Query Generator Error-Clarification required

Hai Experts,
I wrote a query select * from OPOR where Docnum>'[%0]
This works all fine.
When I replace the OPOR table name with a view name created for the table OPOR, the same statement does not work and returns error incorrect syntax.
Pls explain why does this happen?

Dear Gordon,
Thanks for your response. The following is the query I wrote in Query Generator, when I give a literal value, the query worked without any error. When I use dynamic user input string, it returns errror. In this case the database object IR is a view, that I created to facilitate a complicated query.
I need that, user should be able to input his criteria value. Please help me to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
SELECT distinct t0.PO,max(t0.Supplier) Supplier,max(t0.OrderNo) OrderNo,max(t0.StyleNo) StyleNo,Max(t0.Process) Process,Max(t0.Date) IssueDate,
(select isnull(sum(t1.Quantity),0) from IR t1 where t1.PO=t0.PO and t1.Ttype<0) TotalIssued,
(select isnull(sum(t2.Quantity),0) from IR t2 where t2.po=t0.po and t2.Ttype>0) TotalReceived,
isnull((select sum(t1.Quantity) from IR t1 where t1.PO=t0.PO and t1.Ttype<0),0)-
isnull((select sum(t2.Quantity) from IR t2 where t2.po=t0.po and t2.Ttype>0),0) Balance from ir t0 where
and isnull((select sum(t1.Quantity) from IR t1 where t1.PO=t0.PO and t1.Ttype<0),0)>0
Group By t0.po

Similar Messages

  • Error in Query generator

    Dear all,
    I face an issue in Query generator.
    When i execute the query in query generator, the error is like this
    1). [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
    'Service Contracts' (OCTR)
    My query is like this
    Declare @StartYear as char(4)
    Declare @EndYear as char(4)
    Declare @Dept as char(3)
    Declare @UnitBusiness as char(3)
    set @StartYear = (Select   YEAR(T0.[RefDate]) from JDT1 T0 where T0.[RefDate] = [%0] )
    set @EndYear =  (Select YEAR(T1.[RefDate]) from JDT1 T1 where T1.[RefDate] = [%1])
    set @Dept =  (Select T2.[Name] from OASC T2 where T2.[Name] = [%2])
    set @UnitBusiness = (Select   distinct SUBSTRING(T3.[Segment_0],10,2)  from OACT T3 where ( T3.[Segment_0] = [%3] OR ( 1 = (CASE WHEN [%3]  = 'All'  THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) ) ))
    Exec NEC_RPT_FinanceReport @StartYear,@EndYear,@Dept,@UnitBusiness
    The problem is i can not show the input screen after i execute the query generator.
    If i remove the the Variable @Dept and replace with the value it runs well.
    Does any one know where is the problem ?
    Thanks in advance

    HI Neetu, i have change the query without using store procedure
    my query is like this
    Declare @StartYear as char(4)
    Declare @EndYear as char(4)
    Declare @Dept as char(3)
    Declare @UnitBusiness as char(3)
    set @StartYear = (Select   YEAR(T0.[RefDate]) from JDT1 T0 where T0.[RefDate] = [%0] )
    set @EndYear =  (Select YEAR(T1.[RefDate]) from JDT1 T1 where T1.[RefDate] = [%1])
    set @Dept =  (Select T2.[Name] from OASC T2 where T2.[Name] = [%2])
    set @UnitBusiness = (Select   distinct SUBSTRING(T3.[Segment_0],10,2)  from OACT T3 where ( T3.[Segment_0] = [%3] OR ( 1 = (CASE WHEN [%3]  = 'All'  THEN 1 ELSE 2 END) ) ))
    Select @StartYear,@EndYear,@Dept,@UnitBusiness
    The error is like this
    1). [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Must specify table to select from.
    2). [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Statement 'User-Defined Values' (CSHS) (s) could not be prepared.
    Can you help me
    Thanks in advance

