Query with many sub-selects on the same table

Please consider the example below (Oracle 11g):
create TABLE test1 (order_id number, CODE VARCHAR2(10), VALUE NUMBER);
insert into test1 VALUES (1, 'A', 100);
insert into test1 VALUES (1, 'B', 200);
insert into test1 VALUES (1, 'C', 300);
insert into test1 VALUES (1, 'D', 400);
insert into test1 VALUES (2, 'A', 10);
insert into test1 VALUES (2, 'B', 20);
SELECT order_id,
       (SELECT VALUE FROM test1 t1
       WHERE t1.order_id = t.order_id
       AND   t1.code = 'B') b_Value,
       (SELECT SUM(VALUE)/COUNT(*) FROM test1 t1
       WHERE t1.order_id = t.order_id
       AND   t1.code IN ('C', 'D')) cd_Value,
       (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test1 t1
       WHERE t1.order_id = t.order_id
       AND   t1.code IN ('C', 'D')) cd_qty
WHERE  CODE = 'A';In my real-life case, I don't have 3 but tens of sub-query columns like those. The performance is OK but I was wondering whether there were a better way in terms of performance and maintainability to write this query.
I thought of the WITH clause but couldn't see how it could help much.
Please note that some sub-queries can be more complex than just looking up a column, like in column cd_value/cd_qty.
Any suggestions?

Simpler, but will go for two table scans. You will have to use outer joins according to your requirement.
select t1.order_id,
       max(decode(t2.code,'B',t2.value)) b_value,
       sum(decode(t2.code,'C',t2.value,'D',t2.value,0))/nullif(sum(decode(t2.code,'C',1,'D',1,0)),0)  cd_value,
       sum(decode(t2.code,'C',1,'D',1,0))  cd_qty 
from TEST1 t1,test1 t2
where t1.CODE = 'A'
and t1.ORDER_ID = t2.order_id
group by t1.order_id,
       t1.VALUEEdited by: jeneesh on Feb 7, 2012 11:54 AM

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    Hello all,
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    SELECT extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()'),
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/NombreRecurso/text()'),
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/VersionRecurso/text()') || '.' || extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()'),
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           extractValue(value(a), '/Dominio/text()', 'xmlns="http://www.orswegimoarmada.es/ORSWE/ICRI"')
    FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Dominios/Dominio'))) a
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    WHERE V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra')
    Time: 26sg. 1097 rows.
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           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/NombreRecurso/text()') NOMBRE,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/VersionRecurso/text()') || '.' || extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') VERSION
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        (SELECT max(extractValue(value(s), '/Secuencia/text()'))
         FROM table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i),'/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion/Secuencia'))) s)
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        (select extractValue(object_value, '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID
         FROM ICRI
         WHERE (existsNode(object_value, '/ICRI/Dominios[Dominio="Mar" and Dominio="Tierra"]')=1)
    )Time 607mseg. 0 rows.
    * QUERY 8
                                   WHERE V1.ID = V2.ID AND V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar' AND V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra') V3
    WHERE VI.IDICRI = V3.ID Time: 16sg. 1097 rows.
    * QUERY 9
    WHERE V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar'
                    WHERE V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra')Time: 34 sg. 1097 rows.
    * QUERY 10
    SELECT extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID,
    extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/NombreRecurso/text()') NOMBRE,
    extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/VersionRecurso/text()') || '.' || extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') VERSION
    FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion'))) m,
    WHERE V1.ID = V2.ID AND V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar' AND V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra') V3
    (extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') =
    (SELECT max(extractValue(value(s), '/Secuencia/text()'))
    FROM table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i),'/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion/Secuencia'))) s)
    extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') = V3.ID
    Time: 15sg. 1097 rows.
    * QUERY 11
    SELECT extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/NombreRecurso/text()') NOMBRE,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/VersionRecurso/text()') || '.' || extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') VERSION
    FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion'))) m
       (extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') =
        (SELECT max(extractValue(value(s), '/Secuencia/text()'))
         FROM table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i),'/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion/Secuencia'))) s)
       (extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') IN (SELECT V1.ID FROM ICRI_DOMINIOS_VIEW V1
                                                      WHERE V1.DOMINIO = 'Mar'
                                                      V1.ID IN (SELECT V2.ID FROM ICRI_DOMINIOS_VIEW V2
                                                                WHERE V2.DOMINIO = 'Tierra'))
    )Time: 30sg. 1097 rows.
    * QUERY 12
    SELECT extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/NombreRecurso/text()') NOMBRE,
           extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/VersionRecurso/text()') || '.' || extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') VERSION
    FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion'))) m
       (extractValue(value(m), '/Modificacion/Secuencia/text()') =
        (SELECT max(extractValue(value(s), '/Secuencia/text()'))
         FROM table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i),'/ICRI/Modificaciones/Modificacion/Secuencia'))) s)
       )Time: 187msg. 5000 rows.
    Well, if we execute the query based in a relational view all work fine but the performance of the query is hugely decreased. If we try to execute the query based in the XPath values, this options must be the correct, the query doesn't return any result.
    Any idea to solve this problem? For us it is very important to find a solution as soon as possible, because our development time is finishing.
    Our clients have installed Oracle Client & ODAC
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    SQL> alter session set optimizer_features_enable='10.1.0';
    Session altered.
    SQL> SELECT count(*)
    2 FROM ICRI i, table(xmlsequence(extract(value(i), '/ICRI/Modificaciones/Mo
    dificacion'))) m
    3 WHERE
    4 extractValue(value(i), '/ICRI/ID/text()') IN
    5 (select extractValue(object_value, '/ICRI/ID/text()') ID
    7 WHERE (existsNode(object_value,
    8 '/ICRI/Dominios[Dominio="Mar" and Dominio="Tierra"]')=1))
    9 /
    Test this with a few of your queries and see if the results are expected.
    if so I am thinking it is close to bug 5585187
    Fixed in 11.
    I am going to see if I can get an env to see if your TC works with this fix before I confirm it 100 percent.
    Also note this was done with a very scaled down version of your testcase. Using only one XML doc
    Message was edited by: Coby

