Put "Empty (as a verb) Collection" On Context Menu

Sometimes I just want to emty a collection without changing the folder/collection I'm in. I vote for "Empty Collection" on the "right/ctrl-click" menu of "not-smart" collections.

What you say is true -- at least, the way you have said it.
What "Thriller novelist' says is also true.
I have agonized over having moved from 2007 to 2013 because of the loss of the old functionality.  The
"...is still available..." portion of the AutoCorrect in the context menu takes a lot longer -- and usually at a time of literary inspiration, when I need to speed-up my keyboarding, not to retard it.
You have taken away very desirable functionality by this ...er, simplification in the 2013 release.  In Outlook 2007 and Word 2007, my common keyboarding mistakes could be noted and I could add them quickly to the AutoCorrect list if
I chose to.  Now, in 2013, I am losing untold hours of work when I must either slow down my keyboarding enough to prevent mistakes, or go back and make the now-slowed corrections. 
Microsoft has dumbed-down the feature.
I cannot provide a screenshot of the old context menu, because I no longer have Outlook/Word 2007.  Can't someone else at MS offer you a running Office 2007 edition, where you could watch how it works yourself?    
Please restore the full former functionality of this feature.  Your response dated 4/13/14 should not be marked as The Answer.

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  • Tab context menu on empty tab bar.

    When right clicking on an empty area of the tab bar, I get a context menu to select which toolbars I want to show or to customise Firefox's layout. As I recall (and my muscle memory seems to agree) this used to bring up the tab context menu instead, allowing me to re-open closed tabs and the like. Is there any way to restore this functionality?

    The Tab bar is a regular toolbar in current Firefox version (you can place toolbar buttons on it) and right clicking on empty space will open the toolbar context menu.<br />
    You need to right-click a tab to get the Tab context menu.