  • RUN Time error while use filter table in query generator

                   I have 2 Functions under "Scalar valued functions" in SQL Server,i try to call this functions in Query generator its working fine,result also display correctly, but i click filter table system showing  Error Message " Run Time Error,Abnormal program termination" then SAP is get closed,i tested this scenario in 3 Database am getting same error , Is this BUG in SAP B1?There is no error number in error message

    This is my function
    -- =============================================
    -- Author:          <Author,,Name>
    -- Create date: <Create Date, ,>
    -- Description:     <Description, ,>
    -- =============================================
    ALTER function [dbo].[Get_TransObjName](@Obj_type NUMERIC(20,5))
    returns varchar(500) as
    DECLARE @Obj_type_Name varchar(100)
    select @Obj_type_Name =
    case @Obj_type
    when     -2     then     'Opening Balance'
    when     -3     then     'Closing Balance'
    when     1     then     'oChartOfAccounts'
    when     2     then     'oBusinessPartners'
    when     3     then     'oBanks'
    when     4     then     'oItems'
    when     5     then     'oVatGroups'
    when     6     then     'oPriceLists'
    when     7     then     'oSpecialPrices'
    when     8     then     'oItemProperties'
    when     12     then     'oUsers'
    when     13     then     'A/R Invoices'
    when     14     then     'A/R Credit Memo'
    when     15     then     'A/R DeliveryNotes'
    when     16     then     'A/R Returns'
    when     17     then     'oOrders'
    when     18     then     'A/P Invoice'
    when     19     then     'A/P Credit Memo'
    when     20     then     'Goods Receipt PO'
    when     21     then     'Goods Returns'
    when     22     then     'PurchaseOrders'
    when     23     then     'Quotations'
    when     24     then     'IncomingPayments'
    when     25     then     'Deposit'
    when     28     then     'oJournalVouchers'
    when     30     then     'JournalEntries'
    when     31     then     'oStockTakings'
    when     33     then     'oContacts'
    when     36     then     'oCreditCards'
    when     37     then     'oCurrencyCodes'
    when     40     then     'oPaymentTermsTypes'
    when     42     then     'oBankPages'
    when     43     then     'oManufacturers'
    when     46     then     'VendorPayments'
    when     48     then     'oLandedCostsCodes'
    when     49     then     'oShippingTypes'
    when     50     then     'oLengthMeasures'
    when     51     then     'oWeightMeasures'
    when     52     then     'oItemGroups'
    when     53     then     'oSalesPersons'
    when     56     then     'oCustomsGroups'
    when     57     then     'ChecksforPayment'
    when     58     then     'Stock List'
    when     59     then     'Goods Receipt'
    when     60     then     'Goods Issue'
    when     64     then     'oWarehouses'
    when     65     then     'oCommissionGroups'
    when     66     then     'oProductTrees'
    when     67     then     'Inventory Transfers'
    when     68     then     'oWorkOrders'
    when     69     then     'Landed Costs'
    when     70     then     'oCreditPaymentMethods'
    when     71     then     'oCreditCardPayments'
    when     73     then     'oAlternateCatNum'
    when     76     then     'Postdated Deposit'
    when     77     then     'oBudget'
    when     78     then     'oBudgetDistribution'
    when     81     then     'oMessages'
    when     91     then     'oBudgetScenarios'
    when     97     then     'oSalesOpportunities'
    when     93     then     'oUserDefaultGroups'