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    Hi all,
    I'm fairly new to APEX, sorry if my question is too obvious. I'm using Apex 4.0.2 on top of Oracle 11.2.
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    Thanks for your help,

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    select *
    from sometable
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    2. Do the things mentioned in option (1) but stop scanning once the record limit of 10 is reached. Don't scan the rest since it is not required.
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    Thanks in advance.
    Vivek Ganesan

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  • Optimization of an update that uses multiple selects on the same table

    Oracle version : 10g
    I have created an UPDATE statement which uses two selects on a single table to do an update according to date criteria.
    Due to the fact that the update has different criteria for updating according to whether the date falls within one of two ranges
    (future or past) two selects were used together with a union between them to unite the results.
    The end result is of course two full table scans and a poorly performing execution.
    The goal is to update a field XDEL (type number) based on a date column value (column XDATE) where the dates of interest
    fall both in the past (less than sysdate minus 45 days) and in the future (greater than sysdate +90 days). For records with XDATE
    values within these ranges, I wish to set field XDEL=1
    For records in the future (>=sysdate+90):
    for a unique combination of XNAME+XCODE, where XDATE is within the date range for update, set XDEL=1
    but for a non-unique combination of XNAME+XCODE+XDATE, update XDEL=1 only for the 'oldest' future record, ie update XDEL for MIN(XDATE) only
    For records in the future (< sysdate+45):
    for a unique combination of XNAME+XCODE, where XDATE is within the date range for update, set XDEL=1
    for a non-unique combination of XNAME+XCODE, update XDEL=1 only for the 'newest' past record, ie update XDEL for MAX(XDATE) only
    The combination of XNAME+XCODE XDATE is unique. As an example of the 'in the past' scenario:
    1. AAAA ~ 002 ~ 01/01/2006
    2. AAAA ~ 002 ~ 02/01/2006
    3. AAAA ~ 002 ~ 03/01/2006
    4. XXXX ~ 123 ~ 02/01/2006
    Here, we would update XDEL in record 3. as it corresponds to MAX(XDATE) for the GROUP AAA002 (and we would also update record 4. as a unique record that meets the criteria)
    As an example of the 'in the future' scenario:
    1. HHHH ~ 002 ~ 01/01/2011
    2. HHHH ~ 002 ~ 02/01/2011
    3. HHHH ~ 002 ~ 03/01/2011
    4. XXXX ~ 123 ~ 02/01/2011
    Here, we would update XDEL in record 1. as it corresponds to MIN(XDATE) for the GROUP HHHH002 (and of course 4. as a unique record that meets the criteria)
    Here is a query that works, but is slow:
    XDATE is a DATE type
    XDEL is number type
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is a suggestion. The code is not tested.
    update tab1 t1
       set xdel = 1
    where exists (select null
                     from (
                            select xname,
                                   max(case when xdate < sysdate-45 then xdate else null end) xdate1,
                                   min(case when xdate >= sysdate+90 then xdate else null end) xdate2
                              from tab1
                             group by xname, xcode
                          ) t
                    where t1.xname = t.xname
                      and t1.xcode = t.xcode
                      and (t1.xdate = t.xdate1 or t1.xdate = t.xdate2))

