Query Tuning! - Need your help

Hi Guys,
I have got a problem in Query Tuning.
I have a query, in which I am accesing tables from different users. Example:
2 tables are from my own schema, 3 tables from other users and 3 tables from yet another user.
I am using DISTINCT on this select statement. The 1st two columns in teh select list are concatenated with each other.
There is yet another select in the from clause to get few other records from other tables.
Thee query returns 163 records and takes around 14 seconds.
Can anyone of you please suggest areas where I can concentrate?
Thanks in advance
Himanshu Dabir

DISTINCT always do an inherent sort.
  2   SELECT DISTINCT principal_due,outstand_balance
  3     FROM outstanding_ledger
  4    WHERE dnum=1030003931
  5  /
SQL> SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_xplan.display)
  2  /
Plan hash value: 1765098853
| Id  | Operation                    | Name                    | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT             |                         |    17 |   272 |     1 (100)| 00:00:01 |
| 1 | SORT UNIQUE | | 17 | 272 | 1 (100)| 00:00:01 |
|   2 |   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| OUTSTANDING_LEDGER      |    17 |   272 |            |          |
|*  3 |    INDEX SKIP SCAN           | DLINE_COM_DDATE_DNUM_PK |    17 |       |            |          |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   3 - access("DNUM"=1030003931)
16 rows selected.
SQL> DELETE plan_table
  2  /
4 rows deleted.
SQL> commit
  2  /
Commit complete.
  2   SELECT  principal_due,outstand_balance
  3     FROM outstanding_ledger
  4    WHERE dnum=1030003931
  5  /
SQL> SELECT * FROM TABLE(dbms_xplan.display)
  2  /
Plan hash value: 3157896501
| Id  | Operation                   | Name                    | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)|
|   0 | SELECT STATEMENT            |                         |    17 |   272 |     0   (0)|
|   1 |  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| OUTSTANDING_LEDGER      |    17 |   272 |            |
|*  2 |   INDEX SKIP SCAN           | DLINE_COM_DDATE_DNUM_PK |    17 |       |            |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("DNUM"=1030003931)
15 rows selected.
Can anyone of you please suggest areas where I can concentrate?Paste yours plan with updated stats.

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    Hello everyone,
    I have a simple problem but I can't get over it. Actually, it looks like a simple problem, but I can't do it. So,it's probably not... Anyone can help me with this?
    Imagine the following data:
    SELECT TRUNC(SYSDATE) - TO_DATE('01/01/11', 'DD/MM/RR') FROM dual; -- 564
    DROP TABLE runs;
      start_date DATE,
      end_date DATE
    -- generate some random data
    INSERT INTO runs(start_date)
      SELECT TO_DATE('01/01/11', 'DD/MM/RR') + trunc(dbms_random.value(0,564))
        FROM dual
    CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 10000;
    -- still generating sample data
    UPDATE runs
       SET end_date = start_date + dbms_random.value(0,20000) / 86400; -- 20000 sec is the max
    COMMIT; If you execute the previous "script", you'll end up with a table called RUNS with 10.000 records. Each record contains a start date and an end date which is max 20.000 second after the start date.
    What I would like to do is a report based on these data.
    I need something like this:
    (first week of 2011 started on sunday. So I go back to the last monday of 2010)
    Week 1: 26/12/2010 - 01/01/2011                                       9999                           88888
    Week 2: 02/01/2011 - 08/01/2011                                       1111                           22222
    ....For each week, I would like to have the average duration (which is the difference in seconds between end_date and start_date) by day (monday needs to have its average, tuesday, wednesday...too)
    And I also need a cumulative average by week and by days (mondays, tuesdays...). This cumulative average needs to be based on all the preceding rows.
    Can anyone help me with this query? I'm using Oracle 10g

    Something along these lines :
    alter session set nls_date_language = "english";
    with all_data as (
      select to_char(start_date, 'IYYYIW') as wk
           , to_char(start_date, 'dy') as dy
           , (end_date - start_date)*86400 as duration
      from runs
    week_data as (
      select wk
           , round(avg(case when dy = 'mon' then duration end)) as avg_mon
           , round(avg(case when dy = 'tue' then duration end)) as avg_tue
           , round(avg(case when dy = 'wed' then duration end)) as avg_wed
           , round(avg(case when dy = 'thu' then duration end)) as avg_thu
           , round(avg(case when dy = 'fri' then duration end)) as avg_fri
           , round(avg(case when dy = 'sat' then duration end)) as avg_sat
           , round(avg(case when dy = 'sun' then duration end)) as avg_sun
      from all_data
      group by wk
    select wk
         , avg_mon
         , sum(avg_mon) over(order by wk) as cum_avg_mon
         , avg_tue
         , sum(avg_tue) over(order by wk) as cum_avg_tue
         , avg_wed
         , sum(avg_wed) over(order by wk) as cum_avg_wed
         , avg_thu
         , sum(avg_thu) over(order by wk) as cum_avg_thu
    from week_data
    order by wk;
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    201102       7639       17475      10319       19056       7391       16479       8036       20203
    201103       8275       25750       8883       27939       8525       25004      11682       31885
    201104       7029       32779      10850       38789       7360       32364       7617       39502
    201105      10292       43071      11421       50210      11141       43505       9469       48971
    201106      11612       54683       9762       59972      11464       54969       9517       58488
    201107       8645       63328      10206       70178      10124       65093      11917       70405
    201108      11466       74794      11678       81856      10839       75932       9587       79992
    201109       8745       83539       6803       88659       8963       84895       9496       89488
    201110      10443       93982       8104       96763      10314       95209      10908      100396
    201111       8183      102165       9467      106230      11495      106704      12040      112436
    201112       8575      110740       9207      115437      10338      117042       9561      121997
    201113      10273      121013       6268      121705      11288      128330      12335      134332
    201114      10176      131189       8561      130266      10367      138697       7983      142315
    201115      10587      141776      12073      142339       8528      147225      12271      154586
    201116       9393      151169      10761      153100       7901      155126      10020      164606
    201117      11459      162628       9471      162571      10136      165262       8188      172794
    201118      11946      174574       9997      172568       9367      174629      10475      183269
    201119      12869      187443       9848      182416       7692      182321       9632      192901
    201120       9675      197118       7408      189824      11646      193967       9614      202515
    201121      10742      207860      10302      200126       9208      203175       7543      210058
    201122       8083      215943       8323      208449      10045      213220       9498      219556
    201123      11838      227781       8820      217269       8804      222024      10485      230041
    201124       8748      236529      12143      229412       9684      231708       8402      238443
    201125      11504      248033      10586      239998      10073      241781       9573      248016
    201126       7289      255322      14241      254239      10100      251881      11843      259859
    201127      10855      266177       9980      264219      10320      262201      11023      270882
    201128      11004      277181       9975      274194      11609      273810       8945      279827
    201129      10488      287669       9402      283596      11985      285795       9481      289308
    201130       7338      295007       8963      292559      11982      297777       8177      297485
    201131       9778      304785      10024      302583      10732      308509      10749      308234
    201132      10360      315145      12577      315160       8643      317152      10001      318235
    201133       9845      324990      10416      325576       9996      327148      10548      328783
    201134       9540      334530       8138      333714       9401      336549       9093      337876
    201135       7000      341530       9920      343634      10370      346919      10937      348813
    201136      11307      352837       8889      352523      12339      359258       8491      357304
    201137      11785      364622       9146      361669       9232      368490      11023      368327
    201138       7857      372479       6784      368453       8502      376992      12558      380885
    201139       9842      382321      10616      379069      10435      387427       7848      388733
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    201144       9921      427751       7454      431092       9551      434346      10754      439464
    201145      13196      440947      11600      442692      11303      445649      10455      449919
    201146      12022      452969       8996      451688      10221      455870      12567      462486
    201147       8965      461934      10068      461756      10607      466477      13486      475972
    201148       9483      471417       9264      471020       9601      476078       8685      484657
    201149      11738      483155       9000      480020      10284      486362      11263      495920
    201150      10338      493493      10237      490257      10357      496719      10984      506904
    201151      10777      504270      11138      501395      10543      507262       9840      516744
    201152       9881      514151      10692      512087      11432      518694      10122      526866
    201201      11089      525240       8077      520164      12391      531085       9649      536515
    201202       9871      535111       8326      528490       9449      540534      10551      547066
    201203      10625      545736      11609      540099       9626      550160       5795      552861
    201204       8856      554592       9679      549778      10722      560882      11064      563925
    201205       9379      563971       9943      559721       8409      569291      11656      575581
    201206      10843      574814      10070      569791      12162      581453      10764      586345
    201207       8424      583238       8484      578275       8382      589835       8716      595061
    201208      11159      594397      10415      588690      11459      601294      11317      606378
    201209      11264      605661       8244      596934       9682      610976      10192      616570
    201210      11514      617175       9322      606256       9101      620077      10571      627141
    201211       9348      626523       7501      613757      12297      632374      11170      638311
    201212      10523      637046       7605      621362      10348      642722      10068      648379
    201213      10411      647457      11686      633048      10212      652934       9574      657953
    201214       9394      656851      10526      643574       8521      661455       9829      667782
    201215       8994      665845      12256      655830       8243      669698      10592      678374
    201216      11491      677336      10939      666769      12846      682544       9708      688082
    201217       9737      687073       9611      676380       7244      689788      10943      699025
    201218       9024      696097      11286      687666      10033      699821      10314      709339
    201219       9851      705948       9851      697517       9159      708980       9917      719256
    201220       7785      713733      10490      708007       8534      717514       8528      727784
    201221      11107      724840       8197      716204       8926      726440      10834      738618
    201222       8093      732933      11853      728057      11697      738137      10081      748699
    201223       9371      742304      10796      738853      11068      749205       9904      758603
    201224      10600      752904       8487      747340      10838      760043       8009      766612
    201225      11090      763994       9595      756935      10736      770779       9387      775999
    201226       8234      772228      12759      769694       9119      779898       8422      784421
    201227       9738      781966       9383      779077       8978      788876      11635      796056
    201228      11687      793653      10302      789379       9459      798335      10608      806664
    201229       9245      802898      11290      800669                 798335                 806664
    82 rows selected

