Query a stored procedure that exec's a dynamic query. Error Linked server indicates object has no columns

I have a stored procedure that dynamically creates a pivot query.  The procedure works and returns the correct data.  Now I have a requirement to show this data in reporting system that can only pull from a table or view.  Since you can not
create a dynamic query in a view I tried to do a select from using openquery. 
Example 'Select * from OpenQuery([MyServername], 'Exec Instance.Schema.StoredProcedure')
I get the error back "the linked server indicates the object has no columns".  I assume this is because of the first select statement that is stuffing the variable with column names. 
Alter PROCEDURE [dbo].[Procedure1]
Declare @cols nvarchar(2000),
  @Tcols nvarchar(2000),
  @Sql nvarchar (max)
select @cols = stuff ((
      Select distinct '], ['+ModelName + '  ' + CombustorName
       from CombustorFuel cf
       join Model m on cf.modelid = m.modelid
       join Combustors cb on cf.CombustorID = cb.CombustorID
       where cf.CombustorID > 0
       for XML Path('')
Set @Tcols = replace(@Cols, ']', '] int')
--Print @Tcols   
--Print @Cols
Set @Sql = 'Select GasLiquid, FuelType, '+ @Cols +'
 Select GasLiquid, FuelType, ModelName+ ''  '' +CombustorName ModelCombustor, CombFuelStatus+''- ''+CombFuelNote CombFuelStatusNote
  from Frames f
  join Family fa on f.Frameid = fa.frameid
  join Model m on fa.FamilyID = m.FamilyID
  join CombustorFuel cf on m.Modelid = cf.modelid
  Join Combustors c on cf.CombustorId = c.CombustorID
  join FuelTypes ft on cf.FuelTypeID = ft.FuelTypeID
  where cf.CombustorFuelID > 0
    and CombustorName <> ''''
 ) up
 (max(CombFuelStatusNote) for ModelCombustor in ('+ @Cols +')) as pvt
order by FuelType'
exec (@Sql)

Then again, a good reporting tool should be able to do dynamic pivot on its own, because dynamic pivoting is a presentation feature.
SSRS Supports dynamic columns: Displaying Dynamic Columns in SSRS Report
SQL Reporting Services with Dynamic Column Reports
Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
SQL Server 2014 Database Design
New Book / Kindle: Beginner Database Design & SQL Programming Using Microsoft SQL Server 2014
Displaying and reading are two very different things.
#1) SSRS Needs a fixed field list on the input side to know what what to make available in the designer.
#2) SSRS cant read "exec (@Sql)" out of a proc, even if there is a fixed number of columns (at
least it can't use it to auto build the field list from the proc)
I use dynamic SQL in my report procs on a fairly regular basis and I've found it easiest to simply dump
the results of my dynamic sql into a temp table at the end of the procs and then select from the temp table.
Basically, Erland is correct. Stop trying to pivot in the query and let SSRS (or whatever reporting software you're using) handle it with a Martix.
Jason Long

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    I was wondering if there's a way to write a stored procedure that returns multiple result set as in sql server. for example, in sql server, you can write 2 select statements and when loading them in c#, u can get two data tables.
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    thanks for your time