  • Update and Select from the same table

    i have this select - i tested it and its working
    when DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO =1 then DTF_REEW_201301.KTBT
    else DTF_REEW_201301.KTBT - CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTBT
    as KTBT_ISO,
    when DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO =1 then DTF_REEW_201301.KTZN
    else DTF_REEW_201301.KTZN - CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTZN
    as KTZN_ISO,
    when DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO =1 then DTF_REEW_201301.KTAB
    else DTF_REEW_201301.KTAB - CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTAB
    end as KTAB_ISO,
    reewcore.CTF_REEW_KUM_201301 CTF_REEW_KUM_201301,
    reewdq.DTF_REEW_201301 DTF_REEW_201301
    (DTF_REEW_201301.BRNRN = CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.BRNRN
    and DTF_REEW_201301.KTAT = CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTAT)
    and CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTMO = (DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO - 1)
    With the result from KTBT_ISO, KTZN_ISO and KTAB_ISO i want to update the table "reewdq.DTF_REEW_201301" - and this table is in the select-statement!
    I believe, i tried every update-statement - but no update is working.
    I need something like this:
    update reewdq.DTF_REEW_201301 t1 set t1.KTBT_ISO=
    when DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO =1 then DTF_REEW_201301.KTBT
    else DTF_REEW_201301.KTBT - CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTBT
    as KTBT_ISO
    reewcore.CTF_REEW_KUM_201301 CTF_REEW_KUM_201301,
    reewdq.DTF_REEW_201301 DTF_REEW_201301
    (DTF_REEW_201301.BRNRN = CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.BRNRN
    and DTF_REEW_201301.KTAT = CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTAT)
    and CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTMO = (DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO - 1)
    when DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO =1 then DTF_REEW_201301.KTZN
    else DTF_REEW_201301.KTZN - CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTZN
    as KTZN_ISO
    reewcore.CTF_REEW_KUM_201301 CTF_REEW_KUM_201301,
    reewdq.DTF_REEW_201301 DTF_REEW_201301
    (DTF_REEW_201301.BRNRN = CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.BRNRN
    and DTF_REEW_201301.KTAT = CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTAT)
    and CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTMO = (DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO - 1)
    when DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO =1 then DTF_REEW_201301.KTAB
    else DTF_REEW_201301.KTAB - CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTAB
    end as KTAB_ISO
    reewcore.CTF_REEW_KUM_201301 CTF_REEW_KUM_201301,
    reewdq.DTF_REEW_201301 DTF_REEW_201301
    (DTF_REEW_201301.BRNRN = CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.BRNRN
    and DTF_REEW_201301.KTAT = CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTAT)
    and CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTMO = (DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO - 1)
    But this code isn´t working. Has someone an idea please? Can someone please help me.
    Best regards

    Use MERGE:
      into reewdq.DTF_REEW_201301 t1
      using (
             select  case
                       when DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO =1 then DTF_REEW_201301.KTBT 
                       else DTF_REEW_201301.KTBT - CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTBT
                     end as KTBT_ISO,
                       when DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO =1 then DTF_REEW_201301.KTZN 
                       else DTF_REEW_201301.KTZN - CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTZN
                     end as KTZN_ISO,
                       when DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO =1 then DTF_REEW_201301.KTAB 
                       else DTF_REEW_201301.KTAB - CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTAB
                     end as KTAB_ISO,
                     reewdq.ROWID as rid
               from  reewcore.CTF_REEW_KUM_201301 CTF_REEW_KUM_201301, 
                     reewdq.DTF_REEW_201301 DTF_REEW_201301
               where DTF_REEW_201301.BRNRN = CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.BRNRN
                 and DTF_REEW_201301.KTAT = CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTAT
                 and CTF_REEW_KUM_201301.KTMO = DTF_REEW_201301.KTMO - 1
            ) t2
      on (
          t1.rowid = t2.rid
      when mathed
             set t1.KTBT_ISO = t2.KTBT_ISO,
                 t1.KTZN_ISO = t2.KTZN_ISO,
                 t1.KTAB_ISO = t2.KTAB_ISO

  • JPA 1.x,: parent (one-to-many) and children(many-to-one) in the same table

    Hi, excuse me for silly question, but I can't get on with subject.
    Please, see my @Entity:
    public class Department {
         @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="DEPARTMENT_SEQ")
         @SequenceGenerator(name="DEPARTMENT_SEQ", sequenceName="DEPARTMENT_SEQ", allocationSize=1)
         private Long id;
         private Long parentId;
         private String label;     
    Each department can have one parent (except root department). Each department can have 0-* children (sub-departments).
    Is it possible to realize tree structure using JPA 1.x?