  • [TUTORIAL] Context Menu to export EML files

    Hello there folks!
    I'm pretty new to the topic of C3PO, GW and all the Novell stuff and one of my tasks was to "code an export mechanism for GW8 thats lats us save e-mails to our storage system". Ok, that was a hammer. But wrapping my head around it and starting to error out the things got me pretty far and I guessed it was tutorial material. So here we go:
    @Moderators: This is the thread that has everything in it. the other one can be deleted.
    This tutorial is intendend for C# only. I don't like VB and I'm too dumb for C++ so if you need it for another dialect you need to work it out your self.
    Needed packages
    C3PO wizard
    Loading to Visual Studio 2010
    Needed Imports/References
    Simple MessageBoxing
    Export Code
    Registering and caching the .DLL
    Testing (please help me with a better way here)
    1. Needed packages
    the novell-gwc3po-devel-2012.11.15.zip file (unzip this after downloading)
    an installed version of Visual Studio 2012 C# (or if you want to work with a different dialect choose another)
    cmd access to some of the registering tools:
    It may be the best thing to set tose paths up in you env variables. Allthough when running the cmd with administrator privileges you can't use regasm from env variables and need to cd to the directory.
    RegAsm (regasm.exe): C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 (the version depends on the target)
    GACUtil (gacutil.exe): C:\Program Files(x86)\Micrsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\ (this path is also dependent on your target framework version, I chose .NET4)
    StrongName (sn.exe): C:\Program Files(x86)\Micrsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\ (this path is also dependent on your target framework version, I chose .NET4)
    a good beverage :D (you should obtain multiple of these :D)
    2. The C3PO wizard
    In my case I wanted to add the functionality via the context menu. So the code executes when right-clicking on one or multiple messages displays another menu item and is clickable.
    This is pretty easy to realize via the C3PO wizard. You'll find it in the downloaded and extracted novell-gwc3po-devel-2012.11.15.zip from above. Start it (it is located in extracted-zip-folder/gwc3po-FILES/C3POWizard/C3POWizard.exe) and setup your project:
    Setup the project in the wizard step 1
    I usually setup the Wizard inside my Visual Studio 2010 projects folder, create a new folder there with the name of the project and check the options i want to have.
    In the next step I chose which type of View should display my custom context menu. Since I was only interested in exporting and working with e-mails I chose "GW.MESSAGE.MAIL" and added it to the bottom list via, you guessed it, "Add".
    Setup theView that invokes the new context menu item
    In the next step you I had to setup a new entry for the context menu. You could make side-droppable menus here etc. But for me a simple "Add Menu" was enough. Give it a name of your choice (beware: I'm yet to find out where to change this setting in the source files).
    Creating a Menu Item in step 3
    Click through next and the wizard will sum up you choices. In the next dialog window you will be prompted to specify the language you want the code to be generated. I chose .NET C#.
    In the prompt after that you will be asked if the wizard should create a .DLL-project. You click yes.
    Quit the wizard with the "Done" button.
    3. Loading to Visual Studio 2010
    Open up your Visual Studio and go to File -> Open Project. Navigate to the folder where you just created the files with the C3PO-Wizard. and open up the .csproj file.
    All the files get loaded and it seems quite well. but now it's time for some other stuff: Signing, or better, providing a key for signing.
    Allthough the README.txt (also in your project folder) states this is not neccessarily needed I did not get it to work without a key file.
    Open up a terminal and tpye in sn /? to see if the environment variables work. If not you can yuse the abolute path to sn (see: 1: Needed packages). If everything works as expected you can generate your keyfile with sn -k <PathToYourProject>\Archive.snk.
    In Visual Studio, go to Project -> <ProjectName>-Properties -> Signing -> Sign assembly [x] -> Search and pick the .snk-file you just created.
    Good. A first compilation of the project with F6 should rumble through without problems. Go to <ProjectFolder>\bin\Release and copy the .dll files to <GroupWiseInstallPath>.
    After that you need to open a cmd windows as administrator and cd to the RegAsm.exe directory and execute the following: [I]regasm "<GroupWiseInstallPath>\<TheDllName>.dll". Then execute gacutil -i "<GroupWiseInstallPath>\<TheDllName>.dll".
    RegAsm will register the extension to the Windows registry and GACUtil will cache the .dll content to make it available to GroupWise.
    You need to re-cache the .dll everytime you compile in VS. So basically the workflow is Compile -> Copy dll to GroupWise directory -> re-cache with gacutil -i -> Start Groupwise
    I have not found a method to post-build execute a script that does that. Problem is the copying and the gacutil caching (both must be done as administrator).
    IIf everything worked you see a new entry in the context menu when right-clicking a mail in Groupwise. When you click it, there will appear a message box.
    The MessageBox is defined in GWCommand.cs L. ~125
    4. Needed Imports/References
    Since we got the skeleton to compile and function properly, it's time to get our own code in there. FOr rapid prototyping I do all the stuff in GWCommand.cs.
    Go to Project -> add Reference -> COM and select "C3POTypeLibrary", "GroupWareTypeLibrary, "GroupWiseCommander", "GroupWiseConnectorLibrary" and click OK. The selected entries now appear in the project explorer.
    5. Simple MessageBoxing
    A thing I like to do (because I'm not a very good programmer) is to get all sorts of infos to get displayed with
    Just fling it in the code and see what get's where etc. An important thing is allready in the comments of the file.
    It is this line:
    C3POTypeLibrary.IGWClientState6 myCL = (C3POTypeLibrary.IGWClientState6)WIASSArchivButton.g_C3POManager.ClientState;
    . Uncomment it and play around with the myCL-object in your code.
    The myCL has some properties we will use later on such as myCL.SelectedMessages which is exactly what we need for our archive functionality.
    6. Export Code
    Now we get to the code:
    With the
    dug up in the code we can pass the
    into a
    . Over this MessageList we will iterate and save each
    with the so called
    to our disk. well that sounds simple. And, well after digging through a lot of threads here on the forum and the documentation, it is.
    Here is the Execute() method from GWCommand.cs:
    It has comments that should serve as a documentation.
    public void Execute()
    switch (m_PersistentID)
    case WIASSArchivButton.vWIASS:
    //C3PO WIZARD Put execute command code here for WIASS Context menu.
    /* this was in the comments and is essential!
    * the myCL object provides us everything we need to interact with the messages */
    C3POTypeLibrary.IGWClientState6 myCL = (C3POTypeLibrary.IGWClientState6)WIASSArchivButton.g_C3POManager.ClientState;
    // get the selected messages
    object o = myCL.SelectedMessages;
    // and convert the SelectedMessages to a MessagesList
    MessageList ml = (MessageList)o;
    // iterate over all the selected Messages
    // this was tricky: the index of the MessageList starts by 1 and not at 0
    for (int i = 1; i <= ml.Count; i++)
    // the .Item() method expects either a string or a long
    // see http://www.novell.com/documentation/developer/groupwise_sdk/gwsdk_gwobjapi/data/h20s5bdo.html
    long index = (long)i;
    // instantiate a Message object to get access to the different properties like subject, sender etc
    GroupwareTypeLibrary.Message oMessage = (GroupwareTypeLibrary.Message)ml.Item(index);
    // instantiate a GroupWiseCommander
    // this is the interface to the TOKEN API
    // TOKENS: https://www.novell.com/developer/documentation/gwtoken/index.html
    GroupWiseCommander.GWCommander cmdr = new GroupWiseCommander.GWCommander();
    // the GWCommander has an Execute() method that is able to take certain tokens kind of like SQL
    // lets build the token (the complete list is huge and awesome) to save our Messages
    // ItemSaveMessage(): https://www.novell.com/developer/documentation/gwtoken/gwtokens/data/hbt0bd7x.html
    string tokenCommand = "ItemSaveMessage(\"" + oMessage.MessageID + "\"; \"C:\\archiv\\" + oMessage.MessageID + ".eml\"; 900)";
    /* what happens here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is that we build us a TOKEN command that the
    * GWCommander is able to execute.
    * the actual command is ItemSaveMassge()
    * everything between the semi-colons are the parameters:
    * \"" + oMessage.MessageID + "\" : builds an ANSISTRING of the MessageID which we get from the oMessage onject
    * \"C:\\archiv\\" + oMessage.MessageID + ".eml\" : build an ANSISTRING of the output filename
    * 900 is the type we want to export. 900 stands for Mime
    * CAUTION:In this example I use C:\archive\ as the destination folder. It must exist and be writable to the program
    // now that we have setup our command we can get it executed by the commander
    // the result is sort of a callback variable
    string result ="";
    cmdr.Execute(tokenCommand, out result);
    /* here can the error handling be done with the result string
    MessageBox.Show("Unsupported Case", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
    //A way to get the GroupWise client state with newest interface
    //C3POTypeLibrary.IGWClientState6 myCL = (C3POTypeLibrary.IGWClientState6)WIASSArchivButton.g_C3POManager.ClientState;
    //uncomment the code below to unblock the base command
    //IGWCommand baseCmd = (IGWCommand)WIASSArchivButton.g_C3POManager.CreateGWCommand(m_objBaseCmd);
    catch (Exception e)
    MessageBox.Show("Error Executing GWCommand: " + m_PersistentID.ToString() + " Error: " + e.Message);
    7. Registering and caching the .DLL
    After that you need to open a cmd windows as administrator and cd to the RegAsm.exe directory and execute the following: regasm "<GroupWiseInstallPath>\<TheDllName>.dll". Then execute gacutil -i "<GroupWiseInstallPath>\<TheDllName>.dll".
    RegAsm will register the extension to the Windows registry and GACUtil will cache the .dll content to make it available to GroupWise.
    You need to re-cache the .dll everytime you compile in VS. So basically the workflow is Compile -> Copy dll to GroupWise directory -> re-cache with gacutil -i -> Start Groupwise
    8. Testing (please help me with a better way here)
    Is there a good way to hook every thing up together to jsut stay in VS , compile, files get copied, registered, cached and GW starts?
    Thanks for reading!
    I wrote this up to have a documentation for myself and others. please let em know if you need help or anything is missing or not clear. It's certainly not a total noob guide and I expect a bit of knowledge to be honest.