    Sure. Ref cursor is the only easier answer for your problem.
    satyaki>select * from v$version;
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE      Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    Elapsed: 00:00:01.43
    satyaki>create or replace procedure ref_gen_arg(choice in int,b in out sys_refcursor)
      2  is  
      3    str   varchar2(500);
      4  begin   
      5    if choice = 1 then      
      6      str := 'select * from emp';   
      7    elsif choice = 2 then      
      8      str := 'select * from dept';   
      9    end if;       
    11    open b for str;
    12  exception  
    13    when others then     
    14      dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
    15  end;
    16  /
    Procedure created.
    Elapsed: 00:00:04.38
      2    rec_x emp%rowtype;   
      3    rec_y dept%rowtype;       
      4    w sys_refcursor;
      5  begin  
      6    dbms_output.enable(1000000);  
      7    ref_gen_arg(1,w);  
      8    loop    
      9      fetch w into rec_x;     
    10      exit when w%notfound;             
    11        dbms_output.put_line('Employee No: '||rec_x.empno||' - '||                          
    12                             'Name: '||rec_x.ename||' - '||                          
    13                             'Job: '||rec_x.job||' - '||                          
    14                             'Manager: '||rec_x.mgr||' - '||                          
    15                             'Joining Date: '||rec_x.hiredate||' - '||                          
    16                             'Salary: '||rec_x.sal||' - '||                          
    17                             'Commission: '||rec_x.comm||' - '||                          
    18                             'Department No: '||rec_x.deptno);  
    19    end loop;  
    20    close w;    
    22    ref_gen_arg(2,w);  
    23    loop    
    24      fetch w into rec_y;
    25      exit when w%notfound;            
    26         dbms_output.put_line('Department No: '||rec_y.deptno||' - '||                           
    27                              'Name: '||rec_y.dname||' - '||                           
    28                              'Location: '||rec_y.loc);  
    29    end loop;  
    30    close w;
    31  exception  
    32    when others then    
    33      dbms_output.put_line(sqlerrm);
    34  end;
    35  /
    Employee No: 9999 - Name: SATYAKI - Job: SLS - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 02-NOV-08 - Salary: 55000 - Commission: 3455 - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7777 - Name: SOURAV - Job: SLS - Manager:  - Joining Date: 14-SEP-08 - Salary: 45000 - Commission: 3400 - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7521 - Name: WARD - Job: SALESMAN - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 22-FEB-81 - Salary: 1250 - Commission: 500 - Department No: 30
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    Employee No: 7839 - Name: KING - Job: PRESIDENT - Manager:  - Joining Date: 17-NOV-81 - Salary: 7000 - Commission:  - Department No: 10
    Employee No: 7844 - Name: TURNER - Job: SALESMAN - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 08-SEP-81 - Salary: 1500 - Commission: 0 - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7876 - Name: ADAMS - Job: CLERK - Manager: 7788 - Joining Date: 23-MAY-87 - Salary: 1100 - Commission:  - Department No: 20
    Employee No: 7900 - Name: JAMES - Job: CLERK - Manager: 7698 - Joining Date: 03-DEC-81 - Salary: 950 - Commission:  - Department No: 30
    Employee No: 7902 - Name: FORD - Job: ANALYST - Manager: 7566 - Joining Date: 03-DEC-81 - Salary: 3000 - Commission:  - Department No: 20
    Department No: 10 - Name: ACCOUNTING - Location: NEW YORK
    Department No: 20 - Name: RESEARCH - Location: DALLAS
    Department No: 30 - Name: SALES - Location: CHICAGO
    Department No: 40 - Name: LOGISTICS - Location: CHICAGO
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.73
    Satyaki De.

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    Lori - [email protected]

    You can only access an object in another user's schema if you either:
    (a) Specify the 'other' schema name explicitly: SCHEMA.OBJECT
    (b) A synonymn has been created to access the object: CREATE SYNONYM OBJECT FOR SCHEMA.OBJECT.
    The user requiring the synonym should create it, or the user owning the object can create a PUBLIC synonym, if they have the authority.
    To check my hypothesis, try typing 'DESCRIBE procedure_name' from SQL*Plus as both users.

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    USE [RIDB_DynamicDesign]
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_CreateTriggerMarkLatest] Script Date: 11/08/2014 16:43:20 ******/
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_CreateTriggerMarkLatest] @ProjectTable nvarchar(128), @ItExists int OUTPUT
    DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000)
    DECLARE @MarkLatest nvarchar(30)
    DECLARE @LatTrue bit
    DECLARE @LatFalse bit
    SET @LatTrue = 'True'
    SET @LatFalse = 'False'
    SET @SQL = 'CREATE TRIGGER tr_MarkLatest ON ' + @ProjectTable + ' AFTER INSERT
    UPDATE ' + @ProjectTable + ' SET Latest = @LatFalse
    UPDATE ' + @ProjectTable + ' SET Latest = @LatTrue WHERE
    ID IN (SELECT ID FROM ' + @ProjectTable + ' p WHERE
    NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ' + @ProjectTable + ' WHERE
    Name = p.Name AND Vers = p.Vers
    AND Date > p.Date))'
    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N'@ProjectTable nvarchar(128), @LatTrue bit, @LatFalse bit',
    @ProjectTable, @LatTrue, @LatFalse