    This example seems to demonstrate what you want:

  • UPDATE involving the same table in sub query

    DB version: 11.2
    We have a table called SHP_GC_TRACK which has around 8 million records with partitions . In the below UPDATE, it is updating a column based on the SELECT on the same table in a subquery.
    UPDATE shp_gc_track a
       SET f_tran_proc  = 'Y'
    WHERE last_update_date <
              (SELECT MAX (last_update_date)
                 FROM shp_gc_track b
                WHERE a.shp_trx_rowid = b.shp_trx_rowid
                  AND a.c_shp_inst = b.c_shp_inst
                  AND a.f_tran_proc  = b.f_tran_proc
                  AND b.f_ltr_received = 'D'
                  AND f_rec_code IN ('G', 'W')
                  AND b.f_rec_status = 'B'
                  AND b.c_shp_inst = :b1
       AND a.c_shp_inst = :b1
       AND a.f_ltr_received = 'D'             -----------------> part of composite index
       AND a.f_tran_proc  = 'N'              -----------------> part of composite index
       AND a.f_rec_code IN ('G', 'W')      --------------> part of composite index 
       AND a.f_rec_status = 'B';              -----------------> part of composite index  This UPDATE takes a long time to execute and sometime get hung.
    We have a composite index on four columns f_ltr_received, f_rec_code, f_rec_status, f_tran_proc . Explain plan shows this composite index is being used.
    Is there anyway to rewrite this query or any other suggestions ?

    Steve_74 wrote:
    DB version: 11.2
    We have a table called SHP_GC_TRACK which has around 8 million records with partitions . In the below UPDATE, it is updating a column based on the SELECT on the same table in a subquery.
    UPDATE shp_gc_track a
    SET f_tran_proc  = 'Y'
    WHERE last_update_date <
    (SELECT MAX (last_update_date)
    FROM shp_gc_track b
    WHERE a.shp_trx_rowid = b.shp_trx_rowid
    AND a.c_shp_inst = b.c_shp_inst
    AND a.f_tran_proc  = b.f_tran_proc
    AND b.f_ltr_received = 'D'
    AND f_rec_code IN ('G', 'W')
    AND b.f_rec_status = 'B'
    AND b.c_shp_inst = :b1
    AND a.c_shp_inst = :b1
    AND a.f_ltr_received = 'D'             -----------------> part of composite index
    AND a.f_tran_proc  = 'N'              -----------------> part of composite index
    AND a.f_rec_code IN ('G', 'W')      --------------> part of composite index 
    AND a.f_rec_status = 'B';              -----------------> part of composite index  This UPDATE takes a long time to execute and sometime get hung.
    We have a composite index on four columns f_ltr_received, f_rec_code, f_rec_status, f_tran_proc . Explain plan shows this composite index is being used.
    Is there anyway to rewrite this query or any other suggestions ?Tuning updates with subqueries can be hard :(. Sadly my suggestions below are of the try-it-and-see-what-happens variety - nothing certain
    First, check the index. Is it bitmap or b-tree? If b-tree see if the most restrictive columns are listed first - this can help with b-tree index efficiency. Also if b-tree a composite bitmap for columns with lots of repeating values instead might help
    Its a correlated subquery so you can't just run the subquery first putting the result into a scalar varaiable and using the variable in the SQL instead. You can try putting the results of the subuqery w/join keys in a GTT first using the GTT in the SQL to see if I/O is reduced overall during both operations.
    Do you have the licence for the parallel query option? Using parallel DML (this must be turned on manually) might help. Check the docs for the ALTER SESSION command to do this. Also, the PARALLEL_INDEX() hint might help
    Post the execution plan of the SQL

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    Thank you.
    [email protected]

    Turned out that my anti-virus was doing a scheduled scan and had found a virus in an email attachment in my deleted items folder, thus nothing being able to do during the scan.

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    Many of the times my Iphone 3G 16GB shows "No Service" in the specific network area, but if the same sim card is used with other mobile handset in the same network area its shows full network, Is this a Iphone 3G Handset problem or is it a problem with network service provider for iphone in india with Airtel.

