Putting jumpstart directory under RCS control

I would like to have my jumsptart directory (or at least the human edited files, i.e finishing scripts, profiles etc.) under RCS control, but when I check in the top level files, my jumstart no longer works. I can't tell if it's a permissions problem or if the jumpstart process can't do it's thing while the files are controlled. Anyone know anything about this?

i'm using cvs, and it works fine... the only things not checked in are check and *.ok
are you using an rcs that adds comments or touches files?

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    Do other applications work fine with the source control repository? The reason I'm asking is because you must first rule out that there are external factors causing this behaviour. It seems that your it guys have already looked at it, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
    I have used both VSS and TFS and I haven't encountered such a performance issue. I would suggest filing it as a bug if you rule out that the problem is not related to external influences: https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform&loc=en
    Kind regards,

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    steveklabnik wrote:This seems to be a decent guide to how one guy uses SVN.
    Yes, it's a useful guide, but it doesn't discuss the "which files to ignore" part.
    I'm running my ~ in svn for already a while now, originally based on the ideas of the above article and some others.
    And let me tell you: there are many, many applications who are not consistent, dump cachefiles etc in folders in your ~, or also store things like "last opened, last window size, last status on msn (pidgin)" into your *config* files etc.   many applications seem to honor freedesktop's xdg specs on first sight, but in reality it's seldomly the way it should be.
    It's very hard to handle this, I have many ignore rules and I regulary do a `svn status ~` to update my ignore rules. I also have a script that svn reverts some known files.
    For me this list currently is:
    ~/.common/.mplayer/* \
            ~/.common/xdg/.config/vlc/* \
            ~/.common/.purple-private/logs/msn/*/.system/ \
            ~/.common/xdg/.config/banshee-1 \
            ~/.common/xdg/.config/totem \
            ~/.gconf/apps/banshee-1 \
            ~/.gconf/apps/brasero \
            ~/.gconf/apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/%gconf.xml \
            ~/.gconf/apps/evolution \
            ~/.gconf/apps/file-roller \
            ~/.gconf/apps/gedit-2 \
            ~/.gconf/apps/miro \
            ~/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/applet_0/prefs/%gconf.xml \
            ~/.gconf/apps/panel/applets/clock_screen0/prefs/%gconf.xml \
            ~/.gconf/apps/nautilus/preferences/%gconf.xml \
            ~/.gconf/apps/rhythmbox \
            ~/.gconf/apps/totem \
            ~/.gconf/apps/update-manager/%gconf.xml \
            ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/font_rendering/%gconf.xml \
            ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/ \
            ~/.gnome2/evince/ev-metadata.xml \
            ~/.gnome2/gedit-2 \
    When I used gnome this list was MUCH longer.  I am still in the process of getting rid of apps that misbehave badly (biggest offenders are gnome, gnome-do, tomboy, pidgin and for firefox and thunderbird I would even make a separate category: those directories are just filled with many (binary) files, impossible to manage.  I use separate rsync "repositories" for those)
    See http://dieter.plaetinck.be/Im_done_with_gnome_and_gconf
    Here are the outputs of:
    svn propget svn:ignore -R ~
    /home/dieter - .adobe*
    /home/dieter/.local/share/applications - *.desktop
    /home/dieter/.etwolf/jaymod - *.dat
    /home/dieter/.q3a - qkey
    /home/dieter/.etwolf/noquarter/profiles/Dieter_be - servercache.dat
    /home/dieter/workspaces/eclipse - *
    /home/dieter/pictures-buffer - *
    /home/dieter/.etwolf/jaymod/profiles/Dieter_be - servercache.dat
    /home/dieter/.etwolf/etpro - *.pk3
    /home/dieter/audio-buffer - *
    /home/dieter/.local/share - bashrun
    /home/dieter/.etwolf/etpro/profiles/Dieter_be - servercache.dat
    /home/dieter/workspaces/ardour - *
    /home/dieter/.gconf/apps - procman
    /home/dieter/.etwolf/pb - *.dat
    /home/dieter/.miro - *
    /home/dieter/audio-selection - *
    /home/dieter/bin-blob - *
    /home/dieter/.exaile/saved - playlist0000.m3u
    /home/dieter/video-selection - *
    /home/dieter/.etwolf/pb/dll - *.so
    /home/dieter/.etwolf/etmain - etkey
    You can build up a similar list like this:
    svn create a-place-for-your-home-in-svn
    svn checkout a-place-for-your-home-in-svn ~
    then do svn status ~, and you'll see lots of stuff. then go over everything and decide if you want it in svn or not. by adding it (non-recursively) or updating your ignore rules. that's how I am still building up my list.. all because of those damn programs who don't implement xdg cleanly
    Last edited by Dieter@be (2009-01-02 19:47:30)

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    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Thanks for your replies,
    it's nice to know that I was going the right way.. :)
    But how do you handle these little bugs, that I mentioned in my first message? Do you check-out all files in the project before work? Or they are TeamSystem - specific?
    Best wishes, Serg.

