QL "In Expression" with Collection|String[] input parameter

I would like to use the 'IN expression' in EJB-QL, with an input parameter, containing the values of the input list.
Scheme Order with fields:
status I Would like to get all records with certain status-values, for example 'open' or 'closed'
The final sql code executed for the example at runtime will be:
select * from order where status in('open', 'closed')I would like to do this parameter-based in EJB-QL.
The signature of the finder it should be:
java.util.Collection findByStatus(java.util.Collection aStatusList)The Query would be:
query="SELECT OBJECT(t) FROM Order as t WHERE t.status in(?1)"However, this way doesn't work, even when I change the parameter type to java.lang.String[]. A dirty way to check multiple statusses, is to add a parameter for each status:
* @ejb.finder
*           signature="java.util.Collection findByStatus(java.lang.String aStatus, java.lang.String anotherStatus)"
*           query="SELECT OBJECT(t) FROM Order as t WHERE t.status IN (?1, ?2)"
*/This is not a generic solution. Is it possible to send a Collection or array input parameter, as items in the list of "in expressions"?

Ok, I wondered if it was possible. I just thought that
another solution might work: by defining my own
Collection datatype, with a tostring method that
returns data in format "'value1', 'valu2', '...'" . I
will try that at last, if I find the time.I didn't quite follow what you meant. But from whatever I understand, just binding your own defined datatype wouldn't cause toString to be invoked on it, right?
You are going to have to know upfront how many parameters are going to be there. I faced a similar situation once. I was just using SQL though and not EJB-QL. But couldn't use PreparedStatement with the IN clause because of this. I guess this limitation of PreparedStatement is well-known.

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    CREATE TYPE typ_ProjectList AS VARRAY (50) OF typ_Project
    and a procedure:
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    p_new_project IN typ_Project,
    p_position IN NUMBER )
    v_my_projects typ_ProjectList;
    SELECT projects INTO v_my_projects FROM department
    WHERE dept_id = p_deptno FOR UPDATE OF projects;
    FOR i IN REVERSE p_position..v_my_projects.LAST - 1 LOOP
    v_my_projects(i + 1) := v_my_projects(i);
    v_my_projects(p_position) := p_new_project; -- add new
    UPDATE department SET projects = v_my_projects
    WHERE dept_id = p_deptno;
    END add_project;
    Now please explain how to call this procedure with collection passed as parameter . . .

    For example:
                    10, -- department number
                                99, -- project number
                                'New Project', -- project title
                                99999.99 -- project cost
                               ), -- new project
                    5 -- project position

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    It includes time element, if you want more precision go with timestamp.

  • Regular expression with delimited string

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    Been playing around with regular expression and got as far as this;
    with t_vw
    as (select 'hello -- world' txt from dual
    union all
    select 'hello-world' from dual
    union all
    select 'hello' from dual
    union all
    select 'hello -- world -- bye' from dual
    union all
    select 'hello--worldbye' from dual
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    regexp_substr(txt,'[^ -- ]+',1,2) word2,
    regexp_substr(txt,'[^ -- ]+',1,3) word3
    from t_vw;
    It's returning;
    "hello -- world" "hello","world",""
    "hello-world"          "hello","world",""
    "hello"               "hello","",""
    "hello -- world -- bye"     "hello","world","bye"
    "hello--worldbye"      "hello","worldbye",""
    So it seems to work in all cases apart from when there are no spaces before/after "--".
    Any ideas?

    Please enclose your code in *{noformat}{noformat}* tags to preserve your formatting and to prevent the forum software from mangling your regular expressions.
    Also, you've given your input and show the output that you are getting, but I don't know what your issue is.  If you could include the desired output and explain how it differs from what you are getting so far that would help.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