    when     101     then     'oSalesStages'
    when     103     then     'oActivityTypes'
    when     104     then     'oActivityLocations'
    when     112     then     'oDrafts'
    when     116     then     'oDeductionTaxHierarchies'
    when     117     then     'oDeductionTaxGroups'
    when     125     then     'oAdditionalExpenses'
    when     126     then     'oSalesTaxAuthorities'
    when     127     then     'oSalesTaxAuthoritiesTypes'
    when     128     then     'oSalesTaxCodes'
    when     134     then     'oQueryCategories'
    when     138     then     'oFactoringIndicators'
    when     140     then     'oPaymentsDrafts'
    when     142     then     'oAccountSegmentations'
    when     143     then     'oAccountSegmentationCategories'
    when     144     then     'oWarehouseLocations'
    when     145     then     'oForms1099'
    when     146     then     'oInventoryCycles'
    when     147     then     'oWizardPaymentMethods'
    when     150     then     'oBPPriorities'
    when     151     then     'oDunningLetters'
    when     152     then     'oUserFields'
    when     153     then     'oUserTables'
    when     156     then     'oPickLists'
    when     158     then     'oPaymentRunExport'
    when     160     then     'oUserQueries'
    when     162     then     'Inventory Valuation'
    when     163     then     'oCorrectionPurchaseInvoice'
    when     164     then     'oCorrectionPurchaseInvoiceReversal'
    when     165     then     'oCorrectionInvoice'
    when     166     then     'oCorrectionInvoiceReversal'
    when     170     then     'oContractTemplates'
    when     171     then     'oEmployeesInfo'
    when     176     then     'oCustomerEquipmentCards'
    when     178     then     'oWithholdingTaxCodes'
    when     182     then     'oBillOfExchangeTransactions'
    when     189     then     'oKnowledgeBaseSolutions'
    when     190     then     'oServiceContracts'
    when     191     then     'oServiceCalls'
    when     193     then     'oUserKeys'
    when     194     then     'oQueue'
    when     198     then     'oSalesForecast'
    when     200     then     'oTerritories'
    when     201     then     'oIndustries'
    when     202     then     'oProductionOrders'
    when     203     then    'A/R Down Payment'
    when     204     then    'A/P Down Payment'
    when     205     then     'oPackagesTypes'
    when     206     then     'oUserObjectsMD'
    when     211     then     'oTeams'
    when     212     then     'oRelationships'
    when     214     then     'oUserPermissionTree'
    when     217     then     'oActivityStatus'
    when     218     then     'oChooseFromList'
    when     219     then     'oFormattedSearches'
    when     221     then     'oAttachments2'
    when     223     then     'oUserLanguages'
    when     224     then     'oMultiLanguageTranslations'
    when     229     then     'oDynamicSystemStrings'
    when     231     then     'oHouseBankAccounts'
    when     247     then     'oBusinessPlaces'
    when     250     then     'oLocalEra'
    when     280     then     'oSalesTaxInvoice'
    when     281     then     'oPurchaseTaxInvoice'
    when     300     then     'BoRecordset'
    when     305     then     'BoBridge'
    when     260     then     'oNotaFiscalUsage'
    when     258     then     'oNotaFiscalCFOP'
    when     259     then     'oNotaFiscalCST'
    when     261     then     'oClosingDateProcedure'
    when     10     then     'oBusinessPartnerGroups'
    when     278     then     'oBPFiscalRegistryID'
    else cast(@Obj_type as char(20)) end
    return @Obj_type_Name

