Q : pdk-url sample example

Hi all,
We are using a proxy server to work on PDK-URL. We configured the provider.xml and when we try to view the portlet we get the foll error in jserv log file:
[26/02/2002 12:24:42:963 GMT+05:30] urlsample/connection is .....HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection[http://www.google.com/]
urlsample/getURLStream: Failed to get Input Stream from URL : http://www.google.com/
[26/02/2002 12:24:43:024 GMT+05:30] urlsample/Response status: 500 : oracle.portal.provider.v1.AccessControlException: Failed to read contents from : http://www.google.com/
Please help.

URLServices has an undocumented feature, which is not yet tested. It will be very much helpful, if you can try out the following solution with the latest URLServices available and let us know if it works ...
Here is the configuration info :
New tags introduced here are
(i) proxyUser - Name of the user having access to proxy
(ii) proxyPassword - password for the above user.
(iii) proxyRealm - Realm to which the authenticated proxy user belong to

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    Apache JServ will not take files from system class path. This information is to be given in jserv.properties through wrapper.classpath. It is much similar to how we install JPDK. I guess you have added urlservices.jar to the classpath using the above method.

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    from pdk (v1) point of view it is fine to have a portlet with asp as well jsp, as long as your webserver supports both.
    IIS alone will not help in running the jsp files, you need to have some third party container like JRun or ServletContainer which could map the appropriate URI to the specified container.

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    Thanks in advance.

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    4. Java JDK version used.
    5. The jserv.conf, jserv.properties, zone.properties, relevant provider.xml files
    6. Any other information which will help.

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    I answer to my question. I've got the answer.
    I repeatly write down the <inputParameter> tags, and it works.

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    Encoded URL should be used under <pageURL> tag in your provider.xml. Hence you need to replace ";" with "%3b".

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    PDK Services for Java version
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    [email protected]

    Thank you for the reply amjad. But I do not understand what it
    is that I am suppose to look for. Here is the provider.xml
    <provider class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.URLProvider">
    <portlet class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.URLPortlet">
    <name>TrackIt Portlet</name>
    <title>TrackIt Portlet</title>
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    <filter class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.HtmlFilter">

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    I know this is an old thread, but I just ran into this same problem. Wow! That's a crappy 'feature'. I wasted 4 hours this morning on this thinking it was me doing something wrong in my xpath, but nope, you need to cast the counter to an int .......
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    Message was edited by: Michael Appleby

    These documents might help you:
    How-to Build an Agentry based mobile app from scratch connecting to an SAP back-end Part1
    Agentry - Build your own Apps
    Midhun VP

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    In OSB there are two types of services:
    Proxy Service - Used for inbound transport i.e. these services are either invokes my a message polled (reading a file, polling from DB, reading a message from JMS queue) or an external application sending a request to this service. A Proxy service is essentially like a service to start a message flow in OSB. Just like a web service.
    Business Service - Used for outbound transport i.e. these services make a call from an already running OSB message flow to an external entity(writing a file, insert in DB, Publishing a message on JMS queue) or making a call to an external application for ex calling an external web service. Business service in this sense is like a Web Service client.
    Hence to publish a message to JMS (an outbound operation) you will create a Business Service in OSB. SOA Suite is no where involved in this.
    To publish a message on JMS from HelloWorld Proxy you need to do following:
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    2. Create a HelloWorld Proxy which receives a message over HTTP. In the message flow of this Proxy create a Publish action(its an action to send a one way message to a Business/Proxy servicing from within a Proxy) in request pipeline or Route to action in Route Node and select the JMS Business Service as target.
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    Promise to reward point

    data: loc_table_event type ref to cl_htmlb_event_tableview.
    Data: loc_cnt type i,
             loc_indx type 1.
    describe TABLE int_table .
    loc_cnt = sy-tfill.
    call method cl_hrrcf_iterator=>get_tv_attr
          p_tv_id               = 'TV'
          p_component_id        = me->component_id
          po_request            = me->request
          p_visible_first_index = me->visible_first_row
          pt_selected_keys      = me->lt_selectedkeytab
          po_tv_event           = loc_table_event.
    *loc_cnt have number of records in intarnaltable, that you displayed in Table view.
    loc_indx = 1.
    do loc_cnt TIMES.
    wf   = loc_table_event->get_cell_value(
                                             row_index     = loc_indx
                                            column_index  = 1 ).
    /*  by using this you can get the value of chexk box in to wf . if wf is 'X' then that record is selected.
      /* you can fetch the record form intarnal table by using index(loc_indx)
    loc_indx = loc_indx + 1.

  • Error in  pdk url services when using a proxy server

    Hi All,
    i created a pdk url services portlet, which connects to a google site. i got a sucessful provider test page..when i tried to add it as a portlet it gives me the following error ,
    Portlet Information could not be obtained. (WWC-44334)
    An unexpected error occurred: ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: HTTPClient.AuthSchemeNotImplException: NTLM (WWC-43000)
    An unexpected error occurred: HTTPClient.AuthSchemeNotImplException: NTLM
    at HTTPClient.DefaultAuthHandler.getAuthorization(DefaultAuthHandler.java:136)
    at HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo.queryAuthHandler(AuthorizationInfo.java:330)
    at HTTPClient.AuthorizationModule.setAuthHeaders(AuthorizationModule.java:454)
    at HTTPClient.AuthorizationModule.responsePhase2Handler(AuthorizationModule.java:287)
    at HTTPClient.HTTPResponse.handleResponse(HTTPResponse.java:635)
    at HTTPClient.HTTPResponse.getInputStream(HTTPResponse.java:515)
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.HttpProviderDispatcher.dispatch(HttpProviderDispatcher.java:809)
    what could be the reason for this error. can anyone help me plzz..its urgent
    at oracle.webdb.provider.web.HttpProviderDispatcher.getPortlet(HttpProviderDispatcher.java:463)

    1. The version of my pdk is
    2. provider.xml
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <?providerDefinition version="2.0"?>
    <provider class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.URLProvider">
    <proxyInfo class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.ProxyInformation">
    <portlet class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.URLPortlet">
    <name>Google.com Portlet</name>
    <title>Google.com Portlet</title>
    <description>This portlet is to test PDK-URL Services using Google</description>
    <timeoutMessage>Google Portlet timed out</timeoutMessage>
    <renderer class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.RenderManager">
    <showPage class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.URLRenderer">
    <filter class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.HtmlFilter">
    <securityManager class="oracle.portal.provider.v1.http.URLSecurityManager">

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    Thanks & Regs

    Looks like you are not in 11.5.9, your instance is 11.5.10.
    You can download the Patch 4573517 Oracle9i JDeveloper with OA Extension for 11.5.10 CU2
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    Btw: what is the output for the following query,
    Select bug_number from ad_bugs where bug_number in ('4334965','4125550','4676589','5473858');
    With Regards,

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    You can fin the beta release of URLServices for 902 here.

Maybe you are looking for

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