    I am designing a web page where the user enters a page after entering his/her login and password.The User should now be provided with a display page containing the servers that he has permissions for access.The servers that he has permissions are maintained in a database(a normal text file in UNIX).
    Till now the program has been complete for displaying the servers that are available to him.
    I need to create a HTML form containing these servers names in a check box so that when the user clicks thcheck box against the server name it should go to the server and get the password for the required server.
    THe intention from me is to create a HTML file that dynamically takes values from the running JSP means the server names as a string value to its input and then i can continue
    Please guide me in creating a HTML form based on the string output from the running JSP
    FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream("/root/Auth_Application/User_Access_List");
    DataInputStream in1 = new DataInputStream(fs);
    int fl=0;
    while (in1.available() !=0)
    String str1=in1.readLine();
    StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(str1);
    String usernam=st1.nextToken();
    if (usernam.equals(uname))
    String ip=st1.nextToken();
    String host=st1.nextToken();
    out.println("<tr><td>                                                                                              "+ host + "</td><td> " + ip +"</td></tr>");
    if (fl == 0)
    out.println("YOU HAVE NO SEVRER IN YOUR PROFILE !");
    The host string here is the server name
    the ip is the ip address of the server
    Need to input these values to another HTML page that contains the check box list of the servers .
    once these are clicked i think i can pass on this to another JSP and retreive passwords
    Please guide me in this

    FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream("/root/Auth_Application/User_Access_List");
                                    DataInputStream in1 = new DataInputStream(fs);
                                    int fl=0;
                                    while (in1.available() !=0)
                                    String str1=in1.readLine();
                                    StringTokenizer st1 = new StringTokenizer(str1);
                                    String usernam=st1.nextToken();
                                    if (usernam.equals(uname))
                                    String ip=st1.nextToken();
                                    String host=st1.nextToken();
                                    out.println("<tr><td>                                                                                              "+ host + "</td><td>          " + ip +"</td></tr>");
                                    if (fl == 0)
                                    out.println("YOU HAVE NO SERVER IN YOUR PROFILE !");
                                    in1.close();I feel sorry for the inconvenience that is caused as i am new to using these forums.
    I have here used a simple program to retreive the names of the servers that the users have acess to..
    I have here read the servername and server ip stored from a file in UNIX in the running JSP.Now i need to pass these string variables to HTML file and display it in a Check box format.the strings host and ip have to be passed to the input of the HTML file so that they can further be processed once they are clicked using another JSP.
    Can anybody please help me in Passing these strings from the running JSP and display it in a check box format

  • Regular Expressions with Unicode Strings - length restriction?

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    Anyway, the following reg exp will work fine for me. However, when testing with unicode data (chinese text) the expression will only work up to a certain string length. Here's an example:
    boolean isURL = text.matches(".*http\\S*(jpg|gif).*");
    My thought is that since Unicode data takes up more space, there a limitation to dealing with Strings. Does anyone know what that number is? Or, is there another reason the reg exp fails??
    This works for any length String I throw at it using standard ASCII text.. But a unicode string of a certain length won't recognize the URL (I doubt I can simply paste my example here and have it turn out correctly..)
    DOESN'T WORK: (length is reported via text.length() as 344
    "FWD: test_tancy: FWD: tancy: FWD: supporter:
    WORKS: (length is reported via text.length() as 296
    "FWD: Joe: &#35201;&#35753;&#23621;&#25152;&#30475;&#36215;&#26469;&#28165;&#29245;&#20937;&#24555;&#65292;&#21487;&#37319;&#29992;&#20197;&#30333;&#33394;&#20026;&#20027;&#35843;&#30340;&#24067;&#32622;&#12290;&#30333;&#33394;&#19981;&#20294;&#33021;&#22686;&#21152;&#31354;&#38388;&#24863;&#65292;&#36824;&#33021;&#33829;&#36896;&#26126;&#24555;&#23425;&#38745;&#30340;&#27668;&#27675;&#65292;&#35753;&#20154;&#24773;&#32490;&#31283;&#23450;&#12290;&#21478;&#22806;&#65292;&#26377;&#24847;&#35782;&#22320;&#22686;&#28155;&#19968;&#28857;&#20919;&#33394;&#65292;&#20063;&#33021;&#20196;&#20154;&#22312;&#35270;&#35273;&#19978;&#35273;&#24471;&#30021;&#24555;&#12290;&#19981;&#36807;&#65292;&#19968;&#38388;&#25151;&#20869;&#33509;&#20840;&#37096;&#20351;&#29992;&#20919;&#33394;&#65292;&#25110;&#20840;&#37096;&#37319;&#29992;&#26262;&#33394;&#65292;&#20250;&#20351;&#20154;&#24863;&#21040;&#19981;&#23433;&#12290;&#26368;&#22909;&#26159;&#30830;&#23450;&#20027;&#33394;&#21518;&#65292;&#23567;&#38754;&#31215;&#20351;&#29992;&#20123;&#21576;&#40092;&#26126;&#23545;&#27604;&#30340;&#33394;&#24425;&#12290;&#20837;&#22799;&#36141;&#32622;&#19968;&#20123;&#33394;&#35843;&#28165;&#20937;&#30340;&#39280;&#29289;&#25670;&#35774;&#65292;&#26159;&#26368;&#30465;&#38065;&#26377;&#25928;&#30340;&#19968;&#25307;&#65292;&#22914;&#20026;&#21488;&#28783;&#25442;&#20010;&#30333;&#33394;&#28783;&#32617;&#12289;&#22312;&#27927;&#25163;&#38388;&#25918;&#19968;&#22871;&#20912;&#34013;&#33394;&#30340;&#27792;&#28020;&#29992;&#20855;&#31561;&#12290;(UU&#20026;&#24744;&#25552;&#20379;&#29983;&#27963;&#21672;&#35759;&#24182;&#31069;&#24744;&#29983;&#27963;&#24841;&#24555;&#65281;&#22914;&#19981;&#24076;&#26395;&#25171;&#25200;&#35831;&#22238;&#22797;?NO?)http://www.blah.com/servlet/mailbox?item=fc-10Tq9aljw0w9.jpg"