    First you have to debug the dynamic SQL string with a PRINT statement. I see some problems:
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspCreateTriggerMarkLatest] @ProjectTable nvarchar(128), @ItExists int OUTPUT
    DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(4000)
    DECLARE @MarkLatest nvarchar(30)
    DECLARE @LatTrue bit
    DECLARE @LatFalse bit
    SET @LatTrue = 'True'
    SET @LatFalse = 'False'
    SET @SQL = 'CREATE TRIGGER tr_MarkLatest ON ' + @ProjectTable + ' AFTER INSERT
    UPDATE ' + @ProjectTable + ' SET Latest = @LatFalse
    UPDATE ' + @ProjectTable + ' SET Latest = @LatTrue WHERE
    ID IN (SELECT ID FROM ' + @ProjectTable + ' p WHERE
    NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ' + @ProjectTable + ' WHERE
    Name = p.Name AND Vers = p.Vers
    AND Date > p.Date))'
    -- EXEC sp_executesql @SQL, N'@ProjectTable nvarchar(128), @LatTrue bit, @LatFalse bit', @ProjectTable, @LatTrue, @LatFalse
    DECLARE @ItExists int, @ProjectTable nvarchar(128) = N'TestTrigger';
    EXEC [dbo].[uspCreateTriggerMarkLatest] @ProjectTable, @ItExists OUTPUT
    CREATE TRIGGER tr_MarkLatest ON TestTrigger AFTER INSERT
    UPDATE TestTrigger SET Latest = @LatFalse
    UPDATE TestTrigger SET Latest = @LatTrue WHERE
    Name = p.Name AND Vers = p.Vers
    AND Date > p.Date))
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Database Design
    New Book / Kindle: Beginner Database Design & SQL Programming Using Microsoft SQL Server 2014

  • Call a Stored Procedure that returns a REFCURSOR using ODI Procedure

    I have a scenario wherein the stored procedure (TEST_PROC1) that returns a REFCURSOR. The second procedure(TEST_PROC2) will use the REFCURSOR as inpuut and insert it to a table.
    Now, I need to execute the test procedures (TEST_PROC1 and TEST_PROC2) using the ODI Procedure but I always get error. However, I was able to execute the test procedures using sqlplus. Here is the command I used for sqlplus:
                   var rc refcursor
                   exec TEST_PROC1(:rc);
                   exec TEST_PROC2(:rc);
    PL/SQL Stored Procedure:
    -- TEST_PROC1 --
    create or replace
    OPEN p_cursor FOR
    SELECT *
    FROM test_table1;
    -- TEST_PROC2 --
    create or replace
    procedure TEST_PROC2( rc in out sys_refcursor ) is
    FETCH_LIMIT constant integer := 100;
    type TFetchBuffer is table of test_table2%RowType;
    buffer TFetchBuffer;
    fetch rc bulk collect into buffer limit FETCH_LIMIT;
    forall i in 1..buffer.Count
    insert into test_table2(
    c1, c2
    ) values(
    buffer(i).c1, buffer(i).c2
    exit when rc%NotFound;
    end loop;
    Is there a way to call a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that returns a REFCURSOR using ODI Procedure?

    Thanks for the reply actdi.
    The procedure TEST_PROC1 is just a sample procedure. The requirement is that I need to call a stored procedure that returns a cursor using ODI and fetch the data and insert into a table, which in this case is test_table2.
    I was able to execute a simple SQL procedure (without cursor) using ODI procedure. But when i try to execute the SQL procedure with cursor in ODI, I encountered error.
    Do you have any idea how to do this?