    Originally Posted by Username951
    Multiple email selection should be possible, but only those emails that are fitting some requirements should be stored finally in database.
    One requirement is for example that a keyword like "ISSUE" appears in the email subject
    (followed by a ":", a "space" and some characters that can be converted to an integer value),
    multiple, leading "Fwd: " and/or "Re: " should be handled well,
    subject should be handled case-in-sensitive.
    This sounds like you should implement some sort of SelectedMessagesValidator class just to keep it clean.
    Originally Posted by Username951
    So here are my find outs, remarks, etc.:
    1.) Visual Studio should be started under admin. rights.
    Then you can write a post-build event (batch) that copies, "regasm"s and "gacutil"s everything.
    As said this works fine for me.
    But note that unfortunately the paths to "regasm" and "gacutil" changed
    (compared to the time where you wrote your tutorial).
    Definitely. That way, as you mentioned, the post build scripts integrate very well.
    Originally Posted by Username951
    2.) The "Novell C3PO" wizard was downloaded and worked out as described in our tutorial.
    One important step was to use "GW.MESSAGE.MAIL" and not "...BROWSER..." or something else.
    I can not figure out, where you have the GW.BROWSER thing from, but in my examples I allways used GW.MESSAGES.MAIL
    Originally Posted by Username951
    The wizard created finally the basic C# (.NET framework 2.0) project.
    This project was loaded in Visual Studio 2013, automatically converted to "newest version"
    and finally was a ".sln" made.
    Yes. You can leave it at 2.0. I just have the 4.5 installed so i will target this version
    Originally Posted by Username951
    -> Note that the "Copy Local" property must be set to "true"!
    (This property will be reset to "false" after a successful (re)build.
    So check this and change it to "true" for the first build!
    This must be made only once because after a successful build is this .dll known;
    keywords: GAC -> cached
    But note that "successful" means also that the post-build event ran flawless!)
    This is quite specific to your case since my example on exports a flat EML file to the hard drive
    Originally Posted by Username951
    2.) regasm.exe needs strong names.
    So a "cmd" with admin. right was opened,
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.1A\bin\NETFX 4.5.1 Tools\sn.exe" -k "C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\GWSaveToDatabase\GWSaveToDatabase.sn k"
    and the created "GWSaveToDatabase.snk" file added to the solution.
    I don't want to be picky, but it's gacutil that needs the strong names. ragasm is not complaining
    Originally Posted by Username951
    (Development) Remarks
    1.) While I used the "C3PO" wizard first time I used "Add Menu" item - as you said in your tutorial! :-(
    And that is definitely wrong!
    The result was a C# project that does not show any new context menu entry.
    So I tried at the next wizard run "Add Menu Item".
    The wizard created again a C# project but still no new context menu entry in the GroupWise client.
    (And that after all needed steps
    copy to GroupWise installation path,
    regasm and gacutil over all .dlls
    were successful be made).
    It took a complete day to get the idea to "merge" the two wizard created projects!
    Why merging?
    Because the second project contained a "const" which were used in the switch statement of the "Execute()" method
    (with the same meaning like your "WIASSArchivButton.vWIASS" - see your code snippet above!)
    and the "CustomizeContextMenu(...)" method in "CommandFactory.cs" looked also different
    while the first project does not contained something similar.
    ( For example:
    The "CustomizeContextMenu(...)" method had more statements.
    And that made more sense to me compared to the first wizeard created C# project.
    Since I uploaded a better example this is obsolete.
    Originally Posted by Username951
    So I ASSUME that the second project would work but it does not because of regasm / gacutil behaviour.
    Means I believe it would work when all
    with regasm registered
    with gacutil to the cache added "things"
    would be "un-registerd" and "un-cached".
    This is, as I assume, due to the Interop.C3POTypeLibrary.dll. This must me cached every time the project is build. maybe you could use gacutil -i Interop.C3POTypeLibrary.dll -f to force the recaching
    Originally Posted by Username951
    So, finally I took the second, wizard created C# project and copied the "const", adjusted the "Execute()"
    and "CustomizeContextMenu(...)" methods, etc.
    After that the context menu were shown in the GroupWise client!
    Thats is correct. But I never had to do this. The thing is, that the "Add Menu Item" is giving you the opputunity to specify a command, which the "Add Menu" doesn't.
    Originally Posted by Username951
    2.) The next issue was that the context menu was added as often as many emails were selected.
    Means: For example: Three selected emails ends up in three time added context menu.
    var existsAlready = menuItems.Item("...");
    if (existsAlready != null)
    in "CustomizeContextMenu(...)" method and leaving the method under shown circumstances.
    I added a fix for this in the second post, but it isn't working in GW2012 anymore. I have a very ubly fix for that in my new code.
    Originally Posted by Username951
    3.) The by the wizard created registry path contained the version number "5.0".
    This may confuse but it is finally ok. No need to change here anything!
    On the other side:
    It will NOT work when the registry entry
    "SOFTWARE\\Novell\\GroupWise\\5.0\\C3PO\\DataTypes \\...."
    will be changed/"adjusted to that GroupWise client version you are currently using"!
    This is all part of the official documentation and wasn't touched by Novell since quite a long time.
    I think i will make a github repository in the futer as a proof of concept and kind of a accessable documentation for everyone.