    Perhaps you should check the version of Java you are using. I am using 1.4.2_04
    public class A {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
            String text = "FWD: test_tancy: FWD: tancy: FWD: supporter:                   " +
                    new String(new char[]{(char) 35201, (char) 35753, (char) 23621, (char) 25152, (char) 30475, (char) 36215,
                                          (char) 26469, (char) 28165, (char) 29245, (char) 20937, (char) 24555, (char) 65292,
                                          (char) 21487, (char) 37319, (char) 29992, (char) 20197, (char) 30333, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 20026, (char) 20027, (char) 35843, (char) 30340, (char) 24067, (char) 32622,
                                          (char) 12290, (char) 30333, (char) 33394, (char) 19981, (char) 20294, (char) 33021,
                                          (char) 22686, (char) 21152, (char) 31354, (char) 38388, (char) 24863, (char) 65292,
                                          (char) 36824, (char) 33021, (char) 33829, (char) 36896, (char) 26126, (char) 24555,
                                          (char) 23425, (char) 38745, (char) 30340, (char) 27668, (char) 27675, (char) 65292,
                                          (char) 35753, (char) 20154, (char) 24773, (char) 32490, (char) 31283, (char) 23450,
                                          (char) 12290, (char) 21478, (char) 22806, (char) 65292, (char) 26377, (char) 24847,
                                          (char) 35782, (char) 22320, (char) 22686, (char) 28155, (char) 19968, (char) 28857,
                                          (char) 20919, (char) 33394, (char) 65292, (char) 20063, (char) 33021, (char) 20196,
                                          (char) 20154, (char) 22312, (char) 35270, (char) 35273, (char) 19978, (char) 35273,
                                          (char) 24471, (char) 30021, (char) 24555, (char) 12290, (char) 19981, (char) 36807,
                                          (char) 65292, (char) 19968, (char) 38388, (char) 25151, (char) 20869, (char) 33509,
                                          (char) 20840, (char) 37096, (char) 20351, (char) 29992, (char) 20919, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 65292, (char) 25110, (char) 20840, (char) 37096, (char) 37319, (char) 29992,
                                          (char) 26262, (char) 33394, (char) 65292, (char) 20250, (char) 20351, (char) 20154,
                                          (char) 24863, (char) 21040, (char) 19981, (char) 23433, (char) 12290, (char) 26368,
                                          (char) 22909, (char) 26159, (char) 30830, (char) 23450, (char) 20027, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 21518, (char) 65292, (char) 23567, (char) 38754, (char) 31215, (char) 20351,
                                          (char) 29992, (char) 20123, (char) 21576, (char) 40092, (char) 26126, (char) 23545,
                                          (char) 27604, (char) 30340, (char) 33394, (char) 24425, (char) 12290, (char) 20837,
                                          (char) 22799, (char) 36141, (char) 32622, (char) 19968, (char) 20123, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 35843, (char) 28165, (char) 20937, (char) 30340, (char) 39280, (char) 29289,
                                          (char) 25670, (char) 35774, (char) 65292, (char) 26159, (char) 26368, (char) 30465,
                                          (char) 38065, (char) 26377, (char) 25928, (char) 30340, (char) 19968, (char) 25307,
                                          (char) 65292, (char) 22914, (char) 20026, (char) 21488, (char) 28783, (char) 25442,
                                          (char) 20010, (char) 30333, (char) 33394, (char) 28783, (char) 32617, (char) 12289,
                                          (char) 22312, (char) 27927, (char) 25163, (char) 38388, (char) 25918, (char) 19968,
                                          (char) 22871, (char) 20912, (char) 34013, (char) 33394, (char) 30340, (char) 27792,
                                          (char) 28020, (char) 29992, (char) 20855, (char) 31561, (char) 12290, (char) 20026,
                                          (char) 24744, (char) 25552, (char) 20379, (char) 29983, (char) 27963, (char) 21672,
                                          (char) 35759, (char) 24182, (char) 31069, (char) 24744, (char) 29983, (char) 27963,
                                          (char) 24841, (char) 24555, (char) 65281, (char) 22914, (char) 19981, (char) 24076,
                                          (char) 26395, (char) 25171, (char) 25200, (char) 35831, (char) 22238, (char) 22797}) +
            boolean isURL = text.matches(".*http\\S*(jpg|gif).*");
            System.out.println("isURL="+isURL+", length="+text.length());
    isURL=true, length=344