  • Must specift the table to select from error in query generator.

    SELECT OPCH.CardCode,OPCH.CardName, DateName(month,OPCH.TaxDate) + '-' + DateName(year,OPCH.TaxDate) As [Year],OPCH.TransId as [JE Ref],'IN' As [DocType]
    ,OPCH.DocEntry As [Base DocEntry],OPCH.WTSUM As [Recieved Amount],((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 ) As [Invoice Amount],((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.1) As [Service Tax]
    ,((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.002) As [Edu.Cess],((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.001) As [S.H.Cess]
    ,((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.1) + ((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.002) + ((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.001) As [Total Service Tax]
    WHERE OPCH.DocEntry = PCH1.DocEntry
    And PCH1.TargetType <> '19'
    AND OPCH.DocDate >= [%0]
    AND OPCH.DocDate <= [%1]
    When i try to run this query in query generator system gives me error msg  as "Must specify table to select from" if i remove the last two lines
    " AND OPCH.DocDate >= [%0]
    AND OPCH.DocDate <= [%1] "
    it works fine in the query generator.
    can any one help in this regards,

    Hai Praveen!
    This problem is because of [%0] in query.
    Declare @FromDate as datetime
    Declare @ToDate as datetime
    set @FromDate = (select min(opch.docdate) from opch where opch.docdate >= '[%0]')
    set @ToDate = (select max(opch.docdate) from opch where opch.docdate <= '[%1]')
    Use this query in first lines of ur query and write your query.
    SELECT OPCH.CardCode,OPCH.CardName, DateName(month,OPCH.TaxDate) + '-' + DateName(year,OPCH.TaxDate) As Year,OPCH.TransId as JE Ref,'IN' As DocType
    ,OPCH.DocEntry As Base DocEntry,OPCH.WTSUM As Recieved Amount,((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 ) As Invoice Amount,((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.1) As Service Tax
    ,((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.002) As http://Edu.Cess,((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.001) As http://S.H.Cess
    ,((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.1) + ((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.002) + ((OPCH.WTSUM/110.3) * 100 * 0.001) As Total Service Tax
    WHERE OPCH.DocEntry = PCH1.DocEntry
    And PCH1.TargetType '19'
    AND OPCH.DocDate >= @FromDate
    AND OPCH.DocDate <= @ToDate
    Thanga Raj.K

  • Query Generator Funny error message

    Hello Experts, Not sure if you ever seen something like this, but be great if anyone can offer me some insight...
    on a normal query with parameter I have something like thsi
    /*select from ORDR t0*/
    declare @begandate as datetime
    /* where */
    set @begandate = /* t0.docdate*/ '[%0]'
    and it runs fine with just about any table, view...etc.. But as soon as you have a UDT in SBO... put in like
    /*select from ORDR t0*/
    declare @begandate as datetime
    /* where */
    set @begandate = /* t0.docdate*/ '[%0]'
    select * from dbo.[@bos_del_pri] a inner join ordr b on b.u_prioritycode = a.code
    where b.docdate = @begandate
    it give me funny error messages, "Only one epxression can be specifed in the select list when the subquery is not intrudoced with Exist"
    This is ran at a SBO 2005B PL35... when I ran a similar query in SBO 2005A PL45 I get soemthing like
    "must specify table to select from".. I know this error message doesn't make sense, but not sure if anyone has encounter the same problem, and if yes possible solutions?
    Thank You

    Hello Friends,
    This is in accordance to provide the information that Query Generator does not work with parameters and User defined tables together. As per my experience in SQL UDT tables start with "@" and variables declared in SQL are also prefixed with "@" so SQL does not make any difference between UDT of SAP and variable of SQL. Thus we are not able to use ([%0] parameters and UDT tables) together.
    Please correct me if I am wrong.
    Please forgive me if i have posted wrong information  
    I look forward to your reply.


    Hi friends,
    am, trying to make use of if condition to obtain a set of values in query generator.  Its possible to retrieve the required result set using query analyser but not in query generator.  am trying to execute the following query
    if exists (select owor.u_reactor from owor,oitt where oitt.code=owor.itemcode and owor.u_reactor = 1 and owor.itemcode = '100-100')
                    select itt1.u_reactor1 from oitt,itt1 where itt1.father = oitt.code and itt1.father = '100-100'
    if exists (select owor.u_reactor from owor,oitt where oitt.code=owor.itemcode and owor.u_reactor = 2 and owor.itemcode = '100-100')
         select itt1.u_reac_23 from oitt,itt1 where itt1.father = oitt.code and itt1.father = '100-100'
    if exists (select owor.u_reactor from owor,oitt where oitt.code=owor.itemcode and owor.u_reactor = 3 and owor.itemcode = '100-100')
         select itt1.u_reactor4 from oitt,itt1 where itt1.father = oitt.code and itt1.father = '100-100'
    if it is not possible to write such query in query generator  can someone help me with a workaround solution.
    Thank u

    I dont think Nested IF Statements are allowed in PLD. The reason that u get the result in Query analyser and not in Query Generator is that SAP supports Transact SQL and many SQL Server 2000 functions are not supported.
    However there is a work around in Print Layout Designer for using IF condition by having Linked Objects. Kindly see some tutorials regarding Linked fields available on SDN site and think of some other way of implementing this nested IF query.
    Rizwan Hafeez
    Team Lead
    SAP Addon Development Section
    Abacus Consulting - Pakistan