  • How can i remove the empty sting from IList collection?

    How can i remove the empty sting from IList collection. If i use the code i got  System.NotSupportedException was unhandled exception. How can i achive this?
    IList record = (IList)records;
    int count = record.Count;
    for (int i = 0; i < count;i++)
    bool contains = record[i].Equals("");
    if (contains)
    Is anyone know, please suggest me.
    Thanks in Advance!

    items.RemoveAll(s => string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));
    Or you can filter them out using where:
    var noEmptyStrings = items.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(s));
    Having fun with custom collections!
    Basics of .NET Collections in C#
    How does it work in C#? - Part 3 (C# LINQ in detail)
    Mark as answer or vote as helpful if you find it useful | Ammar Zaied [MCP]

  • Context Menu Verb "Read" not "Open"

    I have an application which uses ShellExecute(hWnd,"open",pFile,NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED ); to display attachments. The pFile can be any type of document including PDF. On a Vista machine with Adobe Reader (8,9, or 10) in the User's Temporary directory it does not work for PDF documents. When I right click the PDF document the Default Verb is "Read" not "Open". (If I replace the "open" in my call to "read" it works, but I can't do that is it can be an arbitrary attachment).
    Looking in the Registry for the Shell verbs only "open" is entered. If I use "Open With" to set the default program to "Notepad" it opens the files in notepad. If I change it back to Adobe it goes back to "read".
    I did not set this machine up and there could be some "interesting" permissions, security settings, but would these cause Adobe Reader to change the verb to "read" from "open"? (And if so, how do I remove the settings?). I am also running as administrator with full read/write access to the directory?
    I trawled the Internet and could only find one other person with this problem, but no solution...