  • Email Regular Expression with a String.Match()

    I'm currently using a RichTextEditor for a user to build HTML
    for a site. However, I want the application to scan for emails and
    encode them so they are protected from spam bots when they go to
    the live site. I've written a regular expression to find an email
    and it seems to work, but it only returns one email at a time from
    the string. I have had to revert to a while loop to traverse the
    string until I'm satisfied. I don't particularly like that method
    and would like to just do one String.match() query to retrieve all
    of the emails. Can anyone see something here that I'm missing?

    Try adding the global flag (g):
    var emailPattern:RegExp =

  • Java Stored Procedure with LOB as input parameter (oracle 9i

    Is there a way to pass CLOB as input and output as part of java stored proceudre in oracle 9i (
    I have to perform some data conversion on the CLOB data in java program and return the converted CLOB as output.
    --Ramesh Lokineni                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

    The reason why I want to use java for conversion is because, I want to perform base64 encoding decoding on the content stored in CLOB column. I tried to use by chunking the data into smaller pieces and apply the base64 encoding, but when I decode the CLOB using base64, I am not getting the same data. Later when I read about how base64 encoding happens I realized chunking the data in CLOB doesn't work. That's when I started to diggin how I can pass CLOB to java stored procedures.

  • Calling a procedure with a CLOB input parameter

    I trying to execute a simple stored procedure that can accept the text of another stored procedure as an input argument. The text of the stored procedure could exceed size allowable under plsql varachar2, so I typed this as a clob..
    Problem is the system hangs when I call this stored procedure. I am able to use varchar2 for the input code.. and this works, but using clob just causes the client (sqlplus, sqlDeveloper) to hang..
    Database version
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.. I suspect an Oracle bug but I could use some guidance before I hit up support..
    thanks Badri..
    INPUT_CODE := '(input IN VARCHAR2)' || CHR(9) || ' AS BEGIN NULL;' || CHR(9) || 'END;'
    (proc_name IN VARCHAR2,
    input_code IN CLOB,

