you could try this experiment:
    1. Strip the base Word doc to a moderate size, but which
    includes at least one of these non-wrapping paragraphs.
    2. Select All and press Ctrl+spacebar (this removes all
    formatting from the selected text).
    3. Import that Word doc to RH and see how it looks now.
    Good luck,

  • How to judgement the page-number in xml publisher template

    Hi all,
    This is a xml publisher template problem, I want to realize a judgement about page-number like <?if:page-number=1?> test <?end if?> <?if:page-number!=1?> not equal<?end if?>, how can i do this? Please give some suggestion about this, thanks a lot.
    Best Regards

    there is some seeded variable available please read xml publisher developer user guide

  • How to do subtemplate Using XML Publisher Template Builder for Word 5.6.2

    Is it possible to do subtemplate (similar to subreport in crystal report) using XML Publisher Template Builder for Word 5.6.2?. If yes, can anyone explain how to call or import subtemplate from main template?
    Thank you

    Hi V. Piraba,
    Here is how it works for me in Microsoft Word 2003. I'm not sure if it will work in Word 5.6.2.
    Creating Subtemplates
    1) Make sure you fill in the “Territory” field when creating Subtemplates. Otherwise there will be no way to import the Subtemplate into another Template. The Import command requires the Territory field to call it from other Templates. You will get a big Java error if you try to import a Subtemplate that does not have the Terriroty field populated.
    Importing Subtemplates
    1) Place the following syntax at the beginning of your XML Publisher template to import a subtemplate (in Oracle Applications)
    <?import:xdo://XDO.[Template Code Name].English.US?>
    Example: <?import:xdo://XDO.WC_SUBTEMPLATE_LOGOS.English.US?>
    2) Use the following commands to importing Subtemplates from local/network drives (outside of Oracle Applications):
    <?import:file:C:/Temp/WC Subtemplate - Logos.rtf?>
    <?import:file:L://Templates/WC Subtemplate - Logos.rtf?>
    <?import: file:///C:WorkChemical.xsl?>
    You can email me at [email protected] if you have further questions.
    Hope this helps!

  • XMLP Desktop 5.6.2 vs BI Publisher template builder for word?

    Is anybody know what's the difference betweent these two product?
    When i installed XMLP desktop 5.6.2 i could see option for SQL and Report wizard under Data tab. But in BI publisher template builder i can see only XML data and XML schema under Data tab.
    i need to create template in word base on SQL. please help me.

    In your code try replacing this:
    <Graph pieDepth="30" pieTilt="20" seriesEffect="SE_AUTO_GRADIENT" graphType="PIE_MULTI"><LegendText>
    <GraphFont size="14" bold="false" italic="false" underline="false"/>
    <GraphFont size="14" bold="false" italic="false" underline="false"/>
    <LegendArea position="LAP_BOTTOM" visible="true" />
    <Series id="0" color="#BED73D"/>
    <Series id="1" color="#003976"/>
    <Series id="2" color="#5ABED3"/>
    <SliceLabel><ViewFormat decimalDigit="1" decimalDigitUsed="true" decimalSeparatorUsed="true" /></SliceLabel><LegendArea visible="true" />
    With this:
    <Graph depthAngle="50" depthRadius="0" pieDepth="30" pieTilt="20" seriesEffect="SE_AUTO_GRADIENT" graphType="PIE_MULTI">
    <ImageSize width="800" height="800"/>
    <LegendArea visible="true" position="LAP_BOTTOM"/>
    <GraphFont size="14" bold="false" italic="false" underline="false"/>
    <GraphFont size="14" bold="false" italic="false" underline="false"/>
    <Series id="0" color="#bed73d"/>
    <Series id="1" color="#3976"/>
    <Series id="2" color="#5abed3"/>
    <ViewFormat decimalDigit="1" decimalSeparatorUsed="true" decimalDigitUsed="true"/>
    And test again. It is working in my case

  • BI Publisher Template Builder for Excel

    I re-installed Oracle BI publisher desktop 32bit on my computer  (Windows 7, Office Pro Plus 2010)
    Before the re-installation, I could access the BI Publisher tab in the ribbon for Word and Excel. Now, since the re-install, I can't acces the tab.
    I made sure Analyzer for Excel was removed before installing the new version.
    The version of BI Publisher Enterprise that we are running is
    Someone has a clue why i'm unable to acces the tab?

    I looked in the Add-ins and tried to enable BI publisher template builder, but no success.
    I checked the case to load at Startup, closed Word and Excel, even rebooted my computer... still, the tab doesn't show up. I can see it's in my list of add-ins, but for some reason, I can't enable it.

  • Where I can get and how to install BI Publisher template for word?

    I'm totaly new in BI Publisher. I read that the easiest way to create RTF templete is BI Publisher template for word. But I don't know where can I get it, and how to implement it MS Word. Does somebody can tell me the answer.
    Thanks, Best Regards.

    Hi Kostya,
    Only two steps:
    Download XML publisher desktop from oracle site and install on your machine.
    Once setup finish then you will able to see one new toolbar in MS word (Template Builder).
    Using that toolbar you can develop and test your report.
    [email protected]

  • How do we create and publish templates in SRM ?

    Good day guru's
    How do  we create and publish templates in SRM , for contracts management ?
    Your help will be appreciated

    What is your SRM version?
    There are 3 buttons (Create, Create template, Create from Template) in the Process Contract screen, bbp_ctr_main in SRM50 (SRM_SERVER 550).

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    I have been using Word with BI Publisher Template builder add-on for a while and it used to work fine.
    Today it suddenly started complaining
    Compile error in hidden module: Module_editFF
    Please let me know if you have seen this problem and if you have an idea how to fix this.

    me too, any answers.

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