  • How to execute stored procedure that returns a cursor?

    How to execute a stored procedure that returns a cursor?
    Follow the code:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE stp_cashin_grupo
    (p_func IN VARCHAR
    ,p_cod_grup IN Integer
    ,p_des_grup IN VARCHAR
    ,p_logi IN VARCHAR
    ,p_curs_rset OUT infoc.pck_cashin_grupo.curs_rset
    if p_func = '1' then
    OPEN p_curs_rset FOR
    from infoc.tbl_cashin_grupo
    order by des_grup;
    end if;
    END stp_cashin_grupo;
    and the package:
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pck_cashin_grupo
    TYPE curs_rset IS REF CURSOR;
    END pck_cashin_grupo;
    My question is how to execute in sql plus?
    EXEC stp_cashin_grupo('1',0,'','465990', my doubt is how to pass the cursor as return

    my doubt is how to pass the cursor as returnExample :
    TEST@db102 > var c1 refcursor;
    TEST@db102 > create or replace procedure ref1 (
      2     v1 in varchar2,
      3     cur1 out sys_refcursor)
      4  is
      5  begin
      6     open cur1 for 'select * from '||v1;
      7  end;
      8  /
    Procedure created.
    TEST@db102 > exec ref1('dept',:c1);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    TEST@db102 > print c1
        DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
            10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
            20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
            30 SALES          CHICAGO
            40 OPERATIONS     BOSTON
    TEST@db102 >

  • Can I create a Stored Procedure That access data from tables of another servers?

    I'm developing a procedure and within it I'm trying to access another server and make a select into a table that belongs to this another server. When I compile this procedure I have this error message: " PLS-00904: insufficient privilege to access object BC.CADPAP", where BC.CADPAP is the problematic table.
    How can I use more than one connection into an Oracle Stored Procedure?
    How I can access tables of a server from a Stored Procedure since the moment I'm already connected with another server?
    Can I create a Stored Procedure That access data from tables of another servers?

    You need to have a Database Link between two servers. Then you could do execute that statement without any problem. Try to create a database link with the help of
    CREATE DATABASE LINK command. Refer Document for further details