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    From your reply it seems that, for now, there should not be any impact on us as long as we don't upgrade to JDeveloper, as anyway the current JHS version is not certified against it.
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    Also, with this patch, will we be able to upgrade to jDeveloper, which we would like to do once we have a production release?
    Yes, Service Update 1 is compatible with JDev
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.

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    <Context path="/johnl" docBase="students/johnl" debug="0"
    reloadable="true" crossContext="true"/>     
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    i get the typical HTTP Status 404 - /johnl.
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    ie <Tomcate_home>/webapps/johnl (just like the default /examples)
    it works fine!!!??? Why is this so?
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    Any help appreciates

    If u have added students folder under 'webapps' dir of tomcat then u dont have to modify server.xml file for that. Dont modify Context directive in server.xml...it should work....
    You need to modify server.xml for adding context only when u added some folder in the area other than webapps dir...

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    Any examples or pointing to other threads will be help for me and highly appreciated.

    Hi Puthanampatti,
    Thanks for your quick response, the usecase i have is when a pl/sql proc generates the csv file in the utl/tmp directory in our database, and that file will get moved to the specific folder in app server.
    now that folder needs to be under the context root, so that we can pass a http link to the user and if he clicks on the link that file needs to get download automatically with the same authentication what we have given to the application.
    ADF version used:
    oracle iAS version:
    Database versoin: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi
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    thanks in advance.

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    Can anyone confirm that a PS 3 capable printer would handle a PDF direct and if so what DocFlavor would be appropriate?
    Sorry if this is a trivial issue but I have spent quite some time on it and would appreciate any input.
    Thanks - Edwin
    Message was edited by:

    jPDFPrint by Qoppa Software. It's a 100% java library to print PDF documents.

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    What you need to do is both use the same Apple ID for iTunes content, but separate Apple ID's for everything else. So, you keep your existing Apple ID. If not a verifiable email address, you will need to create a new Apple ID for yourself. You also create an Apple ID for your wife, again a verifiable email address. You use the existing Apple ID for all iTunes content. The new Apple ID's for iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime, etc. Here's how to create an Apple ID:
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    Use multiple devices on one computer:

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    You can also contact itunes support and ask for a refund.

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    To do so, I'm using
    I was expecting to get a path like "C:\Documents and Settings\user", nstead of that I get "C:\Documents and Settings\user\Destop".
    I checked the %USERPROFILE% and %HOMEPATH% window's environment variables and both of them are correctly set ( set to "C:\Documents and Settings\user").
    Is there any way to get the right path other than using : System.setProperty("user.home", "C:\\Documents and Settings\\user"); ?

    Thanks WalterLaan,
    The System.getenv("USERPROFILE") method will, at least, fix the problem under win XP.
    I guess i'll have to write a more refined method to be able to deploy my application under differents OSes.

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    vaidehi_joshi wrote:
    Is there a method in labview to dynamically save and change the monitor resolution under program control? I have another application that runs on another monitor. I would like to change the monitor resoultion to 640x480 on program startup, and then restore the monitor resolution back to the user's settings on exit. Can this be done?
    Have you already done this manually?  I've seen Labview scale front panels very strangely when changing resolutions...
    (Mid-Level minion.)
    My support system ensures that I don't look totally incompetent.
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    Will there be any authorisation issues (ie getting the information of other company code date) in Co reports (z reports, standard reports, report painter)?
    Any thoughts on this is helpful for me.

    Authorization is a flexible tool used to have control as per organization policies.
    For your specific requiremnt u can set the profiles with Technicals persons help with the desired authorizations . Authorization can be set for single company code or multicompany codes as per our requirement.
    You can make a authorization profile/s and assign the desired roles.
    Warm Regards

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    Here is what I've tried and I get an error:
    CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY test.utl_dir AS 'D:/utl_dir' ;
    Here is the error:
    Error starting at line 1 in command:
    CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY rcdtpump.novus_dir AS 'D:/Novus/novus_dir'
    Error at Command Line:1 Column:36
    Error report:
    SQL Error: ORA-00905: missing keyword
    +00905. 00000 - "missing keyword"+

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    This is a serious deficit.

    Saving the file under a different name creates all sorts of problems. Especially since all the history of the changes are lost. DW provides a "rename" command but it doesn't update the files svn metadata. If you use the rename command it doesn't warn you that you will loose the connection to the repository.
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    This is a bug in DW or a serious omission.

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