  • Some question about 9iAs R1.2.2 & R2, need your help:

    Some question about 9iAs R1.2.2 & R2, need your help:
    Since 2000, we has used 9iAS Core (R1.2.2) to publish our website. The platform is Suns Solaris (SPARC). The database is Oracle 8i. But there are so many questions:
    1.     The Web Cache cant be installed well
    2.     The web pages use JSP to query database with SQL show errors when we refresh the page a few times. The error will disappear after restarting the 9iAS or refreshing the page again. On the other hand, the same pages dont show error on resin. The error is java.sql.SQLException : Closed Connection: next. I supposed that the connection of database has some hidden troubles, but I can find it, could you give me some advice.
    Now I have installed 9iAS R2, But when I visited the manage page, I found that a password is needed to visit the web cache manage page. I dont think I have set the password, and then I cant control the web cache. I want to know is a default password occurred? If not, what is the password.

    The default password for Web Cache is: administrator
    See walkthrough on the sample code page: http://otn.oracle.com/sample_code/products/ias/content.html
    Ashesh Parekh
    Oracle9iAS product management

  • I need your help -- ORA-00600

    I need your help ^^*
    Windows 2000 Server
    Resin 2.0.1
    jdk 1.3.1
    connect to Oracle 9.2.x using jdbc driver : classes12.jar <-- it is from oracle9i
    When I excute a query(rs = pstmt.executeQuery()) I got a error message from
    --> java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [ttcgcshnd-
    1], [0], [], [], [], [], [], []
    This problem is not happed at Oracle8i(8.1.6) <-- I think a code is not problem.
    When I tested the code(same code) at another server ( Windows 2000 Server,Resin
    2.0.5 ,jdk 1.4.0,j2ee 1.3,connect to Oracle 9.2.x,jdbc driver : classes12.jar ),
    the error message is not happened.
    I'd like to know that it is jdk or resin version's problem or not And how can I
    solve the problem.
    Have a nice day ^^*

    Oracle documentation read:
    ORA-00600 internal error code, arguments: [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string], [string]
    Cause: This is the generic internal error number for Oracle program exceptions. It indicates that a process has encountered a low-level, unexpected condition. Causes of this message include:
    file corruption
    failed data checks in memory
    hardware, memory, or I/O errors
    incorrectly restored files
    The first argument is the internal message number. Other arguments are various numbers, names, and character strings. The numbers may change meanings between different versions of Oracle.
    Action: Report this error to Oracle Customer Support after gathering the following information:
    events that led up to the error
    the operations that were attempted that led to the error
    the conditions of the operating system and databases at the time of the error
    any unusual circumstances that occurred before receiving the ORA-00600 message
    contents of any trace files generated by the error
    the relevant portions of the Alter files
    Note: The cause of this message may manifest itself as different errors at different times. Be aware of the history of errors that occurred before this internal error. Paul

  • Need your help in Remodeling concept

    Hi Gurus need your help in time estimations
    I have a cube with data and now I need to add 10 new info objects to the cube which are including Date fields (BUDAT, BLDAT) these 10 fields will be populated to the cube from a Z table in ECC as we donu2019t have these fields in the cube we have to go for remodeling of the cube
    My client requires how much time it will take to complete this
    Now I want to know how much time it would take to do this (if any customer exits and user exits are required) and addition if new fields will have any effect on the current queries
    Please advice in this
    Thank you

    The time taken will depends on a lots of factor like server speed, available memory, background jobs etc. Apart from this, the time will also depends on how much the cube is filled i.e. the no. of records in the cube. Its very abstract to tell you the exact time taken for this. But, please make sure that you have the backup of the cube which you are going to re-model. T0 say, I think 3-4 hours should be ok for the remodelling.