  • Difference in Query generated by OBIEE for same report

    I am using a a report(X) in a filter condition.
    I am seeing a peculiar issue with OBIEE server. When i am running a report(X) alone, the query generated is different. But when i am using the same report in filter condition of other report(Y), the same report is generating some other query. The first report(X) is running fine but the second(Y) is not running at all.
    Case 1(Report X) Query: The report is breaking into 3 parts for different fact tables and combining the data to give result.
    Case 2(Report Y): A single query is being formed and within it is fecthing the data from different fact tables using subqueries.
    Case2 is creating a lot of problem as the performance is totally poor.
    Any suggesstions??

    Hi, we haven't debugged the application or traced the query against the production server (it's in our customer's office) buy I think there's no difference since the query itself has been tested using sqldeveloper against both servers (XE 11.2 and Enterprise 11.1) and the behavior is consistent. By consistent I mean:
    - The query executed via sqldeveloper against Oracle XE 11.2 runs ok and so does the application.
    - The query executed via sqldeveloper against Oracle Enterprise 11.1 fails with an ORA-01790 error, and so does the application (exceptions are being logged in the Event Log).
    To sum up: the same query runs ok in Oracle XE 11.2 and fails in Oracle Enterprise 11.1.
    Additional information: we have tried explicit casting the NULL literals to the corresponding data types (in the UNION ALLs) and the query works fine in both versions. ¿Is there an option in ODAC to tell the query generator to write this explicit castings?
    Regarding the DB schema and the LINQ query, I'll be sending them asap.

  • Copy and Paste from SQL server to Query Generator eliminate spaces

    My query is run perfectly on SQL server.
    However, when I copied it to Query Generator in SAP B1, it can not be run. When I look closely I see that some spaces have been truncated for example between the fieldname and key words like FROM, LEFT OUTER JOIN. I have to then going through the Query Generator in SAP B1 to put in the spaces in appropriate places. This process took long time and require very close attention and did not make any sense to me, since my query already work in SQL server query manager.
    Is there any way that we can make Query Generator in SAP B1 keeping the same format (ie. not eliminate the spaces) as in SQL server Query Manager?
    Best Regards,
    Phong Nguyen.

    Here is what I mean:
    SELECT YEAR(T1.DocDate) YEAR_NO, DATEPART(wk,T1.DocDate) WEEK_NO,SUM(T1.LineTotal) TotalShrinkage_Sales, (SUM(T1.LineTotal)/SUM(T1.Total_Sales)) Percent_Shrinkage, SUM(T1.Total_Sales) Total_Sales,COUNT(DISTINCT T1.Shrinkage_No) Shrinkage_Volume, SUM(T1.TotalCost) TotalShrinkage_CostFROM (SELECT V0.ITEMCODE, V0.DocEntry Shrinkage_No, V0.DocDate, V0.LineTotal, 0 Total_Sales,  V0.TotalCostFROM dbo.V_SHRINKAGE_TOTAL V0 WHERE V0.TransType='Shrinkage'UNION ALLSELECT V1.ITEMCODE, null Shrinkage_No, V1.DocDate, 0 LineTotal, V1.LineTotal Total_Sales, 0 TotalCostFROM dbo.V_Sales_Invoice V1UNION ALLSELECT V2.ITEMCODE, null Shrinkage_No, V2.DocDate,0 LineTotal, V2.LineTotal Total_Sales, 0 TotalCost FROM dbo.V_Credit_Note V2) T1WHERE DATEDIFF(wk,T1.DocDate,getdate())<=12GROUP BY YEAR(T1.DocDate), DATEPART(wk,T1.DocDate)ORDER BY YEAR(T1.DocDate) ASC,DATEPART(wk,T1.DocDate) ASC
    You can see the the third line (top down) the space between the field TotalShrinkage_Cost and FROM has been eliminated.
    Also you can see that on the 4th line (top down) the space between the field  V0.TotalCost and FROM has been eliminated.
    Also in the 5th line (top down) you can see: V0.TransType='Shrinkage'UNION ALLSELECT --- spaces have been eliminated between 'Shrinkage" and UNION and ALL and SELECT
    The list can go on.
    Can you help there?
    Phong Nguyen.