    Try to reset Network setting thru (Setting/General/Reset/Reset Network Setting - after clicking on it the phone will ask to reboot)
    According to my R&D I have experienced that one must reset the network each time when we r at home or in office or other places, the phone after resetting the network setting acquires the area specific network setting n works well, try it & if any other solution do let me known
    Calling up customer care did not help me, they do keep us in a loop with the same old answeres that “Our technical team is working on it & WILL GET BACK TO u” leaving us with no solution at the end
    Try what I suggest think to will help u

  • Updating values with in the same table for other records matching conditions

    Hi Experts,
    Sorry for not providing the table structure(this is simple structure)
    I have a requirement where i need to update the columns of a table based on values of the same table with some empid and date  match. If the date and empid match then i have take these values from other record and update the one which is not having office details. I need the update query
    Before update my table values are as below
    Sort_num     Emp_id   office      start_date
    1                      101     AUS    01/01/2013
    2                      101                01/01/2013
    3                      101               15/01/2013
    4                      103     USA    05/01/2013
    5                      103               01/01/2013
    6                      103                05/01/2013
    7                      104     FRA    10/01/2013
    8                      104               10/01/2013
    9                      104                01/01/2013
    After update my table should be like below
    Sort_num     Emp_id   office      start_date
    1                      101     AUS    01/01/2013
    2                      101     AUS    01/01/2013
    3                      101               15/01/2013
    4                      103     USA    05/01/2013
    5                      103               01/01/2013
    6                      103    USA     05/01/2013
    7                      104     FRA    10/01/2013
    8                      104     FRA     10/01/2013
    9                      104                01/01/2013
    Thanks in advance

    I do not have time to create the table with data but basically you should be able to code the following
    update table a
    set office = ( select office from table b where b.emp_id = a.emp_id
                                                                 and     b.start_date = a.start_date
                                                                 and     b.office is not null
    where exists ( [same query as in set]  )
    and a.office is null
    I believe that will do the trick.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • LookUp to the same table with multiple conditions

    I nead to do a lookup to the same table in the flow but with diffrent quieres, each query contains it's own 'where'.
    Can I do it somehow in one look up or do I have to use a few ?
    select a from table where a=1
    select b from table where c=3

      Using multiple lookups will be a cleaner approach. If you are using multiple lookups on the same table consider using Cache transform. Refer the below link for details on Cache transform
    Lookup and Cache Transforms in SQL Server Integration Services
    Alternatively if you want to go ahead with single look up , you may have to modify the SQL statement in the Lookup accordingly to return the proper value. In you case it may be
    select a,b from table where a=1 or c=3
    Note : Consider the above as a pseudo code. This needs to be tested and applied based on your requirement.
    Best Regards Sorna

  • How to write sql query with many parameter in ireport

    i'm a new user in ireport.how to write sql query with many parameters in ireport's report query?i already know to create a parameter like(select * from payment where entity=$P{entity}.
    but i don't know to create query if more than 1 parameter.i also have parameter such as
    $P{entity},$P{id},$P{ic}.please help me for this.