  • Need your help on performance issue please

    Hello everyone!
    I need your help to understand an effect I notice with a Thread class I built. I currently work on enhancement of my application Playlist Editor (see http://www.lightdev.com/page74.htm) and a new release will be available soon.
    Among other extensions the new release will have a title filter function which is based on audio data that is recursively read from ID3 tags of files found in a given root directory. The data collection is done by a CollectionThread class which reads into a data model class AudioDataModel and the entire process works fine, no problem with that.
    However, when my application is started for the first time the CollectionThread runs approximately 3 minutes to collect data from approximately 4300 audio files on an Intel Pentium M 1,4 GHz, 512 MB RAM, Windows XP SP2. When the application is shut down and started again, it takes only a few seconds to do the same task for all subsequent launches.
    I already tried to start the application with java option -Xms40m to increase initial heap size. This increases performance in general but the effect is still the same, i.e. first run lasts significantly longer than subsequent runs.
    I also tried to build a pool mechanism which creates many empty objects in the data model and then releases them to contain the actual data at is being read in but this did not lead to better performance.
    It must have to do with how Java (or Windows?) allocates and caches memory. I wonder whether there is a way to pre-allocate memory or if there are any other ideas to improve performance so that the process always only takes seconds instead of minutes?
    I attach the key classes to this message. Any help or ideas is much appreciated!
    Thanks a lot a best regards
    PS: You can use the news subscription service at
    http://www.lightdev.com/dynTemplate.php4?id=80&dynPage=subscribe.php4 to be informed when the new release of Playlist Editor is available.
    All classes posted here do not need debugging, they already have proven to run error free. The classes are only posted for information for the interested reader - no need to go through all the stuff in detail - only if it interests you.
    My application calls class CollectionThread wich is a subclass of InfoThread. CollectionThread recursively goes through a directory and file structure and stores found ID3 tag information in instances of class ID3v11Tag which in turn gets stored in one instance of class AudioDataModel. All classes are shown below.
    This is the mentioned CollectionThread
    * Light Development Playlist Editor
    * Copyright (C) 2004 Ulrich Hilger
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
    package com.lightdev.app.playlisteditor.data;
    import com.lightdev.lib.util.InfoThread;
    import java.io.File;
    * A class to collect audio data from a given storage location.
    * <p>
    * <code>CollectionThread</code> uses ID3 tag information to gain data.
    * </p>
    * <p>See <a href="http://www.id3.org">http://www.id3.org</a> for details about
    * ID3 tags.</p>
    * @author Ulrich Hilger
    * @author Light Development
    * @author <a href="http://www.lightdev.com">http://www.lightdev.com</a>
    * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
    * @author published under the terms and conditions of the
    *      GNU General Public License,
    *      for details see file gpl.txt in the distribution
    *      package of this software as well as any licensing notes
    *      inside this documentation
    * @version 1, October 13, 2004
    public class CollectionThread extends InfoThread {
       * constructor
       * @param model  AudioDataModel  the data model to collect data to
      public CollectionThread(AudioDataModel model) {
        this.model = model;
       * constructor, creates a new empty AudioDataModel
      public CollectionThread() {
        this(new AudioDataModel());
       * set the data model to collect data to
       * @param model AudioDataModel  the model to collect data to
      public void setModel(AudioDataModel model) {
        this.model = model;
       * get the data model associated to this thread
       * @return AudioDataModel  the data model
      public AudioDataModel getModel() {
        return model;
       * set the directory to collect data from
       * @param rootDir File  the directory to collect data from
      public void setRootDirectory(File rootDir) {
        this.rootDir = rootDir;
       * do te actual work of this thread, i.e. iterate through a given directory
       * structure and collect audio data
       * @return boolean  true, if work is left
      protected boolean work() {
        boolean workIsLeft = true;
        maxValue = -1;
        filesProcessed = 0;
        if(getStatus() < STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
        if(getStatus() < STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
          workIsLeft = collect(rootDir.listFiles());
        return workIsLeft;
       * count the elements in a given file array including its subdirectories
       * @param files File[]
      private void countElements(File[] files) {
        int i = 0;
        while (i < files.length && getStatus() < STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
          File file = files;
    if (file.isDirectory()) {
    * recursively read data into model
    * @param files File[] the file array representing the content of a given directory
    private boolean collect(File[] files) {
    int i = 0;
    while(i < files.length && getStatus() < STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
    File file = files[i];
    if(file.isDirectory()) {
    else if(file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("mp3")) {
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
    return (i<files.length);
    /** the directory to collect data from */
    private File rootDir;
    /** the data model to collect data to */
    private AudioDataModel model;
    /** the number of files this thread processed so far while it is running */
    private long filesProcessed = 0;
    This is class InfoThread
    * Light Development Java Library
    * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Ulrich Hilger
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
    package com.lightdev.lib.util;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    * Abstract class <code>InfoThread</class> implements a status and listener concept.
    * An <code>InfoThread</code> object actively informs all objects registered as listeners about
    * status changes, progress and possible exceptions. This way the status of a running
    * thread does not require a polling mechanism to be monitored.
    * <p>
    * <code>InfoThread</code> implements the following working scheme
    * </p>
    * @author Ulrich Hilger
    * @author Light Development
    * @author <a href="http://www.lightdev.com">http://www.lightdev.com</a>
    * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
    * @author published under the terms and conditions of the
    *      GNU General Public License,
    *      for details see file gpl.txt in the distribution
    *      package of this software
    * @version Version 1, October 13, 2004
    public abstract class InfoThread extends Thread {
       * construct an <code>InfoThread</code> object
       * <p>This class is meant to be used when a <code>Thread</code> object is needed that actively
       * informs other objects about its status</code>. It is a good idea therefore to register
       * one or more listeners with instances of this class before doing anything
       * else.</p>
       * @see addInfoThreadListener
      public InfoThread() {
       * set the amount of time this thread shall idle after it is through with one
       * work cycle and before a next work cycle is started. This influences the time
       * other threads have for their work.
       * @param millis long  the number of milliseconds to idle after one work cycle
      public void setIdleMillis(long millis) {
        idleMillis = millis;
       * Causes this thread to begin execution; the Java Virtual Machine calls the <code>run</code>
       * method of this thread. Calls method <code>prepareThread</code> before calling
       * <code>run</code>.
       * @see run
       * @see prepareThread
      public synchronized void start() {
       * call method <code>start</code> instead of this method.
       * calling this method directly will lead to an exception
       * @see start
      public void run() {
        if (status == STATUS_READY) {
          boolean workIsLeft = true;
          while (status < STATUS_STOP_PENDING && workIsLeft) {
            if (status < STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
              workIsLeft = work();
              if(!workIsLeft) {
            if (status == STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
            else if (status == STATUS_STOP_PENDING) {
            else {
              try {
              catch (InterruptedException e) {
        else {
          // error: Thread is not ready to run
       * stop this thread. This will terminate the thread irrevokably. Use method
       * <code>haltThread</code> to pause a thread with the possiblity to resume work later.
       * @see haltThread
      public void stopThread() {
        switch (status) {
          case STATUS_RUNNING:
          case STATUS_HALT_PENDING:
            // exception: the thread already is about to halt
          case STATUS_STOP_PENDING:
            // exception: the thread already is about to stop
            // exception: a thread can not be stopped, when it is not running
       * halt this thread, i.e. pause working allowing to resume later
       * @see resumeThread
      public void haltThread() {
        switch (status) {
          case STATUS_RUNNING:
          case STATUS_HALT_PENDING:
            // exception: the thread already is about to halt
          case STATUS_STOP_PENDING:
            // exception: the thread already is about to stop
            // exception: a thread can not be halted, when it is not running
       * resume this thread, i.e. resume previously halted work
       * @see haltThread
      public void resumeThread() {
        if(status == STATUS_HALTED || status == STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
        else {
          // exception: only halted threads or threads that are about to halt can be resumed
       * this is the method to prepare a thread to run. It is not implemented in this abstract
       * class. Subclasses of <code>InfoThread</code> can implement this method to do anything
       * that might be required to put their thread into STATUS_READY. This method is called
       * automatically by method <code>start</code>.  When implementing this method, it should
       * call method <code>fireThreadException</code> accordingly.
       * @see start
       * @see fireThreadException
      protected void prepareThread() {
        // does nothing in this abstract class but might be needed in subclasses
       * this is the main activity method of this object. It is not implemented in this abstract
       * class. Subclasses of <code>InfoThread</code> must implement this method to do something
       * meaningful. When implementing this method, it should call methods
       * <code>fireThreadProgress</code> and <code>fireThreadException</code> accordingly.
       * @return boolean true, if work is left, false if not
       * @see fireThreadProgress
       * @see fireTreadException
      protected abstract boolean work();
       * add an <code>InfoTreadListener</code> to this instance of <code>InfoThread</code>
       * @param l InfoThreadListener  the listener to add
       * @see removeInfoThreadListener
      public void addInfoThreadListener(InfoThreadListener l) {
       * remove an <code>InfoTreadListener</code> from this instance of <code>InfoThread</code>
       * @param l InfoThreadListener  the listener to remove
      public void removeInfoThreadListener(InfoThreadListener l) {
       * notify all <code>InfoThreadListener</code>s of a status change
       * @param fromStatus int  the status tis thread had before the change
       * @param toStatus int  the status this thread has now
      protected void fireThreadStatusChanged(int fromStatus, int toStatus) {
        Enumeration e = listeners.elements();
        while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
          Object l = e.nextElement();
          if(l instanceof InfoThreadListener) {
            ((InfoThreadListener) l).threadStatusChanged(this, fromStatus, toStatus);
       * notify all <code>InfoThreadListener</code>s of an exception in this thread