  • Generator Error - nullPGItemModel is Not Defined

    Snippet from Re: problem to generate secret field with JHeadstart
    Posted: Mar 28, 2007 5:39 AM
    With, I'm able to generate once but later generation runs give this error:
    Could not instantiate JhsApplicationGenerator class: No bean named 'nullPGItemModel' is defined
    I'm unclear from the thread where I need to look for the problem template.
    Steven Davelaar Reply
    Please start a new thread for a new problem the next time.
    When you get this error, you forgot to set the display type for an item. The navigator tree should also show a warning icon for the item to indicate the missing required property.
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart Team.
    Thanks Steven,
    Sorry. I saw the similar error message in that thread about nullPG ... model and thought it was the same problem. In any case, this is a new one now so I can relate my solution in case someone else runs into it.
    I was getting that generator error message even though all my items had display types and no warning icons appeared in the navigator tree.
    However, I had a master group with no items in it and had made changes to region-metadata.xml. After backing out the region-metadata changes and adding a master group item, I was able to generate. I suspect the region-metadata changes more than the missing item because a group with no items throws a clear message that the Descriptor Item is missing. Of course, I can't reproduce the error at the moment.
    Peter Koletzke

    ah...it was erroring because i didnt include the

  • A Query with LOB's requires OCI8 mode, but OCI7 mode is used

    Hello all,
    I am using Oracle 10g. We have two tables and in that, in one table i have a Long Raw Column and in the other table i have a BLOB field. When i use the select query to fetch the details from the table with Long Raw field it is working fine and at the same time if i use the select query on the table with the BLOB field it is giving me an error
    'A query with LOB's requires OCI8 mode, but OCI7 mode is used.'
    Please help.
    Vinodh. S

    Hi Oleg,
    I think your client machine is not setup to connect to the Database. Run the Oracle Net8 Assistant or the Net8 Easy Config to connect to the Database.
    This should work.
    PS: I need someone to answer my question, please

  • Query running error

    Hi, all.
    In our PROD system we faced one problem. When we run query we get error
    "Cannot create characteristic combination: type \BI0\0100000100" doesn't exit"
    "Special situation CX_SY_CREATE_DATE_ERROR"
    I think we have problem with temporary database objects what is described in SAP note 1139396. And we execute report "SAP_DROP_TMPTABLES", but it doesn't help.
    Can anybody help us with this problem?
    wbr, Fanil. 

    This probably won't solve your issue... but have you tried to regenerate your query using RSRT -> Generate button?  I've found that this feature has helped resolved some query execution errors after transporting.
    Can you give us any information about what dates are used in your query (standard or custom, any variables created on these date InfoObjects?).  Thanks!

  • Query Engine Error:

    Post Author: swordfish8
    CA Forum: General
    Hi, Many thank for taking the time to read this thread, the web application work on development box but fails when deployed.
    Please help, the problem is detailed below, cheers, Praveen
    Developed Environment
    Web Application Developed in VS .NET 2002
    Crystal Reports 9.0
    Set Up Package :
    Project Output: Primary Output and Content Files selected
    Merge Modules:        Database_Access.msm
    mycommand.CommandText = "ASR_STATISTICS"
    mycommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
    With mycommand.Parameters
    .Add(New SqlParameter("@WeekStartDate", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value =    _CDate(Me.txtDate.Text.Trim)
    .Add(New SqlParameter("@WeekEndDate", SqlDbType.DateTime)).Value = _
    .Add(New SqlParameter("@Customer", SqlDbType.VarChar)).Value = _
    End With
    Dim myDA As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter()
    myDA.SelectCommand = mycommand
    Dim myds As New Dataset1()
    myDA.Fill(myds, "ASR_STATISTICS")
    Dim oRpt As New crptStatistics()
    Me.CrystalReportViewer.ReportSource = oRpt
    Installed the web application on the server
    Operating System: Windows Server 2003
    Server Error in '/ASDReports' Application.
    Query Engine Error: 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\temp_dff30854-29f4-4c4e-8fe0-66dbea4cd19b.rpt'
    Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.DataSourceException: Query Engine Error: 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\temp_dff30854-29f4-4c4e-8fe0-66dbea4cd19b.rpt'Source Error:
    An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace:
    &#91;DataSourceException: Query Engine Error: 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\temp_dff30854-29f4-4c4e-8fe0-66dbea4cd19b.rpt'&#93;
        . K(String 
    , EngineExceptionErrorID   ) +514
        . F(Int16   , Int32   ) +493
       CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.FormatEngine.GetPage(PageRequestContext reqContext) +462
       CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.LocalReportSourceBase.GetPage(PageRequestContext pageReqContext) +201
       CrystalDecisions.Web.ReportAgent.v(Boolean  `) +137
       CrystalDecisions.Web.CrystalReportViewer.OnPreRender(EventArgs e) +99
       System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +77
       System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +161
       System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +161
       System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1360
    Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.832; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.832