    Hi, Badri,
    badrinathg wrote:
    I trying to execute a simple stored procedure that can accept the text of another stored procedure as an input argument. The text of the stored procedure could exceed size allowable under plsql varachar2, so I typed this as a clob..
    Problem is the system hangs when I call this stored procedure. I am able to use varchar2 for the input code.. and this works, but using clob just causes the client (sqlplus, sqlDeveloper) to hang..Are you sure the code you posted is what you're running? It's missing a semicolon, which would cause a compile error, regardless of whether input_code was a CLOB or a VARCHAR2.
    Database version
    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.. I suspect an Oracle bug but I could use some guidance before I hit up support..
    thanks Badri..
    INPUT_CODE := '(input IN VARCHAR2)' || CHR(9) || ' AS BEGIN NULL;' || CHR(9) || 'END;'
    END;Please format any code that you post, and type these 6 characters:
    \(small letters only, inside curly brackets) before and after each section of formatted text, to preserve spacing on this site.
    Compile the procedure first.  The procedure has to exist before the anonymous block will compile.
    (proc_name IN VARCHAR2,
    input_code IN CLOB,
    result OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)It looks like the rest of the procedure got cut off.
    The following works fine for me:create or replace PROCEDURE FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE
    ( proc_name     IN     VARCHAR2,
    input_code     IN     CLOB,
    result     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
         result := 'Hello, world!';
    END     fwk_create_procedure;
         PROC_NAME     VARCHAR2(200);
         INPUT_CODE     CLOB;
         RESULT          VARCHAR2(200);
         PROC_NAME := 'TESTHANG';
         INPUT_CODE := '(input IN VARCHAR2)' || CHR(9)
                             || ' AS BEGIN NULL;'
                             || CHR(9)
                             || 'END;';          -- Need ; at end
                   PROC_NAME     => PROC_NAME,
                   INPUT_CODE     => INPUT_CODE,
                   RESULT          => RESULT
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Sep 23, 2010 4:20 PM
    I see you posted some more code.
    Whenever you write a loop, include a call to dbme_output.put line inside the loop, so see how it's progressing.
    If it's an infinite loop, the calls to put_line will eventually cause the buffer to overflow, and the output may help you solve the problem.
    I added a call to put_line at the end of the loop:...     LOOP
              next_delim := INSTR (input_code, delim, pos);
              source_code := source_code || SUBSTR(input_code, pos, next_delim - pos) || CHR(13) || CHR(10);
              pos := next_delim + 1;
              EXIT WHEN pos >= str_length;
              dbms_output.put_line (pos || ' = pos inside loop in FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE');     -- NEW
         END LOOP;
    and got this output:21 = pos inside loop in FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE
    37 = pos inside loop in FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE
    1 = pos inside loop in FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE
    21 = pos inside loop in FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE
    37 = pos inside loop in FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE
    1 = pos inside loop in FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE
    21 = pos inside loop in FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE
    37 = pos inside loop in FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE
    1 = pos inside loop in FWK_CREATE_PROCEDURE
    Maybe the condition for ending the loop should be:...          EXIT WHEN pos >= str_length
              OR pos = 1;
    Remember to comment out (or delete) the call to put_line before moving the code to Production.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • How to create a Mapping with Input Parameter?

    I have a target table where the primary key column should be loaded with an Input parameter value. How can we implement this? Let me know if any examples are available?

    Use a map input operator in your mapping. In the outgroup add an attribute, mapp the attribute with the column and then you can start the mapping with an extra input parameter.

  • Problems with Mapping Input Parameter

    Hi everybody,
    just another question. I have a Mapping with an Mapping Input Parameter. If i provide a Parameter with an prefixed 0 e.g.: 01234 the output of this is 1234.
    How can i manage this that the output of the Input Parameter ist 01234 and not like now 1234?
    Many thanks in advance.

    The Mapping Input Parameter is of type varchar2 and it still gives 1234. The Problem is i have to provide the whole input parameter for logging proposes. I managed this now by building a workflow an provide the mapping input parameters to new variables. Now the Input 01234 gives 01234....:-)
    Does anybody know another solution for this problem?

  • Mapping Input Parameter renders mapping unable to be compiled or deployed

    Hi there. I have an interesting issue I have not encountered before.
    I can create a new mapping with a Mapping Input Parameter (just one parameter of type Integer), map this to a table column of the same type and the mapping compiles and deploys without any issues.
    However, if I take an existing mapping (which already compiles and deploys without issues), add a Mapping Input Parameter to it (just one parameter of type Integer) and map this parameter through to a table column of the same type, when I compile the mapping I get a pop-up "Warehouse Builder Error" with a number 56 and a red cross. The mapping cannot generate any code and gives no explaination. Trying this on a different mapping causes the same issue but with a different number in the pop-up.
    I have tried changing the parameter from integer to another data type and this makes no difference.
    Removing the Mapping Input Parameter makes the mapping compilable and deployable again.
    Am I missing something here ?