       * @param ex Exception  the exception that occurred
      protected void fireThreadException(Exception ex) {
        Enumeration e = listeners.elements();
        while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
          Object l = e.nextElement();
          if(l instanceof InfoThreadListener) {
            ((InfoThreadListener) l).threadException(this, ex);
       * notify all <code>InfoThreadListener</code>s of the progress of this thread
       * @param progressValue long  a value indicating the current thread progress
      protected void fireThreadProgress(long progressValue) {
        Enumeration e = listeners.elements();
        while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
          Object l = e.nextElement();
          if(l instanceof InfoThreadListener) {
            ((InfoThreadListener) l).threadProgress(this, progressValue, maxValue);
       * set the status of this thread and notify all listeners
       * @param newStatus int  the status this thread is to be changed to
      private void setStatus(int newStatus) {
        //System.out.println("InfoThread.setStatus oldStatus=" + status + ", newStatus=" + newStatus);
        int fromStatus = status;
        status = newStatus;
        fireThreadStatusChanged(fromStatus, newStatus);
       * get the current status of this thread
       * @return int  the status
      public int getStatus() {
        return status;
       * cleanup before actual destruction.
      public void destroy() {
       * cleanup all references this thread maintains
      private void cleanup() {
        listeners = null;
      /* ----------------------- class fields start ------------------------ */
      /** storage for the objects this thread notifies about status changes and progress */
      private Vector listeners = new Vector();
      /** indicator for the status of this thread */
      private int status = STATUS_NONE;
      /** maximum value for threadProgress */
      protected long maxValue = -1;
      /** the idle time inside one work cycle in milliseconds */
      protected long idleMillis = 1;
      /* ----------------------- class fields end -------------------------- */
      /* ----------------------- constants start --------------------------- */
      /** constant value indicating that no status has been set so far */
      public static final int STATUS_NONE = 0;
      /** constant value indicating that the thread is currently initializing */
      public static final int STATUS_INITIALIZING = 1;
      /** constant value indicating that the thread is ready to run */
      public static final int STATUS_READY = 2;
      /** constant value indicating that the thread is running */
      public static final int STATUS_RUNNING = 3;
      /** constant value indicating that the thread is about to halt */
      public static final int STATUS_HALT_PENDING = 4;
      /** constant value indicating that the thread is halted */
      public static final int STATUS_HALTED = 5;
      /** constant value indicating that the work of this thread is complete */
      public static final int STATUS_WORK_COMPLETE = 6;
      /** constant value indicating that the thread is about to stop */
      public static final int STATUS_STOP_PENDING = 7;
      /** constant value indicating that the thread is stopped */
      public static final int STATUS_STOPPED = 8;
      /** constant value indicating that the thread is finished */
      public static final int STATUS_THREAD_FINISHED = 9;
      /* ----------------------- constants end --------------------------- */
    }this is the InfoThreadListener interface
    * Light Development Java Library
    * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Ulrich Hilger
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
    package com.lightdev.lib.util;
    * An interface classes interested to receive events from objects
    * of class <code>InfoThread</code> need to implement.
    * @author Ulrich Hilger
    * @author Light Development
    * @author <a href="http://www.lightdev.com">http://www.lightdev.com</a>
    * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
    * @author published under the terms and conditions of the
    *      GNU General Public License,
    *      for details see file gpl.txt in the distribution
    *      package of this software
    * @version Version 1, October 13, 2004
    public interface InfoThreadListener {
       * method to receive a status change notification from a thread
       * @param thread InfoThread  the thread which status changed
       * @param fromStatus int  the status which the thread had before the change
       * @param toStatus int  the status which the thread has now
      public void threadStatusChanged(InfoThread thread, int fromStatus, int toStatus);
       * method to receive a notification about the progress of a thread
       * @param thread InfoThread  the thread which notified about its progress
       * @param progressValue long  the value (e.g. 10 if 100 percent completed, 20 of 1 million files processed, etc.)
      public void threadProgress(InfoThread thread, long progressValue, long maxValue);
       * method to receive a notifiaction about the fact that an exception occurred in a thread
       * @param thread InfoThread  the thread for which an exception occurred
       * @param e Exception  the exception that occurred
      public void threadException(InfoThread thread, Exception e);
    }This is class AudioFileDescriptor
    * Light Development Java Library
    * Copyright (C) 2004 Ulrich Hilger
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
    package com.lightdev.lib.audio;
    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    * This class models characteristics of an audio file such as the absolute path
    * of the file, its tag contents (if any) and the play duration, etc.
    * <p>See <a href="http://www.id3.org">http://www.id3.org</a> for details about
    * ID3 tags.</p>
    * @author Ulrich Hilger
    * @author Light Development
    * @author <a href="http://www.lightdev.com">http://www.lightdev.com</a>
    * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
    * @author published under the terms and conditions of the
    *      GNU General Public License,
    *      for details see file gpl.txt in the distribution
    *      package of this software
    * @version Version 1, October 13, 2004
    public class AudioFileDescriptor implements Serializable, Comparable {
      public AudioFileDescriptor(String absolutePath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
      public boolean equals(Object o) {
        if(o != null && o instanceof AudioFileDescriptor) {
          return ((AudioFileDescriptor) o).getAbsolutePath().equalsIgnoreCase(this.getAbsolutePath());
        else {
          return false;
      public void load(String absolutePath) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        this.absolutePath = absolutePath;
        RandomAccessFile rf = new RandomAccessFile(absolutePath, "r");
        if(id3v11Tag == null) {
          id3v11Tag = new ID3v11Tag(rf, false);
        else {
          id3v11Tag.readTag(rf, rf.length() - 128);
      public String getAbsolutePath() {
        return absolutePath;
      public ID3v11Tag getID3v11Tag() {
        return id3v11Tag;
      public void setID3v11Tag(ID3v11Tag tag) {
        this.id3v11Tag = tag;
      public String toString() {
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00");
        return id3v11Tag.getArtist() + ", " + id3v11Tag.getAlbum() + " - " +
            df.format(id3v11Tag.getTrackNumber()) + " " + id3v11Tag.getTitle();
       * Compares this object with the specified object for order.
       * @param o the Object to be compared.
       * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to,
       *   or greater than the specified object.
       * @todo Implement this java.lang.Comparable method
      public int compareTo(Object o) {
        return toString().compareTo(o.toString());
      private String absolutePath;
      private ID3v11Tag id3v11Tag;
      private transient long duration = -1;
      private transient int type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
      public static final transient int TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
      public static final transient int TYPE_MP3 = 1;
    }This is class ID3V11Tag into which the data is actually stored
    * Light Development Java Library
    * Copyright (C) 2004 Ulrich Hilger
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
    package com.lightdev.lib.audio;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    * This class is a very simple implementation of an ID3v11Tag. It models an ID3 tag
    * pretty much the same way as it is physically stored inside an audio file.
    * <p>See <a href="http://www.id3.org">http://www.id3.org</a> for details about
    * ID3 tags.</p>
    * @author Ulrich Hilger
    * @author Light Development
    * @author <a href="http://www.lightdev.com">http://www.lightdev.com</a>
    * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
    * @author published under the terms and conditions of the
    *      GNU General Public License,
    *      for details see file gpl.txt in the distribution
    *      package of this software
    * @version Version 1, October 13, 2004
    public class ID3v11Tag implements Serializable, Comparable {
       * construct an ID3v11Tag and read tag content from a given file
       * <p>This constructor can be used for cases where a RandomAccessFile has already
       * been opened and will be closed elsewhere</p>
       * @param rf RandomAccessFile  the open file to read from
       * @param isAtTagStartPos boolean  true, if the file pointer is at the
       * position where the ID3 tag starts; when false, the pointer is positioned accordingly here
       * @throws IOException
      public ID3v11Tag(RandomAccessFile rf, boolean isAtTagStartPos) throws IOException {
        if(isAtTagStartPos) {
        else {
          readTag(rf, rf.length() - 128);
       * construct an ID3v11Tag and read tag content from a file at a given location
       * <p>This constructor opens and closes the audio file for reading</p>
       * @param absolutePath String  the absolute path to the audio file to open
       * @throws IOException
      public ID3v11Tag(String absolutePath) throws IOException {
        RandomAccessFile rf = new RandomAccessFile(absolutePath, "r");
        readTag(rf, rf.length() - 128);
       * construct an ID3v11Tag and read tag content from a given file
       * <p>This constructor opens and closes the audio file for reading</p>
       * @param audioFile File  the audio file to read from
       * @throws IOException
      public ID3v11Tag(File audioFile) throws IOException {
       * get a string representation of this object
       * @return String
      public String toString() {
        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00");
        return getArtist() + ", " + getAlbum() + " - " + df.format(getTrackNumber()) + " " + getTitle();
       * position to file pointer and read the tag
       * @param rf RandomAccessFile  the file to read from
       * @param jumpPos long  the position to jump to (the tag start position)
       * @throws IOException
      public void readTag(RandomAccessFile rf, long jumpPos) throws IOException {
       * read the tag from a given file, assuming the file pointer to be at the tag start position
       * @param rf RandomAccessFile  the file to read from
       * @throws IOException
      public void readTag(RandomAccessFile rf) throws IOException {
        if(tag.equalsIgnoreCase(new String(tagBuf))) {
      public String getTitle() {
        return new String(title).trim();
      public String getArtist() {
        return new String(artist).trim();
      public String getAlbum() {
        return new String(album).trim();
      public String getYear() {
        return new String(year).trim();
      public String getComment() {
        return new String(comment).trim();
      public int getGenreId() {
        try {
          int id = new Byte(genre[0]).intValue();
          if(id < GENRE_ID_MIN || id > GENRE_ID_MAX) {
            return GENRE_ID_OTHER;
          else {
            return id;
        catch(Exception ex) {
          return GENRE_ID_OTHER;
      public String getGenreName() {
        return genreNames[getGenreId()];
      public int getTrackNumber() {
        try {
          return (int) trackNo[0];
        catch(Exception e) {
          return 0;
       * Compares this object with the specified object for order.
       * @param o the Object to be compared.
       * @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to,