    Post Author: Bandit07
    CA Forum: Upgrading and Licensing
    I would go through and add in each criteria 1 at a time to see which one is causing the error. 

  • Using Variables in Query generator

    I'm using the following query to pull a report together later to be used in a query print layout. When i specify the specific part number and customer code it returns what i expect but as soon as i add a variable it says "Must specify table"!
    FROM   ((OSCN T1 INNER JOIN ITT1 T2 ON T1.ItemCode = T2.Father) INNER JOIN ITT1 T3 ON T2.Code = T3.Father) INNER JOIN "@ACI_MRBK" T0 ON T3.Code = T0.U_ItemCode
    WHERE T1.ItemCode = '[%0]' AND T1.CardCode = '[%1]'
    Anyone know how to get these things working?

    if your problem is similar with this symptom :
    Using SAP Business One Survey Variables (parameters) in a 'Set' SQL Statement can give an error in the Query Generator.
    here the solution I've got from SAP notes:
    In such cases you need to put in an SQL remark statement a reference field in the DB for the Survey Variable (any field).
    For Example: (to make the above query work)
    Declare @Num as numeric(2)
    Set @Num = /* T0.DocNum */ [%0]
    Select T0.DocNum
    From ORDR T0
    Where docnum = @Num
    Good luck

  • Declarations in SAP QUERY generated ABAP Programs

    i had created a ABAP Program through ABAP Query (SQ01,SQ02,SQ03) but i have a issue that when i transport it to the PRD server i got the run time error. The Z program which i had created is the copy of the SQ01 generated program and i had done all the includes declarations in this program. but there is a problem that it is consist of the declarations of the structures,quries .
    I want to know is it necessary to always transport the Infoset and user group and the structure which is present in the program generated .
    Please provide me guidelines for this problem  .
    Edited by: ricx .s on Jul 6, 2009 5:31 AM
    Edited by: ricx .s on Jul 6, 2009 8:07 AM

    i had copied the program bcoz i want to chekc that it is really necessary to transport the user group and infoset so that it can achieve functionality similar to the SAP QUERY.
    is there any other way without whichi can ahieve the functionality of SAP QUERY generated program and take it into the ABAP Porgram?

  • Qyery problem in query generator

    Hi friends,
    I have one problem regarding query generator.
    I want to take the field value from the active form for query generator. I got in the demo that u have to use $[table.field]. But still I got the error.
    Query which I tried.
    SELECT 'TRUE' FROM OCRD T0 WHERE $[OCRD.CardCode] = '[%0]'
    any one who take the value from active form as a parameter and pass to the query in the query generator please send my the sample query.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks for your reply.
    When I try to execute the first query from the query generator I got the error.
    Error :-
    Incorrect syntax near $4.0.0
    statement 'Received Alerts' could not be prepared.
    When I try to execute the second query from the query generator I got the error.
    Error :-
    Incorrect syntax near 'Ocrd.cardcode'
    Statement 'Search function (CSHS)' could not bne prepared.
    What would be the reason.
    Please help me in solving this problem.

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