    Ok... this could be a bug, but I worked out how to resolve the issue.
    To get the issue:-
    1. Open a mapping which does not have a Mapping Input Parameter and compiles and deploys happily
    2. Add a Mapping Input Parameter object, add an output attribute to it and map it to a table column.
    3. Compile the mapping and you get a "Warehouse Builder Error" pop-up with a number, then a Validation Completed Successfully message. But no code can be generated and the mapping
    cannot be deployed.
    4. Slap your forehead and say "Doh!"
    To fix the issue :-
    1. Open the same mapping
    2. Resynch the tables you mapped the Mapping Input Parameter to. The mapping now compiles and deploys ok.
    3. Pat yourself on the back

  • Scan from String (arg1) in TKTDS1k2K, Input parameter invalid

    After calibration, i am getting a error about Command Requires GPIB controller to be controller in charge, and Scan from String (arg 1) in TKTDs1K2K scalewaveformarray.vi>scope_vppmeaurement.vi
    LABVIEW: An input parameter is invalid.
    NI-488: Commands Requires GPIB Controller to be in charge .
    This program was working before 3rd party calibrated.  Failing on first scope measurement. Passes Scope Setup.
    Thanks from newbie scheduled a May Class.
    Greg Shepherd

    One additional note. I have not had to use Regular Expressions very much, so I'm somewhat of a novice. My FIRST attempt to match either the Verbose or Abbreviated commands from the DSO was as follows:
    :WFMP.*:XZE.* $
      In words, what I’m trying to say is, “Match any instance of “:WFMP”, followed by any number of any character, followed by “:XZE” followed by any number of any character, and ending with a Space character.”  It sure seemed like that should work...but it did not within the VI. That was when I tried other options and found the longer, "A or B" type of match would work, as described in my previous post.
    This morning, a buddy sent me links to a couple of websites where you can experiment with Regular Expressions and see if your input is getting matched correctly. By using one of those tools, it appears that my initial attempt IS VALID, but yet, it didn't work within LabVIEW (8.6 for me). I have read some other posts RE: "Bugs" within the way LabVIEW works with Regular Expressions, so maybe this is something similar. But at least I'm up and running by using the long-way.

  • Comparing Collection object with a string

    Hi everyone,
    There is my problem: I have a program that generate all possible combinations of a certain number of letters for example: -ABC- will gives A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, ABC. Everything is fine at this point. But then the user can input a string like "AB" and I have to tell him if this string is contained in the generated set. My set is in a Collection, but when I used : LetterCombination.Contains(TextString), it returns always false. Even if I know that the string is contained in the set.
    Here is the code to generate the set:
    public class Recursion
         Collection LetterCombination;
    /*String Letters is the letters which I have to generate the combination, and
    the LetterNumber is the number of letters contained in my string.*/
         public Recursion(Set ItemLetters, String Letters, int LetterNumbers)
              ItemLetters = new TreeSet();
    String[] Token = Letters.split(" ");
    /*Adding the letters in the TreeSet*/
    for (int i = 0; i < LetterNumbers; i++)
    LetterCombination = BuildLetterSet(ItemLetters);
    private Collection BuildLetterSet(Set ItemLetters)
    Set NotUsedYet = new TreeSet();
    Set thisPowerSet = new TreeSet();
    Collection Letterresult = new ArrayList();
    BuildByRecursion(NotUsedYet, thisPowerSet, Letterresult);
    return Letterresult;
    private void BuildByRecursion(Set notUsedYet, Set thisPowerSet, Collection result)
    Set copy = new TreeSet();
    Object item = notUsedYet.iterator().next();
    BuildByRecursion(notUsedYet, thisPowerSet, result);
    BuildByRecursion(notUsedYet, thisPowerSet, result);
    And if I print out the LetterCombination collection, it gives me:
    [B, C]
    [A, C]
    [A, B]
    [A, B, C]
    Which are the good combination needed. But I really don't understand how to compare this collection with the string entered by the user.
    I'm really lost. can somebody help me! Thanks in advance...

    You don't show where you call this constructor, or what your arguments are:
    public Recursion(Set ItemLetters, String Letters, int LetterNumbers)
       ItemLetters = new TreeSet();
       String[] Token = Letters.split(" ");
       /*Adding the letters in the TreeSet*/
       for (int i = 0; i < LetterNumbers; i++)
          ItemLetters.add(Token[ i ]);
       LetterCombination = BuildLetterSet(ItemLetters);
    }But, the constructor doesn't make sense, anyway. itemLetters is immediately set to a new TreeSet, so whatever you passed in (if anything) for the first argument is unchanged by the constructor (and the new TreeSet is lost when you finish the constructor). Also, you split your input Letters on space, but rely on LetterNumbers for the length of the split array (which may or may not be accurate). Why not do a 'for' loop testing for "i < Token.length", and eliminate LetterNumbers parameter? Your input for the second parameter to this constructor would have to be "A B C D" (some letters delimited by spaces). Your constructor only needs one parameter--that String.
    The capitalization of your variables doesn't follow standard coding conventions. Your code is hard to read without the "code" formatting tags (see "Formatting Tips"/ [ code ] button above message posting box).