    Hi Franck,
    thank you, mate. I did what you suggested (changed class attached) but that did not change the mentioned behaviour.
    The first run is approximately 75 seconds with Java option -Xms40m and approx. double without, the second run and all subsequent runs are only 2-3 seconds each (!!!) even when terminating and re-starting the application between thread runs.
    I'm pretty clueless about that, any more help on this anyone?
    Thanks a lot and best regards
    PS: BTW, I forgot to post the class that is filled with data by class CollectionThread, so here it is
    * Light Development Playlist Editor
    * Copyright (C) 2004 Ulrich Hilger
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
    package com.lightdev.app.playlisteditor.data;
    import java.io.File;
    import com.lightdev.lib.audio.ID3v11Tag;
    import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import com.lightdev.lib.audio.AudioFileDescriptor;
    import com.lightdev.lib.ui.SortListModel;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    * Storage model for audio data.
    * <p>
    * <code>AudioDataModel</code> can be used to store ID3 tag data collected from
    * a directory with audio files to perform queries and reports on the found data.
    * </p>
    * <p>See <a href="http://www.id3.org">http://www.id3.org</a> for details about
    * ID3 tags.</p>
    * @author Ulrich Hilger
    * @author Light Development
    * @author <a href="http://www.lightdev.com">http://www.lightdev.com</a>
    * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
    * @author published under the terms and conditions of the
    *      GNU General Public License,
    *      for details see file gpl.txt in the distribution
    *      package of this software as well as any licensing notes
    *      inside this documentation
    * @version 1, October 15, 2004
    public class AudioDataModel extends SortListModel implements Serializable {
       * constructor
      public AudioDataModel() {
       * add an audio track from a given audio file
       * <p>This will attempt to read ID3 tag data from the file.</p>
       * @param audioFile File  the file to add audio data for
       * @throws IOException
      public void addTrack(File audioFile) throws IOException {
        AudioFileDescriptor afd = new AudioFileDescriptor(audioFile.getAbsolutePath());
        if (!data.contains(afd)) {
       * get all tracks for agiven combination of genre name, artist name and album name. Any of
       * the parameters may be null or AudioDataModel.FILTER_ALL
       * <p>Ugly code, I know, but it simply hard codes all combinations of the the mentioned
       * parameters. Any more elegant implementations welcome.</p>
       * @param genreName String  a genre name to get tracks for
       * @param artistName String  an artist name to get tracks for
       * @param albumName String  an album name to get tracks for
       * @return SortListModel   the found tracks in a list model
      public SortListModel getTracks(String genreName, String artistName, String albumName) {
        SortListModel foundTracks = new SortListModel();
        Iterator e = data.iterator();
        while(e.hasNext()) {
          AudioFileDescriptor afd = (AudioFileDescriptor) e.next();
          ID3v11Tag tag = afd.getID3v11Tag();
          if(genreName == null || genreName.equalsIgnoreCase(FILTER_ALL)) {
            if(artistName == null || artistName.equalsIgnoreCase(FILTER_ALL)) {
              if (tag.getAlbum().equalsIgnoreCase(albumName))
            else {
              if(albumName == null || albumName.equalsIgnoreCase(FILTER_ALL)) {
                if (tag.getArtist().equalsIgnoreCase(artistName))
              else {
                if (tag.getArtist().equalsIgnoreCase(artistName) &&
          else {
            if(artistName == null || artistName.equalsIgnoreCase(FILTER_ALL)) {
              if(albumName == null || albumName.equalsIgnoreCase(FILTER_ALL)) {
                if (tag.getGenreName().equalsIgnoreCase(genreName))
              else {
                if (tag.getGenreName().equalsIgnoreCase(genreName) &&
            else {
              if(albumName == null || albumName.equalsIgnoreCase(FILTER_ALL)) {
                if (tag.getGenreName().equalsIgnoreCase(genreName) &&
              else {
                if (tag.getGenreName().equalsIgnoreCase(genreName) &&
                    tag.getArtist().equalsIgnoreCase(artistName) &&
        return foundTracks;
       * list all artists in this model
       * @return SortListModel
      public SortListModel listArtists() {
        SortListModel artists = new SortListModel();
        Iterator e = data.iterator();
        while (e.hasNext()) {
          ID3v11Tag tag = ((AudioFileDescriptor) e.next()).getID3v11Tag();
          String artistName = tag.getArtist();
          if (artists.indexOf(artistName) < 0) {
        return artists;
       * list all artists in this model having titles belonging to a given genre
       * @param genreName String  name of the genre artists are searched for
       * @return SortListModel
      public SortListModel listArtists(String genreName) {
        SortListModel artists = new SortListModel();
        Iterator e = data.iterator();
        while (e.hasNext()) {
          ID3v11Tag tag = ((AudioFileDescriptor) e.next()).getID3v11Tag();
          String artistName = tag.getArtist();
          String genre = tag.getGenreName();
          if (artists.indexOf(artistName) < 0 && genre.equalsIgnoreCase(genreName)) {
        return artists;
       * list all genres in this model
       * @return SortListModel
      public SortListModel listGenres() {
        SortListModel genres = new SortListModel();
        Iterator e = data.iterator();
        while (e.hasNext()) {
          ID3v11Tag tag = ((AudioFileDescriptor) e.next()).getID3v11Tag();
          String genreName = tag.getGenreName();
          if (genres.indexOf(genreName) < 0) {
        return genres;
       * list all albums in this model
       * @return SortListModel
      public SortListModel listAlbums() {
        SortListModel albums = new SortListModel();
        Iterator e = data.iterator();
        while (e.hasNext()) {
          ID3v11Tag tag = ((AudioFileDescriptor) e.next()).getID3v11Tag();
          String albumName = tag.getAlbum();
          if (albums.indexOf(albumName) < 0) {
        return albums;
       * list all albums in this model having titles belonging to a given genre
       * @param genreName String  name of the genre albums are searched for
       * @return SortListModel
      public SortListModel listAlbums(String genreName) {
        SortListModel albums = new SortListModel();
        Iterator e = data.iterator();
        while (e.hasNext()) {
          ID3v11Tag tag = ((AudioFileDescriptor) e.next()).getID3v11Tag();
          String albumName = tag.getAlbum();
          String genre = tag.getGenreName();
          if (albums.indexOf(albumName) < 0 && genre.equalsIgnoreCase(genreName)) {
        return albums;
       * list all albums in this model having titles belonging to a given genre and artist
       * @param genreName String  name of the genre albums are searched for
       * @param artistName String  name of the artist albums are searched for
       * @return SortListModel
      public SortListModel listAlbums(String genreName, String artistName) {
        SortListModel albums = new SortListModel();
        Iterator e = data.iterator();
        while (e.hasNext()) {
          ID3v11Tag tag = ((AudioFileDescriptor) e.next()).getID3v11Tag();
          String albumName = tag.getAlbum();
          String genre = tag.getGenreName();
          String artist = tag.getArtist();
          if(genreName == null || genreName.equalsIgnoreCase(FILTER_ALL)) {
            if (albums.indexOf(albumName) < 0 &&
          else {
            if (albums.indexOf(albumName) < 0 &&
                genre.equalsIgnoreCase(genreName) &&
        return albums;
       * get the number of audio tracks stored in this data model
       * @return int  the number of tracks
      public int getTrackCount() {
        return data.size();
      /** constant to select all items of a given part */
      public static final String FILTER_ALL = "    all";
    }...and here the changed CollectionThread now caching found File objects in a vector
    * Light Development Playlist Editor
    * Copyright (C) 2004 Ulrich Hilger
    * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
    * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
    * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    * GNU General Public License for more details.
    * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
    package com.lightdev.app.playlisteditor.data;
    import com.lightdev.lib.util.InfoThread;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    * A class to collect audio data from a given storage location.
    * <p>
    * <code>CollectionThread</code> uses ID3 tag information to gain data.
    * </p>
    * <p>See <a href="http://www.id3.org">http://www.id3.org</a> for details about
    * ID3 tags.</p>
    * @author Ulrich Hilger
    * @author Light Development
    * @author <a href="http://www.lightdev.com">http://www.lightdev.com</a>
    * @author <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
    * @author published under the terms and conditions of the
    *      GNU General Public License,
    *      for details see file gpl.txt in the distribution
    *      package of this software as well as any licensing notes
    *      inside this documentation
    * @version 1, October 13, 2004
    public class CollectionThread extends InfoThread {
       * constructor
       * @param model  AudioDataModel  the data model to collect data to
      public CollectionThread(AudioDataModel model) {
        this.model = model;
       * constructor, creates a new empty AudioDataModel
      public CollectionThread() {
        this(new AudioDataModel());
       * set the data model to collect data to
       * @param model AudioDataModel  the model to collect data to
      public void setModel(AudioDataModel model) {
        this.model = model;
       * get the data model associated to this thread
       * @return AudioDataModel  the data model
      public AudioDataModel getModel() {
        return model;
       * set the directory to collect data from
       * @param rootDir File  the directory to collect data from
      public void setRootDirectory(File rootDir) {
        this.rootDir = rootDir;
       * this is the method to prepare a thread to run.
      protected void prepareThread() {
        maxValue = -1;
        filesProcessed = 0;
        innerCount = 0;
        fileList = new Vector();
       * do the actual work of this thread, i.e. iterate through a given directory
       * structure and collect audio data
       * @return boolean  true, if work is left
      protected boolean work() {
        boolean workIsLeft = true;
        if(getStatus() < STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
        if(getStatus() < STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
          workIsLeft = collect(); //collect(rootDir.listFiles());
          fileList = null;
        return workIsLeft;
       * count the elements in a given file array including its subdirectories
       * @param files File[]
      private void countElements(File[] files) {
        int i = 0;
        while (i < files.length && getStatus() < STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
          File file = files;
    if (file.isDirectory()) {
    else {
    * read data into model
    * @param files File[] the file array representing the content of a given directory
    * @return boolean true, if work is left
    private boolean collect(/*File[] files*/) {
    Enumeration files = fileList.elements();
    while(files.hasMoreElements() && getStatus() < STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
    File file = (File) files.nextElement();
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
    if(++innerCount > 99) {
    innerCount = 0;
    return false;
    int i = 0;
    while(i < files.length && getStatus() < STATUS_HALT_PENDING) {
    File file = files[i];
    if(file.isDirectory()) {
    else if(file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith("mp3")) {
    try {
    catch(Exception e) {
    return (i<files.length);
    /** the directory to collect data from */
    private File rootDir;
    /** the data model to collect data to */
    private AudioDataModel model;
    /** the number of files this thread processed so far while it is running */
    private long filesProcessed = 0;
    /** a list to temporary store found files */
    private Vector fileList;
    /** counter to determine when to fire progress messages */
    private int innerCount = 0;