  • Call to Oracle stored procedure that returns ref cursor doesn't work

    I'm trying to use an OData service operation with Entity Framework to call an Oracle stored procedure that takes an number as an input parameter and returns a ref cursor. The client is javascript so I'm using the rest console to test my endpoints. I have been able to successful call a regular Oracle stored procedure that takes a number parameter but doesn't return anything so I think I have the different component interactions correct. When I try calling the proc that has an ref cursor for the output I get the following an error "Invalid number or type of parameters". Here are my specifics:
    <add name="PGDATA_WC.ODATAPOC.GETWORKORDERSBYWINDFARMID.RefCursor.P_RESULTS" value="implicitRefCursor bindinfo='mode=Output'" />
    <add name="PGDATA_WC.ODATAPOC.GETWORKORDERSBYWINDFARMID.RefCursorMetaData.P_RESULTS.Column.0" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=WINDFARM_ID;BaseColumnName=WINDFARM_ID;BaseSchemaName=PGDATA_WC;BaseTableName=WORKORDERS;NATIVEDATATYPE=Number;ProviderType=Int32'" />
    <add name="PGDATA_WC.ODATAPOC.GETWORKORDERSBYWINDFARMID.RefCursorMetaData.P_RESULTS.Column.1" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=STARTTIME;BaseColumnName=STARTTIME;BaseSchemaName=PGDATA_WC;BaseTableName=WORKORDERS;NATIVEDATATYPE=Varchar2;ProviderType=Varchar2'" />
    <add name="PGDATA_WC.ODATAPOC.GETWORKORDERSBYWINDFARMID.RefCursorMetaData.P_RESULTS.Column.2" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=ENDTIME;BaseColumnName=ENDTIME;BaseSchemaName=PGDATA_WC;BaseTableName=WORKORDERS;NATIVEDATATYPE=Varchar2;ProviderType=Varchar2'" />
    <add name="PGDATA_WC.ODATAPOC.GETWORKORDERSBYWINDFARMID.RefCursorMetaData.P_RESULTS.Column.3" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=TURBINE_NUMBER;BaseColumnName=TURBINE_NUMBER;BaseSchemaName=PGDATA_WC;BaseTableName=WORKORDERS;NATIVEDATATYPE=Varchar2;ProviderType=Varchar2'" />
    <add name="PGDATA_WC.ODATAPOC.GETWORKORDERSBYWINDFARMID.RefCursorMetaData.P_RESULTS.Column.4" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=NOTES;BaseColumnName=NOTES;BaseSchemaName=PGDATA_WC;BaseTableName=WORKORDERS;NATIVEDATATYPE=Varchar2;ProviderType=Varchar2'" />
    <add name="PGDATA_WC.ODATAPOC.GETWORKORDERSBYWINDFARMID.RefCursorMetaData.P_RESULTS.Column.5" value="implicitRefCursor metadata='ColumnName=TECHNICIAN_NAME;BaseColumnName=TECHNICIAN_NAME;BaseSchemaName=PGDATA_WC;BaseTableName=WORKORDERS;NATIVEDATATYPE=Varchar2;ProviderType=Varchar2'" />
    <add name="PGDATA_WC.ODATAPOC.GETWORKORDERSBYID.RefCursor.P_RESULTS" value="implicitRefCursor bindinfo='mode=Output'" />
    OData Service Operation:
    public class OracleODataService : DataService<OracleEntities>
    // This method is called only once to initialize service-wide policies.
    public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
    // TODO: set rules to indicate which entity sets and service operations are visible, updatable, etc.
    // Examples:
    config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.All);
    config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("GetWorkOrdersByWindfarmId", ServiceOperationRights.All);
    config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("CreateWorkOrder", ServiceOperationRights.All);
    config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion = DataServiceProtocolVersion.V2;
    public IQueryable<GetWorkOrdersByWindfarmId_Result> GetWorkOrdersByWindfarmId(int WindfarmId)
    return this.CurrentDataSource.GetWorkOrdersByWindfarmId(WindfarmId).AsQueryable();
    public void CreateWorkOrder(int WindfarmId)
    Here is the stored procedure:
    procedure GetWorkOrdersByWindFarmId(WINDFARMID IN NUMBER,
    select WINDFARM_ID,
    end GetWorkOrdersByWindFarmId;
    I defined a function import for the stored procedure using the directions I found online by creating a new complex type. I don't know if I should be defining the input parameter, WindfarmId, in my app.config? If I should what would that format look like? I also don't know if I'm invoking the stored procedure correctly in my service operation? I'm testing everything through the rest console because the client consuming this information is written in javascript and expecting a json format. Any help is appreciated!
    Edited by: 1001323 on Apr 20, 2013 8:04 AM
    Edited by: jennyh on Apr 22, 2013 9:00 AM

    Making the change you suggested still resulted in the same Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException {"ORA-06550: line 1, column 8:\nPLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GETWORKORDERSBYWINDFARMID'\nORA-06550: line 1, column 8:\nPL/SQL: Statement ignored"}     System.Exception {Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException}
    I keep thinking it has to do with my oracle.dataaccess.client settings in App.Config because I don't actually put the WindfarmId and an input parameter. I tried a few different ways to do this but can't find the correct format.

  • Stored procedure that returns a cursor (result set)

    We have a stored procedure that returns a cursor (result set) but when I compliled it and catalouged (introspected) it in the OBPM I got all the primitive type parameters (either IN or OUT) in the proc call except the cursor type (the result set) which is the out param of the stored proc.
    Any pointers please?

    Result set is of RowType and is not supported as a Stored Procedure as far as I know.