  • How to encrypt with a string as input,but not a key object

    As far as I know,when encrypt or decrypt ,a key must first be got,and the key is first generate by a tool or from SecurityRandom,that means I can not generate the same key with the same input.Does there is a method which can generate a same with the same input string?
    There is a need to transfer file between to site,and the customer wish to encrypt these files during transfering,and they want to store a string into each database at each site,when sending and receiving files,get the string from the database to encrypt or decrypt the file,they alse want to have a control of the string,they can change the string randomly if they wish as long as long keep each string is equal,how to realize this?

    I think what you are looking for is a password based encryption (PBE). An example of using the same is mentioned in JCE reference guide. Below is the relevant code/docs from the rference guide.
    Using Password-Based Encryption
    In this example, we prompt the user for a password from which we derive an encryption key.
    It would seem logical to collect and store the password in an object of type java.lang.String. However, here's the caveat: Objects of type String are immutable, i.e., there are no methods defined that allow you to change (overwrite) or zero out the contents of a String after usage. This feature makes String objects unsuitable for storing security sensitive information such as user passwords. You should always collect and store security sensitive information in a char array instead.
    For that reason, the javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec class takes (and returns) a password as a char array.
    The following method is an example of how to collect a user password as a char array:
         * Reads user password from given input stream.
        public char[] readPasswd(InputStream in) throws IOException {
            char[] lineBuffer;
            char[] buf;
            int i;
            buf = lineBuffer = new char[128];
            int room = buf.length;
            int offset = 0;
            int c;
    loop:   while (true) {
                switch (c = in.read()) {
                  case -1:
                  case '\n':
                    break loop;
                  case '\r':
                    int c2 = in.read();
                    if ((c2 != '\n') && (c2 != -1)) {
                        if (!(in instanceof PushbackInputStream)) {
                            in = new PushbackInputStream(in);
                    } else
                        break loop;
                    if (--room < 0) {
                        buf = new char[offset + 128];
                        room = buf.length - offset - 1;
                        System.arraycopy(lineBuffer, 0, buf, 0, offset);
                        Arrays.fill(lineBuffer, ' ');
                        lineBuffer = buf;
                    buf[offset++] = (char) c;
            if (offset == 0) {
                return null;
            char[] ret = new char[offset];
            System.arraycopy(buf, 0, ret, 0, offset);
            Arrays.fill(buf, ' ');
            return ret;
        }In order to use Password-Based Encryption (PBE) as defined in PKCS #5, we have to specify a salt and an iteration count. The same salt and iteration count that are used for encryption must be used for decryption:
        PBEKeySpec pbeKeySpec;
        PBEParameterSpec pbeParamSpec;
        SecretKeyFactory keyFac;
        // Salt
        byte[] salt = {
            (byte)0xc7, (byte)0x73, (byte)0x21, (byte)0x8c,
            (byte)0x7e, (byte)0xc8, (byte)0xee, (byte)0x99
        // Iteration count
        int count = 20;
        // Create PBE parameter set
        pbeParamSpec = new PBEParameterSpec(salt, count);
        // Prompt user for encryption password.
        // Collect user password as char array (using the
        // "readPasswd" method from above), and convert
        // it into a SecretKey object, using a PBE key
        // factory.
        System.out.print("Enter encryption password:  ");
        pbeKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec(readPasswd(System.in));
        keyFac = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES");
        SecretKey pbeKey = keyFac.generateSecret(pbeKeySpec);
        // Create PBE Cipher
        Cipher pbeCipher = Cipher.getInstance("PBEWithMD5AndDES");
        // Initialize PBE Cipher with key and parameters
        pbeCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, pbeKey, pbeParamSpec);
        // Our cleartext
        byte[] cleartext = "This is another example".getBytes();
        // Encrypt the cleartext
        byte[] ciphertext = pbeCipher.doFinal(cleartext);Hope this helps
    Sai Pullabhotla

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