Quedo bloqueada

Mi iPad quedo bloqueada, no deja apagar. Sale un Cartel que dice copìa de Seguridad de Icoluld y ahi queda.

If you mean that it's showing the disabled screen : iOS: Código olvidado o dispositivo desactivado

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    Prueba a restaurarlo con iTunes:   iOS: No responde o no se enciende http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3281?viewlocale=es_ES&locale=en_US
    Conecta el dispositivo al ordenador y abre iTunes.
    Si el dispositivo aparece en iTunes, selecciónalo y haz clic en Restaurar, en el panel Resumen. Obtén más información acerca de cómo restaurar el software iOS.
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    If you want to update the iPad's iOS version (the current version is 7.1.2) then you should have a Settings > General > Software Update option on your iPad for direct update, or you can do it via your computer's iTunes. Before starting the update copy your iTunes purchases over to your computer's iTunes library via File > Devices > Transfer Purchases and take a backup
    Updating iOS : Actualiza tu iPhone, iPad o iPod touch

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    Google translate:
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    - Try DFU mode and then restore               
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
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    it's most likely a hardware issue that needs repair. D you have a backup ?
    Try this: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1430?viewlocale=es_ES   <==== Español !!!
    If that doesn't solve the issue, you could also try backing up the device and restoring the device as new.
    In that case, follow the steps in: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4137?viewlocale=es_ES  <==== Español !!!
    NB: set up as a NEW device because a software issue will be in the backup. If the issue persists after restoring as new, you should offer the device for service.
    If you're not able to restore the device, this one might help: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1808?viewlocale=es_ES <==== Español !!!
    Using his article will erase everything on the device, so make sure you have a backup!
    Good luck

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