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    Is it possible in HTML DB to implement a process that has a function that calls a stored procedure that returns a cursor, used to then populate a select list?
    Or can I do a function call to a stored procedure in the 'List of values definition' box for the item itself that returns a cursor to populate the item's select list?

    Hi Vikas,
    Actually, I just found another posting that shows how to do what I'm looking for:
    Re: Filling a LOV with a cursor
    Check it out. I posted another question in response to that discussion...maybe you could answer that? Thanks!

  • Invoking stored procedure that returns array(oracle object type) as output

    We have stored procedures which returns arrays(oracle type) as an output, can anyone shed some light on how to map those arrays using JPA annotations? I tried using jdbcTypeName but i was getting wrong type or argument error, your help is very much appreciated. Below is the code snippet.
    JPA Class:
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.sql.Array;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.persistence.Entity;
    import javax.persistence.Id;
    import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.Direction;
    import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.NamedStoredProcedureQuery;
    import org.eclipse.persistence.annotations.StoredProcedureParameter;
    * The persistent class for the MessagePublish database table.
    public class TeamMembersDetails implements Serializable {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         private long userId;
         private List<TeamMembersDetailsOT> teamMembersDetailsOT;
         public void setTeamMembersDetailsOT(List<TeamMembersDetailsOT> teamMembersDetailsOT) {
              this.teamMembersDetailsOT = teamMembersDetailsOT;
         public List<TeamMembersDetailsOT> getTeamMembersDetailsOT() {
              return teamMembersDetailsOT;
    PROCEDURE get_user_team_roles (
    i_user_id IN ue_user.user_id%TYPE
    , o_team_roles OUT OBJ_TEAM_ROLES_ARRAY
    , i_debugmode IN NUMBER :=0)
    TeamMembersDetailsOT contains the same attributes defined in the OBJ_TEAM_ROLES.

    A few things.
    You are not using a JDBC Array type in your procedure, you are using a PLSQL TABLE type. An Array type would be a VARRAY in Oracle. EclipseLink supports both VARRAY and TABLE types, but TABLE types are more complex as Oracle JDBC does not support them, they must be wrapped in a corresponding VARRAY type. I assume your OBJ_TEAM_ROLES is also not an OBJECT TYPE but a PLSQL RECORD type, this has the same issue.
    Your procedure does not return a result set, so "returnsResultSet=true" should be "returnsResultSet=false".
    In general I would recommend you change your stored procedure to just return a select from a table using an OUT CURSOR, that is the easiest way to return data from an Oracle stored procedure.
    If you must use the PLSQL types, then you will need to create wrapper VARRAY and OBJECT TYPEs. In EclipseLink you must use a PLSQLStoredProcedureCall to access these using the code API, there is not annotation support. Or you could create your own wrapper stored procedure that converts the PLSQL types to OBJECT TYPEs, and call the wrapper stored procedure.
    To map to Oracle VARRAY and OBJECT TYPEs the JDBC Array and Struct types are used, these are supported using EclipseLink ObjectRelationalDataTypeDescriptor and mappings. These must be defined through the code API, as there is currently no annotation support.
    I could not find any good examples or doc on this, your best source of example is the EclipseLink test cases in SVN,
    James : http://www.eclipselink.org

  • Put a commit in a stored procedure that is called remotely, give error

    I put a commit in a stored procedure that is called remotely, this gives me an error. Why?

    Why? Because only the calling procedure - the local one - can have commits. Please read my reply to Re: DBlink: Can I access to a remote type?. In particularly read the part of the documentation it links to, about distributed transactions.
    Cheers, APC

  • How Do I Call PL/SQL Stored Procedure That Returns String Array??