    Any new results on this issue?
    We could resolve what seems to be the same probleme by fixing the registry.
    We had a domain user on a machine (Win 7/64bit) with only a "Read" entry in the context menu for pdf files.
    Using ShellExecute('open'...)  in a similar use case we had the same result as ceeebeem.
    Adober Read X is installed on all of our machines.
    Other users - especially a "fresh" user - on the same machine haven't got this problem.
    We started regedit for the specific user and found
         HKCR\.pdf\(standard) = pdf_auto_file
    Other users had:
         HKCR\.pdf\(standard) = AcroExch.Document
    The entries and subtrees under:
         HKCR\AcroExch.Document and
    were identical for all users.
    Reinstall or Repair the Acrobat Reader X did not solve the problem.
    Also reassign the extension by "Open with..." did not work.
    But deleting the "HKCR\.pdf" entrie for the specific user did the job.
    After a registry refresh the .pdf-entry reappeard for this user as:
         HKCR\.pdf\(standard) = AcroExch.Document.
    So this seems to be a problem of registry virtualisation.
    (May be another program with not enough access right has produced this virtual HKCR\.pdf entry.
    In our case the Foxit Reader was priviously installed (and later removed) on this machine. But this is just a guess.)
    Hm maybe editing HKCR was not a goog idea because according to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/256986/en HKCR is build from HKCU\Software\Classes and HKLM\Software\Classes. So values should be edited there...
    But problem stays resolved, may ba as a side effect.

  • Requirements to put my own value object into the context

    are there any requirements to put my own value object into the context?
    I got following exception
    An error has occurred:
    "Failed to process the request."
    Please contact your system administrator.
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    Web Dynpro product information:
    Product: null, Vendor: SAP AG, Version: null, Build ID: 6.3006.00.0000.20040617153350.0000, Build Date: Mon Aug 16 09:18:37 CEST 2004
    Error stacktrace:
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.progmodel.context.Paths.getAttributeInfoFor(Paths.java:186)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.uielib.standard.uradapter.DropDownByKeyAdapter.setViewAndNodeElement(DropDownByKeyAdapter.java:230)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.uielements.adaptmgr.URAdapterManager.getAdapterFor(URAdapterManager.java:230)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.uielements.adaptmgr.URAdapterManager.getAdapterFor(URAdapterManager.java:63)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.uielib.standard.uradapter.TableAdapter$ContentCell.getContent(TableAdapter.java:1295)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.SapTableCellRenderer.render(SapTableCellRenderer.java:57)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.SapTableRowRenderer.renderSapTableRowFragment(SapTableRowRenderer.java:67)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.SapTableRowRenderer.render(SapTableRowRenderer.java:33)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.SapTableDefaultBodyRenderer.renderSapTableDefaultBodyFragment(SapTableDefaultBodyRenderer.java:96)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.SapTableDefaultBodyRenderer.render(SapTableDefaultBodyRenderer.java:29)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.SapTableRenderer.renderSapTableFragment(SapTableRenderer.java:394)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.SapTableRenderer.render(SapTableRenderer.java:49)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.GridLayoutRenderer.renderGridLayoutCellFragment(GridLayoutRenderer.java:609)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.GridLayoutRenderer.renderGridLayoutRowFragment(GridLayoutRenderer.java:312)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.GridLayoutRenderer.renderGridLayoutFragment(GridLayoutRenderer.java:250)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.GridLayoutRenderer.render(GridLayoutRenderer.java:57)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.ScrollContainerRenderer.renderScrollContainerFragment(ScrollContainerRenderer.java:235)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.ScrollContainerRenderer.render(ScrollContainerRenderer.java:41)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.ViewContainerRenderer.renderViewContainerFragment(ViewContainerRenderer.java:93)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.ViewContainerRenderer.render(ViewContainerRenderer.java:33)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.GridLayoutRenderer.renderGridLayoutCellFragment(GridLayoutRenderer.java:609)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.GridLayoutRenderer.renderGridLayoutRowFragment(GridLayoutRenderer.java:312)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.GridLayoutRenderer.renderGridLayoutFragment(GridLayoutRenderer.java:250)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.GridLayoutRenderer.render(GridLayoutRenderer.java:57)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.ScrollContainerRenderer.renderScrollContainerFragment(ScrollContainerRenderer.java:235)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.ScrollContainerRenderer.render(ScrollContainerRenderer.java:41)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.ViewContainerRenderer.renderViewContainerFragment(ViewContainerRenderer.java:93)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.ie6.ViewContainerRenderer.render(ViewContainerRenderer.java:33)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.UiWindowRenderer.render(UiWindowRenderer.java:32)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:268)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.renderer.uielements.base.AbstractRenderManager.render(AbstractRenderManager.java:94)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.client.HtmlClient.sendHtml(HtmlClient.java:454)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.client.HtmlClient.sendResponse(HtmlClient.java:286)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientimpl.html.client.HtmlClient.sendResponse(HtmlClient.java:178)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.task.WebDynproMainTask.execute(WebDynproMainTask.java:632)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.AbstractClient.executeTasks(AbstractClient.java:57)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.clientserver.cal.ClientManager.doProcessing(ClientManager.java:249)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.serverimpl.defaultimpl.DispatcherServlet.doWebDynproProcessing(DispatcherServlet.java:139)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.serverimpl.defaultimpl.DispatcherServlet.doContent(DispatcherServlet.java:101)
         at com.sap.tc.webdynpro.serverimpl.defaultimpl.DispatcherServlet.doPost(DispatcherServlet.java:45)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:760)
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
         at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl.runServlet(HttpHandlerImpl.java:383)
         at com.sap.engine.services.servlets_jsp.server.HttpHandlerImpl.handleRequest(HttpHandlerImpl.java:263)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.startServlet(RequestAnalizer.java:333)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.startServlet(RequestAnalizer.java:311)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.invokeWebContainer(RequestAnalizer.java:811)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.RequestAnalizer.handle(RequestAnalizer.java:235)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.Client.handle(Client.java:92)
         at com.sap.engine.services.httpserver.server.Processor.request(Processor.java:147)
         at com.sap.engine.core.service630.context.cluster.session.ApplicationSessionMessageListener.process(ApplicationSessionMessageListener.java:37)
         at com.sap.engine.core.cluster.impl6.session.UnorderedChannel$MessageRunner.run(UnorderedChannel.java:71)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.ActionObject.run(ActionObject.java:37)
         at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.execute(SingleThread.java:94)
         at com.sap.engine.core.thread.impl3.SingleThread.run(SingleThread.java:144)