    You are in the wrong place. The ireport support forum may be found here

  • Hierarchical query with many-to-many relationship

    I have read with interest the creative solutions to complex hierarchical queries posted previously; they have been instructive but have not quite addressed this scenario.
    We have a hierarchy table H, with columns for ID, name, parentID, and other attributes.
    Within this table are a number of independent hierarchies, each existing for a different purpose.
    We have a master list of hierarchies in table T which describes the purpose of each hierarchy, provides some default attributes which the nodes can inherit, and stores a unique id for each hierarchy and a pointer to the root node of the corresponding hierarchy in table H.
    We have a master list of items M, with identically named columns to those in H, along with many other attributes.
    The members of table M ALL belong to EACH of the Hierarchies. So we have a link table I to define the intersection of H and M.
    So the leaf nodes of H are really containers for the list of elements from M which may be attached to them.
    The universe of M is very volatile, with new members being added, old ones deleted, and existing ones being reclassified frequently from node to node within each hierarchy. Since the hierarchies have to be built to handle every possible scenario, so that the members of M can always find a suitable node to reside in, quite often, in fact more often than not, the majority of leaf nodes for each hierarchy are empty at any given moment.
    Therefore, although we always know the root sector of a given hierarchy and can traverse downwards from there, if we worked our way up from the intersection table, we could eliminate up to 70% of the nodes of any given hierarchy from further consideration, as they don't need to be (in fact, must not be) included in reports.
    As implied by the above, rows in M are structurally similar (in terms of columns, but not in any real world sense) and are a superset of rows in H. But combining them into the one table doesn't seem to help the reporting process due to the many-to-many relationship which prevents the ID/parentID relationship from being carried through to this level.
    There are a number of other considerations of which the most pertinent is that the people using this database generally have an interest in only a subset of the master list of items in M. This relationship is also dynamic but important enough and rigid enough that another link table P exists to combine the Users in table U with the subset of M in which they are interested. (The users are also grouped into hierarchies of a totally different nature, but this aspect is secondary for now.)
    The reporting is reasonably straightforward for any single combination of User and Hierarchy; they want to see all the items they are interested in, listed in hierarchical sequence, totalled on change of level with the individual items M listed beneath the nodes of H. This is unfortunately required in real time, so retrieval performance is paramount.
    Some statistics might help to determine the optimum approach:
    The largest hierarchy has 10,000 nodes. The smallest about 100.
    The largest would have 70% or more of its nodes unused at any point in time, and even the smallest would have 25% unused.
    The hierarchies tend to be broad rather than deep, the maximum number of levels being about 5; but the larger ones should be twice as deep as this if performance was not compromised.
    There are dozens of hierarchies, but it may be possible to sharply reduce this number by exploiting the Order Siblings By clause.
    The number of rows in M varies between 500,000 and 50,000; depending upon how long historical data is retained on-line (and performance permitting, it would be retained indefinitely).
    The number of users varies between 1000 and 2000 but the range of M in which they are interested varies greatly; from as few as 100 to as many as 10,000+. So it is almost always worth beginning by eliminating the items in which they are not interested, implying once again that the hierarchy should be traversed upwards rather than down from the root.
    The current system is very old and survives by a tactic of building what are essentially materialised views of the database structure for each user overnight using, ahem, non-relational technology. This is inefficient and not easily scaled (but it works) and hence this redevelopment project needs to (a) work, and (b) work better and faster.
    I am happy to provide some DDL scripts if that helps explain the problem better than this narrative.
    I can't help feeling that the solution lies in somehow extending the hierarchical query past the many-to-many link table so that the Master list can be merged directly into the hierarchy such that the M items become the leaf nodes rather than the design outlined above - but I don't know how to do that. But I am sure everyone reading this does! :)
    All advice appreciated. Database version is not an issue; we are currently using version 10XE for experimentation, but production usage could be on 11 if that contains helpful features.
    Thank you

    ChrisS. wrote:
    I am happy to provide some DDL scripts if that helps explain the problem better than this narrative.Yes, please do.
    The problem seems interesting, I'm sure many people here (including myself) are willing to help you in this matter.
    So yes, post DDL for the tables, as well as INSERTs to populate them with representative data. Please also include the output you require along with detailed explanations about the logic to get it.
    Don't forget to put lines of code between &#x007B;code&#x007D; tags in order to preserve formatting and readability, like this :
    SELECT sysdate FROM dual;Thanks.

  • CS3 Camera Raw Too Many Files Open at the Same time alert!!!

    Please help me. I keep getting this error message in Camera Raw that says there are too many files open at the same time - but I only have 100 open:( Please help - I was getting this error with CS2 and thought upgrading to CS3 would fix it and it didn't!!!

    > "10 or 100 - you can quickly go through a stack of images in ACR and make any desired changes you want. Whether making the same or similar adjustment to similar files, or making radically different adjustments to different images as appropriate".
    I've done this with far more than 100! I think my maximum is 425 raw files, invoking ACR from Bridge without Photoshop even loaded, and it worked well. (I've also done 115 JPEGs in order to crop them under extreme time constraints).
    It can be very slick. For example, if I use a ColorChecker a number of times in a shoot, it is easy to select just the set (perhaps 100 or so) that a particular ColorChecker shot applies to and set the WB for all of them.
    Furthermore, in case people don't know, you can set ratings on raw images while many of them are open in ACR. (Just click under the thumbnail). It isn't as powerful as Lightroom, but it is not to be dismissed.
    I suspect that it is possible to apply sensor-dust-healing to lots of images in the same way, and certainly it is easy to apply presets based on various selections.
    Perhaps with AMG (Adobe Media Gallery) it will be sensible to use the above capability to process 100s of raw files, then create a set of web pages for the best of them, in not much more time than it would have taken in Lightroom. I judge that Lightroom is the "proper" tool for the job (perhaps after 1.1!), but Bridge+ACR can go a long way.

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