    I Have Problem Calling An Oracle(8i) Stored Procedure That Returns Array Type (Multi Rows)
    (As Good As String Array Type..)
    In This Fourm, I Can't Find Out Example Source.
    (Question is Exist.. But No Answer..)
    I Want An Example,, Because I'm A Beginner...
    (I Wonder...)
    If It Is Impossible, Please Told Me.. "Impossible"
    Then, I'll Give Up to Resolve This Way.....
    Please Help Me !!!
    Thanks in advance,

    // Try the following, I appologize that I have not compiled and run this ... but it is headed in the right direction
    import java.sql.*;
    class RunStoredProc
    public static void main(String args[])
    throws SQLException
    catch(Exception ex)
    java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
    props.put("user", "********"); // you need to replace stars with db userid
    props.put("password", "********"); // you need to replace stars with userid db password
              // below replace machine.domain.com and DBNAME, and port address if different than 1521
    Connection conn =
    DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@machine.domain.com:1521:DBNAME", props);
    // replace "Your Stored Procedure" with your stored procedure
    CallableStatement stmt = conn.prepareCall("Your Stored Procedure");
    ResultSet rset = stmt.execute();

  • JDBC Receiver, Stored Procedure that Deletes

    I have a stored procedure that deletes fields in a table based on a lot of different criteria.
    I can't use DELETE or SQL_QUERY ie Statement3 and 6 in http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04s/helpdata/en/2e/96fd3f2d14e869e10000000a155106/frameset.htm . I can only use this Stored Procedure.
    This is my message type.
                 <action>.......attribute...set to EXECUTE
                  <table> .......maps to Stored Procedure
                  <isInput>  ......attribute... set to TRUE
                  <type>   ........attribute...set to STRING
    However, I'm getting this error
    ERROR: Invalid XML document format for stored procedure: 'type="<SQL-type>"' attribute is missing for element 'table' (Setting a SQL-type (e.g. INTEGER, CHAR, DATE etc.) is mandatory !)
    Any ideas?

    If you look in the link you have procided, the datatype for Stored Procedure every element needs to have a TYPE attribute asscoiated with it and you need to give the corresponding Datatype of that element,
    <i>The attribute type=<SQL-Datatype> , which describes the valid SQL data type, is mandatory for all parameter types (IN, OUT, INOUT).
    The following SQL data types are supported:

  • How to call a stored procedure that use a type defined in a package?

    Hi all,
    this is stored procedure:
    GET_GIORNATAEVENTO( in_nome_servizio IN VARCHAR2,
    out_dati_aggiornati OUT TAB_VARCHAR2);
    TAB VARCHAR2 is defined in the package specification:
    and this is the name of the package: PKG_SERVIZI_MMSPUSH.
    This is my php script:
    // Connect to database...
    $c=OCILogon("venus_vfl", "venus_vfl", "venvi");
    if ( ! $c ) {
    echo "Connessione non riuscita: " . var_dump( OCIError() );
    echo "<br> </br>";
    // Call database procedure...
    $in_servizio = "MOTO";
    $s = OCIParse($c, "begin PKG_SERVIZI_MMSPUSH.GET_GIORNATAEVENTO(:bind1, :bind2); end;");
    OCIBindByName($s, ":bind1", $in_servizio);
    OCIBindByName($s, ":bind2", $out_esito);
    echo "OUT_DATI_AGGIORNATI= " . $out_esito;
    // Logoff from Oracle
    How to test stored procedure to get the output parameter?
    Thanks in advance.

    but I need to test stored procedures that uses type defined in the package.
    if I have s.p.
    PROCEDURE get_risultati_squadra
    ( in_squadra IN VARCHAR2,
    out_serie OUT tab_varchar2_5,
    out_tiporisultato OUT tab_varchar2_5,
    out_n_giornata OUT tab_varchar2_5,
    out_squadre OUT tab_varchar2_200,
    out_risultato OUT tab_varchar2_10,
    out_marcatore OUT tab_varchar2_50,
    out_punti OUT tab_varchar2_3,
    out_rimbalzista OUT tab_varchar2_50,
    out_rimbalzi OUT tab_varchar2_3,
    out_esito OUT tab_varchar2_2);
    I have to define every type external to the package, in this case five new TYPE !!
    Is there another way to solve this problem?

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