  • I need your help with a decision to use iPhoto.  I have been a PC user since the mid 1980's and more recently have used ACDSee to manage my photo images and Photoshop to edit them.  I have used ProShow Gold to create slideshows.  I am comfortable with my

    I need your help with a decision to use iPhoto.  I have been a PC user since the mid 1980’s and more recently have used ACDSee to manage my photo images and Photoshop to edit them.  I have used ProShow Gold to create slideshows.  I am comfortable with my own folder and file naming conventions. I currently have over 23,000 images of which around 60% are scans going back 75 years.  Since I keep a copy of the originals, the storage requirements for over 46,000 images is huge.  180GB plus.
    I now have a Macbook Pro and will add an iMac when the new models arrive.  For my photos, I want to stay with Photoshop which also gives me the Bridge.  The only obvious reason to use iPhoto is to take advantage of Faces and the link to iMovie to make slideshows.  What am I missing and is using iPhoto worth the effort?
    If I choose to use iPhoto, I am not certain whether I need to load the originals and the edited versions. I suspect that just the latter is sufficient.  If I set PhotoShop as my external editor, I presume that iPhoto will keep track of all changes moving forward.  However, over 23,000 images in iPhoto makes me twitchy and they are appear hidden within iPhoto.  In the past, I have experienced syncing problems with, and database errors in, large databases.  If I break up the images into a number of projects, I loose the value of Faces reaching back over time.
    Some guidance and insight would be appreciated.  I have a number of Faces questions which I will save for later. 

