Query property to change width column

The user wants to run the query and have the property from the third tab be set at '  Adjust to result area' option.
However, when I quit the query or exit the query and return to run it again, the option is defaulted to 'Adjust to whole column'. The first column would change back to the width of the query name and the second column would change back to the width of the variables.
Is there a way to default this property to '  Adjust to result area' option?

HI Chitrarth,
Is there a way to do this permanently from the query.
I tried it and when the next time I open the query to run it , it would go back to the other format. I would hten have to go to prorperty and change the option.
Is there a way to default the opion to the other instead of 'adjust to whole columns'?

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    Edited by: user515960 on 2010-07-11 04:23

     Please refer the below reference which may guide to configure the properties in search result webpart.
    If its not helping you please let us know.
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    Doubt there is the dynamic you are seeking.
    But you may put a few overlapped columns (diff. length of course) and display/hide by passing parameters.

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    i don't think that we can change the layout of the column in reports
    The simple solution for that problem is that u have to
    fix the horizontal and vertical layout of the text item
    better is to post this problem at reports forum

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    Hi Mudit,
    Kindly go through this link below:
    Hope it helps you

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    In the SMART Forms, you would have created a Table object and specified the line width and divided that into no. of columns that you want, you have to mandatorily specify the width of each column so that total of column width will be equal to that of the line width.
    When you double click on the Table object, you can TABLE tab on the right side. If you can't see the line / columns details, click on the DETAILS button.
    Note - Please mark all the helpful answers

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    I don't think there is way to do this. This seems to be
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    Auke Quist
    Edited by: aukequist on Oct 13, 2008 8:49 PM

    I think that's not possible in designer. You could define a block with this property set in the template form or in the object library. The use this block use the template/library object property in designer.
    Regards Erik

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    // Add event code here...
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    ViewObjectImpl voimpl = (ViewObjectImpl)iter.getViewObject();
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    Row currRow = vc.first();
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    AttributeDef[] attrs = voimpl.getAttributeDefs();
    int attrIndex = voimpl.getAttributeIndexOf("FirstName");
    ViewAttributeDefImpl attrDef = (ViewAttributeDefImpl) attrs[attrIndex];
    // AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(getQryId1()); //here i need to refresh the query component which is not happening
    // refreshQueryComponent(getQryId1());
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    Please suggest.
    Thanks in adv.

    can's say anything about the first part of the question as more insight to the implementation would be required. However, have a look at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/adf/learnmore/83-bidi-synchronization-tree-form-401841.pdf, which may be what you are looking for
    To the second part: You can programmaticallly refresh the tree component from a managed bean. So instead of using the declarative PPR option (or ChangeEventPolicy set to PPR on the iterator binding) you can wire the submit button to the managed bean, perform your validation and if it fails don't refresh teh tree
    The call is

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    We can change the column width of a column dynamically. Try the javascript code in the appropriate event.
    Table.columnWidths = "2in 3in 4in 5in";
    Thanks & Regards,

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      lr_column_settings ?= wd_this->alv_all_roles.
      lt_columns = lr_column_settings->get_columns( ).
    LOOP AT lt_columns INTO ls_column.
    CASE ls_column-id.
       WHEN <NAMECOLUMN>. "name column which should be editable/display
    Create Input Field
            CREATE OBJECT lr_uie_input_field_ro
                value_fieldname = ls_column-id.
         ls_column-r_column->set_cell_editor( lr_uie_input_field_ro ).
        After this,I have to set the read only property based on IS_SP and IS_CORP values,
              CALL METHOD lr_uie_input_field_ro->set_read_only_fieldname
                *value = 'IS_SP' or 'IS_CORP'
    I dont want to use cell variants also.
    Help me to achieve this.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Divya - I have done it in the past following these documents. Please read it and try it it will work.
    Please read it in the following order since both are a continuation documents for the same purpose (it also contains how to change colors of row dynamically but I didnt do that part I just did the read_only part as your requirement) 
    Jason PV

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    Add the following CSS Code to the custom skin css file that is to be created as per the suggestions above.
    This would ensure that all the table column headers are blue in color and bolder font style through-out the application.
    By the way, what version of JDeveloper are you using?

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    Any suggestion is appreciated.

    Ioan Thanks for the reply.
    Probably my previous explanation of the problem was a little incomplete. Let me give a better description.
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