    Hi Jurgen,
    Can you please explain what you are trying to do in detail. Do you want to create a Node dynamically in the context or, you want to populate a Node in a Context???
    The stack trace, does not reveal what you want to do with the value object!
    Thanks and Regards,
    Vishnu Prasad Hegde

  • Don't get result when I put empty column in addition

    Hi all !
    I've got some difficulty to get a total when I put empty column of a table in an addition in my sql query. All the data type are the same.
    Some one can help me with that please
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks Richard.  My 5.1 mixdown type is Front+Rear+LFE.  I can see why I may not hear a center channel solo as my 5.1 amp does not have HDMI inputs and the MAtrox Mini Max only offers HDMI audio out or RCA 2 channel stereo out (which is what I have to use).
    However, with the meter levels showing plenty of audio in the center channel, I thought I'd at least hear it in the finished Blu Ray.  Could it be some setting in Surcode?  I basically get 4.1 with all speakers except the center giving sound.  If I put my ear up to the center channel I can hear slightly some sound.  My other home theatre system does the same.  I can find very little info on this from surcode manuals and they haven't responded to my emails.
    I have 6 stereo tracks I created from the original audio using Audition and imported them into Premiere and set the master to 5.1 with the 6 channels as standard.  The 5.1 mappings for channel assignments (device mappings for the Matrox player) match the rest of the sequence.
    Are you familiar with surcode?  Like I say I can hear the LS and RS, L&R, and LFE perfectly in the authored BD-RE (and it sounds wonderful even without the center channel), but I get nothing (or next to nothing) out of the center channel.  I have some future projects coming up where this would not be acceptable.
    I am a long time NLE editor going back to the 90s, but those were all DVDs and this is my first Blu-Ray and Surround sound project.
    Any more helpful suggestions?  It is much appreciated.

  • Lightroom 5: AppleScript: action "AXShowMenu" in Smart Collection panel does not show context menu

    We are developing a simple automatization tool using Lightroom 5 (the newest version of the CC) using AppleScript.
    For some actions, we need the context menu in the Smart Collections panel, for example to import Smart Collection descriptions.
    According to the documentation and various sources on stackoverflow and elsewhere, AXShowMenu should bring up that menu.
    So far, I have not been able to make that context menu pop up.
    Using UIElementInspector and UI Browser, I located the element which does have the AXShowMenu action attached. Based on the code provided by UI Browser, I got the following script, which I run from the Applescript Editor:
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5"
    tell application "System Events"
    tell process "Lightroom"
    set frontmost to true
    perform action 1 of static text "Smart Collections" of group 1 of row 11 of outline 1 of scroll area 1 of window 6
    delay 2
    end tell
    end tell
    end tell
    tell application "AppleScript Editor" to activate
    Note that if you try to recreate this, the number of the window as well as the number of the row may be different. Also, the last line is just convenience, and not really relevant for the code.
    In the Results window in AppleScript Editor, I have the following:
    perform action 1 of static text "Smart Collections" of group 1 of row 11 of outline 1 of scroll area 1 of window 6 of process "Lightroom"
    --> action "AXShowMenu" of static text "Smart Collections" of group 1 of row 11 of outline 1 of scroll area 1 of window 6 of application process "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5"
    which means that I did invoke the action.
    But … nothing happens.
    Any insight, workaround etc. is highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Just for the records, I did ask the same question on Stackoverflow, and there I got an answer which does work. This solution uses a little Python program to really simulate mouse clicks.