    Bridge and Photoshop is a common file-based management system. (Not sure why you'd have used ACDSEE as well as Bridge.) In any event, it's on the way out. You won't be using it in 5 years time.
    Up to this the lack of processing power on your computer left no choice but to organise this way. But file based organisation is as sensible as organising a Shoe Warehouse based on the colour of the boxes. It's also ultimately data-destructive.
    Modern systems are Database driven. Files are managed, Images imported, virtual versions, lossless processing and unlimited editing are the way forward.
    For a Photographer Photoshop is overkill. It's an enormously powerful app, a staple of the Graphic Designers' trade. A Photographer uses maybe 15% to 20% of its capability.
    Apps like iPhoto, Lightroom, Aperture are the way forward - for photographers. There's the 20% of Photoshop that shooters actually use, coupled with management and lossless processing. Pop over to the Aperture or Lightroom forums (on the Adobe site) and one comment shows up over and over again... "Since I started using Aperture/ Lightroom I hardly ever use Photoshop any more..." and if there is a job that these apps can do, then the (much) cheaper Elements will do it.
    The change is not easy though, especially if you have a long-standing and well thought out filing system of your own. The first thing I would strongly advise is that you experiment before making any decisions. So I would create a Library, import 300 or 400 shots and play. You might as well do this in iPhoto to begin with - though if you’re a serious hobbyist or a Pro then you'll find yourself looking further afield pretty soon. iPhoto is good for the family snapper, taking shots at birthdays and sharing them with friends and family.
    Next: If you're going to successfully use these apps you need to make a leap: Your files are not your Photos.
    The illustration I use is as follows: In my iTunes Library I have a file called 'Let_it_Be_The_Beatles.mp3'. So what is that, exactly? It's not the song. The Beatles never wrote an mp3. They wrote a tune and lyrics. They recorded it and a copy of that recording is stored in the mp3 file. So the file is just a container for the recording. That container is designed in a specific way attuned to the characteristics and requirements of the data. Hence, mp3.
    Similarly, that Jpeg is not your photo, it's a container designed to hold that kind of data. iPhoto is all about the data and not about the container. So, regardless of where you choose to store the file, iPhoto will manage the photo, edit the photo, add metadata to the Photo but never touch the file. If you choose to export - unless you specifically choose to export the original - iPhoto will export the Photo into a new container - a new file containing the photo.
    When you process an image in iPhoto the file is never touched, instead your decisions are recorded in the database. When you view the image then the Master is presented with these decisions applied to it. That's why it's lossless. You can also have multiple versions and waste no disk space because they are all just listings in the database.
    These apps replace the Finder (File Browser) for managing your Photos. They become the Go-To app for anything to do with your photos. They replace Bridge too as they become a front-end for Photoshop.
    So, want to use a photo for something - Export it. Choose the format, size and quality you want and there it is. If you're emailing, uploading to websites then these apps have a "good enough for most things" version called the Preview - this will be missing some metadata.
    So it's a big change from a file-based to Photo-based management, from editing files to processing Photos and it's worth thinking it through before you decide.

  • Letter/report generation...morgalr, i need your help!!

    may i know the details or some sample source code of how to generate the html and import it to MS Word...i need your help urgently...may i have your email to contact u?.....please help, it is urgent!!!

    You need not use an applet to write an HTML file, any application file will do fine, actually applications may be prefered due to system security and file creation. Basically the html files are just text files using HTML. Look at any book on HTML and you will be able to get the style and form down along with the syntax.
    As for calling MS word, do a search on the web for a product called JPrint. It is done by a company called Neva and they also have a product called "coroutine". It is coroutine that you want. Coroutine is a native level interface for Java to Comm. The docs that come with coroutine should be saficient to get you going on the project.

  • I want to get iBook, Facebook and Skype to my iphone 4.2.1 through my iTune, but I coudn't because it is said that it requires a newer version of iOS. Please I need your help. Thanks

    I want to get iBook, Facebook and Skype to my iphone 4.2.1 through my iTune, but I coudn't because it is said that it requires a newer version of iOS. Please I need your help. Thanks

    If your iPhone can't be updated to a higher iOS version then the only way to get them is if you downloaded versions of them which were compatible with iOS 4.2.1 and you still have copies of those versions somewhere e.g. on your computer or on a backup - only the current version of each app is available in the store, and as apps (and other content) are tied to the account that downloads them, you will need to have older copies that are linked to your id

  • Hi i have an ipad mini and i have not used it for 2 month or more. Today i have tried to use it i came across with a problem. my Ipad is blocked and it asks me to wait 23,401,418 :) what should i do need your help. thanks

    hi i have an ipad mini and i have not used it for 2 month or more. Today i have tried to use it i came across with a problem. my Ipad is blocked and it asks me to wait 23,401,418 what should i do need your help. thanks 

    Have you charged ipad Try a Reboot press & hold power button & menu button hold both down until you see Apple Logo You may need to do this more than once. Bsydd uk

  • Hi, my iphone its in recovery mode and when i restore my iphone 5s loading show the blue screen and show note on itunes (unknown error 14) please i need your help please . thanks

    Hi, my iphone its in recovery mode and when i restore my iphone 5s loading show the blue screen and show note on itunes (unknown error 14) please i need your help please . thanks

    In the article Resolve iOS update and restore errors this is what it says about error 14:
    Check your USB connections
    Related errors: 13, 14, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1611, 1643-1650, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2009, 4005, 4013, 4014, or “invalid response."
    If the USB connection between your device and computer is interrupted, you may be unable to update or restore.
    To narrow down the issue, you can also change up your hardware:
    Use the USB cable that came with your device, or a different Apple USB cable.
    Plug your cable into a different USB port directly on your computer. Don't plug it into your keyboard.
    Try a different computer.
    If necessary, resolve any further issues with the USB connection, then with your security software.
    If you're still seeing the error message, check for hardware issues by following the next section.

  • Anybody who can help me? I really need your help

    I've tried to execute J2ee tutorial examples.
    I don't know why this sample didn't execute...I've already finished to set up J2EE and enviornment variables.
    I was trying this part from j2ee tutorial titled as "Packing Web modules".
    Whenever I type "asant create-war" to make web modules in command window. I always got error.
    Packaging Web Modules(From J2ee tutorial for your information)
    A web module must be packaged into a WAR in certain deployment scenarios and whenever you want to distribute the web module. You package a web module into a WAR using the Application Server deploytool utility, by executing the jar command in a directory laid out in the format of a web module, or by using the asant utility. This tutorial allows you to use use either the first or the third approach. To build the hello1 application, follow these steps:
    In a terminal window, go to <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello1/.
    Run asant build. This target will spawn any necessary compilations and will copy files to the <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello1/build/ directory.
    To package the application into a WAR named hello1.war using asant, use the following command:
    asant create-war
    This command uses web.xml and sun-web.xml files in the <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello1 directory.
    To learn how to configure this web application, package the application using deploytool by following these steps:
    Start deploytool.
    Create a web application called hello1 by running the New Web Component wizard. Select FileNewWeb Component.
    In the New Web Component wizard:
    Select the Create New Stand-Alone WAR Module radio button.
    In the WAR File field, enter <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello1/hello1.war. The WAR Display Name field will show hello1.
    In the Context Root field, enter /hello1.
    Click Edit Contents to add the content files.
    In the Edit Contents dialog box, navigate to <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/hello1/build/. Select duke.waving.gif, index.jsp, and response.jsp and click Add. Click OK.
    Click Next.
    Select the No Component radio button and click Next.
    Click Finish.
    Select FileSave.
    A sample hello1.war is provided in <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/web/provided-wars/. To open this WAR with deploytool, follow these steps:
    Select FileOpen.
    Navigate to the provided-wars directory.
    Select the WAR.
    Click Open Module.
    I guess this step is for checking my system about setup information. I not sure how to change it.
    the result from execution of ansnt command in dos
    D:\J2ee\j2ee-1_4-doc-tutorial_7\j2eetutorial14\examples\web\hello1>asant create- war Buildfile: build.xml
    BUILD FAILED D:\J2ee\j2ee-1_4-doc-tutorial_7\j2eetutorial14\examples\common\targets.xml:10: T he j2ee.home property is not properly set in <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/c ommon/build.properties.
    Set the j2ee.home property to the location of your Application Server installati on.
    On Windows, you must escape any backslashes in the j2ee.home property with anoth er backslash or use forward slashes as a path separator. So, if your Application Server installation is C:\Sun\AppServer, you must set j2ee.home as follows:
    j2ee.home = C:\\Sun\\AppServer
    j2ee.home is currently set to:
    Total time: 0 seconds
    I've installed J2ee sdk in C:\Sun\AppServer
    PATH: %J2EE_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;
    CLASSPATH: %J2EE_HOME%\lib\j2ee.jar;C:\Java\jre1.6.0_05\lib\ext\QTJava.zip;C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\jdbc\lib\ojdbc14.jar
    J2EE_HOME: C:\Sun\AppServer
    JAVA_HOME: C:\Sun\AppServer\jdk
    I've installed J2ee with administration 4848, HTTP: 8089 HTTP: 8090
    I guess this could refer the target.xml and build.properties. So, I've tried after changing some value, which is fit for my setup.
    but, still doesn't work.
    <path id="classpath">
    <fileset dir="${j2ee.home}/lib">
    <include name="j2ee.jar"/>
    <target name="j2ee-home-test" >
    <!-- Test if j2ee.home is set properly by looking for j2ee.jar -->
    <available file="${j2ee.home}/lib/j2ee.jar" type="file" property="j2ee.jar.present" />
    <fail unless="j2ee.jar.present">
    The j2ee.home property is not properly set in <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/common/build.properties.
    Set the j2ee.home property to the location of your Application Server installation.
    On Windows, you must escape any backslashes in the j2ee.home property with another backslash or use forward slashes as a path separator. So, if your Application Server installation is C:\Sun\AppServer, you must set j2ee.home as follows:
    j2ee.home = C:\\Sun\\AppServer
    j2ee.home is currently set to: ${j2ee.home}
    <target name="clean" >
    <delete dir="${build}" />
    <delete dir="${dist}" />
    <delete dir="${assemble}" />
    <delete file="${ear.name}" />
    <delete file="${war.name}" />
    <delete file="${war.file}" />
    <delete file="${client.jar.name}" />
    <path id="db.classpath">
    <fileset dir="${db.root}/lib">
    <include name="*.jar"/>
    <target name="create-db_common"
    description="Create database tables and populate database." >
    <sql driver="${db.driver}"
    onerror="abort" >
    <transaction src="${sql.script}"/>
    <target name="delete-db"
    description="Deletes the database tables." >
    <sql driver="${db.driver}"
    onerror="continue" >
    <transaction src="${delete.sql.script}"/>
    <target name="ping-db"
    description="Checks to see if Derby is running." >
    <java classname="org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl"
    <jvmarg line="${db.jvmargs}" />
    <arg line="ping" />
    <classpath refid="db.classpath" />
    <condition property="db.running">
    <equals arg1="${db.ping.result}" arg2="0" />
    <target name="start-db"
    description="Starts the Derby databse server."
    explicitcommand="start-database" />
    <target name="stop-db"
    description="Stops the Derby database server."
    explicitcommand="stop-database" />
    <target name="admin_command_common">
    <echo message="Doing admin task ${admin.command}"/>
    asinstalldir="${j2ee.home}" />
    <target name="create-jdbc-resource_common">
    <antcall target="admin_command_common">
    <param name="admin.command"
    --connectionpoolid ${conpool.name} ${jdbc.resource.name}" />
    <target name="delete-jdbc-resource_common">
    <antcall target="admin_command_common">
    <param name="admin.command"
    value="delete-jdbc-resource ${jdbc.resource.name}" />
    <target name="deploy-war">
    <antcall target="admin_command_common">
    <param name="admin.command"
    value="deploy ${war.file}" />
    <target name="undeploy-war">
    <antcall target="admin_command_common">
    <param name="admin.command"
    value="undeploy ${example}" />
    <property environment="env" />
    <target name="listprops"
    description="Displays values of some of the properties of this build file">
    <property file="../../common/admin-password.txt" />
    <echo message="Path information" />
    <echo message="j2ee.home = ${j2ee.home}" />
    <echo message="j2ee.tutorial.home = ${j2ee.tutorial.home}" />
    <echo message="env.Path = ${env.Path}" />
    <echo message="env.PATH = ${env.PATH}" />
    <echo message="" />
    <echo message="Classpath information" />
    <echo message="classpath = ${env.CLASSPATH}" />
    <echo message="" />
    <echo message="Admin information" />
    <echo message="admin.password = ${AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" />
    <echo message="admin.password.file = ${admin.password.file}" />
    <echo message="admin.host = ${admin.host}" />
    <echo message="admin.user = ${admin.user}" />
    <echo message="admin.port = ${admin.port}" />
    <echo message="https.port = ${https.port}" />
    <echo message="" />
    <echo message="Domain information" />
    <echo message="domain.resources = ${domain.resources}" />
    <echo message="domain.resources.port = ${domain.resources.port}" />
    <echo message="" />
    <echo message="Database information" />
    <echo message="db.root = ${db.root}" />
    <echo message="db.driver = ${db.driver}" />
    <echo message="db.host = ${db.host}" />
    <echo message="db.port = ${db.port}" />
    <echo message="db.sid = ${db.sid}" />
    <echo message="db.url = ${db.url}" />
    <echo message="db.user = ${db.user}" />
    <echo message="db.pwd = ${db.pwd}" />
    <echo message="url.prop = ${url.prop}" />
    <echo message="ds.class = ${ds.class}" />
    <echo message="db.jvmargs = ${db.jvmargs}" />
    build.properties ����
    # Derby configuration settings
    db.jvmargs=-ms16m -mx32m
    Is there anyone who can tell me how to change it? I really need your help....
    Thank you in advance.

    First of all make sure your tutorial folder is installed from the root:
    it makes things so simple.
    set your jee tutorial home
    Thirdly: check in:
    make a copy of the build.properties.sample save it as build.propropties, as a property file,
    edit the properties file as in:
    As follows:
    # uncomment the property javaee.home, and add the path
    # to your GlassFish Java EE 5 SDK installation
    # Uncomment the property j2ee.server.username,
    # and replace the administrator username of the app-server
    # Uncomment the property j2ee.server.passwordfile,
    # and replace the following line to point to a file that
    # contains the admin password for your app-server.
    # The file should contain the password in the following line:
    AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin1234and so fourth. Some of the settings as the application server name is all done for you
    and then test it again.
    Take care of editing the property file. It can give you headache.
    Note also that this is for application server 9.1 - JEE5.

  • HI, I need your help. How can I delete all data, when I do not have the special security code, which I didn´t remember ? I also think, that I never create this code before. But I cannot put my settings back.

    HI, I need your help. How can I delete all data, when I do not have the special security code, which I didn´t remember ? I also think, that I never create this code before. But I cannot put my settings back.

    You must remember the code, if you can't then take the phone and proof of purchase to an Apple Store.

  • Having problem buying online.need your help since it's my first time here.apple is asking for my billing address but when i enter my address here in qatar,it's saying i should enter a valid zip code within the u.s.does it mean i can't buy online

    having problem buying online.need your help since it's my first time here.apple is asking for my billing address but when i enter my address here in qatar,it's saying i should enter a valid zip code within the u.s.does it mean i can't buy online even if it wil be shipped within u.s. only?

    To buy in for delivery in Qatar, you should be starting from the Apple Qatar site:
    Do you have an Apple-ID? if you do, then you should not have to enter your Address again, and may be able to sidestep the US Zip Code issue.

  • Somehow I can't hear people talking on my iphone 4 either when calling or being called. I've bought this one for half a year. I need your help~Thank you in advance.

    Dear Iphone fans,
    Recently, somehow I can't hear sounds when talking on my iphone4 either when calling or being called. When asking them later, they said they can hear me but my sound become very low and unclear. And I can't hear a thing at that time. Could anyone tell me how I could fix the problem.
    I've bought this one for half a year. I need your help~
    Thank you in advance.

    Dear Iphone fans,
    Recently, somehow I can't hear sounds when talking on my iphone4 either when calling or being called. When asking them later, they said they can hear me but my sound become very low and unclear. And I can't hear a thing at that time. Could anyone tell me how I could fix the problem.
    I've bought this one for half a year. I need your help~
    Thank you in advance.

  • HT5538 i can't find the facetime on my iphone i was using it before 1 month after that it's just disappear i need your help to get it back . thank you

    hello everyone i need your help please
    i can't find the facetime on my iphone i was using it before 1 month after that it's just disappear i need your help to get it back .
    thank you

    The governments in some middle eastern countries have banned Facetime and it is disabled on iphones purchased in those countries.  The countries include KAS, UAE and others.  There is no way to get Facetime on such phones (for example it cannot be downloaded and installed) and taking the phone to another country does not cause Facetime to reappear on such phones. In  support.apple.com/kb/ts3367  it says “Note: FaceTime may not be available, or may become unavailable, on devices purchased or used in certain countries, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Check your device's region of purchase for more information.”

Maybe you are looking for