  • Context menu not working outside of JDev

    Hi all,
    RTFM replies welcomed, although I couldn't find anything.
    I have a very simple application (ADF BC + ADF Faces,
    On one page, I have an af:table that lists departments; there is a context menu that allows me to right-click a row and go to an edit page. It works just fine using the WLS integrated in JDeveloper (on Windows). I have deployed the application to a WLS (JRF installed properly) on Linux. The list page displays, context menu shows up, but when I choose the "edit" item in the context menu, nothing happens. I don't see anything interesting (or otherwise) in WLS log files.
    Am I missing a configuration somewhere?
    Thanks for any help (the app is the same app that I used for my ADF Essentials series on OTN, if anyone wants to download it - I'm trying to get one last wrinkle ironed on the last article, and they are good to go - so anyone who helps here, I'll give them a kudo in the article!).
    I can post the content of the PPR requests and responses if that helps someone (yay, Firebug!)
    As an update - I've tried all major browsers (IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome - sorry Opera) and get the same results.

    I had to make some changes. The app I got from your series contained only an empty page flow and empty pages. I added the DepartmentList.jspx and DepartmentEdit.jspx to the adfc-config.xml. I added the navigation editDepartment from DepartmentLits to DepartmentEdit in the task flow.
    Because of the empty pages I'd put a read only table on the DepartmentList, added the code from your post to the contextMenu facet, added an edit form on the DepartmentEdit.jspx page.
    Tested it in jdev -> OK
    deployed the app on my test wls server -> OK
    So nothing fancy.
    Is the WLS on OpenSuse 11.2 RC a 64bit installation?
    I remember seeing strange behavior on a ubuntu 9.04 64bit installation had used before. My app runs fine on 32bit ubuntu 9.04 but i got errors when the app was hosted on the 64bit server. Never investigated it further because at work we are using SLSE and it's working there.
    Anyway I'll mail you the workspace I used.
    Keep me posted :-)

  • Why did Word on Office 2013 REMOVE Auto Correct from Right-Click Context Menu??

    Hi Microsoft -
    I normally don't rant, but this is a killer feature removal, and the reason given is for aesthetics - 'Removal of clutter" is how it's worded here:
    [Changes in Office 2013]
    I copy n pasted below the operative row from the linked TechNet page as to the reason WHY this critical (and very popular feature) has been removed from Microsoft Office 2013 Word's context-menu: LESS CLUTTER
    And your answer is ambiguous and doesn't solve the issue that you created to make things prettier: "Click the AutoCorrect Options button" Then what?  ADD EACH WORD MANUALLY? 
    Please advise ALL OF US that want this feature back how to have our commonly misspelled words fixed and added automatically to the dictionary.  If I am missing this in a major way somehow, I apologize completely and will issue a public apology via any
    social media platform of your choice.  If it really is gone, and I have to manually add the entries into a buried table 6-clicks deep, then I will issue a public excoriation of this feature on as many social platforms of my choice.
    Maximus Mednick
    Contents of spelling error context menu
                    Word and WordMail within Outlook
    Modifying the feature
    Auto-Correct and certain formatting tools are no longer available from the spelling error context menu.
    To make Word 2013 cleaner and less cluttered, we removed AutoCorrect and certain formatting tools from the spelling error context menu. The features are still available in Word 2013 through other entry points within the Word user interface.
    Less clutter in the spelling error context menu. This enables users to find popular commands more quickly. In addition, the spelling error context menu now fits better on the screen.
    To change AutoCorrect options, do the following:
    Choose File -> Options -> Proofing
    Choose the AutoCorrect Options button.
    Thanks, MAXIMUS

    Microsoft used to be about allowing users to customize the OS and apps however they want. This was one reason I have always preferred Windows over Mac. There are 5 ways to do any one thing, and you can customize it to do it however you want. It's all about
    user choice. Please don't go the way of Apple and force users into the way that you *think* we should do things. 
    While I whole heartedly agree with this suggestion, if you look through this blog about the design decisions that went into the 2007 ribbon:
    Jensen Harris: An Office User Interface Blog -
    You'll see that one of the considerations of the ribbon was to ELIMINATE/REDUCE customization because it was costing large corporate customers too much time/money to support their users with 2003 customized menu/toolbars.  In other words, the ribbon
    was intentionally built as a fixed design so that average user cannot change it.  The QAT was an afterthought, a sop, to allow users minimal customization. 
    They found that the 2007 lock down was too much of a "good thing", too much like the good old "IBM 360 green screen" (even if most people don't recognize the reference), so in 2010 they
    re-introduced limited Ribbon customization within the UI.
    But you still can't customize the default tabs. And to add injury to insult, if you do want to customize a default tab and go to the effort of trying to recreate the default tabs and groups
    within the Ribbon UI, you'll eventually find that YOU CAN'T'! There is no way inside the UI to force the buttons to layout the same way! AHHH!
    Even in 2007,
    EXPERTS have had the option of creating custom Ribbons/tabs by editing XML, but that is pretty serious programming, out of scope for 99% of users.
    The "solution" to the problem was too simple. Just add an option to allow users to turn on the old menu UI.  Even if it had been buried as a registry hack, the people who really wanted it would have learned about it. Then MS could have collected statistics
    on usage that would have "proved" that the menu was preferred over the ribbon.  The thing is, if the ribbon was defaulted "out of the box", over time people would eventually all switch over to it. Simply because it was the default, because MS only produced
    new training material referring for the ribbon
    Now, I'll concede that the ribbon really may be more "intuitive", but only for new users. For long time users the change is very jarring.
    They made the same choice with Windows 8.  In the last Windows 8 consumer Preview there was a registry hack to bypass the Start Screen.  I learned about it in July or August. But MS was so sure the Start screen/metro was the only way to go they
    rushed out a Windows Update to eliminate that registry entry. And it was eliminated from the RTM version. 
    Why did they remove the user's right to chose the UI that worked best for them? I don't know.
    </end rant>  sorry, this is a hot button for me.

  • In v4 why did you flip the context menu for open in new tab/window. Sucks when you are used to the other way

    I downgraded to 3.x because when I browse I have many new open windows (I have been using FF for so long I automatically select the second option). Seems stupid to change the order of the context menu when it has been the other way forever.
    Please change it back or at least have the order as an option.

    So the answer from TonyE was "That was an intentional change to promote the use of tabbed browsing." (See http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/questions/791244)
    And there is an option to use a menu editor to put them back detailed in that thread as well. The problem, of course, is that you need to perform a complex customization to every computer on which you use Firefox in order to fix a problem that should never have been created, never made it through beta, and that the developers won't fix because they believe that they are right.
    Frankly, eventually you get used to it. But in the mean time, they have annoyed, and in many cases pissed-off a large segment of their users for no reason at all.

  • Reader 9.1.3 Right click context menu

    Good Morning,
    We have deployed the Acrobat Reader 9.1.3 MSP Patch on our network to upgrade to the latest version.  However, after the upgrade we are missing some functionality.  In previous versions we were able to right click on a PDF(s) and have the option to "Print".  With the new version those context menus seem to be missing.  Was this a change done by the product?  If so, anyone know why? And if not, does anyone know what I can do about re-adding this functionality?
    Thank you for your time on this matter,

    I put the following into a .reg file and this seems to work. Anything you see that could be wrong?  It does bring back the "Print" option under the right click context menu.
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "Content Type"="application/pdf"
    @="Adobe Acrobat Document"
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Reader 9.0\\Reader\\AcroRd32.exe\" \"%1\""

  • Right-Click Context Menu's Acrobat X Pro Missing

    Hello.  I have a user of Acrobat X Pro on Windows XP 32-bit system.  When they right-click, the context menu's are not there.  These menu's exist in my other 2 users Acrobat 9 right-click menu's.  Please help me to resolve getting the menu items to show up.  I have tried running regsvr to reload the ContextMenu.dll file and it succeeded but still nothing when right clicking.

    Via Hit and Miss, I discovered that the "blanks" in my right click context menu are actually the command buttons, just missing the text.  I tried everything, including the contextmenu.dll approaches but nothing worked.  I then highlighted a few PDF's, hit the blank bar in the context menu, and voila - Acrobat opened and put me into the "combine files" window.    Even right-clicking on a single JPG and then hitting the blank bar opens up the "add files into a PDF" window.
    Not a perfect fix but at least it gives me what I want!!
    nd M

  • Adobe Acrobat XI Pro Context Menu is missing Windows 8

    Hi there,
    I've just installed acrobat XI and I found that the context menu (convert to pdf, combine files...) is missing. Does anyone know how to put it back?

    Did you try this KB document already?
    Acrobat X context menu missing | 64-bit Windows 7

  • How to add events to Safari context menu

    Hi there, I have yet to buy an iPad, the choice is currently between the iPad and the Kindle. Although I would in fact prefer a general-purpose computer such as the iPad, the Kindle does meet all my current needs. Additionally, the Kindle has a single advantage that might make my choice.
    When browsing the web I need a method to select a word and send it to an url in the form:
    ...where %s is the word selected. I currently do this in Firefox and in Chrome with these addons:
    Additionally, my PDF reader (Okular on Kubuntu Linux) also has this feature built in. My workflow dictates this, there is no way around it. It is a feature that I use tens of times per day.
    If Safari cannot handle this, can another web browser be installed on the iPad?
    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    Hi Ray,
       Yes, you are right. This is the assignation chain:
       Command->group commands->resource/collection/details->layout set->folder/KM navigation iview.
       Remember, layout set is a service that you need to active on your repository.
       Layout set allows you define (between other things) commands groups availables for resource, links or folders.
       The context menu will have differents commands group depending reource type.

Maybe you are looking for

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